Which politician is telling the truth?

Mainstream journalists’ reporting of politics is broken. In a week in which our first female PM spoke out passionately and convincingly against sexism and misogyny, mainstream political commentators have been lining up to ‘contextualise’ the speech – to lessen its importance by explaining it away as part of a narrow political strategy. Their slavish devotion to balance requires them to argue that both sides are as bad as each other. There is a major problem with this strategy however: the truth is very likely to be buried. There are many instances where their attempts to explain away the importance of an event destroy the factual reportage of the story and the resulting analysis.

A good example of this is the coverage of Tony Abbott’s drawn-out campaign to demolish the carbon tax. Throughout this campaign, the mainstream media gave Abbott license to bullshit. They also gave him license to align himself with a group of Australians who hate the Prime Minister, after being whipped into a frenzy by Abbott’s bullshit and Alan Jones’s hysteria. When Abbott stood more than once under the ‘Ditch the Witch’ placards, he crossed from campaigning politician to redneck nut-job Tea-Party-like hero. Did the mainstream media report this significant event? Did any journalist manage to understand its significance? At the continuous door-stop press conferences, where Abbott tried to scare Australians into voting for him by promising that the sky was going to fall, that ‘Whyalla would be wiped off the map’, did any journalist call him out for his blatant fear mongering or his ‘looseness’ with the facts? Did any journalist grill Abbott about his alternative climate change policy? Not that I noticed. Instead, journalists were keen to paint Abbott as a ‘successful’ opposition leader. If success in opposition is earned by negativity, lies and building an atmosphere of nastiness and disrespect, then yes, Abbott is a successful opposition leader. In my view, a successful opposition leader, should, by definition, critique and oppose, and offer credible alternative policies. On these counts, Abbott gets a zero score. Not that you will see any Australian mainstream journalist pointing this out.

So back to this they’re just as bad as each other problem. I’ve already written this week about a few notable myopic accounts of the Prime Minister’s speech, which completely misrepresented the community’s elation at a very important moment in feminist history. There have been more contributions since which have been equally disappointing. Lenore Taylor in the SMH headlined her article on this topic: PM’s speech did stir hearts but remember the context. Taylor claims in her article that:

“If you forgot the context, didn't over-scrutinise the substance and just saw a powerful woman calling out sexism and saying she had had enough, it was arresting.”

And then, a big BUT:

“…the context that the speech was part of a deliberate, tested strategy of capitalising on the Coalition's relative unpopularity with women due to Tony Abbott's political aggression by conflating it with the unsupportable allegation that he actually hates females.”

This ‘context’ that Taylor offers us is the typical misrepresentation of context through the prism of so called ‘balanced’ reporting. Taylor is basically suggesting that Gillard’s speech was part of a strategy that enabled her to support ‘her’ Speaker and to remind voters that Tony Abbott is disliked by some females, and to continue the campaign of the ‘hand bag hit squad’ to influence voters to believe that Tony Abbott is a misogynist, all part of a larger political strategy to stay ahead in the polls and win the next election. Abbott’s support of Alan Jones, in the likes of Taylor’s mind, is also just a political strategy to align himself with Jones’s listeners. David Marr’s portrayal of Abbott’s bullying and intimidatory behavior at university was also written off by journalists as a political strategy to undermine his support with women, even though Marr is a journalist, not a politician. He was reporting facts, and other journalists turned it into spin. Labor’s decision to highlight Abbott’s terrible behavior towards women in parliament and beyond, is, you see, all part of a ‘political strategy’ and nothing else. (Never mind how narrow a conception of politics this implies.)

Let’s step out of theses journalists’ ‘context’ for a moment, and instead, look at the context as an ordinary person on the street. And lets throw some facts in as well. Imagine that the female Labor MPs have been reporting on Abbott’s sexist behavior towards them because they are genuinely outraged by it. I am not naïve enough to believe that every word that comes out of a politician’s mouth is not political in some way, but I am also not as cynical as the mainstream media who obviously believe that everything that comes out of a politician’s mouth is political and ‘invented’ for political purposes. The inference in most of the coverage of Gillard’s speech has been this:

Labor is trying to paint Abbott as a misogynist to win votes, but Abbott is not a misogynist. Gillard’s speech was about defending Slipper, not making a stand against misogyny. Nothing happens in politics that isn’t invented for political purposes.

This is absolute crap. Journalists are forgetting that politicians are people too. Sometimes, as on this occasion, when they are upset by something, they explain why they are upset. Abbott’s terrible behavior towards female parliamentarians has been ignored by the mainstream media. And when Labor MPs speak out about it, it is reported as ‘just another political tactic’, rather than fact. Because they’re all just as bad as each other. Gillard’s speech was NOT about Peter Slipper. Gillard has had enough of Abbott’s behavior and her speech contained plenty of evidence that we, as a community, should be outraged by. None of this evidence has been ‘cooked up’ for political purposes. This is the major point that journalists seem to have forgotten. They also have forgotten their own inability to analyse the behavior Gillard, and many Australian women, are so offended by.

So here’s my question for mainstream journalists: what if they’re not as bad as each other? What if Abbott really is the problem? What if Gillard’s speech was just as important to our society as Keating’s Redfern speech and Rudd’s Sorry speech, and you all stood by and missed it? How can we ever respect you again (if we did in the first place?).

Back in April, I came across a very interesting opinion piece in the Washington Post by Thomas E. Mann, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution, and Norman J. Ornstein, a resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute. Their essay was based on their book It’s Even Worse Than It Looks: How the American Constitutional System Collided With the New Politics of Extremism

The article is titled ‘Let’s just say it: The Republicans are the problem’ and explains:

“In our past writings, we have criticized both parties when we believed it was warranted. Today, however, we have no choice but to acknowledge that the core of the problem lies with the Republican Party.”

You can read the article to see the authors’ explanation of what these problems are, which are all related the Republican Party’s dramatic swing to the right. At the end of the article, the authors have this advice for American journalists:

“We understand the values of mainstream journalists, including the effort to report both sides of a story. But a balanced treatment of an unbalanced phenomenon distorts reality. If the political dynamics of Washington are unlikely to change anytime soon, at least we should change the way that reality is portrayed to the public.

Our advice to the press: Don’t seek professional safety through the even-handed, unfiltered presentation of opposing views. Which politician is telling the truth? Who is taking hostages, at what risks and to what ends?”

Are we likely to see any Australian journalist making such a stand any time in the near future? This is highly unlikely, but I can always live in hope.

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14/10/2012Victoria Thank you for another excellent contribution to [i]TPS[/i]. Your subject is so relevant to the last week. Much of the MSM is still in denial about the effect of PM Gillard’s address. Michael Stutchbury maintains that it will go against her, rather than for her. He, like many others, has substituted wishful thinking for logical reasoning based on facts. How will he explain how over 1.4 million YouTube views of her address is going to run against her? You tackle the issue of denial head on. I hope MSM journos read your piece.


14/10/2012From the article: [quote]"If success in opposition is earned by negativity, lies and building an atmosphere of nastiness and disrespect, then yes, Abbott is a successful opposition leader."[/quote] Perhaps "success" refers to Abbott's ability to provide journalists with copy that doesn't make them think too much or work too hard? After all, it's much easier (and faster) to pump out a "he said, she said" article than to read hundreds of pages of policy statements and summarise it for the general public,who probably will find it boring and won't read it anyway. And now the MSM have fewer journalists, those left don't have time to do the hard yards. (Sorry, I think I'm getting over-cynical.)

zac spitzer

14/10/2012Another great post Victoria, you clearly explain why Annabel Crabb's donkey vote of an Op-Ed was just so unsatisfying for us readers http://www.theage.com.au/opinion/politics/misogyny-misses-the-real-malady-20121013-27jn4.html


14/10/2012Thanks for this Victoria. This para sums it up so well. [quote]What if Abbott really is the problem? What if Gillard’s speech was just as important to our society as Keating’s Redfern speech and Rudd’s Sorry speech, and you all stood by and missed it? How can we ever respect you again (if we did in the first place?). [/quote] I still can't quite believe how clueless the press gallery have been over this. It's almost a textbook example of "wilful blindness".


14/10/2012Thank you Victoria...good piece. What gives strength to the opinion of the stupidity of the MSM. is the fact that even as a topical news-story that could be magnified into a money-spinner for the MSM., Gillard's speech would've surely been a "Stop-the-presses" moment and could've been cried out on every street corner selling newspapers that day! It demonstrates the ineptness or more possibly, the DELIBERATE downplaying of a world-interest story for the sake of a higher agenda...: The getting of LOTO into The Lodge. The behaviour of the "old world journos" is not only cowardly, it is demolished and doomed!


14/10/2012Great article Victoria. I cannot for the life of me understand why MSM journos deliberately refuse to acknowledge that the PM did NOT support Slipper/the PM and 69 other MP's supported proper Parliamentary and Court process and refused to allow Abbotts abuse of parliamentary process to succeed. I wcant be because he has good policies - he has none. I can only assume they are salivating at the mouth to see what complete and utter chaos he will create and what a balls up he will make of the place so they will have sensational articles to write. Only explanation I can come up with!


14/10/2012Somehow part of my comment was deleted...so will repost. Great article Victoria. I cannot for the life of me understand why MSM journos deliberately refuse to acknowledge that the PM did NOT support Slipper/the PM and 69 other MP's supported proper Parliamentary and Court process and refused to allow Abbotts abuse of parliamentary process to succeed. I want to ask MSM journos WHY they so desperately want Abbott to be PM? It cant be because he has good policies - he has none. I can only assume they are salivating at the mouth to see what complete and utter chaos he will create and what a balls up he will make of the place so they will have sensational articles to write. Only explanation I can come up with! Sorry about that.


14/10/2012Great article. Thankyou.


14/10/2012Especially this part: //Abbott’s terrible behavior towards female parliamentarians has been ignored by the mainstream media. And when Labor MPs speak out about it, it is reported as ‘just another political tactic’, rather than fact. Because they’re all just as bad as each other. Gillard’s speech was NOT about Peter Slipper. Gillard has had enough of Abbott’s behavior and her speech contained plenty of evidence that we, as a community, should be outraged by. None of this evidence has been ‘cooked up’ for political purposes. This is the major point that journalists seem to have forgotten. They also have forgotten their own inability to analyse the behavior Gillard, and many Australian women, are so offended by. So here’s my question for mainstream journalists: what if they’re not as bad as each other? What if Abbott really is the problem? What if Gillard’s speech was just as important to our society as Keating’s Redfern speech and Rudd’s Sorry speech, and you all stood by and missed it? How can we ever respect you again (if we did in the first place?).//----I wonder if many of the journo's are comfortable in their cynicism, deeply, really, truly?


14/10/2012I enjoyed reading your article Victoria, well done!! It seems that the MSM journos got hung up on the word "misogyny" and chose not to get the real message in the speech. Unfortnately some people who read MSM or watch the same on TV swallow it all hook line and sinker. It will be interesting to see in which direction the next poll goes.

Möbius Ecko

14/10/2012Lenore Taylor has stated the Canberra press gallery had missed the wider impact of the Gillard speech. It's a start.


14/10/2012Hi Victoria, Lenore Taylor and others in the Gallery as far as I'm concerned fail us!I'm yet to work out what in the past few months/years they have told us that "we" didn't see or hear for ourselves. If "context" is the new catch cry why is it something like 421 pieces of legislation have passed through this so called "ungovernable" parliament, yet the "Press Gallery" et al write crap as though it's in a constant state of gridlock. I guess the journo's need the politicians but the journo's should also inform the public on how things work! Thomson's vote isn't "tainted" he's yet to be charged with anything let alone convicted, and as far as "Rudd" goes another fail on behalf of the "gallery" as we don't have presidential elections in this country. As far as Mr Abbott's behavior and his "shadow's" go nothing but scum! But the media will give them a "free" run because when you put it in "context" the coalition isn't the government and nor should they be quized on their plans.


14/10/2012Victoria Thanks for this passionate piece. I agree will you wholeheartedly. We have to give our senior journalists some credit though - they are consistent. With the exception of Lenore Taylor none of them bothered to check and then speak about the facts that pertain to Abbott's doomsday stunts. He makes an over-the-top statement; "it's just politics" they declare and through to the keeper it goes. Gillard spells out a long series of chauvinistic statements by Abbott; "it's just politics" they declare and through to the keeper it goes. It seems none of them have any willingness to discuss current events outside of the context of opinion polls and votes on the floor of the House. From the day that Gillard formed her government the talk has been of the next election - when it will be held and who is going to win it. Any policy initiatives in the mean time are only assessable by looking through the prism of opinion polls and electoral advantage. If I had no other motivation for wanting Labor to win the next election, simply watching how the gallery deal with another three years of them in power would be reason enough. They might actually have to start examining policy, although they will be three years behind. You also make another important point: [quote]I am not naïve enough to believe that every word that comes out of a politician’s mouth is not political in some way, but I am also not as cynical as the mainstream media [b]who obviously believe that everything that comes out of a politician’s mouth is political and ‘invented’ for political purposes[/b].[/quote] This is the starting point for the likes of Sales, Uhlmann, Jones and Albericci which means that from the beginning of an interview they try to badger the guest for some 'real' answers, little realising that sometimes that is exactly what they are getting. Our political journalists are cynical and jaded, irrespective of their individual age.

Bultaco Metrella

15/10/2012I just tried to read Paul Sheehans latest piece in the SMH. It reads like an anguished cry from a distraught lover. Great article, Victoria,


15/10/2012Marvellous piece thanks. I think that we should get that fantastic young man, Nic, from change.org to circulate another campaign to boycott media outlets if they don’t improve their reporting .


15/10/2012Very timely and so true. Thank you, Victoria. [i]"wilful blindness"[/i] - paddybts has the explanation for you, Denise. And most other commentators here agree. Our main stream media is determined to deny any success at all to Julia Gillard and her government, even in the face of a groundswell of heartfelt appreciation for a dressing down of Tony Abbott many clearly feel is long overdue. Watching Insiders today, and Michael Stutchbury particularly, one could sense the panic, the fear that somehow all the groundwork and undermining of the past two years that he and other News Ltd journos had put in for Mr Murdoch's candidate had not worked. Here was Julia Gillard still in government and now suddenly through social media achieving a reputation as an orator on the international scene and at the expense of Rupert's man. He did everything he could to put the record right, and to 'reframe' the story, and sounded increasingly desperate and partisan as he did so. Even Lenore Taylor had to make us see 'the speech' and its impact in the 'right context' as she repeated more than once that this was her job. This is is what journalists do, after all. Well, Australian journalists do, don't they? Tell us, we ignorant Joes and Josephines Public, what is happening out here in the big world, what's important and why and its 'context' amid all the other news. Well they used to, anyway. Not any more, it seems. Somehow the roar of approval for the PM's speech on Twitter and Facebook and the amazing number of people visiting the ABC and other news sites to watch her say it all again has absolutely knocked the stuffing out of what remains of the Canberra press gallery. Their refusal to understand its quality and its impact, their collective yet puny chorus of denial sounds almost like a death rattle after the recent months of retrenchments, corporate cutbacks and share price shrinkage. Does this make sense? I got the feeling today that the Insiders were quite out of touch. And at heart they knew it, which made them afraid. Even a good head like Lenore Taylor was protesting too much about how seriously she takes her responsbility to assess for us what the PM said and how she said it. The context of all that within our political scene is what she and other journalists are paid to study and to interpret. But what if we don't need them to do that for us any more?


15/10/2012Oh for heaven's sake, what rot. Us women can defend ourselves surely without whining about sexism. Gillard sold poor parents down the river on Tuesday in spite of the government's own committee showing there was no reason for it and then demanded the parliament subject innocent women and children to this. Papua New Guinea "The Government of Papua New Guinea in accordance with article 42 paragraph 1 of the Convention makes a reservation with respect to the provisions contained in articles 17 (1), 21, 22 (1), 26, 31, 32 and 34 of the Convention and does not accept the obligations stipulated in these articles." Article 17 1 – the right to work. Artilce 21 – no housing Article 22 – no right to education Article 26 – no freedom of movement Article 31 – they are allowed to punish refugees 32 – they can expel refugees 34 – no naturalization When the women at the head of our government stop doing these repulsive things to the poorest and most damaged then they have the right to whinge.


15/10/2012Well done Victoria, I would love to see IA pick this piece up. I think a lot of the problem with the press core in the gallery is that they like the Whinging Wing Nut are still smarting over the last election & the fact that they didn't see the Rudd removal coming & want to lash out at the PM for their inability to read politics correctly at the time. They can see their power being removed from their control more by the day & they don't like it, can't stop it, are panicking as a result & hope that if they can throw enough bullshit that they will some how regain their self imposed importance again. Remember "he who pays the piper picks the tune", who pays these hacks is the only question that anyone needs to ask.

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15/10/2012TODAY’S LINKS How to hobble a high-profile candidate, Andrew Elder, Politically Homeless Journalists titter and sneer at those who complain at being taken "out of context", yet they seem put out when they try it on and get the same response. This blog has outlasted several press gallery journos and will be going long after others who fancy themselves as big names have had the last of their credibility shredded, http://andrewelder.blogspot.com.au/2012/10/how-to-hobble-high-profile-candidate.html Ordinary People? Mr Denmore, The Failed Estate Gillard, in her passionate speech, did touch on something that felt real and meaningful to many, many people – women and men. It brought real politics – the politics that people talk about around the dining table or in the work lunchroom or at the sports club – back into parliament. http://thefailedestate.blogspot.com.au/2012/10/ordinary-people.html?spref=tw Sexism- a little context for the mainstream media --WARNING OFFENSIVE IMAGE—, Clarence Girl, North Coast Voices Some journalists have also openly sought to define this support as not representing the majority view of the general public or of women. Others have sought to denigrate social media platforms carrying expressions of support, on the grounds that women use them.‪Leaving aside the fact that many people knew the immediate political context because they regularly tune into parliamentary television and radio broadcasts/podcasts, this assumption that the only legitimate context was the Opposition's move‬ ‪.http://northcoastvoices.blogspot.com.au/2012/10/sexism-little-context-for-mainstream.html‬ Gillard’s misogyny speech looks even better than it reads , Katherine Hepworth, The Conversation Gillard waved both hands, pointed, and even moved her feet. She made jokes, and most importantly, seemed to care. When she stood in a defiant, strong stance, stared at Abbott and said “my father did not die of shame”, her emotion was clear for all to see, however controlled. We could see, and more importantly feel the plea for decency and recognition of past wrongdoing. It is this that made Gillard more likable overnight, in Australia and internationally. http://theconversation.edu.au/gillards-misogyny-speech-looks-even-better-than-it-reads-10111 Word Of The Day, Mike Seccombe, The Global Mail Yes, over the past couple of days — ever since Julia Gillard flayed Abbott for his undeniable sexism — even the sober types at the ABC were singing from the same song sheet as the right wing claquers like Piers Akerman, Andrew Bolt and Paul Sheehan. Or, more correctly reciting from the same page of an abridged dictionary. http://www.theglobalmail.org/blog/word-of-the-day/421/ Lies and The Irrelevance of Social Media, Archie, Archie Archives It seems I do not have the right to ask questions, only the right to accept the answers I am given.I get angry about stuff like that. Not that that matters. I’m just a Blogger and a Twitterer. Not a real person.How do I know I’m not real? http://archiearchive.wordpress.com/2012/10/12/lies-and-the-mainstream-view-of-social-media/ Tony Abbott flees Australia, Miglo, Café Whispers Riding into Indonesia on a wave brain farts must be leaving a few of the locals thinking the circus has come to town. What to think of a clown who has perfected the art of talking in riddles?Namely, he has consistently claimed that relations between Indonesia and Australia have soured under the Labor government. http://cafewhispers.wordpress.com/2012/10/15/tony-abbott-flees-australia/ The Jacksonville News, Peter Wicks, Independent Australia ALTHOUGH things may seem quiet in the HSU and Jacksonville, with elections coming next month there is quite a bit of factional power play going on. A fine example was in The Australian yesterday.The article I am speaking of was entitled ‘HSU official who quit in disgust still being paid $15k a month’ and was written by Ean Higgins. http://www.independentaustralia.net/2012/business/media-2/the-jacksonville-news/?utm_source= Lies and The Irrelevance of Social Media, Archie, Archie Archives That was when I started yelling at my TV!“WHY DIDN’T YOU SIT DOWN WITH THE PM AND HAVE A SENSIBLE DISCUSSION ABOUT HER CARBON TAX STATEMENT?”She may well have said, “Well, what I meant was this and what I meant was that.”Of course the question was never asked. Just as the MSM have carefully never conflated “She Lied!!!!” with what Tony Abbott said on the 7.30 Report, May 18, 2010 to Kerry O’Brien. http://archiearchive.wordpress.com/2012/10/12/lies-and-the-mainstream-view-of-social-media/ Context or bubble: framing Gillard's speech, Trevor Cook Gillards speech this week gained worldwide attention (over 1 million views on youtube so far) and considerable applause, this reaction left our local media commentators stunned and on the defensive. Even some of our best observers of the Canberra scene like Laura Tingle and Lenore Taylor felt obliged to devote end-of-the-week column space to a justification of the negative reporting of Canberra by the Gallery and others in the media http://trevorcook.typepad.com/weblog/ Politicians cheating on their wives, who cares? tell us what they will do the country, Turn left 2013 The media want you to be so outraged about a joke you’re not allowed to know, so that you will clamour for an “election now!”. It is a distraction. The media want you to be outraged at this joke, so that you won’t notice Tony Abbott’s lifetime of misogyny. http://turnleft2013.wordpress.com/2012/10/13/tony-abbott-peta-credlin-joke/ SO YOU WANT CONTEXT? WELL, I’LL GIVE YOU CONTEXTS…PFFT!, Boeufblogginon How about a context where no-one in the media challenges Mr Abbott? What about his history of the treatment of women in power at Sydney Uni, his bullying methods used to keep control within his own political party and, by extension, the coalition, his negotiations with Tony Windsor, and his demand that the political party of the conscience vote be no longer the political party of the conscience vote when Abbott disagrees with the issue. http://boeufblogginon.wordpress.com/2012/10/14/so-you-want-context-well-ill-give-you-contexts-pfft/ It’s the Climate as well Tony, not just Misogyny!, Gerard Oosterman, Pig and Whistle it seems that Tony Abbott, nor his legion of advisers, nor the pensioner whose bill it was, seemed capable of interpreting it properly.The failure for Abbott to do even the most simple of analysis on this occasion is in fact illustrative of a much broader problem – his lack of attention to detail http://pigsarms.com.au/2012/10/12/its-the-climate-as-well-tony-not-just-misogyny/ Body and Soul, Ash, Ash’s Machiavellian Bloggery This is a rather interesting statement from Tony Abbott. That somehow there are physical differences that would make a man better able to exercise authority; that somehow, the way men process thoughts make them better able to issue commands.If Tony Abbott seriously believes this, then he already has decided that no woman in power can do t http://ashghebranious.wordpress.com/2012/10/14/body-and-soul/ Gerald Henderson admits he was wrong, Stephen Koukoulas, Market Economics Next, Mr Henderson, rather humiliatingly for someone of his importance, asked me to recall a meeting I had with him, “when in 2007 you were writing with The Age”. Well, I have never met Mr Henderson and have never worked at The Age. I do know that Jason Koutsoukis did write for The Age around that time and may have met Mr Henderson. In 2007, I was living in London, http://www.marketeconomics.com.au/2249-gerald-henderson-admits-he-was-wrong Sexism, misogyny, gender equality: what does it all mean? Team Oyeniyi, Love Versus Goliath just in case you missed the media saturation globally, is one woman of power standing up for women of the world. Irrespective of your politic affiliation (hell, I’m the other side), if you are honest with yourself, you know Julia is right in principle. As for the mussels text, which has been a hot topic on Twitter and no doubt other social media? No, that’s just dirty sex talk, not sexism http://teamoyeniyi.com/2012/10/14/sexism-misogyny-gender-equality-what-does-it-all-mean/?blogsub= Leaked documents reveal full picture of HSU carnage, Andrew Crook, Crikey The summary of the true state of the HSU’s books, compiled by lawyers Slater & Gordon and accountants VJ Ryan & Co, and obtained by Crikey, shows that in the two-year period between the 2010 merger of the NSW, Victorian No. 1 and Victorian No. 3 branches and June 30 this year, over $7 million was wiped from the union’s asset base – from $8.7 million to just $1.6 million http://www.crikey.com.au/2012/10/12/leaked-documents-reveal-full-picture-of-hsu-carnage/ Just fauxing, David Horton, The Watermelon Blog I just saw a discussion on one of our tv networks about the effects of the “carbon tax” in Australia after “100 days” that is a slightly different example of the same thing. As these things go it wasn’t so bad. They had actually got an expert to talk about it instead of a politician or shock jock as they normally would. The questions were based on the “sky is falling in” scare campaign of the Liberals, and his answers were calm and measured. http://davidhortonsblog.com/2012/10/14/just-fauxing/ The Pillock Chronicles, Deknarf, The Australia Blog Last week’s ‘call to account’ of Tony Abbott (he who thinks he should be Prime Minister) by Julia Gillard (she who actually is) Prime Minister of Australia, and a happening upon the RU 486 abortion pill/Abbott graphic created by one Judy Green collapsed my resolve and I fell victim, once again, to Graphical Manipulations http://deknarf.wordpress.com/2012/10/14/graphical-manipulations-8-the-pillock-chronicles/ Mussel flexing women destroy the joint, Sally Baxter It was during a debate, moved by the Opposition, to sack Slipper for his sexist and misogynistic attitude to women, when Abbott incredibly said that every day Gillard supported Slipper was “another day of shame for a government which should already have died of shame.”Did he really ‘forget’ the loaded nature of this particular phrase at this particularly sensitive time? Was he in any way responsible for Jones’ remarks http://sallybaxter.wordpress.com/2012/10/14/shocking-six-weeks-ends-with-a-global-mussel-flexing-for-women/ Julia Gillard disembowels Tony Abbott – A lesson for our MPs and party leaders on how to make a political speech! , Brian Edwards Media http://brianedwardsmedia.co.nz/2012/10/julia-gillard-disembowells-tony-abbott-a-lesson-for-our-mps-and-party-leaders-on-how-to-make-a-political-speech/ Julia Gillard's attack on sexism hailed as turning point for Australian women, Allison Rourke, Guardian UK Abbott has set up a very combative atmosphere in which he has explicitly used sexist and misogynist language towards her," she said. "When doing this, he is invoking a deep suspicion of successful women which resides in Australian culture generally. Part of that is that if women are working, they are not being mothers. It means women in the work force are constantly having to fight the sense that they are not legitimate http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2012/oct/12/julia-gillard-sexism-australian-women?CMP=twt_gu Julia Gillard: Australia's PM comes out fighting, Debra Jobson, Guardian UK Now Abbott's deputy, Julie Bishop, is calling for Gillard to apologise for branding him a misogynist. Meanwhile, certain members of the Australian press gallery, stung by criticism that they were busy having a go at Gillard themselves while local social media users and political analysts overseas recognised the power in her outburst, are having a rethink. The times perhaps are changing. http://www.guardian.co.uk/theobserver/2012/oct/14/observer-profile-julia-gillard?CMP=twt_gu Australian Wheat bickering, Derek Barry, Woolly Days Abbott and Truss said deregulation had to wait until they formed government to “safeguard” port access arrangements, transparency standards on stock information and minimum quality standards. It pointed to the Indonesian live export debacle and for good measure it threw in pink batts and over-priced school halls to show why Labor could not be trusted on this. http://nebuchadnezzarwoollyd.blogspot.com.au/ Today’s Front pages Australia Newspaper Front Pages for 15 October 2012 http://www.frontpagestoday.co.uk/index.cfm?PaperCountry=Australia

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15/10/2012LYN'S DAILY LINKS updated: http://www.thepoliticalsword.com/page/LYNS-DAILY-LINKS.aspx

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15/10/2012zac spitzer Welcome to [i]The Political Sword[/i] family. Do come again. Thank you for the link to Annabell Crabb’s article. She, like Paul Sheehan, who writes in the same paper, takes refuge in the strict definition of misogyny – a hatred of women and girls – and thereby conveniently ignores the wider definition used in Wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Misogyny which says: According to feminist theory, misogyny can be manifested in numerous ways, including sexual discrimination, denigration of women, violence against women, and sexual objectification of women. By that definition, Tony Abbott well and truly fits the bill. But MSM journalists seem reluctant to nail him with that, preferring the milder term ‘sexism’. Why? My next piece, [i]Why is the mainstream media angry?[/i], which I will post later in the week, attempts to answer this question.

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15/10/2012paddybts Your Gravatar is familiar, but I’m not sure ‘paddytbs’ has been here before. If not, welcome to [i]The Political Sword[/i] family. Do come again. Your comment: “[i]I still can't quite believe how clueless the press gallery have been over this. 
It's almost a textbook example of "willful blindness".[/i]” sums up the position well, at least for some journalists. I have a further view that I express in my next piece, [i]Why is the mainstream media angry?[/i], which I will post later in the week.

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15/10/2012Folks Lyn had difficulty posting Today's Links this morning, so I posted them for her. I'm trying to sort out why. Web Monkey may know.

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15/10/2012Denise Your Gravatar is new to [i]The Political Sword[/i], so I presume this is your first visit. Welcome to the family. Do come again. You say: [i]”I cannot for the life of me understand why MSM journos deliberately refuse to acknowledge that the PM did NOT support Slipper/the PM and 69 other MPs supported proper Parliamentary and Court process and refused to allow Abbotts abuse of parliamentary process to succeed.”[/i] I agree. They either do not see this, or deliberately ignore it. Why?

Ad astra reply

15/10/2012pj If this is your first comment on [i]The Political Sword[/i], welcome to the family. Do come again. The parts of Victoria’s piece you quote are germane. I agree with your question: “[i]I wonder if many of the journo's are comfortable in their cynicism, deeply, really, truly?[/i]” I do too.


15/10/2012Brilliant Victoria. Well done. So - not being able to (even with a bit of) rationality argue that Abbott didn't deserve the public dressing down by Gillard, the "collected wisdom" of the Press Gallery as well as Tea Party Lite (Australian Chapter) pick on one word used during a 15 minute speech. The claim is because it there is a difference in the definition of that word - the whole speech is not only defending someone who should have thought prior to hitting the send button on his Blackberry but factually incorrect. Like you Victoria, I too live in hope that one day before my demise I can pick up something in the Mainstream Media (probably electronically) and read a well constructed analysis of both sides of an argument which gives me the information I need to research it further and make a reasoned and rational decision based on fact rather than someone's opinion dressed up as fact. I haven't lost hope - yet!

pappinbarra foxette

15/10/2012Hello all, Much has been made about the use by our PM of the term mysogyny and it is usually defined as "the hatred of women". But that is the definition you might tell your 5 year old who asked what it meant. There is much more to it than that obviously so I went searching and found this discussion: Toward a Definition of Misogyny January 17, 2012 at 9:19 pm Stephanie Zvan One of the sticking points in the last few months of discussions about the role of women in the skeptical and atheist movements is the resistance to the use of the word “misogyny.” In its general form, the argument goes: “Hey! There’s no evidence that this person actually hates women. Using that word is an exaggeration/hyperbole/an unwarranted attack!” Then all other discussion must grind to a halt while this argument happens. Again. There’s a little problem with that. “Hatred of women” is not a definition of “misogyny”. It’s a translation. To have an actual working definition of the word, we’re going to have to do a little more work. Misogyny is a special case of misanthropy. It is a special case in that it is applied only to women rather than to humanity as a whole. And while “misanthropy” translates as “hatred of humans,” that isn’t actually how we use the word. Wikipedia currently has a pretty good working definition of “misanthropy“: Misanthropy is generalized dislike, distrust, disgust, contempt or hatred of the human species or human nature. A misanthrope, or misanthropist is someone who holds such views or feelings. Hatred is a subset of misanthropy under this definition, but it isn’t the entirety of the phenomenon. A misanthrope may be someone who doesn’t believe there is a minimum standard of treatment to which we all have a right. They may be someone who is annoyed or on their guard when other people are around. Or they may be, as in the classic Tartuffe play, someone who is constantly disappointed by the people around them. Understanding that misogyny is a special case of this phenomenon makes it much easier to understand the usage to which the word has been put recently. Someone who doesn’t want women around unless the women abandon their “feminine” qualities is a misogynist. Someone who believes women generally lie about things for attention or “use” men for some kind of personal gain or think women are generally bad at this, that, or the other is a misogynist. Someone who doesn’t believe that women have a right to the same minimum standards of treatment as men is a misogynist. Putting misogyny is concrete terms isn’t difficult. Nor is “misogynist” some kind of epithet. It’s a description of the views of the person in question. That people frequently disagree and disapprove of those views doesn’t change that. Of course, this isn’t the definition you’ll see in most dictionaries. They will include the translation, not a definition that has real-world application. However, this doesn’t reflect how we actually use the word. It does reflect political pressure to minimize the perception of misogyny, but that’s a lousy basis for defining words. Definitions are supposed to reflect how we actually use words, and this is how we use “misogyny.” I found this a better explanation and hope you do notmind my quoting it in full. It can eb found at: http://freethoughtblogs.com/almostdiamonds/2012/01/17/toward-a-definition-of-misogyny/ Regards PF


15/10/2012Hi all, This is my first comment on TPS and I must say I enjoy the contributions made by well informed people who are obviously as frustrated by the MSM as I. I loved Victoria's piece. I find myself checking the blog every morning, waiting for the next piece of balanced analysis. I also find myself screaming at the TV during parliament question time listening to the rubbish foaming from Tony Abbotts voicebox. I thought the PM's speech in parliament last week was measured, perfectly targeted and career defining for her. I doubt thought that the MSM will allow her any breathing space though as they continue to stock the "war room" with negative stories enabling Tony Abbott and has band of resident nutters a free ride into Government. I look forward to the next contribution.


15/10/2012One has to wonder what will become of the MSM. if Tabbott DOES win the next election....Surely, going on its' recent record of non-reporting significant events, it can only morph into a lick-spittle dabbler in sporting gossip and weather reports! The compliant sophistry of the "registered reporters" of the MSM. gallery would be reduced to a dipsomaniac circle swaying from "long-lunch" to "long-dinner" as they compare notes and struggle to downplay the lowest impact of any coalition policy!

Ad astra reply

15/10/2012PB Welcome to [i]The Political Sword[/i] family. Thank you for your kind comment about [i]TPS[/i]. Do come again. Sadly, I have to agree with your comment: “[i]I doubt thought that the MSM will allow her any breathing space though as they continue to stock the "war room" with negative stories enabling Tony Abbott and has band of resident nutters a free ride into Government.”[/i] In my view, most of the Canberra Press Gallery wants Julia Gillard and Labor out, and the Coalition in, even if it has to have Tony Abbott as PM as part of the deal. They have invested so much of their ego in a Coalition victory, and perhaps their future as journalists as well, that they are angry at the recent turn of events, and are using their journalistic pens to counter it. My next piece: [i]Why is the mainstream media angry?[/i] explores this view.

Sir Ian Crisp

15/10/2012[quote][b]Which politician is telling the truth?[/b][/quote] Gee, that's a tough one to answer Vikki. What about this alleged politician: [quote]’There will be no carbon tax under the government I lead.”[/quote] Now which alleged politician said that? I think I've flushed out a liar.


15/10/2012While wily semantics break down the "context" of JG's speech, the listening public was all too aware of the nuance, so lacking in the spoken word, but WAY too easily understood in the conscious mind, of the "base-load" sexism and misogyny running at full tilt in the LNP. The speech was an exclamation of "ENOUGH" breathed, or rather; exhaled with the relief of a surfacing diver unburdening their lungs of too much bad gas! The fresh air then inhaled after this catharsis has been a relief not only, I am certain, to most women, but to a lot of us males also who have been, through gender assocciation, not collusion, lumped together with such filth as the above political party males. I agree the speech was spontaneous, even if she was easily able to draw upon example after example of Tabbott's sexism at her sleeve.....crikey, one only has to recall the looks he directed across the despatch box to get that! I don't know how much in debt the gallery MSM. journos' are in to humble and shame themselves and their profession like they do..but by DOG!...it must be bloody bad.

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15/10/2012pappinbarra foxette Thank you for your thoughtful comment on ‘misogyny’ and the link. In my view, journalists are using the narrow definition of misogyny, one that one might find in a textbook of psychiatry, to argue that Abbott is not a misogynist, whereas the word has a much wider meaning in common parlance. “[i]Someone who doesn’t believe that women have a right to the same minimum standards of treatment as men is a misogynist.[/i]” is a broader definition that most would give to the term. Wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Misogyny says: [i]According to feminist theory, misogyny can be manifested in numerous ways, including sexual discrimination, denigration of women, violence against women, and sexual objectification of women.[/i] That is closer to what most people mean by the word, except of course our MSM journalists.

Ad astra reply

15/10/2012jaycee [i]"I don't know how much in debt the gallery MSM. journos' are in to humble and shame themselves and their profession like they do..but by DOG!...it must be bloody bad.[/i]" I agree, it must be!


15/10/2012I have to conclude Ms Taylor hadn't actually listened to the PM's speech from last Tuesday when she wrote her article. Ms Gillard offered her evidence for her position in the content of the speech - she gave multiple quotes from the Leader of the Opposition in which he had clearly re-iterated positively Victorian (the era, not the state) views on the capacity of women in general to participate in public life. What kind of evidence is actually required to be able to label someone as a misogynist, I wonder? I mean, in the case of Mr Abbott, we have a long history of him reacting extremely poorly (to the extent of [i]narrowly displaced[/i] violence against a female candidate who happened to beat him in a student election{1}) when women are given power he wanted. We have a history of him saying things which support the position that women should not be allowed to control their own bodies. We have a history of him saying things which support the position that [i]women should not be permitted to participate in the public sphere[/i] - that the role of women is to be "household angels" and nothing more. We have a history of him making statements about [i]his own daughters[/i] which imply their entire value to the world is as marriageable virgins, and nothing more. We have a history of him associating himself by proxy with openly misogynist sentiments from religious leaders, radio demagogues, and protest groups. Purely out of curiosity, what WOULD count as evidence of misogyny in the eyes of the mainstream media? {1} Yes, student politics has extremely low stakes; yes, the players in student politics are generally pretty young; thus the emotional loading is a lot higher. Even so, when you loom over someone and punch the wall near them, it does send a pretty clear message about what you'd prefer to be hitting.


15/10/2012One has to marvel at the desparate clutching by the right-wing at their ONE BIG lie they accuse the PM. of. Like a child's tiny hand having a firm grip on their security doll, they cart it about with them and with a similar lisping explanation of their philosophical weakness (though surely, one can forgive a child?)they take their thumb from their mouth and hold "their doll" out for universal approval...."lie" they speak. "Oh!..indeed?" we reply...for we know they expect no approval,for they are but a child.


15/10/2012Good Morning Ad, Victoria and Everybody, Thankyou Victoria for another masterpiece. PB welcome to "The Political Sword" thankyou for your valuable post, as Ad Astra said we do hope you will keep coming back. :):) Thankyou for your comments it's lovely to have your here.:):) Denise @ http://denniallen.wordpress.com/2012/10/05/margie-abbotts-dummy-spit/ Welcome to ZacSpitzer and PJ thankyou for your comments.:):) Ad thankyou very much for posting “Today’s Links” for me. I have changed my mouse and now attempting to post Twitterverse:- timdunlop ‏ Remember all those articles about the context of Abbott's lies about carbon pricing? thomas king ‏ mt @chrismurphys: PM'speech has been hailed as a pivotal moment not only in AU politics,but also globally #auspol http://www.thehindu.com/opinion/op-ed/time-to-play-the-gendercard/article3997245.ece … #msm Jones has fewer options in shock-jock economy, Afr But there is a bigger story behind this saga, that begins with the growth in ratings that 2GB’s shock jock line-up has achieved — and how hugely profitable their opposition to the Labor government has been Fighting the carbon tax is a business – it’s arguably the most successful business in Australian media right now. Alan Jones has earned a fortune for his employer from his determined campaigning against the tax. http://www.afr.com/p/national/jones_has_fewer_options_in_shock_F2cytT80OO0kqo5E3sNg3O Ian Milliss ‏ Sheehan's pathetic hysterical squealing more proof that Gillard hit the bullseye bazarazzi ‏ Wonder if Paul Sheehan will do the same for comments directed at the Prime Minister from members of the Coalition http://www.smh.com.au/opinion/politics/comments-directed-at-tony-abbott-20121014-27lcd.html … Bernard Keane And at The Oz: old white right-wing male declares "old white right-wing males got it right". leigh henningham ‏ Private Gillard. View gallery of the PM as she visits troops in Afghanistan @theage.com.au #gillard #afghanistan pic.twitter.com/J78JeYPL Abbott suffering a Labor Party stoning, Paul Sheehan I'm quoting here, mostly from Hansard. These are not comments from media figures, or feral demonstrators, or dredged up from 10 or even 30 years ago. These are insults delivered this year, by federal Labor MPs, directed at one person, and orchestrated by Julia Gillard. The level of personal insult has been on an industrial scale http://m.smh.com.au/opinion/politics/abbott-suffering-a-labor-party-stoning-20121014-27krw.html Destroying the Joint ‏ Dear Outdated Media: Looking for CONTEXT re that Carbon Tax lie you've told for 2yrs? Found this in your fishwrappers http://twitter.yfrog.com/odk1czfj ALP (ACT Branch) ‏ Amidst a national debate about misogyny some ACT Liberal men decide to stalk female Chief Minister #destroyingthejoint http://m.canberratimes.com.au/act-news/gallagher-complains-of-libs-pursuit-20121014-27la6.html … Stephen Koukoulas ‏ My Business Spectator column this morning: China delivers on its stimulus plan http://www.businessspectator.com.au/bs.nsf/Article/China-delivering-on-stimulus-plan-pd20121015-Z3R9J?OpenDocument&src=sph&src=rot … @businessspec National Times ‏ PM makes surprise visit to troops http://www.nationaltimes.com.au/opinion/political-news/pm-makes-surprise-visit-to-troops-20121015-27ljd.html Stephen Koukoulas ‏ Very interesting story for many reasons: Rate cuts, surplus, little govt debt http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2012-10-14/stevens-says-rba-has-rate-ammunition-as-swan-pushes-for-growth.html … Tweeting Roo ™ ‏ We could stop boats 'full stop: senior Lib - #Brisbane Times http://shrtn.in/2K9Xxc #Aust

Ad astra reply

15/10/2012Megpie71 "[i]Purely out of curiosity, what WOULD count as evidence of misogyny in the eyes of the mainstream media?"[/i] Your question is fitting. jaycee Your description of the Coalition desperately clutching to its only security doll - the 'LIE', is apt. Thank you for that analogy.

Tom of Melbourne

15/10/2012[i]” Gillard has had enough of Abbott’s behavior and her speech contained plenty of evidence that we, as a community, should be outraged by.”[/i] Fine, be outraged. But your dissertation is pretty meaningless unless you can demonstrate that Abbott is a “woman hater”. Gillard provided some information that might satisfy a claim of “sexist” which people are entitled to be outraged about, but not a hater of women. Typically Gillard chose to go over the top, “attack dog” style and the barrackers just fall into line behind her.


15/10/2012The Main Stream Media could also be called the Main Stream Morons, the Main Stream Misfits, the Main Stream Mongrels, the Main Stream Meatheads, the Main Stream Mysoginists or maybe the Mendacious Main Streamers The fact that the MSM is so blatantly biased towards the LNP is to me a sinister threat to our democracy. The only MSM types who appear to have given Julia Gillard's magic speech any favorable response are Mike Carlton,Greg Baum and Charles Waterstreet, the rest frankly are a disgrace. Julia Gillard was brilliant the other day and showed just how big a glass jaw the idiot Abbott has got. She nailed him to a tee. P.S. I love your site and keep up your brilliant work.


15/10/2012Rhetorical question: Why is it that the people gathered around Julia Gillard in semi-formal photographs are almost invariably laughing or smiling broadly. These are not "say cheese" smiles or politician's stunt photos - she obviously has a quick wit and an ability to make people feel relaxed in her company, in spite of - not because of - a phalanx of media cameras. [b]Prime Minister Julia Gillard in Afghanistan[/b] Photo gallery http://www.nationaltimes.com.au/photogallery/opinion/political-news/prime-minister-julia-gillard-in-afghanistan-20121015-27lpt.html?selectedImage=0 A bit of balance in the discussion of 'that speech' - how embarrassing that it has to come from a sports' writer. I submit this as evidence that the 'context' clock started [b]after[/b] Abbott spoke and just before Gillard unleashed her sharp tongue. [b]'Now, listen here, luv' - when words become weapons[/b] by Greg Baum The Age [quote]Critics say that praise for Gillard is misplaced because in assailing Abbott, she was defending the indefensibly gross Peter Slipper. They say the world has taken her out of context. That was not how I saw it. Abbott, speaking before Gillard, had accused Australia's first female Prime Minister of acquiescence in, even nurturing of, sexism and misogyny. [b]By the time Gillard rose to speak, Abbott had changed the terms of the debate. It had a new context.[/b][/quote] http://www.theage.com.au/opinion/politics/now-listen-here-luv--when-words-become-weapons-20121014-27kv3.html#ixzz29KD4omiV The article that we should have seen on Wednesday morning. A long piece that actually does put Gillard's speech into context. [b]Julia Gillard: Australia's PM comes out fighting[/b] by Debra Jopson The Guardian [quote]As Gillard rose to her feet, she ditched the robotic delivery that has sometimes made her seem distant and inhuman, forged by a political lifetime of living in a gender warzone, while seeking to give the public impression of being unruffled, a woman in control. It is a paradox of her position that, in a post-feminist world, women in power are expected publicly to forget their gender and to affect apathy when confronted by misogyny, lest they be accused of behaving badly.[/quote] http://www.guardian.co.uk/theobserver/2012/oct/14/observer-profile-julia-gillard?commentpage=1#start-of-comments


15/10/2012"...and the barrackers just fall into line behind her." So say the right-wing interpreters and apologists. Julia Gillard has withstood the most vitriolic attacks against her gender because of one unspoken truth.: "Every woman, every day has to endure sexual or misogynyst innuendo against their person", so that it becomes second nature to deflect, with honourable and stoic stance, such insults, until, as with a person who has had enough abuse and the last straw unleashes a just though spirited defence. As someone who has worked in the building industry for many, many years, I am giving no secrets away when I say that every female who walked past a big city-site back in the bad old days (I am out of the industry now through retirement), young, old, whatever nationality or culture was subjected to sexual innuendo...I even saw one labourer fashion phalli from the clay in the sand to lay across the pedestrian walkway as his form of "humour"..these are the "enough is enough" attacks from sexist males every day, every way who just do not "get it"! So to all those right-wingers who seek absolution through conscience isolation...GROW UP or SHUT UP!


15/10/2012A great compendium of Abbott quotes, only those of the feminist, non-racist kind. Warning: Contains photographs of ponies dressed up in silly attire. Not for the equine squeamish. [b]Tony and Ponies[/b] http://tonyandponies.tumblr.com/


15/10/2012I found this blog (by Sarah-Jane Collins) while following Lyn's links: http://www.theglobalmail.org/blog/old-media-lessons-in-missing-the-point/420/ I read in my local paper (The West Australian) that Tony abbott couldn't be a misogynist because he was a son, husband and father of daughters. I wonder how misogynists are born, if not from a woman - it's possible for men to give birth, now? I'm sure many misogynists have a wife (if she knows her place) and, by the lottery of conception, many must have daughters. No wonder is hard to define a misogynist - somebody not born by a woman, who never married or even had sexual intercourse with a woman!

Tom of Melbourne

15/10/2012Jaycee is yet another example of barrackers falling into line with the latest ALP speaking notes. Sexism is backward, deplorable and unsavoury, but it isn’t the same as misogyny. It’s time for Gillard to buy a dictionary, preferably with a pronunciation guide.


15/10/2012Tom of Melbourne. You have obviously been brainwashed by the TA brigade and go along with his script, sticking to the same moronic simple lines he spruiks at doorstops every week to the letter. Australians are waking up (most intelligent people were not fooled by him from the start)to his constant dribble. Whether he is sexist, misogynist is not really the issue. The issue is that he is not fit to be a statesman and lead the country. His morals are sadly lacking, he has no respect for anyone who disagrees with him, he seeks "a race to the bottom" on almost all issues, he is extremely negative and is sadly dragging the mainsteam political debate down with him. He appeals to the intelectually challenged with his simple slogans (lies and his front bench are a congaline of two bit morons and bullies following his lead, eg Mirabella,Bishop,Pyne, Morrison, O'Dwyer). He is a disgrace to the institution of parliament and will eventually be exposed as a fraud by worthwhile and factual political debate over the coming twelve months....... If he is to be the next PM, god help this wonderful nation. Regards PB


15/10/2012Apparently the Indonesian Armed Forces aren't properly funded by the Government and supplement their income by "host of legal and illegal practices that include legitimate involvement in state-owned and private businesses, as well as a range of activities in the 'black economy.'" (source = http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indonesian_National_Armed_Forces#Budget) I wonder if these "business activities" include people smuggling - so not just the few "rogue elements" recently discovered in the military, but widespread corruption designed to make money. Perhaps Tony Abbott could raise this matter with the Indonesian President?


15/10/2012And the Liberal barracker continues to rely exclusively on party talking points, ignoring reams of evidence that the use of the word "misogyny" has, like most of the English language, evolved to mean much more than the narrow old dictionary meaning they choose to base their spurious arguments upon.

Ad astra reply

15/10/2012Hi Lyn Your posting seems OK again. It's so good to see you lovely Gravatar again. Thanks for another informative collection of Twitterverse, which I'm still working through. Some will appear in my next piece.


15/10/2012Dictionaries are descriptive, not prescriptive. They reflect the current usage of a word provided it has appeared in literature and stood the test of time i.e. not a fad that comes and goes. When the the old crooners sang about being "happy and gay" I don't think they were extolling the emotional benefit of coming out of the closet. This provides a segue into an examination of the 'bitch' part of "Bob Brown's Bitch". This is not the usual use of the word as it might be understood by most Australians. People of my age would interpret 'bitch' to mean a scolding woman or as OED would have it - "a disliked or spiteful woman". This usage certainly doesn't hark back to its origins where it was used to demean a woman by suggesting that she was promiscuous "like a female dog in heat" and further implies that her offspring are illegitimate because they are the product of indiscriminate mating. When I saw those signs for the first time, my interpretation was that the author was using the U.S. prison slang that depicts a weaker male as a dominant man's bitch, implying servitude especially of a sexual nature. Research seems to indicate that this usage is almost exclusively in the context of one man's description of another man. It is not in keeping with the circumstances to describe Julia Gillard (a heterosexual female) as the sexual servant of a homosexual male. Although this is not the most reliable of sources, one of the definitions in the on-line [i]Urban Dictionary[/i] is: [quote](3) Modern-day servant; A person who performs tasks for another, usually degrading in status.[/quote] http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=bitch This can only have its origin in U.S. prison slang where young men are forced to act as servants to more dominant males. In the context of that particular sign, the author could have used 'puppet' and still conveyed the same meaning. Since the deliberate choice was to use 'bitch' the author wanted to tap into the PM's gender; the old-fashioned meaning of "scolding woman"; the sexually promiscuous origins of the word in its earliest perforative form and the subservience of a woman to a gay man. It really is a highly sophisticated use of the word that allows the audience to project on to it whatever meaning they prefer. That fact that every one of those interpretations is reprehensible should go without saying.

N'ellie May

15/10/2012Victoria, Well done on your great article. It's hard to believe how most of the Canberra press missed the point of Ms Gillard's speech but yet, you were able to see her motivation when she launched her retort. Is that because you actually wanted to see the truth? Yes, if they want to put it into context, they also could have looked at what TAbbott said first. It's impossible to believe that most of the MSM journalists have written in a clear, fair and honest manner ever since the PM was elected. People are still not recognising that Ms Gillard actually formed this minority govt in her own right,suggesting there was no election after the sacking of Rudd. Wouldn't it be great to hear about the programs that have been launched and the legislation that has been passed during these 2 year? Instead we hear about a "do nothing, worst-govt-ever" mantra repeated again and again, by political commentators and journalists. You can fool the people some of the time but could it just be that the people with their positive response to the PM's speech just might be waking up? BTW ABC news all day today and over the weekend was dominated once again by news about the Coalition. Where's the balance gone?

Tom of Melbourne

15/10/2012Yeah, right so does “sexism” mean “misogyny” these days? It’s nice when barrackers just invent new meanings for words… because they sound better than the meaning people normally associate with the word. …though it probably means that Swan is also a “misogynist”, because he only decided, as an afterthought, to correct a “misogynist” skit while having dinner with his sponsors (CFMEU). He thought it unimportant enough to neglect it at the time. That looks a lot like “misogyny” by ignorance and inactivity.


15/10/2012As the enlightened here know:- Scroll the trolls full of puss & fuss.


15/10/2012Somebody linked to the article by Dick Smith in the SMH: http://www.smh.com.au/opinion/society-and-culture/free-press-is-a-slave-unto-itself-20121013-27jml.html I found this particularly interesting: [quote]But when it comes to questioning the Murdoch press, which dominates the print media in Australia, they are clearly not game. One ABC journalist said to me: ''Dick, I couldn't mention that your magazine was rejected by the Murdoch press because one day I might have to apply for a job with them.'[/quote] So Murdoch doesn't just control 70% of the print media, he enables self-censorship of the other 30%! Perhaps this explains the "groupthink" of the MSM? BTW, anybody else seen the egregious twitter from Rupert Murdoch? [quote]Told UK's Cameron receiving scumbag celebrities pushing for even more privacy laws. Trust the toffs! Transparency under attack. Bad.[/quote] I look forward to complete transparency from Rupert Murdoch - let's start with transcripts of all of his phone calls, text messages, emails, minutes of all his meetings with world leaders, and opening the books (all of them) of all of his companies.


15/10/2012Hi everyone Thanks for your wonderful comments about my article. The information about the real meaning of misogyny is interesting, as is the fact that the media are now defending themselves by using a very strict meaning that isn’t in common usage anymore. Would it be so hard for them to just say ‘oops, sorry, we actually did miss the point and relevance of the speech, we’ll try better next time’. Apparently this would be too hard, so they keep digging instead. #mediafail Cheers Victoria

Ad astra reply

15/10/2012MWS You have put your finger on it when you use the quote: [i]"One ABC journalist said to me: 'Dick, I couldn't mention that your magazine was rejected by the Murdoch press because one day I might have to apply for a job with them'.'"[/i] It is said in jest that there only two types of journalist in Australia: those who actually work for Rupert Murdoch, and those believe they may have to. It's not funny, it's tragic.


15/10/2012This could be interesting - FWA is taking Thomson to Court. http://www.brisbanetimes.com.au/opinion/political-news/thomson-to-face-court-over-alleged-prostitute-splurge-20121015-27mkf.html Could be even more interesting if Thomson introduces some of Peter Wicks evidence.


15/10/20122353, I don't mind Thomson going to court, It's the troll of Melbourne who will be here declaring his guilt that would be hard to put up with! Perhaps Aa can take the axe to his juvenile rants and delete them.

Tom of Melbourne

15/10/2012Yeah. That’s right. Perhaps you would explain exactly what part of Wicks’ “evidence” helps support the notion that Thomson didn’t do what FWA has found? Wicks did not even attempt to prove anything about Thomson’s behaviour. He admitted he only sought to throw some mud at Jackson and Lawler, and his suggestions about the Lawler involvement/influence just fell apart with some gentle probing.


15/10/2012ToM, I wouldn't give you the steam off my piss! However over at Poll Bludger poster ruawake asks! ruawake Posted Monday, October 15, 2012 at 4:27 pm | Permalink FWA general manager Bernadette O'Neill says the claim against Mr Thomson includes 37 alleged breaches of the duties imposed on officers of registered organisations and 25 alleged breaches of union rules. So what happened to the: FWA found 105 contraventions of civil penalty provisions, and another 76 contraventions of union rules, allegedly committed by Mr Thomson, national secretary Kathy Jackson, then national president Michael Williamson, an auditor, and the union itself. They are hoping on this lot.

Tom of Melbourne

15/10/2012Wicks made a range of innuendos that Lawler has used his position to influence the investigation into Thomson. Without this interference his claims just become[i] “the HSU is a grubby union full of self-serving officials”[/i]. This is about where Wicks has now finished. That type of commentary fine with me, but when I’ve made that comment in the past about several other unions, it’s been called “union bashing”.


15/10/2012ToM, Get a grip! I've never used "Wicks" or his arguments with you! I'm happy with black and white law, you get charged you defend if found guilty so be it.


15/10/2012Victoria, another great post. Thank you. Magpie71 @11.13am, how true. Just when do you apply the label? Liealot has provided ample evidence that he has an enormous problem with women who have more power than he does. And for all the right wing apologists who excuse his unspoken threat to Barbara Ramjan as just the act of an intemperate youth, I ask how many other young men behave in the same violent and threatening manner if they lose an election to a woman? That punch was quite clearly a threat, as opposed to the appropriate response which is to offer your congratulations, even through gritted teeth. This is a man who has clearly demonstrated what an abysmally poor loser he is, his entire life. That's what the punch was about and that's what these last 2+ years of bullying and harassment are about. He [b]utterly refuses[/b] to accept that a woman has beaten him again and seamlessly slipped into the familiar bully boy pattern. And like all bullies, he ran home to Mummy when his victim turned the tables. NormanK @12.05pm, a great quote from the Debra Jopson piece. Of course, what all the naysayers here fail to comprehend is that Jopson and the other authors cheering on the PM didn't just witness the PM verbally smiting Liealot, they witnessed Liealot's assault on the PM. And unlike the lily livered liars here, they have responded to a woman who finally said enough's enough. I'm sick of your moronic bullying, so "sit down and shut up and you might learn something" to quote the master. [quote]This can only have its origin in U.S. prison slang where young men are forced to act as servants to more dominant males.[/quote] Or the use of "fag" from those bastions of privilege, English public schools, where young boys were terrorised into servitude to older boys. MWS @2.08pm, someone should give the wizened foreigner the definition of irony. That he, of all people, should be whining about transparency from government, is more than ironic, it's beyond belief. We can only hope the Levenson Inquiry delivers a crushing, no, fatal blow to him, by finding that he and his spawn are unfit to have an interest in ANY form of media. Hopefully, the tweet might encourage the Cameron government to enact even stricter laws wrt media ownership and responsibilities. I really think we should also be petitioning the Gillard government to get cracking on legislation to limit media ownership in this country, as well as forcing all media to report news accurately, factually and without bias. Opinion writers and shock jocks will also have to be truthful, or face stiff penalties. Abuse and outright lies by pontificating egregious liars like Jones, Hadley, Bolt and co should see them removed for lengthy periods. And the sooner self regulation is removed the better. It clearly does not work and should be in the hands of an independent body, preferably with no media representative. They have proved that they cannot be trusted under any circumstances. Misogyny does seem to have been revised in its usage. It seems to be a blanket term for sexism and chauvinism, rather than meaning a hatred of women and girls. Bit like gorgeous used to just mean colourful, now it seems to have morphed into beautiful. Baccy, some people are soooo pedantic. Liealot, and the Liars Party trolls in general including the females, exhibit all the symptoms of misogyny when referring to any female ALP member. But the patronising and sexist attitude by the male members of the Liars Party isn't just directed at the PM and her female colleagues, it's directed at the women in their own party. If I were Bishop, J, Bishop B, or any other female Liar, I'd be lining up with Gillard and co to punch the buggers on the nose!


15/10/2012Jason - I don't care if Thomson goes to court either. In reality a court case is the only way to settle the matter either way. I do expect that the amount of s**t that will be thrown around would do credit to monkeys! Its like the corruption allegations against Bjelke-Petersen, the first trial ended when the Jury couldn't agree (and there are reasons for that - a discussion for another post) and he was considered to be too ill to be tried again. While he was never found guilty, he certainly was never found innocent either (as those on the conservative tribe will contend). Effectively Bjelke-Petersen went to his death accused of crime. Wicks investigations (I'm the one that brought them up) will I'm sure be tested by those who think they would get an advantage from them.


15/10/20122353, Laura Tingle on Radio National just said wtte that since the Thomson matter is civil and not criminal,unless the opposition can muster the numbers for a vote of no confidence Thomson stays!


15/10/2012I have been following the HSU saga on IA for some time, I find it incredulous that FWA have now decided to proceed against Craig Thomson given the police investigation is ongoing, and to my way of thinking the timing is very suspect given the relationship between abbott and lawler. This stinks more than last weeks prawns.


15/10/2012Jason ToM has pronounced Thomson guilty the first time he heqrd the allegations. No charges or trials necessary. ToM has spoken. Interesting that there is no mention of $500,000. Robynne, I share your feelings. There is definitely something rotten in FWA land and as you say the timing is indeed VERY suspect.


15/10/2012jane, Why didn't you remind me that ToM had already passed judgement? I guess the only option we now have is to inform the courts in order to save the tax payer unnecessary expence of a trial.


15/10/2012F**K! Sophie Mirabella is acting almost reasonable on Q&A.


15/10/2012If all the newspaper reports are accurate, Sophie could offer her services as an investment advisor to the minerals council..seeing as she must be the first person in a century or more who is the beneficiary of a gold mine in Carlton!


16/10/2012Firstly, Thank you very much Victoria for your column (and your last one was fab, too) - I agree with everything you say! I also agree with (almost) all the comments above (I always skip the trolls, tho). And to Lyn & Ad, a BIG thanks for the links today :) What really gets me is the MSM holding the (amazingly & shockingly mis-reported) speech by the PM to the (old) very literal definition of "misogyny", and then saying she was a hypocrite because she was defending the "misogyny" of Peter Slipper. HUH? Can't have it both ways, surely?


16/10/2012Comrade Swordsfolks I haven't passed on in any sense, I have been a bit busy, and I've been a lot on Twitter for the last couple of days. It's very different from this blog but the two modes of communication are amazingly complementary. Twitter is where the quick action is, TPS is where the champions gather, Lyn nests here, flits there and everywhere, I love the power and the reach of the Fighting 5th Estate! I've sent 4 thousand or so Tweets by now, I'm BAD a lot of the time, (like, I call Joneses et al [i]Maggots[/i] :)) but I figure that someone has to help form a Ginger Group, there's Finnigans and naughty lovable Frank Calabrese and others, well I'm a Ginger myself and well, you know, [i]Noblesse Oblige[/i]. And Jason makes his presence felt there too! It literally gives me goosebumps to see our Comrades gathering for the coming fray, and the best thing, we now know (if we didn't before) that in *J*U*L*I*A* we have the shrewdest leader, the fightingest commander-in-chief we could ever hope for. If we can just be worthy of her, we will carry the day in triumphant style! And given the outstanding support we are being vouchsafed by our obliging Leader of the Opposition Tony Abbortt, we look in great shape too. Tony's fine elucidation of the Coalition's Asylum Seeker policies to Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, his convincing display of knowledge of local folklore in the kitchen where he so elegantly placed his foot on their food table, - such demonstrations of his courage and sensitivity show how fitted he is to his coming task of Prime Ministership of this country, ravaged by years of mismanagement by the worst Government in the history of the universe . . . Yeah well enough of that. We've got him. The price on carbon has been introduced and nobody can even tell the difference. Abbortt has NO AS policy, as late as today he is still calling Asylum Seekers 'illegal boat people' which is a LIE! - and he hasn't the guts to raise the issue with SBY again! Well Alberici called Abetz on Abbortt's monumental FAIL tonight, there's Erica [i]Blb~blb~blb~I~wasn't~ready~for~this![/i] Well too bad, and right whack you Maggots! Here's a little sincere tribute to Tony. first, the way a limerick as to appear on Twitter - (not so good) TalkTurkey‏@TalkyTurkey Abbortt U rattle yr cutlass But put to the Sword U R gutless! Cowardy Custard! You can't cut the mustard! And *Julia*s rendered U nutless! It looks better on the Sword! Abbortt! You rattle your cutlass, But put to the Sword, You are gutless! Cowardy Custard! You can't cut the mustard! And *J*U*L*I*A*s rendered you nutless! Don't forget Folks that Anal Jones is rumoured to be about to resume advertising on Hate Radio 2GB this very morning. Please be prepared to wreck the joint! That Maggot should be evicted from all further influence, and we can do it too. But only by effort. [i]Aux armes mes camarades![/i]


16/10/2012 Superb post Victoria! A slam dunk against the Libs and their extremist, hate-ridden supporters. My views on a few issues...and links: http://www.facebook.com/nick.king.1232760?ref=tn_tnmn N'


16/10/2012TODAY’S LINKS Labor’s Regressive Policy, Denise Allen whilst all this has been going on – in the midst of all the misogyny and sexism that has dominated the print media and airwaves of the last week – I have been concentrating on a piece of extraordinary regressive legislation that has snuck through both Houses of Parliament amid the tsunami of the “gender wars” that attacks some of the poorest people in the country. http://denniallen.wordpress.com/2012/10/15/labors-regressive-policy/ DEAR MR. Sexist, Tracy Spicer, The Hoopla Those wise words of yours from 1986 are still ringing in my ears: “That’s why you don’t see blonde newsreaders,” you explained patiently. “People don’t take them seriously.”It reminded me of another sage piece of advice, from a radio boss during a job interview some years ago.He put it simply yet eloquently: “There’s a reason why you don’t hear women on commercial talkback radio,” he said. http://thehoopla.com.au/dear-misogynist/ Christian Kerr thinks Twitter has girl germs and therefore tweeters' opinions don't count, Clarence Girl, North Coast Voices But what if Kerr was right to suggest that support for the Prime Minister was being driven by a Twitterverse dominated by women? Why does either the social platform or a tweeter's gender make this support any less legitimate? Ah, yes - it would be because the gender in question is female. http://northcoastvoices.blogspot.com.au/ Remember Me? Peter Wicks, Wixxy Leaks For a start, we need to understand that these are claims, not “charges” as the propaganda pieces in The Australian are already calling them. There are no such things as civil charges.Civil matters, civil cases, civil proceedings, and civil claims are real, but not civil charges. They don’t exist, it is like referring to hot ice, total fiction.Leave it to The Australian to create new terms like “civil charges” to imply guilt before the matter even reaches court. http://wixxyleaks.com/2012/10/15/remember-me/ Social shift sees Gillard goes viral , Kieran Ricketts, ABC How does a piece of powerful Australian political theatre that saw accusations of misogyny hurled across the political divide become watercooler social media buzz the world over?As with many ‘overnight’ online successes, it’s the result of a long tail of strategic thinking.The video in question – whatever your view of the politics that surround it – is compelling, polemic and tense. http://about.abc.net.au/2012/10/social-shift-sees-gillard-goes-viral/ The Watercooler of Minimum Importance, Archie, Archie Archives I do not need to be told these things by affluent and privileged middle-aged white males who have no idea of what feminism is and as for the Liberal Groupie Opinionettas who provide a supposedly feminine view of what happened by totally ignoring the obvious vision of a very public video and instead echoing the official http://archiearchive.wordpress.com/2012/10/14/the-watercooler-of-minimum-importance/ Everyone is wrong somehow, Shouting at the Void Clearly the massively consistent reporting of Gillard’s speech as a ‘failure’ and ‘hypocrisy’ was faintly ridiculous, given that it was not how the speech was being received across the populace. 1.6 million views of the youtube clip in six days indicates that the gallery had its finger utterly removed from the national pulse. Getting bogged down in the minutiae showed that political journalists missed what is clearly a historical moment. http://shoutingatthevoid.wordpress.com/2012/10/15/everyone-is-wrong-somehow/ Essential: fired-up Gillard gets a poll bounce — from men, Bernard Keane Crikey The PM’s lead is entirely built on female voters — they prefer her 47-33%, while men are evenly split. But compared to Essential’s previous leadership approval poll, Gillard actually picked up support among men, not women: in September she trailed Abbott 36-44% among men as preferred Prime Minister; now it’s 40-40% http://www.crikey.com.au/2012/10/15/essential-fired-up-gillard-gets-a-poll-bounce-from-men/ Julia Gillard, sexism from the LNP ‘everyday in every way’, Turn Left 2013 The Liberal Party at the moment, has three main contenders for when Tony Abbott is finally rolled – Julie Bishop, Malcolm Turnbull and Joe Hockey. The man who would subject a Prime Minister to such sexism is the alternative to the alternative. These men show no respect for the democratically elected Prime Minister, they show little respect for democracy.And still, they have not managed to break the Prime Minister. http://turnleft2013.wordpress.com/2012/10/15/julia-gillard-sexism-from-the-lnp-everyday-in-every-way/ Why Feminism Benefits Men, Damian Spruce, Daily Left Julia Gillard’s 15-minute parliamentary thunderstorm against Tony Abbott was a moment of profound change in the political climate. Like a feminist goddess hurling lightning bolts at her hapless target, a giant of the patriarchy soaked and shrunken down to a dumbstruck dwarf, she stood victorious, at least for a moment. But the thrill at seeing Gillard transform into warrior princess was also shared by large sections of the male population. http://www.dailylife.com.au/news-and-views/dl-opinion/why-feminism-benefits-men-20121012-27grq.html So much commentariat pulp, so many dead trees, such a waste of wood-chip ... Dorothy Parker, Loon Pond Abbott suffering a Labor Party stoning. Sheehan spends an inordinate amount of time establishing that the Labor party and its apparatchiks have spent a considerable amount of time abusing Tony Abbott.He could have - but naturally wouldn't - spent an equally inordinate amount of time listing and detailing Tony Abbott's extraordinary nattering negativity. http://loonpond.blogspot.com.au/ The contexts of Julia Gillard’s speech, Joan Evatt, Independent Australia Friday evening’s Contrarians on SkyNews (Australia’s answer to Fox News) where a panel of blokes – not a woman within cooee – sat there and very seriously pontificated about sexism and the PM’s speech. They were, because they just don’t get it, totally wrong in their quaint but erroneous conclusions. I know they must have felt smug as http://www.independentaustralia.net/2012/business/media-2/the-contexts-of-julia-gillards-speech/ Forgettable study sparks sexist headlines about women remembering, Megan Willis, The Conversation Attention women of the world: according to a flood of recent news headlines (78 at last count), it’s time to stop watching the news because negative news stories stress you out more than they do men.These headlines were prompted by a study published last week in the peer-reviewed journal PLoS ONE. The study claimed that after reading https://theconversation.edu.au/forgettable-study-sparks-sexist-headlines-about-women-remembering-10112 Nauru Asylum Seekers Protest Delays, Wendy Bacon, New Matilda Spokesperson for the Refugee Advocacy Network Pamela Curr said, "I can’t believe that Abbott is breaching all established protocols and going to Indonesia to spout his plan and lean on them to take back the boats. Has he no sense of perspective — asking an impoverished emerging nation of 238 million people to take back the boats from a wealthy nation of 22 million?" http://newmatilda.com/2012/10/15/asylum-seekers-protest-nauru Claims of dirty tricks in wrestle for HSU control, Andrew crook, Crikey Bolano has been in constant presence alongside Jackson at her myriad of media appearances and was accused by Craig Thomson in federal Parliament of early this year of having set the MP up with “a bunch of hookers”. If the dispute proceeds to court then there is a strong possibility that the No. 1 branch ballot would be delayed, possibly into next year. http://www.crikey.com.au/2012/10/15/claims-of-dirty-tricks-in-wrestle-for-hsu-control/ This is the NBN rollout activity in your area, NBN Co These maps show the estimated likely coverage areas based on NBN Co's rollout plan, which may change following more detailed planning and design work. http://www.nbnco.com.au/rollout/rollout-map.html?address=Seven+Hills%2C+NSW Today’s Front Pages Australia Newspaper Front Pages for 16 October 2012 http://www.frontpagestoday.co.uk/index.cfm?PaperCountry=Australia

pappinbarra fox

16/10/2012Tony Abbott MP Leader of Her Majesty'e Royal Oppositon SQUIBBED it. He failed to mention the turn back the boats policy with the President of Indonesia. This is textbook bully psychosis. What a man! What a Plan! What a Sham!

Ad astra reply

16/10/2012LYN'S DAILY LINKS updated: http://www.thepoliticalsword.com/page/LYNS-DAILY-LINKS.aspx


16/10/2012PF - did you also see the way he did the traditional handshake for the media. SBY was stepping backwards because Abbott wa invading his personal space. Another textbook bully behaviour.


16/10/2012How much more do we need to know (or didn't we already know?) about 'hairy-chested, plain-speaking' Tony Abbott that he didn't even have the cojones to raise "turn back the boats" directly with the President of Indonesia? Really, is there a male in Australia who can still believe in him being a man of his macho word? (The females already know he isn't, pace Margie). Try gutless, pusillanimous, timorous, cowardly, fearful, faint-hearted, lily-livered, spineless, craven, shrinking, chicken, wimpy, wimpish, sissy, yellow, yellow-bellied. Any and all of them will do. Imagine Timid Tony as leader of this nation if things ever got really tough!

pappinbarra fox

16/10/2012Ahhh, the "handshake test". Mmmm, Mr Abbott and Mr Latham would have something in common it seems. Yes I did see that - it was a bit like a dance with Abbott trying to lead. But when a bully knows that he is confronting a powerful person who will stand up to him he will choose not to run the experiment and look foolish and be revealed for what he is. I notice the shadow immigration bloke tried to cover for his bully boy boss by saying he raised it. Lets see a transcript of that. I think we could make more of the "handshake test" method of analysis - go back and check the various shakes that have been perpetrated by various people over the years. Could be an interesting metaphor for and perhaps even predictor of other (unsavoury) behaviour.

pappinbarra fox

16/10/2012I had a yellow bellied black snake living on my coastal property many years ago, who would be highly offended if she heard that Mr Abbott was called yellow bellied. That snake was no coward and had a dignity about the way she slithered that Mr Abbott could never pretend to emulate.


16/10/2012Chickens coming home to roost. That bastion of critical reporting - the Courier Mail did an FOI on Newman's Public Service cuts. Here's the results and its not pretty. http://www.couriermail.com.au/news/queensland/frontline-services-hit-as-newman-government-axes-jobs/story-e6freoof-1226496640104


16/10/2012Mad Bad Abbott. http://www.abc.net.au/news/2012-10-15/abbott-silent-on-turning-back-boats-in-jakarta/4314624 As part of this article at ABC News Online, the following: "Mr Abbott told a business lunch" in Jakarta that "...it is a function of geography as much as Indonesia's fault that the vast majority of the 27,000 illegal boat arrivals to Australia have come via this country." "Indonesia's fault"?! He's directly blaming the Indonesians for "illegal (wrong, of course, a false description, ie, he's lying about what an asylum seeker is, again!) boat arrivals". Get it. He's BLAMING Indonesia. Geography aside, that accident of its position on Earth, Abbott asserts that what equal - "as much as" - "fault" remains is all Indonesia's. Directly, unequivocally, their FAULT. He's telling the Indonesian authorities they are responsible for "the vast majority of the 27,000 illegal boat arrivals to Australia [as they] have come via this country." In short, it's their screw up, their failure to meet international responsibility (in his mind) to halt 'illegal' activity. 'They are failing in legal obligations, they are shirking their responsibility, they are in essence colluding in criminal activity.' That's what Abbott is saying, saying out aloud, reading from his script so it must be 'true', this is what he is saying to their faces in their home. Does anyone ever vet his speeches before he stamps out across the foreign affairs world??? Where's Julie Bishop? Where's Josh Frydenberg (who apparently 'really knows about foreign affairs)? Seriously, in Jakarta, in preparation for an imminent meeting with the President of Indonesia, he told the Indonesians it is their fault Australia has so many boat-delivered asylum seekers. And this was the bloke who said he wasn't going to Indonesia to "lecture them". No. Just insult, defame, and accuse them. For Pete's sake, people, this bloke wants to run our country. Who can seriously accept that Abbott as PM would be anything but the performance of a 'Berlusconi Down Under'?

Ad astra reply

16/10/2012Michael Astonishing as your account is of Abbott’s poor behaviour and performance in Jakarta, we had Greg Sheridan, Tony Abbott’s mate, on 774 ABC radio just now, lauding Abbott for even getting an interview with SBY, excusing Abbott for not raising his policy of towing boats back to Indonesia with him, painting Abbott’s efforts as a diplomatic coup, and castigating the Gillard Government on its relationship with Indonesia. Sheridan and his mates at [i]The Australian[/i] might as well be paid advocates for the Liberal Party and Tony Abbott, because that it just how they behave. Balance has evaporated.


16/10/2012 [b]Cheapo NO NO NO Abbott putting lives at risk as Health Minister:[/b] [b]Howard overrules Abbott on cancer drug November 10, 2006[/b] [quote]Earlier, Mr Abbott said he would welcome another application from drug company CSL, but the government had no plan to change the timetable of the vaccine's introduction. "It can't be brought forward a year. It's something which has to be done in cooperation with the states because we're talking about girls in school age brackets," Mr Abbott told ABC Radio today. "It was always anticipated that the earliest we could do it, should we get a positive recommendation from the PBAC and a swift decision from cabinet ... was 2008 and that remains the earliest that we can realistically do it." Labor said the prime minister was misleading the public as Mr Abbott had already admitted the listing of Gardasil remained contingent on price negotiations. "The prime minister has today suggested that the implementation of the program could be bought forward and start in 2007, despite the health minister completely ruling it out earlier in the day," Labor's health spokeswoman Julia Gillard said. "As Tony Abbott confirmed today, the Howard government is happy for the PBAC to continue to haggle over the price the government will pay for this life saving vaccine, however long that takes." Professor Ian Frazer, who was named Australian of the Year for his work with the vaccine, yesterday said he was delighted the prime minister had intervened and hopeful he would encourage the PBAC to quickly consider the vaccine again. A group of 22 cross-party women senators yesterday wrote to Mr Abbott, urging him to intervene in the PBAC decision. Liberal senator Jeannie Ferris, who is recovering from ovarian cancer, said she was reassured by the prime minister's support but wanted the vaccine subsidy approved before the PBAC's next scheduled meeting in March.[/quote] http://www.smh.com.au/news/national/cancer-vaccine-not-before-2008-abbott/2006/11/10/1162661861926.html A walking non-stop talking disaster zone. What an embarrasment. Pattern of behaviour. N'


16/10/2012 [b]So Abbott's full of crap...again. Pattern of behaviour. Abbott silent on turning back boats in Jakarta au.news.yahoo.com Federal Opposition Leader Tony Abbott has failed to raise his controversial policy of turning back asylum seeker boats with Indonesian president Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono during a meeting in Jakarta.[/b] All brain fart and no integrity. N'


16/10/2012 [b]Sheridan and his mates at The Australian might as well be paid advocates for the Liberal Party and Tony Abbott, because that it just how they behave. Balance has evaporated. [/b] Ad, Sheridan and his mates are from the Murdoch herd...same as this lot: Fox News is declaring that global warming is "over." Where did they get this information? A misleading report from a British tabloid. Get the whole story on how Fox News falls for tabloid "science": http://mediamatters.org/research/2012/10/15/fox-falls-for-tabloid-science/190630 FOX NEWS CATERS TO IGNORANCE FOR PROFIT...MURDOCH & ROGER AILES...SPREADING THE DUMBED DOWN APPROACH...NOT LIBERALLY....CONSERVATIVELY. DARK AGES FOR A DUMBED DOWN ROMNEY FUTURE? (Remind you of any Australian tabloids, national papers?) N'


16/10/2012Good Morning Ad, Victoria and Everybody Twitterverse for you:- Bushfire Bill Posted Tuesday, October 16, 2012 at 8:01 am | Permalink Watch closely the body language on the TV footage when Abbott met & shook hand with SBY. Abbott tried to get close and SBY moved away twiceIt was embarrassing. Abbott gave SBY the old “hearty handshake” – the one you make when you walk solo to the South Pole with just a packet of Tim Tams in your pocket – leaning into him like he was trying to set up for a judo throw, pumping and grimacing like a demented mummy on the loose and looking for victims. SBY looked non-plussed. Who IS this clown? Did anyone tell him that if he starts that “Boats” shit he’s outa here? What does he know that I don’t know? Help! http://blogs.crikey.com.au/pollbludger/2012/10/15/essential-research-53-47-to-coalition-5/?comment_page=12/#comment-1442588 Bushfire Bill Posted Tuesday, October 16, 2012 at 9:59 am "When you have the likes of Michelle Grattan, Peter Hartcher, Peter van Onselen, Jennifer Hewett, Geoff Kitney, Phillip Coorey, and Dennis Shanahan all spouting essentially the same line in attacking the Prime Minister - a line at odds with the many people's own interpretation of events - people wonder what the point of such journalism is. — ABC, The Drum, 10th October, 2012" If that disconnect continues, they may wonder, too, why they should pay for it - for newspapers especially, an ominous thought. http://blogs.crikey.com.au/pollbludger/2012/10/15/essential-research-53-47-to-coalition-5/?comment_page=13/#comment-1442664 TheFinnigans What CONTEXT would the Canberra Press Gallery be looking for now with Abbott's TURN The BOATs debacle in Jakarta david ewart ‏ Handshakegate Abbotts ignorance is mindboggling Abbott silent on turning back boats in Jakarta It is the second time since June that Mr Abbott has had talks with Mr Yudhoyono but failed to raise his proposal to turn asylum seeker boats around http://coffsoutlook.com/?p=11462&utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=abbott-silent-on-turning-back-boats-in-jakarta The Age ‏ Abbott keeps mum on boat policy http://www.theage.com.au/opinion/political-news/abbott-keeps-mum-on-boat-policy-20121015-27n9e.html … Mark ‏ Tony Abbott proves himself to be a bumbling...grinning...oaf during his taxpayer funded trip to embarrass Australia in Indonesia!! #auspol Lyn Bender ‏ RT“@GCobber99: Naval officers 'would disobey' orders to turn back asylum-seeker vessels under Abbott govt http://www.theaustralian.com.au/national-affairs/naval-officers-would-disobey-orders-to-turn-back-asylum-seeker-vessels-under-an-abbott-government/story-fn59niix-1226251160538 …” shaun carter ‏ Abbott silent on turning back boats in Jakarta http://www.abc.net.au/news/2012-10-15/abbott-silent-on-turning-back-boats-in-jakarta/4314624 … Typical. TAbbotts duplicity. Say one thing at home, another OS. Asia Pacific News ‏@AsiaPacNews Civil charges will be thrown out: Thomson - Brisbane Times http://bit.ly/QJPaIq #News #Australia Thomson, Labor and the race against time, Phillip Coorey http://www.theage.com.au/opinion/politics/thomson-labor-and-the-race-against-time-20121016-27nsf.html


16/10/2012 Thnx Lyn...top work with Tweets and links...going up on my Facebook site now. :D [b]The Fifth and rational part of the Fourth Estate working together to create a better world.[/b] N'


16/10/2012 Brilliant! And so true: [b]Bushfire Bill Watch closely the body language on the TV footage when Abbott met & shook hand with SBY. Abbott tried to get close and SBY moved away twiceIt was embarrassing. Abbott gave SBY the old “hearty handshake” – the one you make when you walk solo to the South Pole with just a packet of Tim Tams in your pocket – leaning into him like he was trying to set up for a judo throw, pumping and grimacing like a demented mummy on the loose and looking for victims. SBY looked non-plussed. Who IS this clown? Did anyone tell him that if he starts that “Boats” shit he’s outa here? What does he know that I don’t know? Help! [/b] My wife thought similar last nite. Abbott...national embarrassment. N'


16/10/2012 From: DESTROY THE JOINT [b]SUZUKI - GONE! Destroy the Joint has just spoken to Suzuki which says the ads on Alan Jones this morning were a mistake. They have withdrawn all advertising and will not be advertising again. Thanks Suzuki.[/b] http://www.facebook.com/DestroyTheJoint?ref=stream Any go back to Jones this couple won't be using their products & services. This shock jock has been pulling the wool over the public's eyes for WAYYY too long. Just another greedy extremist Liberal hack. Integrity zero. N'


16/10/2012 This is hilarious...ABBOTT EXPOSED [b]Electricity Bill Shock Gate Exposed![/b] FIRST DOG ON THE MOON | OCT 15, 2012 http://www.crikey.com.au/2012/10/15/electricity-bill-shock-gate-exposed/ Just purchased a clock from First Dog on the Moon http://www.firstshoponthemoon.com/ Got the BEDTIME FOR BANDICOOT The moon landing one is hilarious...must grab for my bro before christmas. Check out: [b]POWERFOX CLOCK! I will not be lectured about sexism and misogyny by this man! But I will be told what time it is by this OUTSTANDING AND EXCELLENT CLOCK! Relive the moment when the press gallery suddenly became interested in context. Thrill as each passing second reminds you of the 15 awesome minutes of the Prime Minister's take down of the Member for Warringah.[/b] http://www.firstshoponthemoon.com/ That's a MUST for Stacey for Christmas/Xmas. :D Life can be fun. N'


16/10/2012 From COSMOS MAGAZINE: [b]Today is Ada Lovelace day, which aims to raise the profile of women in science, technology, engineering and maths. To celebrate, we're highlighting some of our best profiles on women in science, as well as an opinion piece by award-winning medical researcher Carola Vinuesa on why every scientist needs a wife. [/b] [quote]SYDNEY: British mathematician Ada Lovelace (1815–1852) is best known for her work on Charles Babbage's analytical engine – one of the first mechanical computers. Her notes are recognised as containing the first algorithm intended to be processed by a machine – making her, arguably, the world's first computer programmer. All this more than 50 years before women were considered intelligent enough to contribute to the democratic process with a vote. While the world has changed significantly since Lovelace's time, women are still under-represented in science. According to the U.S. Department of Commerce, in 2009 women made up 24% of science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) jobs in the U.S. That's compared to 48% of all jobs.[/quote] http://www.cosmosmagazine.com/news/6065/happy-ada-lovelace-day My wife Stacey took science at university...the first in her family to do so...and is now a Science & Maths Head of Department at a QLD SHS. She won in 2005 the Peter Doherty Outstanding Primary and Middle Phase of Learning Teacher of Science Award. I'm proud of her achievements every day. N'


16/10/2012Is this LNP policy? [i]But Senator Bernardi said that modern politics was about "twisting and distorting words for political gain[/i] http://www.brisbanetimes.com.au/opinion/political-news/bernardi-stands-by-bestiality-views-20121016-27nyj.html#ixzz29QOzSVv7


16/10/2012Have just posted this letter by snail mail Dear Mr Thomson, You don't know me. Please find enclosed a money order no I offer this as some help in your fight to overcome the legal challenges you face. It may pay for some photocopying, though not to much I would think. I offer no judgement on your innocence or guilt. It would be neither right nor proper to do so. I do offer support in this fight against, what is to me anyway, an outrageously political tactic that cares for neither the presumption of innocence nor the ruining of lives. Never, in this country, should anyone, any individual, be forced into financial difficulties by defending politically motivated strategies initiated, aided and abetted by those whose interests are not necessarily pure of heart. I will be posting this on the internet on several sites. My best wishes to your wife, your young children and yourself. Kind regards

Ad astra reply

16/10/2012Hi Lyn Thanks for the links and the Twitterverse. I’m still working through all of them. I’m finishing off my piece for this coming Thursday: [i]Why is the mainstream media angry?[/i].

Tom of Melbourne

16/10/2012[b]Which politician is telling the truth?[/b] *Gillard? Signed a written agreement, to win residence in the Lodge. Broke the agreement. *Thomson? Teary denial, credibility = zero *Slipper? Hmm. *Roxon? “vexatious litigant” but pays compensation. *Swan & Crean? “Rudd was dysfunctional”, but they only told us after they had given him glowing endorsements for years.


16/10/2012ToM, You've been saying the same old crap for two years!We don't care what you think. Not only are you a born Liar you're gutless,nothing but scum and if you had any shame you would have died of it years ago.

Ad astra reply

16/10/2012ian I am sure Craig Thomson will appreciate your support. I hear just now on ABC News that many of the charges against him may be beyond the statute of time limitations. Fair Work Australia seems to have stuffed up badly. On wonders how well they will prosecute their accusations, give their poor past performance?

Tom of Melbourne

16/10/2012That’s interesting Jason, showing the usual of lucidity and acumen. You seem to think that the best way to make a political point is to mimic Alan Jones. Good for you!


16/10/2012Nas' @10.46am, [quote]all brain fart and no integrity.[/quote] Brilliant! I heart that. It should be spread over the interwebs.

Ad astra reply

16/10/2012Hi Lyn I’ve now finished reading your very informative links. There are most interesting. Thank you. I looked for the spectacular Abbott/SBY ‘handshake’, described as being like the infamous Latham/Howard handshake, but I can’t find the link. Do you have it or can you point me to it? Greg Sheridan is hailing Abbott’s encounter as a unique and spectacular diplomatic coup, a magnificent compliment by SBY to Abbott, and tacit recognition by Jakarta that he will be the next PM in 2013. Meanwhile, the rest of the world looks on at his handshake, and laughs at his gutless avoidance of talking to SBY about his ‘turning the boats around’ policy, one he has trumpeted here and in Jakarta. Sheridan, along with Kelly, Shanahan, Dusevic, Stutchbury, Henderson and the motley collection of Coalition sycophants, must live in a parallel universe where everything is going well and looks rosy for Abbott man, while PM Gillard and her Government go from very bad to much worse, never getting anything right, doing nothing, mismanaging everything, exhibiting appalling judgement, hypocritical, and now playing that disgusting ‘gender card’ in lieu of doing anything useful at all. Psychiatrists might wonder if their delusions have reached the stage of being pathological. More likely, they have decided collectively that with Abbott sinking steadily, and in the wake of his humiliation by Julia Gillard, now viewed by almost 1,8 million people worldwide, they will simple construct a parallel reality that they will embrace and hope to persuade their consumers that their reality is the real one, and everything else a figment of the imagination of the rest of us. It is not just ridiculous, not just amusing, it is deeply disturbing that their mental gymnastics are so grotesque.

42 long

16/10/2012Fair Work Australia seems to be a disaster all round. These "stitch ups" seem to contain a mix of the usual predictable elements that follows a set pattern, designed to defaim and discredit rather than convict anyone of anything defineable as a crime. Clearly there is a technique of getting rid of people who are not wanted any more. With Thomson ( no "P") and Slipper there was always the proven method of getting people out of the Parliament and that is making them bankrupt. Hence the emphasis of who is funding the expenses of the person involved. Craig Thomson would not be in the position of being sent bankrupt if there was not a critical numbers game going on in the Parliament. Bankruptcy is becoming a critical tool in this game as well as defaming to prevent an elected representative carrying out his duties in the parliament. There are YES votes and there are NO votes. The idea of a "tainted" vote is a gameplay, by those who think the whole thing is a GAME and don't care who gets hurt. Trial by media and the kangaroo court of parliament is not the sort of thing I find edifying and should not be happening. Abbotts rotten mob don't seem to recognise principle and the danger of precedent. If it's good enough for them, It's good enough for them to use against YOU Abbott, but you squeal like a stuck pig ang get your wife and your mother to go public in your sycophantic MSM press to help you cope and all your "handbag hit" squad on cue. Cory Barnardi has spilled the beans on "twisting and distorting" to get the story out. The Lieberals and Notional party are masters at it. You never get fact, just SPIN from the TOP politicians in their ranks. If they do get elected by an unsuspecting public, how much will they owe the Murdoch, Reinhart Singleton and Jones, Palmer Big tobacco, the Gambling lobby and the far right ideologists, etc, who can be expected to want to be rewarded for their invaluable assistance in fooling the masses. The opinion shaping ability is now being shown to be a formidable force but by being more evident and up front may be showing it's hand too obviously.


16/10/2012Hi Ad Most of the shots below are stills, but the first one on ABC shows the handshake reasonably well except, where the President turns around trying to get out of the grasp. You see Abbott is watching the camera and doesn't notice the poor guy trying to escape. 'Mouse' Abbott accused of turning tail in Indonesia http://www.abc.net.au/news/2012-10-16/mouse-abbott-accused-of-turning-tail-in-indonesia/4315724 Abbott slammed for not talking boat plan, Sky News ( Handshake Video) Tony Abbot has been slammed for not discussing his plan to turn back boats with the Indonesian President. http://video.news.com.au/2291812978/Abbott-slammed-for-not-talking-boat-plan#ixzz29RePXNJC Latika Bourke ‏ Wait, what? OL Tony Abbott goes to Jakarta and doesn't raise boats with President SBY (again!) http://latika.me/RMII3P Equitist ‏ #Creepy MT Abbott shakes hands, Latham style! http://bit.ly/V3IKtV #auspol SBS News ‏ Abbot didn't discuss #asylum seeker deal with Indonesia's SBY 'because he knows it won't happen', PM Gillard says http://bit.ly/WrYIvO National Times ‏@NationalTimesAU Abbott didn't consult Infrastructure Australia over tunnel pledge, hearing told http://www.nationaltimes.com.au/opinion/political-news/abbott-didnt-consult-infrastructure-australia-over-tunnel-pledge David Loh ‏ .@latikambourke BREAKING: LABOR ACCUSES ABBOTT OF 'MOUSOGYNY' #auspol http://bit.ly/QLFZYd ABC Radio ‏ “He's a lion in Canberra and a mouse in Indonesia.” –Chris Bowen on Tony Abbott http://bit.ly/RzHmfi Another threat to Labor's numbers (02:35) Video Fair Work's Federal Court action against Labor MP Craig Thomson raises the possibility of a by-election in his NSW seat that might bring down the Gillard government. So how likely is it? 16/10/12 http://goo.gl/uxgIL Abbott displays cowardly approach - PM, Sky News Video http://www.skynews.com.au/topstories/article.aspx?id=806382&vId=3595868&cId=Top%20Stories&play=true Infrastructure boss contradicts Abbott, AFR Mr Abbott said he had “explicitly discussed this specific project with Infrastructure Australia” before making his announcement. “Infrastructure Australia have given me a categoric assurance that this project stacks up,” he said. But Infrastructure Coordinator Michael Deegan told a Senate committee in Canberra on Tuesday that neither he nor his office had discussed the projects with Mr Abbott. “I can confirm that I have not had an approach from Mr Abbott or his office on this matter,” he said. http://www.afr.com/p/national/infrastructure_boss_contradicts_tT1ZnSnSJJB8pXQ7nJ37GI :):):):)

Ad astra reply

16/10/2012Thanks Lyn We're going out for dinner; I'll take a look when we return.


16/10/2012Geez - you know Abbott's in trouble when Skynews is running stories like the one Lyn linked to above. They had the option of just not reporting it!


16/10/2012Sorry folks I didn't mean to plagiarise but forgot to copy name of author, but the part-article is the point. We should be able to BOYCOTT METRO ENERGY - it's a sitting duck for the Fighting 5th Estate. Give them a blast, how dare this dumb prock pretend not to know what he's doing or with whom! All in italics below is not my writing but I'm sure will be in favor anyway. [i]Tony Raya, who runs the solar-energy installer Metro Energy Group, did not withdraw his advertising from the show and said he was surprised at having today received about 70 emails and 10 phone calls, "including one from a lady who was so upset she was crying". Mr Raya said he was oblivious to the campaign that had been sparked by Jones's comment to a Young Liberals function in September that Prime Minister Julia Gillard's father had "died of shame" over her "lies". "I had no idea who Alan Jones is. I've never listened to 2GB in my life. They just cold-called me," he said. Mr Raya said he had booked "about 30 grand" worth of advertising across the schedule for last week and this week. "I wasn't even aware that he'd said anything until 2GB called me last week to say they were suspending advertising on the show," he said. Despite Jones's well-known scepticism on green issues, Mr Raya said the advertising had been effective for him. "I've got about 15 jobs out of it. He may be against it, but it's worked for me." One advertiser holding firm in support of advertising with Jones is the Nine Network, which this morning ran promotions for A Current Affair. A spokesman for the network said Nine was a "regular advertiser with 2GB in all sessions" and added that "the strength of the 2GB audience gives us the ability to reach our target demographics". The ads on the Jones program were part of a long-term booking across the 2GB schedule and the only reason they were not run last week was because of 2GB's decision to suspend advertising on the show. "We did not consider withholding placements. We are not into censorship," the spokesman said. "We report what happens and we don't take sides."[/i] It seems Network Nine is dooming itself anyway!


16/10/2012Hi 2353 Yep you are right. Poor petal Abbott has been getting bad press all day, but I suppose it's Labor's dirt unit or Julia made him Gaffe big time. Stinking headline below though, like they interview Julia ask her questions, she answers then they turn around and write a headline like as if she has phoned the press and said:- hey! Abbott's a coward. Gillard interrupts India visit to tag Abbott with 'cowardly' label over SBY talks JULIA Gillard has ramped up Labor's campaign to portray Tony Abbott as gutless abroad, calling the Opposition Leader "cowardly" over his apparent failure to raise towing back asylum-seeker boats with Indonesia’s leader http://www.theaustralian.com.au/national-affairs/immigration/gillard-interrupts-india-visit-to-tag-abbott-with-cowardly-label-over-sby-talks/story-fn9hm1gu-1226496938861 :):):)


16/10/2012In The Weekend Australian of October 13-14, the front page headline read: "Abbott to engage SBY on asylum". The story, labelled "Exclusive" with the bylines of Dennis Shanahan and Brendan Nicholson, said in the first paragraph: "CRACKING down on people smugglers will be one of the key topics Tony Abbott and his Coalition delegation raise with Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono abd his ministers during a three=day visit to Jakarta.". Once again they were wrong. But don't expect a correction.


16/10/2012My TPS allies, I was so slow this week that I've only just finished getting through the entirity of "The Australian" newspaper. I was INCENSED! I was MAD! I wigged out. And I sent "The Australian" this e-mail: To: <letters@theaustralian.com.au> Greg Sheridon used to be a must-read regarding foreign affairs. WTF did you do to him??? Now he's just a Tony Abbott synchophant arse-licker. This is news? No longer buying your paper (ANY of them!). You even tried to "contextualise" Julia Gillard's speech, the equivalent of Keating's Redfern Speech. Rupert can get stuffed! Mark my words, and get back to me when this happens & you have to eat crow - Labor will win the next Frederal Election. "Donig a Shannahan" lol Next time, it will be "Doing a Sheridan". The lot of you are pathetic, partisan hacks. Liz Spencer (Actual phone number inserted here) Feel free to call me if you can bring yourself to defend your truly woeful behaviour. L.


16/10/2012Bushfire Bill is a fine wordsmith with worthwhile things to say. Bushfire Bill Posted Tuesday, October 16, 2012 at 7:56 pm [quote]Usually I wake up cranky and write a bloviating piece that gets it off my chest. Today I wasn’t cranky when I woke up, but by Jesus I’m cranky now. First the good news. I made a beautiful lens today. They’re all good, but this one was exceptional. It exceeded specification by 300%. Only I can see it, really, as (according to Mr. Nyquist) you don’t really need much better than half the channel frequency to deliver all the data that’s ever going to be delivered,and that’s in ideal conditions (which very rarely eventuate). My specifications are higher than that. I go for triple Nyquist as a minimum. Four times if I can get it. But today’s lens was special. Everything came together and I could measure 12 times Nyquist without too much trouble. It was a beauty. As I said, no-one except me would know, but I like to think that every now and again all the positives line up and I produce something really exceptional. That happened today. I felt so good about it I decided to ring a few customers who hadn’t ordered stuff from me for a while. I was feeling chuffed. If I could make such great glass, what was the problem? I won’t go through them all, but one guy hit home hard. Four months ago, when I rang him to find out what happened to the orders he’d flagged earlier on, he told me they’d all fallen through. I suspected he’d bought cheaper, sleazier stuff from my competitors. He said he hadn’t. When I asked him, all those months ago, what I should do (about phoning him again), he deliberately misunderstood my question and suggested, “Get a job at McDonalds, flippin’ burgers. Or maybe you could mow lawns!”. Ha, ha! Since then I’ve turned my business around and found new customers and new opportunities. Cash flow is restored. I actually thought to myself that his “McDonalds” scenario had given me the impetus to go out and figure a way to beat the system, which I have, to a great extent. I almost owed him some thanks. So I dialled the number I’d vowed I’d never dial again. He sounded as flat as a SAO. Miserable. Unenergized. Out of whack. I asked him straight out if he’d been buying from my competition and he said “No”. The industry was dead, he told me. At least in Queensland it was. My, how his cockiness had changed into misery. The temptation in my head to wallow in schedenfreide just evaporated on the spot. This guy was really, really upset. To cut to the chase, he blamed Campbell Newman. He said to me that the week in which Campbell Newman had said Queensland was the “new Greece” and in which he’d started sacking public servants had been the week that his (my customer’s) business started dying. He was in the car talking to me, and while the conversation progressed he arrived home. It was then that he started crying. All he wanted to do was be with his wife and daughters, to go for a swim in the pool, to forget about work and debt. Bludgers, you may not be proud of me, but I saw my chance. I gently suggested that every time Hockey or Abbott or Robb (where IS Robb, by the way?) trash-talked the economy, someone in our industry, somewhere, lost the order that meant the difference between a profitable month and a long explanation to the bank manager. He nearly jumped down the phone at me, he was so electrified by this suggestion. It all made sense to him. Our industry is one that is heavily dependent upon discretionary spending. Lose a few percent off the margin, get involved – voluntarily or otherwise – a price-cutting war… and its misery all around. This was what he was going through right now. It was all on the table for him, beckoning with the dead hand of economic despair: sackings, arguments with his partners, recalcitrant customers, price torture, haggling… the lot. My giving him the lifeline to blame, not the government – why would the government trash-talk the economy I asked (he couldn’t think of a reason) – but the negativity of the conservative parties actually cheered him up some. He’d found something to hang his hat on. And with that, perhaps a way out. I let him stew on it and said I hoped to hear from him soon. If not, no stress. Enjoy your kids, Paul. What had started out as a “WTF?”call to an ex-customer to suss out why he’d dropped me ended up being me cheering him up, stopping his flow of tears with a reason, an explanation. There’s a lot of this going on right now. My other customers told similar stories (without the crying). The point is: voting has consequences. It’s not Big Brother where you casually flick someone off the show and then forget about it. Unemployment – not having a job or the chance of a job – is reality, not some soap opera TV show. A short term “Home By Christmas” tactic by the Opposition which started out as one that might have brought on an early election in February 2011, has turned into relentless, merciless, malignant trench warfare for its own sake. The Opposition and their most psychopathic supporters have forgotten why they are fighting. How can Australia be prosperous when one half of its polity is continually wreaking destruction upon its economic performance, its governance, and its consumer confidence? How can the Old Media continue to practice professional cynicism and nihilism, declaring war on its own readers, on itself even, with all the sackings and layoffs that are on-going, and on the nation that has given it everything it enjoys? When will this bloody war end? How long can industry, commerce, retail and the service industries take the incessant wrecking ball tactics that, with every utterance, cause more businesses to fold or sack workers? Without confidence, you don’t turn the key in the car’s ignition to go to the shopping mall. Without confidence, you might not even get out of bed in the morning. Without confidence, the economy suffers. It’s ruination becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. Abbot, and the media in tow, are not only wrecking themselves (and who gives a SHIT about them?), but they’re ruining it for the rest of us too. The psychopathic negativity, the cynical vibes, always bad, the lies and the misrepresentations are killing this country. My industry, and others like it, are canaries in the coal mine. First the discretionary spending goes. Then, when the fat is burned, the muscle is cut into, to feed the hate and the fear and the ennui generated by one man’s testosterone-fuelled obsession with high office and bunch of superannuated journalists who don’t care a damn what they say or who they say it to. I’m fine. I’ve adapted. I have orders through to March. Others don’t have the luxury of optimism or the energy to change their markets or their clientele. What’s going to happen to them? Do we really have to destroy a nation in order to save it? End of rant.[/quote] http://blogs.crikey.com.au/pollbludger/2012/10/15/essential-research-53-47-to-coalition-5/?comment_page=24/#comment-1443201


16/10/2012[i]Do we really have to destroy a nation in order to save it?[/i] Thank you Norman K!

Truth Seeker

16/10/2012Hey Swordsters, back from my sojourn in Sydney, and back on line. Victoria, great article. Cheers


17/10/2012TODAY’S LINKS Margaret Simons: How media perpetuate women’s silence, Crikey Outright misogyny and clear patronising comments might be the exception these days in the media, but nevertheless day after day our mainstream media gives the impression that news is a fundamentally male domain, and that public life is really about men. When women take the stage, there is still an air of exceptionalism about them. http://www.thepowerindex.com.au/opinion/margaret-simons-how-media-perpetuate-womens-silence Christopher Pyne attempts to rewrite Abbott history, Clarencegirl, North Coast Voices By 14 October 2012, under siege for his sexist views, his position had changed according to The Advocate:A spokesman for Mr Abbott responded that ''administration of RU486, as with other drugs, is a matter for the Therapeutic Goods Administration and the Coalition will not change that''. Or has it? Do we have this change of heart in writing? http://northcoastvoices.blogspot.com.au/2012/10/christopher-pyne-attempts-to-rewrite.html The shout heard ’round the world, Miglo, Café Whispers It bewilders me that our mainstream media is taking such a vociferous and concerted stand against public and international opinion. The impact of the speech is lost on them. One could be forgiven for thinking they have an agenda. Regardless of how much they condemn the Prime Minister, the world isn’t listening. http://cafewhispers.wordpress.com/ Abbott’s Problem With Capable Women, Under The Milky Way He is however a sexist in that he holds the particular prejudice against women that they are unsuited for political leadership. He normally only expresses this sexism towards leftist women as leftists hold views which in his view are inicimal to society’s proper order, but he sometimes expresses that sexism towards his own colleagues. http://indifferencegivesyouafright.wordpress.com/2012/10/16/abbotts-problem-with-capable-women/ The ‘repulsive’ Tony Abbott is a world-famous misogynist, Turn Left 2013 Little did Tony Abbott know that for decades to come he will be the “this man” Prime Minister Julia Gillard is referring to when she says “I will not be lectured about sexism and misogyny by this man”. http://turnleft2013.wordpress.com/2012/10/16/the-repulsive-tony-abbott-is-a-world-famous-misogynist/ Social sphere livid over return of Alan Jones sponsors, Amy Kellow, Ad News MRN chief executive Russell Tate told AdNews about 30 companies had returned to support the controversial broadcaster. While Tate declined to name the specific advertisers, it has been reported that Suzuki, Mazda, Premier Cabs, Masterton Homes and Metro Energy Group are among the group. Blue-chip advertisers including Woolworths, Coles and Harvey Norman have not returned. http://www.adnews.com.au/adnews/social-sphere-livid-over-return-of-alan-jones-sponsors This Is What People Smuggling Looks Like, Audry Belford, The Global Mail He journeyed on a route similar to that taken by thousands of Hazara asylum seekers. From Afghanistan, he travelled through Pakistan and then flew to Thailand, from where he traveled by land, sea and air through Malaysia and Indonesia. From outside Jakarta he boarded a boat to Australia, but when it started to sink, he jumped off in the jungles of western Java. After two days http://www.theglobalmail.org/feature/this-is-what-people-smuggling-looks-like/428/ Gillard’s Delhi challenge: win over India and get the PM down under, Purnendra Jain, The Conversation Gillard’s trip will be a boost for Australia’s case in India. Besides Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and President Pranab Mukherjee, she will meet two of India’s most powerful female political personalities: Sonia Gandhi, President of the Congress Party and party chief of the ruling coalition United Progressive Alliance (UPA) and Sushma Swaraj, opposition leader in the lower house of parliament. http://theconversation.edu.au/gillards-delhi-challenge-win-over-india-and-get-the-pm-down-under-10117 Abbott’s unfair dismissal test, James Thomson, Smart Company Of course, going to the 2013 election with a policy of giving unfair dismissal exemptions to hundreds of thousands of businesses will open Abbott to claims he is heading back towards WorkChoices.Abbott’s unfair dismissal dilemma is of course just part of the wider conundrum he faces on setting his IR policy. http://www.smartcompany.com.au/entrepreneur-watch/abbotta-s-unfair-dismissal-test.html Cash For Votes in O'Farrell's NSW, Justin Field and Norman Thompson, New Matilda This is looking more and more like a political fix to effectively pay off the Shooters’ and Fishers’ Party for their support for government legislation. The Shooters are demanding an additional $340,000 a year from the public purse — a tripling of current administrative funding and an amount that should outrage the opposition parties and the public. http://newmatilda.com/2012/10/16/cash-votes-ofarrells-nsw Today’s Front Pages Australia Newspaper Front Pages for 17 October 2012 http://www.frontpagestoday.co.uk/index.cfm?PaperCountry=Australia :):):):):)

Ad astra reply

17/10/2012LYN'S DAILY LINKS updated: http://www.thepoliticalsword.com/page/LYNS-DAILY-LINKS.aspx


17/10/2012Dennis Shanahan is trying very very VERY hard over at The Australian to maintain that Tony Abbott actually did raise towing the boats back with the President of Indonesia, he just didn't do it personally or during their face to face meeting where other participants might have heard the issue aired. Apparently, it was 'understood'. So, Australia can look forward to having a Psychic Prime Minister Abbott, who can exchange diplomatic niceties mind to mind, with no need to actually enunciate in any form of spoken or written language our country's policies. Which is wonderful, especially for Mister (Master?) Abbott, as now the "gospel truth" doesn't even have to be "scripted" or on paper. It's all in his mind, shared at such a sublime level between him and other world leaders that the rest of us cannot perceive, recognise... or even be quite sure that the other world leaders have actually received his message 'mind to mind'. Only Tony Abbott (and perhaps Dennis Shanahan?) will know the sublime truth. Heartening, isn't it? http://www.theaustralian.com.au/national-affairs/immigration/truth-lost-as-julia-gillard-targets-asylum-talks/story-fn9hm1gu-1226497367257


17/10/2012"When will the destruction end?"...When Murdoch and his "dogs of war" place their boot on the corpse of the "Fair Go". Bushfire Bill has voiced with a calm, cold logic, the bleedin' obvious that seems to have eluded detailed dissection for several years...I go back to the Howard years and the "culture wars" ..and the "Black Armband wars" and the "Bogan blessing Wars"...Howard and his perfidious sidekicks let slip this current pack of mongrels on a once decent, hard-working society to make it more "edgy"..more "dog eat dog" to boost some sort of nationalist conservative competitive bottom line. May they all be dammed in hell!


17/10/2012NormanK - that's about the best Bushfire Bill post I've ever seen written. He does have a way with words, this one is special becuase it is from the heart. Lyn's links got me thinking (again). Normally for overseas political speeches, the Australian media gets some employee/ reporter/ opinion maker based in the same country on the screen in the case of electronic media (or to write a breakout in the print media) to "give the context" of the speech and this is usually achieved through a friendly chat with the "talking head" presenting the show. In the case of Gillard's speech last week, there is a large disconnect between the Australian reporting and the international reporting (any internet search will show you that). There also seems to be a lack of Australian reporters "giving the context" in the international commentry. Is that because 1) International media can't understand why Gillard's speech is not reported with the same enthusiam here as is was overseas, or 2) International media have got past the stage of needing to clock up the "live from whereever" hours to give context to a story? Either way, it says a lot for the Australian media - doesn't it?

Ad astra reply

17/10/2012Hi Lyn We are about to leave for day in Melbourne, and visits to country relatives, and will not be back at the south coast until this evening. I haven’t yet had the time to read your links. I’ll take the iPad in case I get a chance to take a look at [i]TPS[/i] on the way.


17/10/2012Good Morning Ad, Victoria and Everybody, 2353 did you see my post to you last night, I wanted to see what you think. Twitterverse for you all :- chris murphy ‏· http://www.murphyslawyers.com/christopher-murphy NewsLtd hysteria! 5 of 6 P1 articles The Australian attack Labor. Seems Tony Abbott's changed his name to Dennis Shanahan cool! #auspol Denise ‏ Abbott mentioned sexism & misogyny in his speech before the pm spoke. Hansard: http://parlinfo.aph.gov.au/parlInfo/search/display/display.w3p;db=CHAMBER;id=chamber%2Fhansardr%2F5a0ebb6b-c6c8-4a92-ac13-219423c2048d%2F0037;query=Id%3A%22chamber%2Fhansardr%2F5a0ebb6b-c6c8-4a92-ac13-219423c2048d%2F0000%22 Denise ‏ Julie Bishop mentioned it too http://parlinfo.aph.gov.au/parlInfo/search/display/display Case based on politics, Thomson lawyer says, Lenore Taylor http://www.smh.com.au/opinion/political-news/case-based-on-politics-thomson-lawyer-says-20121016-27p4v.html Bushfire Bill Posted Wednesday, October 17, 2012 at 7:48 am | Permalink They trash the economy and governance at every turn. They run red herring stories, such as the Slipper business last week that bears little scrutiny when compared to the facts, traditions and conventions of legal and governmental matters. They are again trying to run a story about the Prime Minister’s dealings with a law firm from 17 years ago, while ignoring the present, except to pour scorn upon it. http://blogs.crikey.com.au/pollbludger/2012/10/15/essential-research-53-47-to-coalition-5/?comment_page=30/#comment-1443508 Bushfire Bill Posted Tuesday, October 16, 2012 at 10:06 pm | Permalink It was fun at first: slagging off “the bitch” and whingeing about the “Carbon Tax” and “The Lie”,but the only businesses that can turn these into profits are the hate media with their never-ending slagging and bagging of anything the government does. For their tiny audiences, and all the upset they sow, the rest of the business world is paying a high price indeed. http://blogs.crikey.com.au/pollbludger/2012/10/15/essential-research-53-47-to-coalition-5/?comment_page=27/#comment-1443365 Financial Review ‏ Macquarie Dictionary to add second definition of misogyny after PM @JuliaGillard's #gender speech [free] http://bit.ly/TtN66L #auspol ABC News ‏ Julia Gillard's speech on misogyny prompts the Macquarie Dictionary to broaden its definition of the word http://bit.ly/U0FdLu Catcalls, cuties, blow up dolls... Australian PM Julia Gillard was right about a woman's place in politics , The Independent UK Gillard wasn’t just right to make the speech she did. It was utterly vital for her to send an alternative message to young women: that sexism in politics shouldn’t be tolerated, that they have the right to aspire to any career they choose, and that misogyny should not, and will not, be allowed to stand in their way http://www.independent.co.uk/voices/comment/catcalls-cuties-blow-up-dolls-australian-pm-julia-gillard-was-right-about-a-womans-place-in-politics-8213117.html May Abbott continue, says Gillard The Prime Minister admitted it was a hard question - then answered by saying: ''I hope he is Leader of the Opposition for the rest of his life.'' http://www.theage.com.au/opinion/political-news/may-abbott-continue-says-gillard-20121016-27pm7.html#ixzz29V4amGSS Doubts on Abbott's tunnel promise, OPPOSITION Leader Tony Abbott never spoke to the co-ordinator at Infrastructure Australia — or his office — about the controversial east-west tunnel in Melbourne, which a Coalition government would fund to the tune of $1.5 billion. Mr Abbott had claimed he had consulted the authority before announcing his plan. The revelations have raised questions about how the Coalition would plan and pay for the project. Public transport user groups said the comments highlight the fact Mr Abbott was a ‘‘road lobbyist’’. http://www.smh.com.au/opinion/political-news/doubts-on-abbotts-tunnel-promise-20121016-27oo3.html#ixzz29V3f2RX8 grace pettigrew Greg Sheridan and The Australian rewrite history today. Abbott truly really did tell SBY about towing boats, so shut up. See? Its easy. Corey Blacksell ‏ Gillard File Missing Say Lawyers Via the SMH http://m.smh.com.au/opinion/political-news/gillard-files-missing-say-lawyers-20121016-27pfq.html … The Age ‏@theage PM displays a straight bat by playing the cricket card http://www.theage.com.au/opinion/political-news/pm-displays-a-straight-bat-by-playing-the-cricket-card-20121016-27p3k.html … Garth Morrison The #CanberraLiberals can't be trusted. No costings = No genuine policy or plan. #Canberra #ACTelection2012 http://m.canberratimes.com.au/act-news/liberals-keep-costings-cards-close-to-their-chest-20121016-27oho.html … ABC The Drum Campbell Newman's public service cuts & resulting job losses have disproportionately affected women, writes @GrogsGamut http://bit.ly/P7Yh9K Dennis Atkins ‏ Why the Thomson/HSU mess is all bad for Labor #auspol #insiders http://www.couriermail.com.au/news/opinion/party-games-thomson-case-hurts-very-core-of-labor/story-e6frerc6-1226497336044 … Wendy Bacon ‏ Gittins puts it so well in SMH today: Current low rate of dole is indefensible. @ACOSS @mareeoh @justanotweet http://www.theage.com.au/opinion/politics/poverty-always-the-poor-relation-20121016-27ozv.html … … Australian News Ashby settlement was Government's third offer: The $50,000 settlement between the Commonwealth ... http://bit.ly/WvS9Z7 #ausnews #uavaus AshGhebranious ‏ BREAKING! Coalition to move to Cambridge Dictionary from now on| Macquarie Dictionary has last word on misogyny http://bit.ly/V6WiF4 Lisa Éire ♥ Mirabella caught out on parenting payments | http://media.theage.com.au/news/national-news/mirabella-caught-out-on-parenting-payments-3717536.html … | via TheAge Eric Campbell Roving reporter with ABC Australia television program 'Foreign Correspondent' Have just taken a screen shot of Piers Akerman's readers comments (just in case) http://blogs.news.com.au/dailytelegraph/piersakerman/index.php/dailytelegraph/comments/those_cheers_for_pms_speech_miss_the_point/#commentsmore … The Mongrel News ‏ Crackerman deleted a blog post? Or just the libellous comments? http://blogs.news.com.au/dailytelegraph/piersakerman/index.php/dailytelegraph/comments/those_cheers_for_pms_speech_miss_the_point/#commentsmore … :):):)


17/10/2012 Stacey & I watched angry Scott Morrison have a hissy fit on Lateline last nite...Emma Albericci didn't cop any bullying tactics from him...really DRILLED him. He came across like a petty spoilt schoolboy after awhile...pissed he couldn't get his way. Morrison mentioned Abbott and him had been to the Indonesian palace...Stace larfed and said [b]THE LITTLE BOY BLUES ASKED FOR THE PALACE PACKAGE.[/b] We roared with laughter. N'


17/10/2012 The PM has come across like a colourful shining light in India...warm and inviting. Beautiful. N'


17/10/2012Lyn, the last two links in your previous post are "broken." Was the entire post deleted, not just the comments?


17/10/2012Michael 'Psychic diplomacy' is a natural response to the undermining effects of Wikileaks - it's no longer safe to put things in writing or to give voice to them. Luckily, we have Australian journalists who can interpret psychic messages. All is well. 2353 That is an interesting observation that hadn't occurred to me. It won't have made the Australia-based contextualists very happy to know that their services were not required in this instance.


17/10/2012Hi Lyn, Yes I did see you post last night (but was supposed to be doing three other things at the time), so after some thought ... Yes it is a nasty headline which I suppose is a result of the convention that while the PM is overseas, they don't comment on Australian politics. While it might be the convention, I believe Howard did comment on Australian politics while in the US immediately after the Twin Tower attack (and probably did on other occasions as well). His example at the time was considered as being that of a "statesman" from memory. While Abbott's apparent reluctance to discuss imposing a problem on Indonesia with the Indonesian President is nowhere near as "important" as the Twin Tower attacks on Sept 11, Gillard was asked the question by the media - it seems she didn't bring the issue up. Having nowhere else to go (no answer would have certainly generated headlines), she answered the question, allowing the media (one of which caused the situation) to criticise Gillard for non-compliance with a convention to stay out of domestic politics from overseas. It should also be noted that the PM at a forum in India was also asked about Abbott and made a very gracious response which has also been reported (in context judging on what I saw this moring on the TV).


17/10/2012 To both OPTUS & APPLE...if you really had yer shit together and my internet speeds and iPad ran properly I would've got three times as much done this morning. Sick and tired of slow speeds and losing wi-fi connection. Bring on the NBN. Apologies to all the past coupla days I haven't replied to yet. Back later when system decides to work properly. N'


17/10/20122353 Thankyou glad I reminded you because your post was worth waiting for. Know the feeling well of doing 3 things at once and sneaking to the Computer in between. Abbott's presser this morning: Latika Bourke ‏ OL Tony Abbott says Australians are tired of cheap personal attacks and he'll leave the 'cheap grubby smears' to the Labor Party. Denise ‏@denniallen @ABCNews24 @TonyAbbottMHR ..Y did yr reporter not challenge Abbott on his BS/Abbott has used vicious personal attacks on PM 4 2 years! :):) :)

Tom of Melbourne

17/10/2012NBN costs about $2200 for every person n the country. I’m sure my elderly mother will be glad to know that the result of her $2000 will be more blogging by Nasking. That’s money well spent.

Tom of Melbourne

17/10/2012So Nicola Roxon had 17 (or 19) lawyers on the Ashby/Slipper case. She directly intervened in the running commentary with her” vexatious litigant” line. She wasted $700,000 and coughed up at the end, and basically admitted fault because she agreed that the government policies and training were inadequate, and that a new version was required. Great outcome for Roxon.


17/10/2012 Romney stood there during the tax debate like a patriarchal corporate fascist overlord. Stace and I just shook our heads. That guy is not only inconsistent...he's far pushier than we realised. Long war here we come...if he gets in. And Stace said: I can see women's pay plunging under Romney...being squeezed out of the healthcare system. Scary. N'


17/10/2012 Loved when Obama put the need for cleaner energy in a competitive framework...showing that America needs to lead...not lag behind China & Germany. Obama superb when he's deconstructing Romney's tax plan...showing how much burden Romney is gonna put on the deficit...without really explaining how he's gonna find cuts. N'


17/10/2012 Romney clearly doesn't have a great deal of respect for women in power who block him...the way he spoke over Candy Crowley the moderator was not only disrespectful...but demonstrated he has no respect for rules...creates his own rules. Typical aggressive Wall St, investment banker, predator corporation type. Considering how ill his wife has been...I see now the kind of pushy, ambitious character Romney is...and why he pushes her so hard. It's all about MITT. SCHNELL...SCHNELL ANNE!!!! YA' VOL MEIN KOMMANDANT N'


17/10/2012 Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act of 2009 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lilly_Ledbetter_Fair_Pay_Act N'


17/10/2012 [b]Do you like seeing lying liars start to lose their sh_t?[/b] http://front.moveon.org/want-to-see-romney-start-to-unravel/?rc=fb.fan N'


17/10/2012 [b]Candy Crowley Fact Checks Mitt Romney On Libya (VIDEO)[/b] http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/10/16/candy-crowley-fact-checks-mitt-romney-libya_n_1972313.html?ir=Politics&ncid=edlinkusaolp00000009 N'


17/10/2012 [b]MSNBC panel: ‘U-turn’ performance gives Obama big win[/b] http://tv.msnbc.com/2012/10/16/msnbc-panel-u-turn-performance-gives-obama-big-win/ N'


17/10/2012 Interesting comment from the Fairfax live blog of the US Presidental Debate. Given the media in this country can't even report an opinion poll correct ly (indicating the margin of error and in print repeating the questions so that bias is apparent), how long do you think it will take them to do what CNN was doing today our time? [i]Also, notice how CNN is keeping the question on screen throughout the answers? This seems to be in response to research by two Harvard academics the network interviewed earlier today, Todd Rogers and Michael Norton. They recently researched how much US politicians “pivot” from the question they are asked to the question they want to give, and how often TV audiences detect the. Nearly always and barely ever, apparently. They recommended TV stations leave questions on screen throughout answers to encourage proper responses. [/i] http://www.brisbanetimes.com.au/opinion/politics/blogs/the-pulse/obama-versus-romney-live-october-17-2012-20121017-27q2p.html#ixzz29WVddB00 All sides of the political fence in Australia are past masters in answering the question they believe you should have asked. This research and implementation is an interesting outcome and points to at least some media "getting" accountability and fairness. It was also interesting that the Debate Moderator "fact checked" a participant on the fly to ensure the record and the claims were correct. While I'm not a big supporter of the US in general (admittedly based on only a smallt ime there in 2011), their media generally seems to be making an effort to be fair and reasonable - and then you have Foxnews (owned by NewsCorp).


17/10/2012 2353, CNN's poll is skewed towards Republicans. They benefit from LIVE war. Viewers hook-in with LIVE WAR. Consequently, CNN will SPIN SPIN SPIN like Fox/Faux News...and use other tactics to bring down Obama... he obviously doesn't WAR enuff for them. But WAR costs. Especially DUMB WARS...created from bogus and sexed-up evidence. N'


17/10/2012 Furthermore...and significant...why does CNN use a yellow line to represent women on its Undecided Voters worm? They get lost due to being similar to the base white line...and the men's stands out...green being such a strong colour related to nature. Sure, we have green and gold in Aussie sports... but that women's line is hard to see if you have eye probs like me. N'


17/10/2012 Should be: [b]and the men's line stands out[/b] N'

Tom of Melbourne

17/10/2012It’s interesting that various groups have spent the week flat out trying to redefine the term “misogynist”. Can anyone point to an article, definition or academic paper that used the term as a synonym for “sexist” – before mid October 2012? Gillard is just making up the language as she goes, and the ALP cheer club fall into line with her. You know… • breach of a written commitment is not breaking a promise • a middle aged, professional woman can claim to be “young & naïve” • a “slush fund” is also a fund established for the safety of union members [/b]Which politician is telling the truth?[/b]


17/10/2012Nas - I didn't see the Debate but wouldn't have placed much credence in the Worm (having seen the Channel 9 version). While my colour vision is ok, I work with some people that are colour blind and can easily understand that you could have problems separating the various colours. Patterns or numbers on the screen are probably a better option. All that being said, the concept of leaving the question up on the screen while the answers are being given is novel, would give those with a degree of intelligence the ability to see if the question is actually being answered - something for which the broadcaster should be acknowledged.

Truth Seeker

17/10/2012Hey Swordsters, thought you might need a distraction. And now for some light relief, based on that old tried and true refrain “in your guts you know he’s nuts” All trolls look away…. NOW! In your guts you know he’s nuts. In your guts… you know he’s nuts The Abbott’s more than a… political clutz His mouth springs open While his brain just shuts If the Abbott played golf he’d play No drive… bad putts It’s really sad.. the Abbott’s mad His economic creds.. are just plain bad On… foreign… policy He’s… a bit of a…. lad And his attitude to Women Is rough… just a tad He’s politically lazy.. but he’s also crazy His policy platform’s… kinda hazy His ears.. might be cauliflower But his brain’s… pure daisy And his temperament he struggles with Cos his anger’s… quite.. blazey Though lacking hearts.. his team.. play their parts With very few finishes …despite.. plenty of starts Avoiding talk on… policy Yet defending Abbotts.. brain farts While their lies.. spin and dishonesty Are rating…. off the charts Chrissy Pyne.. thinks he’s just.. fine But the mincing poodle’s… full of whine Bishops class… is just a farce As she’s always talking through her… arse Sloppy Joe Hockey… is always cocky Though to say the least.. his maths are rocky Barnaby…. lets his mouth.. run free But he can’t see the wood.. cos it’s hidden in the tree Turnbulls creds… are all in.. shreds As he’s aligned himself… with the farting heads And the whole front bench.. has an awful stench Like a rotting carcase beaten.. with a monkey wrench And it’s really sad… that they’re all quite mad Pushing ideas… that are old… and bad And they’re all quite lazy… and completely crazy With a policy platform…. that’s incredibly hazy And everyone with him… is a political clutz And in your guts.. you know they’re ALL.. bloody… nuts Cheers


17/10/2012 Lyn...superb job on links and tweets...per usual. From Drum [b]Campbell Newman's public service cuts & resulting job losses have disproportionately affected women, writes @GrogsGamut http://bit.ly/P7Yh9K [/b] Why doesn't that surprise me? The fella who had Abbott hanging off him like a ventriloquist. When Costello wasn't putting his hand inside the Newman doll. N'


17/10/2012[quote]Dennis Shanahan is trying very very VERY hard over at The Australian to maintain that Tony Abbott actually did raise towing the boats back with the President of Indonesia, he just didn't do it personally or during their face to face meeting where other participants might have heard the issue aired.[/quote] Must be psychic messages, Michael. Or an out of work Borg connected to the Liars hive mind. That would be scary even for bad guys like the Borg. Judging by the puzzled looks he gets from other world leaders, I don't think they've been connected to the world wide Abbottweb. A timely rant from BB, NormanK. How is it that BB's QLD customer was unable to put 2+2 together to see where the blame lies? How can these people not know that wholesale sackings=very bad news for business (even when it's [i]just public servants[/i] being sacked)? Apparently, public servants live in suspended animation, released only to go to work, requiring neither food nor drink, housing nor holidays, clothing nor transport. [quote]Luckily, we have Australian journalists who can interpret psychic messages.[/quote] They're even smarter than that. They can receive and interpret psychic messages ever before they hit the ether. When the news cycle is a bit slow, they do the mind reading circuit. They do have to cover their heads though, those antennae are a dead giveaway. 2353 @8.50am, they don't give the context because they'd have to admit that Liealot got exactly what he's been begging for for the last 2+ years; a bollocking from the PM.


17/10/2012 [quote]All that being said, the concept of leaving the question up on the screen while the answers are being given is novel, would give those with a degree of intelligence the ability to see if the question is actually being answered - something for which the broadcaster should be acknowledged.[/quote] 2353, I agree wholeheartedly. My apologies...typical male I was rushing like a runaway truck...and didn't read thru the post properly. You make a fine point. Per usual. Thank goodness Obama is a thoughtful, calm , reflective and wide thinker...and surrounded by amazing, intelligent, articulate, thoughtful and pro-active women...who study the details. N'


17/10/2012 Michael wrote: [quote][b]Dennis Shanahan [/b]is trying very very VERY hard over at [b]The Australian to maintain that Tony Abbott [/b]actually did raise towing the boats back with the President of Indonesia, he just didn't do it personally or during their face to face meeting where other participants might have heard the issue aired.[/quote] jane relied: [b]Must be psychic messages, Michael. Or an out of work Borg connected to the Liars hive mind. That would be scary even for bad guys like the Borg. Judging by the puzzled looks he gets from other world leaders, I don't think they've been connected to the world wide Abbottweb.[/b] Spot on jane. Spot on. :D Well said. The Australian as BORG. [b]A Borg is a collective proper noun for a fictional alien race in the productions of the science fiction series Star Trek. The Borg are a collection of species that have turned into cybernetic organisms functioning as drones of the collective the hive, pseudo-race, dwelling in the Star Trek universe. The Borg take other species by force into the collective and connect them to "the hive mind"; the act is called assimilation and entails violence, abductions, and injections of cybernetic implants. The Borg's ultimate goal is "achieving perfection". [/b] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Borg_(Star_Trek) Is Rupert Murdoch the Borg Queen? N'


17/10/2012 Slowly going thru debate...loved Obama talking about small business...enforcing regulations and prosecuting to create an even playing field for small business... and the slam dunk on Romney when he Obama demonstrated Romney's willingness to vote with the Tea Party hijacked, corporate greedster hijacked Republican party...Romney said ME TOO...ME TOO...ME TOO. Slam dunk...and...HOLE IN ONE. N'


17/10/2012I put this up over at the Poll Bludger site but it also applies to TPS even though we operate at a slower tempo with less contributors. One of the more interesting phenomena to come out of the information wars being fought between the Old Media and the New is forums like PB. What is rapidly turning me into a blog junkie is the fact that there are dozens of people monitoring the newspapers, the news sites, radio, Twitter, Facebook, television news and other live-to-air broadcasts and doing instant fact-checks. Not just on vaguely esoteric facts like the unemployment figures of July 1983 and whether they correspond with a statement that has been made but everything from the veracity of someone's version of history that they want to promote through to reports tabled, speeches given, press releases issued and so on. Bushfire Bill has very aptly described the old way of going about reporting as being linear. The new way of investigating the veracity of statements made and placing them into their correct context is more akin to a firework explosion. Gillard says: blah blah blah. (I'll use Gillard as an example to defuse the potential for arguments of bias on my part) From that central point a thousand streaks of light radiate out into the ether to ascertain :- whether her claims are true; who else has said what else on the subject; what reports have been published studying this subject; what was Gillard's stance on this subject last year, last decade; whether her remarks conflict with those of other members of her party; and on it goes. Within minutes of the remarks being made, Twitter and other social media will come alive with concrete verifiable examples of the veracity of the comment. Meanwhile, our esteemed journalists will be ruminating on what this means for the polls, questions of leadership and political manoeuvring and perhaps a bit of dredging through the memory banks from some of the older contributors. It seems an odd thing to me that media houses have barely scraped the surface of the uses to which new technology can be put. During the last election campaign, around the time of Grog's condemnation of the shallowness of political reporting, I mused aloud why it was that instantaneous communication technology was not being better deployed. Two of the defences offered up with regard to the shallowness of the questions asked after a stunt was that the staff on the campaign bus are often junior and don't know where they are going the next day and therefore are given insufficient time to prepare through research. Simple solution - create a news room. Once the (normally) junior journalist has established that the destination is a school and the topic is likely to be education, the news room can gather together knowledgeable people, be they journalists, editors or experts, either physically present to watch the press conference or hooked up with via the available technology. Individuals who are skilled at performing on-line research can also be at the ready. As soon as Gillard says that Labor has doubled funding for blah blah blah, the keyboards and telephone lines can get to work. Before the end of her prepared speech, the journalist on the ground can be given background information pertinent to the announcement and even be coached as to what questions to ask should the opportunity present itself. This would diminish the need to ask Gillard about the boots that she is wearing; provide important follow-up information as the nuances of the day's announcement are teased out; put the politician to the test of being across the subject matter; and assist in ensuring that politicians don't tell porkies just because they reckon they can get away with it long enough to get tonight's sound-bite out into the electorate. The model already exists but it would seem media houses are reluctant to adapt to the new world. During the Presidential debate today I'm sure there were hundreds of thousands, possibly millions, of Americans researching every utterance and coming up with counterclaims or evidence supporting contentions made. Surely monitoring Twitter, PB or a reputable right of centre blog would yield valuable information as the thousands of participants conduct free research. This information doesn't have to be taken at face value, it can be checked. Nor am I suggesting that opinions expressed in such places be given too much credibility but they might spark the imagination of an opinion writer and send them off in a direction that might not have otherwise occurred to them. To bring this into a concrete context (because we must, you know), after Gillard's speech (in part) on misogyny and the immediate derision of her for accusing Abbott of hating women, on social media there were many and varied references to reliable sources that pointed out that the meaning of the word had shifted considerably over recent decades. These were verifiable, academic definitions from a variety of sources including the feminist movement which surely should have been the first port of call. And yet our thoroughly modern ABC (among others) continued to promote the idea that the old definition was the only one applicable in the circumstances. Recently there was a journalist cited as asking "when was the last time a blog broke a story"? Well, social media broke the story of 'misogyny' having a meaning outside of current dictionary definitions. Why media houses are not tapping into this free resource is beyond me.




17/10/2012 Well said Norman. Could be a post. N'


17/10/2012I hate to engage trolls, but "misogynist" was used before the Prime Minister's speech - by Tony Abbott! Abbott claimed that Slipper's private text messages were sexist and misogynist - has anybody verified that Slipper's texts were misogynist - using the "old" definition that the "journalist hive mind" have been using - or is it only the [b]Prime Minister's[/b] speech that is being held up to scrutiny? Why is it that Abbott's speeches go straight through to the keeper without any fact checking (probably because nobody was listening), but the Prime Minister, while quoting Tony Abbott, has her speech examined through a microscope?


17/10/2012I know there have been calls for AA to show a degree of mercy and "put down" the urban troll. But I say it is an interesting case study to watch the slow disintergration of the conservative mind....Like those stories of the CIA. ships discretely following those of the Russian Navy and trawling up discarded scraps of shredded paper and whatnot, then reassembling them to seek out clues and hints of intrigue!...a little mystery here, a little paranoia there...throw in a conspiricy or two and finish with a flourish of the absurd and VOILA!....he makes his point.....: "chirrup, chirrup!"...: the sound of those who take his comments seriously.


17/10/2012 [b]My TPS allies, I was so slow this week that I've only just finished getting through the entirity of "The Australian" newspaper. I was INCENSED! I was MAD! I wigged out. And I sent "The Australian" this e-mail: To: <letters@theaustralian.com.au> Greg Sheridon used to be a must-read regarding foreign affairs. WTF did you do to him??? Now he's just a Tony Abbott synchophant arse-licker. This is news? No longer buying your paper (ANY of them!). You even tried to "contextualise" Julia Gillard's speech, the equivalent of Keating's Redfern Speech. Rupert can get stuffed! Mark my words, and get back to me when this happens & you have to eat crow - Labor will win the next Frederal Election. "Donig a Shannahan" lol Next time, it will be "Doing a Sheridan". The lot of you are pathetic, partisan hacks. Liz Spencer (Actual phone number inserted here) Feel free to call me if you can bring yourself to defend your truly woeful behaviour. L. [/b] TWO THUMBS UP LIBBY The Abbott/Murdoch virus has MUTATED many in the MSM. N'


17/10/2012NormanK [i]"when was the last time a blog broke a story"? [/i] I'd suggest Wixxy's Jacksonville would be a first class example of both breaking the story & an example of a article being willfully ignored by the MSM. The interaction on this site, [all be it a bit slower the PB] is a more personal level where intelligent more concise opinions & aspects are discussed, with Lyn's link's it is unlike any other blog, it is a real time new age paper not pushing it's own commercial barrow. A model that has set a standard for others to try to follow, Lyn gives TPS the depth of subjects in real time that is missing from all other blogs. [b][u] For which we owe her a debt of gratitude.[/u][/b]


17/10/2012 [b]NBN costs about $2200 for every person n the country. I’m sure my elderly mother will be glad to know that the result of her $2000 will be more blogging by Nasking. That’s money well spent. [/b] ToM, my wife Stacey reckons that's money well spent. :D I might not be born Aussie which might disturb the likes of you...but I luv this country enuff havin' lived here on and off for 30+ years of my 51 to give it all I've got. I know a great place when I see, live in one. I also recognise potential...like my small business owning...investment appreciating...monopolising, dominating corporation wary Dad in Canada... and this country has heaps. Provided greedy dickheads don't fck it and the world up. The NBN will provide brilliant opportunities for small business and contractors...and innovators. That's why Murdoch and co. don't like it. The privileged few wanna keeping bathing in gold...and thieving on EASY STREET. Well fck them N'


17/10/2012 and this country has heaps. POTENTIAL that is. N'


17/10/2012 [b]Vikram Pandit's Citigroup Departure The Latest In A String Of Bank's Debacles[/b] http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/10/16/vikram-pandit-departure-citigroup_n_1970378.html Don't even get me started on Citigroup/Citibank. Anyone who has followed my comments & posts since 2004 knows how I feel about this lot. More investigations into them the better. Get off yer lazy, Borg/Murdoch-controlled butts MSM. The people require the TRUTH. WE'RE COMING. N'

Tom of Melbourne

17/10/2012[i]” I'd suggest Wixxy's Jacksonville would be a first class example of both breaking the story & an example of a article being willfully ignored by the MSM.[/i] The only problem was that it was mainly speculation, made up, fact free, self admitted “mud throwing”…all intended to act as a “look over there” as an alternative to the interesting story about an ALP MP who apparently misused hundreds and hundreds of thousands $$$$$$ of union members cash on prostitutes and personal expenses.


17/10/2012Spot on, Khtagh. Wixxy nailed that story to the mast..in capital letters! The fact that the MSM. has not run with it proves this is all a political stunt. BUT..I do trust Mr. Thom(no P)son is taking notes of who said what outside of privlidge. I would suspect he could retire from parliament on the settlement agreements alone...they'll have to queue around the corner of the courthouse waiting to be litigated!


17/10/2012 [b]And it’s really sad… that they’re all quite mad Pushing ideas… that are old… and bad And they’re all quite lazy… and completely crazy With a policy platform…. that’s incredibly hazy And everyone with him… is a political clutz And in your guts.. you know they’re ALL.. bloody… nuts[/b] Truth Seeker...like that. Was once a saner party. Just. N'


17/10/2012 More from Lyn's tweets: [b]The Age ‏@theage PM displays a straight bat by playing the cricket card www.theage.com.au/.../...-card-20121016-27p3k.html … [/b] The PM gets both Howard and Abbott on this trip... Howard slips...poor performance. Abbott OUT mouth before wicket. :D N'


17/10/2012 Great to see a commenting mate from Road to Surfdom and Lavartus Prodeo: [b]GRACE PETTIGREW[/b] [quote]Greg Sheridan and The Australian rewrite history today. Abbott truly really did tell SBY about towing boats, so shut up. See? Its easy. [/quote] Greg will be trying to sell us on the Abbott is Ironman bit soon...can use his powers to push the boats back. Nup...we know Abbott for what he truly is: LEAD BALLOON He'd just SINK. N'


17/10/2012The beauty of blogs is that the story can be proved to be a beat up virtually as soon as it hits the msm airwaves. No-one except few brain dead tories buy lies printed on paper....regardless of how many chips need wrapping and birdcages need cleaning. Normank great post...as are they all.


17/10/2012 I'll continue over here so I don't interrupt. http://www.facebook.com/nick.king.1232760?ref=tn_tnmn N'

Tom of Melbourne

17/10/2012The beauty of blogs is that people like Wicks can be called for the stuff they make up. As has happened to him.


17/10/2012ToM, Wicks blocked you didn't he? I guess he also got sick of your lies!

Tom of Melbourne

17/10/2012No Jason, Wicks got tired of me pointing that he was making up stuff, and that is exactly what he did. After he blocked me he tried to continue the debate on email! What a tosser.


17/10/2012 Oh yea: I'll tell ya why I don't have alot of time for both [b]David Hicks and Julian Assange[/b] these days... I reckon both are egomaniacs who have made some bad decisions...and are [b]PATRIARCHS[/b]...who wanna make big bucks off their crappy behaviour. Sure, one was used by the [b]morally bankrupt Bush & Howard admins[/b] to make a point... and DISTRACT from war crimes... the other never really bothered to reveal the EXTENT of those [b]war crimes[/b]... nor the complicit strategies and tactics of many in the [b]MSM and financial institutions[/b]... but probably has been over threatened. How I see it...if yer gonna push against the system...at least have the dignity not to get [b]rich[/b] doing so. Because then...yer just [b]THE MAN[/b]. N'


17/10/2012Ad I'm sorry to say this, but I don't think it is very nice to use TPS to slag off someone from another site because they banned said person. [i] After he blocked me he tried to continue the debate on email! What a tosser.[/i] Its like Abbott, just abuse & forget the truth. Is it time out for the spoilt brat, sit him in the naughty chair for a few weeks maybe?


17/10/2012Hi Ad and Everybody NormanK thankyou for you once again fabulous post @ 4.29pm. (“What is rapidly turning me into a blog junkie is the fact that there are dozens of people monitoring the newspapers, the news sites, radio, Twitter, Facebook, television news and other live-to-air broadcasts and doing instant fact-checks. Not just on vaguely esoteric facts” ) NormanK there would not be a nasty word uttered or a nasty piece of behaviour by Abbott that has not been posted on Twitter, links and more links. I don’t have time to read PB but I suspect the same applies to the many reliable informative posters who comment there. As you say below, in the excerpt from your post “verifiable examples”. They truly are amazing. This afternoon the Obama debate is reported word for word in tweet after tweet nearly as good as watching on TV. (“Within minutes of the remarks being made, Twitter and other social media will come alive with concrete verifiable examples of the veracity of the comment”). Hello Khtagh, thankyou for your post @ 4.58pm and your kind words about our valuable, reputable, respectable, reliable ,” better than the rest TPS”. You are right about Wixxy he has done the hard yards, investigative jounalism and he deserves a medal. The MSM are just so far behind it’s not funny. Nasking thankyou for your hard work, your work is always enjoyable and you know I love your appreciation. I read with interest your wife Stacy’s achievements, tell her congratulations from me. Stacey deserves a fantastic, extremely pleasing husband like yourself. News anyone: I suppose this will be tomorrow’s headlines: Julia Gillard slips and loses a shoe on visit to New Delhi , Phillip Hudson The Prime Minister was spread-eagled and broke her fall with her hands. Gillard famously lost a shoe as she was being whisked from the Australia Day riot in Canberra in January and has also lost footwear during the last election campaign. http://www.news.com.au/national/julia-gillard-spread-eagled-as-she-fell-after-losing-her-shoe-on-a-visit-to-new-delhi-in-india/story-fndo4eg9-1226497905553#auspol Turn Left Jules, theres a lesson in today, give up the slip on heels, time to wear combat boots, or steel caps, or hob nail boots Smackdown Geek ‏@geeksrulz News you won't find on MSM. That's what The Twitter News is for: http://tinyurl.com/9g5petj #culturalcontext Janet Cumming ‏ And, @abcnews where can I find the coverage of Tony Abbott's foot on table gaff? :):):)

Truth Seeker

17/10/2012Nas, yes I thought that last verse tied it all together nicely. Cheers BTW , what do you think of the new gravatar? Cheers again


17/10/2012 [b]Men can be QUEENS... why not women SHE-KINGS?[/b] http://m.youtube.com/#/watch?v=MUQv97S7m54&desktop_uri=%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DMUQv97S7m54 sanking


17/10/2012 Lyn, Yer a valuable and wondrous friend...and observer like me...and supplier of sooo useful and enLIGHTning information. WE would not be where WE are without YOU sanking

Tom of Melbourne

17/10/2012KHTAGH, if you think “tosser” is abuse, you’ve neglected to read much of what Jason has to say. I don’t really blame you tough for scrolling past his comments. However, it is a fact that Wicks has just made stuff up. You might find that inconvenient to your political orientation, but there is no getting away from the fact.

Ad astra reply

17/10/2012Hi Lyn I’m at last back at my computer after a long and tiring day. I did catch the ABC TV News, and the ‘Gillard fall’, shown twice, I suppose for those who missed this epoch-making event the first time! I also read the details in the sarcastic Hudson piece. What does it say about our MSM that this is a lead story? It’s no wonder it is hitting the turf faster than Julia’s fall. It is pitiable. Is it any wonder so many have abandoned the Fourth Estate? I’m calling it a day. I’ll respond to comments tomorrow.


17/10/2012NormanK - AA's right, you should write for this blog. Your posts today have been gems. Nas @ 4:59 - This Country (and I suspect Canada) have their best days ahead of them. THey are both relatively young, stable with n ethic (amongst most) of looking after the other members of the society they live in. I spent 3 weeks in Canada last year (might have told you that before) and wish it could have been a lot longer!. Spending money on the NBN is probably just as necessary as the money spent on railways from the 1850's, telephone from the 1920's , decent roads (ongoing) and electricity. The NBN is already reducing barriers in education, medicine and general communication - and will be in place for decades, is upgradable and will in the end make a profit. Knee High - While I have also called for the urban troll's banning in the past, just think of the comic relief we wouldn't get while the posts become more shrill


17/10/2012 SHE'S A SUPERSTAR: http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=1xIGyp9efXU N'


17/10/2012 SLOWDIVE - Alison http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=dDg8ZFSkJOY sanking


17/10/2012Read it in the [b][i]context[/i] [/b]of the poodle the last week, sorry I didn't realise it would go over your head, too complex & in depth I suppose, I wish fishing in the local water was so easy. Back to ignoring you now I see your even beyond basic ironic sarcasm.


17/10/2012 LUSH - HYPOCRITE http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=buz5D8OWmRc sanking


17/10/2012 MP Sophie M. claims on Richo show on Sky News that “Bob Brown’s bitch” etc. signs at the rally were changed after she, Abbott and B.Bishop got on stage and were an “ambush”


17/10/2012 Hold me Now: The Thompson Twins http://m.youtube.com/watch?feature=related&v=SpZ9gEKBoYI sanking


17/10/20122353 While I have also called for the urban troll's banning in the past, [i]just think of the comic relief we wouldn't get while the posts become more shrill[/i] Yes this was my point also, the last time someone called for [i]urban troll's banning [/i] But hey if he takes offense why should we stand in his way. Also the reason I thought he might have tweaked that is was sarcastic.


17/10/2012 Request by Stacey: [b]Tracy Chapman - Talkin' Bout A Revolution[/b] http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=fm1-jPEAe9s sanking


17/10/2012 To my blogging friends...mates...buddies...enLUMINESCENT everlong http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=m3SjCzA71eM WE CAN BE HEROES eh Truth Seeker? nasking/sanking


17/10/2012 Last song for the nite from one of OUR fave bands...probally forgotten by many in the tempest of almost four decades...but not in this HOME: natures way...spirit http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=YsTK2LHZKPQ

Tom of Melbourne

17/10/2012The reality is that people use the term “troll” on political blogs when they’ve run out of logic.

Truth Seeker

17/10/2012Nas, absolutely. We had the best music, and the funny thing is that even todays teenagers (that I teach) want me to teach them how to play songs from the 60's, 70's and early 80's, and when I ask them why, they tell me that we had some of the best music ever. Smart kids! Cheers


17/10/2012 TRUTH...i luv this film...WE shoulda made sure it was HER...'staid of HIM...that had to REDEEM but that's LIFE In this UNIVERSE no wonder I luv FRINGE...and PARKS AND RECREATION... And COMMUNITY everytime I look out...think we're lost i hear the DRUMS WE look at the MOON the SUN... feel the breeze. feel the change


17/10/2012Hi Truth Seeker Meant to tell you before, love your Gravatar. :):):)


17/10/2012 http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=TwfZyQeinTI WILD AT HEart N'


17/10/2012 Patricia Rozema Interview, Part 1/4 - The Seventh Art: Issue 3, Section 1 http://m.youtube.com/#/watch?v=_gtLtJYBlos WE love(d)...who can find------Mermaids in Canuck? N'


17/10/2012Jason Mirabella might have a point. I've just been subjecting myself to some of the video of that rally and the "Bob Brown" sign is not near the stage when Abbott first goes up there. It is visible in some of the footage as the holder wanders around in the crowd. That's the good news. The bad news is that "Ditch the Witch" is in the same position for most of the rally, unmistakeable both near the stage and reproduced elsewhere in the crowd. Lucky for Abbott that the stills photographer was to the left of the stage shooting towards the right because if he'd been on the right shooting left he would have framed Abbott in front of "STICK THE TAX UP YOUR ASS!" That sign was also there for the entire time and could hardly have been missed by Abbott's staffers. A kinder, gentler polity. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wj4p5JTrcfQ

Truth Seeker

17/10/2012Lyn, thanks for the feedback on the gravatar, when I first put it up I thought it might be a bit dark to see properly, but all feedback so far has been positive. :-D Cheers :-)


17/10/2012 Fugazi-Waiting room http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=cMOAXm94VWo


17/10/2012Her http://m.youtube.com/#/watch?v=6KxtgS2lU94&desktop_uri=%2Fwatch%3Fv%3D6KxtgS2lU94


17/10/2012 So Hear I Am Fugue State Kings becomes Queens Depending on CHANGE of SPACE http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Handmaid's_Tale N.


17/10/2012 BOB MOULD FIRST TIME JOY http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=0LHj12YINtw N'


18/10/2012 http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=rJcCpWdsp4I AZURE RAY SLEEP...... ..... ...... ..... WAKE


18/10/2012 [b]The Cure - A Forest[/b] http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=xik-y0xlpZ0


18/10/2012 Loved... Danced Back then... Simple Minds - The American, Dortmund 24.06.1984, Live, High Quality http://m.youtube.com/#/watch?v=gHShzslJvHQ In many ways... still here N'


18/10/2012 http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=FQGxUGYpAMs New gold...dream


18/10/2012 http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=tSg2OIFum3o I believe in YOU Talk...Talk seriously


18/10/2012 AMERICAN WOMAN http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Cl4GWOkvDeM


18/10/2012 http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=oqeSUAlI5uI N' CANNED HEAT...GET YER CANNED HEAT


18/10/2012NormanK Interesting that the Carbon 'Tax' Rally video (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wj4p5JTrcfQ) has only had 351 views since it was posted 18 months ago (March 2011).


18/10/2012 Tony Jones...ya prat http://m.youtube.com/#/watch?v=eUk8OuF1C-A&desktop_uri=%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DeUk8OuF1C-A N'


18/10/2012TODAY’S LINKS MSM Versus The Fifth Estate, Denise Allen For the past two years, ever since Julia Gillard was anointed the Prime Minister by the Independents, mainstream media has done everything in its power to condemn, ridicule, misconstrue and omit important facts from their reporting in order to assist the political power game playing of Tony Abbott. http://denniallen.wordpress.com/2012/10/17/msm-versus-the-fifth-estate/ The Oz is not a newspaper, John Quiggin If I were advising the government at this point, I would suggest a routine policy of “no comment” in response to any question from an employee of News Limited. Obama tried this with Fox News early on, but other news organizations threatened to boycott his press conferences in solidarity and he backed down. That was, I think, a mistake http://johnquiggin.com/2012/10/17/the-oz-is-not-a-newspaper/ A feminist response to That Speech by Julia Gillard, Turn Left 2013 This is good for everyone, except those who are invested in and benefit from keeping women down. And, in the end, the Old Media couldn’t care less about the context of the speech, they only care about bringing down a democratically elected government http://turnleft2013.wordpress.com/2012/10/17/a-feminist-response-to-that-speech-by-julia-gillard/ One Step Ahead, Peter Wicks, Wixxy Leaks Ignoring the trash usually found in The Australian, and the rehashed old right-wing drivel normally found behind a pay wall on Crikey, there is some light at the end of the tunnel. We have seen some excellent reporting on the ABC, and in the Fairfax papers, Simon Benson has also done some great work for News Ltd and should be commended for his efforts. http://wixxyleaks.com/2012/10/17/one-step-ahead Ashbygate 1: How Ashby met Slipper, David Donovan, Independent Australia CASE of James Ashby against Peter Slipper always seemed rather fortuitous for the Opposition, coming just five months after Slipper added an extra vote for the Government by becoming Speaker — after having previously been endorsed and re-endorsed by the Coalition for 18 years.As they say, if something walks, talks and looks like a duck — http://www.independentaustralia.net/2012/politics/ashbygate-1-how-ashby-met-slipper/ Shorten Plays It Safe On IR, Manoj Dias-Abey, New Matilda early changes flagged to the unfair dismissal regime — which should be introduced into Parliament before the end of the year — are intended to appease employers and the small business lobby. At the same time, the government has also introduced legislation into parliament which would protect the terms and conditions of state public sector employees affected by the wave of outsourcing likely to be undertaken by Liberal-National state go http://newmatilda.com/2012/10/17/labor-plays-it-safe-ir McKeon review should consider the well-being of health system , Marion Haas, The Conversation So far, the data linkage process has focused on linking patients' data (linking individuals' in-patient and emergency data with data from cancer registries, for instance). While this is important, there’s very little linkage of patients’ data to data on the health-care providers who treated them. Hospital data don’t indicate who referred patients, for instance, so there’s no link to primary care services. This is a major omission in data linkage given the importance of primary care in reducing hospital expenditures. http://theconversation.edu.au/mckeon-review-should-consider-the-well-being-of-health-system-10145 Why using your real name will not mean better behaviour online, Alison Michalk , Mumbrella The potential for the internet where we have protected online spaces where we are not tracked, stalked, and followed to have our data sold to the highest bidder (or worse under some regimes)… well I consider it a future worth fighting for.The internet, after all, fosters communication unlike anything that has ever existed before. To attempt (and fail) to eliminate “bad behaviour” http://mumbrella.com.au/why-using-your-real-name-will-not-mean-better-behaviour-online-121487 The ABC remains sustainable in the long term, Happy Antipodean The fact is that people who prefer depth and complexity - indeed, are even able to tolerate these things in the first place - tend to also be people who sit on the Left side of the political spectrum. Scott's problem is that such people are in the minority. To his advantage is the fact that such people are influential, intelligent, and can string two sentences together without suffering a cerebral aneurism. http://happyantipodean.blogspot.com.a The Australian Parliament is about to live in even more interesting times,Petering Time, North Coast VoicesT The Australian Parliament is about to live in even more interesting times and the new Speaker's mettle will be repeatedly tested, as Abbott & Co. inevitably seek to take a wrecking ball to parliamentary practice in their pursuit of the Gillard Government now that the Independent Member for Dobell is before the court http://northcoastvoices.blogspot.com.au/2012/10/the-australian-parliament-is-about-to.html Dictionary to update misogyny definition after Gillard speech, First Post Macquarie Dictionary’s editor, Sue Butler, says a furor over Gillard branding conservative opposition leader Tony Abbott a misogynist in Parliament last week revealed that her dictionary’s definition is decades out of date.Butler said Wednesday the dictionary would broaden its definition from a hatred of women to include entrenched prejudice against women. The Macquarie Dictionary is an authority on Australian meanings of words. http://www.firstpost.com/world/dictionary-to-update-misogyny-definition-after-gillard-speech-493175.html Macquarie Dictionary has last word on misogyny, Gemma daley, Financial review It has been observed the powerful often decide what becomes accepted history. In Australia they now influence the meaning of words. The widening will bring Macquarie closer to definitions from Oxford and dictionary.com while re-energising Ms Gillard’s backers. http://www.afr.com/p/national/macquarie_has_last_word_on_misogyny_NzrQFdWcPJG6G8qLRRiZtK If ‘Sensitive Tony’ Could talk, Sensitive Tony An open letter to Julia Gillard http://sensitivetony.wordpress.com/2012/10/09/if-sensitive-tony-could-talk/ FttN, HFC are dead-end NBN alternatives: Samuel, David Braue, ZNet "Looking at the new Telstra that we have under the leadership of Catherine Livingston as chair and David Thodey as CEO," he said, "let me say that had they been in place in 2005, we might have a whole new telecoms paradigm in this country from what we got as a consequence of the engagement of Trujillo and [regulatory head Phil] Burgess." http://www.zdnet.com/fttn-hfc-are-dead-end-nbn-alternatives-samuel-7000005901/ Today’s Front Pages Australia Newspaper Front Pages for 18 October 2012 http://www.frontpagestoday.co.uk/index.cfm?PaperCountry=Australia


18/10/2012This sick-making puff piece http://www.smh.com.au/opinion/politics/our-clintons-why-australia-needs-the-turnbulls-20121017-27qht.html#poll in 'awe' of Malcolm Turnbull seems to overlook (or perhaps the writer knows something we don't???) that sexual philandering is front and centre with the males in famous Kennedy and Clinton pairings. Sexual philandering might easily be defined as a form of 'charming misogyny', right down there squirming away in the dirty little secrets hamper of the adulterous male.

Ad astra reply

18/10/2012LYN'S DAILY LINKS updated: http://www.thepoliticalsword.com/page/LYNS-DAILY-LINKS.aspx


18/10/2012Notice how Channel Nine's 6 o'clock news rewrote history last night? They ran the Indian TV talk-show sequence where Julia Gillard was asked how she felt about Tony Abbott. Nine cut the footage with the PM's chuckle, and told viewers that she'd avoided the question. In fact, she went on and said that she felt no personal ill will towards Abbott, and wished him a long life... as Leader of the Opposition. So, Nine cut her full statement to achieve their lying political agenda. Sort of like the video of "There will be no carbon tax under a government I lead, but I am determined to put a price on carbon" that is always cut after "I lead" in Conservative propaganda. Selective editing is lying by omission that by the process of selection becomes lying by commission (in any and every 'news' medium). Nine couldn't handle their audience observe the PM reply with charm and wit. On the other hand, they will never have any footage of Abbott displaying either charm or wit, so that might explain the editing room manipulation. Aiming for the lowest common denominator again. Coalition territory.


18/10/2012Casablanca..I posted on The Drum that the MSM. overestimated the right-wing's interest and capability to debate and maintain reasoned conversation when it came to even their own policy. What you have exposed proves one part..the fact that The Australian is a unprofitable newspaper proves the other! The right-wing lacks intellectual rigor to continue any conversation beyond chanted mantras.

pappinbarra fox

18/10/2012My Cambridge Learners Dictionary defines misogynyst as " a person "who hates women or believes that men are much better than women". I would not accept such a simple definition usually but it is a learners dictionary and covers the ground that Julia Gillard trod. My edition was printed in 2003.

Sir Ian Crisp

18/10/2012I see the bird of paradox has taken a tumble after one of her long lunches. My limit is two glasses of red but other people don’t know their limit. Maybe she is now in need of a zimmer frame, at taxpayers’ expense of course.


18/10/2012The right-wing trolls' sordid little dig about a persons' everyday slip is proof positive of the fascist mindset of finding fault and demeaning the person to elevate their own sad existance...witness the demeaning of the jews...witness the demeaning of Bernie Banton......"Sir", you cur.


18/10/2012Greetings Comrades, I feel really guilty every day I don't post here . . . (as yesterday) . . . But there's so much reading here anyway (Nasking!) that I'm sure yous can do without my bit of tripe for a day or so. I've been getting into Twitter a lot though, it suits my peripatetic style to flash in and jump out, and Twitter gets to a lot of people though NO-ONE can keep pace with the stream. Especially in QT and e.g. during US Presidential debates. I watched yesterday's debate, I must say I was greatly heartened by the tenor of it after so many gave the last one to Romney. No doubt about yesterday's! And it seems to me that there is no way back for Romney now, he ended up almost pleading, nearly blubbering like a little kid feeling [i]It's not fair,[/i] and indeed I hope that for him it isn't! The outcome of the US election is, if not acually critical to our own, very pertinent anyway. Resounding defeat for Romney, as I hope, will confound the Tea party and its disgraceful metastasizing infections here and elsewhere, Please Dog. And victory for Obama will bode well for Labor here. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I seem to have a [i]penchant[/i] (that's French!:)) for acerbic comments, and there is plenty to be acerbic about atm. Here are a couple yesterday of which I am particularly ashamed ;-) :- Barnaby Joyce ‏@Barnaby_Joyce wrote: [i]How wonderfully convenient, Macquarie Dictionary changes definition "misogyny" to suit PM Gillard's misuse of term. [/i] I replied TalkTurkey‏@TalkyTurkey [i]@Barnaby_Joyce you are a PAEDOPHILE I assume? The word means "LOVER of children." So if you don't admit words change meaning, YOU'RE IT! [/i] And then I waxed lyrical: TalkTurkey‏@TalkyTurkey [i]@Barnaby_Joyce: Not MISOGYNIST, he don't HATE women, no, but yes he IS a PAEDOPHILE, 'cos he LOVES CHILDREN SO! (Philia<Gk philos=LOVING :) )[/i] I reckon that'll make him look even apoplecticker than usual! But then the execrable Uhlmann had to stick his dumb oar in: Chris Uhlmann‏@CUhlmann [i]Is the Macquarie Dictionary also going to change the definition of misandry? Noun the hatred of males. Compare misogyny. [Greek mīsandria] [/i] So I said [i]@CUhlmann So you're gonna quote Greek? So U R another PAEDOPHILE like Barnaby Joyce? Paedophilia=LOVE of children<Gk Philos = loving[/i]. And I will bet, sight unseen, that by now Uhlmann has blocked me . . . I'll find out when I look . . . I'll be quite disappointed if not. Relatively few words in English expressing attitude have exactly one meaning only, and misogyny is not one. Words bleed over into other meanings, and they change over time. Is Abbortt [i]afraid[/i] (exactly) of women? No, though he is afraid of our frontline handbag hitters you bet. Does he [i]hate[/i] women? Not all! But is he [b]CONTEMPTUOUS[/b] of them, yes indeed, they all squat to pee, they can't throw worth a damn, I could go on of course, but it comes down to [b]LACK OF RESPECT[/b], and THAT is the nub and the rub Comrades, the real evolved meaning of misogyny, studiously avoided to the point of denial by the squealing MSM, and that is why women who know exactly what *J*U*L*I*A* is on about will turn away from this appalling pig of man and his styful of swine. Amongst whom, disgracefully, are sows as well as boars. Megalogenis has at least twice stated the *J*U*L*I*A* has called Abbortt a misogynist. I told him after the first time, NO she didn't, she said what she get from "this man" is misogyny, that is NOT the same thing, in fact it is a LIE. He took no notice, and [i]repeated[/i] the claim elsewhere. He should be [i]scrupulous[/i], that word involves SCRUPLES and if he ain't got 'em then I hold [i]him[/i] in contempt. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Nasking I am pretty disappointed at your lack of compassion for both Assange and David Hicks. I'm glad I'm not an accused and you're not in the jury. You would know that from the earliest I have sympathised with both of them, not that I think they're Jeezzuzz-come-back, but they are Australian citizens and what sort of Aussies turn their backs on other Aussies in strife overseas? Even heroin smugglers are to be defended and if possible repatriated rather than face penalties which are definitively unAustralian. I don't expect you to change your views but I'm not about to stay silent about what I think of your attitude neither.


18/10/2012Why isn't the media, overly focussed on the dictionary definition of "misogyny", not investigating [b]Tony Abbott[/b] calling Peter Slipper a misogynist, based on private text messages? Instead we get the analysis of the Prime Minister's speech, and nobody is analysing that Abbott's speech called Slipper a misogynist on far less evidence (and without the full context ie all of Ashby's texts in response). Yet another example of Tony abbott not being held to the same standards as he applies to others!


18/10/2012Good Morning Ad and Everybody, Be sure and read the Editorial Bushfire Bill is talking about, it’s flabbergasping. Twitterverse for you:- Bushfire Bill Posted Thursday, October 18, 2012 at 10:38 am This editorial is so awful, so out of touch, so on some other planet, it’s impossible to critique. The only thing I’ll say is that there WAS evidence that Abbott did not discuss towing back boats with SBY. It was the word of the Indonesian Foreign Minister who confirmed there was no discussion of the topic. And he WAS at the meeting. http://blogs.crikey.com.au/pollbludger/2012/10/15/essential-research-53-47-to-coalition-5/?comment_page=54/#comment-1444754 Playing spin the reality on Mr Abbott's overseas trip, News Ltd. The incorrect reporting of the meeting between Mr Abbott and Dr Yudhoyono is characteristic of the false narrative about the Opposition Leader perpetuated by the government in order to frame public perceptions of him. This frame, filled daily by Ms Gillard and her team of propagandists, is too easily adopted by a compliant media. By potentially undermining a vital bilateral relationship to score cheap political points, the government was behaving like an opposition this week, and a reckless one at that. http://www.theaustralian.com.au/opinion/editorials/playing-spin-the-reality-on-mr-abbotts-overseas-trip/story-e6frg71x-1226498097613 TheFinnigans ...... by Phillip Coorey CraigEmersonMP Emmo, quick, we need another version of yr Whylla song - Power bills to fall $250 with elec reforms - http://www.smh.com.au/national/power-bills-to-fall-250-with-electricity-reforms-20121017-27rnz.html#ixzz29aclBypi … Greg Jericho‏ 1petermartin: The carbon tax. It's a price change. It changes behaviour. @lenoretaylor: http://www.smh.com.au/opinion/political-news/carbon-tax-contributes-to-emissions-drop-20121017-27rl6.html … #ausecon Sweary Cat‏ So Lenore Taylor's story re carbon price helping emission drop is now nowhere to be seen on SMH's front page. That'll be right. Geoff Pearson‏.........by Lenore Taylor Power demand slump sends missions lower http://www.theage.com.au/business/carbon-economy/power-demand-slump-sends-emissions-lower-20121018-27s85.html … via @theage Marian Dalton‏ Oh, Mr Aaaaabbooooott ... about that 'toxic tax' : http://www.theage.com.au/national/power-pollution-plunges-20121017-27rn9.html … Bernhard Accola‏ SimonBanksHB: On 1/7/12 @tonyabbottmhr said carbon price "won't reduce emissions" http://tiny.cc/kdfcmw " Another deceit by Abbott Mark ‏ Tony Abbott lied to all Austrlians...said Carbon Pricing won't reduce emissions ....but it is already doing so... ABBOTT IS A LIAR!! #auspol Troy Byrnes‏ 4 page and front cover spread of the PM's fall in the Daily Tele. On the upside, a nice pic of @senthorun on the second page! Chris Ogilvie ‏ sunriseon7 Michael Pell & Matt White you are a disgusting little cowards,just played over & over PM with face on ground BOYCOT #sun7 NOW Stilgherrian‏ Me doing that RT continues making The PM's Shoe into a thing, I know, but FFS we must continue to mock this bullshit reporting Julia Stirling‏ @nareenyoung The 7pm ABC news showed her falling twice-once was too much. And they call that news. The Age‏ A seat for the taking. With voting imminent, has Australia done enough to win a seat on the UN security council? http://www.theage.com.au/opinion/political-news/a-seat-for-the-taking-20121017-27re6.html … Australian Politics‏ PM seals uranium deal with India: AUSTRALIA and India will begin negotiations on a safeguard agreement to allow ... http://bit.ly/WB4DPe maddog Craig Thomson threatens to sue over prostitute claims | http://thetelegraph.com.au : http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/news/craig-thomson-threatens-to-sue-over-prostitute-claims/story-e6freuy9-1226498123838?sv=54e7a6cf8f79c87233a9de4c4e74c74c#.UH822BYyIxM.twitter … via @dailytelegraph 2GB acts to fix accuracy and present significant viewpoints Harbour Radio Pty Ltd, the licensee of Sydney radio station 2GB, has agreed to overhaul its processes to ensure reasonable efforts are made to verify facts and present significant viewpoints in its current affairs programs http://www.acma.gov.au/WEB/STANDARD/pc=PC_600069 :):):)


18/10/2012The most "flabbegasping" aspect of the Bushfire Bill link above to The Australian Opinion (oh, never a truer word 'spoke') article is that Tony Abbott has essentially called the Foreign Minister of the Republic of Indonesia a... guess what?... a liar. That pejorative word comes so swiftly to Abbott's lips at home (I mean, Australia, not his abode in Warringah, of course) that he is all too easily drawn into applying its meaning willy-nilly. Without thought except to cover his cojones. Which is, gentle readers, no behavior at all for the leader of a nation. For this Leader of the Opposition, it's his knee-jerk 'get out of jail free' card. But every falsely dealt card such as this one will fly back to kick him in the budgies sooner or later. Every day, every word from him and his apologists ("apologist" is a word found in a dictionary, possibly even the dictionary that Abbott and his apologists [hello, Gerard - "Gerard" pronounced 'Newmann' in your best Seinfeld manner] will settle on as the only dictionary that provides a definition of 'misogyny' they will accept), every day, every word, confirms Abbott's complete and utter unsuitability for leadership. Of any kind other than out front of incompetents and has-beens. A word a little like 'apologist' to look at is 'apologise'. Tony Abbott should apologise to Indonesian Foreign Minister Marty Natalegawa at the earliest opportunity. Or maybe, ask Julie Bishop to do it, since apparently both she and Mr. Natalegawa are equally at the "lower level" where 'turning back the boats' was actually discussed. Of course, a lower level than the snake's belly state where Tony Abbott spends every minute of his life is hard to imagine. Ask Dante?


18/10/2012Bad Abbott. Our 'Shouldabeen PM' demonstrating once again just how utterly unsuited he is to leadership of our nation. Or any significant institution. http://www.abc.net.au/news/2012-10-18/abbott-on-un-security-council-bid/4320110 Excerpt: "If Australia can't come first or second in a three-horse race involving Finland and Luxembourg, there's something wrong with us," Mr Abbott told reporters in Melbourne. "Given the millions and millions of dollars and the extraordinary dislocation of diplomatic priorities, it would be absolutely disastrous for our country if we didn't win this ballot. "Let's face it, it shouldn't be too hard to win a race against Finland and Luxembourg." Need anyone say anymore about Abbott's claim to the leadership of Australia, and thus to being our mouthpiece and primary presence on the international stage, than this fool manages to vomit out of his own mouth? His words must be "vomited" because they clearly don't pass anywhere close to between his ears.

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18/10/2012Hi Lyn I’ve now worked through your Links and Twitterverse. What a rich collection they are. There is one about which I want to comment particularly. The editorial in [i]The Australian[/i] about Tony Abbott’s meeting with the Indonesian President is symptomatic of so much of the MSM. Of the five hundred and eighteen words, just sixteen addressed the core of the issue: whether or not Abbott raised with SBY his ‘towing back the boats’ policy. All the editorial said about that was: “[i]That is why it was constructive for Mr Abbott to raise his policies with the President.[/i], which suggests he raised that policy, but without categorically saying so. Yet everybody knows Abbott didn’t, and even Abbott himself has not denied this. The other five hundred and two words were an attack on Julia Gillard, her ministers and her Party. The editorial shows how facts can be distorted, misrepresented and avoided by a malevolent media to make a political attack on an enemy, while airbrushing out anything adverse to an ally. This is what we have to contend with day after day. It starkly illustrates how vigilant we have to be and how fiercely we have to attack deception, lies and malignant behaviour in the MSM. We will see more of this as we move towards next year’s election, especially if the tide continues to turn against Abbott and the Coalition. Some of the MSM is becoming desperate and increasingly angry, as I argue in the piece I will soon post: [i]Why is the mainstream media angry?[/i]. With yesterday out, and other things to do this morning, I haven’t had the time to respond to the many other informative comments that arrived yesterday and today. Sometimes it is impossible to catch up. So all I can say is: “Folks, thank you for your contributions. I have read them all.”


18/10/2012The challenge is on - cop the puff piece on Turnbull. http://www.brisbanetimes.com.au/opinion/politics/our-clintons-why-australia-needs-the-turnbulls-20121017-27qht.html


18/10/2012Apparently Alan Jones remedial training is to be completed by the end of November 2012 (http://www.abc.net.au/news/2012-10-18/alan-jones-ordered-to-do-journalism-training/4320534). Is it fair to expect such an intensive workload from Alan Jones, after all, there is a lot to learn, and even more to un-learn? Suggestions for a suitable applicant as Alan Jones fact-checker please. I recommend a strident feminist who isn't easily intimidated - even a bully?


18/10/2012Abbott's transference is going into overdrive, warning on ABC24 Abbortt predicts a sleazy abusive campaign, he it about to unleash his dogs of war on Labor & accuse the left of all the low tactics he has in store to try to steal power.


18/10/2012Michael,@ 2.29pm I sent the following email to Simon Cullen concerning the article containing Abbott's latest brain snap about the Security Council bid. [quote]‘He also suggested the Prime Minister's time would have been better spent meeting the Indonesian president in Jakarta instead of courting votes at the United Nations general assembly in New York. This was despite the fact president Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono was in the US at the time’.[/quote] Hello Simon, The above quote appears in your co-authored item [b]Security Council bid failure would be disastrous: Abbott.[/b] Simon Cullen and Lisa Millar at http://www.abc.net.au/news/2012-10-18/abbott-on-un-security-council-bid/4320110 I suggest that more ‘context’ is required to make proper sense of your statement that: [quote]‘This was despite the fact president Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono was in the US at the time’.[/quote] The US is a very, very, big country. The important point that you have omitted is that Prime Minister Gillard and President Yudhoyono, at the time of Mr Abbott’s remark, were attending the same meeting at the UN and that both took the opportunity for informal talks whilst there. I would appreciate it you would update your online article to reflect the contextual point that I have provided above. Regards, [Name supplied]


18/10/2012That would be [b]Dr Natalegawa.[/b] Raden Mohammad Marty Muliana Natalegawa, more commonly known as Marty Natalegawa, (born 22 March 1963 in Bandung, West Java)[1] is an Indonesian diplomat and the Minister of Foreign Affairs in the Second United Indonesia Cabinet. He served as Indonesia's Permanent Representative to the United Nations from September 5, 2007 until his latest appointment and has also served as the Indonesian Ambassador to the United Kingdom and as a spokesman for the Department of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia. Natalegawa went to school at Ellesmere College and Concord College in the United Kingdom, from 1976 to 1981. He earned a BSc at the London School of Economics in 1984. He then went on to study at Corpus Christi College, University of Cambridge where he was awarded a Master of Philosophy in 1985. [b]Natalegawa also obtained a Doctor of Philosophy at the Australian National University in 1993.[/b]

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18/10/2012Folks I have just now posted [i]Why is the mainstream media angry?[/i]. Enjoy. http://www.thepoliticalsword.com/post/2012/10/18/Why-is-the-mainstream-media-angry.aspx
How many umbrellas are there if I have two in my hand but the wind then blows them away?