Say yes, yes, yes to Labor

Rusted-on Labor, Coalition and Greens supporters will vote as they always do. So this piece is directed towards the ‘undecideds’.

In this week’s Essential Research Poll they amounted to 18% who said: “It is quite possible I will change my mind as the campaign develops”, with another 4% responding: “Don’t know”. Since just 47% of those polled responded: “I will definitely not change my mind”, and another 30%: “It is very unlikely I will change my mind”, only three quarters of those polled have locked in, or almost locked in, their voting intention. With nearly a quarter not so committed, the election really depends on them. Coupled with Essential’s TPP of 50/50, there is plenty of scope for the election to go either way, depending on how the non-committed 22% vote.

Before reflecting on which party and which leader is best equipped to guide the nation through the next three years, a number of myths need to be exploded. These myths have been perpetuated over the last three years to such an extent that they have become virtual folklore, some of it ‘verified’ by opinion polls, where, for example, despite an abundance of evidence to the contrary, those polled consistently rate the Coalition as the best managers of the economy.

So let’s examine some of these myths, myths that need to be erased if the undecideds are to have a balanced view of the options.

MYTH: The Coalition is the best manager of the economy
This is what Stephen Koukoulas wrote in The Drum at the end of last year: “The Liberal Party and many conservative commentators suggest that the size of government in Australia under the current Labor Government is too big. Opposition Leader Tony Abbott has said the current government "is addicted to taxes" and that it "is spending like a drunken sailor… mortgaging our future". In a similar vein, shadow treasurer Joe Hockey says: "Labor has shown it is incapable of cutting spending”. Either these comments are deliberate mistruths or reflect the lack of understanding of budget policy from people who, within a year, could well be prime minister and treasurer.

“The facts of the budget show that the current government's budgetary footprint on the economy is small, running at the lowest level in 35 years. The current small government is made up of both low tax receipts and record cuts in government spending.”

The Kouk concludes: “In what should be an embarrassing fact for Mr Hockey, 2012-13 will see real government spending fall 4.4 per cent, the biggest cut ever recorded. This cut will see the government spending to GDP ratio fall to 23.8 per cent, having previously been ramped up to successfully counter the shock from the global financial crisis. This level of spending is 0.4 per cent of GDP below the average government spending level of the Howard government. In today's dollar terms, the 0.4 per cent of GDP amounts to around $6 billion.

“All of this suggests that the current government and the Labor Party more generally are low taxing and the only side of politics willing to cut spending when required.”

Add to that assessment the fact that during the first mining boom when there was rivers of gold flowing into the Treasury, instead of saving this ‘for a rainy day’, John Howard and Peter Costello chose to reduce tax and give overly generous middle class welfare handouts, all to attract votes, thereby creating a now unsustainable structural deficit in the budget that will bedevil governments and treasurers until they have the courage to tell the people that the age of such entitlements is over, are increasingly unaffordable, and need to be discontinued. Joe Hockey knows this, but his leader won’t have a bar of it, as it would lose him votes. The Howard government also neglected infrastructure, creating a structural deficit that will consume many billions in the years ahead.

The evidence points decisively to the incontrovertible fact that during the Howard/Costello years the Coalition was not the great economic manager it is pumped up to have been, and that Labor has been a superior manager of the economy, so much so that it has a triple A rating from all three rating agencies for the first time in its history, is regarded as the best managed economy in the developed world, remains the envy of other countries, and attracts the admiration of economists world wide.

The continual denigration of Labor and its financial management, and the persistent talking down of the economy by the Coalition and sycophantic journalists, has led voters to really believe the myth that Labor is a poor economic manager, and the Coalition is better. Yet myth is it. Erase it from memory. Indeed, economic management is one of Labor’s very strong points.

MYTH: Labor did not save Australia from the global financial crisis
The Coalition, its finance spokesmen, and Coalition-oriented journalists insist that it was the sound state of the economy gifted to Labor by the Howard/Costello Government, the burgeoning Chinese economy, the minerals boom, and RBA monetary policy that saved us from the GFC. Some scarcely acknowledge that there was a GFC at all. “What crisis?” said Joe Hockey. They still refuse to accept the continuing and devastating fallout from the GFC all across the globe.

This is the assessment of Politifact. Richard Holden writes: “So, was the Rudd Government brilliant, lucky, or reckless?

“My reading is: brilliant. For sure, they had a lot of other factors supporting the economy that many other countries did not have: a central bank with the decisiveness, and room, to slash interest rates; a major trading partner (i.e. China) enacting a massive stimulus of their own; and a very flexible exchange rate. They also arguably "played it safe" by following advice from Treasury and the International Monetary Fund.

“But two things merit the term "brilliant". One: the resolve to use overwhelming fiscal force, particularly in the face of political opposition; and two: the sophistication to understand the importance of shoring-up the banking system through deposit guarantees (announced in October, 2008).

“Together these gave Australians confidence that we would weather the crisis. That confidence prevented the kind of expectations death spiral from which the US is still battling to recover.

“Franklin Roosevelt was right. In times like 2008 "the only thing we have to fear, is fear itself". Oh, and a government that doesn’t realize that stimulus only works if it’s big, bold and credible.”

Labor did save us from the dire affects of the GFC. To say otherwise is a myth, one to be discarded.

MYTH: The cost of living has risen out of control under Labor
This is Stephen Koukoulas’ assessment of this myth: “To summarise, the average household is taking home $17,250 a year more in after tax income than in late 2007, paying $6,100 a year less in mortgage repayments and their cost of living has risen by $9,240. Netting this out means a gain of over $14,000 a year. For this average household and frankly millions like them, the cost of living issue is a complete furphy, a lie and a distortion that sounds appealing but is baseless in fact.

“It is odd that so few many people realise or care to acknowledge just how well off they are.”

Read too what Tom Allard has to say in Life is much better under Labor after all, says study.

Another myth exploded. Forget it.

MYTH: There has been a wage blowout under Labor
Writing in The Guardian, Greg Jericho says: “…two weeks’ ago the latest Wage Price Index was released by the Australian Bureau of Statistics; it showed that the annual increase in wages is a mere 3% – the lowest such increase, outside the period of the global financial crisis, for the past 10 years.” Later he writes: “After the GFC, and the introduction of the Fair Work Act, real wages recovered to the pre-GFC average growth of about 1%. But…they have now fallen to 0.4% annual growth.”

Later, referring to the assessment of the RBA, Jericho writes: “…it noted, “Unit labour costs ... declined over the year, with the sharp slowing in the growth of average earnings more than offsetting an easing in labour productivity growth from its recent fast pace.”

Another myth debunked. It is nothing more than a furphy perpetuated by Coalition IR spokesman Eric Abetz to support his push for Abbott’s changes to Fair Work Australia to ‘return IR to the sensible centre’.

MYTH: Cutting corporate taxes will boost real wage growth
The Coalition’s ‘Our Plan’ states: “By cutting corporate taxes we…boost real wage growth”. This was subject to examination by The Australian Institute’s Facts Fight Back. The finding: There is serious doubt that the academic and theoretical work underpinning the claim is valid in the Australian context and the available evidence does not support the claim.

Another myth down the drain. Ignore it.

MYTH: Labor has done nothing for small and medium business enteprises
This myth is common among business lobbies. Let’s read what Rob Burgess says in Business Spectator in Labor's SME 'failure' is a myth: “It’s been worrying…to see people who should know better asserting that Labor has done absolutely nothing for small business, unlike the angelic Coalition governments of John Howard. That’s a staggering position to take given that the Abbott-led Coalition voted for round one of the $10.8 billion Rudd stimulus package in 2008 – a cash splash and infrastructure splurge that kept retailers, sub-contractors and many other SME sectors alive as the first wave of GFC pain hit the nation. The Coalition did not vote for the second round of stimulus in 2009. But that $42 billion adrenalin shot to the economy, besides $950 cheques to most households, included ‘hardship bonuses’ of $950 to 21,000 farmers and farm-dependent small businesses, and $2.7 billion in additional investment tax breaks for SMEs.

“Small businesses were also the main beneficiaries of the ‘school halls’ and ‘pink batts’ schemes. Both have been attacked as administrative stuff-ups… The overspend on school halls became the main criticism of that scheme. Some cost a lot more than market value, but overall the final cost blowout was about 14 per cent.

“The logic of slamming that as one of the biggest wastes of government money ever is utterly insupportable… It prevented the financial collapse of thousands of small businesses and individual contractors and that was its primary purpose…”

Burgess concludes: “…failing to recognise the good Labor did in the SME space in the past six years is partisan revisionism that really helps no one.”

So it’s a myth that Labor has done nothing for SMEs. Indeed, some of the existing benefits are those the Coalition is now threatening to remove: instant asset tax write-offs and loss carry-backs.

MYTH: Labor’s NBN will cost over $90 billion
Peter Martin quotes PolitiFact that finds Turnbull's claim that Labor's NBN would eventually cost $94 billion possible but unverifiable. It rates it "half true".

Turnbull continually quotes the $94 billion figure and compares it with his estimated cost of his NBN-Lite. The estimated cost of Labor’s NBN was $37.4 billion, (but it may blow out to $44.1 billion,) but that is not a bottom line figure in the Federal Budget. It is an investment that will achieve an estimated 7% ROI when fully deployed. It is fiscally inept to treat it as an expense. The only ongoing expense to the budget is interest on money borrowed to fund the NBN rollout. Turnbull knows this very well, but still perpetuates his myths about the NBN.

It is a unverifiable myth that Labor’s NBN will cost $94 billion, three times as much as the Coalition’s NBN-Lite.

MYTH: The Coalition’s NBN will be cheaper, roll out sooner and be more affordable
Malcolm Turnbull states the cost of his NBN-Lite FTTN will be $29.5 billion. In response, Stevej on NBN quotes Professor Reg Coutts, a member of a seven member Expert Panel: “Essentially to go down the FTTN road would mean something in the order of greater than 50 per cent of the capital being put into digital cabinets in the suburbs…They then become an obstacle to the final solution… fibre-to-the-premise. Fibre-to-the-node is not a stepping stone to fibre-to-the-premise.” Stevej goes on: “…what was a really bad, uneconomic idea in January 2009 is now a worse idea.” He concludes: “If Turnbull wins office, we're going to hear a lot about Labor’s "costs", "waste" and "poor economic management". We won't hear the truth from him that he's planned to land the Australian taxpayer with a $30 billion write-off, courtesy of his ill-advised and wasteful FTTN.” This weekend in Despite News Ltd, Turnbull WILL kill NBN, if he wants Stevej says: “If Turnbull was really committed to building an NBN, why has he crafted a "plan" that is so complex and so riddled with omissions that the Parliamentary Budget Office cannot cost it?...Turnbull is either incompetent, which I don't believe, or working very hard to hide some very unpalatable facts."

In this weekend’s The Conversation Rod Tucker writes: “Will the Coalition’s NBN provide value for money? Compared with Labor’s FTTP NBN, which will be easily upgradeable to ultra-broadband capacity when new applications come on line, the Coalition’s FTTN NBN is a short-term, limited-bandwidth solution. At a whopping two-thirds of the cost of the vastly superior FTTP NBN, the Coalition’s NBN stacks up as waste of money.”

Forget the myth that the Coalition’s NBN-Lite FTTN is a cheaper and better option than Labor’s NBN FTTP. It isn’t, and Turnbull knows it.

The myths listed above are related to the economy and the NBN, but to illustrate that they extend beyond these areas, try this one:

MYTH: Immunization rates have fallen under Labor
The ABC’s Fact Check says this: “Given the overall vaccination rates across all three age groups over the period of the Labor governments has either remained stable or increased, Mr Abbott's claim that "this Government (has) presided over a reduction in vaccination rates" is wrong.

Another myth exploded.

There are many, many more, but to include them all would take the whole piece. I trust there are sufficient though to convince undecided voters that to make a considered choice of which party to support, these myths need to be discarded, and the mind cleansed of their pernicious influence. Indeed, in exploding these myths, Labor’s strengths are exposed for all to see.

Now let’s look at why undecideds should say yes, yes, yes to Labor.

Space dictates that just a handful of reasons be used to illustrate why.

Economic management
What has been written above suffices to support the quality of Labor’s economic management. Its brilliant carriage of the Australian economy through the GFC and to this day, its moderation of the cost of living, its achievement of low inflation and interest rates, its control of wage rises, its contribution to productivity, and its strong support for small and medium business stamp Labor as a sound economic manager, one that could be safely entrusted to manage it well in the decade ahead.

In contrast, the Coalition’s record of achievement pales into insignificance, is built on a belief in free markets and light regulation, and on cost cutting and austerity, but is redolent with deceit, another piece of which we saw publicized this week: the Liberal’s ‘Cost of Labor Calculator’. Greg Jericho delightfully debunks this downloadable app in an article in The Guardian. He concludes: “Dodgy cost calculators make for a great toy when you are trying to win an election, but as long as political parties treat voters like idiots and refuse to give them the full picture on such issues, we will forever be denied the chance of a proper debate. And while complaining about cost of living sounds like a great idea when you are in opposition, shifty claims about reducing the cost of living inevitably come back to bite you when in government.” Is it any wonder there is an insistent clamour for the Coalition to release its costings immediately?

Labor has the runs on the board for economic management. The Coalition, with its history of profligate spending, the unnecessary extension of middle class welfare, and its intention to slash and burn, doesn’t.

National Broadband Network
The clearly superior NBN offered by Labor trumps the inefficient, costly and inadequate NBN-Lite of the Coalition.

Labor’s NBN holds great promise for commerce, industry, science, agribusiness, service industries, education, health, and aged and disability care, as well as having enormous potential in the field of telecommunications. Its contribution to competitiveness will be massive. It will enable work from home and thereby reduce commuter traffic and pollution. Australia deserves the best to compete in a global economy. And in the fullness of time, the NBN will turn a profit, and repay the investment in it.

Labor’s NBN is what this nation needs.

The ground breaking reforms inherent in Labor’s Better Schools Plan (Gonski) will revolutionize school funding, cater for the disadvantaged, and enhance fairness in schooling. Added to a national curriculum, the MySchool website, NAPLAN, enhanced teacher education, more teachers, and incentives for better teachers, the foundations of a strong and equitable system of schooling are already in place. Labor will retain and improve it. Despite being on 'a unity ticket' with Labor, the Coalition does not show the same determination. It does not believe the funding system is broken, has committed to fund only the first four years, not the expensive years five and six, and wants to encourage public schools to become independent.

Labor has increased university funding, has created 190,000 new higher education places and 50,000 apprenticeships and training places, and will spend $14.3 billion in skills and training over the next four years.

Education has been a signature policy area for Labor. It has done more in its two terms than the previous government ever did.

From the outset, Labor has focussed on improving the health care system. It has moved to better integrate the contributions of State and Federal governments, often against resistance. Its efforts have been directed to enhancing community-based primary care and prevention through Medicare Locals and GP Superclinics, cancer care through many new centres, aged and dementia care, disability care through the groundbreaking NDIS, mental health care, and dental care. The NBN is seen as a crucial tool in home monitoring to keep the aged and disabled at home, to enable remote consultations, and to extend medical technology by bringing city expertise to regional and remote areas.

Health is another signature policy area of Labor. The originator of Medicare and the NDIS, it has always been superior to the Coalition, and will do even more in the future.

Industrial Relations
This is yet another signature policy area for Labor. It was responsible for the changes to WorkChoices that removed its punitive aspects. It has always been a champion of workers. It remains the defender of fairness in the workplace that would be threatened by an Abbott government, one hell bent on complying with business demands for ‘more flexibility’ and a ‘move of the IR pendulum to the sensible centre’.

Labor was the first to introduce an affordable paid parental leave scheme, now threatened by Abbott’s unaffordable and inequitable PPL, being marketed as a workplace entitlement like annual leave.

IR is Labor’s long suit; it is the Coalition’s bête noir.

Labor has embarked on the largest infrastructure project in Australia’s history – its NBN. Bigger even than the Snowy Mountains Scheme, it promises to elevate Australia into the top echelon in the communications world, thereby ensuring international competitiveness as it facilitates manufacturing, agriculture, service industries, tourism, education and health care.

Labor has made record spending on transport infrastructure in its six-year term. It favours, and has costed the Melbourne-Brisbane fast rail project and intends to proceed. Tony Abbott wants to be the ‘infrastructure prime minister’, but is stuck on roads, and against urban rail. He would have a lot of catching up to do.

Labor has a fine track record of infrastructure development, and would continue in this vein. The Coalition would be in catch-up mode.

Labor has been supportive of the struggling car industry, recognizing that beyond the 50,000 direct car-building jobs, there are 200,000 jobs supporting the industry. The Coalition is indifferent, and disinclined to offer support, operating from a ‘survival of the fittest’ mindset.

Ship-building is set for a boost if Labor is re-elected with the building of more Navy frigates in Melbourne. The possibility of moving Navy assets from Garden Island to Queensland opens up new opportunities for manufacturing.

Labor is manufacturing’s best bet. It plans to open up new industries as older ones fade during the transition that is in train. The Coalition never mentions the needed transition.

This is a most vexed area. On the positive side, Labor proposes to increase the humanitarian intake eventually to 27,000. The Coalition intends to curtail it. Labor has taken many steps against people smugglers, including the recent arrests in Australia. The Coalition’s policies become more and more retaliatory by the day, this week scrapping free legal services for asylum seekers.

Labor’s track record is not good, but is less punitive than the Coalition’s.

Climate change and the environment
Labor has a price on carbon that will evolve to an emissions trading scheme with worldwide trading in mid-2014. The Coalition does not take global warming seriously. It has a discredited Direct Action Plan that analysts Reputex say will have a $35 billion cost blowout in achieving its emissions reduction target!

So much for the ridiculous 15,000 strong Green Army, cleaning up waterways and planting 20 million trees in countless hectares of semi-arable land!

Labor’s approach to global warming is based on science, is feasible, and is already reducing our emissions and power usage. It encourages the development of renewables. The Coalition’s approach is virtually the reverse and will be ineffectual. The choice between them is easy and logical.

Labor’s insistence on fairness, equity, and concern for the disadvantaged, permeates all its policies. It is the party that supports the less well off, the disadvantaged and the disabled, those that need a hand. It seeks to close the gap between the richest and the poorest. The Coalition is less concerned about those at the bottom of the pile, supports those at the top, and believes the ‘trickle down’ theory of economics works, which study after study shows is not the case. The contrast between the ideologies of the two parties is stark and telling.

Any undecided that seeks to live in a fair and equitable society has no choice other than Labor.

This piece is already long enough. I trust that having exploded the many myths that have been spread about Labor, myths that turn out to be strengths, and having shown how much Labor has done in the last six years, more than any prior government, most of it the excellent work of Julia Gillard, work that Kevin Rudd now seeks to carry on, undecideds will be convinced that Labor is the most obvious choice for the next three years, and that the Coalition offers far less.

The Economist agrees: “The choice between a man with a defective manifesto and one with a defective personality is not appealing – but Mr Rudd gets our vote, largely because of Labor’s decent record. With deficits approaching, his numbers look more likely to add up than Mr Abbott’s.”

Labor has had its upheavals and its leadership unrest, but on sheer performance, on its forward-looking strategy for this nation, despite what most of the media says to the contrary, it is a long way ahead of the Coalition.

Labor has the long term vision and the coherent plans for the period of transition ahead and for the decades ahead; the Coalition does not.

So undecideds, say yes, yes, yes to Labor.

Should you decide to ‘Disseminate this post’, it will be emailed to: Tony Abbott, Eric Abetz, Anthony Albanese, Julie Bishop, Chris Bowen, David Bradbury, George Brandis, Tony Burke, Mark Butler, Bob Carr, Jason Clare, Mark Dreyfus, Craig Emerson, Joel Fitzgibbon, Julia Gillard, Joe Hockey, Greg Hunt, Ed Husic, Barnaby Joyce, Bob Katter, Andrew Leigh, Jenny Macklin, Richard Marles, Tanya Plibersek, Christopher Pyne, Andrew Robb, Kevin Rudd, Bill Shorten, Tony Smith, Wayne Swan, Warren Truss, Malcolm Turnbull, Andrew Wilkie, Penny Wong and Nick Xenophon.

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Ad astra

1/09/2013Folks This is the second part of a two part piece, the names of which were suggested by Talk Turkey, who has been on pre-polling duty all this week to support Labor. It is dedicated to him and all the stalwarts who support their party so fervently. It may have surprised some of you to read how convincingly the many myths about Labor can be, and indeed have been debunked. This piece has been written for the ‘undecideds’, many of which derive information about politics from the nightly news or the strident headlines in the tabloids. Such information is often incomplete, cherry-picked to suit the author’s partisan point of view, inaccurate, or even contaminated with downright lies. The inability or unwillingness of most of the Fourth Estate to provide accurate and complete facts and figures, logical analysis and reasoned conclusions, has resulted in a largely uninformed or misinformed electorate, brainwashed with the slogans that politicians inflict on them daily, indeed so often that they become indisputable ‘truths’, truths that they carry to the ballot box, truths that guide their voting. It is because of this that the first part of this piece is a mind-cleansing exercise to erase a series of these myths. There are many more, but time and space does not permit their exposure. The consensus of the Fourth Estate now is that a Coalition victory is inevitable, the only point of disagreement being whether it will be a Labor ‘wipeout’, or simply a modest loss. But when the credentials, the performance, and the plans of the major parties are compared, the logical conclusion is that despite all the vicissitudes it has had to manage, Labor is clearly the party best equipped to lead this nation for the next three years. Yet one would never draw that conclusion from the Fourth Estate, where unsupported opinion is news, and where partisan politics is played out overtly day after day. Although there are still a few honest and balanced journalists, there are so few in the Fourth Estate that in writing pieces such as this, most reliance has had to be placed on the Fifth Estate. Most of the links and references in this piece have been drawn from Lyn’s Daily Links. Without them, writing would take twice as long, and would not furnish the documentary evidence on which the piece is based. I trust any ‘undecided’ who reads this piece will find it a little easier to reach a decision about voting.

Ad astra

1/09/2013Folks Having watched the very strong launch of the Labor Party platform, we are now going out for a Father's Day picnic on what is beautiful day down here on the south coast. I'll be back later this afternoon.

42 long

1/09/2013Good article Ad As Lot's in it. Watched the "Launch". Will undecideds look at or read? I would hope so. People are basically lazy. Thinking is an effort and seeking truth is made difficult by the MSM. ( Same as bad labelling in the supermarket). Keeping the figures from the people should bring condemnation upon them. IF it is so good why not show us? Many have already voted so they will be denied the FACTS. This would not be such a deal IF the Charter of Budget Honesty wasn't a LieNP idea. Costello's. Also IF the LieNP hadn't made such a deal about how GOOD they are at everything to do with managing money. leaving the costings till late as a SHAM under the circumstances . The only assumption is that they are seeking to HIDE something BAD till too late to analyse it. Typical SNEAKY Abbott. Would you buy a used CAR from this man? He couldn't lie straight in bed.


1/09/2013Ad Astra, Enjoy your picnic, and thank you for yet another passionate and reasoned piece.


1/09/2013Ad Astra I didn't watch the ALP launch deliberately. It won't matter how good or bad it was, it will only depend on how or even if, it is reported. You have done an excellent job here, and we can only hope that some undecideds will read this and help with their decision. You and Lyn must be commended for you work, and I'm sure there will be a few out there that you have helped.


1/09/2013Ad, I very enjoyable piece. Helps stoke the fire, for this final week of fighting. I have been helping out on electioneering around shopping centres, pre polls etc and will be full on this week. Talking to a lot of people, the ones with some political knowledge are concerned that Labor has not been more demonstrative about how much the average family/worker would be, under Abbott. The Schoolkids bonus, super, etc. I have relayed this to the candidates I have been working for. Hope Labor run with these issues this week. They are being too "nice". Time for the gloves to come off this week


1/09/2013sorry, should read Worse off they will be under Abbott


1/09/2013Well written and well argued AA. Well done. And if anyone needs the link to Howard's middle class welfare spendathon - here's a couple. (Ironically showing a Liberal Party ad when I grabbed the link!)

Ad astra

1/09/201342 long Thank you for your comment. No, I wouldn’t buy a used car from Tony Abbott. Foina Thank you for you complimentary remark. We had a delightful drive through brilliantly green dairying countryside in warm sunny weather, with a picnic at Port Welshpool. A great Father’s Day outing preceded by phone calls from the kids. Gravel Thank you for your kind remarks. From what I have seen on the evening TV news, Kevin Rudd’s performance today has been given a tick, but I expect the Murdoch tabloids will mark him down. How much affect it will have on the ‘undecideds’ is unknowable. We can only hope they watched. cornlegend Thank you too for your complimentary remarks. This piece is dedicated to all of you who are out campaigning. I agree, it is time Labor’s achievements and promises were highlighted. It is indeed ‘gloves off’ time. 2353 Thank you too for your kind comment, and for the links that demonstrate what profligate spenders were Howard and Costello. The tragedy is that so few Fourth Estate articles have pointed this out. If we had an anywhere decent and balanced Fourth Estate, the people would know this and be reluctant to let the Coalition loose again.


1/09/2013As always, very well argued, Ad Astra. This helps marshall one's thoughts for this final week of the campaign. Thank you.

James Adelaide

1/09/2013Ad Astra I was listening to the radio this morning, and a labor ad came on: 'Abbott you lose, Abbott you lose' it went. By 15 seconds in I was screaming at the radio to 'go positive'. It stayed negative for another 15 seconds. It would have been so easy to say 'abbott you lose' for 15 seconds, then 'labor you win' for the rest. Off topic, but I would value your opinion Today’s Sunday Telegraph front page is a doozy I have read 165 comments: Propaganda (poor journalism, bias) 83 Fair comment (or agreeing) 53 Anti Abbott 12 Other 11 You may remember a post of mine a while back talking about 50/50 comments on a Murdoch story. Under Gillard it usually ran at 85% anti-Gillard in published comments. Since I have never been let through with a post on Murdoch, I suspect that they cull the comments. As such, a clear majority shows that either they have stopped filtering, or the response is in fact more overwhelming still. Politically, how will the outing of Murdoch by Murdoch play? Rupert tweeted the same phrases his papers had been using for years, outing himself as puppet master. Then the Tele in Sydney, on the first day of the campaign, advised us to ‘kick this mob out’ Today, the Sunday Tele says Tony should become Prime Minister because he has wanted the post for a long time and the Labor Government is bad. I think that even to the disinterested, the clear intentions of Murdoch and the bias of his media are apparent. Will this be enough to return the Government? Story Page 1 comments Page 2 comments

Ad astra

1/09/2013Patriciawa Thank you for your kind comment. It should be some final week. Let’s hope the voters wake up to Abbott. James Adelaide The News Limited support for Abbott is sickening, but some of the comments to which you linked show that the public is not universally buying the MSM propaganda. I hope they remember those comments in the ballot box.

Truth Seeker

1/09/2013Ad, thanks for another fine piece, well presented, researched and clearly and concisely argued. I just hope that plenty of undecideds get to read it and understand the implications of a vote for the Abbott team. Be very afraid people, they are treating us like fools. Cheers :-) :-)

Ad astra reply

1/09/2013Truth Seeker Thank you for your complimentary remark. You are right. Let's hope a few undecideds read it. They will not get such analysis in the MSM.


2/09/2013Dear Ad I am very moved by your dedication, thank you very humbly*, but you're the one that does the work. You and Lyn are National Treasures. Together you have wrought great educational works on this new medium, and you personally Ad astra have set the benchmark for sane insightful political commentary on the Fighting 5th Estate. And The Political Sword itself is nonpareil. This [i]last[/i] piece - *last* as in last in this Parliamentary cycle - is a total overview of the record of the Government's achievements through the last 6 years, and of the unrelenting scornful dissing of that by the MSM, the LNP and sectional interests, such an ongoing avalanche of denial and misrepresentation that it has brought about this parlous situation where Green is Red and black is white, the best 3xAAA rating and all the other BISONs made out to be disasters ... If Abborrrtt's religious zealot thugs do gain power they will PRIVATISE everything SELL OFF everything INVADE National Parks with hoofed stock REVERSE EVERY GOOD THING THEY CAN and make Australia a pariah amongst all the nations. And we will corporately deserve it. Not You Dear Ad, Not You Dear Reader, but Us, as in our species and our 'culture'. *Ad there is no-one whose opinion I value as I do yours so you make me very proud. Funny that dichotomy, sort of I'm proud to be very humble, but yes I really am "a modest little person with much to be modest about." (Churchill) Anyway I love feeling I've earned your respect. As a Comrade among the many Comrades of the Sword, and in the faithful core of the Labor Party, all little champions of Truth in our own ways.

John Ward

2/09/2013This list seems to be at odds with Tony Abbott's account of waste and mismanagement, confusion and dysfunction. Abbott is Holding democracy in contempt by bombarding us with the the appeal to ignorance, to prejudice, and the brutality of the negative political campaign the lies and misrepresentations, the repetitive slogans and half truths, that he has done, for the last three years. Kevin Rudd has began the battle to persuade the people of our country to reject the lies and misrepresentations, the repetitive slogans and half truths of the Rupert Murdoch’s, the hard right and the LNP under Abbott. The people once again, take their future in hand, to once again embrace the cooperative, open, decency of the politics that has been the backbone of the Australian Labor Party for the last 121 years. These policies will result in low- and middle-income earners paying billions of dollars more in tax while those on higher incomes receive billions in tax cuts and new benefits. Rather than take from the rich and give to the poor, the Coalition policies are a case of take from the poor and give to the rich. And this remains the case even taking into account the flow-on effects of the abolition of the carbon price and the funding of the Coalition’s paid maternity leave through a tax on big companies. Look at what The Australian Labor Party have achieved! _And what the LNP plan to do to those achievements. They already plan to privatize or sell of Assets ALP· NBN (the real one) – total cost $37.4b (Government contribution: $30.4b) LNP Immediately halt construction of the National Broadband Network and privatise any sections that have already been built Rule out any government-supported or mandated internet censorship ALP· BER 7,920 schools: 10,475 projects. (completed at less than 3% dissatisfaction rate) · Gonski – Education funding reform Repeal the National Curriculum Introduce competing private secondary school curriculum ALP· NDIS / Disability Care · MRRT & aligned PRRT LNP Repeal the mining tax ALP· Won seat at the UN LNP Abandon Australia's bid for a seat on the United Nations Security Council · Signed Kyoto LNP Withdraw from the Kyoto Protocol · Signatory to Bali Process & Regional Framework · Eradicated WorkChoices · Established Fair Work Australian Labor Hub LNP Repeal the Fair Work Act Allow individuals and employers to negotiate directly terms of employment that suit them Encourage independent contracting by overturning new regulations designed to punish contractors ALP· Established Carbon Pricing/ETS (7% reduction in emissions since July last year) LNP Repeal the carbon tax, and don't replace it. ALP· Established National Network of Reserves and Parks · Created world’s largest Marine Park Network · Introduced Reef Rescue Program LNP Repeal the marine park Legislation LP ALP· National Apology · Sorry to the Stolen Generation LNP Repeal Section 18C of the Racial Discrimination Act ALP· Increased Superannuation from 9 to 12% LNP Abolish the low-income superannuation contribution. This will reimpose a 15 per cent tax on superannuation contributions for 3.6 million workers earning less than $37,000 will pay more than $4 billion extra in tax on their super over the next four years. Abolish the proposed 15 percent tax on income from superannuation above $100,000 a year. The combined effect of these two superannuation changes is that 16,000 high-income earners with superannuation savings in excess of $2 million will get a tax cut End preferences for Industry Super Funds in workplace relations laws Allow people to opt out of superannuation in exchange for promising to forgo any government income support in retirement ALP · Changed 85 laws to remove discrimination against same sex couples LNP Defund Harmony Day ALP · Improvements to Sex Discrimination Act · Introduced National Plan to reduce violence against women and children LNP End all government funded Nanny State advertising ALP· Introduced Plain packaging of cigarettes LNP Repeal plain packaging for cigarettes and rule it out for all other products, including alcohol and fast food Reject proposals for compulsory food and alcohol labelling ALP · Legislated Equal pay (social & community workers up to 45% pay increases) · Legislated Australia’s first Paid Parental Leave scheme LNP Introduce a paid parental leave scheme that replaces a mother’s salary up to $150,000. To put it crudely, this means a low-income mum gets about $600 per week while a high-income mum gets close to $3000. Reduce the size of the public service from current levels of more than 260,000 to at least the 2001 low of 212,784 Halve the size of the Coalition front bench from 32 to 16 Slash top public servant salaries to much lower international standards, like in the United States ALP · Established $10b Renewable energy fund LNP. Abolish the Clean Energy Fund Abolish the Department of Climate Change Repeal the renewable energy target ALP · Legislated Murray/Darling Basin plan (the first in a hundred years of trying.) LNP. Privatise the Snowy-Hydro Scheme Abolish the Foreign Investment Review Board Encourage the construction of dams ALP· Increased Education funding by 50% · Established direct electoral enrolment LNP. Introduce voluntary voting End mandatory disclosures on political donations End media blackout in final days of election campaigns End public funding to political parties ALP. · Created 190,000 more University places LNP. Introduce fee competition to Australian universities Reintroduce voluntary student unionism at universities Means test tertiary student loans ALP. · Achieved 1:1 ratio, computers for year 9-12 students · Established My School · Established National Curriculum · Established NAPLAN LNP. Introduce a voucher scheme for secondary schools ALP. · Increased Health funding by 50% LNP. Eliminate the National Preventative Health Agency Abolish the means test on the private health insurance rebate. This will deliver a $2.4 billion tax cut over three years for individuals earning more than $84,001 a year, or couples earning more than $168,001. People on lower incomes will receive no benefit. Repeal the alcopops tax ALP. · Legislated Aged care package · Legislated Mental health package · Legislated Dental Care package · Created 90 Headspace sites · Created Medicare Locals Program LNP. Means-test Medicare Privatise Medibank Privatise Australia Post Privatise SBS Cease funding the Australia Network Break up the ABC and put out to tender each individual function Privatise the Australian Institute of Sport End all public subsidies to sport and the arts Formalise a one-in, one-out approach to regulatory reduction Privatise the CSIRO ALP. · Created Aussie Jobs package · Created Kick-Start Initiative (apprentices) · Funded New Car plan (industry support) LNP. Cease subsidising the car industry End all corporate welfare and subsidies by closing the Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research and Tertiary Education ALP. · Created Infrastructure Australian LNP. Force government agencies to put all of their spending online in a searchable database End all hidden protectionist measures, such as preferences for local manufacturers in government tendering ALP. · Established Nation Building Program (350 major projects) LNP. Introduce a special economic zone in the north of Australia including. Lower personal income tax for residents Devolve environmental approvals for major projects to the states Introduce a single rate of income tax with a generous tax-free threshold Allow the Northern Territory to become a state ALP. · Doubled Federal Roads budget ($36b) (7,000kms of roads) · Rebuilding 1/3 of interstate rail freight network · Committed more to urban passenger rail than any government since Federation · Developed National Ports Strategy · Developed National Land Freight Strategy · Created the nations first ever Aviation White Paper · Revitalized Australian Shipping · Reduced transport regulators from 23 to 3 (saving $30b over 20years) · Introduced NICS – infrastructure schedule · Australia has moved from 20th in 2007 to 2nd on OECD infrastructure ranking · Awarded International Infrastructure Minister of the Year (2012 Albanese) · Awarded International Treasurer of the Year (2011 Swan) · Introduced Anti-dumping and countervailing system reforms LNP. Remove anti-dumping laws Deregulate the parallel importation of books Remove all remaining tariff and non-tariff barriers to international trade ALP. · Legislated Household Assistance Package LNP. Eliminate family tax benefits ALP. · Introduced School Kids Bonus LNP. Abolish the means-tested School kids Bonus that benefits 1.3 million families by providing up to $410 for each primary school child and up to $820 for each high school child. ALP. · Increased Childcare rebate (to 50%) LNP. Abolish the Baby Bonus ALP. · Allocated $6b to Social Housing (20,000 homes) · Provided $5b to Support for Homelessness · Established National Rental Affordability Scheme ($4.5b) · Introduced Closing the Gap · Supports Act of Recognition for constitutional change · Provided the highest pension increase in 100 years · Created 900,000 new jobs · Established National Jobs Board Significantly expanded 457 Visa programs for workers · Allocated $9b for skills and training over 5 years · Established Enterprise Connect (small business) · Appointed Australia’s first Small Business Commissioner · Introduced immediate write-off of assets costing less than $10,000 for Sm/Bus · Introduced $10,000 immediate write-off for Small Business vehicles over $16,500 · Introduced Small business $1m loss carryback for tax rebate from previous year LNP. Return income taxing powers to the states · Legislated Australian Consumer law LNP. Abolish the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission ALP. · Introduced a national levy to assist Queensland with reconstruction Abolish the First Home Owners' Grant · Standardised national definition of flood for Insurance purposes. · Created Tourism 2020 · Completed Australia’s first feasibility study on high speed rail · Established ESCAS (traceability and accountability in live animal exports) · Established Royal Commission into Institutional Sexual Abuse · Established National Crime Prevention Fund · Lowered personal income taxes (Ave family now pays $3,500 less p.a. than 2007) · Raised the tax-free threshold from $6,000 to $18,200 LNP. Lower the tax-free threshold from $18,200 to $6000. This will drag more than one million low-income earners back into the tax system. It will also increase the taxes for 6 million Australians earning less than $80,000. ALP. · Australia now the richest per capita nation on earth · First time ever Australia has three triple A credit ratings from all three credit agencies · Low inflation · Lowest interest rates in 60 years (Ave mortgagee paying $5,000 less p.a. than 2007) · Low unemployment · Lowest debt to GDP in OECD · Australian dollar is now fifth most traded in the world and IMF Reserve Currency · One of the world’s best performing economies during and since the GFC · Australia now highest ranked for low Sovereign Risk · Overseen the largest fiscal tightening in nations history (4.4%) LNP. Legislate a balanced budget amendment which strictly limits the size of budget deficits and the period the federal government can be in deficit Legislate a cap on government spending and tax as a percentage of GDP ALP. · 21 years of continuous economic growth (trend running at around 3%pa) · 11 years of continuous wages growth exceeding CPI · Increasing Productivity · Increasing Consumer Confidence LNP. Abolish the Office for Film and Literature Classification AlP. Record foreign investment · Historic levels of Chinese/Australian bilateral relations · First female Prime Minister · First female Governor General · First female Attorney General LNP. Abolish the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) Eliminate laws that require radio and television broadcasters to be 'balanced ' Abolish television spectrum licensing and devolve spectrum management to the common law End local content requirements for Australian television stations Eliminate media ownership restrictions Rule out federal funding for 2018 Commonwealth Games ALP. A fiscal strategy to return to budget surpluses over the economic cycle without damaging its economy with austerity measures already proven to fail. A future linked to the National Broadband Network, renewable energy and greater productivity through higher education and infrastructure investment. Improved social equality and has a larger voice on the world stage. All this (and more) despite a hung parliament, a recalcitrant press and the most negative and asinine Opposition since Federation. In my view this has been one of the finest parliamentary periods in our history. ·2012 Albanese Awarded International Infrastructure Minister of the Year. Created Infrastructure Australia · Established Nation Building Program (350 major projects) · Doubled Federal Roads budget ($36b) (7,000kms of roads) · Rebuilding 1/3 of interstate rail freight network · Committed more to urban passenger rail than any government since Federation · Developed National Ports Strategy · Developed National Land Freight Strategy · Created the nations first ever Aviation White Paper · Revitalized Australian Shipping · Reduced transport regulators from 23 to 3 (saving $30b over 20 years) · Introduced NICS – infrastructure schedule · Australia has moved from 20th in 2007 to 2nd on OECD infrastructure ranking Introduced a national levy to assist Queensland with reconstruction · Standardised national definition of flood for Insurance purposes.


2/09/2013Today’s Links Is Abbott Sending Holy Smoke Signals? by @MikeSeccombe One gets the feeling there is still much – apart from his policy costings – which Abbott is hiding. And one might wonder whether, once he has won the election, things will be revealed which will surprise the rationalist right of his own party. Syria conflict 'baddies vs baddies': Abbott by Yahoo It is not goodies versus baddies, it is baddies versus baddies and that is why it is very important that we don't make a very difficult situation worse," Abbott told ABC television Sunday morning.;_ylt=A2KJ3CV6sSJS.UsAU5jQtDMD Rudd launch swings focus back to jobs and training by Bernard Keane The centerpiece of Rudd’s pitch was an extension of small business tax deductions to $10,000, costing $200 million over four years - the only fiscal commitment of substance from the launch. Rudd also threatened to direct TAFE funding directly to institutions in the face of state government funding cuts, Kevin Rudd threatens states with Tafe funding bypass by @gabriellechan At the Labor campaign launch on Sunday, Kevin Rudd said Labor had achieved significant reforms in other areas of education but Tafes were “withering on the vine” due to state government cuts.He told states that if they did not meet the the commonwealth’s funding requirements by July 2014, a Labor government would move to fund Tafes directly. Coaliton's full costings will not be released until final days of campaign by @gabriellechan "I don't believe the additional savings to be announced later this week will impact on ordinary Australians and I want to give people this absolute assurance, no cuts to education, no cuts to health, no changes to pensions and no changes to the GST," Abbott said. Labor’s measures to increase apprenticeships, local content will boost economy and help workers by actu The plan to require 10 per cent of work by apprentices, trainees or cadets on federal-government funded construction contracts worth more than $5 million would create many new training opportunities and ensure a steady supply of skilled workers into the economy. Syria Conflict ‘Baddies vs. Baddies’: Abbott by Jakarta by Tony Abbott, currently on track to win Australia’s September 7 elections over center-left Labor incumbent Kevin Rudd, described the conflict in Syria as a civil war “between two pretty unsavory sides.”It is not goodies versus baddies, it is baddies versus baddies and that is why it is very important that we don’t make a very difficult situation worse,” Abbott told ABC The Editorial From Limited News Telegraph – before editting. by rossleighbrisbane He has identified his own weaknesses and sought to eliminate anyone who mentions them; he has reached out to working women, for example, like no political leader in recent history, calling them “feisty” and “sexy” and suggesting that they should move a bit close. The Sunday Telegraph believes Mr Abbott is ready to lead Australia. Claims emerge of opinion poll rigging by @btckr The Murdoch owned The Australian’s online edition quoted Mr Palmer as saying: ”When I was a former party director there were polling companies that I used to give large donations to and they’d write the results for them [polls],” he said. This quote is not accurate. A transcript shows Mr Palmer was interrupted and The Australian’s journalist completed his remark for him. Stop the Murdoch media by @MigloMT This site and its authors, as you’ll no doubt be aware, despise Rupert Murdoch and in particular his blatant efforts in using his Australian newspapers to manipulate public discourse. All designed, obviously, to deliver the government of his choice. He has gone on record as declaring he enjoys influencing people. That’s what he wants his newspapers to do. Election 2013: The final countdown by Eddy Jokovich These front-page interventions by News Limited, through their Liberal Party megaphones, The Courier Mail, Daily Telegraph and The Australian have been truely bizzare and, if you removed their respective mastheads, could easily double up as a Honi Soit covers controlled by the Sydney University Young Liberals. Donate to stop the Murdoch media! by Avaaz Since day one of the election Murdoch’s papers have launched a one-sided campaign, dangerously and intentionally blurring the lines between editorial and reporting content. Front-pages depicting the Prime Minister as a Nazi TV character have in essence turned the papers into Australia’s most widespread political advertisements. Rupert Murdoch, News Corp.: by change org We want fair, 50-50 balanced reporting. Facts and no bias. Petition by Stop Media Bias in Australia. The Daily Telegraph Is A Bad Newspaper, Of Course by @jrhennessy One good thing emerges from this mealy-mouthed propaganda. The sheer audacity of The Telegraph’s personality cult campaign has ignited a discussion on media regulation and ownership amongst people who tend not to think critically about such things. There’s a wizened bastion of old leftists who are as we speak dismissing Fear Of The Known by Artneuro Somebody help us out here. We’re about to vote in the party of the property bubble again. And they haven’t learnt their lessons at all. They’re coming at us with the same rhetoric they came at us in the first place. If it’s the personal failing of Tony Abbott, that’s one thing but it’s not – the whole lot of the front-benchers are trotting out this bunkum. Western Decay – The Liberals Woeful candidates in Sydney’s West by @madwixxy caller on ABC Radio described what she witnessed when she attended the candidates debate. The caller said that the answers to questions being asked were being texted to Fiona by a Liberal Party organiser. How does she know this? She was apparently sitting next to the organiser watching them type up and send the answers to Fiona. Voting below-the-line made easy by @350ppmJames If you don’t like your chosen group’s preferences, you can instead vote “below the line”. A helpful website is Below the Line, which presents all the group voting tickets in an easy-to-read format and allows you to prepare your own ballot to use on election day. Here’s how it works 5 days, 6 hours until we vote – are you still undecided? by @TaraNipe I have concerns about, every aspect of the Liberal party worries me – natural justice, industrial relations, economic management, protection of our least advantaged, investment in the future, capacity for long-term and big picture thinking, integrity, and trustworthiness. And on the matters of asylum seekers and the environment? However far Labor have fallen short of ideal, they beat the Liberal party by a country mile. The Ashbygate Theatre: Changing the script by @independentaus We understand why you’d like to see more hard evidence regarding some of the points raised in the Ashbygate Trust articles. We ask for your patience here as publishing detailed evidence now could compromise our efforts. We go to great pains to ensure our facts are right before publishing. But there will be more to come over the next few days. Keep watching this space. Refugee Boats; The Timeline – Updated to September 1st by @archiearchive This list is based on what is being reported in the MSM and what I can find from a couple of specialist sites. This is to give a layman’s impression of what is going on and may say more about the MSM than the facts. One day soon, I shall ask the relevant Government Departments for authoritative information. The Carbon Tax Battle by @Captainturtle Tony's great skill is to attack his opponents on his own weak points. If he's been caught lying, he will talk about nothing else other than the PM's lies for a week. Projection, triangulation, call it what you will, but it has been very effective "NBN Lite" won't happen, but has served its purpose: took the NBN off the Election agenda by @SteveJ_CBR To win the NBN Debate, Turnbull, the Earl of Wentworth, only needed to convince the media that he had an NBN Plan that was acceptable to the great unwashed and was roughly the same as the Real NBN.To support this, he had to cast serious doubt on the NBN Co budget and ability to execute, and to confuse/conflate the critical questions so media never asked them Coaltion NBN Policy – Post Election by @sortius In true LNP tradition, I suspect that the first thing they will do is hand the money to Telstra. Just grab $30b of public debt, hand it to Telstra & say “build wireless”. It’s not an earth shattering revelation, Hockey made it clear he thinks wireless is the future, the Young Libs have been spreading FUD on social media about fibre being outdated by wireless “in 2 years”. Today’s Front Pages Australian Newspaper Front Pages for 2 September 2013 News headlines

Ad astra

2/09/2013LYN'S DAILY LINKS updated:


2/09/2013Sometimes the stars just align to tell you how it is. I went to an online TV channels site to check whether today's National Press Club event features Tony Abbott. The site confirmed this, and then went on with the ABC's subsequent programming. 12.32pm National Press Club: Leaders Address Tony Abbott: Leader of the Liberal Party 1.32pm As Time Goes By 2pm Who Makes the News? 3.02pm Play School All that's needed to cap off that string would have been a re-run of "Who Do You Think You Are?", but really, you can only ask the aligned stars to make so much clear.

Ad astra reply

2/09/2013Talk Turkey Thank you so much for your heartfelt tribute. You have been a Labor stalwart for so long and a consistent supporter of TPS for many years. The encouragement you give Lyn and me lifts our spirits and gives us the strength and determination to continue to provide substance for our visitors, often in the face of a vitriolic Fourth Estate hell bent on countering the values we hold so dear, particularly the fairness that characterizes Labor's approach to government. Your support has enabled us to provide facts and figures to contradict the deception and disingenuousness of the Fourth Estate. The Fifth Estate is becoming a force, although not yet nearly as powerful as the Fourth Estate. You are voice in the Fifth Estate. May you long continue to be a force for good, for the Labor values we hold so fervently.


2/09/2013Both Ad Astra's and John Ward's analyses make excellent points about the differences between the two major parties. The Opposition Leader's comments on Syria are typical of his prevarication. He is all for the alliance with the United States until the President is a Democrat. Just a reminder to all the Coalition faithful: the issue which nations are facing is not about taking sides in the Syrian conflict, but ensuring that, during war, unarmed, innocent civilians are protected from having chemical weapons rained down indiscriminately upon them. As usual, Abbott uses the issue to try to differentiate himself from Rudd for electoral advantage, rather than behave like a statesman seeking to advance the protection and good of humanity. Every word Abbott utters brings him closer to losing this election.

Ad astra reply

2/09/2013John Ward Welcome to The Political Sword family, and thank you for your comprehensive account of Labor's accomplishments and the proposed and anticipated counter actions of the Coalition should it be elected. It is frightening to contemplate what damage an LNP government might do to this nation's polity. Should we have one inflicted upon us, as I posited in my last piece but one, Abbott's weakness may come into play, weakness that may inhibit him from implementing some of his hairy-chested threats. He would find if much, much harder were he in government to do the nasty things he threatens to do. You have added substantially to the argument that Labor is by far the best choice for the next term. Thank for the effort you have put into your comment and for posting it on TPS. Do come again.

Ad astra reply

2/09/2013Michael That's a clever observation. I'll watch Abbott-man's address at the NPC, but I expect to hear nothing new - just a reprise of his tired old slogans!


2/09/2013Good Morning Ad Thankyou for your new article, you amaze us over and over again. Also thankyou for your appreciation you always keep me motivated to press on. News this morning is again depressing and grim. I like this tweet:- Kazadi ‏@kazadipapa Really? According to NewsLtd Abbott has jumped 10 points as preferred PM in 5 days but ALP can't jump 4 points? Talk of a skewed logic [quote]Galaxy Poll shows voters are cautious about a Tony Abbott-run economy [/quote] This article cheered me up somewhat: [quote]Australia, you don't know how good you've got it by Joseph Stiglitz is a professor of economics [/quote] Most countries would envy Australia's economy. During the global recession, Kevin Rudd's government implemented one of the strongest Keynesian stimulus packages in the world. That package was delivered early, with cash grants that could be spent quickly followed by longer-term investments that buoyed confidence and activity over time Hi Talk Turkey I won’t say a date and time, there are many nice words you have said, thankyou for your lovely comments again. Ad Astra has said exactly what I think :- [quote]“The encouragement you give Lyn and me lifts our spirits and gives us the strength and determination to continue to provide substance for our visitors[/quote]


2/09/2013Too right, Vote Bentleigh. To talk of "baddies and baddies" as children's gassed bodies lie freshly buried as if they are just another example of 'shit happening'... I wonder what he (and let's face it, how much more of the world?) would be saying if Syria was a predominantly Christian country, rather than predominantly a Muslim one? 'Innocent victim' seems to have a sliding scale of ethnicity code attached to Abbott and his dismissive ilk (aka, the Anglosphere, in his own words).


2/09/2013John Ward, that is a particularly striking list, I have echoed it on my blog as I think that it could do with the highlight. Ad Astra, you do manage to find the most amazing links and draw commentators to your site that enlighten me and spark my own thoughts. Thank you.


2/09/2013Spot on, Michael.

Ad astra

2/09/2013Hi Lyn Again, thank you for your amazing links, which I have just now finished reading. There is so much valuable information in them - so much more than in the MSM. Thank you too for your kind words and the additional links. The article by Joseph Stiglitz is essential reading and a timely adjunct to the thrust of this piece. As a professor of economics at Columbia University and a recipient of the Nobel Prize in economics, his opinion, based as it is on a sound understanding of economics, should be read by all involved in this field, especially Joe Hockey, Andrew Robb, Mathias Cormann, and of course Tony Abbott. His book [i]The Price of Inequality: How Today's Divided Society Endangers Our Future[/i] is a classic, from which I have often quoted. I recommend his article today in the [i]SMH: Australia, you don't know how good you've got it[/i] to all visitors here: Read more:

Ad astra

2/09/2013VoterBentleigh Thank you for your kind words. I trust that despite the polls your words are prescient: “[i]Every word Abbott utters brings him closer to losing this election.’[/i] Curi-Oz Thank you too for your complimentary remarks. I’m glad this piece was of value to you.


2/09/2013I've just added a link on my blog ( to the NO FIBS! website about voting informally. On the other hand, I've just been told that I have changed the mind of at least one person to vote for the ALP after they perused [b]this[/b] recommended website (i.e. The Political Sword, and these last two posts in particular)

Catching up

2/09/2013Any one listening to NPC with Abbott. Speech unbelievable. First half made up of the words "carbon tax" repeated in every sentence. Fact finder is going to have fun with this speech.

Catching up

2/09/2013Now defending the squabbling going on, in the west. Still no question on "carbon tax"

N'ellie May

2/09/2013Hi Ad and Lyn, A big thank you again. I just want to acknowledge again how much this place means to me, and I'm sure many others. Thanks for your incredible work and strength. I know we're all going to need you more than ever in the times ahead.

Ad astra

2/09/2013Curi-Oz Thank you for linking to [i]TPS[/i] on your site: [i]Curi-Oz Corner[/i]: I’m glad that someone has changed their vote as a result of reading recent posts here. N’ellie May Thank you for your encouraging words. Lyn and I are glad you find [i]TPS[/i] a good place to be.



Ad astra

2/09/2013Folks Those of you who listened to Tony Abbott’s NPC address this lunchtime will have noticed how much he hammered ‘the carbon tax’. He mentioned it 37 times in his half-hour address. Not once though did I hear him mention the global financial crisis or the need for this nation to transition from a heavily resource-based economy to one based on other endeavours such as manufacturing, service industries, agribusiness, tourism and telecommunications. He airbrushes these realities out of history, past and present, relying simply of the endless reiteration of his slogans. He treats the voting public and even the journalists at the NPC like mugs, unthinking mugs that will be satisfied by slogans, mantras, catchphrases and jingles. The transcript of the speech is here:

42 long

2/09/2013He is unlikely to reverse the 'carbon tax" in reality. His PPL for women of CAlIBRE " will at least be modified post election, if not voted out. It's a workplace thing anyhow. Not to be funded by taxes at the expense of pensioners uni students and TAFE opportunities. The TAX on bigger businesses will only cover about 1/3rd of the cost Over his dead body years ago, now reversed and "grown" to trump the much better targeted and financially responsible Labor variant. Notice how the NICE Tony behaves when he is seeking to convince the unsuspecting out there that he will govern for ALL Australians. EVEN IF he would (which I doubt) would his backers allow him to do that. Once he is elected he will pay the ones who call the tune ( His backers with money). That will not be most of Australia. If there is a problem with money it will come from the poorer ones.(Always does with Tories)




2/09/2013AA Another great read & explanation of exposing the myths that have been perpetrated by the Murdoch press on the Australian electorate, if only history had taken a different path. Had Howard not relaxed the cross media laws allowing Murdoch to gain the power he now has, no doubt he would have promised Howard to keep him in power as long as possible too. Had K Rudd done what most past elected PM's have done & put a broom through the ABC, AFP etc & removed the Liberal embedded bias things would be so much different than the uphill battle we now face. Unfortunately Rudd has been responsible for most of his own current problems, I for one will hold him responsible if Labor losses the election. At least if he does lose his seat we wont have the problem of getting rid of him. He made so many big promises at the 2007 election with over stating things like "I'll remove the blame game in state versus federal hospital funding", then did nothing. He could have done it so easy with all the Labor states he had at the time & made a real legacy for himself. Climate change is the "moral challenge of our time", which he dropped like a hot potato at the first pot hole he hit & the list goes on. No conviction in his promises to us the electorate. Did he give Murdoch the wink wink nudge nudge on the contract over national broadcast rights through Asia before the 2007 election which gave him the soft touch in the Murdoch press? Could this be the main reason for the unrelenting attack on the best PM we have seen in many years Julia(negotiator with no equal), due to the fact her government took it out of his grim reaper grasp? There will be a hell of a lot of questions to be answered after the result next weekend, unfortunately we don't have many journalists left in this country willing or able to actually ask the questions which need answering. I can see someone like Margo Kingston or maybe even yourself Ad writing a best seller in the near future about this the most disgraceful period of political history in this country, on par or even worse than the dismissal in many respects. This will be the longest week in the past 3 years, I really hope we can prevail next weekend, if not, at least we here at TPS will not wear the blame for what is to come if we do not win. Recession, national embarrassment for inflicting Mr Abbott on the world stage, the pariah for reneging on climate action. Embarrassment for being asked "what were you guys thinking" by the rest of the world. I'm sure watching the slow motion train wreck will be some sort of conciliation if Abbott wins, I don't see him lasting all that long. How many PM's have taken office with a long list of law suits nipping at their heals. When peoples power bills don't drop by 30% in the first quarter after the election will be the start of his nightmare. TT I find your dedication to the Labor cause admirable & I for 1 have supported you in [b][u]all[/u][/b] you have posted on this site over the last few months.


2/09/2013Good afternoon all. I am down in the dumps again after hearing a bloke on local radio this morning. He said he was voting Liberal this time because although the economy etc is okay, he expected more from Labor. This man sounded well educated and admitted he is not doing it tough, yet he expected MORE from the Labor Government he voted for. Just goes to show that some people will never be satisfied, so I hope that if the abbott wins that this man suffers more than me and mine.

Ad astra

2/09/2013KHTAGH Thank you for your kind words. I'm not sure I would have the time or enthusiasm for writing a 'best-seller' on the last six years. It has been one of the most tumultuous in our political history, one of the nastiness, and has seen the most vicious media onslaught on a PM that I can remember. I hope though that someone will write an objective account of this period. There are so many lessons to learn for budding politicians. Your comments are germane. The promise of a new era under Rudd is fading; unless he can miraculously reverse the trend, Abbott man will be inflicted on us. janice Your story is a sad one, which illustrates how disingenuousness and downright lies can influence the thinking of even seemingly rational people.


2/09/2013Hi Ad, Essential results for you, the better PM is making me smile Tweeple report: Judge 'n Jury rocket ‏ Latest Essential poll at 48-52, Rudd better PM 44-38 with 18 don't knows. Won't be reported on their ABC …

Ad astra

2/09/2013Hi Lyn Thank you for the [i]Essential Report[/i], most interesting reading. It has only just now arrived on my email. The account of [i]Essential[/i] in Crikey seemed to have the figures wrong!




2/09/2013I'd like to add my thanks to AA and Lyn in particular for the wonderful work they have done. We can still win this - but if we don't the fight for equality and fairness will continue, and we must all play a part.


2/09/2013Hi Kate That is so nice of you thankyou:):)

Ad astra

2/09/2013Kate Thank you for your kind comments. The battle is not yet over.


2/09/2013I must admit K Rudd was pretty good on Q&A tonight, he pulled Tony Jones up well on several occasions, he spoke with lots of passion, pity it was not 3 weeks ago.

Ad astra reply

2/09/2013Folks In my opinion, Kevin Rudd did very well tonight on Q&A despite antagonistic moderation by Tony Jones. Although some questions were adversarial, Rudd answered them with vigour and conviction and got a positive response from the audience. Moreover, he countered Jones' antagonism and repeated interruptions, as well as the acerbic comments Jones threw in for good measure. Jones looked angry and behaved aggressively, but Rudd gave him as good as he got. It was a strong and convincing performance that may have persuaded some towards Rudd. How many were watching I wonder?


2/09/2013The Rudd did very well on Q&A tonight. Think Tony Jones needs to pull his head in occasionally. This was a good audience, loved the nurse getting and not accepting his answer and the dignity in which he responded. I couldn't imagine Abbott coping with a forum like this no ability to control it and you'd see him putting his foot into it continuously. I won't do Labor any harm, Q&A generally has very good ratings. I suppose it's not over until the fat lady sings


3/09/2013Today’s Links To succeed, PM Abbott must disappoint us all by @macro_business Interest rates traction is slipping and any economic narrative that does not support the changed consumer will fall on deaf ears. If PM Abbott cuts spending too hard the consumer will bunker and any tax cuts will go to waste, What does Tony's 'stronger economy' look like? by @TheKouk One of Abbott’s pledges during the campaign is to “make the economy stronger”.At no stage has he articulated what that means, nor has he been asked in the plethora of interviews he has given what the characteristics of that "stronger economy” are. Hockey Finally Comes Clean: Coalition Won't Release Costings After All by @SenatorWong Mr Hockey was very precise in his language this morning, saying:“We are still announcing policies and when we have finished announcing policies, we will release the consolidated balance sheet."This confirms that the Coalition will continue to hide the details of their costings until the election and beyond. Why taxes would rise under Abbott by @1RossGittins Election campaigns have become works of fantasy where, to enter the spirit of things, you have to suspend disbelief. And the greatest unreality this time is Tony Abbott's claim the budget can be returned to surplus in the coming decade while taxes go down, not up. Households better off since GFC by @LarvatusProdeo The strongest contributors to the household budget are food, transport and housing. In 2013, food and transport both contribute around 17% of all expenditure. Housing (rent, mortgage, rates and other housing costs) make up around 15%. Abbott would have us believe we are all worse off under Labor. On average he is wrong Who really saved Australia from the GFC? by Crispin Hull How can we explain how so many voters vote against a party that would uphold their interests in favour of a party that would favour business and the wealthy?The explanation lies in propaganda.Nothing like a series of brash, egregious portrayals of Labor and its leadership as bungling Nazis, plunderers, nincompoops, or an edict to “kick this mob out” pushed in the tabloids Election 2013- Day 29 (or, build a bridge and not get over it) by @GrogsGamut Abbott was on the 7:30 Report. He did alright. Leigh Sales skewered him pretty nicely when she asked him to “unpack” his statements about the “baddies against the baddies”. He couldn’t name any other group, let alone any other “baddie” than AL Qaeda when asked to explain his statement. He did a fair bit of fumbling and umming and it was abundantly clear he hadn’t even More of the Same By Gary Sauer-Thompson Barry Jones has highlighted how the quality of political debate appears to have become increasingly unsophisticated, appealing to the lowest common denominator of understanding and the role of the media: The Murdoch papers are no longer reporting the news, but shaping it. They no longer claim objectivity but have become players, powerful advocates on policy issues Coalition's Direct Action funding won't rise if 5% emissions target not met by Lenore Taylor The Coalition will not increase funding for its “Direct Action” even if the climate policy fails to deliver Australia’s promised greenhouse gas reductions, an outcome several attempts to model the plan have indicated is very likely. 11 Seats to Watch By @mrtiedt The purpose of this post to be a handy little primer – which seats are you likely to hear about, who are the players, why is it interesting, and what’s probably going to happen Labor pledges to raise asset write-off threshold to $10,000 By Patrick Stafford The announcement caps what has been a lucrative campaign for small businesses, with both sides of politics announcing tax and budget policies which cater to the small end of town.The pledge also counteracts the Coalition’s announcement it will scrap the increased write-off threshold if it wins government. Drone plan shot down in Coalition defence policy launch by theguardian. The Coalition has abandoned a long-standing promise to buy long-range unmanned surveillance drones it once said were essential for watching over Australia's vast lands and seas.the opposition leader, Tony Abbott, said decisions on buying complex technical equipment could not be made from opposition. Will Abbott hand power to multinationals? by @350ppmJames The TPP could be agreed before most Australians even realize what is happening. Investor-state dispute settlement represents an attack on national sovereignty and on the very heart of democracy, at a time when we need accountable government more than ever. We should be decarbonizing the Australian and global economy as rapidly as possible to prevent Baddies and Worsies by Bob Ellis Galaxy has Abbott on 38 as preferred Prime Minister, Rudd on 45. Newspoll has Abbott on 43, Rudd on 41. Morgan, distributing Palmer preferences as Clive directs, claims Rudd will lose his seat. Galaxy has him on 57. Tony Abbott’s extreme agenda by @SimonCopland @AusVotes2013 His direct action plan could therefore be described as one that directly takes money out of the technologies that are the solutions to the problem, whilst keeping money into the causes of the problem. These sorts of cuts will have a huge impact on the renewable energy industry, yet the ALP has hardly touched them. An Open Letter to Fairfax Media Limited by Dan Rowden Australia has been confronted for too long with the jaundiced jabbering of pseudo-journalists of the Gemma Jones ilk, who would be far more appropriately assigned to writing gossip columns. Mind you, the difference between that and what is presently being offered as news is one measured in yoctometres News Corp.’s Tight Grip on Australia’s Papers Shapes Its Politics by New York Times One of the Labor government’s plans calls for a National Broadband Network that would deliver high-speed Internet access to wide swathes of the country, a service that would broadly compete with News Corporation’s subscription TV service, Foxtel, which remains the company’s most profitable Australian venture. Some reasons to vote Labor on September 7th. by Curi-Oz A particularly appropriate summation of what the ALP has already done and looks likely to continue with, compared to what can be extracted from the Liberal-National Party. Coalition climate figures don’t add up by @ConversationEDU A$7.5 billion with these measures significantly overstates the practical reality, primarily because of the misclassification of A$4.5 billion under the Jobs and Competitiveness Program and energy market compensation measures. A more accurate figure for the total cash saved by this set of measures is more like $3 billion – nowhere close to the loss of A$9.7 billion in revenue from abolishing the price on carbon. I’ve raised the white flag by @MigloMT But when they wake up, it will be easier for us to work together to remove Tony Abbott in 2016 than it has been keeping him out of office in 2013. So much for Abbott's 'real solutions' unity ticket by @no_filter_Yamba Open warfare has broken out between the Liberal and the National parties with New South Wales National senator Fiona Nash joining her party leader, Warren Truss, in attacking the Liberal shadow treasurer, Joe Hockey, for being “disconnected” from regional Australia Liberals double ad spend as polling day nears by Rosie Baker The liberal party doubled its ad spend last week, spending $1.6m on advertising over the seven days to 28 August – more than it spent in the previous three weeks of the campaign combined, according to figures released by Ebiquity. The party has spent a total of $3.1m on ads during the campaign season. Quarterly Essay 43, Bad News: Murdoch’s Australian and the Shaping of the Nation by Robert Manne Since 2002, under the editorship of Chris Mitchell, the Australian has come to see itself as judge, jury and would-be executioner of leaders and policies. Is this a dangerous case of power without responsibility? What Will He Cut Near You by Australian Labor Who will pay for Tony Abbott's cuts? Families, parents, teachers, nurses, low income workers, pensioners - are you on the chopping block? NBN: Fibre-on-Demand, at best $7,500/premises, more like $45,000/premises by @SteveJ_CBR Peter Martin tweeted that the ALP's claim of $5,000 to connect Fibre-on-Demand was "Mostly False".I disagree and tweeted a short calculation. I find it surprising that the ALP has never made this argument: Today’s Front Pages Australian Newspaper Front Pages for 3 September 2013 News headlines

Ad astra

3/09/2013LYN'S DAILY LINKS updated:

42 long

3/09/2013Rudd's reply to the "Pastor" was one of the best I have heard from anyone on the matter. He must be genuine on this and I give him full credit for that. A fulsome unprepared reply. I am ambivalent about him but he is not an unintelligent person and is FAR ahead of the Abbott for believable, and on Policy substance. Abbott just tries to buy votes. He is still a "wolf in sheeps clothing"

Ad astra

3/09/2013Hi Lyn Once again, your links have proved invaluable, and will feed into the next piece. The ones on economics, which assume that Abbott will win on Saturday, outline some of the economic realities that will soon mug him if he wins, and the difficulties he will encounter keeping his promises, which he vows to do. Already he is retreating from some of his wilder policies, such as spending millions on drones to patrol our sea borders. Of course he would blame Labor for as long as he could for any fiscal problems he encountered. Should he win, we would see him in an emotional struggle between, on the one hand his [b]vindictiveness[/b], which would have him impugn Labor, inflict as much damage as he could on its reputation, and reverse as many Labor initiatives as he was able, and, on the other hand his [b]weakness[/b], which would see him subject to the wishes of his powerful mentors and big business, and lacking the guts to tackle the big economic issues, which he seems not to understand.

Ad astra

3/09/201342 long I agree. Rudd's reply was spontaneous, forceful, well argued and convincing. The pastor looked stunned.


3/09/2013Good Morning Ad, Thankyou for your post to me. Funny I have just finished preparing links to Abbott’s mind changes, retreats, back lips, lies ? ( [quote]Already he is retreating from some of his wilder policies, such as spending millions on drones to patrol our sea borders[/quote]). The Pastor was lost for words:- The Advertiser ‏ Rudd's gay-marriage swipe at Pastor - IN an extraordinary moment on TV, Kevin Rudd gave a staunch defence of sa... Social Media News ‏ #Ausvotes: @KRuddMP Passionately Defends Gay Marriage on Q&A! TELLs pastor Bible would also mean support for slavery~> Paul Verhoeven ‏ If you somehow missed it, here's Kevin Rudd calling out an anti-gay pastor last night on #qanda. Beautiful stuff. Towleroad Australian PM Kevin Rudd Destroys Anti-Gay Pastor on Marriage Equality: VIDEO [b]Abbott Mind Changes[/b] Chris Murphy: Changed his mind on boats, drones & climate change in 24hrs. Abbott should get approval from MurdochPM before he opens his gob. [quote]Coalition abandons promise on surplus [/quote] [quote]Tony Abbott retreats from drones pledge in defence policy [/quote] [quote]Tony Abbott backs away from Jakarta visit vow [/quote] [quote]Tony Abbott willing to break emissions pledge over funding hole[/quote] [quote]Scott Morrison defiant on 'crazy' boat buyback policy [/quote]an admission from Opposition Leader [b]Tony Abbott that it may never eventuate. [/b] [quote]Candidates focus on school funding [/quote]Last month, [b]Tony Abbott announced the Coalition would also commit to the Gonski funding reforms "dollar for dollar[/b]", but only match the funding for four years instead of the six laid .But Mr Abbott has said no school would be worse off under the Coalition's plan, which was released in full last week. Kevin Rudd was excellent last night, Tony Jones was downright rude. One incident there were many. Tony J says to Kevin Rudd “So are people better off than they think they are” “ Kevin replies what sort of a question is that”. Tony Jones was also rude over the 70 Billion Coalition black hole: [b]A couple of links Q&A last night:- [/b] Political Alert ‏@political_alert For those who missed the PM's appearance on ABC's #qanda last night, here's the transcript: … #AusVotes [quote]Breaking Politics with Tim Lester – 12 August 2013[/quote] Andrew Leigh, 12th August 2013 On the Coalition’s costings gap, $70 billion is Mr Hockey and Mr Robb’s figure and if they want to debunk it, the way to do it is to bring their policies out of witness protection [quote]Kevin Rudd vows to improve single parent welfare payments, defends gay marriage in Q&A appearance [/quote]If we are going to have a serious debate in this country about where Mr Abbott’s $ 70 billion worth of cuts would fall, Mr Hockey’s figure, Mr Robb’s figure, he can satisfy that by putting it into the public domain.

42 long

3/09/2013I didn't watch the lot. The questions seemed very 'deliberate" rather than natural. Jones is contemptible and rude. An EGO running riot there? The audience very focussed . A bit of a gruelling for Kevin. Not a lot made of abort's no show. A point against him. ( Not appearing) Not showing respect for the people by leaving the "costings too late to evaluate. It's in My DNA to do everything right. trust me. (On FORM you couldn't) Now showing for all to see there is no real commitment to the Climate Change . He is shown as a "DENIER" and a SCIENCE Vilifier. The money is limited to the original inadequate amount and it won't work anyhow. Mandate Mandate. Based on lies No way Jose.

Catching up

3/09/2013So the main news story this morning is a ABC survey, showing that neither leader is trusted. Not the way, it was presented, but is what it said. Abbott, if one believes there has to be a cost on pollution which is caused by carbon emissions. There is no options but to vote against removing the CEF legislation and all it entails.

Ad astra

3/09/2013Hi Lyn Thank you for your comments and Abbott's changes of mind and promises already broken; there will be many more because he has made many without really thinking them through. If he succeeds on Saturday he will realize how easy it is to make promises and how hard to keep them, even for a slippery eel like him.


3/09/2013Abbott's shown us all how a Coalition government would return a Federal budget to surplus with his Direct Action on climate change assertion on capped costings. Once the costed amount is exhausted, end of action on the policy. By extension, every policy. Ergo, no government spending, subsequent government income piles up in the 'bank', "abracadabra!", a surplus. Genius! A government sets artificial payout limits, stops governing in any particular area when the budget limit is reached, and you get two results beloved by Conservatives: automatically shrinking to 'small government', surplus achieved by doing nothing. I take everything I've ever said (and Peter Costello, too) about Abbott having no economic nous. He's actually found the recipe for The Magic Pudding of government expenditure. Set the numbers in concrete, refuse to administer government services once the money's run out, then let it pour in again and refuse to touch it. Come on, people, bow down! What a guy TA is. What a prat!!

Catching up

3/09/2013How does one distinguished between a promise and an aspirational proposition? What are the actual policies that Abbott has promised. Not the slogans and motherhood statements, but policies with details. You know, this is what I AM going to do. This is how I am going to do. As for Mr. Abbott;s mandate. Where has the question of the so called carbon tax been raised in any debate with Abbott. Mr. Abbott seems to be the only one that has an How does Abbott explain how Tasmania ills will be cured with the removal of the so called carbon tax. How much power is produced in the state with fossil fuel?

42 long

3/09/2013He cannot be allowed to stay there They must have a replacement in mind. Any suggestions? It won't be Turnbull unless he runs for it. They hate him. Hockey?

Catching up

3/09/2013Mr. Abbott seems to be the only one that has been raising the issue.


3/09/2013What are the odds that if Abbott wins on Saturday, within a month he will announce that the Budget situation is worse than they were led to believe. Every Liberal government, State and Federal, has done it as long as I can remember (going back to Fraser). It wil be easy for him to argue that because there is still a structural deficit (including aspects from the Howard-Cpstello years) that Labor has been starting to address - but only starting. So, as many times before, he will draw on figures already available but not widely known, to drop election promises and make cuts that haven't already been announced.

42 long

3/09/2013It would be worthwhile to check the connection to the persons that purchase the organisations privatised by the Libs. . I now have no faith whatever in them. We think corruption is for other places. I think we are standing in it. watch who employs them after they retire. Check what shares their siblings hold. The majority of the Libs had shares in coal. Why are they against wind farms? Is the Pope a Catholic? Obeid had dealings with about 8 business men. Do we learn much about them? No it doesn't suit the picture being painted. Would it be possible under the current circumstances to get a LABOR inclined government elected in Australia. Look back in history. Those who got some support must have offered a fair bit. Generally it just doesn't happen and will continue to be that way, till we cleanse this POXY MSM from our country. It will go broke anyhow.


3/09/2013This morning I put another $500 with Sportsbet on Labor to win at 17 to 1!(LNP was at $1.01, i.e., 100 to 1 on!) If Labor wins that new bet will be worth $8500 to me, on top of the $3500 from my year-old bet of $500 at 7 to 1. I am NOT a betting man. EVER. And I much too poor to treat $1000 lightly. But on this the odds are too good, and I am too committed, and anyway, if we don't win, the pain of the loss of Government will so outweigh the $1K as to make it disappear. So wotthehell Archie I MIDAS well. The odds have gone back in to $12 and LNP out to $1.02 since this morning, my bet would have helped a tiny bit to push that change. It's just the algorithms that are used to fix the prices, but there seems a political agenda with Sportsbet too. Never have I seen such hubris.


3/09/2013Has anyone else picked up on the promo ABC are airing for the election coverage featuring Tony Jones looking all high brow and pontificating about philosophy and "drilling into policy". Really Tony! Try reviewing the Q&A from last night when your interjections were more focused on. Why did you knife Julia? Very sad that by their words journalists seem to know what they should be doing but by their actions they demonstrate they can't or won't do these things. Wouldn't it be fantastic to have a mainstream media outlet that actually did focus on policy and philiophosy. To bad it doesn't exist.


4/09/2013Having watched the Fairfax chairman on Lateline denouncing Rudd, egged on by the ABC's Emma Alberici, its now clear that every media outlet in Australia is boosting Abbott. This is propoganda pure and simple and insults democracy. It is obvious that the ABC invited Corbett on to do the hatchet job on Rudd - there is no objectivity - you only have to watch Tony Jones' attitude to Rudd on Q & A to see the agenda. The question is - what's in it for them?


4/09/2013Folks, there is hope for some clever comment (and fun) in politics. I can't wait. Mmmm!

Ad astra

4/09/2013[b]Folks Re: Lyn’s Links It’s just four days until the Federal election, four days until we know who will govern us for the next three years. After that, there will be a period of adjustment as the next administration becomes organized and settles in. At this time of change, Lyn and I have decided to suspend her daily links for the time being. After the election, we will advise you about future arrangements. Lyn’s Links have been the lifeblood of [i]The Political Sword[/i]. Our statistics tell us that thousands visit each day to read the rich collection she posts every morning, links that inform and delight us day after day. Lyn’s fingers do the walking for us, searching hundreds of sites, distilling for us the essence of the riches that reside within them. She has done that for many years. We are all the richer for her splendid efforts, for her devotion. Now is the time for her to take a break.[/b]


4/09/2013 The Faifax headline says Labor would have been "better" sticking with Julia Gillard, but two quotes from Roger Corbett's interview in last night's Lateline expose his true thinking. #1 "I think if they come undone in these elections it would have been much better that they'd come undone with Julia Gillard leading them than Kevin Rudd." He doesn't say 'why', but it would seem from the tenor of his comments that such a defeat of Labor under Gillard would have been more satisfactory for Conservatives as it would have been the direct 'undoing' of her, punishment and humiliation in the most public spotlight of Australian politics. In short, he's lamenting a missed opportunity to 'ditch the witch'. #2 [Tony Abbott will make a good prime minister because...] "He's a very sincere, nice type of human being ... he'll be very dedicated, focused in the job." "Tony Abbott" and "sincere" are not in the same dictionary, they are not even identifiable in the same language. And "nice"?! One can only assume Roger Corbett has been absent from Australia for the last four years, or that he lives in a totally different 'Australia' from most of us. I suspect the latter - he's a signed-up citizen of Abbottalia. He did say Abbott is "focused", so some part of his eyes have been open. Abbott is focused like a wolf spider is focused - on poisoning his targets. Should Abbott win there will be such an orgy of backslapping and Bordeaux-slurping Australia will be sunk straightaway into the mire of mediocrity that pissant provincials like Roger Corbett epitomise. "Leading businessman Roger Corbett" the article introduces him as - last time I looked Fairfax was being led into insolvency by slow, benightedly ignorant degrees. A place Roger Corbett will undoubtedly recognise as fuzzily comfortable when Abbott and his cabal of incompetents direct the entire country into the same bush league of self-congratulation and self-serving.

42 long

4/09/2013Phoney gets more free kicks from the TOP end of town.Media. ABC gives him for free what you would have to pay a million for. Look at the way they ran the beat up on the make-up. Where would the fraudman be without this bias in media. NOWHERE No costings yet. JUST WHAT are they HIDING.What an insult to the intelligence of the electorate. Phoney toughs this one out because he thinks he has it in the BAG. He is a very calculating man as we will find out after 7th if we are that stupid, that we get conned by all the hype. I picked up the phone yesterday to a POLL that was automated. Didn't proceed with it. Who would that have been?


4/09/2013I'm almost totally at sea without Lyn's Links to guide me through the beginning of this and every 'political' day. Respecting the decision she and AA have made to suspend the Links for now, and not wishing to try and here teach various 'grandmas how to suck eggs', each of the site addresses (regulars for Lyn's line-up) below include strings of other recommended blog sites. So, you'll have to 'do a Lyn' on your own, but each of these sites will drop you into the rich stream of commentary Lyn usually brings to us. Trawl away!

Ad astra

4/09/2013Michael Thank you for the links to sites that have a comprehensive blogroll, where we ourselves can access some of the material that appears in Lyn’s Links. Visitors to [i]TPS[/i] are invited to include in their comments any links that they feel are interesting. There is no need for a lot of words; just the subject and the link would suffice.

Truth Seeker

4/09/2013Swordsters, just posted [b]WTF?[/b] Cheers :-)


4/09/2013Only two days more of the noalition barrage of tv adverts then silence as PM abbort then selects his cabinet of hasbeans, wannabeans,runnabeans,deadbeats and hangers on, OR Australia wakes up, kicks his budgie filled ar** down the Champs Elysees and the aged one in the land of the free imitates the Monty Python blue parrot sketch. Watched Media watch last night re our own parrot the jones boy and his electoral fraud blather, he has been spouting over the last month totally refuted but still he continues. It reminded me of this clip from Newsroom on electoral fraud in the USA well worth a watch Time to shut down 2gb(not worth capitals) may the force be with us fellow Swordsters no matter which side of the fence we are on. Lyn enjoy your rest and I look forward to your re-emergence in full bloom later this year in the meantime Ad Astra rest awhile gather up your loins, you have done more to carry on the good fight than most.

Ad astra

4/09/2013Folks I see many of you were as disgusted as I was at the eleventh-hour intervention of Roger Corbett into the political debate. My first question is why he was on [i]Lateline[/i] at all. What was the ABC’s intention in putting him on? If you missed it, here is the audio (transcript to follow): It wasn’t as if he had been invited on to talk about some of his immediate connections: chairman of Fairfax Media, member of the RBA Board, and past CEO of Woolworths; he seemed to be there solely to discuss the election and to bag Kevin Rudd and Labor, which he did from beginning to end. It was only near the end that Emma Alberici brought up the issue of the Fairfax editorial urging Julia Gillard to step down, and the behaviour of News Limited during the election campaign. Only at the very end did the Woolworths/Coles duopoly get an airing, virtually as an afterthought. So partisan were his comments, he might as well have been the president of the Liberal Party. In my view that interview would be worth more to the Liberal Party than its paid advertisements. I believe it is a disgusting abuse of the political leverage the ABC enjoys. We need to ask the ABC what it was up to putting him on in such a prominent slot on a prestigious program. Here is the link to send feedback to the ABC about [i]Lateline[/i]:

Ad astra

4/09/2013Truth Seeker That’s a telling piece you’ve written. Where on earth is this country headed? Bilko That was powerful video. It shows how dangerous extremism is, right wing extremism. Thank you for your good wishes and kind remarks. After the election we will determine how to proceed.

Truth Seeker

4/09/2013Ad, thanks for that :-) It was born of the great frustration built up from the barrage of crap foisted upon us under the guise of news reporting. And you question "Where on earth is this country headed?" is one that needs careful consideration regardless of the outcome of this election, but much more poignant if we end up with an Abbott government. Cheers :-)

Ad astra

4/09/2013Folks We are shortly getting on the road to Melbourne. Back this evening.


4/09/2013Ad astra Lynnie our peregrinacious Tweety has done more than link to her Links, she has by example taught us to do it too. I am glad to see her take a break at this [i]fin du siecle,[/i]but it puts it on the rest of us to send more links ourselves, not crappy ones neither, well chosen ones from Twitter and wherever. I love it when other blogmeisters like Miglo drop in, should be more of it, though I'm a hypocrite I know, I only post here and on Twitter. (The latter due entirely to Lyn!) Win lose or draw we are going to need the Sword.

42 long

4/09/2013Corbett's views would have been loved by the LieNP. That was worth millions of Advertising to them. Expressing those views in the manner, and at the time that was done would make me wonder about the man's suitability for the Reserve Bank Board is questionable. Some evidence of impartiality would surely be a requirement there. Will he be working for Phoney after the elections? Will he stay there? You bet! That speech was his application for the job. The current share value of Fairfax is not a great recommendation for his suitability for HIS newspaper job either. Another giant free kick for the LOTO again abc. Thanks for nothing. I am sure that most of the people who have supported you, over the years, will be just as pissed of as I am, but in todays world I guess that means nothing.


4/09/2013What's this got to do with politics? [i]As little as possible![/i]


4/09/2013Thank you, Lyn! We will miss you! Have a good break. TS, that was a well deserved blast there! Michael, thank you for reminding us of some of our old faithful sites, although one senses that they too like most of us are suffering burn-out to some extent. I've been hoping for three years now that Murdoch would get his come-uppance down-under before this next election. Meantime I have had to be grateful for the daily miracle that was wrought by PM Julia Gillard. Taking her government to full term supported by those fine Independents in the face of News Ltd hostilities was truly amazing. Angry as I was with Rudd I am almost grateful that he is now there to take the brunt of the assault from the Right which I have no doubt would have been doubly brutal.


4/09/2013Very Important Getup Message I'm just off the phone after dozens of radio interviews. Our member-funded ad calling out Murdoch's bias is causing quite a fuss. Already, 830,000 people have seen the ad on air or online -- but now all three major TV networks are pulling it off air and refusing to run it.1. Some of the network representatives told us directly: they're not running the ad because they don't want to criticise Rupert Murdoch. We've filed an official complaint with the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission, but we can't wait for a ruling to take our next step. We have to get this message out, right now. So if the commercial channels are slamming the door we'll just go around them -- and go bigger. If our proposed TV ads had gone through, we would have reached an additional 500,000 TV viewers by the election. But if each of us simply shares this video on Facebook, Twitter and over email we can shatter that number. Let's work together to reach 750,000 views online before the election.


4/09/2013Hockey Finally Comes Clean: Coalition Won’t Release Costings After All

N'ellie May

4/09/2013Hi Ad and Lyn, Thanks for keeping it all together for us. Lyn, very best wishes for a well-earned rest. I'll be checking you out on Twitter perhaps? Let's hope the people of Australia are not too vindictive or spiteful in their judgement of Labor policies this weekend. It has been a losing battle over these 3 years to ever try to talk policies with the MSM. I've never heard a single journalist give credit for any of the fantastic legislation that has passed through parliament. Instead the public has been distracted with look-away moments, like hair color, big bums, accent, and so on. What has hurt the most was losing the ABC. It was once fair and balanced. Now, like many others, I avoid it just the way I do the Murdoch rags and commercial TV. Good luck to every-one out there volunteering. And never give up the good fight. Thanks to this wonderful place, it will be a refuge in the dark days ahead.


4/09/2013LYN Re: Lyn’s Links Thanks for all the work you've put in. Your efforts have been brilliant. Thanks also to Ad Astra for a series of compelling articles. Regardless of the weekends outcome, rest assured , your commitment has been tireless. You both have tried to inform the community. Now we are bound by the will of the public this Saturday. It is sites like this, that have lifted my enthusiasm for the fight, when it has waned a bit, instilling in me a will to fight just a little bit harder, a little bit longer Thank you

Janet (j4gypsy)

4/09/2013It’s been an amazing year, Ad. For me it is the year in which I was lucky enough to find The Political Sword, and you, and Lynnie, and TT and jaycee and DMW, and Nasking and Lady in Red and KHTAGH and Michael, and so many others whose courageous, perspicacious and often wry comments and perceptions have helped build my understanding and stiffen the necessary sinews. This last piece of yours, Ad, before the crunch-time of the election is again a superbly insightful summary of the essential issues a voter needs to grasp in order NOT to vote for Abbott and definitely vote for Labor. I have been tweeting it and shall continue doing that until polls close Saturday. Each time I tweet gains up to ten retweets, which ‘ain’t bad’. Again I’m sorry that personal life demands have meant sliding away from proffering Twiitterverse to TPS, ‘tho some is coming in the next few days. This next may seem irrelevant several days out from an election that feels as important as the one that brought in Gough, but am at Mission Beach, Qld, having just travelled to attend, in Cairns, the “tomb unveiling” followed by celebratory feasting and dancing one year to the day after the passing of my late Torres Strait Islander “brother-in-law” (his obituary is here ). I wish I could attach photos (perhaps these links to pix on Twitter might work: and ). The late brother-in-law was the gay partner of my half cousin (whitefella). But in this TI community and culture my whitefella cousin is wholly accepted as husband, with me designated as “cousin sister” and for all things ceremonial, “sister-in-law”. This complex Australia is my Australia, and I feel privileged to share it. My Australia is also the Indigenous part of my family: Indigenous foster sisters young enough to be daughters; and children of those sisters, one or two of whom I had the care of, and love beyond all reason and measure. And I am privileged to be allowed to love this way. My Australia is and was the Malay Muslim man I married as a very young student, too. Cross-cultural marriages were so much less common 40 years ago. But now, I wander my Australia and see multi-cultural and multi-coloured unions and babies of unions and my heart leaps at what we have made here. I want national values, and a political framework that reflects the values of this Australia, [i]my experienced Australia[/i]. I do not see them in the LNP. I do not see them easily in many facets of media, except, perhaps surprisingly, Twitter, where the pot is melting at a stunningly rapid rate. I see some of what I look for in Labor, and the Greens, and some progressive Independents. But I do fear that the largeness making up an essential core of my Australia will be diminished utterly by what happens next. (No TT, haven’t thrown in the towel. Venceremos! :-)) Right now ‘tho, it feels very like the right time for thank yous, whatever happens Saturday. Ad: I haven’t known an intellect quite so fine, inclusive, generous, untiring and, quite simply, kind. Thank you. Lyn: your commitment to bringing Ad and his readers the research you have without fail and flagging has been matched only by your own generosity, passion and utter sweetness. Thank you. (If I had the poetry of TT, or others, I would write you a poem and sing you a song :-).) Rest well in this period of re-adjustment. TT: You’re a marvel in so many ways. These last weeks committed to daily pre-polling duties encapsulate the quality of the Turkey you are: fierce and brave and generous and endlessly, through your words, the singer of the songs that stir us and keep us close. Thank you :-). Thank you all for helping me fight for my Australia. And by the way: John Ward at September 2. 2013 02:18 AM: that was an amazing list of comparative achievements! Thank you. Back soon with some Twitterverse links.

42 long

4/09/2013What a SOD SHockey is. Ratting on about ADULT and honesty an shrill and head shaking, trust and we are better etc. Sure Joe you are weak as p**s Promises like an Insurance Salesman. Delivers like a fraudster on line from Nigeria.

Janet (j4gypsy)

4/09/2013A bit of reading from Twitterland: [i]The King's Tribune ‏@KingsTribune[/i] Shouting Us Down. Outstanding piece by @timdunlop on why ppl are reluctant to be involved in politics & public debate … [i]sortius ‏@sortius [/i] No #NBN for you under Coalition - yet … Finally someone has picked this up! #ausvotes [i]Neil Spencer ‏@recneps51 [/i] Labor's NBN endorsed! … [i]AndoJC ‏@AndoJC[/i] If there is one ray of light in this campaign, it may be the demise of Mirabella in Indi #ausvotes #auspol [i]Catherine Deveny ‏@CatherineDeveny [/i] A Sweary Angry Yet Accurate Comparison Of LNP vs. ALP Policies [i]Katharine Viner ‏@KathViner [/i] Election spending: how much have they promised? Mega interactive by ace @NickEvershed via @GuardianAus [i]Mike Carlton ‏@MikeCarlton01 [/i] Jonathan Holmes nails the media crackpots who deny climate change. Most of them at News Corpse, believe it or not. … [i]Jonathan Swan ‏@jonathanvswan [/i] Gittins' fearless prediction: should the Coalition win the election, we'll hear little more "about debt and deficit'' … [i]Jake Araullo ‏@xjakea [/i] Kevin sent me a letter with a plan for the future. Tony sent me one of literally 30 words. I'm with Kevin. #ausvotes [i]wendy_harmer ‏@wendy_harmer [/i] What's the "unspoken rule" that locks The Greens out of national debate? @senatormilne on @TheHoopla Radio Hour. … [i]newmatilda ‏@newmatilda [/i] RT @nteunational: Jeannie Rea asks in @newmatilda today, What will #highered look like under Pyne? [i]Michael Taylor ‏@MigloMT [/i] Tony Abbott if nothing else is a very colourful character. He is aggressive both physically and in the use of... [i]Armagny ‏@armagny [/i] For once I understand an Abbott sexist comment. He had to find something +ve about this class A idiot #ausvotes … [i]Geoff Pearson ‏@GCobber99 [/i] Why Abbott Cannot Win: … [i]Jay Rosen ‏@jayrosen_nyu[/i] The problem with campaign coverage is not a lack of access. It is lack of ideas. [i]Jonathan Green ‏@GreenJ [/i] um ... RT @NationalTimesAU: Fact Checker: Are asylum seekers really clogging our roads and hospitals? Find out... [i]Ben Pobjie ‏@benpobjie [/i] I've been on the campaign trail with the Abbott team. Here's volume 2 of my Campaign Diary #auspol … [i]Preston Towers ‏@prestontowers [/i] @JulianBurnside This is my post about Fiona Scott's tactics in relation to refugees - …

Ad astra

4/09/2013Talk Turkey Now in central Melbourne. Sea, sky, sand, trees and birds swapped for tall new buildings, historic old ones, trams, traffic, never ending pedestrians, and buskers. Both parts of this wonderful country have their own special charms. What a lovely interlude was that ‘Dance of the sugar plum fairy’: so gentle, so melodious, so refreshing, so clever, so far away from the shouting and the tumult of the election campaign. And so calming! How do we keep the [i]Sword[/i] sharp? Patriciawa Welcome back – it’s good to see your Gravatar again. We join you in expressing gratitude to Julia via the words you wrote: [i]”…for the daily miracle that was wrought by PM Julia Gillard. Taking her government to full term supported by those fine Independents in the face of News Ltd hostilities was truly amazing.”[/i]


4/09/2013So now we discover that Roger Corbett is a paid up member of the Liberal Party. By not disclosing this Emma Alberici breached the ABC's Code of Practice. I suggest all those that can, make a formal complaint. I have.


4/09/2013What a surprise! Kevin Rudd verballed in today's Australian newspaper, where it's maintained he confused St. Paul with Aristotle on Q&A when he maintained St. Paul supported slavery responding to a question about same sex marriage and the Bible. St. Paul does maintain that slavery is akin to commitment to Jesus, and that Christian slaves should accept their lot in this light. So, in short, the Bible DOES contain 'Christian' support of slavery, which as Rudd pointed out, makes such a position no more acceptable than whatever might be found in the Bible to attack same gender relationships. Just because it's in a 'holy book' (any holy book!) doesn't make it right. Or acceptable as human behaviour. Bleeding obvious to any but fanatics, of course. Oh, and the great minds dug up for Rudd-bashing by the Murdoch press.

Ad astra

4/09/2013cornlegend Thank you for your kind words, words that give Lyn and me so much encouragement: “[i]It is sites like this that have lifted my enthusiasm for the fight when it has waned a bit, instilling in me a will to fight just a little bit harder, a little bit longer”[/i] We could ask for no better accolade. I have tweeted the GetUp ad. Thank you for the link. If Hockey does renege on his promise to release Coalition costings, he will be exposed as the shonky operator we know he is.


4/09/2013From amongst the Twitter links above, please go here and read this distillation of the last 4 years. No regular here will learn too much new, but it does do the "distillation" particularly well. It's worth the visit! And forwarding to anyone you know likely to vote Coalition. (I know, I know, walk to nearest brick wall, smash head repeatedly.)

Ad astra

4/09/2013N’ellie May Thank you for your kind words. Lyn and I are grateful for the encouragement that your words give. Most of the MSM had let us all down lamentably, and what’s worse, it doesn’t care. 42 long I agree with your comments about Corbett. His intervention was shameful, and the ABC’s complicity a disgrace. And they don’t care either! Hockey is worse than a snake oil salesman.


4/09/2013Thank you so much Ad Astra ... I hear you loud and clear!! It's so obvious that the Coalition will drag us back into the dark ages and participate in damaging our planet even more, it's incredible that they have so many people fooled. As for the NBN, surely anyone who just deals with a household budget knows that it will be more expensive if you replace something with last year's model knowing that it will have to be fixed again properly next year! It's a no brainer! And thanks again lyn ... chuckle ... this one grabbed me!

Ad astra

4/09/2013Janet It is good to see you back. Thank you for the very fine tribute your offer to Lyn and to me. Your words make worthwhile all the time and effort we put into [i]TPS[/i]. Thank you too for sharing with us your fascinating family history. Having made many visits to Malaysia in the course of my academic work, and having enjoyed working with dear colleagues there over many years, I am able to appreciate your love of that country and its people. I understand why you want for this country “[i]…national values, and a political framework that reflects the values of this Australia...”[/i] We do need “[i]… multi-cultural and multi-coloured unions and babies of unions”[/i] to break down the divisions that some create and others exacerbate, something we have see manifest so sadly in the debate about asylum seekers. Like you, I fear what might happen next. We now hear Scott Morrison telling us that if they win we will not be notified of boat arrivals, presumably to hide their failures in ‘stopping the boats’. What next? I will now work through the interesting links you have left. Thank you.

Ad astra

4/09/2013Misst Thank you for your complimentary remarks. It is distressing to contemplate what Abbott and Co. might do should they win. Your link does express this very colourfully!


4/09/2013Another bloody ripper article By Victoria Rollinson “If I see another smart-arse political tweeter, commentator, blogger or journalist explain why they just can’t bring themselves to support either party this election, I’m going to scream. Actually, I’ve already screamed. Maybe next time I’ll cry. This pathetic ‘I’m above all this two party-politics stuff’ attitude has been a dream come true for Abbott.”

Truth Seeker

4/09/2013Patricia, thanks for your words of encouragement :-) Cheers :-)


5/09/2013Comrades of the Sword! I am moved at what a great bunch you are. With few exceptions, the thoughts here expressed by You folks are as fine and as humane as has ever been anywhere at any time in history. Swordfolks are not bigots, not bullies, not greedy, not all the things that we see in the Abborrrttian Opposition. Thank you Gypsy Jan for those very sweet words, that's what I feel about all the good folks here. Thank you KHTAGH for your hand up, please don't think I didn't notice! Some would say that we are sycophants, circle jerkers, that our words in support of each other are purely [i]fulsome* [/i]flattery, but they sure feel real to me. Why would you or I lie about our admiration for Ad and Lyn, and all you other great people writing from your hearts? It's all sincere. So Fie upon those who would spin our words otherwise, it seems to me that Ad has gathered around him a group of the sanest most civilised people one could hope for, and among the best-politically-educated due to Lyn's tremendous influence, what a pair. I'd love to be able to answer everyone but always, Thank You All. My 3 years with the Sword happen in a few weeks btw. Gee... Ad you ask how may we keep the Sword sharp, Well first we need to see what happens on Saturday. (It's turning Thursday right now in SA) If Labor wins there's no pressing problem really, but just suppose for a moment Abborrrtt should win, but not the Senate, well a hostile Senate WILL NOT grant him destruction of the price on carbon, and WILL NOT allow legislation ditching the NBN. I always said that certainty would act as an insurmountable barrier to Abborrrtt's victory in the first place, as realisation that he wouldn't be able to repeal and destroy percolated through the community. But I didn't factor Rudd in, it was always *J*U*L*I*A*s party I based my predictions on. She had a plan to deploy all that good ammunition at the right time, Rudd really seems rudderless and unable to get a shot home. OK then, there would have to be a double dissolution, that's why we must keep the Sword honed, for the election that would follow that. Unless Abborrrtt weaselled out and pretended that they weren't core promises. Then we will have to take to the streets in protest, if Aussies can find their own spine. If we [i]were[/i] to lose the coming election, the coming virtual civil war Abborrrttianism would bring is what we would then have to focus on. The arguments that the MSM have refused to canvass would then be unstoppable, and it will be the Fighting 5th's function to sheet home the recrimination and retribution in order to win that election! And the battle cry must then carry a new and vengeful tone! [b][i]VENCEREMOS![/i][/b] In Cartman's immortal words:


5/09/2013Rude but spot-on!


5/09/2013I caught a snippet of Abbott on Kitchen Cabinet on ABC News Breakfast this morning. What a busy crowded kitchen it seemed, with Abbott and two daughters squeezing around each other (he does seem to enjoy 'full body contact' with young women, doesn't he?) to get something edible made, as if, 'oh yes, this is always how it is, working together, a family at home' - looked as fake as a boy band behind the scenes doco about nothing being choreographed, it's all raw talent. But, I digress... (to digress once more, how many PHDs and psychological profiles will be written about the Abbott family dynamic? It's a bubbling neurosis of fake normalcy in that house). To undigress. Talking about his candidate having 'sex appeal' comment, Abbott said he was totally "oblivious" about how his words might be taken. As 'oblivious' as he was about "shit happens"? And, well, fill this space........... . The bloke's said so many careless, uncaring, and just plain stupid things in his public life: one a day, very likely. "Oblivious" means 'not aware, not concerned about what is happening around one'. Yep, that's Prime Minister material! If Abbott becomes the leader of Australia, every single day he is responsible for his every word and action. For what effect they have in Australia and beyond. "Change the government, change the country", said John Howard. Change the government to a leader far too practised in being oblivious, that changes a country to putting it on the road to oblivion. And dragging us all down with him.


5/09/2013TT interesting that the "rude" piece you linked us to has over 250,000 likes which isn't bad.

Janet (j4gypsy)

5/09/2013A bit of reading from newmedia peoples. [b]Are you scared yet? The mugging of the Australian election[/b] [i]by @MikeSeccombe[/i] Thus, the theory goes, liberals are more likely to “engage in more flexible thinking, working through alternate possibilities before committing to a choice. Even after committing, if alternate contradicting data comes along, they would be more likely to consider it.” Conservative brains, on the other hand, when faced with an ambiguous situation, “tend to process the information initially with a strong emotional response.” Then they would likely opt for “stability … [because] stability means more predictability, which means more expected outcomes, and less of a trigger for anxiety”. [b]The cynical politician and the lost tribe[/b] [i]By David Hardaker [/i] Certainly the ever growing professionalisation of politics has worked to accelerate disengagement. What we have out of all of this is a Bermuda triangle for the quality of public debate, with the three points occupied by politicians, undecided voters and the media, all kicking around the same small issues in ever-decreasing circles of unreasonableness. Exhibit one: the asylum seeker debate. Exhibit two: the budget "emergency". It makes for a mosh pit of misinformation, serial distortion and pugnacious untruth. It doesn't matter what you say as long as it cuts through... and the simpler the better because, as we know, Celine and her focus group friends don't have the time - or the interest - to formulate a considered view based on the facts. Goodness, there's not enough hours in the day to watch the news or read the newspapers. [b]The Eden-Monaro Project: Braidwood: the bellwether of the bellwether[/b] [i]By Robin Tennant-Wood[/i] The general mood in Braidwood is not one of change, but of political resignation. Disillusionment with both leaders and a feeling that small communities are being overlooked by the media circus that is following a lacklustre and increasingly presidential campaign have contributed to a disengagement from politics. If Braidwood follows its usual trend as the canary in the mine of Eden-Monaro, and the national polling is right, Kelly will hold his seat with Greens preferences, but the electorate will be held by an opposition party for the first time in 40 years. [b]The Biggest Lie of Election 2013[/b] [i]By Ben Eltham[/i] What’s the biggest lie in an election chock full of big lies? It could be the Coalition’s many claims about being a better economic manager. It could be Tony Abbott’s commitment to reducing greenhouse gases. Conservatives can rightly point to Labor’s completely unsubstantiated claims that the Coalition will raise the GST once in office. But for my mind, the really big lie in 2013 is that hoary cliché, “cost of living pressures.” And by acquiescing to it, the Government has done plenty of damage to its own cause. [b]A Genuine Liberal Signs Off[/b] [i]By Dan Carr[/i] Though Malcolm Turnbull still serves as a frustration valve for moderates in his party, he’s been increasingly tight-lipped after losing the leadership. But there’s been another liberal at work this parliament. A former Nationals MP from a regional constituency, retiring Independent MP Rob Oakeshott is an unlikely flag bearer for the liberal tradition. Describing himself as “economically conservative and socially progressive”, Oakeshott admits to not doing due diligence on the party he originally joined. The conservative line the Nationals pushed on drug policy and the republic eventually led him to quit and stand as an Independent. [b]The left and the Murdoch press in the election[/b] [i]by simon2013 [/i] I’m not here to defend the actions of some of Murdoch’s newspapers. The Daily Telegraph’s headlines are way over the top (although I don’t have as much concern about bias as others do) and the focus on gossip items (was Rudd grumpy at a make-up artist? Is Rudd getting fat? etc.) isn’t the sort of journalism worthy of the some of the most read newspapers in the country. But the approach many on the left have taken to attack the Murdoch media is problematic and has the potential to have a real impact on how the left reacts to what seems like a looming defeat for the ALP. [b]Coalition Treachery Cannot Stand[/b] [i]by Dan Rowden[/i] You have effectively declared war on persons seeking asylum. You have effectively put us on a war footing. What is it about Conservatives that makes them unable to function unless they’re waging war against someone? The procedures and approach you are proposing, and what you have already set down as policy, is taking us down the path of turning Papua New Guinea into our own version of Guantanamo Bay. [b]Fact checking, bloggers add richness to campaign coverage, say panelists[/b] A New News panel of journalists has declared this year’s federal election reporting a marked improvement on what one commentator described as the “woeful” coverage of 2010. They attributed the lift in quality to greater engagement through blogs and fact-checking efforts, and the media increasingly pushing back against politicians’ attempts to dictate campaign terms. [b]FactCheck: will more independent public schools mean better education outcomes?[/b] [i]Glenn C. Savage[/i] The Coalition’s claim is misleading. While there is some evidence to suggest independent public schools could potentially promote greater efficiency and productivity, there is no solid evidence to suggest they will improve student outcomes. [b]Let’s All Buy Fairfax Shares and Stop publishing Amanda Vanstone[/b] [i]By Rossleigh Brisbane[/i] I like to think that if I was controlling the media, I’d give both sides a “fair go” – I’m Australian, after all – with the arguments themselves promoting the correct course of action. I’d employ Andrew Bolt – on an exclusive contract – and make him remove any part of his argument that was emotive or abusive. (All right that would reduce his column to “I’m Andrew Bolt and I think blah, blah for reasons I can’t tell you, but I would give him a front page where he could legitimately complain about his lack of free speech!) And I guess it’s that notion of a “fair go” that’s been so lacking in the Murdoch Press.


5/09/2013Michael I think that if Abbott becomes PM he won't be a very active PM but will delegate and leave many matters to his Ministers. And when you look at the LNP's front bench that is just as scary!!!

Janet (j4gypsy)

5/09/2013And here's a bit of a run around Twitter links to more reading ... [i]Natalie Hudson ‏@natalie_mae1 2h[/i] Conveniently announced after the advertising blackout. Abbott enabling racism is on par with racism. #ausvotes … [i]Leanne Donaldson ‏@Leanne4Hinkler [/i] There is growing disquiet over the safety of our good economy under Joe Hockey as Treasurer. [i][b]Lyn Bender ‏@Lynestel 7m [/b][/i] Abbott the destroyer RT “@BobBrownFndn: Article in the Age on Abbott's plans to vandalise World Heritage Areas. …” [i]Shane McNamara ‏@smaccaroo[/i] @JohnBirmingham bringing sense to the campaign. It's all about gay pirate ninjas clogging the M4 with boats #ausvotes→ [i]AussiePoliticsTruth ‏@AuPoliticsTruth [/i] Tony Abbott's daughters: are women just ornaments? | Van Badham via @guardian [i]BRad - Rudd Factor ‏@RuddFactor [/i] Lib joke candidate Diaz a dead duck. To be gunned down by own. … #AusVotes [i]Tim Christodoulou ‏@tim_chr 2h [/i] 37% of undecided voters are leaning towards Labor with 27% leaning to the Coalition and 17% to the Greens. … #ausvotes [i]David Crowe ‏@CroweDM 52m[/i] Cut out and keep. At least a dozen laws to be fought over in Senate if Coalition wins. … [i]Peter Wicks ‏@madwixxy 1h [/i] Yesterday's post on Alan Jones' "Cancer on the Liberal Party" … #auspol #hillsdistrict [i]Stan Steam2 ‏@StanSteam2 13m[/i] Clive Palmer sues Mal Brough for $800,000, and says he'll sue Rupert Murdoch … #ausvotes #auspol [i]Jonathan Swan ‏@jonathanvswan 13m [/i] Good interview. @SabraLane: The transcript of my i/v with @TonyAbbottMHR today: … [i]Torin Peel ‏@torin 1h [/i] Please RT: Labor's NBN is set to save Aussie families up to $4,000 every year. [i]Stephen Spencer ‏@sspencer_63 7m [/i] Reachtel has ALP Primary down vote 2.6% in 1 night! Interestingly both ALP and L&NP primary down 3 pts in 1 week. … [i]Mike Kelly MP ‏@MikeKellyMP 10m[/i] PM warns on schoolkids bonus … [i]David Donovan ‏@davrosz 33m [/i] Welcome to fascism, Australian style: 'Coalition may censor boat arrivals' … [i]Lizzie ‏@croquetcrazy 1 Sep [/i] The rest of the world's opinion of Tony Abbott. #auspol#ausvotes I have mates in UK who think we've all gone loopy. [i]Simon Banks ‏@SimonBanksHB 11m [/i] So @tonyabbottmhr as an "Infrastructure Prime Minister" plans to cut $2.4bn from regional infrastructure: … [i]Nick Ross - ABC Tech ‏@ABCtech 10[/i]m Australians still overwhelmingly support the #NBN via @delimiterau … [i]Peter Foster ‏@PeterFosterALP 11h [/i] Why I am not voting for Tony Abbot & the Liberal party in 2013: [i]Peter Foster ‏@PeterFosterALP 10h[/i] Turnbull's fragmented NBN dooms Australia to repeat the mistakes of the past … via @theage #AusPol #AusVotes [i]Mark Colvin ‏@Colvinius 4m [/i] Election 2013: average the averages and it looks like 1996 via @guardian [i]George Megalogenis ‏@GMegalogenis 1h [/i] Time to call out the Americanisation of public debate. My #bwf2013 lecture will take aim at ALP, LNP, Fairfax & News. … [i]Dan Ilic ‏@danilic 2h [/i] Clive Palmer’s @thetodayshow interview this morning is just sensational… still laughing … [i]GAYhonda-accordBOYS ‏@GayCarBoys 13h[/i] sad lonely Mirabella's Indi seat in doubt - Weekly Times Now … #paperli #auspol [i]The Hoopla ‏@TheHoopla 14h [/i] What about mental health? And aged care? @msjrowe is angry about the issues being ignored in this election.


5/09/2013Posted another link to that interesting (but rude) item on Currently listening to Tine Thing Helseth to calm me down and get me through to Sunday ...

N'ellie May

5/09/2013Talk Turkey @ 1.10am, Good on you! You have put our way of thinking so well. Thanks always for your enthusiasm.

Ad astra

5/09/2013Talk Turkey Thank you for your words written in the-small-hours-of-the-morning. I empathize with: “[i]I'd love to be able to answer everyone but always, Thank You All. 
My 3 years with the Sword happen in a few weeks btw. Gee...”[/i] On 13 September, [i]The Political Sword[/i] will be five years old. You have been with it for the last three years, a loyal supporter and contributor. Thank you. What happens now is something we need to consider, but let’s wait a while until the election is behind us.

Ad astra

5/09/2013Janet I’ve read through the links you left us yesterday, and now today’s. What an interesting collection they are. I was taken particularly by Mike Seccombe’s: [i]Are You Scared Yet? The Mugging Of The Australian Electorate[/i]. It offers biological explanations of the difference between progressives and conservatives. It’s a fascinating read that will interest those who wonder why these two groups think and behave so differently. The other links too were a good read; I have bookmarked several. Thank you.


5/09/2013Rudd sounding inspirational (at last) at the National Press Club now.


5/09/2013Ad Astra, Enjoy your time in Melbourne. Sorry about the rain. Lyn, Thank you for all the links. Time "off" sounds like an excellent plan to me. And Janet (j4gypsy), Great stuff - and a marvellous personal story!

42 long

5/09/2013Rudd wasn't bad at all at the Press Club.

Ad astra

5/09/2013Casablanca, 42 long I too thought that Rudd spoke very well at the NPC and answered questions fluently. I asked myself: "Could Abbott ever sound as plausible and convincing?" You know the answer. Fiona Yes, it's raining here in Melbourne, but it's cosy inside. I'll now try to finish my next piece.


5/09/2013Ad Astra, The one good thing about today's rain is that my once in every five years' attack of hay fever has subsided!


5/09/2013Joe Hockey sweating like the proverbial as he attempts to lie his way around the Coalition costings being anything more than bogus vents of hot air.

Ad astra

5/09/2013Fiona The rain has washed the pollens away. Michael I too noticed Joe Hockey's sweating; I wondered if he was ill. Perhaps it was just anxiety, or shame at such a paltry press conference for which the voting public has been waiting for so long. It was one of the worst performances I have ever seen from Hockey.


5/09/2013Excellent response from Christine Milne to Abbott's costings and cuts. She pulled no punches. If only we could anticipate that the Senator's words will make the evening news.


5/09/2013The Lowy Institute ‏@LowyInstitute 2h [b]Washington is adrift, needs new Aussie PM with clear vision and robust defence spending, says Mike Green: [/b] [quote]In short, the US needs confident Australian leadership. While Labor may be running on fumes as a political party, Kevin Rudd exudes precisely the kind of confidence in US global leadership and enthusiasm for Asia strategy that would resonate with the right people in Washington. In his previous run as prime minister, Rudd was not afraid to tell Obama how to run the G20 or to pick up his game in Asia, and while that chafed with some in the administration, the President generally listened. Tony Abbott's conservative politics would probably have fit a McCain or Romney administration better than Obama, but the bottom line is that Abbott is a conviction politician in a world that needs more leaders with conviction. Moreover, while both ALP and the Coalition have left some mystery around their defense budgeting, it looks from Washington like the Coalition is much more likely to put its money where its mouth is on national security. That will be noticed.[/quote]


5/09/2013This bunch of idiotic scumbag LNP. Just when you think it can’t get any worse, it gets worse. Now, taking the food out of the mouths of starving babies, with the $4.5 billion cuts to foreign aid. These low life LNP bastards will have the blood of dead children on their hands.


5/09/2013Coalition slashes foreign aid as part of $9b savings measures September 5, 2013 - 3:55PM Judith Ireland and Bianca Hal Read more: Hockey closes campaign with a joke Michael Pascoe. September 5, 2013 - 3:03PM Read more:


5/09/2013 [b]If Abbott is elected, Australia's natural wonders will gradually be rubbed away[/b] George Monbiot. Thursday 5 September 2013 11.35 AEST [quote]Tony Abbott's climate policies are about removing the social and environmental protections enjoyed by all Australians to allow the filthy rich to become richer – and filthier [/quote]


5/09/2013 [b]It would be funny if it wasn’t so serious.[/b] [quote]Coalition costings: we finally get them and they're just political fluff Joe Hockey and Andrew Robb gave us a list of numbers but no explanation of how they add up [/quote] [quote]After three years of wailing and moaning about waste and budget emergencies and crises and Armageddon, the Liberal party today released its “costings”. And what is the upshot of all their attacks on waste and mismanagement? Well, they predict their budget bottom line will be $6bn better off over the forward estimates (i.e. over four years). Six billion dollars over four years. Or, given the total revenue over that time will be about $1,657bn, that’s about 0.36% of the budget over those years. Not a lot of room for error.[/quote]


5/09/2013Apologies for above incomplete reference to Greg Jericho's take on LNP costings. It's at

42 long

5/09/2013I've often called him SHockey Well now I know what the "S" is for.... SWEATING. Today he really was sweating and after fluffing and bluffing, and a minimum of questions he was out of there like a shot. The look on his face told it all. Thank the F**K that's over. (But I hope it isn't because that show was not good enough by a mile). The change to the bottom line? 1/3rd of ONE percent of the GDP for the entire time. Budget EMERGENCY. C'mon JOE EXPLAIN what that BULLSHIT was all about. No doubt WHO the LIARS are here mate.


5/09/2013Hockey currently on 7.30 - and not doing well. Leigh Sales doesn't seem to be impressed.


5/09/201342 Long I have always called him Snotty Joe after a previous occasion when his upper lip was running with whatever-it-was but it was disgusting. He was Sloppy Joe before that due to his eleventisms.

Catching up


Ad astra

5/09/2013Casablanca While I’ve been working on the next piece, I’ve been keeping an eye on the unfolding politics. Thank you for your comments and links. Joe Hockey’s sweaty presser, where he uncovered what purported to be his long-awaited costings, gave us a preliminary glimpse of what we would be in for should we have an Abbott/Hockey government on Sunday. Deviousness, deception and disingenuousness will reign supreme. It was a shockingly poor performance. Was it because Joe was embarrassed to do what his absent boss left him to do? As Michael Pascoe, who is no Labor supporter, writes: “[i]Remember all the times shadow treasurer Joe Hockey furrowed his brow, shook his jowls and growled that Australia had a budget crisis? "Turns out he was only joking. "Either that or his “costings” disclosure is a joke. Or both. "It’s not unreasonable to claim that the Coalition isn’t making any savings worth mentioning. “After all the huffing and puffing, Hockeynomics is only proposing a $6 billion improvement in the budget’s cash bottom line over four years.”[/i] Later Pascoe writes: “[i]The rhetoric about the Coalition “always being better economic managers” is likely to provide a honeymoon business confidence boost, but it doesn’t actually mean anything - as inane as the claim that “interest rates will always be lower under a Liberal government”. The big drivers of the Australian economy have generally been outside the control of whatever party was in power. The government of the day can make matters better or worse, but they can’t do a King Kanute.”[/i] Read more: Hockey looked ill at ease this evening; his ‘leader’ has given him a poisoned chalice. I thought this evening’s ‘Kitchen Cabinet’ with Kevin Rudd was charming. I'm calling it a day.


5/09/2013That delightfully rude website of this morning has had to issue a formal media statement after getting so many hits their ISP servers crashed, and then were threatened by LNP lawyers! I'm so angry about what I've heard on the news and read online this evening that I'm shaking!


6/09/2013 Coalition releases childcare policy that is not in children's best interests. [quote]2 days before the election the Coalition has released its childcare policy which puts profits before kids and quality staff.[/quote] *** Louise Markus under fire over stance on gay marriage [quote]“She said her Party (Coalition) had a strong clear view on this issue and it would be unlikely she would change her mind,” he said. “I said ‘perhaps I could move to the UK where it’s legal’ and she said ‘perhaps you should move there’.[/quote] *** Power is what power wants Tim Dunlop [quote]It doesn't care that you are clever enough to know you are being manipulated by the media or that you Tweet about how the media is manipulating you. It doesn't care that you are outraged by Rupert Murdoch or that you think the ABC is leftwing. It doesn't care about your friends on Facebook and that they Liked what you said.[/quote] *** I'll keep my word: Abbott Peter Hartcher [quote]An Abbott government would let the federal deficit blow out rather than break a spending promise, Tony Abbott says. [/quote] *** Make prisoners pay: Rinehart Ben Butler [quote]Australia's richest person, Gina Rinehart, says non-violent prisoners should be allowed to pay their way out of jail. "Let them pay to get out of prison or not enter prison (a new source of revenue), and let them be part of the tax-paying workforce," she said in an opinion article published in the latest edition of Australian Resources and Investment magazine.[/quote] Read more: *** Coalition announces internet filter ... and immediately backs down. James Robertson, Ben Grubb and Heath Aston [quote]Turnbull backpedals on Internet filter. The Coalition's Internet filtering policy was withdrawn within hours of its release, but not before Opposition communications spokesman Malcolm Turnbull told ABC Radio how it worked. [/quote] Read more: *** Sharp decline in days lost to strikes Ben Schneiders [quote]Despite employer and Coalition claims of rising union militancy under Labor's Fair Work regime, days lost to strikes have dropped sharply. The latest Bureau of Statistics data shows that in the year to June 30, days lost to industrial action were down nearly 30 per cent to just over 200,000 days. It is now at a similar level to 2008 when WorkChoices was still in operation [/quote] Read more: *** Senate vote is a tangled web Brian Costar [quote]Modest changes to how senators are elected would improve transparency and make voting easier.[/quote] Read more: *** Abbott the father deserves more respect All Men are Liars: Sam Brito [quote]I'll tell you what's creepy: journalists and media taking an everyday comment from the probable next leader of our country about his daughters being "not bad-looking" and sexualising it like a pack of sticky schoolkids who can't watch a deodorant ad without sniggering.[/quote] Read more:


6/09/2013Casablanca, Your first link is a real find. Doesn't Abbott's wife work in or own a Child Care Centre?

Truth Seeker

6/09/2013Morning Swordsters, Just posted [b]"SCAM ALERT"[/b[ Cheers :-)


6/09/2013Low bastardy and rank duplicity, that's what will elect a Coalition government if the Australian electorate fall for Abbott and his crew's lies and evasions this Saturday. Will we?


6/09/2013Turning a completely blind eye to the 'experts say we should do this, so as a responsible government we will (what do you mean they are our bought up and paid for experts?!)' Commission of Audit that a Abbott government will use to bash Federal expenditure on health, education, and anything to do with tomorrow... At least, here: Peter Hartcher outlays just how much of a squibbing conman Abbott is, even to mocking his much-lauded volunteer fireman act. Of course, Hartcher can't resist a last paragraph go at Labor, but that's precisely where he's not referring to the promised Commission of Audit (see above for what its 'job' will be).

Janet (j4gypsy)

6/09/2013Morning peeps. Ad and Fiona, thank you so much for kind comments :-). Michael: my gut says this election will be very close. Would not be at all surprised at another hung parliament in HofR. Casablanca: terrific link pick-ups! Here are some more from newmedia (and note the last one :-)). [b]Hockey And Robb Release Liberal Party Election Costings[/b] [i]From[/i] Hockey was perspiring profusely as he announced the costings. The duo took only a handful of questions. The announcement came the day after the election advertising ban came into force and an hour after Prime Minister Kevin Rudd’s National Press Club appearance. Canberra press gallery journalists were not in attendance. [b]Coalition unveils election costings: experts respond[/b] As expected, the Coalition will cut the public service by 12,000 through natural attrition to save $5.2 billion. It has already previously outlined savings by abolishing the carbon tax and mining tax that will help pay for its $9.8 billion paid parental leave scheme. In today’s costings, the Coalition pledged to increase its proportion of joint road funding to 80%, with a 20% contribution from the states, up from its current rate of 50/50 and outlined a list of significant road and rail projects. [b]Like a criminal in the dock, Hockey insults our intelligence[/b] [i]Dragonista[/i] Like a criminal in the dock: there’s no other way to describe how Shadow Treasurer Joe Hockey appeared at his press conference today, delivering the Coalition’s long-awaited policy costings. The man most likely to be in charge of the country’s finances next week showed all the tell-tale signs of a guilty party: sweating profusely, covering his mouth and constantly dropping his gaze to the floor as he devised his answers. [b]Abbott’s last-minute policies reveal true colors[/b] [i]James Wight[/i] Throughout the Australian election campaign the Liberal/National Coalition and their leader Tony Abbott have blatantly evaded any scrutiny, either on their budgetary plans or, more importantly, the details of their climate policy. Abbott has been saying for two years “we’ll announce our full fiscal position in good time before the election”. Today, having waited until almost the last minute of the election campaign, the Coalition finally announced their costings and some new policies. [b]Coalition costings: Joe Hockey, Andrew Robb reveal foreign aid to take $4 billion hit[/b] Foreign aid spending will take a multi-billion hit under a Coalition government, according to the long-awaited final policy costings and budget cuts announced this afternoon by the Opposition. Treasury spokesman Joe Hockey says the cuts are necessary to "grow" Australia's economy. "We can only be a more generous nation to the rest of the world if we have a strong Australian economy," he said. "And so we are reducing the growth in foreign aid by $4.5 billion over the forward estimates to fund essential infrastructure here in Australia." [b]Figures in hiding[/b] [i]From PoliticOz[/i] The Coalition has been remarkably adept at avoiding scrutiny of its economic policies and rhetoric throughout the campaign, and this continues today. [b]16 reasons to not vote LNP (By no means an exhaustive list)[/b] [i]Brisbane, Australia - 5 September, 2013 - 2 days to #Abbottgeddon[/i] One - The LNP thinks that you are stupid and relies upon you being politically numb and socially docile Let's not beat around the bush. The LNP hates the fact that it needs your vote in the first place, but they are grateful all the same for having it. This explains the description by Abbott that the Australian education curriculum is too “left-wing” and seeks to rewrite history to be Anglocentric and Euro-friendly. The LNP diverts attention from problems such as multinational capitalism, climate change, and resource depletion by exploiting the tragic plight of asylum seekers. Speaking of empty slogans, Tony Abbott doesn’t believe you can comprehend any ideas that take more than three words to explain. Unable to think on his feet – Everything is scripted. Hopelessly unprepared, his true nature shines through. [b]Election 2013: Day 31 (or, GDP grows by 2.5%, LNP costings sightings grows by 0%)[/b] [i]By Greg Jericho[/i] In the PEFO, the Treasury estimated that a fall in the nominal GDP of 1% due to a fall in the terms of trade would likely cause a $3b decrease in tax revenue in the first year and $6b in the next. For the past 4 years we’ve had average nominal GDP growth around 1.4% below what we would have expected prior to the GFC. And with that ladies and gentlemen goes much of a chance of having a budget surplus. I should add, the 2002-2009 growth is not coming back. So get used to this sluggish nominal GDP growth. It’s the new normal, and political parties need to realise it (which I think they have mostly now have). [b]Meanwhile in other news[/b] [i]By Michael Taylor[/i] I can’t help but notice how lazy many of the political journalists in the mainstream media have been during this election campaign. It is evident (to most outside their profession) that they exhibit no desire to ask questions, seek answers or do a bit of simple research. And as far as sources go, they have sunk to new levels of laziness. That we are seeing ABC journalists interviewing News Limited journalists and masking that as news is one case in point. Lately, however, they’ve been racing to less credible but easily accessible sources: Twitter users [b]The disappearance of DisabilityCare[/b] [i]From Blunt Shovels[/i] The last few years have finally seen disability front and centre in Australia’s political debate. A big Productivity Commission report shocked those that had not actually being paying attention that the current support system was fundamentally broken. People from around the country made submissions and appeared before a Senate enquiry. Politicians cried as finally the legislation to change that broken system was passed and DisabilityCare/NDIS began. Since the launch on July 1, there’s been a remarkable lack of sustained attention to either DisabilityCare or the rest of the spectrum of issues for people with a disability. [b]Australia Cannot Afford the Coalition[/b] [i]By Dan Rowden[/i] This isn’t an article about economics. This is an article about something far more precious – Culture. Australia is losing the best parts of itself and at the speed this slide is happening we’re going to be culturally bankrupt before we get a chance to save the farm. [b]Australian Media: Worst. Reporters. EVER. Example - the NBN election coverage.[/b] [i]From Steve on NBN[/i] I think it's not just possible, but easy to make a case for a "Fail" by Australian Media in reporting the election issues through the lens of the topic I know best, the NBN. My opinion of the Australian media, at least on this issue (NBN), is that they are "soft" (vs hard) questioners, credulous and lazy. I hope what I write substantiates that for you. If one crucial issue is badly reported, then why would others be different? [b]SCAM ALERT![/b] [i]From Truthseeker[/i] Well, this scam has many parts, and attacks us on many fronts, but the main things to watch out for are: Direct Action! Fraudband! Operation Sovereign Borders! In fact all of the coalition policies! The perpetrators are The LNP!

Janet (j4gypsy)

6/09/2013 The Age editorial is out for Labor: Suspect it may be the only one. The Sydney Morning Herald editorial is out for LNP. Well, you can't charge Fairfax with matching ion Murdochian lock-step, I guess ...


6/09/2013This is the correct link for the SMH pro-Abbott editorial: I say "pro-Abbott", but it's very faint and very demanding he be true to his own word (ha!) praise. The Age talks positively about Australia tomorrow. The SMH moans about Labor's institutional faults as a political party. Which message do you think has more to do with you, your children, and your neighbours? The SMH is parochial, short-sighted, and broadbrush punitive. Sound like any putative PM you might know?

Janet (j4gypsy)

6/09/2013Oops. Thanks Michael and sorry folks for wrong link.


6/09/2013Lynnie Seems you have able understudies in Casablanca and Janet j4Gypsy ! Thanks both. We WILL keep the Sword sharp Ad, we are going to need it more than ever I think. Ready for the double dissolution election if that happens, and ready for anything. Cranky Frog ‏@FrogCranky 3m Rupert Murdoch didn't want you to see this ad, so the major networks banned it. via @Sum_Of_Us


6/09/2013 JOHN HOWARD ON TV TODAY TO PROMOTE ABBOTT...HERE'S A REMINDER OF HOW THE HIGH TAXING, GST INTRODUCING, AWB SCANDAL, ABC CHILDCARE LEARNING CENTRE CRASH, CHILDREN OVERBOARD HONEST AS A CON-ARTIST JOHN'S GOVT STUFFED UP OUR ECONOMY AND LEFT THE ALP TO PICK UP THE PIECES: [b]The first was selling off productive assets. These included airports, the National Rail Corporation, Dasfleet, Telstra, the remaining share of the Commonwealth Bank and many other valuable enterprises. Had Australia retained some or all of these cash-yielding assets, current angst over debt may well have been allayed.[/b] [b]The second serious failure was failing to invest in infrastructure needed for future development. The funds were certainly available, especially as the mining boom accelerated. The third was failing to lift compulsory superannuation savings to strengthen retiree security. [/b] The Keating Government had planned to increase contributions from 9% to 15%, so baby boomers could enjoy retirement on incomes close to weekly earnings. “Anyone born in the 1940s can’t now be in the system long enough,” Mr Keating lamented. “It’s impossible now to look after the baby boomers. Impossible.” Chief executive of superannuation fund Cbus David Atkin agreed: “There’s no doubt that the delay in introducing higher contributions is impacting on baby boomers.” [b]The fourth was selling 167 tonnes of Australia’s gold reserves at near rock bottom prices just before the price rose spectacularly. According to one assessment, the fire sale returned just $2.4 billion. Had the gold been sold in 2011, when the nation needed cash during the global financial crisis, it would have fetched about $7.4 billion. [/b] [b]The fifth disaster was losing more than $4.5 billion gambling in foreign exchange markets between 1997 and 2002.[/b] According to Kenneth Davidson: “…foreign banks have walked away with a fortune as a result of the Treasury’s failed attempt at picking currency winners.” Further damning analysis has been offered by Alan Kohler and News Weekly. But for most of the last ten years this was effectively covered up. [b]The sixth was squandering the proceeds of asset sales and the vast rivers of revenue from booming industries by handing it out to middle and high income earners as election bribes. [/b] [b]According to a Treasury report in 2008, between 2004 and 2007, the mining boom and a robust economy added $334 billion in windfall gains to the budget surplus. Of this, the Howard Government spent, or gave away in tax cuts, $314 billion, or 94 per cent. [/b] Sales of businesses yielded another $72 billion. And yet Australia’s cash in the bank when Howard left office was a pathetically low 7.3% of GDP. JUST HAD TO BE SAID. TOO MANY VOTERS SLEEPWALKING.




6/09/2013 GO FOR IT LABOR!!!...lots of undecided voters out there. Many do not trust spinner Abbott and sweaty con-artist Hockey and Malcolm's shonky communications plans. We can't afford to go BACKWARDS


6/09/2013 We want a DEMOCRACY not a MURDOCHRACY




6/09/2013 This is how the Murdoch empire thinks...they are the propaganda machine for the American Republicans...and the Australian Abbott Coalition. [b]Fox's Bolling: Walmart "Probably Should" Fire Workers Protesting For Higher Wages [/b] [b]INTERESTINGLY, LIBERAL PARTY MEMBER ROGER CORBETT IS A DIRECTOR OF WAL-MART [/b] SMALL WORLD EH? N'


6/09/2013 COALITION to rip money out of Murray-Darling plan... The HOWARD GOVT achieved little...LET THE IRRIGATORS SUCK IT DRY... was a disaster that LABOR had the GUTS AND VISION AND NEGOTIATION ABILITIES to fix,,, [b]NOW ABBOTT WANTS TO SUCK THE MURRAY-DARLING DRY AGAIN.[/b] SHAME


6/09/2013As some may know, the former Queensland School for Travelling Show Children QSTSC (now [i]National[/i] STSC) is an R-7 school set up in a delightful purpose-built extending classroom transported on a converted prime mover. It is beautiful and dynamic, inside it is cosy and every square inch is covered with quality posters and projects. I think it is the liveliest classroom I have ever seen. You'll find heaps about it on any search engine. Set up in 2000 by the Federal Government, the school's operating costs were funded by the Qld Govt until Newman came along and cut all funding. For the school to close would mean that the Carnival people with children would perforce have to send them to local schools for a few days wherever the current Show was being held, - educationally devastating as long wide experience attests - or for one parent to live a sedentary life in a town while the other was on the road. Effectively destroying their whole lifestyle. The Carnies as a group are far from highly educated but they are hardworking, dedicated to their kids' being educated better than they, and they were devastated by the funding's being stopped. Accordingly they mounted a long, unrelenting and desperate fight on Social Media, (I was cheering them on from early in the fight but only on Twitter.) They tried every avenue including approaches to Katter, Palmer and (as if) Rindlard. At last [b]Bill Shorten [/b]came to their rescue, funding them until the end of this year, after which Dog only knows. If Abborrrtt gets up their outlook is grim, but their praise for and gratitude to Shorten and Labor is palpable. Well the news is, they're in Adelaide for the *Royal*(?!) Adelaide Show, and yesty J**** and I went to visit them. The school is at a caravan park, not the showgrounds, and there were 10 really polite kids there, all interested and quick in apprehension, I'd back these kids against any ambient fixed school kids. One took one glance at my little book [i]Brucie the Bilby[/i] and said instantly "Look, there's a TESSELLATION!" Another lad proudly showed us his vortex-producing apparatus made from 2 conjoined PET bottles. He looked confident and knowledgeable. I got a few great 3D photos and will get many more on Monday. J**** & I will be going back there on Monday and I'll give the kids a lesson on my unique 3D geometrical papercraft. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Best of Luck for tomorrow everyone, especially Lady in Red!



42 long

6/09/2013ROBB couldn't let Shorten finish a sentence on FAINE. The LieNP are a rude mob. Basic manners NO. They all like to shout over you. By and large the Labor people are far nicer. Look at this site for example. Good luck for tomorrow ALL.

Laurie Keet

6/09/2013Sloppy Joe was sweating like a pig and shitting bricks at the thought of getting asked a difficult question. No idea why Sloppy would be worried because the Noalition haven't been asked one for the last six years. Really the Sloppy and Mogadon ( Robb that is and he really can put you to sleep) costings show was a charade featuring C grade actors.


6/09/2013It is absolute testimony, indeed testament, to the embedded power and truth and real-world relevance of Labor Party policies that over the last six years, for all the internal ructions, rivalries, asserted anger and distaste, layered over with Abbott's Opposition's skullduggery and disgraceful misogyny (haven't heard that one for a while, have you?), the Labor government has delivered programs and actions that have been to the overall benefit of all Australians and the future of the nation. You will find this reflected in the editorial of The Age linked to above. You will find in the SMH editorial also linked to above testimonial evidence of the debilitating poison that the Conservatives have splashed across Federal politics (State, too, these last three years), and by doing so, injected into the entire nation and all its citizens. Those with the antibodies in our system to neutralise the poison have called it out for what it is, and what it ultimately is too, which is rejectible and curable. Those without these antibodies of commonsense and concern for every atom around us, animated by consciousness or not, have ignored or been consumed by the poison. They are victims. Victims targeted, victims damaged. Victims made victims by men and women knowingly mixing up the poison, spreading it wilfully, and gleeful in its damaging effect. No wonder their spokespeople sweat like murderers in a courtroom dock, speak of speaking 'obliviously', and laugh like braying donkeys when their inconsistencies and flat out lies are pointed out. The poison's in.


6/09/2013 Remember...LABOR TRIPLED the TAX-FREE THRESHOLD...HOWARD COALITION GAVE SIGNIFICANT TAX CUTS TO THE RICH...Abbott wants to give Rinehart a tax cut.


6/09/2013More evidence of poison. Australian Financial Review: An Abbott government would veto what it regards as wasteful history, philosophy and arts research projects, a decision that has upset the research community. A Coalition government would "reprioritise" $103 million of the $900 million in annual Australian Research Council funding to stop money going to projects with "increasingly ridiculous" titles. Liberal MP Jamie Briggs, chairman of the Coalition's scrutiny of government waste committee, ridiculed four projects worth a combined $1.2 million that were approved by the council… Former Macquarie University vice-chancellor Steven Schwartz said it was "hilarious" to think the Coalition believed it could save large amounts of money by examining the relatively small number of ARC grants that go to history and philosophy projects. He also derided the Coalition for misunderstanding the importance of, for example, research into grief associated with cancer deaths and the relevance of this to "harder" disciplines such as medicine. Higher Education Minister Kim Carr took to Twitter to say that Liberal Party "hostility to universities is spearheaded by their contempt for humanities, history, philosophy, arts". Liberal leader Tony Abbott had sunk to "new lows", Senator Carr said. In the same paper, a breakdown as far as one can be made of Hockey's 'costings', under the headline that a Treasurer Hockey (all Olympus, Valhalla, and every Heaven in existence forbid!) will 'raise the debt ceiling'. How could this be??? A Coalition government sinking the country into 'debt and deficit'. Surely not???? Suckered if you vote for them.







Catching up

6/09/2013If Abbott cannot read and comprehend a simple policy on the Internet, how can he deal with more complex issues.

Catching up

6/09/2013New Coalition policy. Money for qualified teachers in child care is gone. Only signed contacts will be honoured. A one paragraph announcement.




6/09/2013 [b]If Abbott cannot read and comprehend a simple policy on the Internet, how can he deal with more complex issues.[/b] CU, SPOT ON!

42 long

6/09/2013We all know he can't. He is somewhere between Awkward and Zombie. The AGE editorial poll Labor40 Lnp31 Grn 15 Other 14. I don't know how long it has to run.

Ad astra

6/09/2013Folks Thank you for your comments and for your links. You have given us another interesting set of links Janet. Thank you. We have had a foretaste of what to expect from a Coalition when a sweating Joe Hockey took some of the covers off their costings in a brief presser. Their strategy to hide the costings until yesterday, and then to present a shonky eight-page document with the cuts listed in a table with almost no explanatory notes and no underlying assumptions, was appalling. For a would-be Treasurer and a party hopeful for election, this is a disgrace, and neutral economists and columnists have said so. Fairfax wimps like Peter Hartcher and Phil Coorey have simply reported on the presser but declined to make a public judgement, opting to keep onside with the Coalition. As for the Murdoch press, has any journalist made a critical analysis of the costings? If you’ve seen one, please post it here. Then there was the Internet filter shambles that Abbott blithely brushed away as a simple error, quickly corrected. But why did they present it at the eleventh hour? Why did they check it so poorly? Why did they defend it before finding it indefensible? Is this the shambolic government Abbott would inflict on us? After all the criticism of Labor chaos, the Coalition seems not to be doing any better.

42 long

6/09/2013I think Chaos, unpredictability and awkwardness go with abbott. Was he always like this or has he deteriorated? Compere his manner with Rudd with Annabel Crabbe. Rudd was just Rudd and quite relaxed and looked as if he had actually done some cooking, but abbott looked as if he had never boiled water, or poured tea.


6/09/2013Well done Archie!

bob macalba

6/09/2013VENCEREMOS..again...VENCEREMOS, man that feels good, laptop broke and could only read comments on smartphone, Talk Turkey...your call to arms are always inspirational and im with surrender... 2 prints i have in eyesight when i come to this site!.jpg cheers all, a big day tomorrow no surrender to the mendacious swine VENCEREMOS


6/09/2013 I'M IN A POLL-FREE ZONE. I NEVER TRUST POLLS IN THESE 24 HOUR NEWS AND SOCIAL MEDIA TIMES. I THINK THEY ARE BEING USED NEFARIOUSLY TO INFLUENCE VOTERS. TOO MANY UNDECIDED. I SAID TO MY WIFE I NEVER TRUSTED THE MORGAN POLL...IT WAS FAR TOO HIGH IN THE ALP'S FAVOUR TO BEGIN WITH...I SAID TO HER WATCH IT GRADUALLY COME DOWN WEEK AFTER WEEK AND GIVE IT TO THE LNP BIG TIME JUST BEFORE THE ELECTION. IN THE LONG RUN THE MORGAN POLL IS JUST ANOTHER BUSINESS VENTURE: In August 2008, the research group dismissed over 50 casual and temporary staff due to low staffing demand, an event that the Australian Council of Trade Unions described as an example of the lack of protection in Australia's current industrial relation laws. The organisation defended its decision due to low demand, poor performance of the project the casuals were engaged in and defended its action of e-mailing the dismissals as the company's general practice. DON'T BELIEVE THE HYPE.

Ad astra

6/09/201342 long The [i]Age[/i] poll is now showing Labor 39%, Coalition 29% Greens 15% and Others 17%. The total polled 46,586. The same figures apply to the [i]SMH[/i] poll; perhaps the are the one poll. If these figures were an accurate reflection of actual voting on Saturday, Labor would win easily. So we have to take this online poll with a grain of salt. bob macalba It's good to see you back. VENCEREMOS indeed.

42 long

6/09/2013AD AS I agree. It's a wonder it hasn't been pulled, though as a flow on from the Age editorial it might attract Labor voters to the site. Brave AGE statement, or is there more to it?

Janet (j4gypsy)

6/09/2013Breaking copyright law here, but this is a critical piece from Wendy Bacon (for whom I have enormous admiration). [b]This Is Why We Need Truly Democratic Media[/b] [i]By Wendy Bacon[/i] From Roger Corbett's appearance on Lateline to News Ltd's bias, a politicised media has been a prominent feature of this election - but media policy has barely rated a mention, writes Wendy Bacon Finally, the media panels, interviews, buses, scrums and minute by minute blogs wind their way towards tomorrow’s night talkfest, in which politicians and celebrity journalists will tell us what they think of the results. No matter which party forms government, and it looks like it will be the Coalition, we will be left with a big political issue: the media itself. Not since journalists walked out of News Corp in 1975 in protest against being told to advocate for a Coalition victory, has media been such a big issue in an election — although these days mainstream journalists themselves are more likely to defend their embattled employers than protest against them. Yet almost nothing has been said about media policy by the mainstream media during this campaign, including about how our media could become more accountable and democratic, although that topic has been a major issue over the last three years. The issue fell off the agenda after former Minister for Communications Stephen Conroy’s botched attempt at reform. He bungled the process so badly that people were left wondering if it was a desperate attempt to force it through or a deliberate derailing of the process. Two incidents in the final weeks of the campaign have highlighted the problems with our media. The dominance of Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp was again highlighted by the political censorship of a GetUp ad that mocked the mogul’s hysterical campaign to install a Coalition government. The crowdfunded ad responded to weeks of bias splendidly chronicled by ABC Media Watch. Both Channel Seven and Lachlan Murdoch’s Channel 10 refused to play the ad. Channel Nine did too, blaming an administrative error for playing it a few times last weekend. By this morning, the Get Up ad had over 500,000 plays on YouTube. In the battle to get some diversity into the debate, social media can play a role, but can do little to counter the power of the Murdoch media empire, which like Abbott himself has used sexism, scaremongering about refugees, and climate scepticism to campaign against Labor, at least since the minority Gillard government was elected in 2010. The second incident is Lateline’s interview with the Chair of the Fairfax Board, Roger Corbett. Corbett is a former head of Woolworths and a member of the Reserve Bank of Australia. Given his membership of the Liberal Party, there was nothing extraordinary about Corbett’s attack on Rudd. It's a sign of the times that Alberici and her producers thought Corbett was just the talent they needed for a key interview in the days before the election. These days, ABC programs like Lateline and Q and A generate newsbreaks for other ABC journalists who are often insufficiently resourced to go out and get their own stories. Corbett’s attack on Rudd was vehement but his statements about Rudd’s “stalking of Julia” have all been news before and have been the subject of a best selling book. But once made, they were quickly repackaged as big news. Corbett’s scathing analysis of Rudd was edited and reported in text and video on almost every media site in Australia. This made Rudd’s response the big news story of the following day. Meanwhile the most newsworthy part of the interview went unreported: The Chair of Fairfax signalled where he will stand in a future debate under a Coalition government about preventing the ABC from competing with a fragile corporate media. Corbett told Alberici that that the ABC might be getting too big. He was rather coy but did suggest that three radio stations might be too many. This will concern many Australians, especially those in the regions where ABC supplies almost the only local news. Corbett’s views line up with those of Murdoch family attacks on BBC and its "free state sponsored" news. They are nowhere near as extreme as the Institute of Public Affairs (whose members are frequent guests on Q and A and the Drum) which wants to privatise the ABC. Emma Alberici has said since the interview that she did not know Corbett was a member of the Liberal Party. Personally, I don’t think you can expect interviewers to ask people their party membership, but there is no excuse for not knowing that Corbett is a strong supporter of the Coalition. For example, last year Corbett told Alberici that Gillard should backtrack on Labor’s workplace reforms and that he was a great believer in a two party system. Even if she hadn’t interviewed him, Alberici said on Twitter that she tried for days to get Corbett to come on the program. Unlike viewers, journalists have access to basic news databases and their own files. Five minutes research would establish that Corbett would be hanging out for a Coalition government. When it comes to working out what his stake might be in who runs Australia, Roger Corbett wears several hats. As well as being Chair of Fairfax Media, he is also Chair of Prime Ag, currently in the process of selling rural properties to offshore interests, and is on the board of pharmaceutical company Mayne Pharma. He is a board member of giant US retailer Wal Mart and an open admirer of its "low cost" business model. He has also previously had connections with the Salvation Army, a favoured contractor of both major parties. He is a member of the Foundation for exclusive private school Shore on Sydney’s North Shore. Corbett was CEO of Woolworths until the end of 2006. It was during his watch that it became the biggest poker machine operator and liquor outlet in Australia. He has been reported to be a continuing consultant for Woolworths since 2006. He was heavily involved in the deregulation of the dairy industry which was described by Mark Westfield, then a reporter at The Australian, as "a breathtaking display of market power” through which Woolworths “took 500 million out of the pockets of its suppliers the milk processors and farmers. It passed some onto its customers and pocketed the rest for its shareholders”. In an ABC interview, Corbett described these developments in the dairy industry as taking “advantage of the marketplace ... that's what free enterprise is all about.” Corbett has made no secret about his preference for the Liberal Party. In March 2004, he was one of a select group invited to the Lodge, the home of PM John Howard for dinner. In May, he joined a much bigger group of what Fairfax media described as "party faithful", who attended a dinner to celebrate 30 years of John Howard's parliamentary career, which doubled as a $300.000 fundraiser. He was reported by Crikey to have loudly told guests that Howard’s industrial relations policies had helped Woolworths. He was also reported by Crikey to be one of the Fairfax Board members who, in 2004, was in favour of then-Fairfax CEO Mark Scott’s pro-Coalition Age election editorial. (Read Crikey’s report on the inside discussions on the editorial, which involved overruling some unhappy senior editors who wanted to stay neutral or back Labor). This may be why Corbett was invited for Christmas drinks to Howard’s home for Christmas in December 2004, along with Kerry Packer and Lachlan Murdoch. Corbett personally donated $2500 to the Liberal party in 2006, at the Westin Hotel for another dinner of party supporters chaired by 2GB Talkback host Alan Jones to celebrate 10 years of Howard government in 2006. It was scarcely a surprise that he was going to be part of the standing ovation for Abbott at this week’s Liberal Party fundraiser. He was a member of the Howard government’s Community Business Partnership that was dissolved after Rudd was elected. He was appointed by the then-Coalition government to the team managing the Federal Intervention into the Northern Territory. In July 2006, he told ABC interviewer Julia Baird that Australia had enjoyed great leadership, “particularly the John Howard Government ... has been outstanding and Australia's results economically and socially have been extraordinary.” Nor is this the first time Corbett has publicly lashed Rudd. He In April 2010, as Chairman of the Westpac Hospital Board he called his hospital reforms "bizarre" and a "recipe for disaster". Fairfax is a large, profit-making corporation. This does influence the overall shape of its journalism but not in a day to day way. (I wrote more about working for Fairfax in a chapter in Left Turn last year). The Board chooses the CEO, the CEO chooses the editors and the editors choose the journalists. If you’re a journalist you can test the limits. You can do strong journalism so long as you learn how to play the game. The more kudos and fame you have, the more independent your voice can be. Fairfax has recently launched a marketing campaign which emphasises its "independence". It's still more independent than the bullying Murdoch papers. When, for example, the Australian Centre for Independent Journalism researched the coverage of the Gillard government’s carbon policy, we found that the negative and positive coverage was roughly balanced. The Herald Sun and Daily Telegraph were so overwhelmingly negative and aggressive that the coverage amounted to propaganda. The Fairfax Editorial Charter of Independence is still in place but journalists spruik and defend the company in a way that would have been unthinkable 20 years ago. In the last week, the SMH and The Age came out in favour of the Coalition - as they have mostly done over more than 100 years. You shouldn’t expect too much from corporate media in this regard. Over the last few years, independent journalists and academics have campaigned for public tax deductible support for independent investigative journalism. Just a tiny measure to support independence. Fairfax Media opposed this as a form of state interference with the media.The Labor government too rejected the idea. Only the Greens took up the idea. While it has not been well publicised in recent weeks, News Corp said that after the 2010 elections it aimed to destroy the Greens at the ballot box. This is unsurprising; the Greens are the only party who have a policy that might deliver a more democratic media. The Greens were the first party to criticise New Corp sexism and its abuse of power. This is why, while Corbett and Fairfax Media are supporting an Abbott victory, as a journalist and a citizen, I’m voting for the Greens. You can’t have a democracy without a democratic media.


6/09/2013☆ General Subtweet ☆ ‏@jonkudelka 40m Definitive proof of global warming: The Hobart Mercury turns into the NT News.




6/09/2013"[quote]If these figures were an accurate reflection of actual voting on Saturday, Labor would win easily. So we have to take this online poll with a grain of salt.[/quote]" Definitely - same as any self selecting poll. I just went and voted three times to prove that the "grain of salt" was absolutely necessary... ;-)




6/09/2013Nasking @ 3:03 PM [i]Thanks for tolerating my views today.[/i] How unfortunate that you feel the need to type those words on this blog. It is appalling to think that any contributor could be bullied into thinking that their views are not valid. Rest assured your views are valid to me and should I disagree with any of them that I would attempt to engage in a reasonable debate on that view. Keep on keeping on and despite the fact I really 'hate' the fact many of your comments are in caps I still get through most of them.


6/09/2013Well almost at the end of five weeks of ... (insert your own description) my mail on what the tea leaves are saying has been a bit thin. For what it is worth it appears the tea leaves are saying the LNP will get a three to seven seat majority and the ALP will be rudderless. Hang in there even at this late stage strange things can happen. Oh and the mail from the border is that Sophie will Sink. (That advice comes mostly from the Albury (wrong) side of the border)


6/09/2013Good post as usual, Ad astra. I haven't had a lot of time for blogs just lately as my m-i-l died last Sunday. Will hunt has been on, funeral arrangements & executor hand holding the order of the day. Anyhow, this article on Heathen Scripture is right on topic and supports what Swordsters have been banging on about these last 3+ years. I hope the undecideds have been convinced with the latest Liars debacle wrt internet filters, which they screamed blue murder about when Conroy raised the subject. I thought it was particularly telling that nobody thought it worthwhile letting Turnbull know. He should be very wary of anyone claiming to have his back.

42 long

6/09/2013Seems hard to believe their LOCAL boy will be rejected by the electorate but I can never work out Queensland. They kept on electing the crook from Kingaroy and his merry band. How does our lady in red from wide bay look?




6/09/2013 [b]haven't had a lot of time for blogs just lately as my m-i-l died last Sunday. Will hunt has been on, funeral arrangements & executor hand holding the order of the day.[/b] JANE, SO SORRY TO HEAR THAT TRAGIC NEWS. STACEY AND I SEND OUR CONDOLENCES TO YOU AND YOUR FAMILY. KEEP WELL.


6/09/2013 My apologies to AD ASTRA for my outburst recently. It was uncalled for. I had a minor breakdown. Health and family problems...and discovering my specialist had forgotten to send letter to hospital so have been waiting for nothing. I should not have taken my frustrations out on AD nor the rest of you good people...nor the ALP. You were right to mention my OCD attitude. Sadly, I could not see it. At least this election is almost over and we can all take a well-deserved break. Many useful contributions on this site and you should be proud of yourselves. The MSM tho have generally not served the country well. N'

Ad astra

6/09/2013nasking You can be assured that there are no hard feelings. I hope you are feeling better.

Ad astra

6/09/2013jane I’m sorry to read of the death of you mother-in-law. I hope the pain of her loss soon eases. Thank you for your kind comment. I hope the ‘undecideds’ will give us all a surprise.


6/09/2013 Sadly, the voters seem to be rewarding Tony Abbott for three years of ranting negativity; vulgar abuse of a PM (standing in front of 'Ditch the witch' placard, saying PM had a target on her); attempting to block most useful reforms; catering to the whims of a crim of a media baron and very greedy mining baroness; using his daughters like pieces of meat on occasion...voter bait; telling various fibs; opportunistically backflipping on core policies; being a disgraceful show pony; using the hyperbolic tabloid language to demean opponents; treating certain professional women in an inappropriate and undignified manner...disrespectful to his wife and daughters. I dispute the claims that Abbott has run a tight ship, a generally gaffe free campaign the past three years. i believe he did not conduct himself in the manner of a respectful, mature leader willing to listen, negotiate and compromise with those of whom he differed. Sadly, Abbott has set a terrible precedent...backed by various vicious, character assassinating journos and talking heads...ensuring that Australian politics will from herein be a vulgar blood it is in America...each opposition leader and party feeling that in many ways they will have to emulate Abbott's 'Do and say anything' approach to gain ground. For all his recent feigned sincerity and diplomacy, Abbott has taken the low road to this esteemed high office...and Australian politics will bear the scars for many a year, if he wins, I feel sorry for this country that such a bully boy and his bullying masters may well have got their way. N'


6/09/2013 Cheers Ad astra, I am gradually recovering. Chemicals in this brain get a wee bit scrambled at times...and it takes good sleep, exposure to sun and a bit of therapy, quiet and meditation to unscramble them. TS people are sadly known for their occasional outbursts...I feel quite embarrassed that you and others had to be the recipients of such. I intend to take a long break from politics starting a few days from now. I wish you and your family well. I might add, I do believe that ALPers should avoid shock jock interviews in the future...these characters are having a delitarious effect on our communities...and they certainly damaged Julia Gillard's vile character in particular. Rush Limbaugh in America has had a dreadful impact on the American psyche and politics. It saddens me to see Sky News resorting to the use of such acid characters. And previous political headkickers and rats. It seems that Murdoch has resorted to more and more vile and desperate measures to get attention for his struggling papers and some ways reflecting his own the expense of the public good and rational, civil discussions. N'

Ad astra

6/09/2013Folks I'm calling it a day. Tomorrow is the big one!


6/09/2013Thanks for your condolences Nas' & Ad astra. It's been a harrowing few months, but my m-i-l is now at peace. Alan Austin blows the lid off the myth of the Howard/Costello "golden years".

Truth Seeker

6/09/2013Jane, sincere condolences for your loss. Nas, I'm glad you're feeling a bit better mate, and hope that you and "S" can enjoy some time out for yourselves, away from the stresses of the election and politics in general. I too understand the anger and frustrations of ill health, and know that we all have our own demons to deal with. I wish you and "S" well mate, and hope you know that you are always welcome to drop in to my site too, to say hello if the urge takes you. :-) Enjoy your break mate and stay on top of your health if you can :-) Cheers :-)


6/09/2013 Many thnx Truth Seeker, you have always been a good mate and top motivator. And as you know I thoroughly enjoy your work...and visits to your most splendid site. Like Ad, Lyn and others you have gone above and beyond the call of duty and the blogosphere is the better for your effort. I know you also suffer chronic ailments and bravely endeavour to overcome them. Keep well my friend. The future requires your wit and analytical abilities...not to mention, poetry used like a fine cutlass. Jane, you have been a wonderful daughter-in-law...I hope soon you can rest easy. Good luck to the ALP...fingers crossed the day does not end as miserably as many in the MSM would have us believe. Dave Oliver on Lateline aptly reminds the voters that it should be about recalling the ALP's many achievements over six years rather than just personalities...and what can be lost by voting in an Abbott govt. N'


7/09/2013Van Badham says it with passion. Do watch this.


7/09/2013Vote 1: Rudd for better policies or Vote 1: Abbott for better sloganeering. Simple really!


7/09/2013I wish that we had seen more of this Kevin Rudd. This is an hour long interview of KRudd conducted at Kirribilli House by GetUp! on Thursday. Another good article focussing on Abbott's weaknesses. Abbott's most dangerous pledge Michael Pascoe. September 6, 2013 - 1:43PM [quote]“When the facts change, I change my mind. What do you do, sir?” John Maynard Keynes famously asked. Tony Abbott is promising not to change his mind, to charge on regardless. And that is dangerous. The next Prime Minister’s pledge to let the deficit blow out rather than break a spending promise remains true to the spirit of the carbon tax attack that worked so well for him as opposition leader, never mind that it also runs contrary to a concurrent pledge to “reduce the debt”.[/quote] Read more: *** Labor wins the debate, Abbott eyes the prize Waleed Aly. September 6, 2013 [quote]Tony Abbott has been brutally efficient in adopting Labor policies he once argued vociferously against - and all with a straight face.[/quote] Read more: *** Is there a choice of two methods when voting for Senators? David Humphries, Peter Martin September 6, 2013 - 12:37PM [quote] [b]Finding There is a way to both attempt to make every preference count and to ensure at least something counts. It is to vote both above and below the line. The Electoral Commission has failed its duty to promote it (perhaps because it is technically illegal) and as a result may be contributing to the number of spoiled votes. It agrees such votes will be counted. Politifact rates its statement that when voting either above or below the line, "the rest of the ballot paper must be left blank" only half true. It is the law. But there are no penalties, voting is private, and if you do fill in both you will be sure to have your vote counted.[/quote][/b] Read more: *** Kevin Rudd correct on Paul's references to slavery in the Bible [quote]Professor Andrew McGowan, warden of The University of Melbourne's Trinity College, says Mr Rudd has "accurately conveyed" these statements. Associate Professor Rick Strelan, from the University of Queensland's School of History, Philosophy, Religion & Classics, agrees these verses support Mr Rudd's claim that Paul said in the New Testament, "slaves be obedient to your masters". "Rudd is right that the Bible urges slaves to be obedient to their masters," he said. [/quote] *** Seats to watch: High-profile MPs on knife's edge Daniel Hurst. September 7, 2013 [quote]If you haven't been following the election nitty-gritty, here is a guide to some of the key seats to watch on Saturday night. National polls have consistently shown the Coalition is on track to victory, but the swing always varies in individual seats.[/quote] Read more: *** Liberals accused of 'data harvesting operation' Ben Grubb September 6, 2013 - 7:28PM [quote]The Liberal Party has been accused of conducting a "massive data harvesting operation" which collects highly personal information about people and their friends using Facebook. A website created by the Liberal Party,, asks users to log-in with their Facebook account to "see Australia's two possible futures". They are harvesting not only your own Facebook likes, which I think is quite dangerous, but the Facebook likes of your friends and they're not asking for your friend's permission. [/quote] Read more: *** From a Kiwi Labour past to Tory Tony's first lady Anthony Hubbard reveals the background of the very private Margie Abbott. [quote]Max and Gail Aitken vote Labour in New Zealand but they are devoted to their Tory son-in-law Tony Abbott. [/quote] Read more:


7/09/2013To those handing out "how to votes" today - more power to your elbow. Before you vote above the line in the Senate paper - have a look at where your vote will go. If you don't like it, go to one of the below the line websites and vote the way you want to. Jame - my condolences on your loss Nas - your opinion is always worth sharing. I hope there is a result that will not drag the country back to the "golden years of the 50's". There is noting wrong with voting Party A in the lower house and Party G in the Senate.

Janet (j4gypsy)

7/09/2013A bit more reading to add to Casablanca's fine collation. Thinking of you, us, all today. And still hoping :-). [b]‘The only poll that counts…’ – or is it?[/b] [i]By David Holmes[/i] …polling, or more precisely, reporting polls, is bad for democracy, which is highlighted by the fact that they may well prove to be Kevin Rudd’s best friend if he loses the election tomorrow. Have all the leadership changes in Labor damaged its image? Has Rudd mishandled this campaign? Is Rudd responsible for the disunity in the Labor party? These are all questions that may be decisive in a Labor loss, but the truth is we will never really know because that “poll worm” has already obscured the truth. When the polls become the news ahead of the actual policy, deliberative democracy is no longer able to support representative democracy. [b]Desperate Mirabella commandeers all available poster space at booths with security guards[/b] [i]By Wayne Jansson[/i] For the past 2 to 3 weeks, Indi has been bombarded by a campaign aimed squarely at trying to convince voters not to vote for independents. Most of the advertisements, flyers and letters told voters only the Liberals can deliver stable government and independents equal instability. Mirabella has been telling voters only a member with a seat at the cabinet table can deliver for the people of Indi. That message was completely undermined by this weeks announcement of cuts worth $2.48 billion from the Regional Infrastructure Fund. [b]Lies, damned lies and Australia's future[/b] [i]By Mike Carlton[/i] So, are we the people really going to elect a liar to The Lodge today? It seems we are. Every opinion poll predicts a thumping win for the Coalition. We will have a liar as our prime minister for at least the next three years. Tony Abbott, remember, famously told the independent MP Tony Windsor in 2010 that he would do anything but sell his arse to get the job. And so he has. These are his three biggest porkies, in no particular order: [b]The Abbott Election Legend: Robin Hood In Reverse[/b] [i]By Mike Seccombe, Clare Blumer [/i] Let us begin with a question. Who is going to win the 2013 federal election? If your answer is “Tony Abbott” or “the Coalition” you’re almost certainly right, but also only partially right. For a bunch of other people are going to win as well. And a bunch of other people are going to lose. [b]Change To What? [/b] [i]By Keith Sutherland[/i] Hopefully the Labor Party can re-stock and evaluate where they went wrong over the past 6 years and never allow themselves to be distracted by personalities and factions in the future and know who they represent and what they stand fore because at present they don't. Under Julia Gillard as PM they achieved much with extreme obstacles in the way and in history she will be judged for her many groundbreaking achievements. [b]Julian Assange on Wikileaks and the election[/b] [i]Sandi Keane [/i] IN AN EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW, Julian Assange said that if Victorians vote him into the Senate this Saturday, thanks to proposed changes in the U.K.’s extradition laws, we may actually see the fighter for justice, transparency and independent media take his place on the red leather benches come July 2014. This new disclosure from the man holed up in the Ecuadorian Embassy stems from the planned scrapping of the U.K.’s extradition treaty in relation to the European Arrest Warrant (EAW). The modifications, due to come into effect in between January and June 2014, will prevent the use of extradition for purposes other than prosecution. Remember, Julian Assange has not been formally charged with any offence. The EAW was simply for questioning. Under the proposed new rules, according to Assange, Swedish prosecutors would have to interview him on UK soil, not in Sweden. There being no case to answer, as he insists, he would be free to leave the U.K. [b]Election Eve Round-up[/b] [i]By The Conscience Vote[/i] With under 24 hours to go, pretty much all that can be said about this election has been said. The media know this; they’ve run out of new questions. They’re reduced to repeatedly asking Prime Minister Kevin Rudd if he’ll stay in Parliament after his apparently inevitable defeat, and how long before Abbott repeals the ‘carbon tax’. Oh, and how Margie will like living in the Lodge. Of course, what they are not asking – and for the most part, have not asked – is how the Coalition can justify handing out middle and upper class welfare dollars to those who least need it, while cutting funds for vital public transport infrastructure and for indigenous legal aid. They’re not asking how the Greens plan to force a majority government of either stripe to go along with their policies. And – with the notable exception of the Wikileaks Party debacle – they’ve ignored the minor parties altogether. [b]A plea for responsible government[/b] [i]By Tristan Edis[/i] It is the day before the election and there are still so many things left unanswered about how the Coalition policy will function to deliver its emission reduction targets. The Coalition had promised repeatedly over the past few years that we would see the detail with good time before the election. This has not happened. For example we only learned a week before the election that the emissions reduction fund would operate via the use of emission intensity baselines – a fundamental design feature. And this was only volunteered under probing from a journalist. This creates a range of challenges for the environmental integrity and fiscal efficiency of the scheme that are worthy of public debate in an election Abbott bills as a referendum on pricing carbon. [b]How does $6 billion equal $16 billion? > Check the facts[/b] [i]From Facts Fight Back[/i] The claim: That Coalition policies will reduce the deficit over the forward estimates by $6 billion and reduce debt by $16 billion. The facts: The policy costings show a deficit reduction of $6 billion that will result in a debt reduction of $16 billion. Normal accounting should show that for any entity a deficit change of $6 billion will produce a debt change of $6 billion by the end of the accounting period. [b]Tony Abbott’s ignorance on climate change will cost Australia[/b] [i]By Christina MacPherson[/i] Victoria and other parts of eastern Australia, including Sydney, have just recorded their warmest winter on record. Was that evidence of climate change, Barrie Cassidy asked Tony Abbott on the ABC’s Insiders on Sunday. “It is evidence of the variability in our weather,” replied the person on the brink of becoming prime minister. [b]Infrastructure Prime Minister[/b] [i]By @AshGhebranious [/i] Under the coalition’s plan, the federal govt will now fund only the road project and only by $800m. They will spend zero on the rail project. The state on the other hand will spend $200m for the road but have to find $1bn for the rail project by itself. This creates a burden to the states. Now add to this the coalition cuts to other state services and you can clearly see there is no way the states will be able to afford to do anything on rail at all. [b]About to vote Liberal? Wow, Tony treating you with contempt really worked[/b] [i]By An Onymous Lefty[/i] So the Coalition’s big pitch over the last three years is that Labor’s wasted BILLIONS AND BILLIONS OF DOLLARS and only the Liberals and Nationals will STOP THE WASTE. And yet, when it comes down to it, when they finally shamefully slide the costings across the table at the end of the night and run off, the only way they can manage to eke out a miserable $1 billion improvement in the bottom line is by cutting $4.5 billion from foreign aid. [b]Liberals: Liars, Fools or both? [/b] [i]Stevej on NBN[/i] This isn't just bad policy, it is completely insane and bizarre, its a guaranteed technical & security disaster. We know from the exploit of the Google NSA/PRISM backdoors for Gmail, that if the Government can get in, so can others. [b]John Lord’s Final Election Diary No. 15[/b] [i]By John Lord[/i] The Forth Estate is supposedly the voice of the people but it has become the voice of its masters. Murdoch’s in particular. The media needs to, or the public should demand it to explain how it is meeting its responsibilities as the custodian of people’s ethical rights. Or is it to be argued that it has forgone that responsibility and hand balled it to the Fifth Estate, the bloggers. I believe the latter to be the case. [b]Eeny, Meeny, Miny- ah, screw it.[/b] [i]By M Nash[/i] You see, I live in Fraser. As one of my Greens friends observed last night, the ALP could run Andrew Leigh’s corpse for this seat and it would get elected. My vote in this seat was really academic, outside of deciding where my $2.49 is going to end up. But I dutifully numbers the boxes in order. But the Senate, ah, now the Senate; that’s different. Now, anyone who follows me on twitter, or has had my blog inflicted on them, or has seen how I danced along the line between “analytical” and “ranty” when I looked at gender and sexual minority issues on this very blog, will instantly know that those issues are rather important to me. And they’ll also know why.

Ad astra

7/09/2013Casablanca, Janet Thank you for the interesting collection of links you have give us this morning. I look forward to reading them.


7/09/2013Abbott wins, Australia loses. Simple. But not as simple as the polled majority of Australians, it seems.


7/09/2013If you don't read this join the simple.


7/09/2013 Cheers 2353, I really feel something has gone seriously wrong in this country...and the ABC is a part of it. I just don't understand why talking heads in the ABC feel compelled to promote News Ltd product...are they being paid? Have they been offered employment in the future? I just don't get it. Why does our public broadcaster keep promoting the staff and products of a media empire that has demonstrated itself to be little more than a propaganda machine of the worst kind? It's not as tho News Corporation doesn't have the money to spruik itself...Rupert Murdoch is a billionaire for gawd's sake. Virginia Trioli is the worst offender...her sycophantic attitude towards any visitor from News Ltd is hard to observe. Makes me sick in the stomach. Reminds me of a terrified someone in an occupied country greeting obsequiously the conquering dictator's troops...something desperate and unbecoming about it. You certainly will never see me kneel at the altars of Murdoch and News Ltd...nor tremble and act obsequiously in fear and awe. NEVER. N'

42 long

7/09/2013We will have to get together after this and form some way of preventing what happened in Germany in modern form . These guys don't believe in "SMALL" government. the believe in oppressive government that helps a SMALL number of "privileged people to have even more privilege. SLAVES were fed and sheltered and clothed. The right wingers want to pay less than the cost of being fed sheltered and clothed to as many as possible so they have more of what they already have. It's never been more CLEAR . Abborts VISION is not a vision at all. He will wipe out all traces of the last labor governments efforts and trash it, because he is so psychologically inadequate that he can't live with acknowledging Fact. Abbott lives in his own world of Demons, Guilt, Concerns with his own unresolved sexuality. greed, Temptation, anti intellectualism, anti science, Control and "Power". Oh what an aphrodisiac THAT is. It is why Gorbachov lusted after Margaret Thatcher. Why Julie bishop has no trouble being "loyal" to a lot of leaders, and likes muscly guys If things go as forecast, tomorrow is the first day of a pathway to..... who really knows what? We will have handed government to a person with so many questions to answer, who has shown us he will do anything to achieve his aims and who is supported by most concentrated self interested Media in the WORLD. To a bunch of his chosen TEAM who show NO SIGN of being good at anything except spin and obfuscation. Who bar a couple , Don't believe in climate change at all. They put a limit on a CRAP policy that everyone who knows anything at all about it doesn't give two bob for. I'm on a part pension. I have no idea how I will be able to exist under Phoney. ( But there's others worse off).

Ad astra reply

7/09/2013Casablanca, Janet I have enjoyed reading your links. As so often happens with Lyn's Links, they have fed into the next piece. Michael Pascoe and Mike Carlton were at their incisive and acerbic best. Thank you for posting such a great collection of interesting pieces.


7/09/2013Nasking, If the polls are right and Labor gets a flogging you have to wonder what the "Shock jock" and others in the media will do once the dust settles? There will be no polls to talk about no leadership speculation no leaking no nothing at least for a while! Slogans wont cut it and you have to wonder how long it will be before they turn on Abbott and do what they should have done all along their job!

N'ellie May

7/09/2013Dear Casablanca and Janet, A big thank you for carrying on Lyn's links while she's having a rest. What a wonderful thing you are doing for us all. Best wishes for today everyone. I'm off to work on my polling booth for the rest of the day. Whatever happens we know that in the long run decency and goodness will prevail.


7/09/2013Feel like losing your last meal??? where David Marr writes how Tony Abbott feels being PM is like some sort of transforming secular sainthood, that he'll be 'ennobled' by holding office. Folks, this guy's a nutter! Complete and utter!

42 long

7/09/2013Hark the Herald Angels Sing. I suppose we will be asked to respect the position. (which HE never did. He Trashed it. He also arrived there by nefarious means. His mere occupancy of the position will lower it's value as did William McMahon ( Billy Bigears) He was just useless, Tony is a worse threat than that. He has been paid a high salary to frustrate an elected government and stop it serving Australia as it could have. Opposition should not extend to sabotage . He spent all that time trying to get himself elected and frustrating the government and whipping up anger. I'm certain this style of government is NOT what anybody desires, but that doesn't bother Tony as long as he gets the prize With HIM as with many called Noble, what is there, not what it is called, is important. Nobility often associates with No ability. Wealth and station by inheritance, not ability and works... Always shunned by basically "egalitarian and disrespectful of pomp, and ceremony, Australians. If he governs well, it will be a true "Miracle". While they are theoretically possible I haven't seen many/any?

Ad astra

7/09/2013Michael I wonder how tongue-in-cheek is David Marr. Abbott might think ‘nobility’ will descend upon him like a dove from heaven and transform a snarling attack dog into a saintly benefactor, but even the Archangel Gabriel might struggle to do that. Abbott has just finished doing the easy part – opposition. In my view, government will be his bête noir. Skill at destroying things does not help in building. There is building going on in front of our apartment right now. The demolition workers were very proficient, knocking down the old building with ruthless efficiency, but a different workforce – the builders, has replaced them. They are also proficient, but their skills are quite different. Abbott is not a builder, and never will be no matter how much he hopes ‘nobility’ will be on offer.

42 long

7/09/2013Very well put AD AS. I have often wondered why the abbott thinks he is capable of doing the job. Perhaps he is not good at being candid about anything. He is too GUARDED for that. It is just ambition to be "something". He probably thinks he is predestined for something great such is his EGO. He has already damaged this country considerably, in opposition. He will now ( if the pundits are right) with more power, have far more capacity for damage I doubt if a serial "WRECKER" can build anything. His lack of real sensitivity and artistry and awareness is easy to see. I would label him a "barbarian". and an awkward one at that. I think he has a real nasty side too. One of getting back ruthlessly at people who stand in his way. I'm a little apprehensive about that aspect of his behaviour. Leopards don't change their spots.


7/09/2013For some reason a scene from The Lion King comes to mind today. Mufassa has just been killed by a stampede of wildebeest whilst trying to save his son Simba. Simba being the rightful heir but just a young cub thinks its all his fault. Scar tells him to run away and tells the hyena's to kill him Scar being the younger brother of Mufassa and the one who thinks he's got the brains (but not the wisdom) enters into a nefarious deal with the hyena's to rule the kingdom. Its a dark day with all the symbolism of the 1930's. Today could be that day and Abbott where ascends the rock to take control. Of course those who don know what happens next, the kingdom goes to hell in a handbasket, with famine and the hyena's acting like a goon squad. After today Abbott looks like he'll be in charge. No more three word slogans, no more abuse of the public service, all of a sudden it will be real action. I think Abbott's like scar, simply not up to the task ahead. Poor fellow my country.


7/09/2013 [b]If the polls are right and Labor gets a flogging you have to wonder what the "Shock jock" and others in the media will do once the dust settles? [/b] Jason, they will do what they always do under creepy conservative governments...spread the fear...persecute the Judeo-Christian wars...try to eliminate any bold opposition by way of false & exaggerated claims...character assassination...rewriting history...attempting to control the actions and decision-making of weak, compliant politicians...playing an integral role in campaigns of ruthless, mean-spirited reform...whilst acting like they are working in the best interests of the non-elite many...laying down the pathways of gold for the greedsters and profiteers on their side of politics by way of spruiking dodgy investments and backdoor cash for comments... they are oft delusional, grandiose characters who believe themselves on the side of public good...but they have no qualms about swallowing rivers of gold...and bathing like hogs in the mud...making rude noises incessantly under the flood of celebrity lights... and no occasional petty annoyance with Abbott, nor attempt at charity and sincerity will hide their utter contempt for themselves and the public at large...and their voracious need to be both praised and abused. Sick individuals. N'


7/09/2013 Should be: [b]prosecute the Judeo-Christian wars[/b]

Austin 3:16

7/09/2013Hope the handing out goes / went well today guys.


7/09/2013 Had an afternoon my dreams I was lying with Stacey on a small bed on the second floor of an old house that seemed to age each time I opened my eyes... I could hear an argument at the neighbour's house...a man with a shrill voice was accusing my neighbour and his friends of sinning...threatened to dob them into the authorities...I could imagine him wagging his finger sternly at them as he claimed loudly: [quote]The one who is the highest authority will have his way with you![/quote] I then heard this strange man racing up our stairs...he opened the door of our bedroom and stood there arrogantly surveying the room. Stacey stirred and I heard her murmur: [quote]Who are you? What right do you have to be in this house?[/quote] I felt paralysed, as you oft do in a dream...but was eventually able to utter the angry and strangled words: [quote]GET OUT![/quote] The man ignored us...he started rifling through our draws...looking through our papers...and all the time Stacey and I lay there, unable to move. Seemingly satisfied, the crazed man left the room...empty handed..,muttering: [quote]Next time...will find something...will crush you...crush you all[/quote] I realised later the man had the face of Tony Abbott...yet the voice of George Brandis. As I lay there quite shaken up I sensed tentacles of darkness reaching through the open window...a chill wind followed...yet I sweated as though under the intense lamp of the desert sun, Was like some dreadful Lovecraftian the tentacles slithered across my paralysed body and reached for Stacey. I felt my hands make fists and urged them to bash these vile tendrils...I growled... teeth clenched I yelled with my a psychic wave it rushed through the walls of the house...outwards in tsunami form: AUSTRALIA WHAT HAVE YOU DONE...WHAT HAVE YOU RELEASED FROM THE BOWELS OF DARKNESS Then woke. Heart pounding. It was then I remembered what the invader in my dream had left on my sideboard. A partly melted crucifix. N'


7/09/2013Comrades Well it's nearly all over. I've been most of the day handing out HTV's on a slow slow booth but I've knocked off now. Going home to watch the outcome now. Please Dog. Please please please. Whatever the outcome Labor will survive and regroup and we will prevail in the long run anyway. Or as the Sandinistas yell: [b][i]VENCEREMOS![/i][/b]


7/09/2013 How strange. The phone rang after I submitted that previous comment. My Mum has died. Grief. Awful day. We never got a chance to reconcile our differences. Some family members just don't work well matter how much love they have for each similar they are... too much trauma...too much past...too much negativity...unpredictability. A good woman who could not find it in herself to like me. I was not the white knight she expected...hoped would take her from a troubled and sometimes mundane life to paradise. Me mere mortal. Average guy. Flawed man. I will miss our occasional laughs together...hearty and a couple of middle-ages friends drinking cider in front of a warm fire. What could have been. Now lost. Forever. Grief. Overwhelming. Lost

Janet (j4gypsy)

7/09/2013Turkey, you have done so well. Rest. Nasking, I am so sorry. You, too, now need to rest, and grieve. The loss of a mother is very big. Let go of fighting for Oz. Be with yourself and Stacey. Take good care.




7/09/2013 Jane & Janet, Thankyou both...such wise, comforting words. My mind is a spin...yet glimpses of so many warm moments with her. Mum suffered badly from polymiositis...she was very brave. We could not always see eye to eye...but in fact I know there were times she felt deep love for me...the pain can sometimes mask it. I just rang back my step-father and thanked him for all his effort looking after Mum...I told him I was glad they had so many wonderful friendship times much love for one another...and that I held no grudges. Life is complex. At least Mum has real peace now.

Ad astra

7/09/2013nasking I’m sorry to read about your mother’s death. Let the differences between you and your Mum fade away. Remember the happy times. Relish the joyful memories. May your Mum now rest peacefully, free of pain. We are thinking of you and Stacey.

direct current

7/09/2013Nasking, I'm so sorry t hear of your loss. There is nothing right now to ease your pain, it is something that must be borne. Stay strong and allow yourself to grieve. Lean on your good wife, be gentle with yourself, sleep and cry and rage if you must. Remember the good times and cut yourself and your mother some slack. Thinking of you with love.

Ad astra

7/09/2013Talk Turkey You are a real Labor man - loyal and prepared to give your time at the polling booth. Whatever eventuates tonight, you have given your all in support of the party whose ideals and values we admire. You can now do no more. Relax and wait for the results to flow. Tomorrow is another day. [b]VENCEREMOS.[/b]


7/09/2013Old Parliament overrun with voters Jenna Clarke. September 7, 2013 - 4:22PM [quote]"Is this the interstate line? Does it start interstate?" were the cries heard from the lines leading into Kings Hall at the Museum of Australia Democracy on Saturday. "We were told to expect 600 people. There were 600 people lining the steps by 9am." By 2pm more than 4,000 voters had cast their vote at the historic site. Many waited in line for more than an hour to do so. Sea Scout Group leader Michelle Taylor was overwhelmed by the crowds who had devoured more than 900 snags before 2pm. [/quote] Read more: *** Gillard goes out with dignity and class Julia Baird. September 5, 2013 [quote]Her exit has been extraordinarily dignified. And her silence deserves respect. Not a single snarky word – or suggestive retweet. Whatever you may have thought of Gillard as prime minister, you cannot deny she is a class act. And remaining silent might just be the most delicious revenge possible. [/quote] Read more: *** The Election in Djiff September 7, 2013 · by mrtiedt · in Policies [quote]So anyway for the last few weeks Labor supporters have been like...[/quote] ***


7/09/2013Delightful Leunig cartoon & 3 verses - here is the first one as a teaser: [quote]Little, tiny, precious vote; Underneath my overcoat; Snug and warm against my heart, You and me will have to part. [/quote]


7/09/2013Time to consider emigration!! Sincere condolences, Nasking. Always know that death is not the end because loved ones live on in you.


7/09/2013 Ad, Ken and Direct Current, Thnx for the kind and wise words. Lovely chat with Stacey and my best male friend who lives in a Sydney. They are my family. Help me to see things clearer. Mum a wonderful friend to her friends...pleased for them. Her in peace now. As for a merciful God...nonsense. Observing the election. TT good for you. A true believer. I hope Labor can hold on to some important seats. Please let the polls be wrong. N'


7/09/2013The good thing is that if Liealot becomes PM, he's got nowhere to hide. They talked the talk, now he'll have to walk the walk. No mining boom to prop them up, a shaky global economy, other countries introducing carbon prices and scaling up renewable energy. When they lose the 3xAAA rating & slide down the rankings, they'll be exposed as the economic illiterates they truly are. They won't be able to blame Labor; they achieved the rankings & the Liars will lose them because they are appallingly bad economic managers and it's time the barrackers had their noses rubbed in it.


7/09/2013 [b]Rest assured your views are valid to me and should I disagree with any of them that I would attempt to engage in a reasonable debate on that view. [/b] DMW, just saw your comment. Thanks for the support. Very kind. I enjoy reading your insightful views. Trying not to use caps. Means slower posting. Probably a good thing. Good luck tonite to all.

Catchung up

7/09/2013Nasking, do not pine for what could have been. Savior what was real. There will be much I am sure. I am sure, we all feel the same when our mother dies, the feeling that we should have done better.


7/09/2013Nasking, sympathy and a big bear hug ... hang in there even in grief and loss some rays of hope and sunshine can brighten the day if you are willing to let them in.


7/09/2013 Cheers CU and DMW, such kind words...tears. Emotionally worn...confused. Trying to see the light. Thankyou tho...thankyou. At least Labor has seats to come back quickly and put some pressure on Abbott and co. To think characters like Joyce, Brough, Pyne, Abbott have smiles on their faces...makes me despair for Australia. How can Australia reward such arrogance, such bullying, such hyperbole, such unrelenting negativity? At least this will mean the right-wing state govts will probably not last as long.


7/09/2013 Jason Clare apparently calling for Rudd to stand down as leader...recognising he helped hold seats...but need generational change. Poor Ruddy. If only he'd listened and gone earlier. If only we had a fairer media. If only Rudd had listened to Garrett's warnings on insulation. If only the ALP had done media reform early. If only Rudd had not been stabbed initially...had been less closed down. Listened more, If only the leaking hadn't happened. If only the NBN had rolled out faster. If only the Mining tax had been more effective. If only Murdoch had minded his own business. If only Gillard had not cut money from higher education and changed conditions for single Mums and not gone too far with the dependent spouse rebate and private healthcare rebate. If only... N'


7/09/2013Abbott and his gang will screw it up, nothing more certain. Too bad they'll do some damage to this country as they do. But, let's see what the Senate lines up as, and how much of that boneheaded damage can be held off being put in place before the next Federal election. Labor's kept all its big names, all its next generation of leaders, the youngest of whom will be annealed by the fire of this loss to come back that much stronger. And that will be made this much easier, because... Abbott and his gang will screw it up, nothing more certain. (Even reCaptcha agrees, with a phonetic motto for Labor to be going on with - "stoptopl 112")


7/09/2013 Still, as my friend in Sydney day the people will wake up to the deviousness of the Murdoch and shock jock media campaign... will see the accomplishments...recognise that a LIGHT has been shone preparing the way for NDIS...fairness in education funding...effective, affordable broadband for all...a fair workplace...treating pensioners with respect...respecting marine areas and the Murray-Darling...recognising the need for trains connecting our cities...funding effectively the fight against diabetes and cancer...the need for efficient organ donations...the reconciliation process...respecting the First People and their history...not sending our troops to illegal wars...dealing with the tobacco scourge...providing justice and compensation for those abused as children...ensuring the Catholic Church and other religious institutions are not above the law...nor the police...nor sports stars...that women should be treated as equals in every way...that the gay and lesbian community have equal rights, the right to marry...the list goes on. Remarkable achievements considering the GFC...and it only being six years. Remarkable paths that have been created. The govt deserves applause. Time will show such. N'


7/09/2013 Rudd to stand down as leader. A useful, passionate speech. Abbott will be under a great deal of scrutiny. His party will now have to perform...not just snipe and throw spears from the peanut gallery. Plenty of top Labor cabinet and other ministers left. Ready to take over in three years if Abbott screws up. The LNP government here in QLD must be worried. The LNP lost support here percentage-wise. Most QLD ALP seats seemed to have been held. So much for the doomsayers' predictions. If the ALP can unite and bring in a strong that does not remind voters of the battles, squabbles...could make all the difference.


7/09/2013 Weird the way Abbott kept his family off the podium to the end. Creepy guy. All about Tony...regardless of what he says. I thought his speech sounded like something from a military leader or a right-wing missionary. No warmth. Held himself arrogantly. A forgettable speech. ONE NATION UNDER ABBOTT Yea right.


7/09/2013[quote]Abbott will be under a great deal of scrutiny. His party will now have to perform...not just snipe and throw spears from the peanut gallery.[/quote] My thoughts too, Nas'. It's easy to snipe and throw spears, especially when you are openly aided & abetted by the likes of Murdoch. But now they have to deliver the goods and I think they'll fail miserably. I have a sneaking suspicion that they think it'll be a doddle; hubris from the Howard years when they were raking in the cash from the mining boom and asset sales. They've never really believed that the GFC had any effect on the economy, so they'll be in for a very nasty shock and will spend the time running around like headless chooks. Plenty of time for Labor to sink the slipper. I believe Rudd has resigned from the leadership. A wise move, I think. A new leader with a clean slate. Plibersek's name is being bandied about. They need someone who will unite the party and take the attack up to the Liars. It would be nice if they could use Ashbygate as a stick to beat them with.

42 long

7/09/2013I have just watched the most undeserving person of all time assume the position of prime minister of this country. Supported by a media organisation who have a lot of money to gain by having this lackey in power. Is this the way our country should chart it's path way into the future?


8/09/201342 long, as Nas' observed, Liealot has to perform now. No more standing on the sidelines flapping his gums. Now he & that incompetent mob of Howard Has Beens won't be able to incessantly babble shit without scrutiny. With luck, Murdoch will be under investigation in the US as well as the UK & in danger of gaol time. So the wizened foreigner may be somewhat preoccupied. We can only hope.


8/09/2013Julia Gillard sent out three tweets last night: Julia Gillard ‏@JuliaGillard 4h [quote]Congrats to Mr Abbott & Mr Truss for leading their parties to victory. I wish them & their teams well. It's always an honour to serve. JG[/quote] Julia Gillard ‏@JuliaGillard 5h [quote]A tough night for Labor. But a spirited fight by Kevin, Albo, George + the whole team. My thoughts are with you all. JG[/quote] Julia Gillard ‏@JuliaGillard 6h [quote]Congrats to Joanne Ryan on her election as Member for Lalor. She’ll be a strong and articulate voice for a proud community we both love. JG[/quote]


8/09/2013Julia Gillard's first tweet above has put her finger on exactly what will cause the Abbott Coalition to fail the 'competence' test. The Nationals, including their rejection of Abbott's Paid Parental Leave policy, have some quite markedly different views on governing Australia. Some of them bubbled up but were quickly damped down in the last ten days or so to keep their election on track. But, do the numbers. Labor was not demolished by Abbott and his message. It has lost seats, but many of those went to the Nationals. Abbott's attacks didn't destroy Labor, rural conservative voters delivered Conservative rural votes to unseat Labor members. The Nationals, not so long back little more than a rump in the Coalition, are increasing their numbers and their, for want of a better word, 'moral' claim to a far greater say in the conservative government of this nation. They will rub up hard and sparking with those urban Liberals who believe that 'Coalition' is about simply keeping the farm boys on side, whereas the mathematical truth is that the Liberals would never hold government as a single party. Labor has, Labor will again - the Liberals have never claimed enough Australian votes to be their own men and women in Federal government. The policy differences, the tinpot triumphalism that always claims Conservatives when they sit down on the Treasury benches of government, will crinkle and and then crack open the Coalition. "Competence" will be the facade, but the delivery will be compromise and slow-boiling rancor, the Liberals wishing the strawsuckers to shut and go milk a cow, the Nationals sure that the urban Liberals reckon they are hicks who should just... shut up and go milk a cow. The Port Arthur massacre and Howard's proven ridiculously irrelevant gun control response (take workingman's tools, farmers' guns, from them; fail to stem the flow of crime-facilitating handguns to the major cities' streets) saw him returned to power with many less seats (45 majority reduced to 12) even though he'd lost the headcount vote of the electorate. Abbott's majority, nowhere near as big as Howard's first term numbers, is almost as unwieldy, but just as essentially fragile. The number of members he now has to keep happy, actually governing in some sense or another as part of the government (how big will his Cabinet need to be??!!), will cause problems. The fact that Labor was not mightily hurled down the mountain, and is well positioned to fight its way back to government as a single party, means that Abbott, who is really thinking about the next election, about not being a 'single term failure', has to keep a not totally policy-united Coalition as a functioning legislation deliverer, not 'scare the horses' in the electorate with far-right neo-liberal abandonment of 'for all Australians' government, AND sell his pitches for what he's said he will ask of the Australian electorate in 2016. Including changing the GST, and many of the other social policies that he, unless he was lying (sic), he cannot alter in this term, including not shutting down Medicare Locals and honoring the figures if not the philosophy of the Better Schools plan. Is Abbott capable of the multiple layers of political finesse all of the above plus whatever out of the blue challenges that he'll face as leader of a nation deeply intertwined with economic, cultural, military and technological forces and movements well beyond our geographical borders demand? "Finesse" and Tony Abbott are polar opposites. He's been handled very closely by his political advisers to get him into the Prime Ministership. Who here (or anywhere?) believes that now he is the head of government, the leader of Australia, he will still accept the constraints and restraints of them? They've facilitated his destiny, but I bet I know who reckons that "destiny" is all his, who having reached the pinnacle, makes damn sure there's only room for one person to stand at it. He's The Man, now, and whatever else we might know of Tony Abbott, whenever he lets his inner man take charge... shit happens.


8/09/2013Murdochracy 1 Democracy 0. Spin wins over substance Rudd should now resign from parliament for the good of the party,he has helped the lieberals enough in two elections. As Henry V111 is reported to have said who will rid me of this meddlesome priest aka Sir Thomas Moore, so would someone please remove rudd. Predictions the rodent to be our next GG, Abbott to reside at Kiribilli house to be near the family. B.Bishop next speaker, recession within a year as consumer confidence drops like a lead balloon, people stop spending wondering who's next to lose their jobs. All government errors glossed over by the MSM all truimphs loudly broadcasted a complete reversal of the last 6 years, boats keep coming cos here is better than where they are at now. The country was going great guns all along would you believe it??,now even better with new management. Wayne Swan temporary LOTO to tide us over the interim period as Labor licks its wounds and regenerates. End of doom and gloom a very dim light at the end of the tunnel,another election in 3 yrs. The dark side have won for now may the force be with us all. Must get back on my medication.


8/09/2013 He really is an awful man: [ Rupert Murdoch ✔ @rupertmurdoch Aust election public sick of public sector workers and phony welfare scroungers sucking life out of economy.Others nations to follow in time ] [b]Public are more sick of Rupert. A spoilt media baron who acts more like a child by the day.[/b] His time will come.


8/09/2013 [quote]Liealot has to perform now. No more standing on the sidelines flapping his gums. Now he & that incompetent mob of Howard Has Beens won't be able to incessantly babble shit without scrutiny. [/quote] Jane, indeed. And they won't have many ALP states around to provide workers with stable jobs. We'll see how their beloved market and private business profiteers treat the workers. GFC being a case in point. N'


8/09/2013 SKY NEWS team including rat Richo and Michael Kroger ridiculing Rudd...and making light of asylum seekers and buying off Indonesians. Hubris will kill off this arrogant lot in the long run. Going by Murdoch's comments you can see the utter disrespect for public servants...and those on benefits. Not everyone had a rich, influential Daddy Rupert. It makes you wonder now if Murdoch and the neo-cons and their investment bank allies sabotaged parts of the world economy to screw over government workers...including teachers, nurses, firemen and so on? Murdoch's hostility and his media empire's constant bashing of essential service workers and unions demonstrates these people are willing to go to any lengths to destroy the public system. They are sick, greedy people. Their leader Murdoch a psychopath.


8/09/2013 Kieren Gilbert has become increasingly arrogant over the last few weeks...he can spruik Abbott all he likes..,the respect for Abbott's approach is not as deep, nor his tactics as wise as Gilbert would have his audience believe...but that will be revealed once the honeymoon is over. Abbott will cop intense scrutiny soon...he has said a lot of things the past few years...promised much. I feel he has cornered himself and his party...and Turnbull will probably be the beneficiary in the long run.


8/09/2013Michael at 7.40 am Wow. Thank you for yor assessment of Abbott. It made my hair stand on end. Nasking take care. Your commentary is always useful. Sad to hear of your loss. I love this site and come here often. Lots of cameraderie and support for each other :)

Ad astra

8/09/2013Folks I have just now posted: [i]And the winner is: Rupert Murdoch[/i].

Ad astra

8/09/2013Bilko, nasking I think you will enjoy the piece just posted.

42 long

8/09/2013What a rotten line-up for Q&A. Poor Tanya amongst all those slimy Bastards with wormtongue running it as well. When deposit information is forthcoming from the Swiss banks they won't smirk so much. Richo is a CREEP, KR Ogre is a straight out climate denier. Bet he wouldn't know the chemical formula for CO2. Probably believes the earth is 63000years old.


8/09/2013 Cheers Bloss. Many tears thru the night and morn...comes in waves. Ringing family and friends to inform helps...and focusing on the election, surprisingly. I don't reckon Bill Shorten would be the right pick as new leader...he reminds Stacey and I of the ALP disunity problems, sadly. Talented fella...but it will take years for voters to forget about his participation in bringing the end of two PMs.


8/09/2013The first joke of the evening while waiting for the results in WA was: The Indonesian Navy have just intercepted a boat full of refugees from Australia.
I have two politicians and add 17 clowns and 14 chimpanzees; how many clowns are there?