Forty-nine questions for Tony Abbott about global warming

As the mainstream media seems unwilling to, or incapable of asking Tony Abbott to explain his way of thinking about global warming, and more importantly explain his policies to combat it, let’s do so here. There are critically important questions that need answers if the electorate is to choose between Labor and the Coalition at the coming election. How can it vote without knowing?

First, let’s tease out where Abbott stands. Let’s not bother with Greg Hunt. Despite his expertise in environmental issues, his opinions are irrelevant as he slavishly follows everything Abbott says, and even if he doesn’t believe it, he has an array of weasel words to avoid disagreeing with his master. Abbott calls all the shots. Let’s not worry about Warren Truss with his bizarre statement that the recent bushfires have emitted as much CO2 as a decade of burning coal, or Barnaby Joyce either. The fact that the cost of a lamb roast is falling, rather than hiking to $100 as he predicted it would with the carbon tax, has cruelled what little credibility on climate change Barnaby ever had.

For starters, how can we know what Abbott really believes? Is it: ‘Climate change is crap.’ uttered at a meeting in Beaufort, an utterance subsequently airbrushed over with Abbott-speak? Is it: ‘Climate change is occurring, and mankind is contributing, but the extent is uncertain.’? Is it: ‘The science is highly contentious, to say the least.’? Is it: ‘If man-made CO2 was quite the villain that many of these people say it is, why hasn't there just been a steady increase [in temperature] starting in 1750, and moving in a linear way up the graph?’ Or is it: ‘It was hotter in Jesus’ days.’? We know he doesn’t accept responsibility for his spoken words, only for scripted, written ones. Has he written anything on the subject? Point us to it.

Is his willingness to publically associate himself with arch climate denier Lord Monckton a sign that he endorses Monckton’s views, or at least considers them credible?

So the questions for the man who wants to be PM begin:

Do you believe the evidence evinced by climate scientists that over many decades the global temperature has been, and still is increasing significantly?

Do you believe their evidence that this is due to the accumulation of greenhouse gases that trap heat near the earth’s surface?

Do you believe that human activity has been responsible for the scientifically-documented large increase in one of the greenhouse gases, carbon dioxide, and that it has played a dominant role in global warming, as documented in 99.8% of around 14,000 peer-reviewed scientific papers on the subject over the past two decades?

Do you accept climate scientists’ evidence that unless the increase in global temperature is held to 2 degrees C, serious changes to climate will occur?

Do you accept the scientists’ evidence of the disastrous effects on climate, arable land, forests, oceans, coastal habitation, wildlife, human existence and social cohesion of still higher increases?

Do you accept the scientist’s evidence that the increasing number of extreme adverse weather events we are now experiencing: widespread bushfires and now tornados, record rain and flooding in Eastern Australia, are likely a manifestation of global warming, and that these will increase as global temperatures rise?

Where were you when Warren Truss made his grossly erroneous statements about the bushfires? Where was Greg Hunt?

What do you make of reports on global warming from the Federal Government Climate Commission, from Professor David Karoly, Professor of Meteorology and an ARC Federation Fellow in the School of Earth Sciences at the University of Melbourne, and from Bureau of Meteorology scientists: Neil Plummer et al writing in The Conversation?

How will you answer George Monbiot’s question in his January article in The Guardian: Heatwave: Australia's new weather demands a new politics: ”I wonder what Tony Abbott will say about the record heat-wave now ravaging his country?”

Unless Abbott’s answers to these questions are affirmative, there is not much point in proceeding, as logically no action would be necessary. But as he has what is styled a Direct Action Plan to counter carbon emissions, can we presume his answers would be at least tentatively positive? Unless of course his Plan is simply an empty charade devised by a skeptic wanting to give the impression he is prepared to do something about climate change. Let’s give him the benefit of any doubt people may justifiably harbour.

He has pledged to repeal the carbon tax from the moment he is elected, should that happen. The Liberal website elaborately describes the steps in The Coalition's Plan to Abolish the Carbon Tax, even to the extent of a double dissolution of parliament, if he doesn’t get his way. His determined approach leads to the next questions:

As placing a price on carbon pollution is designed to penalize emitters and thereby reduce emissions, and also to encourage the use of renewable energy sources, and as the evidence is mounting that this is already occurring even in the seven months of the carbon tax (lower power usage and lower coal-generated power), do you believe that this trend towards lower emissions would continue after abolishing the carbon tax?

If the evidence is that abolishing the carbon tax will result in higher carbon pollution, how could you justify increasing pollution by this action?

Since part of the Coalition’s plan is that: “On day one, the Environment Minister will instruct the Department to commence the implementation of the Coalition’s Direct Action Plan on climate change and carbon emissions.”, you may care to address some questions about your DAP, questions that the media seldom ask you to answer.

Since very few economists, and almost no environmentalists give your DAP any credence, how can you present it as a credible alternative to the Government’s carbon pricing arrangement which will lead to an emissions trading scheme that will operate in a world trading market?

What evidence do you have that paying polluters with taxpayer’s money to reduce their pollution will be more effective than penalizing them for their pollution as the carbon tax does? How can you know that your ‘carrot’ will be more effective than the ‘stick’?

Is it your intention, as Malcolm Turnbull has suggested, to present your DAP as an alternative that can easily be scrapped as its implementation turns out to be unfeasible? Did you engage climate skeptics Maurice Newman as business adviser, and Dick Warburton as carbon emissions adviser, to enable you to do this?

These are fundamental questions to which the electorate needs answers before it votes later this year. It needs to know whether to vote for the Labor scheme about which it knows, or for the Coalition’s DAP, which on the face of it looks like a Mickey Mouse scheme, although the cost is said to be $10.5 billion, the source of which has not been revealed.

As its centerpiece is the planting of some 20 millions trees to act as carbon sinks, please explain to us some of the details:

From where will the trees be sourced? What sort of trees?

How large an area will be needed to plant them?

As you have stated that semi-arable land would be used, since all the existing arable land is needed for farming food and fibre, where will you find the large amount of land you will need?

How will the trees be planted – can we presume your Green Army would do this?

How will you enlist the 15,000 members you say will comprise your Green Army?

How will you transport them to semi-arable locations, house them, and provision them?

How much will all this cost?

Has provision been made for this cost in your budget? Over what period?

Who will be the employer and provide occupational health and safety, benefits and insurance? How will the logistics of such a vast operation be managed?

Since you have heralded the abolition of the climate change department, what government department will oversee and administer the DAP?

How long will it take to plant 20 million trees?

Once planted, how will the trees be watered and nurtured until growth is well established in their semi-arable locations? At what ongoing cost?

How will you protect this vast forest against the destructive forces of bushfires, the devastation of which is contemporaneously apparent to us all?

Do you accept the scientific opinion that it will take around five years before trees can become worthwhile carbon sinks?

Under your DAP, what happens about reducing carbon pollution in the meantime?

As your Plan also involves sequestering carbon in soil in the form of biochar, how and where will char be produced, transported and buried in agricultural environments? At what cost?

What evidence do you have that this will be cost-effective, and that it will enhance the land? How long will it take to show a benefit?

You have been vehemently critical of the economic effects of placing a price on carbon, predicting that the costs of everything would go up and up and up, and that jobs, industries, and whole townships would be decimated. This leads to the next questions:

Is it true that every household would bear a cost of $1300 for your DAP, and receive no compensation, such as is in place right now?

If so, how can you justify this household cost of $1300, while criticizing the Government’s carbon price, for which most households are fully compensated?

Have you work-shopped how you will remove existing compensation from pensioners and families, as promised, and manage the disruption and resentment that move will inevitably precipitate?

Have you modeled the economic effects of the $1300 imposition?

While businessmen and industry leaders always wish for lower taxes, their yearning for certainty is very strong.

Have you work-shopped how they might react when over a year after the introduction of a price on carbon, during which they have taken action to reduce pollution and thereby the penalty they need to pay, and having invested in renewables, they find that they have to adjust to a new arrangement where there is no carbon price?

Have you considered the possibility that they may resent having to again adjust their plans?

Have you considered that having adjusted to a price on carbon they may be in harmony with its purpose, and not wish to go backwards?

Have you considered the possibility of a business backlash against your plans?

How do you explain the rapidly diminishing number of complaints to the ACCC about the carbon tax, now down to almost zero?

Forty-nine questions. Until the voters have answers to them, how can they compare what Abbott and the Coalition are offering to counter the existential threat of escalating global warming and all the consequences it will bring in its wake if it is not restricted to 2 degrees C, and the disastrous effects of greater increases?

Come on Mr Abbott, answer these pivotal questions – take us into the recesses of your mind where your thoughts about global warming swirl around.

Come on you journalists in the mainstream media – ask Mr Abbott these questions, and insist on cogent answers. Don’t avoid the questions, and don’t accept bland answers, obfuscation, devious answers, or weasel words? Don’t allow him to walk away when the questions get too hard. Do your job. He will not spontaneously give the electorate his answers; it is up to you to wheedle them out of him. So far, you have failed dismally. You have let us down disgracefully. Lift your game.

The Fourth Estate needs to take up the global warming cudgels, and if it continues to turn a blind eye, the Fifth Estate needs to shame it into action.

What do you think?

If you decide to disseminate this post by activating the ‘Disseminate this post’ option in the shaded panel at the foot or top of this piece, it will be sent to the following pre-selected Federal parliamentarians, in alphabetical order: Tony Abbott, Adam Bandt, Greg Combet, Julia Gillard, Greg Hunt, Barnaby Joyce, Christine Milne, Robert Oakeshott, Warren Truss, Malcolm Turnbull, and Tony Windsor. If you have selected your local member, he or she will get a copy of the email.

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Ad astra

3/02/2013Folks This is the first regular piece for 2013. After the record high temperatures we experienced across the continent in January, the widespread bushfires that caused loss of life, and so much destruction of homes and property, and the record floods that devastated the Eastern states, all extreme weather events that climate scientists attribute to global warming, I thought it appropriate to address global warming in this first piece. Warren Truss, Deputy Leader of the Coalition, made the dangerously wrong assertion that the bushfires had emitted more CO2 than had been emitted in a decade of coal burning; Greg Hunt, the Coalition spokesman on climate, remained mute; and Tony Abbott observed that the fires were disastrous, but said precious little else, certainly nothing about the climate scientists’ views, and their prediction that these extreme events will increase in frequency and intensity as the globe warms. The Greens agreed with the climate scientists, as did Labor, with the PM reminding us that Labor had taken decisive action to do its part to limit global warming to 2 degrees C by placing a price on carbon, and planning to move to an ETS in 2015. The scientists tell us that if strong action is not taken to slow down global warming, the global temperature could rise 4, or 5 or even 6 degrees C, which would have catastrophic effects on habitation on this planet. A skeptical Coalition has responded to global warming through its Direct Action Plan, which Tony Abbott styles a ‘real’ solution, but he has told us almost nothing about how it will work. In fact, we are still in the dark about what he and his Coalition really believe. Therefore, this piece directs forty-nine questions about global warming to our would-be PM, answers to which the electorate needs before voting on September 14. Your reaction to this piece will be welcome. If you agree that Tony Abbott ought to answer these questions, why not use the ‘Disseminate this post’ option to forward it to the pre-selected key politicians that are involved in climate change as part of their portfolio responsibilities.

Ad astra

3/02/2013Folks You may have noticed that Web Monkey has added a TPS M@IL ‘button’ at the top of the left panel. It is provided for you, but also for those who visit here specifically to send an email to politicians or journalists, as we hope and expect many will, because it is so convenient. Therefore, it does not include the ‘Disseminate this post’ option. If you want to use this option, it is to be found on the shaded panel at the top and foot of the piece.


3/02/2013AA well written and the "disseminate" feature seems to work well. It will be interesting to see if Abbott's office responds with anything more than platitudes. I did get an auto response from the Prime Minister's Office. "Thank you for your interest in corresponding with the Prime Minister, the email address is no longer an active address. To contact the Prime Minister please go to and use the 'Contact the Prime Minister' facility." Congratulations on a wonderful start to 2013 - more power to the Sword!

Ad astra

3/02/20132353 I'm glad you enjoyed the piece and that the 'Disseminate this post' facility worked for you. I too got the same reply from the PM's office. We will try to work out if we can get around this.


3/02/2013Great article AA. Hope that the message gets across. Lots of questions that the voters need answered before they can make an informed decision on which party deserves their vote.

Ad astra

3/02/2013Doodle Poodle Thank you for your comment. If only we could have Abbott's answers, no matter how paltry, but we can expect nothing at all except that his DAP is 'real' solution. So long as it 'real' that's all that matters.


3/02/2013AA - I got a later auto response email thanking me for contacting the Prime Minister - so the email address may not be as dead as it claims to be (why am I thinking of Monty Python sketches as I type this?)

Truth Seeker

3/02/2013Ad, great post. :-) If the MSM start asking these questions along with the plethora of questions about Australians for Honest Politics, Ashby, Brough, Slipper, K Jackson and the list goes on and on, he will never formulate a policy as he will spend every waking moment running away! :-) :-) The problem is, it's a big IF, so I think it's up to us of the fighting fifth . Keep up the great work for 2013 Cheers :-) :-(

Ad astra

3/02/20132353 I haven't got the second response from the PM's office yet, but got auto responses from Adam Bandt and Rob Oakeshott. Truth Seeker Thank you for your comment. The Fifth Estate has a major job in 2013 jolting the Fourth Estate to keep on asking Abbott questions. If they can ask them of the PM and catch her attention, sometimes for an hour, why do they let Abbott walk away? I'm calling it a day.

Merlin Schreier

3/02/2013To my mind, the disagreement of Mr. Abbott to global warming is actually insignificant. What is really important is to realize the challenges we face with our current industry standards. We all should agree that the standards we follow are responsible for a lot of nature's devastation and we have to think how we can change our way of proceeding. If a heated argumentation about global warming is the correct starting point here is really just another thing. Global warming might exist - or not. Nevertheless we have to reconsider if burning coal for instance is the right choice to produce energy for the 21st century. On the other hand, if alternative energies really are a good idea for industrialized countries, is also not clear, since for example the efficiency of solar energy hugely depends on the geographical location, see e.g. the discussion My point is just that if we stick with this whole "global warming" argument we are pretty much attackable which may hinder to make the transformation to a really sustainable developped world!


4/02/2013Two minutes to midnight (SA) and The Political Sword is off to a flying start to the new Political Year. Whoopee, at last, Game On as they say!


4/02/2013There is one important difference between the ETS and the "direct action" proposal. The ETS can be easily adapted to reduce emissions further - by reducing the number of permits, which will increase the price of the remaining permits. In contrast, direct action cannot possibly reduce emissions by more than 5% without using prime farmland for tree plantations. Burying carbon in soil is also limited, even if the international bodies accept this technique as acceptable (which they currently don't). A further question for Mr Abbott - how will direct action be modified to reduce carbon emissions further -sooner or later we will run out of land for tree planting!


4/02/2013Merlin Schreier: Shill For Hire.


4/02/2013Jan, On the last thread you posted the ABC article by @Watermelon_Man before I did, sorry about that, I found it linked to by KHTAGH on Twitter! We do get around now don't we! It's a terribly clear article about a clearly terrible situation. One man, Mark Scott, is at the rotten core of it all. Bacchus Thank you for reverting to my preferred Bacchus, it's a splendid Gravatar and it's all in its own square, not as so many are cropped out of meaning by the dumb operation of the Gravatar program. But now I have to ask, [i]What is the apparent creature draped around his neck?[/i] I'm sure if I knew Classics better I would know that. Maybe I'll try to find a reference to it myself! Ad astra So many questions of Abbortt! - but the pity of it is, in one sense they are all meaningless, because he will NEVER anwer them in any meaningful way. [i]But with the new Magic facility of TPS M@IL we can send those questions to all those other people![/i] That's where they will do some good! It's a wonderful tool Ad~&~WM, and I have the feeling that it might be in for a hiding in the next few months! The 49 questions are actually not directed at Abbortt at all. They concern matters of great moment, about which it is urgent that we make the Australian People aware. Aware that Abbortt and his cabal of Popish plotters have no understanding of the gigantic problems facing Life on Earth, nor any plan nor idea of addressing them, and no care whatsoever about the implications of their own cavalier attitude. They are just mad for power at any price. The era facing this precious little planet is unprecedented in every scary sense, and we don't get a dress rehearsal, we're in the play already, willy-nilly. By default and dereliction of the MainStream Media, We of the Fighting 5th Estate carry the responsibility of raising the alarm to all the sleepy people about all the issues raised in Ad's new thread.


4/02/2013All of the issues and the pertinent questions you raised for the MSM 'journalists' to pursue are as relevant as night and day, however, you have neglected to raise the most important matter for debate in this election campaign ie: Why is Julia Gillard wearing glasses? Ad. please don't fob me off with a wisecracking comment like ' she has sight defect/s requiring glasses - just don't - there has got to be more to this than meets the eye??


4/02/2013Ad Astra What a great way to start the year. I expect you do know that none of this will be asked of abbott. It would mean the media actually doing their jobs. As we've seen the media in action this last week, we know they won't do anything that is going to be informative or unbiased. I am amazed at the latest polls. What with the horrendous flooding that has taken our LadyInRed out of action, the devastating fires, where fortunately not many people lost their lives, I would have thought people would have put two and two together and realise these extreme weather events are becoming a year to year thing, as opposed to a 100 yearly event. Janice On the last thread can I echo Ad Astra's agreement with your comments. James Adelaide I really enjoyed reading your comments on the last thread. You must have good stamina to wade through a lot of those comments. I usually give up on the first dozen or so and they seem to get repetitive. I do have to say that most of us here know that no matter what Labor do it will be reported as bad. No matter what media management is charge, there is no main stream way of fighting the MSM, the only weapon we have is the 5th estate. We may not be successful this year, but by the time of the following election, we will have built up a much better following and then maybe we will have a chance.


4/02/2013Good morning all. Exciting goings on at TPS with the new tool enabled. Thanks to Ad astra and Web Monkey for a wonderful innovation. lawriejay, You ask why the PM is now wearing glasses. Well, I haven't asked her but I would say that her eyes have become sensitive to contact lens which she used beforehand. I don't know if anyone else has noticed but I have observed that she appeared to be more sensitive to light and her 'curtains' (eyelids) were always half closed. So, her glasses are NOT a ploy to improve her appearance like Abbott's botox and hair colouring treatments, but a necessity for eye comfort.


4/02/2013TODAY’S LINKS But enough about you let's talk about Tony @awelder Abbott is the most vain Liberal leader since Andrew Peacock Ministerial retirements nothing more than pre-election housekeeping @AusVotes2013 rarely any shock involved in such decisions. Howard’s Golden Years by @MigloCW the Prime Minister could even wear glasses. EXCLUSIVE: Steve Lewis Why the Ashby judgement killed the story. by @margokingston1, conversation with my former press gallery colleague Pyne’s barking at Gillard, fawning for Brough @margokingston1 Labor Government resignations is social media starting to bite? @MigloCW Their reach is enormous. Is it possible that House Members Retiring at the 2013 Election @AntonyGreenABC, There are seven Coalition members departing Australia’s CSG industry no longer such a gas by Sandi Keane , @Jarrapin gas industry faces a deeply uncertain future Election 2013 Busted by the Myth Busting Bison’s @Thefinnigans Hating the Truth by @archiearchive They remind us of wrongs we would rather ignore Steering the ABC Titanic by David Horton, @watermelon_man, obligatory use of the phrase “Tony Abbott says”, Pyne likens Government disarray to Hitler film Downfall, a movie about the collapse of Hitler's Third Reich. Federal Attorney-General, Mark Dreyfus, says opposition remarks comparing the Gillard government to the Nazis are "immature and offensive". Today’s Front Pages Australia Newspaper Front Pages for 4 February 2013


4/02/2013Good Morning Ad and Everybody, Ad would you mind deleting my first post please, the Gravatar people didn't like me being on holidays. Hello everyone, gee it feels good to be back home, been flying around aimlessly for too long I think. How wonderful all our commenters are, thankyou everyone for your valued loyal support to Ad Astra and TPS over the break. I have missed you all. :):):)


4/02/2013Good morning Lyn. It is just lovely to see our Tweety Bird gracing TPS pages again. I do hope you had a relaxing break and have all your feathers preened and ready for the battle ahead.

Truth Seeker

4/02/2013Hi Lyn, great to see you back. :-) Hope those gorgeous tweety eyes got some well deserved rest, over the break and are back to their best! :-) :-) Cheers :-) :-)


4/02/2013Welcome back Lyn. We missed you but did see your guiding light at times over the past few months.

Pappinbarra Fox

4/02/2013The folloing chat on the Elder Blog fits here: So apologies if I am breaking any rules here by reposting it- [quote]Anonymous3/2/13 8:33 pm Yeah yeah heard it before in about '86 when we were told nobody would seriously vote for "little Johnny" as PM. How'd that one work out again? ReplyDelete RepliesAndrew Elder3/2/13 9:02 pm The first election I voted in was 1987, and I was a comically active Young Liberal at the time. Turns out Howard didn't win that one, actually. Let's work through the differences: * Howard was a successful lawyer before entering parliament. Abbott had done a bit of this and a bit of that but had succeeded at nothing. * Even people who hated Howard, like Keating, believed that he actually gave a damn about other people and represented a legitimate political interest. Abbott is only in it for himself. * Howard never pretended to be something he wasn't; people mocked him for it, but he stayed true and attracted respect. Abbott pretends to be something he's not every day, and he loses respect. * Howard led a life of responsibility so straight in his youth that he was accused of being boring. Abbott's youth was so reckless that his father spent a fortune on lawyers to keep the boy out of prison. One of those men is still disdainful of others' property, rule of law etc.; can you guess which? * Abbott said that he wished he was half the man Howard was. Howard never argued the reverse. Back in the day, did you hear that Kim Beazley and Mark Latham were each going to be PM? I did. How'd that work out again? Delete rhwombat3/2/13 9:10 pm That's right Antonymous, keep that right hand moving. [/quote]

Ad astra

4/02/2013Hi Lyn Welcome back to the pages of [i]The Political Sword[/i]. What a delight it is to see your Tweety Bird Gravatar again. I hope you have had a relaxing break - there is a busy year ahead. I'll look through your links during the morning.


4/02/2013Yes it is nice to see the bright avatar of Lyn back at TPS! TT, if you're going to look into my avatar further, I should advise that it is actually Silenus, Bacchus' friend and mentor, or in some texts, Bacchus' foster father...


4/02/2013Ad Good questions and glad to see M@Il is operating as planned. But as an ex Public Servant who answered many Ministerials let me just say what you can expect. If, say, everyone here on TPS mailed the comments, that would see the politicians receiving so many "letters/mails" that the offices (or Public Servants) would prepare a "standard reply". Such standard replies usually just state/restate policies and/or public announcements on the issue and do not otherwise directly address the issues raised - in other words, they just address the broad issue and say this is what we are doing. So, in that regard, don't expect a substantive answer. The positive outcome, however, is that, despite a standard reply being given, the matters raised will remain on the radar and can influence future approaches. Sending these questions to selected journos may also be a benefit so that, even if they first ignore them, it will have a back of mind influence that may eventually lead to questions actually being asked of Abbott. A PS on the previous thread: Ad, Janice, Lady in Red et al who commented on my argument about the sequence of the election and retirements announcements. I agree with all the points you made but you have missed my main point. But that is done and dusted and I will now let it go through to the keeper.

Tom of Melbourne

4/02/2013And in the interests of balance, let’s pose just a few questions for Gillard- • Why do we have a carbon tax, when you specifically committed that we wouldn’t? • When you said you would spend this term ‘building community consensus”, what steps did you take to achieve this before announcing the carbon tax? • You committed to introducing the policy no earlier than June 2013, why did you break your commitment and introduce the change a full year earlier? • You committed to a community forum to support consensus building, why did you neglect this? • When you knifed Rudd, you said the government had “lost its way” and nominated 3 policy areas as needing correction. Which have you successfully achieved? • Did you urge Rudd to abandon the CPRS while he was PM?


4/02/2013Good Morning and welcome back, Lyn. I've just woken up and there you are, with Tweety Bird, up and at it with your old crowd around you already! How I've missed you! You've put lots of post-breakfast reading there for when Tacker and I get back. No more long lazy starts to the day. The children will be passing on the way to school too. And Parliament starts again today! Not that PMJG hasn't been long back running rings around the Opposition and the media.

Ad astra

4/02/2013Hi Lyn Your links make good reading. The Front Pages indicate how the MSM is going to play the next seven months – anti-Government, pro-Coalition, gross distortion of the facts, cherry picking, and unwillingness to challenge Tony Abbott and his ‘policies’. Although PM Gillard is fighting on two fronts, she is up to the challenge.


4/02/2013ToM, Also in the interest of balance could you include "She doesn’t deserve the job, and I’ll continue to vote informal. So should anyone who believes in political integrity over political duplicity."

Ad astra

4/02/2013Ken You may well be right about the response that will come from politicians who receive emails from [i]TPS[/i] users via TPS M@IL. The strategy behind TPS M@IL is to inform politicians, and journalists, of the views of the voters. It will rely on the constancy of the impact, like a boxer peppering his opponent with short sharp jabs, not looking for a knockout, but a steady wearing down. Even the most belligerently inclined politician or journalist is susceptible to what others think and feel. It seeps gradually into their consciousness. That is why we must be constant in our efforts, never retreat, never give up.


4/02/2013Lyn said [i]I have missed you all.[/i] G'wan Lyn! You miss NIX! Gotta get your daily fix! Flitting round the Sociosphere Dropping feathers there - and [i]here![/i] But it's a joy to see you back In your nest on Lighthouse Hill - Ready for our last attack For we MUST win this - And WE WILL! [i][b]VENCEREMOS![/b][/i]


4/02/2013Thanks Ad for the questions to ask TAbbott. I sent to my local member Truss as well. Scary thought delving into the recesses of Action Abbott's mind.....shudder..... Hi Lyn! Lovely to see your pretty feathers again. I hope the heat didn't get to you too much. I put lots of water out for the birds during the heat wave. It was such a joy to watch them bathe and drink. 6 little finches all in the bath at once, with another dozen waiting in the wings, is delightful to see. Great links as always. And Jan did a fantastic job as did DMW while you were away. oooooh I just got all the automated replies from Bandt, Oakshot, the PM etc.


4/02/2013The people who insist on discussing the PM's glasses: # The PM has worn contact lens for many years # As people get older (especially at the age that Julia Gillard is now), they often become long-sighted and so require multifocal lens/glasses or reading glasses (Tony Abbott wears reading glasses). # Multifocal contact lens can be difficult to get used to, and are not the solution for many people. # The PM may be suffering from "dry eye" or another problem that means she can't wear contacts at the moment. Why does it matter whether the PM wears glasses or not? As long as she can read and comprehend what she reads (unlike Tony Abbott and BHP press releases) I don't care.

Tom of Melbourne

4/02/2013Thanks for linking that very intelligent piece of analysis Jason.

Ad astra

4/02/2013Jason Thanks for the link to [i]The Australian Independent Media Network[/i] piece. It is good reading.


4/02/2013Bushfire Bill on the past week in politics: [quote]When the media get it so wrong they tend to ascribe events to “Act Of God” status, for which (of course) they cannot be held accountable. To cover their embarrassment they then go all out to regain what they see as their rightful position as mentors to the nation, setters of the agenda and all round political savants by inventing an over-arching narrative to “explain”, to provide “context” to what has happened… as long as it ends up with them not looking like the gooses they are. So, they take a fairly rational, reasonable decision by two ministers to bow out and beat it up into a frenzy of leadershit, crisis and turmoil.[/quote]

Sir Ian Crisp

4/02/2013[quote][i]janice As is so often the case, I agree with you. As James Adelaide hints, the punters are waking up. Treating them like mugs, as has been the case for so long, has its limits. The limits have now been reached. No one likes to be regarded as a mug - once realised, the reaction is savage. Ad astra [/i][/quote] [quote][b]Take Heart Fellow comment-er’s. I detect a seismic shift. I believe we are at the tipping point in the propaganda campaign and that the Australian people are now fed up, aware of the bias and angry at the media. [...] Conclusion: I believe that we are at the tipping point when the voting population spits the dummy and revolts against the propaganda campaign. James Adelaide [/b][/quote] Yes James and AA, there is a seismic shift happening. The latest Newspoll must be worrying to the ALP fan club. Should the results of the poll remain static the ALP may be no more than a charnel-house later this year.


4/02/2013I tweeted this article as well. @TonyAbbottMHR Take us into the recesses of your mind (scary thought) Tell us your thoughts on tackling global warming Some other beauties: 2m Zac Spitzer ‏@zackster Breaking: Gillard outlasts Grattan #auspol Glengyron ‏@glengyron Another blow to Julia Gillard as long-time-supporter Michelle Gratin quits The Age.

Janet (jan@j4gypsy)

4/02/2013 Morning peeps, and welcome back gorgeous little yellow bird :-). Some Twitterstuff. [b]What Twitter is saying:[/b] [i]Stephen Koukoulas ‏@TheKouk[/i] Post "chaotic" weekend; poll "disaster", election betting odds unchanged. Mr Abbott still very likely to win, but no more so than last week [i]Mr Denmore ‏@MrDenmore[/i] Fit facts to chosen narrative; create desired public perception; poll public; fashion 'news' from poll; repeat till government changes. [i]Jo ‏@jot_au[/i] @felft I dont believe it...polls another msm tool to scare people into voting LNP [i]Think Big ‏@Thought4rce[/i] We are no longer living in a democracy but in an Orwellian nightmare. Our media is no longer just biased but also corrupt. #nswpol #auspol [i]Barry Tucker ‏@btckr[/i] Fran Kelly talking garbage on RN, telling Simon Crean how to rearrange Cabinet and when to announce it. [i]Barry Tucker ‏@btckr[/i] My RT: Simon Crean on ABC RN: Compare Newspoll to Galaxy - "Poles apart polls." [i]TheFinnigans天地有道人无道 ‏@Thefinnigans[/i] Well who would have thunk that - #TheirABC superlatives are in overdrive this morning with slump, dump, rump, glum, romp, bomb, plunge [i]Ashley Leahy ‏@AshleyLeahy[/i] According to Galaxy, which was fielded during newspoll, ALP is assured a slight recovery next poll release. #auspol [i]Stephen Koukoulas ‏@TheKouk[/i] AUD 1.0425; ASX likely up a further 0.5% or so today: RBA meeting tomorrow will leave rates steady as economy shows signs of pick up [i]Peter Johnstone ‏@sem4peter[/i] Fran Kelly has the audacity to presume she knows what the PM should have been thinking when planning a reshuffle. @RNBreakfast [i]Jo ‏@jot_au[/i] The only reason the press gallery "like Tony" is because he creates the drama they thrive on. Good government is so boring. [i]Bill ‏@Billablog[/i] Dear @AustralianLabor: You're not pushing back against the lies. You need a 'truth team' a-la the Obama campaign. You're welcome. [i]Solomon Les Hunter ‏@SolLesHunter[/i] @BreakfastNews Re @FinancialReview pieces what about Fridays article by Tony Walker re lnp Sen Sinodinos & Australian Water Holdings #Auspol [i]Nancy Cato ‏@nancycato1[/i] @markjs1 : Mr Howard taught well the climate of Fear. Make people Uncertain, they'll follow you. Put Doubt into minds about all that is Good James Massola ‏@jamesmassola Wow. Michelle Grattan is joining Uni Canberra as a professorial fellow and The Conversation as Assoc Ed & Chief Political Correspondent [i]Darryl Snow ‏@lapuntadelfin[/i] Media in chaos. Grattan leaves media edifice dangerously unstable. Van Onselen counting numbers. [i]Anthony Bieniak ‏@Bienie[/i] Let's be clear, Coalition's announcement this morning breaks international law. Whether they agree with the law or not, must be followed. [i]david ewart ‏@davidbewart[/i] Julie Bishop has given a misleading account of her meeting with Tamil representatives her visit to Sri Lanka, a Tamil MP who spoke to her . [i]Zac Spitzer ‏@zackster[/i] Grattan resigns from #fairfax, share prices recovers 15% #auspol [i]Julius Flywheel ‏@JuliusFlywheel[/i] RT @asunderland: Clarke & Dawe back Thursday at new time of 6.56pm. The new lead in to 7pm News. Bigger audience still online&brekky [i]Chris Ogilvie ‏@ChrisOgilvieSnr[/i] Breaking: A liberal party 'press release' is joining the University of Canberra as a professorial fellow #doctorpamphlet @btckr [b]What twitter is reading:[/b] [i]Chris Dubrow ‏@chrisdubrow[/i] Oh yes @1RossGittins explains why voters think economy is in trouble, and blames 'political' journos … [i]Ross Bowler ‏@BowlerBarrister[/i] Nothing surprising about the deception perpetrated by the police in the Craig Thomson arrest … @Sollygc @OverTheHill4 [i]Arioch ‏@the_LoungeFly[/i] Right wing #lnp extremist in federal parliament #auspol #ausvotes … [i]The Piping Shrike ‏@Piping_Shrike[/i] Labor goes to the election facing backwards [i]Barry Tucker ‏@btckr[/i] Galaxy poll done for Tele; Tele headline at odds with result!! See 5th para: [i]Phil Lynch ‏@PhilALynch[/i] Powerful piece from fabulous @graemeinnes on importance of public transport accessibility for people with disability [i]Ken Sekiya ‏@ki_sekiya[/i] Climate change and Australia's weather on steroids - Eureka Street … #auspol [i]The Hoopla ‏@TheHoopla[/i] Our politicians are public servants, reminds @wendy_harmer. We should treat them as politicians, not as celebrities. [i]Henny Penny ‏@penny_henny[/i] Here we go again. Vanstone story designed to destabilize. Watch as @BreakfastNews & @RNBreakfast regurgitate. #auspol … [i]Stephen Koukoulas ‏@TheKouk[/i] Turmoil in the Liberal Party? Chaos? … [i]Stephen Koukoulas ‏@TheKouk[/i] Very simple reasons for the bond market getting smashed: 2013 will be a strong year … [i]Michael Jongen ‏@Larrydlibrarian[/i] Read Nate Silver and discover why polls so far out are rarely an accurate reflection of and election result … [i]Bushfire ‏@BushfireBill[/i] Newspoll is now the town drunk of polls. It's more of a hindrance to #auspol than a help … [i]IndependentAustralia ‏@independentaus[/i] Today, two journalists who exposed RBA corruption will be forced into court to try to make them reveal their sources. [i]Geoff Pearson ‏@GCobber99[/i] Bishop under fire for Sri Lanka asylum seeker plan … @abcnews [i]Climate Commission ‏@ClimateComm[/i] University of Adelaide report: most extreme rainfall events is increasing across the globe as temp rises … [i]Geoff Pearson ‏@GCobber99[/i] Bishop’s Sri Lankan Asylum Seeker Deal Is Illegal … [i]SBS News ‏@SBSNews[/i] Labor MPs 'confident Labor can win' despite two new opinion polls [i]Mark Colvin ‏@Colvinius[/i] RT @ConversationEDU: $53 million in donations to political parties and we have no idea where it's spent @BraveNewJen [i]Denise Allen ‏@denniallen [/i] Morgan poll January 30 2103 (this polling company doesnt have an agenda)... [i]Bromide West ‏@bromideW[/i] insightful Observer editorial on wealth disparity is applicable to any modern capitalist economy via @guardian [i] ‏@crikey_news[/i] Michelle Grattan will join ranks of academia & write for @ConversationEDU. What does that mean for her post at @TheAge? [i]margo kingston ‏@margokingston1[/i] Our Paper's page 1 lead now Why voters believe the economy is in trouble …, see more [i]I'm with Julia ‏@ThumpersAunt[/i] Absolutelutely Brilliant! Space Kidette's Satellite News Network: Confessions of a News Junkie or Bye, Bye, Outdated... … [i]The Conversation ‏@ConversationEDU[/i] Natasha Cica of @UTAS_ asks does Tasmania need an intervention?

Ad astra

4/02/2013Merlin Schreier Are you the ‘Merlin’ that joined [i]TPS[/i] in 2011; if not, welcome to [i]The Political Sword[/i] family and for your comment. Do come again. TT Thank you for your ever-present support. I hope you will make good use of TPS M@IL. I know there will be no response from the Abbott camp to the forty-nine questions about global warming, but we can hope that others, particularly the better calibre journalists that do still exist, might be alerted to ask them of Abbott, or his colleagues. lawriejay With Julia Gillard’s new glasses on display, is there anything that can match that for political intrigue? Everything else pales into insignificance. Gravel Thank you for your comment. We can expect no response from the Coalition; it is an exercise in awareness-raising among those who have the capacity to insist on answers – our MSM. janice I hope you will find TPS M@IL useful. If we all use this new tool, it may have an impact, perhaps more that we realize. LadyinRed I’m glad you sent it to Warren Truss as your local member. It was he who made the stupid statement that the bushfires may have produced more CO2 than a decade of coal burning, a demonstrably incorrect assertion.

Ad astra

4/02/2013MWS BB is incisive a usual. I enjoyed his take on our ‘always-in-tune-with-the-political-environment’ MSM journalists: [i]What happened [last week] was that the media was proved to have taken its eye off the ball and mostly got it wrong. * They didn’t see the announcement of the election date coming. * They didn’t like Gillard’s glasses (for Christ’s sake!) * They didn’t have an inkling of the resignations. * Except for a few in the loop, they didn’t latch onto the Thomson arrest. * Nova Peris came out of nowhere. * Ditto Rob McClelland. When the media get it so wrong they tend to ascribe events to “Act Of God” status, for which (of course) they cannot be held accountable.”[/i]

Ad astra

4/02/2013Janet Thank you for your great set of tweets. I see some are related to today’s inconsequential [i]Newspoll[/i] and [i]Galaxy[/i]. I thought Andrew Catsaras nailed it on [i]Insiders[/i]: [i]”Because we're aggregating the polls it is a more comprehensive approach, but even these results are not answers and nor are they predictions. They're simply reflections. And because they're reflecting likely behaviour in a hypothetical situation, those reflections are not clear images of the future but rather blurred images of the past, and should be understood as such. “Now viewed in that context, we can better understand what polls actually are, not what many people would like them to be. And it exposes the extraordinary frenzy that follows the release of each new poll - treating each poll result as if it's an actual election result, and each change from poll to poll as if they're actual swings between elections - for the absurd and highly destructive political ritual that it truly is. “A ritual that regularly weaves the threads of very little into the illusion of very much; one that routinely values opinion over fact; and one that is convinced that random variations in polling results actually mean something, is a ritual, that our political system could well do without.”[/i] Let’s not fall into the trap of believing that today’s polls are predictive of the outcome on September 14. They are not.


4/02/2013Wow Janet what a twitterverse selection. Brilliant! Thanks so much. I loved all the tweets about Grattan. Very amusing.


4/02/2013Ad [quote]The strategy behind TPS M@IL is to inform politicians, and journalists, of the views of the voters. It will rely on the constancy of the impact, like a boxer peppering his opponent with short sharp jabs, not looking for a knockout, but a steady wearing down.[/quote] Agree entirely. That was my second point on the positive outcome, that the issue remains on the radar, even when a standard reply has been sent. Also, although it has been referred to in previous threads, Possum's last post also explains the real value of polls!!!

archie archive

4/02/2013It's good to see you back AA. Hope it was a refreshing break. It looks like we are in for some hard work in the lead up to the Ides of September! I was so pleased to see our own little tweety bird back that I was moved to a limerick!

James Adelaide

4/02/2013Ad Astra, Apologies fr being off topic,but you were one of the first tthat I saw flagging it, and I wanted you to see these. I could just give the link, but I read these comment stream on a computer in the shed. I have to come back indoors to download a link. So to all of you in sheds: here goes… The story is Belief in victory hard for party at war with itself Read more: I posted a few thoughts Given that the Media are solidly against Labor and solidly for the Coalition, I for one am not surprised that the government is trailing. Any group of people who are vilified all day everyday in almost every newspaper, TV and radio station will find their popularity dropping. For those who maintain that the propaganda does not affect the polls /vote: Why did the labor vote rise 3% over christmas? A pause in the propaganda campaign perhaps? And One reason Gillard is struggling is that the news is slanted. Which MPs are retiring before the election? To read Murdoch, or indeed any newspaper, only two senior Labor ministers. To read Anthony Green: 7 Liberal and 5 Labour. Yet the headlines and comment pages scream ‘labor rats leaving a sinking ship, when it could be ‘MPs retire to allow party to renew.’ If the propaganda campaign succeeds, I for one will be an unhappy camper. And Michelle Please compare the slant of this story With this one The first story about a gaffe by Joe Hockey uses the phrases ‘complete tangle’ ‘charitable interpretation’ and a quote''the fundamental difference between the Coalition and the Labor Party is competence and honesty'' Grattan concludes with If Abbott had been honest, he would have stuck to his earlier line. If the opposition had been competent it would have co-ordinated better and had a common voice. It is usually better for your credibility to tell things as they are, and insist members of your team do too. Yet the story about the Federal Governmen contains the following adjectives ‘unsettled and uncertain’ ‘unforced error’ ‘Critics point out ‘ ‘The federal Labor scene after the election might not be pretty’. In the first story, the Coalition, eager to harm Labor, is caught using old figures and basically lying. The concluding paragraph suggests that their credibility and competence could have been better.. In the second story, not only is the party portrayed as in crisis, but Michelle speculates how bad it will be after the election. TO MT FELLOW ELECTORS Beware this sort of Propaganda. These two stories are clearly slanted. One party used old figures, is caught and exonerated. The other party apparently offends by breathing. Michelle: this is not the sort of journalism you used to produce. Read you old articles (10 or 20 years ago) and return to that type of professional, even handed journalism. And To all the posters who are utterly convinced that Gillard and Labor are doomed. I say FOX NEWS BUBBLE It appears that the Murdoch media have created their own bubble. In it, the Federal government is wracked by crises, is incompetent, groaning under debt, the worst ever.. Recently, they have added a few memes. That Labor is doomed, that Labor will be a small number after the election. The most extreme push came recently is a story where Tony Abbott says he won't break election promises There are 17 comments on the story: 2 accept the headline. There are some propositions which cannot be forced down our throats, no matter how many media outlets try to do so. End posts Hope you enjoy


4/02/2013Hi Ad and Everybody, Thankyou Ad for your delightful article, talking to me again and I love it. Ad did you get my last email, outlook keeps putting it in the outbox so I keep trying to re-send, hey I hope you haven't been bombarded. Thankyou to my lovely friends for your "Welcome Back Posts', told you before I love being missed, gives me energy. Thankyou everybody you are all so nice. Patricia I am so pleased your wrist is nearly better, you poor little thing so much has happened, never mind your evident resiliency will stand you in good stead. Wow thankyou Archie hey how many people get a limerick specially for them, you really are very clever our Archie friend. love it when our Lyn’s a’linking She’s adding so much to our thinking By showing the way And making our day. Her energy has us all blinking! Ad Astra isn't that just lovely my golden box is treasured, cherished forever. Talk Turkey a big thankyou to you. Love your magic words G'wan Lyn! You miss NIX! Gotta get your daily fix! Flitting round the Sociosphere Dropping feathers there - and here! Truth Seeker, adore you blog Congratulations, I have been tweeting your work, thankyou for your welcome back. Janet your Twitterverse is fantastic thankyou. Love our little Gypsy. Janice thankyou to you too, I have been getting alerts to your blog posts, what a great time I have had. All your work is on my "Kindle". A few pieces of information: Grattan will hold a press conference outside Parliament House at 12pm to take questions on the appointment. David Crowe ‏ "Julia Gillard won't talk to me," says Neil Mitchell. So how would ALP use equal time rules if Abbott goes on 3AW? … Noely ‏ Quite funny, think it is a boost for Tony Abbott? RT: Equal political broadcast time 'starts now' | The Australian: … :):):):)

N'ellie May

4/02/2013Hi Ad, Lyn and fellow humanitarians, How wonderful to be able to share in with your thoughts and feelings. Have been following as much as possible over the summer break. Your opinion piece is preaching to the converted, Ad. We are with you totally on this. However, the message has to be delivered truthfully by the MSM and that's never going to happen. Who could believe the organisations that are controlling public information have all lined up so strategically to destroy progessive thinking? The plants in the ABC have robbed us of fairness, and they were the last bastion of decency. Even Jon Faine has copped the judgement from the far right. I watched the film "Newsfront" just recently. What a prophetic call way back in the mid-70's about the power of mass hypnosis by the media, combined with absolute apathy from the public. It will be too late in 10 years time to say "we told you so." Keep up the good fight. Thank you, Ad, for giving us a means with which to try and make a difference.


4/02/2013Thanks Ad, some good questions there... You may be interested in this article that compares the major parties' clean energy policies. Also useful is the statistic that Australia's carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from electricity generation fell 8.6 percent year-on-year in the six months since the carbon tax was implemented on 1 July 2012. Gillian

Ad astra

4/02/2013Hi Lyn Thank you for your very kind remarks. It’s so good to have you back making comments. You deserve all the accolades and welcoming verse you are receiving. Janet will be a great assistant with her Twitterverse and Twitterati. Your links made amusing reading – promoting the notion that Tony Abbott has been gifted an advantage by the election date announcement. Nothing will change, Abbott has had an armchair ride for the last two years, with every stunt faithfully reported by a compliant, adoring and incompetent MSM. As I commented yesterday: [i]”How many more stunts can he fit in between his bike rides, his fire fighting, his heavy haulage driving in flouro gear, his hard hat appearances at sundry factories and construction sites, and between his banana stacking and fish kissing? Give us a break. Abbott will go on doing what he has done for years, and the media will give his stunts the same publicity - they could scarcely give him more unless the invent a new series: ‘Abbott’s Stunts Rule’”[/i] It was amusing to read the comments about Michelle Grattan’s ‘balance’ in her political reporting; her recent efforts have been anything but balanced. It will be fascinating to see how she writes for [i]The Conversation[/i]. Your email arrived at 11.01 this morning and I responded to it at 11.55 – it seems to be taking a long while to get to Queensland!


4/02/2013Welcome back Lyn, big hugs for the new yr, I'm even more in awe of the work you do on our behalf after posting a few links over the Xmas break. ♥♥ AA Great read. I would like to believe than some journalist would ask just a few questions of the mad monk seeing you have even supplied the questions for them, should suit their cut & paste MO they now use. Unfortunately seeing they didn't come from Murdoch central I don't hold much hope, we must use our new tools you have supplied to us & do it ourselves. Just one small comment on what has been discussed over the last few days re announcements timing etc. If the PM had done it the other way around I can tell you now the Australian would have had the headline:- [b]"PM paniced into calling election date due to resignations" [/b] I do remember hearing on the radio the other day, mobiles usage in Oz now 16,000,000. To think that these people are not used in any polling this tends to put the results into prospective, they are meaninglessly inaccurate. Whats more Ltd News knows this & is hell bent of trying to brainwash Joe public to doing what they want & vote Lieberal. Taking this into consideration my suspicion is that everyone will get a big surprise come the election result, TT will make a motsa & we will see headless chooks running around bumping into furniture everywhere in the MSM asking where did that result come from. With Abbortt, screaming its been rigged I was supposed to win Rupert & Gina promised me.

Ad astra

4/02/2013Ken Possum, like all professional pollsters, know the limitations of their polls, as expressed so eloquently by Andrew Catsaras on [i]Insiders[/i] yesterday. I repeat his moments here: [i]”Because we're aggregating the polls it is a more comprehensive approach, but even these results are not answers and nor are they predictions. They're simply reflections. And because they're reflecting likely behaviour in a hypothetical situation, those reflections are not clear images of the future but rather blurred images of the past, and should be understood as such. “Now viewed in that context, we can better understand what polls actually are, not what many people would like them to be. And it exposes the extraordinary frenzy that follows the release of each new poll - treating each poll result as if it's an actual election result, and each change from poll to poll as if they're actual swings between elections - for the absurd and highly destructive political ritual that it truly is. “A ritual that regularly weaves the threads of very little into the illusion of very much; one that routinely values opinion over fact; and one that is convinced that random variations in polling results actually mean something, is a ritual, that our political system could well do without.”[/i] Columnists care nothing about the insignificant predictive power of an individual poll, because every poll makes great copy for their media outlets. No investigative reporting is needed, just a recital of the poll stats and their interpretation of them, which almost always is biased by their political preferences, or those of their editor or proprietor.

Ad astra

4/02/2013archie archive What a lovely tribute you make to Lyn on your blogsite. It is thoroughly deserved. Thank you for your welcome back – it’s going to be an intense year!

42 long

4/02/2013Advantage for Abbott by being given equal time. The way he has avoided facing the media, this would seem to be no advantage at all. Perhaps he will have to be FORCED to enable Gillard to have enough to get the message across. abc This morning when some aspiring inderling introducing "Fran" after a slight doscussion on Obama and guns, the question was asked Does Gillard use guns leading up to the gratuitous " shoot herself in the foot" comment Is this sort of rubbish what is going to be the style of the abc( lower letters)?. Tony Jones is best at that style. The abc will never be "RIGHT" enough for the Tea Party's Australian branch , till they start to use terms like "our glorious leader" , "exhaulted. GOD-MAN"when referring to Tiny Abbott. What was the "Botox Al Jolsen" look about at the press conference about on Tony? Glasses and new dress got the big mention. She needs glasses to see. Perfectly legitimate reason. MSM is blind to decency and truth. Would any person bet on the MSM telling the truth, in the politics of australia? "Anytime soon" (Hell I hate that term) Don't forget Fox news argued for the right to print KNOWN lies, in CANADA. Why would they want to do that?

Ad astra

4/02/2013James Adelaide I enjoyed reading your comment and visiting the links. Labor is up against an antagonistic media and vituperative columnists – Miranda Devine is among the worst. Anyone can write adversely about any situation by adding one’s biases. The early announcement of the election date can be styled as an ‘own goal’ as Miranda chose to do, or as a brilliant tactical move, that no News Limited, or for that matter Fairfax journalist, would dare to suggest.


4/02/2013Aa, Is it possible to cut company tax, cut the carbon tax, pay out for defence and 'direct action' on climate change - and still balance the budget? It's time to sack Abbott for someone competent, writes Ian McAuley

Ad astra

4/02/2013N’ellie May Thank you for your encouraging words. The battle for Labor is not so much countering the Coalition, but most of the MSM, which, since the announcement of the election date, seems to be pulling out all the stops to get the Coalition elected. The Fifth Estate can see this problem and is up to countering it. This is the last desperate fling of an industry under stress, fighting for its survival, which it deems will be more likely under an Abbott government.

Ad astra

4/02/2013Gillian Thank you for your comment, and for the helpful link that compares the elements of climate change policy for the three parties. Wouldn’t it be great of regular journalists would write such material in words that the ordinary man in the street could understand.

Ad astra

4/02/2013KHTAGH Thank you for your comment. What you say is so pertinent. I don’t expect a response from the Coalition; all I have received is an auto-reply from Tony Abbott’s office. But we need to just keep hacking away, asking questions, more questions. Your point about the users of mobile phones being left out of the sample polled is very relevant. They include the younger demographic who vote differently from those who own landlines. We may find that all the predictions turn out to be wrong, as was the case in the US, because the polling was wrong and the aggregation of polls faulty. So what was touted as a close contest with Romney on the brink of victory, turned out to be a resounding victory for Obama.


4/02/2013When it comes to political polls, just keep hearing how the local 'experts' use an Australian accent to pronounce "Tony Abbott" the same way the American poll pundits kept saying "Mitt Romney" in the lead-up to the last US Presidential election. Then you'll get an accurate prediction of September 14's election result.


4/02/2013Great first post for the year Adastra. Thanks for the long list of Twitterers, have been busy over the break,passing on other bloggers posts and I notice that Jan has listed many of people I now follow here at the TPS. You know something? I reckon that those of us who follow all on the 5th estate are now joining the dots, because we are all joining hands to get the REAL TRUTH out the populace. There is so much going on in the Twitter world, so many people who are waking up to the propaganda that the LNP are dishing out and of course that includes their MSM. I've yet to try out the TPS@MAIL Adastra. Being of the older generation, it takes me a little while to figure out how use it properly.LOL

Ad astra

4/02/2013Jason Thanks for the link to the [i]New Matilda[/i] article, very soundly written. Will the MSM ever write like this?

Ad astra

4/02/2013Sandra Thank you for your comment. I believe you are right - the social media will be central and will hold our incompetent and biased MSM to account. The Arab Spring was effective. Let's have the 'Fifth Estate Spring'. I hope you will find TPS M@IL easy to use. Perhaps give it a try first using 'Disseminate this post' which has been pre-programmed. All you have to do is add your name.

Tom of Melbourne

4/02/2013Polling organisations use strict sampling methods to obtain a representation of the electorate. It isn’t simply who answers the phone. Many polling organisations conduct market and consumer research, would the critics here like to name the businesses that would spend big $$$ on the research services if the polling data wasn’t reliable? It is reasonable to question the purpose of polls this far out from an election, but it is (wilfully) ignorant for amateurs to seek to question sampling methods of research organisations, based on stuff like “young people don’t use landlines so much” Pollsters and research organisations employ qualified mathematicians and statisticians – what are the qualifications of those who suggest that they can’t organise a reliable sample?

Tom of Melbourne

4/02/2013While ago Ad Astra was critical of the way polling organisation asked their questions. He was critical of the one on economic policy. The question asked of poll respondents was – “in which party do you have confidence in their economic policy?” Ad Astra wanted the question to be along the lines of …[i]”The government has implemented a range of economic initiatives in response to the GFC, including cash stimulus and infrastructure spending, Australia has avoided the worst to the GFC. Do you support this policy or do you support the Coalition’s plan to cut the spending”[/i] Honestly!! Now try developing a similar question (for example) about- • Interest rates • Foreign policy • Trade • Education Ad Astra has a rich history of not understanding polling or surveys. His competence is obviously shared by others here.


4/02/2013 From their ABC website. [b]Cabinet reshuffle: who's going where[/b] Updated 6 hours 32 minutes ago. As it is now about 3.47pm the above mentioned online report was updated at around 9am on 4 February, 2013. The swearing-in by the GG occurred sometime before midday, as it was reported, complete with video on ABC 1 midday news. The information in the above referenced ABC News online article is both inaccurate and incomplete. It appears to be a straight copy of the [quote]'Who is going where?'[/quote] table of Ministerial Changes embedded in an article by Simon Cullen published on Saturday on the same website. It was inaccurate then and it is inaccurate now. [b]PM announces reshuffle after Evans, Roxon quit[/b] By chief political correspondent Simon Cullen Updated Sat Feb 2, 2013 7:44pm AEDT Their ABC at the cutting edge of online News. Not! I must also note that the aph website has not been updated. More anon.

Ad astra

4/02/2013Michael I'll be listening with a keen ear; I hope I can pick up the nuances you expect. The erroneous predictions of a battalion of so-called professional pollsters in the US Presidential election was exposed by statistician Nate Silver, whose aggregated figures predicted the results correctly, much to the surprise of the pundits, who all got it wrong. ToM has a touching faith in pollsters and their supporting statisticians. But what use is a poll if sampling errors distort results? Even in the latest [i]Newspoll[/i] the pollster acknowledges that the recent floods have impaired the usual sampling routine. If sampling omits a demographic because it uses different telephone technology, no matter how professional the pollsters, no matter how clever their statisticians, the result will not fill the criterion of representative sampling that any proper survey requires. If the aggregation is faulty, the results will be distorted. ToM seems to think this intelligence is exclusive to those involved in political polling, whereas any professional involved in research, as many of us have been, knows this basic fact. Of course, this does not stop him from issuing his gratuitous insult: [i]”Ad Astra has a rich history of not understanding polling or surveys.”[/i] ToM would make a good News Limited columnist; fact free, just making it up as he goes along, errors and all. I wonder what he thinks about Andrew Catsaras’ views as expressed on [i]Insiders[/i] yesterday? Perhaps ToM believes he too has [i]”…a rich history of not understanding polling or surveys.”[/i]


4/02/2013Hi Ad and Everybody, Ad I sent the email at 7am this morning so took 4 hours, Telstra for you. During my break I set my old laptop up as a Television , so sits right beside my PC. Have tuned in 35 channels and it’s brilliant. The program is called “BlazeDTV 6.0 ”, consists of a USB stick, the antenna plugs to the stick, insert the software disk, follow instructions Presto old computer a TV. Doesn’t have anything to do with the internet as runs of the antenna. Cost $39.00 for the USB Stick @ Dick Smith. I just received this email from Essential Polling email alert: “Due to some incredibly poorly-timed technical difficulties there will be no Essential Report out today. We should have figures in next 24 hours.” Do you think that Newspoll has put them in a panic perhaps: Ad what do you think of this Tweet by The Conversation, Note “writing sensibly” on this election, so uhmmmmm The Conversation @ConversationEDU @michellegrattan's new role with us includes “writing sensibly on this v exciting election”. (Ping @UniCanberra) 12:36 PM - 04 Feb 13 :):):)

Ad astra

4/02/2013Casablanca I can't get any news from the ABC about who Caucus appointed as Senate Leader. Does anyone know if Stephen Conroy got the nod?


4/02/2013You may be interested in this Lyn - a more expensive solution, but more flexible... Anyone on my home network can watch and/or record TV programs using Windows Media Centre (I'm sure Apple would have something similar). With the twin tuners, you can watch or record 2 channels at a time. It's also possible to put more of them in the network to give you more tuners.

Janet (jan@j4gypsy)

4/02/2013 Hi Ad, yes Conroy got the nod. Not sure if Penny Wong in as Deputy.

Ad astra

4/02/2013Janet Thanks. Penny Wong didn't want the Leader's job because of her baby, but maybe she could cope with the Deputy's job

Janet (jan@j4gypsy)

4/02/2013 And update Ad, Penny took Deputy (in spite of bambino commitments :-)). Pretty good (and expected) result all round, I think.


4/02/2013Please don't dismiss the polls out of hand. All the major ones use reliable samples that are representative of the population in terms of age, gender and geography. Pollsters who stick to reporting the numbers are usually more accurate, whereas pundits who view the polls through their ideology tend to be misled. It's better to look at aggregated polls and to look at longer term trends rather than the results of a single poll. All parties will be watching carefully to see what trends emerge in coming months. By the way, I believe that many of the US polls were right. Republicans got it wrong because they thought that large and enthusiastic rallies meant more than scientific polls. Check out Nate Silver on NYT - famous for getting many data-related things right, including the Presidential election.


4/02/2013Yes Conroy is leader and Penny Wong is deputy.


4/02/2013ooops, I wrote my comment re polls before seeing your later one. I got distracted by this... ... and couldn't resist filling it out. Your comments about valid sampling are good, but it sounds like you think all polls are worthless, and that doesn't exactly jive with the track record of polling.


4/02/2013Gillian Funny how they didn't mention in the polls today that neither Vic or Qld were polled due to natural disasters, convenient omission. Don't taint the result be telling people the truth.


4/02/2013[quote]All the major ones use reliable samples that are representative of the population in terms of age, gender and geography.[/quote] You seem to know a bit about this stuff Gillian. How many of the polls actually meet the quota specified for all demographics? My understanding is that very few actually get the required number of responses in the 18-34 group... Disclaimer: My son used to work for a company which conducts polls on behalf of the major players...


4/02/2013None of QLD or VIC? Got a source for that?


4/02/2013The Newspoll summary of the poll says "These surveys were conducted on the telephone by trained interviewers in all states of Australia and in both city and country areas. Telephone numbers and the person within the household were selected at random. The data has been weighted to reflect the population distribution. The latest survey is based on 1163 interviews among voters. The maximum margin of sampling error is plus or minus 3 percentage points." Maybe you refer to a different poll?


4/02/2013Gillian I find it hard to takes Newspolls (or any poll) too seriously, especially this far out. For example the last 5 Newspolls for the primary vote had Labor Oct 33%, Nov 36%, Dec 32%, Jan 38%, and now Feb 32%. Now if that isn't a yo-yo what is? How can you poll during natural disasters in 3 states? I had no phone last week for 5 days? If you only do landline how does that reflect the real community? The MSM are using this tool to manipulate the sentiment in the electorate and take the focus off the fact that TAbbott has nothing to offer this country. Conservatives, especially ultra conservatives, only ever feather the nest of the rich, throw a few crumbs to the rest, and want to tell everyone how they should live in a dog eat dog world, and a white male dominated one at that.

bob macalba

4/02/2013Welcome back Lyn a huge 200+ days ahead and the Fighting Fifth showing the way Janet..great collection links..ta very much, Space Kidette a good read LiR nice to see your back online Everybody posting links and comments..a big thanks the more info and thought, the better to beat the buggers, Ad am fair pleased with myself, sent my very first email using your new TPS thingy [just the one at the bottom of your post but its a start] and it felt good cheers all


4/02/2013Bacchus, I've worked in the industry for 30+ years. Younger ages may be under-represented but not vastly. They'll just keep interviewing till they get minimum numbers in each quota bracket. To fine-tune the sample, they'll weight the final sample numbers to match census data. Lady -- no sensible person says that a poll taken in January says how a Sept election will turn out. Everyone will be watching to see trends. For e.g. Labor gained a lot last year July-Nov, then stayed stable, now this latest measure falls. So everyone will watch to see what the next poll says - return to upward path? Stable at this level, or down some more? Some polls are done online, and some are hybrid phone/online. Always making an effort to get a valid cross-section of voters. If polls were useless, no one would commission them. People ignore data do so at their peril. Look at what is said about those who deny scientific data when it doesn't suit their ideology.

Tom of Melbourne

4/02/2013Gillian seems to know far more about this subject than Ad Astra, so Ad Astra will probably disparage the comments.


4/02/2013The very first thing that must be understood about political polling is that it is a loss leader. Polling companies do not make money from the political polls, they are used to advertise the company. The most important political poll/s for each organisation is the last one (or two) before an election and how close it is the actual result. The last few polls give a company bragging rights if they are closest and those polls are used by the companies to market themselves and they use the last results to show 'how good they are' as the results are publicly verifiable. To suggest that any polling organisation 'fudges' the figures to get the result they want is as close to pure fantasy as you can get. There are many $'s hanging of the perceived accuracy and integrity of the methods and reporting used by each company and all of them are in it for a profit not to rig a poll to suit some political conspiracy.


4/02/2013While I take Gillian's point about the polls, I wonder how they account for those that don't have a landline or only have naked ADSL. It has been reported for years that the major polling companies don't ring mobiles - they are missing a significant number of Australians if this is the case. Nate Silver also was the recipient of some particularly nasty comment during the US election from a number of sources, including the Republican Party, a large percentage of the media and some polling organisations from all reports. He came incredibly close to the real result but the road to get there was rather rocky.


4/02/2013Gillian, All polls state that if an election was held "last Saturday" this would be the likely result! There was no election last Saturday as we both know, Perhaps you could give us the lotto numbers for this Saturday!


4/02/2013Here is Nate Silver's list of US pollsters ranked by accuracy. As you can see, some did very well, and some not so good. You'll see that some of the top-5 pollsters used phone and some used internet. You'll also see that most predicted a Republican win by a tiny margin. On a sample of 1,000 the margin of error is 3% - most of these predictions were within the 3% margin of error, so in effect they were saying it could go either way. The final count for popular vote was Obama 50.4% to Romney 48.1%. You'd need a sample much bigger than 1,000 to predict an election that was this close. (Of course in the US the polling focuses on swing seats and takes account of Electoral Votes, not the popular vote.) It is unwise to chuck out all the pollsters, much better to discern which ones are best at the job. Even if you don't like the numbers.


4/02/2013Hi Bacchus Thankyou for your welcome back @ 09:37 AM, BTW I love both your avatars. A special thankyou for your reply to my post @ 1.30pm about making my Laptop into a TV as well as computer. I am very interested in the information you sent me, the price is OK too. I might have to tell myself I really need it because offers more than the one I have installed. I can’t have the TV going on my desktop as always too busy, so the network sounds very interesting. I like to have the pressers & QT going near me as can listen while I work. Network TV Tuner, Multiple TV tuners, network enabled Khtagh thankyou for your hugs & hearts @ 02:28 PM, I love your hugs. See this: Malcolm Farr ‏ Opposition has given Craig Thomson a pair so he can appear in court. Makes sense. Wouldn't want to deprive voters of the spectacle Herald Sun ‏ Craig Thomson case threatens balance of power in parliament #auspol margo kingston ‏ Our Paper's page 1 lead now Police admit to errors over Craig Thomson arrest |T… …, see more :):):):)


4/02/2013Gillian @ 6:28 PM [i]If polls were useless, no one would commission them.[/i] That would include political parties and the in/famous 'internal party polling'. Polling is a legitimate market research tool that has widely accepted validity. I do not like 'the look' of the current polls but they are still valid. The wise and wonderful advisers to our politicians are hanging off every single poll and parsing them to find some edge for their side. Attempting to discredit or deny the validity of the data is a folly. The interpretation/s of the latest poll is a different matter entirely

42 long

4/02/2013I've set up a few polls and the questions asked highly influences the BIAS you obtain I've also offered to do many on line polls. You can pick the "genuine-ness of the poll by the questions asked. Marketing directed questions would have to be very professionally and properly done to be worthwhile. but iF your interest was to obtain a "skewed" result, crever people could easily achieve that. Apparently a lot of polling distributed on Right ish sites have Abbott romping it in all the time. That would be to CON them (The readers/adherents. I always believed there was some advantage to be the one coming from behind. I think the over-riding philosophy here is to make the Labor side look completely beyond consideration/ hopeless.. The facts of their performance do not support that conclusion but like sheep the masses are falling for the overwhelming force of distortion and lies. IF their actions were conspicuously exposed or some of their smear and character assasinate plots fell over, there could be an enormous backlash. It's a risky plan, but worst of all it is based on DECEIT PLOTS Cover-ups and lies. It's nothing like it should be. Abbott should only win by merit. The fact he can not do that is evidenced by what is happening to present a totally distorted view of this dreadfull piece of work. As time goes on and it all keeps happening it jsy gets worse and worse. What an enbarrassment on a national scale will we have when this person? gets in. He will make us look like fools throughout the world, but apart from that, what will he do to this country? WE just cannot afford this Abbott. Too risky. What do they say. In your guts you know he's nuts.


4/02/2013Gillian I wont be taking any notice of polls until much closer to the election. At present I believe they are just being used by the media to inflate their power, to swing the 'not so savvy' voter. To help perpetuate the narrative that the government is in chaos. What do propose the government do? To react to them would be a stupid move in my opinion. You might as well go out and ask Joe Blogs how he wants the PM to work from one month to the next.

Sir Ian Crisp

4/02/2013[quote][i]For those who maintain that the propaganda does not affect the polls /vote: Why did the labor vote rise 3% over christmas? James Adelaide [/i][/quote] Excellent question James. A spike like that in the Newspoll results tends to make a person circumspect about the result. Also, a high profile redhead decided to hide during the Christmas break so the voters thought Santa had made their Christmas wishes come true. The bird of paradox probably couldn’t stand facing the voters and telling them the budget surplus was another lie. Essential Research (which is a left wing org) has been the most reliable. It reports the following on a 2PP: Election August 2010: ALP 50.1%/ Lib-NP 49.9% Two weeks ago: Lib-NP 54%/ ALP 46% Last week: Lib-NP 54%/ ALP 46% This week: Lib-NP 54%/ ALP 46%

bob macalba

4/02/2013Polls and if we ignore both...wasted energy maybe the bad guys want us to focus on dodgy polls,trying to keep the attention away from the corruption and abuse of powers going on, too many and too often cheers


4/02/2013If Abbott is required to answer your 49 questions on global warming - then here is a simple question back to you: What caused the Medieval and Roman warming episodes? The answer is that nobody knows - beyond the fact that those warming events were definitely unrelated to man-made CO2 emissions. And as long as no-one can say what caused those events - then no-one can say with any degree of certainty what is causing this current warming episode, either. Can they? That includes, of course, Satan’s own breath of death – CO2 (or “carbon” to you lefty Neanderthals insist on calling it). It is absolutely possible that our current situation may have arisen from whatever natural causes were responsible for the Medieval and Roman episodes. If so, all the torrid, fevered speculation that surrounds the theory of global warming - elevated by zealots like you sad lot to the esteemed rank of "scientific certainty" - could well be nothing more than an ill-advised release of rancid, malodorous hot air. N'est-ce pas? And - by the way - are there any bets on the forthcoming Federal election? How about you, Turkey boy? Still all gobble, bubble and bobble? Coming to a Federal seat near you - the great ALP poll massacre of 2013! The horror! The horror! I love a good show with a happy ending – Abbott will prove to be a great Prime Minister – unlike what’s-her-name with the new specs whose only claim to fame will be the number of times she lied through her teeth whilst firmly maintaining eye contact with 22 million Australians. Seeya, lefty luvvies!

Ad astra

4/02/2013Folks Thank you all for your thoughtful comments about polls. What I am asserting is that individual polls this far from an election are not predictive of the September 14 result. Andrew Catsaras said the same on [i]Insiders[/i] yesterday, as has Possum said consistently on [i]Pollytics[/i], as did Peter Lewis of Essential Research this evening on [i]The Drum[/i]. Aggregated polls that give trends, such as Possum does with [i]Pollytrend[/i], and Andrew Catsaras in his [i]Poll of Polls[/i] on [i]Insiders[/i] are superior indicators of the future. We know how the media use individual polls - to beat up one party or the other. It is good copy and it pays. Why politicians are sucked in by this charade is beyond me. They allow questioning by journos about the most recent poll to suck them into defensive or even defeatist comment about the state of their party and their prospects, as was Doug Cameron today, to whom I have written in protest. No one is suggesting that polls be ignored, just that they be credited only with what they are capable of doing, and individual polls lack predictive capability. While professional pollsters attempt to get their sampling right, it would be foolhardy to believe they always succeed; even they acknowledge that when they publish their margins of error. The latter is usually related to sample size, but representativeness is much harder to ascertain, and the queries raised here about the aberrations that might result from the method used are legitimate. Such queries have been going on for years over Morgan’s face-to-face polling versus telephone polling. While it is fair enough to say that if polls were useless no one would commission them, no one is asserting that they are literally ‘useless’. They certainly are used by, and presumably useful to those who pay for them, for their own purposes. It is the validity and reliability of individual polls that is being questioned, as it ought to be. There is no point in giving credence to data of uncertain validity or reliability. To do so, leads to confusion and errors.


4/02/2013G'day Bob is that {i]Polls ... too many and too often [/i]? Have to agree. It is a bit like ads on the tele and opinions ... far too many of them and far too often :P


4/02/2013May every poll between now and the Federal election convince every Coalition politician that they have government in the bag and they act like it. Christopher Pyne, for one, already is. Seven months is a long time for hubris to trip 'em up out there in front of the electors. And it will. One of them, two of them, three. It will. Start measuring the office for new furniture this far out, you might just end up with empty packing cases and a shell-shocked look on your face.


4/02/2013This is a good one [b]An open letter to Joe Hockey, the Treasurer in waiting[/b] [i]Dear Mr Hockey If the opinion polls are right, you will be Australia’s 37th Treasurer on 15 September 2013. All the very best to you if in fact that is the case because economic policy, economic growth, job creation and rising living standards are key aspects of macroeconomic management. I hope you can extend the current era of 21 years of growth for at least another three. I must say that when I see your leader, Mr Abbott, talking economics I am worried you will not be able to deliver some of the promises you are starting to articulate. Budget surpluses and lower debt are the means to an end, not the end themselves. Your focus on the surplus and debt is unnerving, a point all the more evident when we look to the fiscal austerity being delivered in much of Europe, the UK and even in the US.[/i] Keep reading it gets even better.

Ad astra

4/02/2013DMW That is a good article by Stephen Koukoulas. A nice challenge to Joe Hockey, and of course Tony Abbott, that is if can actually understand what Stephen is writing. I'm off to watch [i]Media Watch[/i] and [i]Q&A[/i].

Tom of Melbourne

4/02/2013Just do me a favour Ad Astra and tell me, do you still think opinion polls should ask questions such as – [i] The government has implemented a range of economic initiatives in response to the GFC, including cash stimulus and infrastructure spending, Australia has avoided the worst to the GFC. Do you support this policy or do you support the Coalition’s plan to cut the spending?” 
[/i] Does you recommendation about this type of question support any contention that you know something or other about opinion polling?


4/02/2013Ad astra Like a Lancaster Bomber that has kept its engines idling for a stopover between sorties, the Political Sword has come roaring back to service! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Gillian said [i]... most [polls] predicted a Republican win by a tiny margin. On a sample of 1,000 the margin of error is 3% - most of these predictions were within the 3% margin of error, so in effect they were saying it could go either way. The final count for popular vote was Obama 50.4% to Romney 48.1%[/i] Well there you are then. For all the billions of hours spent polling and all the trillions of words written about the results, and all the scientific prognosticational techniques, the outcome was just as wrongly predicted as if a blindfoldee played [i]Pin The Tail on the Donkey or Elephant[/i]. It's maybe a cliche but it's also a Truth, there's only one real poll, and We the Left will top it. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lyn quoted Malcolm Farr ‏ [i]Opposition has given Craig Thomson a pair so he can appear in court.[/i] Hunh. The Opposition needs to grow a pair of its own. Craig Thomson already has a pair!


4/02/2013If any of you sad bunch of Petri-dish dwellers seriously believe that Labour has a chance of winning the forthcoming Federal election - well, you will have completely redefined the meaning of the word "delusional". I mean - seriously! You sorry political misfits got smashed in WA - decimated in Qld - absolutely gutted in NSW - you only just won in the ACT (home of the ALP public service cardigan - the same fashion item your wise guy Ad Astra wears day in, day out) - you were snotted in NT - and that is just the elections! Your little mate Thomson's self-inflicted crucifixion is progressing slowly, publicly and very messily - what are the odds of that helping the cause, eh? And how are things going for NSW ALP inc? Gold. It's all gold. Solid gold. But not for you. The path you are on is heading to a very high cliff. At the bottom of that cliff are countless huge, jagged rocks. All over those rocks are the stinking, rotten carcasses of ALP NSW, ALP Qld etc etc. ALP Federal is the next to take that fatal leap off the cliff – crying out “I can FLY!!” just like its state mates, denying to the very end the certain predictability of gravity-induced outcome. Anyone who will not admit that Gillard is about to get a shellacking on a par with ALP NSW or Qld is a denialist of spectacular, incorrigible, irredeemable proportions. But this little blog always has been absolutely chokkers with complete fruit loops, hasn't it? Bets anybody? Anyone for a little bet on the Federal election results?


4/02/2013Thanks bob macalba its nice to be back. Good discussion about polling, very interesting. DMW I can't seem to open that link? It just hangs. Dissappointed in Leigh Sales interview. I got the impression she was treating it like a boxing match, a right hook followed immediately by a left. I jokingly had a $5 bet she would open with that ridiculous line "are you leaving a sinking ship" and she did! How un-original is that. It was clearly said to put Nicola on the back foot, but Roxon is a seasoned politician so it had no effect. I was gob smacked at Sales starting an interview with Roxon when she has been a star performer for this country. Roxon is clearly leaving for personal reasons, Sales should know what it is like to have a child and what it is like to have to leave them when all they want is their mother. Just wait til her child is school age and she has to miss out on special days because of work commitments, I have been there, young children don't understand why mum has to go, and so I think her question was insenstive and mean spirited. Roxon has given so much of herself to the was crass.


4/02/2013Thanks Ad, nice round-up on polls. "No one is suggesting that polls be ignored, just that they be credited only with what they are capable of doing, and individual polls lack predictive capability." I'd amend this to say "individual polls THIS FAR OUT lack predictive capability" because, of course, well-conducted polls close to the election DO have predictive capability. Two or three polls are better than a single reading, but even a single reading has predictive capability. And for the folks who wonder about Australian pollsters I can add that Newspoll has a good track record of polling accuracy over 25+ years.


4/02/2013LiR If you mean the Dear Mr Hockey link it opened ok for me in two different browsers (Chrome & Firefox) Maybe your ISP or Browser has been hijacked by the dreaded 'we will provide a faster wireless network monster' - just kidding :) Here it is again for another try

Truth Seeker

4/02/2013Lyn, Thank you so much for your kind words and support, I am very happy that you like my blog and greatly appreciate your spreading the word. :-) :-) This year is going to be a busy one for all, politically, and your contributions will make it so much easier for the rest of us to keep on top of the truth, and the information that will help us defeat the purveyors of lies, spin and democratic vandalism. Keep up the great work :-) :-) Cheers :-)


5/02/2013I chuckle when I imagine Abbott "repsonding" to these questions. Before he got through the first five he'd be a wreck - head nodding back and forth, mouth opening and closing but emitting no sound. Eyes narrowed, hands closing to fists, rocking about on the balls of his feet. Surely this is the most empty-headed individual any major party has ever put up as a "leader". The Liberals should be embarrassed, but I doubt they know the meaning of the word.

Ad astra

5/02/2013Gillian I agree with your qualifying words; I have been saying for ages that individual polls are not predictive this far out from and election.

Ad astra

5/02/2013Folks Did you hear what Al Gore had to say about global warming last night on [i]Lateline[/i]? [i]EMMA ALBERICI: Here in Australia, we have a carbon tax, but our Opposition Leader Tony Abbott, who opinion polls say could well be prime minister by September, he's campaigning on a platform that would scrap the carbon tax on day one of his government. He also has no interest in the emissions trading scheme that was to follow. What's your message to him? AL GORE: Well, if I were a citizen of your country - I am not, so I don't wish to interfere in your politics - but I would certainly question the conclusion that public opinion polls are going to decide the outcome of an election so far away. I'm very impressed with your current prime minister. I think she's shown a great deal of courage and vision. And I think that Australians may look very carefully at the progress that has taken place and also look at the very powerful evidence that the climate crisis is having a very harsh impact on Australia, as predicted, as your own scientists have eloquently warned over and over again. So I have a great deal of faith and confidence in the people of Australia and will be watching along with others around the world as your election year unfolds. EMMA ALBERICI: Australia's conservatives prefer a direct action plan, planting trees and providing financial incentives for industry and farmers to reduce emissions. What do you think of that approach? AL GORE: Well, it didn't work here. It hasn't worked anywhere. And either we are serious about confronting this crisis or we are not. If we decided to give up on solving the climate crisis - I can't imagine that we will, but if we did, we would create a future in which the generations to come would look back at us and our time and ask, "What were they thinking? Didn't they care about us?" The fact that every single National Academy of Science on the planet says we've got to confront this. Every professional scientific society. 97, 98 per cent of the climate scientists. Mother Nature now speaking very loudly and persuasively in keeping with what the scientists predicted would unfold. We really have to rise to this challenge and I refuse to believe that we will not.[/i] I wonder how Tony Abbott and Greg Hunt would respond to Al Gore?


5/02/2013Hi Lyn Welcome back, it is so good to see your 'face' here again. Many others on here over the break have done a great job with linking, and I just want to let them know I appreciate their efforts. Gypsy Thank you for those Twitter links, and look forward to you doing this again this year. I follow Ghost who Votes on twitter and see that he has released percentage of vote for who is best to was weird to read that the nopposition gained 5 points in all the Labor strong holds, was so very consistent that it stood out. Make of that what you will.

bob macalba

5/02/2013paul murray[i know a dickhead] but its worth watching Mark Latham tell it how it is, the other pair are the same as murray, dickheads especially the bald muppet that does sport normally but Lathams a champ cheers


5/02/2013 TODAY’S LINKS Society of the Spectacles @MrDenmore, role of the media should be to challenge politicians Uncertainty. by Nextness she took a decision. Being decisive is a good quality letter to Mark Scott about Jon Faine from Margo Kingston Jon Faine is guilty of lapse in standards excerpt Chaos’, or how to see the world like a political journalist @BernardKeane chaos”& “disarray” suffering “body blows In September will voters choose “the devil they know”? by @davispg real possibility Labor will win the election: Been Had Before @madwixxy ridiculous theory is that Gillard called the election early because In confusion is profit: Abbott wants the ante, not the pot. by @BushfireBill Revenge & thuggery have been his lifelong Grattan the professor, but is she leaving The Age? @KnottMatthew joining The Conversation to become website’s chief political Michelle Grattan joins University of Canberra and The Conversation by @sunanda_louise, “writing sensibly on this very exciting election” Who'd have thought- Michelle Grattan fronts own news conference by @1petermartin, Abbott's Figures Don't Add Up Ian McAuley, @newmatilda ,journalist Abbott is skilled in avoiding scrutiny The Liberal Strategy @MigloCW prophet Abbott as the pedlar of fear Why voters seen the economy as in bad shape @1RossGittins the election date is unlikely to change much An open letter to Joe Hockey, the Treasurer in waiting by @TheKouk, Your focus on surplus& debt is unnerving Confessions of a News Junkie or Bye, Bye, Outdated Media, I've got a New Dealer Political news is distorted beyond all recognition @SpaceKidette Australian Media Fuelling Doubt with Speculation Specfest @Kevin_Rennie, about perceptions: “impressions of chaos”, Fear and loathing in Canberra by Graham Jackson, compliant media desperate to bring this minority Gov. Pyne retracts 'hurtful' Downfall comments @Simon_Cullen,I'm not necessarily apologising to Mark Dreyfus A challenge to Tony Abbott on Craig Thomson by @SimonCopland, Abbott’s ridiculous idea someone can stop another MP from voting Rudd and Gillard’s leadership battle set to be turned into TV drama by Beyond @mumbrella Mark Dreyfus - a tough act to follow by Andrew Herington, skills as a legal advocate to argue the case against climate sceptics Perfect Timing by WhitWords Tony Abbott can’t maintain the facade of ‘positivity’ The environment issues we should be hearing about at this election Ian Lowe ridiculous calls to wind back “green tape dishonestly suggesting Maybe climate change is closer than we think by @traceehutch, Jakarta is sinking. Literally CLASS TRAITOR: Live-on-the dole MP shuns cattle class @vexnews, seat is listed on Webjet at $737. One-way. Today’s Front Pages Australia Newspaper Front Pages for 5 February 2013


5/02/2013[i]I wonder how Tony Abbott and Greg Hunt would respond to Al Gore?[/i] With the risible claim that the ABC is "leftist" for having Mr Gore on!

bob macalba

5/02/2013lots of trolls dropping in lately, nice and refreshed from the holidays, still trying to spin the same shite though, am interested to they get paid by the hour ...paid by number of posts posted ...paid by number of people they annoy hope its the last one as nobody seems to be paying any attention to the knobs, ha farking ha trolls


5/02/2013Good Morning Ad, Sorry Ad the Gravatar people are out to get me again. Would you delete the first post for me please. Hi Gravel thankyou for your nice words. Yes our little Gypsy girl is doing a fabulous job. :):):)


5/02/2013Consider another question for Tony Abbott. Abbott's wife Margie is on record as not wanting to give up working at her childcare centre, preferring should hubby become PM that the family live at Kirribilli House. When Parliament is sitting, leave alone that the PM's office and the day-to-day support structures of government are in Canberra, a long way from Sydney Harbour, Abbott will bed down at The Lodge. Margie's childcare centre will not close down for the times Parliament is sitting. Mrs PM will still need to live close to her job while Mr PM is in Canberra. Will the Australian taxpayer have to stump up for maintaining the cost of two prime ministerial households throughout the whole year? The daughters? Consider the daughters. They are unlikely to tramp back and forth to Canberra, either. So, when school holidays give Mrs PM a break from the childcare centre and she can go stay at The Lodge with hubby, will the nation have to pay for the upkeep of Abbott's three girls at Kirribilli House? You know the man. Check his expenses record of taxpayers' dollars gobbled up at a higher rate than anyone other than the real PM doing her real job as the nation's leader. "Abbott" is Orstralian, fair dinkum, for "sponge".


5/02/2013Nice to see ABC Breakfast running Al Gore's comment on their "Newsbar" this morning. A comment on polling. Someone above made the comment that some media and blog sites run a number of polls where the LNP "win" by a large margin. If you cast your mind back to the 2010 election, for the majority of the campaign, the LNP was "destined" to win comfortably. I wonder if a lot of the commentary over the past three years about the Prime Minister's "right" to be in office is because the polls were consistently against her - leading to a skilful conservative campaign that "we wuz robbed". In evidence I offer Pyne on Q&A last night bemoaning that the Prime Minister has clung to power because of two independent MPs in "country non-Labor" seats who have consistently supported her. I hope that the Prime Minister does win again on September 14. I also hope she has a workable majority (without a re-elected Windsor and Oakschott). If she doesn't, I really don't think the Country can stand another three years of the LNP "we wuz robbed" campaign because the polls that were pointing to a win a far way out from polling day were wrong. Apparently the Republicans are still coming to grips with their polling being wrong last year.

Pappinbarra Fox

5/02/2013Bob at 8.16 It depends very much on their contractual arrangments Bob. Some will be paid by the post others willl be paid by the word and all will be paid out by right thinking people the globe over. Whether they are paid by the word or post will depend on their negotiation skills with their employer or master. They are a product of "time belong master" and certainly have the master/servant mentality.Kind of "born to rule" but in their case "born to serve" those who are "born to rule". I am sure it gives them great pleasure to spew out bile nonsense and see the result - which is why I never read the excresence. I nearly got caought earlier but after two lines I twigged and scrolled. I have noticed ocassional bile slipping through from people whose ideas I have admired. I would love for TPS to be a straight blog not a bent or crooked blog. Yeh I know our emotions do get the better of us from time to time but using derogatory terms to describe the enemy does not mean that the enemy IS those things - it just reflects on the person's capacity to use language appropriately. Now I have sometimes posted comments questioning the state of LOTOs psychological makeup. he is in the parlance "damaged goods". I try to base my comments in response to LOTO's actions and words. In other words I use the facts and then interpret them in a clinical fashion. I do not have to use mean spirited words to do this and I believe that all genuine TPSters are capable of doing the same. Trolls on the other hand are not that capable - because they are paid to be trashers.


5/02/2013Bob @ 8:16 Surely you've seen those "I make $1000 a month working two hours a day at home - you can too" ads! Maybe if you're gullible enough to believe those ads, you're gullible enough to be a paid troll! Jest sayin. . .


5/02/2013If Labor polls trend downards in the next couple of months, a leadship spill becomes almost certain. Rudd's electoral popularity would make it hard for LNP to win with Abbott at the helm. I like to think that if LNP lose this election they'll replace Abbott - won't that be refreshing!

Ad astra

5/02/2013LYN'S DAILY LINKS updated:


5/02/2013If I was Labor in Office, I would sell Kirribilli House forthwith, if only to deny Abbott the residence should he get himself elected. The proceeds of the sale would go towards funding Gonski or NDIS. I know, I know, how mean can I get?


5/02/2013BTW: Watch not only Tony Abbott ignores PM but Margie Abbott also ignores PM, probably under Peta’s instruction – The above was posted on PB by The Finnigans. How bloody ignorant are the pair of them?

bob macalba

5/02/2013Pappinbarra Fox, cheers for the 'Troll rates' theory, i know the buggers get paid for their crap, thats not bile you will read in anything i comment, thats hate i throw out there, pure unadulterated hate, all sportsmanship goes out the window when the quality of my life is affected by decisions made by a bunch of self serving born to rule f@%#wits, no rules, no quarter given, thats not to say that i cant be civil when the occasion suits, but in this dog eat dog environment created incidentally by both msm and dog whistling tory[bastards] nice guys will finish last, im not expecting everybody to play hard but the ones that do are really just playing their part in keeping the troops focused, remember as John Lydon[johnnie rotten] once said 'anger is an energy'


5/02/2013Gillian, [quote]I like to think that if LNP lose this election they'll replace Abbott [/quote] If the LNP think they can rid themselves of this mongrel they've gone along with to get their hands on to power, they're seriously deluded. Abbott will araldite himself to the chair and sack any of his party who attempt to ditch him. As far as the Labor leadershit is concerned, hell will freeze over before Rudd ever gets his hands on the top job again. All this furore is emanating out of LNP headquarters and spread throughout the airwaves by a rabid pack of media hyenas. I have heard Rudd on two occasions in the past week sincerely deny he's after the leadership and looked in the eye of the camera to tell his supporters he was not interested in anything else but to stop Abbott's march to the Lodge.


5/02/2013[b][u]Open Letter to Peter van Onselen[/u] Dear Professor van Onselen, On behalf of our Webmaster Ad astra and our many contributors, I formally invite you to participate in the discourse on Ad astra's blogsite The Political Sword.[/b] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [i][To bring up to speed those not yet across our correspondence to date: In brief, around New Year, Prof. Van Onselen (PvO) invited 3 Tweeps - GreensboroughGrowler (GG), Thefinnigans (Finnie) and me TT - at some stage to form a panel on his SkyTV show The Contrarians. It's a very fair offer I must say, despite the hisses of Beware Turkey it's a Trap! I do acknowledge the ultimate power of kill buttons, interruptions, editing and other tricks of the broadcaster's trade, to skew the tenor of any guest's intentions, an advantage which many of the shock jock brigade are only too happy to employ every day. All that has little bearing on my decision however. I have declined the offer for my own personal reasons, as has Finnie. GG has accepted as far as I know. By the way I have conferred with another Swordie who is prepared to take my place; I know from long experience he would be good value on Contrarians, so with one more Tweep, PvO will still be able to do his show. I do hope this happens. However in the process of declining I offered PvO the option of coming here to The Political Sword to debate with us. He has accepted, though with the proviso that he not be expected to spend excessive time here. That of course is understood anyway, the site is open to all of goodwill, for as much time, or as little, as one wishes.] [/i] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Now, Peter: - In the two-and-a-half years I have been associated with The Political Sword I cannot remember ANY contribution to the site from a mainstream journalist. One might be forgiven for imagining a tacit agreement amongst journalists not to assist the expansion of the Fifth Estate. Of course this would be a mere conspiracy fantasy... It seems to me that you Peter are one of the very few who has made much attempt to bestraddle the two, albeit I venture to suggest, based on a reading of some of your tweets, that you do not appear exactly comfortable on Twitter. That is not entirely criticism, there are aspects I do respect, for your having the feist to take Twitter on at all. But I would also opine that by my reading of your tweets and articles in the Australian -( not Contrarians, remember I have not seen any of your TV shows) - you seem very firmly on the OM side where it comes down to loyalties. I know that you claim your apparent leanings to the Right are in the nature of reaction to the dominance of the Left in the Twittersphere, but they are apparent just the same. I invite you to challenge this, my own perception, when you write some of your thoughts here. Whatever, as a result of the recalcitrance of journalists to embrace the new media, the intended meeting of minds on TPS is so unusual in its character as to necessitate some creative thinking as to how to "play this silly game" (GreensboroughGrowler) . Nevertheless, with mutual goodwill we can work it out as we go along. We should try to keep it light I think, this is a Friendly as far as I am concerned. But even in Friendlies one plays one's best. Anyway I reckon I know where to pitch the first ball: to the issue on which we first conversed on Twitter, the one subject above all others on which we of the Fighting 5th Estate most strongly criticize those of the Mainstream Media - namely, their perceived failure in investigative journalism, their perceived bias in many areas including the climate change issue, their perceived double standards as exemplified never so starkly as in their pursuit of Peter Slipper and Craig Thomson, while studiously ignoring what we now call Ashbygate. For their preoccupation with trivia, for example relating to our Prime Minister's perceived risibility, from her nose and earlobe length to her big bum and stumbling shoes. For their outrageous slanted front pages in newspapers, for their failure to condemn racist and sexist slurs - for any number of perceived inequities in dealings with the two sides of Politics, Prof. van Onselen, whatever might be your opinion of the 5th Estate, I ask that you suspend judgment of those who contribute to The Political Sword, for let me assure you that as a body we are sincere and passionate about the future of this country: not intellectually dishonest, personally disinterested, and essentially spinless (except perhaps wrt my own ebullience, which I know from your recent Tweets you would deem irrational, but there we differ). We have no use for skewed opinion, we just want Truth - facts, evidence! - and we are free to make judgments for ourselves. We are beholden to no-one - as distinct from paid journalists! - We say what we wish and what we mean. Nearly all who write on TPS frankly and proudly acknowledge their Leftish leanings, we do not pretend to impartiality, but we acknowledge difference of opinion in face of reasoned argument - a position I am sure you would support. In closing, let me assure you that you will be accorded the same respect and liberties Ad astra extends to all who visit here, but I would anticipate there will be a good deal of interest generated by a current member of the dreaded Fouth Estate, and surely that would be no bad thing. Yours sincerely "TalkTurkey" February 5. 2013 04:06 AM

bob macalba

5/02/20132353 Always wondered about those ads, a grand a month 2 hours a day from home, and heres me thinking those ads were for Gigolos and doctoring up my resume to suit, plan b back to pole dancing cheers

Pappinbarra Fox

5/02/2013Bob Actually Bob I was not thinking of you when I made my comments about bile. I do love righteous anger tho. Keep up the good work.

Tom of Melbourne

5/02/2013The commentary about “paid trolls” is hilarious – it simply undermines the last vestige of credibility for the commentators. Got any evidence of people who are paid to post comments? Or is fact free commentary just the norm here? Many seem to find speculation easier than actually addressing the political issues.

bob macalba

5/02/2013Cheers Pappinbarra Fox, and as a clever scribe keeps telling us 'VENCEREMOS'

bob macalba

5/02/2013So your being a dickhead for free? 'beat me' begged the masochist 'no way' laughed the sadist so i say to you 'unpaid' troll...ha ha ha ha ha ha ha


5/02/2013Julie Bishop today said that the Federal Government should be in "caretaker mode" because the date of the election has been set. I'm pleased that Ms Bishop has devoted her incisive legal mind to this issue. In WA, the (Liberal) Premirt, Colin Barnett announced the date of the next election soon after he won the 2008 election. (WA does not have set terms enshrined in legislation). Using Julie Bishop's legal opinion that setting the date of the next election puts the Government in caretaker mode, I expect her to call Colin Barnett and tell him of her conclusion that ALL of his Government's decisions are null and void - because the Government was in caretaker mode for the entirety of his reign. In particular, Elizabeth Quay and the new football stadium cannot proceed. Or is this another case where the Liberals expect a Labor Government to keep to higher standards than the Liberals and Nationals? Yet another example of the Coalition trying to use the law for short term benefit without thinking of the long-term implications.


5/02/2013Sorry, forgot the link for my previous comment:


5/02/2013Janice @ 9:49 I watched that video its just plain bizarre. Not surprising though, afterall if he doesn't like the question he just walks off. But to do what he did is reminiscent of the Latham/Howard hand shake.....funnily I think that was the beginning of the end for Latham, or certainly it changed peoples perception of him.

Ad astra

5/02/2013TT Thank you for your comment. Let's see if PvO responds!


5/02/2013Now bob macalba are you after the cranky pants award again? Or is it you just love wearing the bogan blue singlet? I wore mine out the other day and I can tell you it caused a stir, upper middle class bogan that I am. Mind you I was helping someone whose house was flooded but still I managed to pull of the bogan look quite well. I now have one with sparkles for the evenings, I call it my boganista look.


5/02/2013LadyInRed, That video shows Abbott (and his Margie) up for the ignorant lowlifes they are. We all know he hates PM Gillard but he should be made to get down on his knees and apologise to the Australian people for treating the Prime Minister like dirt. The PM wouldn't want an apology from him or her, but as an Australian I feel insulted and if I had the power I would sentence him to 100 lashes. The man is beneath contempt.

Ad astra

5/02/2013janice We ought not to be surprised at Tony Abbott’s deplorable behavior. For him, it is the norm. We all should contemplate how much worse his behavior would be if he became PM, when, to use his words: ‘I would be the authority’. His arrogance and authoritarian behavior would be beyond our worst imaginings.


5/02/2013I find it amasing that even though the Vic police came out & said yesterday they had made an error in the arrest warrant for Craig Thomson & he should not have been arrested as the request for him to Vic was for an interview only!! hence making it an illegal arrest. Where was the apology from the media that they have persecuted an MP for their evening news & nothing else, no mention of the fact anywhere on the news radio or TV. Have they(the police)in effect given the legal team for Craig Thomson an A grade reason for having the case thrown out of court due to the incompetent & illegal methods used by NSW police? & the public denigration of their client in the mass media leading to the inability of a fair hearing. It has happened in the past.

Ad astra

5/02/2013bob macalba Do you really believe anyone would hand over good money to our trolls to write their usual hogwash? MSW The Coalition will try on any stunt, and the media will uncritically repeat it, as Malcolm Farr has done.


5/02/2013Ad astra. His behaviour does not surprise me, but it certainly does sicken me :( If voters do happen to be dumb enough to put him in govt, Australians all will have cause to "die from shame". Having said that though I can't see the people cutting their own throats come Sept 14 by ditching a good govt on the say so of a pack of lying weasels backed up by a rabid media pack.

42 long

5/02/2013Wonder what the reaction of murdoch will be to the operation of the Guardian and Global Maill in Oz? global needs a bit of oxygen but the Guardian ( who exposed murdochs problems in the UK, which lead to the Leveson inquiry) might cause some anxiety. The sooner the better I say and end this all powerfull monoploy of thought and spin,"managing" our views on everything Gillard. Wonder what contrived stunt will emerg in the first QT of the year, today? The behaviour of the parliamentary LieNP is MANIC. There is no other word for it. I would love to see a psychologocal assessment of Tony Abbott. I doubt his mental stability and fitness for the job he aspires to. I can't help despising the LNP for putting us at risk of having this out of control "Nutter". as a candidate for this important job. He will trash australias reputation as he has the protocols and principles of parliamentary procedure, justice and fair play. His "ruthlessnes" knows no bounds. His word is worthless.


5/02/2013KHTAGH, [quote] Have they(the police)in effect given the legal team for Craig Thomson an A grade reason for having the case thrown out of court due to the incompetent & illegal methods used by NSW police? & the public denigration of their client in the mass media leading to the inability of a fair hearing. It has happened in the past.[/quote] We can but hope but I won't hold my breath. The whole witch hunt stinks to high heaven yet there are many people out here who've swallowed the lot and judged Thomson guilty.

Ad astra

5/02/2013Folks Writing in [i]Climate Spectator[/i], John Connor, CEO of The Climate Institute, says this: [i]”Warming oceans and atmospheres have loaded the dice for warmer, wilder and wetter weather events. Research released on Friday demonstrated the link between rising temperatures and extreme rainfall events, and supported warnings of more to come. “Meanwhile, the early climate positioning of the Coalition and the ALP was largely overshadowed by election announcements. “After earlier Romney-esque jokes about the carbon laws and climate change, the Opposition Leader on Thursday repeated the claim that “the rest of the world was not going anywhere near carbon taxes or emission trading schemes.” “This has been busted for some time, as our map of global action demonstrates. But in an unfortunate coincidence for the Coalition, the OECD had just released Taxing Energy Use: A graphical analysis. The OECD again exposed this myth and the Coalition’s other that somehow placing a price or tax on energy was unusual. “In fact the OECD found that in mid-2012 such actions, while varied, were widespread. “Within OECD countries, effective taxes on CO2 from energy range from €107 per tonne ($A140) in Switzerland, which is outside of the European Union’s trading scheme, to €2.80 ($3.70) in Mexico. The weighted average of all OECD countries is €27 ($35) per tonne. “Australia’s carbon price of $23 (€18) comes in near the bottom of the list of 34 countries – well below Japan, South Korea and the UK, among others. “Emissions trading schemes are going to start in China and South Korea, adding to existing schemes in the EU and New Zealand and those that began recently in California and Quebec. South Africa is introducing a carbon tax.[/i] If you can access [i]Climate Spectator[/i], do look at the graph that displays these data. Australia is five steps from the bottom of a very long bar graph. [b]Tony Abbott is either misinformed, which is deplorable, or lying, which is more consistent with his past behavior.[/b]

Ad astra

5/02/2013janice I agree wholeheartedly.


5/02/2013An oldie but goody re Turnbull's view of LNP Direct Action Plan - May 2011. Activists can get mileage from the fact that there are penalties for missing the 2020 target to reduce emissions by 5%. If we fall short we will have to purchase abatement permits on international markets to make up the 5%. That means we spend the money and other countries get the benefit. I'd MUCH rather see the money spent in Australia on energy efficiency and other measures.


5/02/2013Jason Obelix is always very amused at any mention of Malcolm Farr because I refer to him as Mal Farcom. :) He got off easy. There's Abbortt and Turdball and Snotty Joe, Vampirella Trivioli Crassidy and the Jones Boys, Anal & Wormtongue! All proud examples of my nomenclatural talents. :) [b]But I still don't know why I am blocked on ABC24.[/b] If it's because of things like that on this modest medium, and broadcast names like Juliar on their monstrous media, I call them precious petals, but publicly-funded ones who are exercising political censorship against a member of the public. Which is pretty funny, and pretty unfunny at the same time I reckon. I have not found anybody else on Twitter who has been blocked by ABC24 though many including myself have been blocked by Leaky Burk and I have also been blocked by Leigh Sales. I wear ABC24's blocking me as a Platinum Medal be it said, I don't know why they have but I figure I must be pretty important to them eh! In fact I wear every person who blocks me as a bar to my Platinum ABC Medal, because I'd be ashamed of making [i]no[/i] enemies on Twitter. I don't think I've ever wronged anyone though, or if I ever have I've apologised sincerely. But every ordinary individual who does block me - I only know a few, less than ten - has the right to do so, too bad, but to be blocked by *Our* ABC is something else. I HAVE NEVER SAID ANYTHING OBSCENE NOR DEFAMATORY OF ANYONE. Of this I am certain. Last night [i]Ashbygate[/i] - the greatest story of skulduggery and intrigue in Australia's political history - did not get a single mention on "Q&A"! "Questions And Answers", NOT! What do you-all think of that? If you haven't already read David Horton's take on the ABC a day or so ago (on the Watermelon Blog, sorry, I'm not going looking for link but it's easy to find) then you should. [b]*OUR* ABC is a full-on propaganda mouthpiece for the Far Right! [/b]

42 long

5/02/2013IF the abc was located at the dogs home it would be the FAR KENNEL. We who knew Auntie of old grieve for the poor relic of it remaining.' As I've said before it could never be right enough for the Party that is the australian arm of the Tea Party. A fully paid up subsidiary of Murchoch Reinhart the Clubs aust lobby, BIG TOBACCO Coal and Gas interests, The Catholic Church, Private Schools Inc. Manic destroyers of anything with the word "public" in it. Purveyors of privilege for the already privileged. They will sell it! Murdoch Rails against the BBC constantly, as "enemy of FREE speech"!!!. Wouldn't that be funny if it wasn't so serious?


5/02/2013With regards to climate change. People need to realise that climate change will have a dramatic impact on our lives that can't be solved by simply turning up the heating or flicking on the air conditioner. I fear that many people really believe its just going to mean a bit of extra heat and cold, if they believe it at all. I was talking to some older people on the weekend and they really judge global warming on the outside temperature....."I remember it being even hotter when I was a kid, we used to sleep on the lino to keep cool". What can you say to that? The ice sheets are melting, the weather events are more frequent and more severe and last longer. Nope, don't want to believe it, eyes glaze over. So, it doesn't help that we give so much airtime and legitimacy to people who have counter arguments that are not peer reveiwed, and anecdotal twaddle, or written by people who receive funding from big oil or some other industry where they have money invested in business as usual. Or indeed someone who wants to be the next PM who will say and do anything to get what he wants. Our society is built heavily on communication & transport, water coming out of a tap & food just being available in the supermarket, flick a switch & we have light. If nothing else these big weather effects should bring home the severe effects on infrastructure and what that means. Shortages, water not being available, no telephone, no internet, roads closed and bridges washed away, people left homeless. We have had several events now, & they are getting bigger, effecting more people, costing more. And of course we have no right to ruin a planet that supplies us with our sustenance, a planet of beauty and conplexity that we should be respecting and not trashing.

Janet (jan@j4gypsy)

5/02/2013 G'day all. [b]Twitterati: or what Tweeps are sayin':[/b] [i]FlashboardWars ‏@FlashboardWars[/i] Richard III? Found. Tony Abbott's costed policies? ..... Retweeted by Ross Bowler [i] Peter Clarke ‏@MediaActive[/i] There is now wide & legitimate interest in the neg "bias" findings v Jon Faine @774Melbourne w NO public ABC reasoning.@CUhlmann Alarming! [i]TheFinnigans天地有道人无道 ‏@Thefinnigans[/i] Before blogging & tweeting, #MediaWatch was useful for limited#FactChecking. Now it has reached its used by date, dont waste our 8c [i] Henny Penny ‏@penny_henny[/i] Is C Pyne the only Coalition MP making himself available to@ABCNews24 seems to be commenting on just about everything.#auspol [i]Jaden Harris ‏@Jaden189[/i] Julie Bishop says the government is now in "virtual caretaker mode" what? #Auspol [i]Victoria Rollison ‏@Vic_Rollison[/i] So I just saw an article by Mark Kenny in SMH counting numbers for a Rudd leadership challenge. I'm assuming the SMH website is broken. [i]Timothy Stuart ‏@Tim_stew[/i] BREAKING: Coalition ministry reshuffle puts Pyne as Climate Change Minister. Right, @BreakfastNews ? #auspol [i]Marian Rumens ‏@mrumens[/i] The only way #Australia will keep up with the rest of the world in commerce is by having the #NBN. #TonyAbbott will pull country down #MyLib [i]David Horton ‏@watermelon_man[/i] Have I understood - Barnaby Joyce says only those totally favouring Live Export can have anything to do with controlling it? #giantintellect [i]Lyn Bender ‏@Lynestel[/i] #abcrn Why are you flogging that old dead horse #counterpoint You have scrapped many programs why oh why #AmandaVanstone is incompetent [i]Marian Rumens ‏@mrumens[/i] Any Labor MP's leaking SHUT UP.You may not care if Labor loses but I BLOODY DO #DougCameron you may think what you say is important.i don't. [i]Claude Crowe ‏@ClaudeCrowe[/i] Rupert & Gina stick with Ruddstoration fairytale, not because they believe it but because it destabilizes govt and takes heat off their boy. [i] David Kirkpatrick ‏@daveyk317[/i] The MSM tactic is get a rigged poll, use it to create doubt, run with the #Leadershit story to destabilise, #Ridiculous Aussies not stupid [i]cjjosh ‏@cjjosh[/i] Has anyone asked Clive Palmer what he thinks about the early announcement of the federal election? #CliveMustRun [i]chris murphy ‏@chrismurphys[/i] So LNP seeks legal advice whether the Govt is in caretaker mode? Who they gonna call? George BrandisSC! Ho ho ho haa haa haa!#auspol [b]Twitterverse, or what Tweeps suggest you read: (apart from Lynnies Links :-))[/b] [i]newmatilda ‏@newmatilda[/i] Canberra gets back to business - and Gillard isn't in caretaker mode yet. @beneltham on a tumultuous week in #auspol  [i]Poynter ‏@Poynter[/i] How journalists can create better explainers: "You’ve got to lose your sense of shame" & "embrace basic questions." Retweeted by Mark Colvin [i]“@BreakfastNews [/i] Al Gore: 'direct action' hasn't worked to reduce C02 emissions ” <will this change your vote? It should. Retweeted by Denise [i]David Horton ‏@watermelon_man[/i] Whenever I write about the Decline and Fall of the ABC visitors flock to my blog . People are concerned & angry about it [i]visivoz ‏@visivoz[/i] Al Gore - Abbott's Direct Action hasn't worked anywhere. Praises inspirational PM Gillard for action on #climatechange … [i]Laine ‏@Lain_Bee[/i] Abbott the end of an independent Australia … Expand  [i]Stephen Tuck` ‏@Imagine4756[/i] Meddling MP fuels Liberal row Nepotism in #MyLiberal … via @theage #vicpol #auspol#ausvotes [i] Ross Bowler ‏@BowlerBarrister[/i] #CriminalLaw Andy Coulson & Rebekah Brooks to face trial in September 2013 on charges linked to phone hacking scandal  [i]Ross Bowler ‏@BowlerBarrister[/i] Some people may think Julie Bishop has a problem with honesty@frankellyabc @RNBreakfast @woolkebb … [i]Preston Towers ‏@prestontowers[/i] Yeah, Kevin Rudd is appearing on Sunrise again. Let's make him PM because he gets along with Kochie! … [i]Malcolm Fraser ‏@MalcolmFraser12[/i] Coalition refugee plan in legal doubt. We are already in breech international law. … Retweeted by Rich O'Connor [i]margo kingston ‏@margokingston1[/i] Our Paper's page 1 lead now Hospital advises parents they'll have to pay for their… …, see more  [i]Jeremy de Korte ‏@jdk_music[/i] 16 Quotes From Tony Abbott to Remind You Why He Shouldn’t Be Prime Minister  via @wordpressdotcom #auspol#libspill

bob macalba

5/02/2013LiR....'boganista' hee hee hee, went and had a 'snickers' all good now Ad...your right, only a fool would pay for that crap, so its back to my 10:53am post for the answer cheers


5/02/2013From Twitter ... Probably posted before, if so oh well good. [i]Kanga Pops‏@KangaCourt2 @margokingston1 have seen this interview? Craig Thomson talks about his dramatic arrest …[/i] Retweeted by margo kingston


5/02/2013Bacchus Silenus? Bacchus? Dionysus? Which was who? Can you apprise us? Anyway of all the Bacchanalian pictures I could find, none looked like Bacchus himself, I assure you, except yon Silenus. That's the old boy to the life. Believe me.

Ad astra

5/02/2013Hi Lyn I’ve now read your links – all interesting and informative. Thank you. Wasn’t it a tame QT today – with the Opposition trying to be on its best behaviour!

Ad astra

5/02/2013Janet I'll read your Twitterati later.


5/02/2013Does anyone know what Tony said to get the speaker so upset in QT? And also Julie Bishop got told to leave after question or Bourke would throw her out?


5/02/2013Great post Ad astra as usual. I have had ongoing infuriating internet connectivity problems for the last 5 or so weeks, which have finally been diagnosed as a faulty modem, so will make this comment brief. IMO, Warren Truss adds more pollution to the atmosphere than the recent bush fires, volcanoes and AGW every time he opens his ignorant, arrogant fatuous gob. As for Liealot's silence on how his DAP will work, I assume it's because he, and the rest of the Liars losers have absolutely no idea IF it will work, let alone how.


5/02/2013 TT Bacchus? Roman name for the god Dionysus. Dionysus? Greek name for the god Bacchus. Silenus? Friend or foster father to Bacchus/Dionysus. One tale tells of King Midas being kind to Silenus so Bacchus/Dionysus granted him a wish...


5/02/2013[quote]"Have they(the police)in effect given the legal team for Craig Thomson an A grade reason for having the case thrown out of court due to the incompetent & illegal methods used by NSW police? & the public denigration of their client in the mass media leading to the inability of a fair hearing. It has happened in the past."[/quote] I hope not KHTAGH - I'd rather see the case thrown out due to lack of evidence. If Mr Thomson is cleared on a legal technicality, he will have even less chance of clearing his name. People will say, "He's as guilty as sin - he just got off because of bad police work."


5/02/2013Hi Ad, Glad you read the link article's today there was some excellent work by the bloggers. QT was quiet but I think only because half hour taken up about the floods. Anna Bourke told Christopher Pyne to stop screaming across the chamber. Joe Hockey made a fool of himself with 3 or 400 pages he asked for them to be tabled. Then Anna was extremely annoyed with Abbott for something he said, see below: Olivia Illyria ‏ I will furiously be checking into Hansard tomorrow. Olivia Illyria ‏ HarryJ_MP Do you know what he said? Harry Jenkins‏ Just more personal attack after being told to shut up. Olivia Illyria ‏ Harry Jenkins said it was 'personal' It's game on: Julia Gillard v Tony Abbott in first Question Time of 2013 after federal election called Coalition's 'caretaker' claim dismissed The Australian reported today that the Coalition is seeking to block investment from Labor's $10 billion climate change fund until the election is decided. Coalition finance spokesman Andrew Robb and climate spokesman Greg Hunt wrote to the fund's directors yesterday to tell them the election announcement meant they should avoid signing contracts to release the funds. :):):):)


5/02/2013On the other hand, if he is actually guilty, I'd like to see them throw the book at him...


5/02/2013ToM, there is no carbon tax which you continually and conveniently ignore. That there is no carbon tax has been confirmed by my taxation agent. However, as it appears that you have knowledge no taxation expert seems to have, perhaps you can enlighten us all by advising the rate at which the carbon tax is calculated. Is it based on income? Then I'm sure we'd all be agog for your explanation as to why it does not appear on receipts for fuel for example or as a component on any accounts for utilities, phone bills, car repairs or indeed any other accounts. After all, if it's a tax, we can logically expect to know how much we will pay. Gillard did not "knife" Rudd. No one person could have removed Rudd. Caucus had to consent to it and as we saw last year, Gillard has 70%+ support of Caucus, so although Rudd knifed Gillard, his reward was still a backbench seat. Epic fail again.


5/02/2013Agnes Mack‏@AgnessMack .@phonytonyabbott Mal Farr says Abbott said to Speaker, “You’re just trying to protect him (Dreyfus)” , a very serious reflection on Chair. In case this hasn't been posted yet. Apparently J.Bishop had a run-in with The Speaker after QT, refused to stfu and got turfed out - she was ranting about the same topic of Dreyfus and the out of order question


5/02/2013And the cranky pants award goes to Jane for her post at 4:21pm, even under harsh conditions (problamatic modem) she got her point accross in a precise and appreciatively cranky manner and most important contained a bit of a laugh, without being offensive.


5/02/2013[i]Burke, clearly angered, turned to Ms Bishop and said "You leave now or I will throw you out". Earlier Mr Abbott advised his MPs at a regular meeting to avoid being snide in political debate. [/i]


5/02/2013LadyInRed :) Go Jane. :):


5/02/2013[i]Wonder what the reaction of murdoch will be to the operation of the Guardian and Global Maill in Oz? global needs a bit of oxygen but the Guardian ( who exposed murdochs problems in the UK, which lead to the Leveson inquiry) might cause some anxiety. The sooner the better I say and end this all powerfull monoploy of thought and spin,"managing" our views on everything Gillard. [/i] The right wing mouthpices (the Bolt-Akerman-Jones types) used to go on and on with outrage because "lefties" such as Philip Adams and Terry Lane "dared" to publish or air their views in the media. Apparently (I say apparently because I don't read him, but do hear about his obsessions second hand) the existence of [i]The Age[/i] and Their ABC still provokes from Bolt an ongoing trickle of bile as he rails ideologically against media outlets that publish political views at odds with his own. Given that history it's more than likely the right wing mouthpieces will be particularly hostile to [i]The Guardian[/i] when she comes to town. I hope the good folk at [i]The Guardian[/i] have been warned of what they're likely to expect when entering the redneck media space of Australia. It'll be fierce! For a long time now the right wingers have basked in comfort and security in their hermetic media echo chamber. For a new "politically incorrect" (according to the wingnuts) player to abruptly intrude on that comfort zone will put the cat among the pigeons to an extent we've maybe not seen before in the media in this land. I can see heads blowing all over the place. :D


5/02/2013Cuppa love it - hermetic media echo chamber.

42 long

5/02/2013IF Thomson is guilty he should get an appropriate level of punishment like any other person. The question I would pose at this juncture is that at the moment he has been found guilty of NOTHING. yet he has also been humiliated, vilified prejudged driven to the edge of desperation subjected to public pillorying, invasion of privacy, probably more than even Lindy Chamberlain. As we should be thoroughly ashamed of how Chamberlain was treated. we don't learn , we do the same thing to Thomson, why? Because a section of society want's to gain political power and are prepared to treat this man in a way no-one in a civilised country should be subjected to. Who in this situation are the REAL criminals? Many say this is only happening because of the fact that there is a "hung" parliament. How does that excuse it? What reason but overwhelming desire for something, did Lance Armstrong do what he did? Tony Abbott and his mob want government so desperately that they will defame slur destroy reputations LIE, send people bankrupt, push them to the brink of suicide, prostitute proper process. How is Tony abbott so different to Lance Armstrong? HE ISN'T I would argue that Thomson has already suffered a puinshment that would be far in excess of what would be appropriate for (if he has) Misused a credit card. Have a look at what Tony books up. Discounting overseas travel about 3 times as much as Julia. Hundreds of dollars a day when riding his bike. Costs to promote his book. Justify the recent trip to Oxford. He has no conscience and is a massive hypocrite. Not PM Material.


5/02/201342 long And then there was todays stunt in parliament. Over 600 printed pages, wastage of resources, trees, water, people power, manufacturing power all wasted to score a supposed political point. And lets not forget Tony's stop the waste mantra. Its a farce is what it is. People around the world suffering untold political descrimination and we have this stupid waste of tax payers money and time, as well as the planets finite resources being wasted just to pull a stunt.


5/02/2013LiR - lets do our own stunt. Do you want to send Hockey the bill for a box of paper (about $25 for Reflex at Officeworks) or will I? You're right - its waste pure and simple and needs to be called out. Has the Guardian announced a commencement date yet? I for one am looking forward to seeing some real competition and a somewhat less biased viewpoint. And Bob - I hope you took the line about the 2 hours a day job as the joke it was intended to be.

42 long

5/02/2013Not just the paper either. What about the staffer's time? That all would have had to be pretty cocher in case Albo let him table it, and they went through the lot. Is "Slim" Hockey going through some strife with eight reduction" He looked positively MEAN today. We have an election date and they still want to kick them out, Like some mean dog pack that is a bad breed and keeps on biting people. I hope someone kept a copy of Gillards speech to Michelle Grattan. Landed a few back on her.

Sir Ian Crisp

5/02/2013[quote][b] As far as the [u]Labor leadershit[/u] is concerned... janice [/b][/quote] You said it and I would like to add "Amen to that".


5/02/2013As far as the Labor leadershit is concerned... janice I was unaware Sir Ian's name was mentioned as a possible contender!

bob macalba

5/02/20132353 and visa versa.... myself as a gigolo or a pole dancer..pure horror story folks , not a pretty picture at all

Ad astra

5/02/2013jane Thank you for your comment. It's good to see you back.


5/02/2013Jason, Nah, Labor doesn't recognise knights in any kind of armour.

Sir Ian Crisp

5/02/2013[quote][i]As far as the Labor leadershit is concerned... janice I was unaware Sir Ian's name was mentioned as a possible contender! Jason [/i][/quote] Jokes are funny when I make them, not you.

bob macalba

5/02/2013Polly Toynbee really cuts loose on gay marriage debate UK, gives the tories a good rant, sad to admit though Labor not putting to much of an effort in here in Oz cheers

bob macalba

5/02/2013The results caused by an ancient outdated amendment shocking stats,

bob macalba

5/02/2013Using anger in a positive way, some disabled artists from Finland gonna Google the finish cheers

bob macalba

5/02/2013Googled that disabled punk band from Finland, man they are seriously angry, its worth having a bo-peep, but must warn of the swearing, they seem to be taken seriously though.


5/02/2013Ad Thank you for a very timely first year article. A lot to think about after this summer of disasters. With the UK experiencing record floods and cold it is truly a global issue. Al Gore last night on Lateline gave our PM a glowing endorsement for her work. I wonder for how long the right can continue to dominate the debate. Silly question for as long as multinationals companies make more money from carbon intensive industries then low intensity alternatives. It is really a question of money. This year is certainly going to be an interesting one and I am looking forward to a Labor victory, a TA loss and or resignation. Will be priceless. I for one am keeping away from MSM this year.


5/02/20132353 That's a great idea lets send @JoeHockey a bill, can you knock one up? It must have taken an admin person at least half a day and several cartridges of ink. I've already called him out on it several times on twitter....waste waste waste.


5/02/2013Jason this ones for you and all the other TPS bogans and boganistas.


5/02/2013I reckon Tones has had botox, whiteout on the eyebrow area, lip gloss and fake tan. Yuk! But oh no the MSM - not a word. But the PM puts on a pair of glasses and everyone i a fashionista expert.

Bob Lloyd

5/02/2013Great article and wonderful set of probing questions. I hope that when the respective Climate Change Ministers and Shadow are on Q and A these questions will be put to Greg Hunt.


5/02/2013AusVotes 2013 Election - policy wonkage and much more


5/02/2013LIR, I think I played it during question time today lol!


5/02/20132353 @8.36pm, interesting that Prissy doesn't seem to have grasped the fact that Windsor and Oakeshott's electorates are in fact [b]non-Liars Party electorates[/b], so what's the idiot's point? A friend tonight characterised Prissy as a stirrer. I had to counter with facts; that Prissy is a fool and a liar who, along with Liealot, Hockey, Brandis and the rest of that rotten coven, will hopefully be dragged from Parliament House under close arrest for attempting to pervert the course of justice and attempting by improper means to bring down a lawfully elected government. I further trust that when this occurs, Craig Thomson will boot each and every one of these scumbags where it hurts most. FFS, listed among the ludicrous and flawed charges by FWA, is using the credit card to watch movies in his hotel rooms while away from home on Union business. I believe he has also been accused of buying icecreams. Has there ever been a more sorry affair? I hope Craig and his lawyer wipe the floor with the bastards. LIR, I humbly accept your cranky pants award and promise to place it in a prominent place and dust it often. lol 42 long @6.28pm, hear hear! Thanks Ad astra, it's good to be back. With luck, I will be able to connect my new modem to the antenna, experience no more internet difficulties and never have to negotiate the labyrinth of the modern telco again.


5/02/2013jane, It's good to. see you back! you've been missed.


6/02/2013Thanks, Jason. It's been very frustrating during the last few weeks with dodgy internet access. Hopefully next week internet will be fully restored with a properly functioning modem.


6/02/2013Margo is Marvellous! As are the journalists she is working with to uncover Truth. Jon Faine on his Melbourne ABC radio show was the first of the MSM journalists to nosepoke Abbortt on matters of fact, before Leigh Sales on ABC TV and Lisa Wilkinson on 9 I think. He is a quick and incisive interviewer who doesn't take nor talk crap. He has been infamously treated by ABC Management, but join the dots Folks, the whiteants are right through the ABC building and there is a plague of rats in the basement. margo kingston‏@margokingston1 EXCLUSIVE: @ABCaustralia hides reasons for #JonFaine apology: Who's wearing Kafka mask at the ABC by @MediaActive… … [b]The single factor that stands between the Government holding office and the disastrous alternative is ABC RIGHT-WING BIAS![/b] I do hope the problem is being addressed at the very highest level!

bob macalba

6/02/2013The way i read it is..we know that you know what we are doing, but we are going to ignore you all and do it anyway, now seeing as the ABC is owned by all Australians equally why cant we have a say on whats going on, how on earth do we the shareholders dump the board? would any inquiry into our media include the ABC? how can we organize a mass demand for something to be done as soon as possible, a coordinated assault to the relevant people by as many as possible on the same day, if no result next day the same thing same next again and so on, im pretty sure some result could come out of it the more people made aware the better i would think, if we can clog there systems with our demands on a continuous basis surely something will have to be done. just a thought

bob macalba

6/02/2013They sure like police 'overkill' these tory premiers, lucky Reiths not advising in any way or it could have been the army as well


6/02/2013Read this: about the "real Tony". "Three years" would be the least of Australia's problems.

Ad astra

6/02/2013Bob Lloyd Welcome to [i]The Political Sword[/i] family, and for your comment. Do come again. The sad reality that almost no one in the MSM will ever ask such pointed questions. The MSM comprises largely compliant Coalition wimps. Shirley Thank you for your comment. On [i]Lateline[/i], Al Gore did give a ringing endorsement of the PM and her approach to global warming, and the thumbs down to the Coalition’s DAP. But was this reported anywhere other than on the ABC? I didn’t see it. This is how the MSM operates – it simply declines to give exposure to anything with which it disagrees.

Doug Evans

6/02/2013Good article good questions but: No one in the MSM has seriously attempted to question Abbott on climate change. I don't see this changing and what he BELIEVES is of minor importance relative to what he will (I believe) DO should he become PM. What he will attempt to DO on climate change (irrespective of what he BELIEVES)is exactly what he has said he will do. Repeal all measures taken under the Clean Energy Futures legislation aimed at promoting renewable energy and pricing carbon pollution. This he will do, not because he has told the Australian people he will do it, but because he has PROMISED his backers in the mining industry he will do it. Yielding to industry and conservative state governments he will water down the Renewable Energy Target to preserve the value of fossil fuel fired energy generating assets they are hoping to sell. We will hear nothing about his DAP after his election (should it occur). This has never been more than a Band Aid for the consciences of wavering small 'l' Liberal voters and possibly one or two back benchers - see we have a plan we are doing something. What evidence do I have for these assertions? He has already appointed as his chief industry advisor Maurice Newman a climate change denier who hates renewable energy. His good friend Ms Rinehart, sensing good times ahead and looking to expand into CSG and shale oil, has bought a substantial chunk of Lakes Oil which owns many exploration licences in Victoria. She has appointed Ian Plimer and Alexander Downer to the Board surely a significant pointer to what Abbott will DO? Climate denier and Liberal Party stalwart joining forces? Mining company donations to the LNP have surged from around $150,000 in 2004/5 to around $3 million in 2010/11 mostly from WA. Rationally unpicking Abbott's betrayal on climate change with questions he will never have to answer is reassuring to people like me but is irrelevant to the dynamics of power playing out on Canberra currently which have nothing to do with rational thought. They are also irrelevant to the 10% or so of Australian voters who will, it seems increasingly likely, chuck out this Labor government later this year and replace them with Attila the Hun. By the way KTAGH. If you read this the source of the idea that Newspoll left out QLD and Victoria from their latest effort was a comment from Andrew Elder at the tail of his latest. I queried him about his source but he has neither published my comment nor responded to the query. If it happened it is BIG news but would NewsPoll really gamble their credibility on such a move?


6/02/2013TODAY’S LINKS Warning: This story contains hubris and personal snideness @gabriellechan, a phony war. It is about bringing the House of Gov. down The Geek on ‘What Happened to our ABC?’ charter forced upon it by the Howard government, @crazyjane13 , Is the Australian Government in caretaker mode? @Drag0nista, tool to question legitimacy of Gillard minority Gov. Hold your horses; we’re not in caretaker just yet by M Nash,date doesn’t actually automatically put Gov. into caretaker mode The Australian economy under Abbott: a (rough) Crikey guide @BernardKeane Coalition its direct action policy is grossly underfunded Abbott the end of an independent Australia Rodney E. Lever @ngungun Murdoch already has Tony Abbott in his pocket. Oh please, shoot me now! by @MigloCW Ashbygate affair it was definitely off limits excerpt Who is wearing the Kafka mask at the ABC? @geeksrulz, growing call for clarity around this affair. Canberra Gets Back To Business @beneltham Cabinet have clear set of guidelines on convention The Operation of Caretaker Conventions by @AntonyGreenABC Governing in a campaign year: what next for policy in 2013? by Nicholas Barry, Labor Gov. has managed to pass significant reforms SERIOUSLY by @NickFeik coming the day after Tony Abbott warned colleagues against hubris. Fixed Term by Mungo MacCallum Gillard has snatched away one of the press gallery’s favourite toys I think a budget surplus is important to myself and my country but I approve of the budget being in deficit” by Gordon The captain’s pick by Frank Bongiorno, how Labor sees itself governing an anxious country A Coalition game of intimidation @Danielbpalmer because they think they’ll win the election excerpt Thomson breaks his silence about HSU case and his future by @eleanorhall1 PS shake-up among Opposition policies by PS News, Every agency & service would be impacted PhonyTonyAbbott - the truth about Tony Abbott Not absolutely everything is the NBN’s fault Michael Wyres, no doubt drive good folks at NBN Co mad Easy solutions and complex realities, @GrogsGamut, Prime Minister who acknowledged the complexity of the issue and Tony Abbott who delivered the spin Guardian Australia funder says site will usher in era of open journalism, Radio National Open journalism includes reporting that seeks ‘input’ from its readers and also looks to ‘develop a conversation’ around its stories, he said QT 5/2/1QT 5/2/13 The highlights of Question Time in the House of Representatives, brought to you by The Conscience Vote Today’s Front Pages Australia Newspaper Front Pages for 6 February 2013

Ad astra

6/02/2013Folks In the last few days we have seen a cascade of events, some favourable to Labor, some adverse, so much so that Labor supporters may despair. Julia Gillard got the Labor year off to a sound start at the NPC with one of the best addresses she has given, beginning as it did with an array of economic facts that this nation, this Government, needs to take into account in any planning it undertakes. It was reality based. Only when this background was described, did she talk of the aspirations and plans of her Government. The address attracted very little criticism, even from the MSM. It managed though to obscure its central messages by focusing on issues of greater import, such as her new glasses, and the early announcement of election date, and burying any intelligent comment in a few desultory sentences. Tony Abbott’s NPC address attracted more attention, not because of its vacuousness, but because it heralded the arrival of the New Positive Tony, posing as an alternative PM instead of the snarling attack dog he has been since 2010. The ‘bombshell’ of Craig Thomson’s flagrantly stage-managed arrest that conveniently arrived while he was taking questions, courtesy of Sabra Lane, gave a smirking Abbott a god-sent opportunity to lambast Thomson and of course Julia Gillard for her ‘habitual’ poor judgement in running a Thomson ‘protection racket’. Then followed sundry adverse events: a poor [i]Newspoll[/i] result that captured the media for over twenty-four hours, and evoked yet more predictions of doom for Labor and unnecessarily defensive remarks by Labor parliamentarians, notably Doug Cameron. Festering in the background was the ICAC inquiry and the ubiquitous Obeids, with the media and the Coalition repeatedly linking them with ‘the Labor Brand’, and yesterday, and again today, much was made of the revelation that a decade ago some Federal Labor parliamentarians enjoyed hospitality at the Obeid’s Perisher chalet. Labor supporters, who must have wondered when the adverse publicity would cease, were further dismayed by the reported leaks from Labor ranks of vote counting for a return of Kevin Rudd, despite his denial of any such move outside the church service that is held at the beginning of each parliamentary year. To me, the irritations of the other events paled into insignificance compared with the subversive behaviour of some Labor parliamentarians in back-grounding journalists against the PM. This is treasonous and stupid. Do these people not realize that each time they do this, they gift Tony Abbott with an opportunity to attack the PM, and erode confidence in her and her Government in the public mind. If only they knew how livid Labor supporters are at their behaviour, how incensed they are at their seditious actions, they might desist, although their mindless intransigence may preclude this. Does anyone know who these shadowy people are? Despite all these adverse events and the bad publicity they evoke in a media eager to disseminate them, we know they will soon fade from public consciousness, and hopefully give the PM some clear air to get on with governing. Despite the attempt yesterday by the Coalition to present a new positive face in QT, the underlying nastiness was there for anyone with unbiased eyes to see. The question directed by Julie Bishop to A-G Mark Dreyfus (a Jewish parliamentarian) about the legality of Jewish settlements in the West Bank, was a deliberate attempt to embarrass and trap him. It was ruled out of order by the Speaker, as the matter was not in the portfolio area of the A-G. This evoked a retort from Abbott: ‘you are trying to protect him’, which Anna Burke forced him to withdraw. When Bishop tried after QT to argue the toss with her, she threatened to throw her out if she didn’t leave voluntarily. This episode did not get much media attention, but exemplifies the nastiness that simmers under the surface, which will erupt repeatedly in the months ahead no matter how much the media pretends that we now have a shiny new positive alternative PM. [b]An attack dog remains an attack dog for life. An tumultuous year awaits use – we must use it to good effect.[/b]

42 long

6/02/2013Great informative post, Doug Evans. You have exposed what Tony really believes. The reality if climate change is not subject to "beliefs". It is there or it isn't. I trust the experts over an equal number of voters who are being fed disinformation by Bolt Monkton Plimer Murdoch.etc. Check the supporters/ fund contribitors of Abbott to see who he has to reward ( payback) and BE AFRAID of Australia under this wrecker.

Ad astra

6/02/2013LYN'S DAILY LINKS updated:


6/02/2013[quote]These surveys were conducted on the telephone by trained interviewers in all states of Australia and in both city and country areas. Telephone numbers and the person within the household were selected at random. The data has been weighted to reflect the population distribution. Note that areas directly affected by flood and bushfire have been excluded. The latest survey is based on 1163 interviews among voters. The maximum margin of sampling error is plus or minus 3 percentage points. Copyright at all times remains with Newspoll. More poll Information is available at[/quote]

bob macalba

6/02/2013Doug Evans.. agree with 42 long good analysis, why on earth do people trust Abbort, Lyn..on song as per usual, thankyou for all the links cheers

bob macalba

6/02/2013Bacchus. 'note that areas directly affected by flood and bushfire have been excluded' so glad you got that bit of info out there, so many people huffing and puffing saying that wasnt the case, ie 'can you back that up with a link' etc, now you have cheers also this service by newspoll Drive strategy in your business with end to end research. Backed by reliable Newspoll techniques. does reliable Newspoll techniques involve skullduggery and dodgy information 'techniques' it is news ltd after all,


6/02/2013Bacchus How can the telephone numbers be 'random', when at the same time, they exclude fire and flood areas?

bob macalba

6/02/2013criticism and critique clique yeah


6/02/2013Good Morning Ad You are such a nice person Bob thankyou. Hey I have to tell you how much I enjoy your posts, you are delightful, love your opinion, enjoy all the information. Ad Astra would you tell me please, which keys do I use to search an article for particular words. You told me once before and now I can't find my note. You see I need to know because Katharine Murphy posted these Liberal Policies on Twitter to Dragonista . Note the staggering amount of "I Will", We Will", they don't look like Policies to me:- Take a look: Coalition policies: :):):)


6/02/2013There is so much good writing happening here and on simpatico sites now! I am close to overload. But I've never felt the Sociosphere so strong before. Strong, but not yet exactly [i]powerful[/i]. (Power being the ability to exert force: so, a bridge is not powerful, an engine is.) We must find ways of using our information networks, our ways with words, and our strong convictions, to change community perceptions of the Government, so sullied and distorted by the MSM. So glad to see Jane, Cuppa, Janice, 42 Long, 2353, Doug Evans, Michael, Bob, Jason, KHTAGH, Janet, Ken, Gillian, James Adelaide, P. Fox, LiR, MWS, Archie Archive, N'ellie May, Casablanca, all on this thread alone, any other Goodwillians that I've missed, regulars and newies all, ready to do battle. I get more fun out of ignoring the few discordant notes these days than I do in responding. But I [i]value[/i] their very presence actually: for as exposure to the ambient microbes in the environment helps us to develop physical resistance, so do these human germs help to make us hardy. Glad to see that nobody gets upset at them any more. I am very proud to be one of the Comradeship of The Sword. As fine a body of people as you would find anywhere. And then there's Lyn! :)


6/02/2013Shirley! I knew I'd missed someone really important! :)


6/02/2013And Bacchus! I thought I'd included you. Blame the grog! (not really.) Ad astra literally goes without saying! Thank you Ad.

Ad astra

6/02/2013Doug Evans Thank you for your insightful comment. Sadly, I think you are right, and the MSM will let him get away with it. Bacchus Thank you for the information about the latest [i]Newspoll[/i]; important insight into the aberrant sampling for this poll.


6/02/2013Lyn - try "Control F" pressed at the same time. On a Mac it is "Command F" pressed at the same time. Then look for the box on the screen with the flashing cursor and type your term in. Top links by the way.

Ad astra

6/02/2013Good Morning Lyn Thank you for the link to Ausvotes 2013, which will be very helpful for me in a subsequent post. We are getting on the road now for the south coast. I'll be back this evening.

Ad astra

6/02/2013Hi Lyn Regards searching, as 2353 says, Control F is the usual way on Microsoft products (Command F on Macs). If you are searching in [i]TPS[/i] archives, use the search box in the left panel. The more specific the search words are, the more accurate the result. Bye now.


6/02/2013Hi 2353 Thankyou so much for telling me. That's exactly right ControlF Glad you enjoyed "Today's Links" there are quite a number of new blogs in the last few weeks, providing more and more information. Julie Bishop has decided to target Mark Dreyfus, asking out of order questions: A Dreyfus affair of Julie Bishop's making by Tony Wright Australia's rather paler Dreyfus affair ended with Julie Bishop arguing with Speaker Burke - and being tossed out of the Chamber. ABC The Drum ‏ Last week saw a glimpse of the narratives we can expect from Gillard & Abbott in their election bids, says @GrogsGamut Tony Abbott’s makeover by Denise Allen Surely they could notice the change — the smooth polished wrinkle free finish to his face, particularly his forehead; the “tanned” look to his face; the white eye shadow used to “highlight” his eyes; the strange makeup addition to his lips (must be a new product!); the new slight, but noticeable, “extra fullness” to his hair. :):):)

bob macalba

6/02/2013Talk Turkey We need a strategy, you can feel the shift..more and more people expressing their genuine fears that tony abbort will win govt, that shift has to be channeled, stroked, fed and kept in a state of outrage so as to keep the attention on Abbort and how he would affect them, between now and the election so many people are going to be turned off by the blitzkrieg of bullshit churned out by the MSM, its going to bore most people to tears then apathy starts to set in, that we dont want but im sure thats what Abborts counting on, leaders and a strategy, thats whats needed cheers


6/02/2013Ad astra @ 8:37am. Terrific summary of the last few days events, and I am pumped....yes pumped to the max to get the message out there by whatever means possible. We cannot let this nation fall into the hands of ultra conservatives whose blinkered vision, and "I'm alright Jack screw everybody else" mentality will be the ruin of us. If this nation is not careful it will be just like Queensland and suddenly wakeup and find that they have to live with what they wished for, the inialation of Anna Bligh. In our haste to chuck her out, with "the anything has got to be better than her" mentality, we got left with The Little General so focussed on taking the hill, he takes no notice of, nor does he care about, the carnage left in his wake. Live within your means......for a government with soooo many fragile lives in its care, this is a dangerous, very dangerous road to take. Firstly, we have a strong economy, we have low unemployment, low interest rates, investment in the pipeline, we can afford to sit this out carrying some debt until the rest of the world recovers. Its madness to do otherwise. Yes keep an eye on spending, but for goodness sake don't start adding to unemployment and scaring people to shut all their wallets, bad enough Queenslanders with money don't spend, do we really want the whole country to crawl under a rock like frightened turtles?




6/02/2013John Howard regularly accused his opponents of "talking down the economy." This is exactly what the LNP are doing - telling people the economy is terrible (all the fault of Labor) so they shut their wallets. When less money circulates in the economy, it contracts, and people lose income and even their jobs. Why can the conservatives talk down the economy, but not Labor? I suggest that Ministers start using this exact phrase - people already know what it means after Howard's constant repetition.


6/02/2013 [i]Opposition Leader Tony Abbott vouched in court for the good character of a Catholic priest later struck off the clergy list by the Vatican following a child abuse case. [/i]


6/02/2013 The impact of Michelle Grattan Long-serving press gallery journalist Michelle Grattan announced yesterday that she would be leaving Fairfax to work in a couple of other roles (one of which puts her under a former Fairfax editor). I've long thought she was an irrelevant anachronism but the journosphere as one disagrees: what does it mean to be a significant journalist?


6/02/2013I noticed in QT that Joe Hockey is still addressing Anna Burke as "Madam Deputy Speaker". Honestly, can't those people get anything right? Where's he been for the last 6 months!


6/02/2013LadyinRed Interesting post there about Tony Abbott and his mate, the "laicised" priest ("laicised" being a handy euphemism for "sacked"). Surely raises doubts about Tony's judgement. Does he have questions to answer?

archie archive

6/02/2013I have updated my post on the History of naughty Tony Abbott, "Where there is Smoke" to include the "vouching for a paedophile Priest" episode which was publicised today. I also found an interesting reference to the priestly misdemeanors in the Catholic Weekly from 2001.


6/02/2013Pikiranku Sure does raise questions about his judgement. He makes them based on his very simplistic black & white values. Priest = must be good, abortion = wrong, your a winner or your a loser. He can't even let little kids win a race, just watch him, whenever he is in competition (even nippers) he goes for it, pathetic. And perhaps most of all he lacks the ability to empathise, & one of the reasons he can';t do that is because he is always looking inward to how he is situated, how he is doing.


6/02/2013LIR [i]most of all he lacks the ability to empathise[/i] This is the first & most important trait of a sociopath if I'm not mistaken.


6/02/2013Hi Pikiranku, You are not alone in your opinion about Abbott persisting in saying Madam Speaker. Somebody said it is better than Chair Thing, 10 years ago at a Restaurant I chipped the waitress for calling me Madam sounds cheeky and rude, we don't live in France. Just confirms his misogynistic traits as far as I'm concerned. He knows good and well Anna requested that she be called Speaker. Marian Dalton ‏ Opposition MPs persist in referring to Anna Burke as 'Madam Speaker' - despite her repeated express wish that she be called 'Speaker'. Barry Gimson ‏ Anna doesn't want to be addressed as madam speaker. She has asked to be called speaker. LNP keeps using madam speaker david ewart ‏ Abbott calls her madam speaker again and again :):):):)

42 long

6/02/2013They really behave like a lot of naughty 12 year old giggling boys. It is an attempt at disrespect. This has been a typical feature of the LieNP lots behaviour. it's NOT funny and shows how unfit they are for anything. We'll have to call "Sloppy" Joe, "CRANKY". he looks mean and dangerous. ( Must be the DIEt ). Tunbull looks really crook. No wonder .He is in an unhealthy environment, Mentally. It's his bed . He can LIE in it In the world of reality things are not bad. AUSTRALIA is going alright. In the artificial virtual world of conspiricies and playacting the LieNP's might think they have all the cards. What about Chris Uhlman's support of Jon Faine? Good on you Chris. No info given as to why Faine did anything against the rules. STRANGE abc. What's the idea SCOTT? Hit a big one and the rest will fall in line and do what the TEA Party want?


6/02/2013Tandoori Tony is calling Anna Bourke madam speaker on purpose, its the sneaky way of showing disdain to the fact that she is a woman. You are right Lyn its his sexist mysoginist behaviour that makes him feel he has some control over proceedings. I may not be in government but I can call the speaker madam against her wishes. Its really quite childish and churlish. KHTAGH yep sociopath, narcisist, take your pick Tandoori fits the bill. And The Little General up here in Qld is also one.


6/02/2013Hi Ad and Everybody Here is Marian Dalton's report on QT Today, along with Katharine Murphy. Marian is factual, the other ........ Question Time " Storified," 6/2/13 Highlights of Question Time today by Marion Dalton @crazyjane13 Politics live: February 6, 2013 Today in federal politics: :):):):)


6/02/2013LiR and Lyn Joe Hockey addressed Anna Burke as "Madam Deputy Speaker" and it was the "Deputy" bit in the middle that I was offended by at the time. But your points are well made. "Madam" is such an antiquated form of address - should we give them the benefit of the doubt and assume that they use it because they are so embedded in the past. I've only heard it used these days to describe women who run brothels and it definitely has a derogatory ring about it. Which supports your thoughts about why they use it.

Ad astra

6/02/2013Hi Lyn We are back at the south coast. Having missed parliament altogether today, I'm grateful for your links to Marion Dalton and Katharine Murphy's account of the day in the House. Nothing too spectacular seems to have happened, just more Hockey stunts, and Abbott sexism with his 'Madam Speaker'.


6/02/2013Pikiranku I doubt he does anything during question time by accident, it all looks rather scripted. Except when they all made a mad dash for the door when Thomson was going to vote with them. Credlin sits in th background keeping a close eye on proceedings. Looks like she is conducting everyone so that they don't expose TAbbott's insensitive side. Its quite ridiculous really. he wont be able to keep up the discipline during question time. The PM pulled him up today when he asked the suplementary question without taking any notice of her answer to the first question, if he had he wouldn't have the suplementary question that he did. He's on script.


6/02/2013Hi Ad, Glad you are back home safe & had a good day I guess. There is a few more pieces about today you may be interested in. Julia was fantastic, emphasizing facts, facts, told Joe Hockey off he was quoting 2009 figures, she told Abbott off. Julia Gillard gives Tony Abbott a dressing down at Question Time Ms Gillard kicked off the session by giving Mr Abbott a serve on his claims about the economy, saying he has to "get out of economic kindy class". Beware the eagerness of Tony Abbott to present as a sensitive new-age guy. VIDEO in Parliament, speaker asks for props to be removed from the advisors box:- Beware the eagerness of Tony Abbott to present as a sensitive new-age guy. :):):)

bob macalba

6/02/2013Not very nice is it rupert


6/02/2013Andrew Jaffrey bleahhh! From Twitter: Michael Smith News‏@mpsmithnews Andrew Jaffrey spoke with Chris McArdle - who said he was "reading up about how to defend a client in a criminal mat... Retweeted by Andrew Jaffrey

Truth Seeker

7/02/2013He Swordsters, have been thinking about the Craig Thomson saga, ad am thinking that maybe, due to the fact that there were no rules for expenditure on HSU credit cards, and the high farce that was the Vic police action, making it very hard to prove fraud, and in fact prove any case, that they aren't planning on winning. If the case gets thrown out on a technicality, then there is an out for those that have been threatened with Defamation, and also the Vic gov, whilst leaving a permanent stain over CT unless he takes it to court himself to clear his name? Just a thought Cheers :-) :-) BTW just posted "Tony Abbott, the LNP and the Truth?" for those that missed it the first time!


7/02/2013TODAY’S LINKS The impact of Michelle Grattan by @awelder what does it mean to be a significant journalist Crucifying Craig Thomson by FrancieJones, media has created this frenzy, along with the LNP. Poll About the Polls @archiearchive, reliance on small but wildly variable polling results Jacksonville 41: The missing witnesses by @madwixxy ,@independentaus, they still don’t even have witnesses What message would you really send by switching your vote from the ALP to the Liberals? by@jeremysear Liberals are riven by factionalism just as much as Labor Anthony John Abbott – A Sheep In Wolf’s Clothing by @leftocentre @AusVotes2013 dogma ofDLP fits Tony Abbott like a glove. Three Little Words by @MigloCW our Prime Minister some food for thought. The Lefties are losing the will to live? – by Penny Carter we fight for something, we fight for each other, Show me the money – did a billion dollars go missing from the health system? by Jennifer Doggett, Tony Abbott ‘ripped one billion from public hospitals’, Drum Post life and policy is complicated, by Greg Jericho My Drum post today looked briefly at the two speeches given last week Political thorns in a rosier Europe @TheKouk, The four industries with most clout in Canberra @1RossGittins, markets work well in bringing buyers and sellers together Labor's likely lay of the land Bernard Keane & Glenn Dyer, the disappearance of housing supply off the national agenda after 2010 might come back to haunt whoever has stewardship of the economy Housing policy: it’s all connected by @MattCowgill This year's top (economic) model @PeterLewisEMC, people don't seem too fussed by Treasurer Wayne Swan's backdown The Encore Interview: Mark Scott NBN should be in caretaker mode, claims Turnbull by @renailemay , Malcolm Turnbull, you should flat out be ashamed. TRANSCRIPT OF THE HON. MALCOLM TURNBULL MP INTERVIEW, With WALEED ALY, very real possibility, some would say a probability of a change of government Burke frustrated with NSW demands on CSG by David Twomey, NSW wants a weaker set of regulations on coal seam gas Without climate action, future generations will be ‘fried’: IMF chief by Joe Romm,“If there is no action soon, the future will become bleak.” Worried about Great Barrier Reef water pollution? Look at mining, not agriculture by Jon Brodie Thoughts on Al Gore’s Recent Comments on Australian Carbon Pricing @Mothincarnate, Mr. Abbott and fellow extremists on the conservatism, “free” market far right Standby for a smart energy saving net-enabled services and applications are rapidly increasing, excerpt Question Time " Storified," 6/2/13 Highlights of Question Time today by Marion Dalton @crazyjane13 Tony Abbott The LNP and The Truth by Truth Seeker, With the body of an old athlete And the brainpower… of a slug. Today’s Front Pages Australia Newspaper Front Pages for 7 February 2013


7/02/2013If only for the nailing pen-portrait of Christopher Pyne, nobody, NO ONE!!!, should miss this story. I mean no-one!

Ad astra

7/02/2013LYN'S DAILY LINKS updated:


7/02/2013Have a look here at what I am nominating as 'weirdest photograph of a politician for 2013' so far. Is Turnbull channeling Fagin or Uriah Heep?


7/02/2013Good Morning Ad & Everybody Michael thankyou for the link to Christopher Pyne story, amazingingly true. (The Liberal frontbencher is a grubby little willy-willy ) Here is an Abbott plan leaked to the media, I will say Oh! dear I wonder what you will say:- Tony Abbott goes troppo In an embarrassing high-level leak to The Daily Telegraph, the 30-page document outlines plans for the mass migration of public service workers to north of the Tropic of Capricorn to Karratha, about 1500km north of Perth, Darwin and Cairns. :):):)


7/02/2013Sorry everyone Anxiously posted the plan link and forgot link to the story: Tony Abbott goes troppo :):)


7/02/2013PS The most amazing thing about this is that it appears on Turnbull's website. He clearly can't see how his own words damn him for top-hatted hypocrisy, self-satisfied smugness, and at the core of all that... stupidity. With a layer of patronising (we are talking Malcolm Turnbull, after all) smothered over every word he utters.


7/02/2013Lyn, good morning. The story on Pyne is a corker, isn't it? As to "Tony Goes Troppo", after the leaked email about canceling the School Kids Bonus before Abbott's Press Club homily, now this, when are we going to read in the mainstream press about "Leader of the Opposition's office leaking like a sieve"? We can be sure similar information coming covertly from the PM's office would swiftly lead to headlines of "chaos" and "disloyalty". As to dividing Australia in two, reads more like Gina Rinehart's wish list for special economic zones than a worked-through plan by a national political party 'governing for all Australians/more that unites us than divides us', blah blah. This stuff will begin to filter into even the thickest skulls soon. The Coalition has plans not only to wreck Labor policies and programs should they win government, rescind this, cancel that, but its "plans", its 'Real Solutions', will wreck Australia. Echoing Paul Keating of all people, John Howard once fearfully warned, 'you change the government, you change the country'. Did even he ever think that a change of government would change the map of Australia, alter the socio-economic structure of the nation, essentially introducing bureaucratic secession? That's what Abbott's plans mean. Think them through. It won't be "Australia" anymore, it won't be an undivided sovereign entity as a nation. "Australia" will be unrecognisable.


7/02/2013From John Pratt‏@Jackthelad1947 on Twitter “@Alex_Verbeek: How much can the sea level go up with global warming and how fast will it happen? #climate” #auspol ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I wonder what the world will look like with 1m rise ... 2m rise ... And 3 degrees, 4, 5, ???? temperature rise .......... Where will the people go? Even more poignantly, how many will come to Australia? [i]What Life will be left?[/i] The world went wrong in the Sixties-Seventies, when it didn't listen to us hippies. (Me half~a~hippy.) We talked Zero Population Growth. We talked Small is Beautiful, Less is More. We contracepted. We embraced Science. We led attempts to save wilderness. We were at the forefront of stopping the Vietnam War. (And that cost us years of positive achievement.) We were met with Greed is Good, Big is Beautiful, Fast Food, gas guzzlers, MacMansions, with ridicule, militarism, Happy Clappers and, well, you know. We lost. There is a passage in Hunter S Thompson's [i]Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas[/i] that I have always related to: [i]"There was madness in any direction, at any hour. If not across the Bay, then up the Golden Gate or down 101 to Los Altos or La Honda.… You could strike sparks anywhere. There was a fantastic universal sense that whatever we were doing was right, that we were winning.… And that, I think, was the handle—that sense of inevitable victory over the forces of Old and Evil. Not in any mean or military sense; we didn't need that. Our energy would simply prevail. There was no point in fighting—on our side or theirs. We had all the momentum; we were riding the crest of a high and beautiful wave.… So now, less than five years later, you can go up on a steep hill in Las Vegas and look West, and [b]with the right kind of eyes you can almost see the high-water mark—that place where the wave finally broke and rolled back."[/b][/i] Thompson often cited this passage during interviews, choosing it when asked to read aloud from the novel. (Comment on Wikipedia.) Also, The dread and certainty of the aweful prospect was the major reason I never procreated. I don't know how I would have faced grandkids' outlooks now. I know many of you must be feeling that. It must worry you, and I worry anyway. About Life on Earth. Until very recently, a typical reaction from most people confronted with the terrible Inconvenient Truth was, wtte "That can't be true, I've got children!" I think the reality is now so stark that all around the world people are looking with fear at the future, stopping sunbathing, and not quite so quick to have umpteen kids. . All we can do is to help the Australian Government stay in office, because Abborttianism would be the very last straw. For me, for You, for Australia and for the World. We MUST win! And try to deal with the Future from there.


7/02/2013Q. How do we get anything damaging to the Federal Government off the front pages or headlines of the media very quickly? A. Fabricate a "drug scandal" in a AFL team. Seriously it works. Craig Thomson is off the front pages along with anything else to do with running the country.


7/02/2013The interview with Walleed Ally was very interesting. This is the second interview I have looked at by Ally, the other was with Brandis. I get a sense that he asks the questions that need to be asked without favour, and no doubt he will be equally as probing with government ministers as he has been with the coalition. And that's as it should be. No favouritism, just ask the questions, the audience can then decide how they feel about it. If Ally keeps up like that perhaps we at last have a replacement for Kerry O'Brien, because I believe niether Sales nor Uhlmann come close. Thanks for the link Michael.

Ad astra

7/02/2013Michael Thank you for the link to the Turnbull/Aly interview. It is astonishing that someone of Turnbull’s intellect and expressiveness could get in such a tangle of weasel words and contorted logic. I have said many times before, and repeat here: when Turnbull has his heart in what he is saying he is articulate and believable; when he is trying to support statements made by his colleagues that he believes are insupportable, he flounders. The only position in which he can operate well is where he is calling the shots; when he is subservient to Abbott and has to support him and his inept shadow ministers, he is inarticulate and unconvincing. What is even more astonishing is that he would publish this interview on his website! The Christopher Pyne story is stylishly written. It confirms what we already know about this pip-squeak.

Ad astra

7/02/2013Hi Lyn Thank you again for your great set of links, and for the link to the ‘Abbott goes troppo’ story. He is already backtracking from much of it, some of which is unconstitutional. This man’s wants to be PM!!!


7/02/2013Don't be bitter Don't be bored Go on Twitter And Proselytize the Sword! Don't be bored Don't be bitter All Aboard The Sword and Twitter!

Janet (Jan @j4gypsy)

7/02/2013 Morning, and apologies for no Twitter-stuff yesterday. Some today, though I see having the tweetie bird back means there are no gaps in rapidly getting the latest and most pertinent news, views and information. What a bird she is :-). [b]Twitterati: or what some tweeps are sayin’:[/b] [i]Bernard Keane ‏@BernardKeane[/i] My thesis that otherwise intelligent journalists simply have no understanding of caretaker conventions is rapidly being confirmed. [i]Barry Tucker ‏@btckr[/i] New trend inspires millions of Oz gardeners to uproot Abbotts, Bishops, Hockeys, Pynes & other liberal weeds. MSM fails to notice, again :( [i]Marian Rumens ‏@mrumens[/i] #JulieBishop went to Sri Lanka 2 find out if Tamil boat pple are econ. refugees or under threat. Told under threat.Comes back says opposite [i][i]Mr Denmore ‏@MrDenm[/i]ore[/i] Stop the press: Professional sports people use drugs. Next up...The rich dodge taxes....and real estate agents lie. Blow me down. [i] Concera Vota ‏@conceravota[/i] The shadow boxer? RT @zackster: anyone know who the shadow sports minister is? [i]Charles Envall ‏@charlesatk[/i] The contemptible and savage piece of viciousness by Savva in the Oz this morning really says more about the journalist than the subject [i] David Horton ‏@watermelon_man[/i] Have I understood - Retired Lib politicians are entitled to a culture of entitlement but Labor ones are not entitled? [i]Meredith Stanton ‏@CloudsCreek[/i] Moments ago, the federal government announced a three month delay in its decision about the #Whitehaven Coal mine. #OutofOrder@LockTheGate [i]Geeks Gone Troppo ‏@geeksrulz[/i] Rumour is that Gina and Tony have already set up a trucking company to transport all the free assets from the south to Rinehartland. #auspol [i]Craig Emerson MP ‏@CraigEmersonMP[/i] Libs shouting "rubbish" to statement that Howard Govt was highest taxing in history. It's a fact - as set out by Treasury in Budget Papers. [i]MisdaMagoo ‏@MisdaMagoo[/i] Toxic Tony is going to respond to this Discussion Paper with another Discussion Paper in a few weeks. #Auspol #PolicyFraud [i]Bendigo Blue ‏@BendigoBlue[/i] Abbott plans to axe the mining tax so a precious few can get stupidly rich now & Australia can be a 3rd world country later #bigcon [i]Barry Tucker ‏@btckr[/i] ABC MD Mark Scott must be paid out, board shaken up and news staff told to toe strict impartial line. This has gone beyond the pale. [i]Joel Dickins ‏@Monsta_AU[/i] @AmandaARJones @j4gypsy Abbot has dunked them all in Tea and that's the politics we now have. Why do we always follow the US?? [b]Twitterverse: or what some tweeps say we should read, along with Lyn’s lovely links:[/b] [i]Tony Windsor ‏@TonyWindsorMP[/i] Clean Tech grant helps Brisbane abattoir cut emissions by 81% and save $1.1 million a year on energy costs. Good work! … [i]Bushfire ‏@BushfireBill[/i] Abbott's playing percentages. He needs only 2% of the punters to think they're smarter than he is. It's an #auspol con … [i]The Hoopla ‏@TheHoopla[/i] Policy & Crap: @corinne_grant's guide to sorting the wheat from the chaff in the first week of election hysteria. [i]Joe2 ‏@eatatjoe2[/i] What a limp effort from Peter Hall @couriermail Opportunity to ? Brough is turned into P.R.for him. No Rares mention. … [i]Jonathan Green ‏@GreenJ[/i] Me on why Craig Thomson ought to return to civilian life. now available for your thoughtful commentary. [i]Hugh McDermott ‏@hugh_mcdermott[/i] Hillary Clinton 2016 Is Her New Website Part Of Her Presidential Campaign via @PolicyMic | Tom McKay … [i]George Megalogenis ‏@GMegalogenis[/i] Trish Crossin asked PM "Is there something for me?" Confirming Labor's entitlement mentality in one revealing whinge: … [i]David Donovan ‏@davrosz[/i] The northern tax zone policy by the Coalition comes straight from the desk of Gina Rinehart. … Money talks. [i]David Donovan ‏@davrosz[/i] Making a tax policy: Gina thought bubble -> $ to IPA -> IPA spruik and schmooze -> Coalition release draft policy. … [i]Greg Jericho ‏@GrogsGamut[/i] The report is here - " Organised Crime and Drugs in Sport" … [i]NACCHO Aboriginal ‏@NACCHOAustralia[/i] SOCIAL DETERMINANTS INDIGENOUS HEALTH Canberra tele-conference workshop to guide the development paper. via @NACCHO_CEO [i]The Conversation ‏@ConversationEDU[/i] Freya Mathews @latrobe looks at environmental #ethics, the state of the #biosphere and #biophobia [i]Eddie L ‏@eddietqld[/i] If it smells (like Chris Berg) … [i]Malcolm Fraser ‏@MalcolmFraser12[/i] Where does the Arab Spring lead? … [i]Eddie L ‏@eddietqld[/i] The Australian media and week one of the “campaign” … [i]The Hoopla ‏@TheHoopla[/i] Same sex marriage: the pressure's on Gillard and Abbott. [i]EcoPolitics&Animals ‏@JewelNature[/i] Climate change closer than we think. There's nothing 'darkly delicious' abt China's pollution: they r flocking here &NZ …

Ad astra

7/02/2013Janet Thanks for another informative set of Twitterverse/Twitterati. Good reading.


7/02/2013In Tony Abbott's discussion paper on Northern Australia, aka Gina Rinehart's wishlist (as Michael so aptly describes it) I see not a solitary mention of housing. All these places are already crippled by a shortage of housing. How are they going to address that if they import tens of thousands of additional residents? Our recent jaunt in the camper-trailer took us through the Pilbara. It was interesting to wander through the shopping precinct at Newman - almost every pub, cafe, shop, supermarket and restaurant had ads. in their windows for staff. A huge worker shortage. But every one of those ads. contained the proviso - no accommodation supplied. And there's the bottleneck, the reason why unemployed southerners can't just up and shift to where the work is. And why it's so simplistic to suggest that they should. There's just nowhere for them to live. Karratha's worse, the caravan parks are chock full of permanents and semi-permanents who would love to live in a house but can't find one. And the rare house that does become available is snapped up by mineworkers for $800 or more per week rental. Good luck, Tones. It's not so simple. (This is just a small practical issue, of course, apart from the major questions regarding national unity and integrity which have already been raised.)


7/02/2013Been out of th eloop for the past 24 hours or so, so some late comments. Regarding "Madame Speaker", that is normal Parliamentary procedure. As in any formal meeting, one does not address the other parties directly but all comments are made through the Chair - or in the caseof Parliament, the Speaker. And the traditional forms of address are Mr Speaker or Madame Speaker. If you watch the Parliamentary debates you will find that some (Keating was one)intersperse their address with many comments to the Speaker, and others (including, from what I have seen, Julia Gillard) do so rarely. It seems pretty much a personal way of addressing the Parliament, guided overall by the Parliamentary conventions. Other big news, of course, is Abbott's/Rinehart's plans for northern Australia. There are already tax concessions, subsidised accommodation and various other subsidies for those in remote and very remote areas (both private and public sector). Clearly, Abbott/Rinehart are looking to go a few steps further. I see nothing inherently wrong with promoting regional development (after all it had been done many times before) - the problem as always is in the detail and as Pikiranku correctly points out, the current mining boom is already creating problems in many of these areas. Regional development has failed before because it wasn't properly thought through and adequate resources weren't provided and this seems destined for the same outcome.


7/02/2013Barry Tucker‏@btckr Ideas for action on ABC news bias Ideas for action on ABC news bias By Barry Tucker@btckr By Barry Tucker @btckr February 7, 2013 There appears to be a growing perception of bias against the federal government in the news and current affairs programs of the Australian ... · Unfollow I'm all for action on the ABC. I do have one idea, perhaps.


7/02/2013On "Madam Speaker" - I know Anna only wants to be referred to as Speaker, but I actually think that's a bit odd. The uusage is Mister Speaker of Madam Speaker, it can hardly be disrespectful really. Madam isn't offensive surely. After all it was the first wordever spoken not counting The Word as in In the beginning was The Word. But the first sentence from one human to another, (and this just shows how perfect everything was then, it was a palindrome) was, "Madam, I'm Adam"


7/02/2013Hi Ken, Ken in reference to “Madam: whilst you are technically correct. Anna Bourke, when she as sworn in as Speaker emphatically asked that she be addressed as Speaker. Not Madam Speaker. Tony Abbott has only just started to say Madam this week, the amount of times he said Madam on Tuesday was outstanding. Reference:- Defiant: Opposition MPs appear to be asking for trouble by addressing Speaker Anna Burke as "Madam Speaker". Ms Burke has made it known she prefers to be addressed simply as "Speaker". (She once told Malcolm Farr "I don't run a brothel".) But Coalition MPs persist. In question time yesterday, they used the honorific 13 times when referring to Ms Burke. Barry Gimson ‏ @Fnoze Anna doesn't want to be addressed as madam speaker. She has asked to be called speaker. LNP keeps using madam speaker david ewart ‏ @stevethompson49 albo mispoke can't be said of Abbott he said madam continually and am knows that it is not Anna's preferred title :):):):)


7/02/2013Very interesting 3 QT's, I could hear nearly all the answers to all the questions. Many watchers may have learned some facts for a change instead of turning off or tuning out. The drugs in sport has taken over all the news.....what a relief from the lies by the Tropposition. :-)

42 long

7/02/2013while "madam" speaker would sound a reasonable term to use I feel Phoney , knowing Anna Burke has made a request that she be called simply "speaker", would not do that, and the fact that "they" all call her madam is official policy of the loyal opposition. They wouldn't do that to annoy her or show disrespect now, would they? Of course not. Phoney is always respectfull and just loves women who have power over him.

Ad astra

7/02/2013Gravel QT this week was tame, but the pattern was the same as usual – repeated questions on the same theme – ‘broken promises’ – this time the budget surplus ‘promise’. It seems to be Peta Credlin’s preferred approach – short, sharp, repeated messages derogatory to the PM and her Government, relying on the MSM to mindlessly, or maybe in some outlets mindfully, echo them. The most amusing moment was when Craig Emerson reflected on the paucity of Opposition questions about policy, reminding the House that in 1095 days he had not been asked one question by an Opposition member on Trade, and that was the time it took Ferdinand Magellan to circumnavigate the globe!


7/02/2013Abbott said this: "We want to make it more attractive for Australians to go north if that's their choice. But there's no way that anyone can or should ever be civilly conscripted in our country. We believe in incentives, not penalties." ...this morning while backpedaling about sending Australians away from their homes to work 'up North'. He said this in the 2010 election: ..."announcing the ''green army'' idea, Abbott said: ''This won't be the 10,000 six-month traineeships for unemployed people, spread out over three years, that the Rudd government has announced. ''It would be a 15,000 strong environmental workforce - a standing green army, if you like, or a land army, if you'd prefer - that's available on an ongoing basis (over and above the existing efforts of councils and national parks) and supplemented by volunteers to tackle the local and regional environmental priorities that most urgently need the sustained application of labour.'" A "standing green army" that's not volunteers and not people employed by councils or national parks or anywhere else doesn't leave too many over except the "unemployed people" required to march where the green army are required. Sounds like "civilly conscripted" to me. So, was he lying then, or lying this morning? You don't actually need to choose. This is Tony Abbott. He was lying both times. Every time. But hey, that's Tony.


7/02/2013PS Abbott said in the same interview this morning that he's a "consultative" leader. At the National Press Club last week he said "I am the authority". Was he lying this morning, or lying then? You don't actually need to choose, because... That's Tony!


7/02/2013"Madam Speaker" may very well be traditional, but language changes, word-usage changes, and "Madam" is now a thoroughly out-dated term of address. I didn't know that Anna Burke had once said to Malcolm Farr that she didn't run a brothel, but as I pointed out in an earlier post the brothel-running usage is the one that immediately springs to mind when you hear the term nowadays. Since Anna Burke has specifically asked to be addressed as "Speaker" I think it is rude and disrespectful not to comply with her wishes.


7/02/2013Hi Michael He was lying then and is lying now, see one lie leads to another. That's a fact. "The story on Pyne is a corker, isn't it?" Sure was a corker thankyou for the link Michael. New look Tony:- Abbott has scored himself a new name, Troppo Tony. Troppo loto Report from 9am to 5pm,for anyone who missed QT Sexism? Moi? The Prime Minister after being accused of sexism for remarking on the colour of Tony Abbott's tie. The Institute of Public Affairs likes the Coalition's northern Australia proposals. :):)


7/02/2013<blockquote>How are they going to address that if they import tens of thousands of additional residents?</blockquote> Pikiranku, I've heard Ray's Outdoors has an excellent choice of tents. Yet another example of Liealot's breezy simple answer to complex questions. And another example of failing to think through any of his thought bubbles before opening his big fat yap. TT & Ken, Madam Speaker is the usual form, I grant you, but as she has specifically asked for Madam to be dropped, her wishes should be respected. Basic manners, 101, I think. Yet another example of the ignorance, arrogance, disrespect, bad manners and misogyny of this opposition and childish in the extreme. They wouldn't have dared to behave this way with Slipper, who with all his faults had the wood on that disgusting rabble. Time for another fiery speech, methinks. Misogyny writ large, as well as showing their parents up for failing to teach them any form of manners. Definitely time for another fiery speech. [quote](She once told Malcolm Farr "I don't run a brothel".)[/quote] Lyn, judging by the behaviour in QT, I'd say she's wrong. How are your eyes? Improved, I hope.


7/02/2013OK. I hadn't seen the earlier stuff about Anna Burke just wanting to be referrred to as Speaker. Although as a personal opinion, I find that more offensive than putting the Mister or Madam in front. If it's good enough for the Queen, correctly referred to as "Ma'am" ... Not that I'm a monarchist just a believer in the traditions of the English language before it is completely taken over by Americanisms!


7/02/2013Just a clarification to my last comment. I personally find the use of Speaker on its own a little "offensive" because it reminds me too much of the old style stuff when bosses and the upper class referred to their underlings simply by their surname, refusing to give them any status by the use of an honorific, even one as simple as Mister, Miss or Madam.


7/02/2013Hi Jane I am loving you back in action, your posts are always most enjoyable. Troppo Tony,Jane you are right "Misogyny writ large" He is being antagonistic and I see Joe Hockey followed suit today. Pikiranku said "rude and disrespectful not to comply with her wishes. Laughing out loud:- "Lyn, judging by the behaviour in QT, I'd say she's wrong" Thanks for asking Jane eyes wonderful now, but taught me a lesson in a scarey way, Dry Eyes fancy that. I keep drops in now morning and night Dr says as many times as needed. Late news: New probe into Senator Mary Jo Fisher's shoplifting and assault prosecution :):):):):):)


7/02/2013[b]Senate secures money for Murray plan [/b] February 7, 2013 - 7:16PM Ehssan Veiszadeh [quote] The federal government's plan to restore the Murray-Darling Basin river system to health is on track after key funding laws were passed by the Senate. MPs on Thursday approved securing an extra $1.77 billion, through a special account, to pump up to 450 billion litres of additional water back into the basin. The money will be used primarily to fund water saving projects on farms, and to buy back water entitlements from farmers. The hope is that this will restore the basin to health. The commitment lifts the total amount of water designated for the environment under the final Murray-Darling Basin Authority's plan from 2750 gigalitres to a potential 3200 gigalitres.[/quote] That report was from AAP. I guess that by the time the Press Gallery offer their groupthink analysis it will become another example of a 'do nothing government' and/or a 'warmist bunch of con-artists' or another instance of 'this government's economic vandalism' and ultimately a portent of an umpeenth Rudd challenge.


7/02/2013The opposition have every right to question the government on dropping the surplus, afterall they did continually back themselves into a corner promising one. The question was always going to be if not this year then when? And the opposition can and will say they will deliver one (all hyperthetical of course)afterall the government did it quite successfully for 2 years. The PM is just going to have to wear it until the opposition get sick of it, which might be a very long time. Or if they could find a way of getting the MSM to widley back the decision to keep some debt until a full worldwide recovery that would help, but reporting the truth is not in Murdoch's interest.


7/02/2013The Opposition have regularly asserted they will deliver a budget surplus the first year and every one thereafter in government. The surplus fetish is not limited to Labor, and will prove every bit as difficult a 'promise' to keep for Abbott and cronies should they ever (perish, perish the thought!) gain government. Another Howard-Costello legacy of furphy politics. They ran the country like a lolly shop, and now we all have to put up with both 'addiction to sugar' and 'rotting teeth'.


7/02/2013THe concern is that if there is an Abbott Government and another worldwide economic problem such as a GFC - either he has to junk the promise or keep cutting expenditure and services. This would throw Australia into recession. The "surplus" mantra is dumb politics and completely unattainable. On a slightly brighter note -> [i]ABC News will also establish a f[b]act-checking and research unit[/b], and recruit a Freedom of Information editor.[/i] - my bolding.


7/02/2013Hi Lyn very happy that your eyes are now sparkling again and I'm enjoying the links. Yep Troppo Tony, rude, offensive antagonistic, misogynistic and mendacious. Ken I understand that you prefer that tradition be honoured wrt the Speaker's title. However, Ms Burke has clearly stated that she prefers to just be called "Speaker". However, despite your preference, I am certain that were you an MP, you would have the good manners to defer to her wishes on the matter. That is where you and I and others of good will and manners differ from Liealot and that coven of undesirables on the opposition benches. We have obviously been taught manners and respect for others' wishes. The Liars obviously have had no such upbringing and have shown themselves to be utterly bereft of manners, decency and respect for others.

Tom of Melbourne

7/02/2013It’s indicative of the paucity of political points available to the ALP that the main subject of discussion here is what Abbott calls the Speaker!


7/02/2013This may be a bit off-topic, but in light of the piece put up by Jonathan Green on The Drum, I hope it is relevant. I posted it earlier on Wixxy's site. Both Jonathan Green and the ABC. management are well informed that this whole Thomson saga began with and has continued with the singular objective of bringing down the govt’…Black, white or grey areas aside, THAT is its’ objective. That is an act of treason. That being so, and this govt’ being a legitimate coalition sworn in by The Crown’s representative (we are not yet a republic) and accepted by the People of Aust’….any action to destroy or bring down this govt’ is logically not only treason against the Constitution and people of Aust’, it is an insult and act of treason against The Crown and it’s representative : The Governor General. For surely, the very existence of the GG’s office gives authority to the premise that IT and IT only has the power to summarily make or break the government by the authority of The Crown.. If a Governor General can dismiss a govt’ it considers unworthy for The Crown, then any party that acts to diminish or presume the authority of The Crown ought to be brought to justice. The ABC., in apparent collusion with these parties has to answer alongside those who would insult The Crown, the Constitution and the People of Australia.

Tom of Melbourne

7/02/2013Interesting jaycee. Which part of the constitution is that? Or is it “the vibe”? jaycee – TPS’s answer to The Castle.


7/02/2013Agree Michael the surplus is a furphy. Its fine when you can deliver one but as we have seen it can become a millstone around the neck. We are going to hear this harped on until the electorate is so sick of it that they wont listen anymore. Still that's more a problem for Abbott than it is for the government. Like the carbon tax people will see the sky hasn't fallen in, and it does become too repetitive, 8 months of it & we will all be over it? This country can carry some debt, its not the end of the world.


8/02/2013Happy New (election) Year, Swordsters :-) I haven't been contributing, just loitering. Enjoying all your comments, but especially enjoying Lyn being back (we MISSED you!!!)Sorry it's long, but here's my email to those who should act... Dear Minister Conroy, I am becoming exasperated, despairing and even enraged when watching what remains of "Our Aunty", "Our ABC". Things have truly gone awry when people all over the digital world are saying it's not good for you to be seeing/hearing/reading the mainstream media due to it's sensationalism, spin and outright bias. This is a cut & paste of what I left on the ABC's website. To The ABC, On Q&A, why were no questions being asked of Christopher Pyne regarding the Ashby/Slipper affair? Twitter was wild with it & so were the web questions! You can hardly say it's because it is before the Courts, as it was thrown out as a conspiracy by Justice Rares. Secondly, on Lateline tonight (7/2/13) Tony Jones was truly facile when interviewing Kate Lundy - came across as a bully, deliberatetly trying to get her to reveal something she's legally bound not to by the ACC. The interview was BORING!!! 'coz Tony couldn't get his "Gottcha" moment, asking the same question over & over again. This - OUR - ABC has gone to the dogs! You say you are providing "balance" when what you are actually doing is trying to be first to pick the winning side in the up-coming Federal election, as opposed to supplying us, your viewers, your readers, YOUR TAX-PAYING EMPLOYERS, with ACTUAL NEWS!; just the facts, and nothing else. No opinions! Just the facts. I can make my OWN mind up, thanks very much! No more IPA-stacked panels would be a good start! And actually having a BALANCED, UNBIASED interview/ story/ documentery/ panel chat-show would be a refreshing change. By all means, hold any Government to the fire! But is it too much to EQUALLY hold the Opposition to that same fire? ( I mean, balance and all, lol). I'm copying this to Senator Conroy. Shame, ABC, Shame! :-( (name & address supplied)


8/02/2013And , Ad Astra, I would ask you to follow these links & tell me if I'm mad. There is now just over 7 months 'til the Federal election, and I've not yet even met my federal Labor contender. But if his website is any indication, we'll still have a do-nothing Liberal member here in the seat of Forde, Qld. The "events" page was blank. The text was extremely hard to read. YOU HAD TO REGISTER FOR AN ACCOUNT to get any information (which I didn't do). Barely a word about our LOCAL stuff. Who is this guy? Why has he not made himself more visible? What are his plans for my local area, including upgrading the roads? I'm not everywhere in the electorate, but I go shopping, mailing, WHERE IS HE?


8/02/2013Sorry Ad & others, What I was going to say (but got on my high horse) was that all i was trying to do on that (Forde)pre-selected Labor-member's website was his e-mail address. I couldn't find it without "regestering". Why are they making it so hard for themselves?

Pappinbarra Fox

8/02/2013Jaycee at 10.10. pm [quote]this govt’ being a legitimate coalition sworn in by The Crown’s representative (we are not yet a republic) and accepted by the People of Aust’….any action to destroy or bring down this govt’ is logically not only treason against the Constitution and people of Aust’, it is an insult and act of treason against The Crown and it’s representative [/quote] Being a legitimate coalition sworn in by the Crown's representative does not mean that any attempt to bring the gov down is treason. Govs are brought down simply by losing the confidence of the parliament. That would the goal of the opposition - to create such chaos (as they did in 1975) that the gov cannot muster the numbers on the floor of the parliament. In that case it did not actually work - the Lower House passed a vote of no confidence in the Fraser caretaker gov but the convention rule book was torn up then and the vote was ignored. In this case it would require sufficient of the independents to say '"enough" I cannot continue to vote for this gov'. To this time that has not happened - the independents are made of sterner stuff and more power to them. The convention rule book having been trashed by Fraser-Kerr then is still having repercussions today but to claim that attempts to bring down the gov as just described above is "treason" is just going too far. It sounds hyperbowlish and we all understand that such statements cannot be taken at face value and so are too easily ignored. The better analysis is that the conspiracy has been to pervert the course of justice - it is much more readily made out and does not come across as over the top.


8/02/2013TODAY’S LINKS 2030: Abbott’s Vision Goes Blurry @MikeSeccombe, Mr Positive was quick to go negative on it. It was “certainly not” policy The Trouble With Liberals @leftocentre, Liberals are just not funny!Not a bit Canberra's Would-be Super Heroes @beneltham, Coalition pledging to abandon super contribution tax breaks It’s not actually the surplus, stupid @Drag0nista Tony Abbott it’s unlikely Opp. can deliver surplus either Abbott wants power station in Papua New Guinea, The Fifth Estate, This latest thought bubble could cost over $5 billion and swallow Direct Action’s entire budget Cinderella, Sunshine Coast Style @geeksrulz, doing their dirty deeds, collecting damaging information to hold power Ideas for action on ABC news bias @btckr bias against the federal government in the news ABC News gets $10m funding boost Mark Scott added: "I am delighted that we will recruit more journalists to deliver more in-depth quality reporting on the stories and issues that matter to all Australians." Dead on arrival: northern Australia nixed @gabriellechan, The ideas were leaked, possibly for the Coalition Political opinion in an election year Sarah Burnside, fifth estate is increasingly calling the mainstream media’s bluff Right royal hypocrites by @MigloCW Tony Abbott wearing glasses yesterday When the lust for power is against Aussie interests 1petermcc , hard to keep up with Tony’s thought bubbles Thanks Western Sydney for ruining Australia, but don’t panic, Tony Abbott has a plan @turnleft2013 Words to flail and words to nail By Peter Clarke, “lack of impartiality” against one of its leading GRAND PLANS by @NickFeik, Is it a Coalition response to the perception that it is lacking positive plans? Tony Abbott- I’m your man @NoPlaceforSheep, change with the wind doesn’t inspire trust. Punter calls BS on CM's Mal Brough 'puff piece' Noely @YaThinkN, Mr Brough has set up shop next to Mr Slipper is interesting,47 Policy and Crap: A Guide @corinne_grant, The stories you can flip past without reading: Are regulations ruining Australia? @TaraNipe unionised work places have better health/safety records Tropical tax zone plan destined to be a grand failure @1RossGittins It's a crazy idea practically politically/economically A soft answer to jobs ire @TheKouk, Employment rose a nice 10,400 in January Coalition backtracks from funding for Origin's PNG hydro project "It's Tony Abbott doing what Gina Rinehart wants, Barnaby Joyce’s renewables target: 100% ignorance @GilesParkinson, Tony Abbott is out on a seek and destroy mission All at sea on values by Beachdair, decline in parties acting in harmony with Narratives that just won't go away, Journalists themselves are stuck in a few set narratives they seem unable or unwilling to break away from. Debunking The NBN Radiation Myth by @mwyres, How about you report both sides WIN NNews? Political Ready Reckoner @otiose94, Easy Reference: Ministry Responsibilities Farmers applaud news of NBN speeds The Liberal-National coalition has questioned the value of Labor's $37 billion national broadband network (NBN) project, but farmers appear to be happy with its progress Today’s Front Pages Australia Newspaper Front Pages for 8 February 2013


8/02/2013Good morning all. I think the coalition feel hamstrung with the decision to improve their image. They've spent the whole of their time in opposition showing their nasty, bullying side, and got away with the most outrageous behaviour in and out of Parliament, so it is quite an effort to rein it in now. If there was a few unbiased, intelligent and fair-minded journalists with the courage to go against their colleagues agenda, it would not take much pressure to cause Abbott, Pyne and Hockey (to name three) to unhinge. And, desperation is showing when you see a 'draft policy' leaked by someone within who sees his party sinking into the depths of madness. This Develop the North stuff was bandied about in some form or another prior to 2007. It is akin to that mad stuff of building a canal from the Kimberly to Perth. A bloke in Q'ld was banging on about his idea of drought proofing the country by building settlements/townships/dams etc along the Ghan railway route. He set up a website, presented his idea to the new Rudd Govt and because it wasn't embraced and lauded, he then began dissing Labor with every breath in his body. Maybe this bloke found a pal in Gina and now we have this new fantasy for Abbott to push.


8/02/2013Libbyx33, Perhaps you ought to sign into his website and then you can email him and give him a piece of your mind. :) I have no idea why he is making it hard for people to get access to him and probably has no idea that he is pissing off would-be voters. For what it is worth, in your shoes I would do whatever it takes to contact him and offer him some sage advice.


8/02/2013Jane I agree. Don't get me wrong. I understand Anna Burke's reasoning and, as with all of us, she is entitled to her decision, but just from a personal point of view I don't agree with her choice although only from a language perspective. Lyn today's links - some good stuff as usual. I particularly like the one about "are we over-regulated" pointing out that it is the OH&S "regulations" obtained by unions that are saving lives in our workplaces. It should be compulsory reading for those who believe, like the LNP, that unions have too much power. If Abbott has his way and more power is given to employers, then more corners willbe cut to save costs, and more lives will be lost in the pursuit of profits!!


8/02/2013Libbyx33 @ 1:57 AM Not sure how you got to the login page but you can access his site without the /login bit


8/02/2013P. Fox. If it was just a case of creating an air of no-confidence, then yes, you'd be correct..But this has gone much, much further...first a proven concocted accusation against the speaker to have him removed from the house in a deliberate move to create an election...secondly we now have the "Thomson affair" which, if one was to take Wixxy's carefully collated material at face value, demonstrates an uncanny resemblance to another concocted accusation...these two, unlike the "AWU. affair" ANOTHER baseless accusation demolished by the PM. herself, then we can see an obvious pattern here...regardless if there is a case or not for Thomson to yet unproven..the intent is there to deliberately slander and incriminate a member of the parliament so as to cause a by-election to bring down the government. You can twist it! can turn it upside down and inside out...the intent was construed by Justice Rares and delivered from the high court. Now if we have a GG. that exists to both protect and (in the case of Whitlam) exercise jurisdiction for its' benefit, then surely the reverse is also true that it is encumbant on that office to protect and ajudicate (in its' own interest) the well-being of the nations doesn't just cut one way! If it walks like a duck...

Ad astra

8/02/2013LYN'S DAILY LINKS updated:

Tom of Melbourne

8/02/2013Hilarious – “Justice Rares of the high court” - has been promoted by jaycee!! He’s merely a Federal Court judge. jaycee – it’s treason I tell you!


8/02/2013 Re terms of address for Speaker: Well how's about [i]MsSpeaker[/i] then? Universal for women married or single; no disrespect surely. I find the bald term *Speaker* quite offensive really, it seems less than respectful to the House and the office. Just Speaker is weaker, no rhyme intended, but Anna, your term leaves my own ear offended! When a man again becomes Speaker, will he follow the new form of address? I won't want to when eventually they make me Speaker! LibbyX33 I would bet that your local hopeful's lousy website is a matter of ignorance, and obviously he desperately needs a crash course in the 5th Estate. It does make me wonder how effective many of the other sites might be, there is no excuse for them not upgrading except ignorance of what they are ignorant of. Sounds like something we can push, ALL MHRs need to be across the New Media. ALP ones anyway. Janice, it seemed to me that the Abborttians' effort in QT this week was completely bloodless, they have dropped Stop The Boats, they've dropped Remove the Carbon Tax, and the attack on Labor's abandonment of The Surplus was lame and unconvincing. I've never seen *J*U*L*I*A* so confident and in control. As I anticipated indeed. Because the Abborttians now have nothing left except scandalmongering, and their negativity and persecution of Craig Thomson and Peter Slipper is turning to bite them. Lethally. PF, I am completely at ease with the term TREASON wrt to #Ashbygate. It ticks the boxes in my Oxford dictionary and I would think every other one. Conspiracy to pervert the course of justice with a view eventually to overthrow a legitimate Government, by the use of theft of documents of the highest placed Member of the House of Reps, by deception and "vexatious" actions ... Bloody treason enough to satisfy me. All traitors deserve long gaol sentences, there is no more serious offence than Treason. PF

42 long

8/02/2013Couldn't agree more PF. Abbott shows no respect for any rule or protocol. Decency is not a consideration. Claims the moral high ground without deserving it at all. Happy to trash peoples reputation as par for the course. It's a technique that should carry no weight because it relies on vaccuous statements like "questions to answer" a GUTLESS imputation of wrongdoing. People living in Glass houses, certainly applies to Tony and as to character deficiencies, HE has convincingly demonstrated his own on many occasions. It seems to be one of his best abilities.. IF this guy gets elected as our "Supreme" Leader DOG help our reputation in the world. Gillard overseas has done well in that regard. The form that Abbott has demonstrated would indicate that he will change all that

Pappinbarra Fox

8/02/2013Quite right For Too Long


8/02/2013jaycee and TT Very good article on Wikipedia about treason. In Australia, I expect that, as we inherited Engish law, this definition of "treason" would still stand except where other legislation has created new offences (such as the "terrorist" legislation). Basically, leaving aside such issues as sleeping with the monarch's consort or eldest daughter, the use of treason in the past couple of hundred years has been limited to levying war against the Crown (government) or siding with or aiding the enemey during a war. I think you may need to find another desciption for Abbot's actions (cough! spit!!). I agree with your sentiments but, unfortunately, it is not "treason". Slightly off topic, I recall in NSW in the late 60s when the death penalty had been abolished there were in fact two offences that still were hanging offences - "high treason" and "piracy with violence". My mates and I used to joke that meant that if we took over a Manly ferry, and managed to punch the Captain in the process, it was a hanging offence.


8/02/2013P. Fox....The hurdle for Fair-minded people is how far to push the envelope on decency and respect for the law. The Liberals know how to weild the legal sword...they know it has a sharp edge..which they use with their contacts in policing, media and legal circles to gather, construct and get a charge on any person will forward their agenda. If that charge doesn't stick, as we saw in the FEDERAL COURT decision (thank you prick!), then they are prepared to take a couple of bruises from the blunt edge...for they also know the "contacts" will bury the evidence, the lawers will obfuscate the details and the media will silence the critics. TT. is correct in his definition of treason, unfortunately, treason being such an unusual charge in theis country, I doubt there is a legal identity would risk venturing into that area.


8/02/2013Tweeted to me by Canadian Nadine Lumley‏@NadineLumley .@TalkyTurkey Israeli Soldier speaks out against Israel right-wing government War Crimes against Palestine

Pappinbarra Fox

8/02/2013[quote] treason Under the Commonwealth Criminal Code treason has two aspects. Section 80.1 of the Criminal Code Act 1995 (Cth) makes it an an offence to cause the death of, or harm to, the Sovereign, the heir apparent, the Governor-General or the Prime Minister. It also encompasses levying war against the Commonwealth of Australia and assisting an enemy at war with Australia. [/quote] Unscrupulous methods, no matter how much detested by right thinking people, to eject a gov and instate the opposition is not captured by the legal definition I would have thought.


8/02/2013P. Fox...this "selected" piece from Wiki'.."Under the law of the United Kingdom, high treason is the crime of disloyalty to the Crown." Precisely the charge I accused the opp' it not? Of course, any accusation of such high order would have massive angles of interpretation...but to reduce it to an act of intent ie. to bring down a legally sworn-in govt' must come pretty close to such a definition. But hey!..talking a point into infinity an obscurity is another old trick!


8/02/2013I've never said nor implied that I think the conspirators should be charged with Treason, I'd love it but no, it'd be ridiculed. What I have insisted is that they are GUILTY of treason. Charges have nothing to do with it. You can be guilty of crimes without ever being charged. If you're guilty you're guilty, and Brough Ashby Lewis Doane and Pyne at least are guilty. Does anybody have any info on what official investigation is to take place? They should not get off Scott-free! (Pun on Scott see.)

bob macalba

8/02/2013To an ordinary joe blow [ me ] regardless legal mumbo jumbo it certainly looked like it was treason at work, but as we dont have any precedence how do we judge? Lyn..lots and lots to take in, again ta very much cheers

bob macalba

8/02/2013Here we go, same shit different day? week? month? year? forever?


8/02/2013Treason - informative but pointless discussion. It is a distraction (and many Libs are rubbing their hands in glee in what they have achieved by distracting people from the main game) Discussing it does nothing to assist in re-electing a Gillard government.


8/02/2013I was expecting to see the headlines on the front page of the Oz today. [b]"PM responsible for drugs in sport"[/b] Julia seems to responsible for everything else that is wrong with Australia.


8/02/2013ToM, the discussion on the title by which the Speaker wishes to be addressed relates to the opposition's childish, contemptuous and ill mannered disregard for her stated wishes. No snide nitpicking about their contemptuous disrespect, misogyny, plain old atrocious manners and behaviour worse than a tantrumming two year old denied a lolly. Once again wrt Justice Rares judgement, all you can muster is a sneering rebuke at jaycee's error in unintentionally promoting justice Rares, but are tellingly silent about the content of the judgement. It says everything-is it any wonder that you're treated as a bad joke on this site, when your only contribution to any discussion is either lies from the Liars Party handbook or snide petty comments about such serious matters as the opposition engaging in a conspiracy against the Speaker of the House in order to bring down a duly elected LEGITIMATE government. No waiting for an election for this mob of has-beens and crooks and you're spruiking for them. As usual, you've chosen to ignore completely the fact that [b]MPs on the opposition benches have conspired to pervert the course of justice wrt the ELECTED Speaker of the House and to bring down an elected, legitimate government of this country.[/b] Why does this not enrage you? After all, you're only too willing to continually lie about the carbon price and endlessly drone on about the AWU non-issue, where despite the opposition and their hangers on in the msm subjecting the spurious "evidence" to forensic examination over 20 years, cannot find any proof of wrong doing by the PM. But at the same time you airily wave aside Liealot's involvement in raising a slush fund to prosecute Pauline Hanson, [b]WHILE HE WAS A GOVERNMENT MP[/b] and apparently endorse the fact that he lied not only to the AEC about it, but also [b]LIED TO THE PARLIAMENT.[/b] Yet you can't even be bothered to raise an eyebrow when there is more and more evidence of the most egregious wrongdoing by members of the opposition. Apparently you're absolutely fine wrt corruption in Liars Party ranks.


8/02/2013Just to prove us lefties can laugh Truth Seeker, sorry for being totally off topic, the sexual logic divide. Husband Does the Shopping This is a story which is perfectly logical to all males: A wife asks her husband, "Could you please go shopping for me and buy one carton of milk? And if they have avocados, get six." A short time later the husband comes back with six cartons of milk. The wife asks him, "Why did you buy six cartons of milk?" He replied, "They had avocados". If you're a female, you're going back to read this again! Males will get it the first time.


8/02/2013KHTAGH @2.08pm, hmmmmm! 'splains a lot.


8/02/2013Knee High - Very good; and being a male I got it the first time.

Pappinbarra Fox

8/02/2013 Knee H Now I am confused about my gender - I had to read it 6 times and I still don't get it.

42 long

8/02/2013I see it equally both ways. Your first impression might be the one you latch on to. Women do use different logic, well they claim, intuition. That should allow them to pick suitable husbands, or not have one at all. Most of them appear not to have succeeded by their own admission as they find plenty of faults.

paul walter

8/02/2013Marvellous thread starter Adastra, real "Luther nails his 95 theses to the Cathedral door" stuff!


8/02/2013Knee High I'm still sitting here shaking my head. :-) Are you calling that logic? Oh dear.


8/02/2013Hi Khtagh, 02:08 PM I got it the first time easy, just need to understand Male selective hearing, no I mean half hearing half of the time ha ha. Cheers:)


8/02/2013Lyn Thanks for the explanation. :-)


8/02/2013#Insiders ABC 1 & NEWS 24 9am Sunday-The Panel, Radio Nat. Fran Kelly, Journalist & Author George Megalogenis & The Aust. Nikki Savva


8/02/2013#Insiders ABC 1 & NEWS 24 9am Sunday-Barrie Cassidy interviews Home Affairs and Justice Minister Jason Clare


8/02/2013For Labor to get re-elected, they have to "get the message out"..and to do that they have to have at least one arm of the media there to get it out... The entire MSM. is against them...wether deliberate or not, that is how it stands....Until the govt takes desperate action and guts the ABC. and restores an apolitical objective in the National Broadcaster, they are behind the eight ball. The Liberals are in front solely through the efforts of the MSM. Labor has to break their hold on the delivery of news...I would suggest cancelling the MSM. gallery press passes and re-distributing them to the Fifth Estate journo's.


8/02/2013Hi Ad and Everybody, I love the new TPS, much easier now to post the links, before I had to re-format now plonk box posts just right. I still can’t do any of the biuquote options Ad, so can’t bold anything or use italics. My computer settings and I can’t find where that damn little box is that obviously needs ticking. Ken thankyou for your remark ( some good stuff as usual) you are right there is some great reading there and quite a few new blogs opening up all over. Thankyou Bob you are being delightful as normal. Libby @1.38am you are another sweetie thankyou, (enjoying Lyn being back (we MISSED you!!!) I get the biggest kick out of being missed, my girls laugh at me. Hope you got the email problem fixed. Jaycee @ 09:51 AM ( so as to cause a by-election to bring down the government). I agree with there is something very very deep into the bowels of the Liberal Party, a Giant conspiracy , infiltrated the country. I am enjoying the treason debate. 42 Long Glass House indeed. our "Supreme" Leader , he already told the Press Club address he wasn’t the authority in the Howard Government this time “I will be the Authority” he said. Love this: it doesn't just cut one way! If it walks like a duck... Jane thankyou for your post @ 01:30 PM billiant explanation , but wasted on you know who I think. Gravel funny our Khtagh isn’t he, I have to say LOL to him. Ashby:- Ashby has three months to mount appeal against Slipper

Tom of Melbourne

8/02/2013Gosh Jane, if “sneering” is all jaycee has to put up with he’s been given very lenient treatment. jaycee takes a (civil) sexual harassment case in the Federal Court, and somehow converts this civil case into one heard in the High Court! Then he takes the outcome – case dismissed because (on the balance of probabilities) it was politically motivated. Then he takes this civil balance of probabilities standard and somehow converts it into the criminal standard, and calls it [b]TREASON!![/b] I’m afraid if jaycee provides such hopelessly ill-informed commentary, he’s going to get some “sneering”


8/02/2013Tee hee KHTAGH - I'm a woman and got it first time. To be fair though practice has made men much better at all forms of 'womens's work' so I for one would never complain about the 2 cartions of milk, unless of course I was making guacamole in which case I would be most upset.


8/02/2013Jane - you win the highly coveted TPS 'cranky pants' award again. And, there's also have won the right to wear a boganista singlet (this is a blue singlet, with your own design of sparkles and other adornments which help to personalise the singlet to your taste, however it should be a blue, I repeat a blue singlet). If the weather is cold however, you can wear a checked, yes checked, flannel long sleeve shirt over it, that's over not under the singlet. if you are not sure you could seek reference from Jason or indeed bob macalba who i believe is also the only other TPS person to have won the award twice.


8/02/2013Gravel No I'm not calling it logic, having never been married I'm no expert in the male to female verbal idiosyncrasies & their out comes. Although it did put a smile on my dial. :-)

Ad astra

8/02/2013[b]Test[/b] [i]of[/i] [u]biuquote[/u] [quote]facility[/quote]


8/02/2013If Anna Bourke wants to be called Speaker then that's what she should be called. With all the rabble she has to put up with from the opposition the least they can do is show her respect by calling her by her preferred title. Ahhhhh there's the answer - respect, they don't have any. If they want to act like children perhaps Anna can introduce the 'speaker jar' a bit like the swearing jar, each time you disrespect you have to put in $2.

Ad astra

8/02/2013[b]bold[/b] [i]italics[/i] [u]underline[/u] and [quote]quote[/quote]


8/02/2013A serious side note. Article on The Conversation re bogans. If Labo(u)r is to win the upcoming election, it will have to win some of the "bogan" suburbs in Sydney, Brisbane and Melbourne. That will mean addressing some of the social problems in those areas - or as the article suggests, the underlying causes of those problems. There is, as yet, no obvious move to do that and, in my opinion, Macklin appears incapable of addressing major issues like that. I think that if anyone needed to be moved in the recent reshuffle, it should have been Macklin. Even in Aboriginal affairs, with which I am best aquainted, she has done little but continue Howard policies. Social policies, as they affect the 'burbs will be a key part of this election and the Government needs to start focusing on them. While I agree with the big picture items, the NDIS, the Gronsky reforms, and the NBN, these do not have an immediate impact in the bogan suburbs. Obviously some of the issues actually fall under State jurisdiction and Newman and O'Farrell will have a vested interest in doing nothing. The Government has to place State Governments in a position where they are seen to be recalcitrant in addressing the issues and the Federal Government appears to be on the front foot. I sincerely hope someone behind the scenes is focusing on some of the "smaller" issues and not just the big policy items.

Tom of Melbourne

8/02/2013[i] Test of biuquote facility[/i] That’s more profound than anything else that’s appeared here lately.


8/02/2013ToM @ 6:55 PM [i]That’s more profound than anything else that’s appeared here lately.[/i] How disappointment. I am always profound except when I am not ... you do me no justice :P

42 long

8/02/2013The western sydney types listen to Anal Jones and actually thinK he is for real amd there for the battlers. Hard thing to counteract. I can't understand how he gets away with it or is listened to. Woolworths are putting more pokies in the poorest suburbs and the "clubs" all have anti labor propaganda every where. I don't go tho clubs anymore. Can't stand the BS and haven't put a cent into the pokies for 20 years or more. The NT and Qld governments are letting the grog flow. The offenders now go to a "prison farm". How would that differ from"slave labour"? I'll bet the liquor and wine industry fund those governments. Find the funding connection and you will know where the policies originate,and who benefits. I understand that the British and American Tobacco are the ones who donate most of their total to guess who? The LieNP in AUSTRALIA. Doesn't THAT make you proud. Will the LieNP ever have people like Paul Hasluck and some of the pre Howard ministers, many who were war vets. Rupert Hamer was an outstanding Vic Premier liked and respected by people on both sides. Things have changed for the worse there thanks to Peta and Tony and the inspirational participation of Nick Minchen and Corey Bernardi. How do thes weirdo's get preselected? There's plenty of others I could mention. Joe Hockey seemed a reasonable bloke once, but now he seems like a cranky sneering retard. Brandis and Abetz the "legal" Brains. Law and natural justice don't exist with them. They will interact with the police in the wrong way. Can't be trusted based on nothing but what they have already done. They have form, and it isn't pretty.


8/02/2013Hi Ad [b] testing[/b] [i] testing [/i] [u]testing[/u] [quote]testing[/quote] Thankyou Ad Astra, [u]you have fixed the buiqote option [/u] [b]Needs a space at the beginning of whichever word.[/b] Mr Magic man:):):):):):)


8/02/2013Jaycee - I suspect the Government has left it too late to gut the ABC; if it was needed in the first place. Realistically if they appointed a new head tomorrow that actually believed in neutrality, by the time that person identified where the problems were and appointed appropriately (the people do have to have specific skill sets), September would have gone by a long time ago. Then the word on political neutrality would have to be communicated and enforced with the staff who actually report and produce the relevant programs. Even then political neutrality doesn't necessarily mean that your and my political viewpoint would not be justly criticised. There are still a lot of ALP plans being implemented in NSW, Qld and the NT - despite the recent elections.


8/02/2013Ken @6:54pm I believe Gonski, that is education, is the answer to many social problems. If you have a good education then many more doors are open to you. So I disagree that this government is not tackling those sort of issues. No education = ignorance, ignorance = lower job opportunities. Has the PM stood up and said I am tackling the bogan issue? No, but what she has continually said is if we want to see a better future then education is the only way. I have no problem with bogans they deserve the same respect and opportunites as the rest of us.


8/02/2013Lady in Red I have no problems with your comment - that is certainly the longer term solution. But what I am saying is that the election is only 7 months away and people in the 'burbs will want to see a commitment to something more immediate. The schoolkids payment is an example. The Government, I think, needs to look ar a few more "smaller" issues and take on the States where the States aren't doing enough.


8/02/2013Ken - one thing that may assist the ALP's commitment to the 'burbs is this. [quote]THE Newman Government has been forced to close the doors of community recovery centres after they were overwhelmed by victims seeking assistance in the wake of last week's floods. In an embarrassing bungle, victims have been left waiting in queues for hours, having to be served food to help them endure the delay. Some were eventually told to go to other centres to seek assistance.[/quote] It's what happens when you sack 14000 people and don;t leave enough people employed to do the "normal" work - let alone the "abnormal". The majority of the comments are slamming the Government.


8/02/2013^^^^^ All they have to do is differentiate the ALP Government response in 2011 (which was generally hailed as how to do it) versus the LNP Government response in 2013 - labouring (sorry) the point that Abbott will do to Canberra what Newman has done to Queensland (or O"Farrell has done to NSW etc).


8/02/20132353 That will help but people don't always see the link between sacking public servants (usually approved of) and a decrease in services (not approved of) until something like what has happened in Queensland. I don't wish more disasters on anyone but it does bring home the impact on services of the Newman and O'Farrell approach.

Ad astra

8/02/2013Hi Lyn I'm glad b i u quote is working for you. For ToM's edification: [b]bold[/b][i]italics[/i][u]underline[/u][quote]quote[/quote]

bob macalba

8/02/2013Krazy Katter Kamp pro gay or not pro gay? that is the question who knows? cheers


8/02/2013ToM, surely you have an opinion on the opposition's behaviour during QT and their refusal to respect the form of address the Speaker has requested. Even if you only consider their appallingly bad manners in not respecting a person's preferred form of address, simply because the request comes from a woman, I suspect. Or their squandering of QT with childish stunts more suited to kindy kids, and as a result of such behaviour failing utterly to represent their electorates. I do find it hard to believe that you aren't concerned about these things; despite your flippancy I feel sure that you are genuinely concerned about the country's welfare. Although the government has made decisions which have bitterly disappointed you, consider the alternative.


8/02/2013Fair enough Ken I hear what you are saying, we need to get these uneducated & basically ignorant people to understand that the LNP actually has no solutions, that the LNP has never and will never have the average persons best interest at heart. The solution is actually a long term solution, I think we have to swallow that pill. There are no magic bullets for years and years of education neglect. You suggest throw money at them? I have no problem throwing money like the school kids bonus because it actually is beneficial as it at aleast gives people the ability to have their kids kitted out for school. This government kept people in jobs during the GFC, we have low interest rates & low inflation all things that are beneficial to people in the "burbs'. I really think we need a break in the media for them to start telling people the facts and not the political spin and rubblish that is being dished up as news. That is outside the governments control.

bob macalba

8/02/20132012 bad year weatherwise for the poms...this coming year not looking much better


8/02/2013 I can find no mention of this on any ABC news outlet - I'm sure had it been Julia they would have ignored it too - not

bob macalba

8/02/2013What do you reckon? boys will be boys? young tory[bastards] learning the ropes


8/02/2013LIR @5.31pm, lol. Blimey, another award to polish AND a wife beater and a flanny. It's almost too much for flesh and blood to bear. I will try to be worthy.


8/02/2013A fat billionaire wants to rail ya To mine for her in North Australia! And the Leader of the Oppo~ Sition's gone troppo And renamed the whole North [i]GINATALIA![/i] Labor Gusface came up with the name not I.


9/02/ says bob macalba. bob, is there anywhere in the world where the weather isn't dangerous these days?


9/02/2013Good morning all. It seems to me that those who rightly argue against the sacking of public servants, whilst focusing on the obvious result that services to the public suffer, should be pointing out the inevitable bad result that happens to an economy. The general public have been brainwashed over many decades that public servants are sucking on the public teat and provide little, if anything, to the economy. The tories have always banged on and on that it is cheaper to outsource projects to private enterprise and do away with public servants. People completely forget that when private enterprise are contracted to participate in such infrastructure as building roads, bridges etc, the cost to the nation does not stop there because of the little matter of profits. Private companies are not in it to provide infrastructure for the nation out of the goodness of their hearts, but to make as much profit as possible for their business/shareholders. And, when the Tories go down the path of sacking thousands of public servants, the economy suffers hugely. e.g. 20,000 sacked but their households are most likely supporting a partner plus up to four children. Therefore, the spending power of those sacked means there is a huge reduction to the bottom lines of hundreds of small businesses. And, how many of those sacked manage to find alternative employment? How many of these families end up joining the welfare queues?


9/02/2013TODAY’S LINKS The trials and tribulations of James Ashby by Ross Jones Gate thing must be like a slow motion car crash The sad story of Steve ‘scoop’ Lewis @davrosz , Who knows, perhaps he has no loyalties or ethics? the Circus hounding the Thomson matter. lex rex ‏@R3x68 have you seen this article UNBELIEVABLE Twitter, the new frontier of discourse and hotbed of vitriol greenat1 something This will be the Twitter election every blogger, journalist Hockey stumbles on super, @BernardKeane, Joe Hockey badly overplayed his hand. The Summer of Our Discontent johnlord2013 the age of entitlement must end or at least ASHBY V SLIPPER APPEAL: the first round. @boeufblogginon, now playing second fiddle to Michael Harmer No news is… quite typical, actually. @DamienCWalker, this Not Campaign will require the Abbott clan to start filling their policy vacuum with, well, policy. As soon as they do, Joe the Goose @MigloCW turn around with complaint hasn’t raised enough money? Turnbull's liberals vs Barnaby's socialists byTristan Edis distributed with a letter signed off by Andrew Robb Tony Abbott – Government focus too much on itself ! CAAMA Radio Mr Abbott says the problem with Government is not under investment – but under involvement Mining tax shortfall: the experts respond by Sally Zou, mining tax has raised $126 million in the six months LNP’s Sophie Mirabella’s Wikipedia page gets a make-over by @Turnleft2013 Why is the participation rate falling- by @MattCowgill Abbott’s first broken promise: will it be cuts to foreign aid? by @leerhiannon Caretaker mode? No. NBN Co should go hog wild. @renailemay, damn sight better than anything the Coalition has come up with Today's Front Pages Australia Newspaper Front Pages for 9 February 2013

Ad astra

9/02/2013LYN'S DAILY LINKS updated:

Ad astra

9/02/2013Folks Thanks to bob macalba we have a link to an alarming February 4 article by Damian Carrington in [i]The Guardian: 2012: the year Britain's weather turned dangerous – Record rainfall led to widespread flooding, killing nine people, ruining crops and costing the country billions.[/i] It is very relevant to this piece, as it provides still more evidence that the globe is warming and causing devastating affects on weather and climate. Here are a few excerpts: [i]"It's been the year when flooding became relevant to every part of the country. From the south-west to the north-east, every part of the country got hit," says Charles Tucker, chairman of the National Flood Forum, which represents more than 200 local community groups. "Flooding can now strike anywhere, and it needs to be recognised as the No 1 national emergency happening now." “The deluges that made 2012 England's wettest on record left persistently sodden ground: fresh downpours caused rapid run-off and flash flooding in places once thought to be safe… “Compounding the shock was the unprecedented lurch from the worst drought in a generation in early 2012… the key lesson for the future as climate change warms the world [is]: extreme changes in the UK's already famously changeable weather are becoming the new normal… "2012 was a good example of extreme volatility…"We have flipped from a dramatic drought to the reverse in one year, and it is very possible we will see this much more frequently," says professor Nigel Arnell at the University of Reading. "It is not one or the other, but both." “Government scientists rate increased flooding as the greatest threat posed by global warming to the UK, and 2012 bore this out: on one in every three days authorities were put on heightened flood alert… The cost of the clean-up is in billions. With fields flooded and bees forced to stay in hives by torrential rain, farmers suffered too. More than £600m of food such as wheat and potatoes was lost, and there was the worst apple crop in 15 years and a 75% drop in honey production. The overall cost of flooding may rise to £10bn a year... “However, with extreme weather volatility likely, the nation is also going to face more heatwaves and the risk of large-scale water shortages in summer. Other problems identified by the government include melting roads, buckled rail tracks and even problems with wi-fi internet access and other communications. High temperatures can reduce the range of wireless communications, while rainstorms cut the reliability of the signal. “It is clear that climate change will change the UK's weather…"It is basic physics that warmer air can hold more water, so when you get rain, it is likely to be heavier. We have already seen over the last 50 years that there are more extreme rain events now." “Researchers are now focusing on two main influences: the rapid melting of the Arctic ice cap, which shrank to a record low in 2012, and the warming of the Atlantic ocean. Both lead to rain-drenched summers in the UK, but the temperature of the Atlantic varies according to natural climate cycles as well as global warming. “It is too early to say whether one weather pattern will begin to dominate,…, but with more energy stored in the warming atmosphere and oceans, … expect increasing volatility from year to year… “You don't have to be a scientist to understand that weather patterns are clearly changing."[/i] [b]Another question for Tony Abbott: What do you say to [i]The Guardian’s[/i] article?[/b]

Ad astra

9/02/2013Hi Lyn Thank you for posting yet another set of informative links - this time at the weekend. You are an amazingly diligent worker for [i]TPS[/i]. I haven't yet had time to read more than one, but the [i]IA[/i] article on Steve 'scoop' Lewis is worth a read. It shows what sort of reporter he is, for anyone who didn't know already. I'll read the others after breakfast.


9/02/2013Lady in Red One of the approaches I actually have in mind for the more troubled communities are programs of "capacity building" or "community building" (or in old language some form of community development). This usually involves community workers working with a community, identifying problems, discussing options, and seeking the resources and services to address the issues the people themselves have identified. That is where Government comes in. And that is where the Federal Government can be on the front foot and put pressure on the States. It also relates to the comments about State governments cutting services - the Federal Government can point to that and say these issues aren't being addressed because States have cut services, and offer part funding to be matched by the States. Such approaches have been tried before in NSW and Victoria that I know of, often with some short term successes but the longer term outcomes have been mixed - partly because of the need for such programs to continue for longer periods than Governments usually funded them.


9/02/2013I noted Abbott's comments on CAAMA radio. As much as I hate to say it, he is basically right. But that doesn't mean that he would do any better because, after all, as I have said before, Macklin has continued most of the Howard policies and approaches in Aboriginal affairs. Aboriginal people themselves have been largely left out of the loop. I think it is another case of Abbott being very good at giving different messages to different audiences - he can tell Aboriginal listeners to CAAMA that he will listen more to them but at the same time support unfettered mining, including on Aboriginal land.


9/02/2013Morning to all you collective Chicken Littles - has the sky fallen today? Didn't think so. And it will still be there tomorrow, too. How about an answer to my question that I asked the other day, oh cardigan'd guru and resident wise guy? What caused the Medieval and Roman warming episodes? No answer from any of you? Not a single peep? That's because you don't know. Nor does anybody else. And as long as this fundamental question remains unanswered - no-one can say what is causing the current warming episode either. Which, by the way, has been pretty minor over the last 15 years or so. You do know, don't you, that the British Met Office stated in its Oct 2012 news blog that the linear warming trend from Aug 1997 to Aug 2012 (that's 15 years, Turkey boy) was only a tiny, tiny rise of 0.03°C per decade? Which means that the overall world temperature increase between Aug 1997 and Aug 2012 was a laughable - LAUGHABLE! - increase of 0.05°C over that period. And you bunch of drongo numpties are rushing about like headless chooks, completely panic-stricken and wailing endless choruses of gloom and doom! You sad pack of professional no-hopers are a complete joke! With people like you behind them, it's no wonder your soon-to-be-expunged ALP government completely stuffs up everything it touches. How's that mining tax going, losers? Gillard and Swan are so pathetically hopeless that, even when they deliberately set out to tax the pants off the mining companies - they come up with nothing! You lot - to use the terms of the famous old Australian saying - couldn't organise a root in a brothel. Except Craig Thompson, of course - he's apparently pretty adept at that. Pity about the allegations that he used other people's money to do so - if found guilty, old matey will be spending a bit of time in the big house with Bubba, playing mummies and daddies, don't you think? Off you go, lefties. Keep panicking about the sky falling down and keep ignoring the election train smash that remorselessly closes upon you all, day by day. Comfy chair - check! Popcorn - check! Chilled stubbies ready to go followed by a good shiraz - check! I'm ready for the show - bring on the ALP dancing bears and clumsy clowns! Bet, anyone? Anyone for a little bet on the election result? How about you, Turkey boy? Still all talk and no action? What’s the matter, mate? Long pockets and short arms?


9/02/2013Dear Capstan You are obviously incapable of thinking. A short search of the web will give you the explanation for the medieval warm period - increased solar activity and less volcanic action leading to a La Nina in the Pacific (and cooler temperatures there) and a movement in the Icelandic low which affected Europe and led to warmer temperatures there. But temperatures now are exceeding those of the Medieval period and they cannot be accounted for by solar activity or lack of volcanic activity. No further correspondence will be entered into with someone who is too lazy to do their own research!!!! And I doubt you will even understand the explanation. Regards

Ad astra

9/02/2013Folks The latest from today’s [i]London Evening Standard: US braces for 'danger' snowstorm.[/i] Here are some excerpts: [i]”Snow began to fall as a massive blizzard headed for the US north-east today, sending residents hurrying to stock up on food and supplies. Forecasters say the storm could dump up to three feet of snow from New York City to Boston and beyond. “Even before the first snowflake had fallen, airlines scratched more than 3,700 flights until tomorrow. Boston and other towns and cities in New England and upstate New York closed schools. "This one doesn't come along every day. This is going to be a dangerous winter storm,"… The heaviest snowfall was expected tonight and into tomorrow. Wind gusts could reach 75 mph. Widespread power failures were feared, with flooding in coastal areas still recovering from Superstorm Sandy in October… Amtrak rail said its Northeast trains will stop running today… “Airlines have cancelled 3,775 flights… At New York City's three main airports, most domestic carriers planned to halt operations between 2pm and 5pm today, resuming after noon tomorrow. “Blizzard warnings were posted for parts of New Jersey and New York's Long Island, as well as portions of Massachusetts, Rhode Island and Connecticut, including Hartford, New Haven, Connecticut, and Providence. The warnings extended into New Hampshire and Maine. “In New England, it could prove to be among the top 10 snowstorms in history, and perhaps even break Boston's record of 27.6 inches, set in 2003, the National Weather Service said…”[/i] [b]Of course, this event has nothing to do with global warming. Ask climate guru Capstan.[/b]


9/02/2013One can see that "Capstan" is trying on a "dry run"...would someone please pass him the jar of Vaseline!


9/02/2013Ad astra, me old matey - your last sentence is the very first thing you have ever written that I have agreed with. And I do point out to you that all the scientists you apparently revere were the same people, years ago, who stated as fact that snow would disappear because of global warming. They were wrong then - they are wrong now. Dear Ken - a theory here or a rumination there does not constitute proof of what caused the medieval warming episode - does it? Face reality, mate – no-one knows and as long as that is the case – no-one can say with any certainty what is causing the current minor episode. Does anyone want to dispute the British Met Office’s statement that the world has only heated by 0.05°C over the 15 years from 1997 to 2012? Come on – don’t be shy! Interesting you should mention increased solar activity - that is held in some current scientific quarters to be the cause of the warming in the last couple of decades - and its apparent current diminution may well lead to a bit of a cold spell. You have heard of that theory, haven't you? Anyway, you keep shrieking about doom and gloom - I'll get on with enjoying my life - including watching the ALP disintegrate a little bit more every day. When do you think the Krudster will make his move, folks? Sooner? or later? Chin chin.


9/02/2013Good Morning Ad and Everyone, Yesterday there were too many important articles came in later in the day, hence “Today’s links” on Saturday. I will post Saturday and Sunday when there is a surplus of essential reading. Thankyou for your “perfect gentleman” comments this morning Ad Astra. Jaycee "Good One" Here is a few links our readers may be interested in: This Snowstorm ‘Will Make History’ chris murphy ‏@chrismurphys Lawyer seeks Nestor case inquiry … via @theage chris murphy @chrismurphys Pervert priest guilty of child molest beyond doubt before Magistrate. Gaoled. Abbott's character evidence helped him win Appeal chris murphy @chrismurphys NEWS:Just out. AAP complete story on Abbott link to convicted paedophile BrNestor. I am quoted correctly. Tony Abbott linked to Catholic priest dumped after child abuse case The budget will tackle the anomalies that favour big earners, writes Peter Martin. margo kingston ‏@margokingston1 Ashby Age Herald this morning … :):):):):):):):)


9/02/2013Sorry Capstan One last comment. You proved I was right - you didn't understand the explanation.


9/02/2013It's deja vu all over again. I've been scratching my head often over the last couple of months and thinking 'why does it feel like a re-run of elections past?' I haven't been able decide which election campaign it is similar too but it is becoming clearer. Labor is attempting a re-run of 2004 and hoping that Abbott will do a Latham and implode/explode and prove beyond doubt he is unfit to govern. The LNP is attempting a re-run of 1996 not actually setting out clear policies and painting the government as totally incompetent and the cause of division and all that is wrong in the country. Prof Peter van Onslen in The Weekend Aus confirms the second part of my thinking. [b]The plan: Softly, softly, catchee voter[/b] Peter van Onslen, The Aus [i]AN outbreak of ill-discipline, or any discussion whatsoever about policy details. That was the response from a Coalition frontbencher whom I asked what concerned them the most in this election year. What were the barriers, if any still existed, to ousting Labor from power? ... Small on exposure, small on ideas; there is little expectation that Abbott will inspire his way into the Lodge. But then he almost certainly doesn't need to. "If that were the test we might as well pack up now," our resident frontbencher jokingly adds. But no one should think that even the most stridently ideological Liberals are necessarily upset about Abbott's small-target strategy.[/i] click on the link that comes up Just waiting now to hear Mr Abbott say something like Australians should relaxed and comfortable and be able to read the paper starting at the sports pages. He might have to wait for the drugs/match rigging thing to blow over first though.

Ad astra

9/02/2013Folks We ought to welcome Capstan’s comments as they give insight into what climate skeptics/deniers believe. I used ‘believe’ rather than ‘think’ as there is little thinking. What we see is cherry-picking facts that seem to fit their case, but little reasoning or logic. They are like those religious extremists who believe that the world was created by God six thousand years ago, despite a mountain of verifiable evidence that it, and indeed the universe, emerged billions of years ago. Facts, evidence, logic and reasoning are anathema to them when they collide with their ‘beliefs’. Nothing can change them. We ought not to try. Brick walls and all that…


9/02/2013From the mouths of babes?

Ad astra

9/02/2013Hi Lyn Thank you for your kind comment and the additional links. Since this piece is about global warming, one that caught my eye was the one by meteorologist Terry Eliasen: [i]This Snowstorm ‘Will Make History’[/i] It’s not just about the historic snowstorm, it’s about high seas and costal flooding: [i]”Seas just offshore will rise to 25-to-35 feet. All of this will make for moderate to major coastal flooding. Many vulnerable shore roads will be completely washed out. “Beach erosion will also be a major factor…, There will be some structural damage and numerous power outages from this storm. Widespread wind damage is certain along the coast and inland as well…”[/i] [b]Climate deniers will argue that global warming couldn’t possibly be responsible for a snowstorm. They are unwilling to, or incapable of addressing the climate science, which shows how the increasing number of extreme adverse weather events we are witnessing now, such as extreme heat (and consequent bushfires), extreme cold, droughts, floods, tornados, hurricanes and sea surges can all be attributable to global warming and the changes it brings about. Trying to reason with deniers is pointless; their minds are already irreversibly made up.[/b]


9/02/2013Good Morning All, Lyn you have been so busy, just you be sure to look after those peepers eh. Ad astra you too, don't work too hard and worry too much, all is well and we are all doing our own best, just don't feel too much personal responsiblity. I know that's hard for you ...but ... Now: Swordsfolks will know that I do not grace social sludge such as Catscrap with replies, nor will I make an exception here, but I do wish to repay him a debt of gratitude, and an apology, which it is my delight to do now. Regulars will recall that the last time this piece of feline excrement sprayed here, he jeeringly told us that Sportsbet was offering SEVENS on Labor at the next election. I frankly didn't believe him (and this is where I apologise, he was actually telling the truth.) He actually supplied the link information to us! I couldn't believe my luck, O Frabjous Day! I got straight onto it and put what for me is a WODGER of $$$'s on Labor, well I'm not saying how much but I will be able to put on one helluva party and still buy a nice little car! (that I don't need.) Many will remember my crowing about that fact, including egging others on to grab the odds while they were on offer! Which they rapidly ceased being. They were down to $2.80 by November! :) Yep they are out again to $4.75, (on the basis of the last couple of polls this month) and you know what Folks, that's a SNAP! And it shows what hubristic fools these puffed-up Abborttian election-backers really are, (because see it's only the amount of money put on the relative parties, not the amount of wisdom being brought to bear, that determines the "odds" at any given time. It's not [i]mathematical[/i] odds, like the probability of dice-throwing or Roulette, it is more akin to horse racing where any horse might break a leg at any time ... and in a two-horse race you better be pretty sure of your fancy to offer seven~to~one on Our Ranga Lass, or to put big money on Troppo Tony at $1.10.) Not that Sportsbet stands to lose anything, it covers its arse with the algorithms it uses to determine "odds". It is only the stupid Abbortters that will lose. [i]HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA! [/i] And All Praise to Catscrap, ME that'll CLEAN UP! :)


9/02/2013Ad Yes, I was the one who responded to Capstan. Normally I would just ignore such rubbish but I couldn't resist sucking him in and he fell for it.


9/02/2013Hi Ad and Everybody Bushfire Bill on Peter Hartcher this morning: [i]Why does this man bother to get up in the morning? [/i] The Gaffhook ‏ I wouldn't like to trot this resume round for job seeking interviews CF @BushfireBill Peter Hartchers latest; :):):)


9/02/2013Lyn Just as I was beginning to catch up, here you come again with more wonderful links to read. Thanks. :-) :-)


9/02/2013Abbott and the LNP. gaggle obviously have been told by Murdoch's crew to ; "Just keep your dopey mouths shut and let us do the work!"

Tom of Melbourne

9/02/2013Jane – [i] Although the government has made decisions which have bitterly disappointed you, consider the alternative.[/i] Jane, I don’t consider the alternative. Both major parties get an equal preference, near the bottom of the ballot, and I’m quite clear about that. I’ve said I’d vote ALP if they reinstalled Rudd, because that would teach the hacks/powerbrokers like Howes such a bitter lesson that it may cause some rebalancing of the power structures in the party. AS for the behaviour of the opposition in parliament, that gets endless commentary here. …and for a site that claims to put politicians to the verbal sword, it is entirely inadequate in its singular, unrelenting focus. So I’m only here to provide a small amount of balance.


9/02/2013Swordsters If you can't get through all Lyn's offerings today (because there are so many and they're SO good), just be sure not to miss the later link to Bushfire Bill's take on Peter Hartcher. Gee, I wish I could write like that. I laughed till I cried! Thanks Lyn, for this and all your other links. You're awesome!


9/02/2013We should all feel sorry for capstan. He is obviously afraid of the effects of climate change, and one way to deal with something so overwheleming for him is to spit venom and get angry, laugh it off and simply deny it will happen. Its a coping mechanism. Capstan we at TPS are also afraid of the effects of climate change but being the opptomists that we are, we believe that it can be reversed if we all pull together. You on the other hand strike me as a person who has always been on the fringes, looking at others who co-operate, pull together and enjoy each others company, pull together when things get tough. You would like to have a piece of that but you don't know how to get it, so you hang around people like us & keep up your anger and bitterness and spite. It actually makes you feel better to deride people, call them names and spit venom, just like it makes TPS people feel good to be together talk and support one and other. Sad really. That goes for the other everyone calls a troll as well.


9/02/2013I already know the answer, but... Do we really want a Prime Minister taking direction from an unelected voice in the Advisers' box? This from Laurie Oakes here: "The changed parliamentary atmosphere also reflects Abbott's realisation that, if he wants to look like an alternative prime minister, he can't continue to be a political brawler. At one stage, when Abbott looked as though he might forget that and start interjecting, his chief-of-staff, Peta Credlin, told him from the advisers' box to shoosh." Dennis Atkins also writes of this stage-managing in his piece at The Courier Mail here: Take this in, people. Abbott can so NOT CONTROL HIMSELF after two decades or more in the business that he needs the presence of a puppeteer in the background. (By the way, "advisers" are not meant to audibly open their mouths on the floor of the House.) Well, some we see and hear, but how many puppeteers does this guy have?! (Rhetorical question alert.) And why the Hell would any electorate in any country on Earth even begin to accept the idea of a potential PM who can't be trusted by his own people outside the earshot of his duenna?


9/02/2013Turkey Boy - I'm really glad to know you got your all your money on the ALP for a win at the election - because I really want to have that at the front of my mind the night Abbott wipes the floor with Gillard and her travelling freak show. Mate - knowing that your scabby, socialistic existence will become even harder after the election because you just blew the last ten bucks in your possession - is something that reaffirms my belief in natural justice. What I say to all of you is listen to Turkey Boy! Do as he says! Put every cent you can find, conjure, steal, swindle or otherwise procure (and all of you lefties here should be pretty sweet on the stealing, swindling and conning) on the ALP for a win at the elections! I didn't think that things could get any better - but they certainly will, if I know you lot are dumb enough to actually bet on the ALP to win! There certainly is a mug born every minute: Turkey Boy - this minute belongs to you!


9/02/2013You're new at this posting game, aren't you Capstan...I can tell by the crude and simplistic sentence construction..also the childish insults. Most of us here have been posting for years and your goofy slanders are like childrens' banter. I would suggest you ask AA. for the email address of that other troll that hasn't a life..."ToM"...and you can get in touch for some tips that will bring you more up to date on "under the skin" style insults... Now..admittedly, he's a wanker, but he's a better wanker than you!

Ad astra

9/02/2013Hi Lyn Thanks for the BB link – there is nothing more read worthy than his assessment of his [i]bête noire[/i]: Peter Hartcher. Ken You’re entitled to your enjoyment.


9/02/2013Dear Capstan You are so thick I just can't resist. Ne baisez pas avec moi ou je baiserai avec votre cerveau tres petit. Vous aurez besoin d'une traduction d'argot pas une traduction literalle pour comprendre ceci.


9/02/2013Yep Pikiranku Bushfire Bill's post was brilliant, and I too laughed out loud. Thanks Lyn.


9/02/2013Ad astra This is what I say to the Guardian article. Its scary. After having seen what happened up here in Queensland before & after Cyclone Oswald I worry about our fragile communications infrastructure and our capacity to cope with extreme weather events. We had months of little to no rain, it was hot!, even hotter down south and those fires.....well as we know when Australia has a bush fire expect tens of thousand of acres to be affected. Then we had the torrential rain, and honestly we all breathed a sigh of relief that we were going to get rain. And then the amount of rain made us all wish it would just stop. So this is what we can expect more of, and the coalitions flippant response to climate change really gets me worried if they somehow manage to win the next election. Let's hop that the electorate sees sense. We see already major differences opening up with the coalitions stance on superanuation re-taxing 3.5 million of the lowest paid workers, mainly women. And the ALP wanting to get the same result by closing the tax breaks for the top 1% (in other words the extremely wealthy). If this doesn't tell the electorate that this ultra conservative coalition is for the rich I can't think of anything that points it out more succinctly. There faux climate action policy is nothing new and at this stage I don;t see climate change being first and formost in the electorates mind, which is a pity, it might change lets hope so.


9/02/2013Hi Ad and Everybody Ad , BB as always a good read seems to guess what we think. Thankyou Pikranku, your appreciation & participation is gold. BB sure gives Pin Stripped some doesn’t he. Gravel you are our forever friend crowned, TPS Sweetie. Ken I wonder what you said, @ 2.29pm , must be good as interesting words to read. Go Ken Go. Michael thankyou for the Laurie Oakes & Dennis Atkins links. You said:- Do we really want a Prime Minister taking direction from an unelected voice in the Advisers' box? NO I say, has any other opposition leader ever had an Adviser joined to his hip, honestly telling Lotto when to open his mouth and shut it, what!! upsetting for me is, everyone in the Media think oh! that’s ok. Laurie Oakes is just copying dribble again. Dennis is not too bad but not good, just more sophisticated dribble. Talk Turkey thankyou for asking about my eyes. Better now, but I am very careful and very protective, never want to go through that again. Lady in Red I love it when you are “ Cranky Pants” thankyou for all your well thought out interesting posts, most enjoyable. Smile:) Smile:) Smile:) Smile:) Smile:)


9/02/2013Ken your posts to Capstan wont win you the prestigious 'cranky pants' award....because you are having way too much fun. So; I would like to offer you the 'bogan singlet' (normally you get both together but I can see at times it makes sense to seperate them). Now remember its blue. I can't see you with sparkles, but I don't like to make judgements, you can add sparkles if so wish. You can wear a checked flannel shirt if the weather is chill. Enjoy.


9/02/2013Lady in Red A sincere thank you for the award of the bogan singlet. I shall wear it with pride. Is this where I thank my parents, friends, manager and DOG!! In fact, I probably rate as a bogan by birth - at Auburn in the western suburbs of Sydney but I will concede that in those days it was looked on more as a Labor voting working class suburb and I grew up with stories of heroes Jack Lang and "Red Ted" Theodore.


9/02/2013Hi Bob and Jaycee I forgot to include you two. I love it when you both are cranky pants. Lady could they have an award too. Michael might have to be the leader though. Navy singlet and a large shovel is a good prize, Do you think so? :):)


9/02/2013[i]An open letter to Tony. You won the support of your fossilized front bench by mounting a mission to destroy the Carbon Price. And most importantly, you won the support of Gina Rinehart, someone who appears to hate the Carbon Price more than you do, by promising to ‘axe the tax’. This strategy has literally paid dividends to your party. So I can see, from your point of view, your opposition to this policy is a winner. But this is where I have a slight problem. It’s the whole ‘your point of view’ thing. You see, Tony, when I look at your policies, all I can see is that they are going to benefit you. You personally. [/i]


9/02/2013Lyn I may reveal the translation at another time. First I wanted to see whether Capstan is capable of using a translator on the web and ... no can't say that without revealing the trick inherent in it. It's certainly not polite! And I have another one ready for him if he decides to join the game!!


9/02/2013There is merrit in what you say Lyn. I believe you are right, I just went back and checked and Michael has been particularly cranky in his 1:54pm post. And, I loved that article about Credlin coaching Tandoori Tony from the sidelines. And yes I can see that Jaycee 2:16pm, not only was it a cranky post, but even though obviously cranky still managed to give good and cedible advice to Capstan re contacting Ad astra for ToM's email address. Lyn bob (I presume you mean macalba) has won the award twice, and deservedly so, & I believe he looks very nice in the bogan blue singlet. So, bear in mind this does mean 2 singlet awards today, but I believe Jaycee should get todays 'cranky pants' award. The post included information above and beyond the call of duty for a particularly cranky person. Must wear blue singlet, you can add sparkles, brooches, footy stickers, whatever you like to personalise your singlet. If the weather is chill you may wear a checked flannel shirt, over, I repeat over not under, the singlet.


9/02/2013Ken a well deserved win.


9/02/2013Lyn Ad Lady in Red Just a quick one to say that despite spending time playing with Capstan I have been reading, and enjoying, the links. So thank you to all for those.


9/02/2013[i]‘‘When we look back, one of the things that will be most important, and most remembered in this part of the nation’s history, will be the royal commission into child abuse,’’ she said.[/i]


9/02/2013[i]ABC newsreader Jeremy Fernandez has long experienced racism since moving to Australia as a teenager, but a 15-minute racist tirade he experienced in front of his young daughter left him particularly shaken. He asks, what makes people so ready to vent their hate in 2013[/i] Capstan? ToM? You guys might be able to shed a light, or provide some insight into what makes people vent poison?

42 long

9/02/2013You trolls are sick. Get help.


9/02/2013Capstan my friend You are ignoring me. I thought you had taken your bat and ball and gone home. Obviously too stupid to play the game!!


9/02/2013I see Private Pike better known as Capstan is back to dumb us all to death again.


9/02/2013I wonder if TPS M@il and the re-emergence of another irrelevant ignorant troll are linked? Did the emails to Abbott worry him or his minders enough that they decided to increase the interest in this blog?


9/02/2013Jason Don't put him off, I'm enjoying playing with him.


9/02/2013Don't you just love those lefty principles. Care for others less fortunate than yourself. Being willing to put someone else before yourself. Help the most vulnerable. At the same reward those who work hard, help businesses to get ahead but not at the expense of workers who afterall are a valued resource and should be treated as such. Free high class education, recognising that the best way to enlightenment is through education. Medicare, superannuation, and more recently NDIS & NBN. Children go to school rather than down a mine. I'm proud to be a LEFTY - funny thing is people think this is an insult. Lefty = caring. Right wing-nuts = what's in it for me? Ken I can see the fun. But is it really fair to use superior intellect to crush your obviously feeble minded opponent?


9/02/2013A shining example of 'lefty principles in action [b]Children trapped on the ground, longing to fly[/b] Tony Wright, SMAge/NationalTimes There is no truth to the rumour that the current Labor government abides by 'lefty principles'.


9/02/2013Capstan my old friend I was saving these for your return but you seem uninterested in the game so I will post them anyway because I am about to log off for the night. Here are a couple more for you. You will have to use what little intelligence you have to sort out the languages. Pourquoi la merde sort-elle de votre bouche au lieu de votre cul? Elle doit etre devoir inconfortable mettre votre tête dans la couvette des toilettes. Cac pours as bhéal ceart agat cac sciathán. Póg mo thóin. You may recognise the last phrase if you know anything about The Pogues. (That’s a clue to the language in case you missed it, which I expect you did.) And I think that may be the end of the game. I think I am tiring of it. You may have to find someone else because you are certainly not intelligent enough to play [u]my[/u] games.

bob macalba

9/02/2013Patriciawa..sadly your correct, all over the planet and all the time more and more extreme weather records being broken, how anybody can deny this is not normal is beyond me, ps.. hope your feeling much better..cheers Ad..its really frightening when so many scarey facts are put into the one story, for too long procrastination now its starting to sink in, am gonna be watching this big snow front moving into USA with interest, sure to be many extreme weather records broken there as well Ken.. a worthy recipient.. congratulations 'oi oi oi ' Lyn... as always..thankyou plenty of great links Jaycee.. that was a good one cheers


9/02/2013 Obviously seeing we won't talk to the normal troll anymore he has called in a few of his mates to back him up. more paid opinions, just meaningless tripe.


9/02/2013LIR Ken, The trouble with "Private Pike" is he's a grunt,So low in the food chain thinking isn't allowed. If the "Officers" tell him Labor is bad or climate change is crap he'll believe it, he doesn't question because all he's done his whole life is take orders he's nothing but a yes man or a stupid persons idea of a deep thinker!

bob macalba

9/02/2013deas amhain fhios, fuair an t-am leathcheann mor how did i go ?... couldnt work out how to put the ? above the letters but hope i got it right anyway cheers

bob macalba

9/02/2013Capstan= a licker bun liobralacha..


9/02/2013Bushfire Bill Posted Saturday, February 9, 2013 at 8:12 pm | Permalink Oh for God’s sake. Margot Kingston on the Grattanosaurus: Michelle Grattan’s best work is yet to come … She was spooked by the hung parliament, and has fought for air as the old media fought for its very existence. She is now free. She is preparing to tackle a project I dreamed of many years ago and began to make real with Webdiary, to harness the talent of the people to create citizen journalism. In my opinion, the job could not be in better hands. I spoke to a depressed Fairfax stalwart today to get Michelle’s number (no answer). Don’t despair, I said, Fairfax values haven’t died, they’ve just moved on. Look, even Kookaburra’s back. What rubbish. Grattan had no right to be “spooked” by the hung parliament. By saying that, Kingston is acknowledging that Grattan lost it when something different came along. Worse than that, she ran a personal vendetta against Gillard for no other reason, it seems, than personal dislike. In doing so Grattan spruiked for Tony Abbott, offering him motherly advice right up until her last column. It’s like Kingston is Rip van Winkle, awakened after 20 years asleep and still thinking it’s 1993. Begone with both of them!


9/02/2013Capstan and ToM exercise together...: "right-hand, right-hand change at ahundredandthree!"


9/02/2013Jason Grattan was spooked by the hung parliament? Huh? She was a Journo with 40+ years surely nothing would or should phaze a person with that much experience under her belt. What do you think Kingston meant by spooked? I might think about it and then tweet and ask Margo what she means because I am baffled.


9/02/2013DMW @8"24pm - a point well made.


9/02/2013LIR, Not sure what she meant, although as TT found out today he made a complaint to Margo about Ms Grattan on twitter only to find that she blocked him, because he said he thought she was passed it! Or could it be "spooked" was a kind way of saying she should have retired 3 years ago?


9/02/2013I am seriously pissed off, bordering on cranky. Disunity is death and the undertaker @KRuddMP is preparing to bury Labor as a governing party for many years to come. @#!$%#@!^&%$#b and many other expletives deleted.


10/02/2013... and then I get totally confused cos I come across something like this: Kiera ‏@KieraGorden @Leroy_Lynch @margokingston1 FYI - this happened tonight. Make of it what you will...


10/02/2013this link should work:


10/02/2013... and to make life even more perplexing this rant from the pos 56m Possum Comitatus ‏@Pollytics Forgive me - but I'm going to have a big fucking rant. Just not sure how to put it accurately and politely. There's no malice intended here 55m Possum Comitatus ‏@Pollytics Sitting here drawing up framework contingency arcs for political campaigning activity for the next Qld election - we all have a problem 55m Possum Comitatus ‏@Pollytics There is no "body politic" in Australia. There is no shared or common political experience - just segmented tiers of knowledge and resources 54m Possum Comitatus ‏@Pollytics We have a small group that know *granulary* about, & are participants in, policy, politics and public reaction + the influence thereof 53m Possum Comitatus ‏@Pollytics Some of those are elected representatives, the overwhelming majority are not. But that group does not speak, & you do not know what they do 52m Possum Comitatus ‏@Pollytics We have another tier that includes the faux insider, daily political horseracers, media & hangers on.They create most of "public debate". 51m Possum Comitatus ‏@Pollytics Most of that debate is irrelevant. Not all- some is important. Usually good people make it so - but most is simply, irrelevant noise. 51m Possum Comitatus ‏@Pollytics We have the political watcher set -folks twho follow politics closely, 90% of whose time is occupied by the minutia of that very irrelevance 50m Possum Comitatus ‏@Pollytics Then we go down - heavy news viewer, moderate political consumer, occasional watcher, glimpse viewer. They get played - completely played 49m Possum Comitatus ‏@Pollytics We have a system where the people describing the system to those that matter, aren't a party to its reality. It's information apartheid 48m Possum Comitatus ‏@Pollytics And our system is balanced in such a way, that it can't exist any other way without it all falling apart 45m Possum Comitatus ‏@Pollytics For instance,who knows why... *really why*.. PM Gillard is unpolular. Or Newman. What made them so? Who did it? How? 42m Possum Comitatus ‏@Pollytics If someone says they know - it's almost a certain bet they're talking out their arse, orn talking out others arses vicariously 39m Possum Comitatus ‏@Pollytics And that is what Oz politics has evolved to. Tiers of knowledge & participation, where what is mainstream has become a tepid franchise 38m Possum Comitatus ‏@Pollytics But it can be no other way until government itself, from the top, changes it 34m Possum Comitatus ‏@Pollytics And for those that say it's nothing new - the premise may not be, but the means certainly is, and the sophistication can be breathtaking 32m Possum Comitatus ‏@Pollytics Although not so much with the ALP, because - to be rudely honest - they're a decade behind their opponents.And it shows 28m Possum Comitatus ‏@Pollytics Let's put it this way. Take an issue - any issue. What you hear about the reaction to that issue is usually, completely fabricated 23m Possum Comitatus ‏@Pollytics Let's take boat people. The Libs use boats not as "boats", but as a proxy for broader public concerns over national (in)security 23m Possum Comitatus ‏@Pollytics This comes out in qual work *all the fucking time* if the ALP could ever be bothered to.... you know.... look 22m Possum Comitatus ‏@Pollytics The ALP reacts to "boats" by using boats "boats". That's why they get their heads kicked from arsehole to breakfast time 18m Possum Comitatus ‏@Pollytics The things that make up nearly all of our public debate are plastic. You know who gives a shit about today's TPM? 17m Possum Comitatus ‏@Pollytics The handful of people - literally - the relative handful of people talking about today's TPM. And that is it 14m Possum Comitatus ‏@Pollytics Who knows why a PM or Premier has dropped 20 points in generic approval of a given issue in 3 months? I know who doesn't #BuyThePaper 11m Possum Comitatus ‏@Pollytics You know who does actually know? Those that were involved - and they won't say. Because they can't. And it can be no other way ATM 9m Possum Comitatus ‏@Pollytics Our debates are bullshit.Too many get sucked in. Those that proclaim to know usually dont. There is no shared body politic in Oz. <end rant>


10/02/2013ToM, I've got as much chance of winning cross lotto as Kevin Rudd has of being reinstated as PM. With the front bench threatening to walk out if he is reinstalled and with Rudd's poor relationships with nearly ¾ of the Parliamentary party, you'd have to accept that it won't happen. If nearly ¾ of your colleagues refuse point blank to work with you, you're the one who'll be given your marching orders. Furthermore, if you piss off nearly ¾ of your colleagues so badly that they refuse point blank to work with you, clearly YOU are the problem. If you only piss off a few work colleagues, it's unremarkable. You're never going to get on with everyone you work with, but pissing off over 70% is another story and dismissing their complaints as unimportant is just plain silly. We now know this was the case and that Gillard was the one the disgruntled complained to. As Deputy PM she got the job of tapping him on the shoulder. I doubt she relished the job, but she did it because she had to. That's the sort of person she is. There's really no point dwelling on it; you can't change it and there's no going back. We all have to deal with the here and now, learn from the past but don't stay there. We are focused on the opposition's behaviour in Parliament because it is so extraordinarily dreadful, their moronic stunts, childish behaviour, and sheer bloody mindedness are more reminiscent of two year olds, than adults. Their equally pathetic disrespect for the Speaker by arguing with her and refusing to address her by her preferred title is another example of the immature bully-boy tactics you'd expect to find in school yards. As is the juvenile behaviour of Hockey and Prissy who followed the PM down a corridor in Parliament House catcalling and frankly behaving liked spoiled born-to-rule rapists. Liealot and Prissy running away from Thomson's vote is another example of behaviour you would only expect from a toddler, not adults, one of whom wants us to believe that he is PM material, when in fact if he managed to hang onto ANY job in private enterprise, would be relegated to junior tea boy. No boss in his/her right mind would give him any responsibility. And there's Liealot's cut and run tactics when he's asked any question that might force him to deviate from his script. Yes we focus on the opposition's behaviour, because it demonstrates their complete unfitness to to govern this country. Lyn 23.35pm, I totally agree with your assessment of the Oakes and Atkins pieces. Oakes was certainly either channeling some smear sheet from Menzies House or at best on automatic pilot. Atkins was slightly better but still buying into Liars party shite. Capstan, how about Franco, Mussolini and the current Liars pin up boy, Hitler? I don't recall any of the others sparking a World war.


10/02/2013Jason @ 10.19pm No-one should be surprised re Margot Kingston. She is a Tory and a journalist, therefore she will always back both before anything/anyone else. Whilst people have been extolling how "amazing" this lady is, I have been shaking my head at how easily people are blinkered.

bob macalba

10/02/2013Ignore, ignore, ignore..,you feed the effwit and it grows bold, what tosser it is, a friendless deluded fool, an annoying irritating weak turd who probably drinks by himself to achieve the cleverness needed to fight the no good lefties, a coward in the true sense of the meaning, betcha your good at obscenities from a moving vehicle coward, never mind your laptops got your back, coward, please ignore the effing tonsil


10/02/2013Capstan You fucking despicable piece of shit. How dare you revert to saying a "mate of your Dad" was executed in WWII! My father fought every day of WWII - he was called up to active service two days [u]before[/u] war was declared and was in Milne Bay on the day the surrender was announced. A cousin of Dad's died in a bomb blast in north Africa when his convoy of trucks was attacked by German bombers. Another died flying Lancasters in England. A cousin of my mother was taken at the fall of Singapore and died on the Thai-Burma railway. Don't you dare presume to lecture me on people dying for their country. Using it the way you do to support your own politics disgracefully debases the men and women who gave their lives and that should make you die of shame but I know you are such an arsehole that it won't. You don't even understand why they died.


10/02/2013capstan, Time for you to have a mental health check-up because you come across as stark, staring, raving mad. Seriously.


10/02/2013to all other Swordsters my apologies for my last post to Capstan but I was shaking with rage at his comment and had to say something. Normal service wil now resume!


10/02/2013Thank you Capstan...So..a "good catholic lad" in about his late fifties/early college educated (=no education worth it's salt!) Melbourne raised.. So...result...Santamaria catholic, sixty yrs., gambler (=loser), doctrinair fascist(= cognative dissonance), unable to sustain relationships (religious demanding = non complicit w/relationships), unable to outgrow parental influence = childish rationales reliving fatherly fears and hates. Nice chap...the sort of bloke you would avoid at church!


10/02/2013And I'll just bet he was dead keen to go to Vietnam to "kill some commies".


10/02/2013Hi Ken, Forgiven I feel your anger. Janice I couldn't have said it better my self, @ 9.31am The Insiders have turned into their later show "The Offsiders" I'm waiting for Michael to come along and tell me what he thinks of these stories:- Abbott steers away from the media The fact Abbott and his advisers have a deliberate policy to avoid scrutiny should be a major concern for all who take an interest in our national public life. Tony Abbott bails on TV spot by: SAMANTHA MAIDEN NATIONAL POLITICAL EDITOR Coalition insiders are deeply concerned that a media stumble by Mr Abbott remains one of the greatest threats to him ruining what many believe to be an unloseable election. :):):):):)


10/02/2013Lyn Very interesting that even papers like the Courier Mail and the Daily Telegraph are starting to carry stories like that about Abbott.


10/02/2013And I'll bet Capstan was raised in a working-class suburb..something like West Heidelburg!...He has that lingering smell of friday-night fish and chips about him. I mean no slander on working suburbs, hell! I'm from one myself. It's just that many catholic parents from such suburbs were encouraged to embrace poverty and send their kids to catholic colleges as a duty to the church...where they were taken care of! Tragic really.

Ad astra

10/02/2013Hi Lyn What interesting stories about the Abbott retreat from public exposure, where he might be asked awkward questions. What does it say about the man who wants to lead this nation that he now wants, for the months ahead, to avoid scrutiny, even by the lilly-livered journalists that abound, journalists who scarcely ever ask a probing question and persist with it until they get an answer? Will his retreat to safer environments induce even the timid to turn against him? Journalists feed on pollie talk - if the would-be leader refuses to talk, where does it leave them? The quite deliberate strategy of avoiding situations where he might trip up, or be trapped, may be the move that brings about his downfall.


10/02/2013Jaycee You forgot still lives with the irrational fear of "Reds under the bed" goes to childish behavior, inability to think like an adult. Name calling is the first port of call for the mentally immature & deficient individual. Why childish people like these think to call someone a lefty is an insult is beyond logic, we are proud of our leanings(caring about our fellow man/woman)so to use this as a point of ridicule is pointless & probably shows that they are the ones that are ashamed of their own right wing affiliation. Just more deflection, look at all you lefties, but don't you dare look at us right wing nut jobs. These are the people that will be the first to deny they voted for wingnut when the country slides into recession if he ever gets elected. Will vanish into the mist never to be heard of again when Julia is returned as the PM. I put it to all here the fact he is being so puerile is that they are worried that the general public will soon see the hollowness of wingnut's thought bubbles. Slightly different tack, why can't the media(we know the answer to that one)ask Sloppy Joe, seeing he thinks the schools kids bonus is a bribe for the election. Why was Howard's middle class welfare not the same, he really knew how to buy votes "fright & bribes" kept him in power for too long. Also when is an actual journalist going to ask wingnut "is that a carefully scripted written down promise". As we all know if it isn't he can't & shouldn't be believed(from his own mouth).


10/02/2013jaycee, That person is mentally unstable and should be totally and utterly ignored. We can only hope he get a mental health check-up pronto.


10/02/2013AA [quote]The quite deliberate strategy of avoiding situations where he might trip up, or be trapped, may be the move that brings about his downfall.[/quote] I think you answered my question in the last sentence of my previous post, yes I think it is a bigger mistake to avoid the media in such a way. They zero in on a perceived weakness, well they did once upon a time when they actually worked for a crust as journalists.


10/02/2013Ad Astra Seeing mad monk is now hiding from the media, is this a first class chance for Julia to get the jump on him, what if she started a fortnightly public address to the nation. Along the lines of the AWU (funny how that has vanished all of a sudden) press conferences. Start to show just how much the mad monk is running from scrutiny.


10/02/2013KHTAGH Ad Agree that if Abbott persists with that approach over the long term, it will itself become "the story" that journalists will report. As I said earlier, if papers like the Courier Mail and the Daily Telegraph are beginning to carry such stories (even though a very small one in the Tele) it is a bad sign for Abbott. The pieces will grow bigger the longer it goes on. It fits with DMW's earlier analysis that the Government is adopting the strategy of giving Abbott enough time to shoot himself in the foot. Will be away for a while now. Heading off to the Multicultural Festival here in Canberra.


10/02/2013We can all be susceptible to a touch of hypocrisy and can fail to heed that old advice about glass houses and stones ... No names, no pack-drill, just an observation ... [i]Name calling is the first port of call for the mentally immature & deficient individual. ... Also when is an actual journalist going to ask [u]wingnut[/u] ...[/i] (my underlining) Careful what you type Sworwillians lest you be hoist upon your own petard.


10/02/2013One has to ask ; when Costello urged young couples to "have one child for each of you and one for the nation"..who did he think was going to provide for them in a capital based economy? I'd say ; thatnk god for the "school kids bonus" if i was a parent now!


10/02/2013I can't wait for the time when, closer to the election, Julia starts challenging Tony Abbott to a series of televised debates. That's really going to put the wind up his minders.

bob macalba

10/02/2013Anybody feel free to call me what you wish, abuse me any way you want, no skin of my nose [thick skinned i am] i only ask that you do it when i carry on like a dickhead or print crap or bulldust, and to be honest i would expect it, a quick sharp rebuke then on again with life cheers all


10/02/2013DMW The thought did cross my mind, although I think there is a slight difference between calling someone in the public domain a nickname as opposed to a denigrating an entire side of politics for just commenting on a blog site. Should people stop calling the PM Julia_ (LOTO & our ABC) I might refer to him by his name. Prime ministers are due respect as being the leader of the country, as is the speaker (second most senior position). This respect is the last consideration given by the opposition, so I feel justified. Although I do acknowledge your point.

Ad astra

10/02/2013Folks I'll be posting a new piece this evening: [i]Why does the Coalition choose to live in an imaginary world?[/i]. This thread has now well over four hundred comments, some of them rather acerbic, so this evening we can start afresh. Some come here with outlandish comments, I suspect deliberately to provoke - their language is provocative, as are their comments. While trying to refute their claims and arguments is a natural response, it is almost totally pointless as they seem to have irreversibly entrenched views on the subjects on which they choose to write. There is nothing more frustrating that debating with someone whose mind is not amenable to change. Why bother? I could delete their comments, but favour leaving them, so long as they are not overtly abusive, sexist or racial, so that we can see what we are up against, and what politicians are up against as they try to legislate change, even change that on the face of it seems to be for the common good. Perhaps we should admire politicians for daring to take on the change agent role, when they know, no matter how beneficial the changes they seek might be to the majority, there will always be resistance, usually based on self-interest, rather that the interest of the majority - the common weal.


10/02/2013Pikiranku [quote]Julia starts challenging Tony Abbott to a series of televised debates.[/quote] If my memory is correct, last time he refused to do it didn't he. Or did he back out of the 2nd one because the first one didn't go down too good.


10/02/2013KHTAGH, fair comment, and I am not fussed one way or the other just saying take care.

Ad astra

10/02/2013Pikiranku, KHTAGH Public televised debates are Abbott's [i]bête noire[/i]. He will flounder. That is what his minders and colleagues fear most. That is why they are hiding what little light he has under a bushel, but they can't do that forever. It's a lovely day here - I'll be out with the family for a few hours.


10/02/2013Mad as a cut snake!

Janet (Jan @j4gypsy)

10/02/2013 G’day peeps. Thanks DMW for Poss’s tweets. More than interesting. Share your frustration on the never-ending Rudd carry on. Unutterably destructive … and share your frustration, too, Jason, at Margo Kingston’s overnight lean to getting Rudd back on the front bench! Mind boggles. I do wonder at the capacity of people for analysing human behaviours: he’s just set off the ‘who released the video’ hare and leaked his own FOI requests that indicate the list of ‘enemies’ he perceives in his own government offices/staffing. Front bench again??!!! Funny farm methinks … KHTGH: you should tweet/email direct to PM the brilliant idea of fortnightly address to nation asap! (and if u don’t I will :-)) Lyn, Ad et al.: every story about Abbott avoiding the media (slightly questioned by Cassidy to Savva on Insiders this morning?) continues to remind me of the GOP’s attempt to keep the vacuous Sarah Palin away from ‘harm’ and truth by hiding her first from media, and then from any public appearance where she might have to answer a question. As a strategy it backfired bigtime: the revelations post 2008 presidential election, as we’ll all remember, were gob-smacking. It’s not so much fear that Abbott will fluff his lines, but that every word uttered and gesture made reveals a person, both values and character. If he’s truly seen – not a chance in Hades. (Think of his appearance on The Project a few days ago: loud, so unsubtle, slightly lewd, definitely sleazy, footy-drinking barmate.) The rub is - husband and wife team Credlin and Loughlan both know this. I think they won’t be able to ‘control’ him to election day. So perhaps both non-appearance AND then cracking and speaking/getting angry under pressure will bring him down … A bit of Twitterstuff for you all coming up in next post. Twitter reporting will be intermittent, not as regular as the glorious little yellow bird’s used to be, as I kick off gypsying again tomorrow. BTW, I’m going to be passing through Canberra (outskirts), Wagga and Griffith on the way to Adelaide by early March on this first leg of the gypsy run. If anyone wants a meet and a coffee (or tea) along the way, you know how to find me on Twitter and/or get my email (from Ad). Would love to put some faces to names and talk strategy along the way :-).


10/02/2013Andrew Elder's latest: [quote]That's where big ideas gets the Liberals: nowhere, politically. Proponents of big ideas seeking bipartisan support are wasting their time because there's nothing in it for the Coalition. To understand this is to understand why their only big ideas are warmed-over and inconsistent exercises in frustration and disappointment. In his youth, Tony Abbott learned the Big Ideas of Santamaria and the DLP: nuclear families made from wedded straight couples; opposition to abortion and euthanasia; and that the Church is never wrong and owes no compensation to anyone. From Howard he learned to disdain Big Ideas, and he generally does: but he is conflicted. He can't be trusted in his claims to support the NDIS; statements that the Coalition would only support an NDIS at some future time when the land is flowing with milk and honey is far more credible, however disappointing that might be for supporters.[/quote]


10/02/2013Janet...will you be coming to Adelaide via Renmark/Blanchetown?

Janet (Jan @j4gypsy)

10/02/2013Twitterstuff: [b]Twitterati: or what the Tweeps are saying:[/b] [i]Berny M ‏@bernymcatlady[/i] Why is the narrative to keep Abbott out when it should be to keep Gillard in? ALP have some great reforms, focus should be on the positive. [i]I'm with Julia ‏@ThumpersAunt[/i] There is nothing for you in the @LiberalAus manifesto unless you are rich, catholic or male. [i]Jack Sumner ‏@preciouspress[/i] #insiders panel opines Labor will be decimated in W Sydney. They forget quality of MPs there - Bowen, Bradbury, Clare, Husic ---- [i]Preston Towers ‏@prestontowers[/i] Fran Kelly is spot on about Jason Clare. #insiders [i]Peter Mac ‏@petermacALP[/i] Nicky Sava has her lines from @TonyAbbottMHR office down pat today. Even has an answer for his gutless avoidance of #MSM#insiders [i]Matt Martin ‏@LeftyMatt[/i] I'm sure an #insiders intern is right now fetching Savva a lemon zinger tea made with the tears of orphans and a couple of ford pills. [i]RubyRainbow ‏@ColouredView[/i] Congratulations #insiders. After mentioning the word 'policy' you lasted at least 0.001 seconds before flipping over to Rudd. [i]shaun carter ‏@ShaunCarter70[/i] #insiders . In time the ALP will look back and realise the destruction Rudd has brought to the party. [i]Stephen Koukoulas ‏@TheKouk[/i] In the week past, jobs, unemployment data out; interest rate decision from RBA. Critical in an election year. Yet no discussion. #insiders [i]Melissa Woo ‏@melamoogrrrl[/i] Remember when journalists believed in critical enquiry? [i]Schnappi ‏@Schnappi5[/i] @leftocentre @ciruswind @beestydi @Kat4e4 hope abbott has been told to stay of the bike,as riding under the influence of drugs is offence [i]Lisa Wilkinson ‏@Lisa_Wilkinson[/i] Disappointed @TonyAbbottMHR has pulled pin on our Fri@thetodayshow interviews. Esp when he was SOcritical of PM when she did same. #auspol [i]Bridget O'Flynn ‏@BridgetOFlynn[/i] Peta's worried that @LisaWilkinson sees straight though Abbott. Like we do. Lisa's born and bred Macarthur .It's a Lib seat in Sth W Syd. [i]Agnes Mack ‏@AgnessMack[/i] Agree. MT ‏@BarossaObserver Abbott refusing soft interview on breakfast TV may well be news, but his refusal to let Turnbull is REAL story [i]psynubs ‏@psynubs[/i] Why is everyone letting TA off re speaking with media ? its a joke!.. If he can't handle media fronting AU ppl them he CAN'T expect 2 be PM! [i]Clancy Benson ‏@ClancyBenson[/i] @ennelay Complete contrast with JG and her approach to media. More they see the more they like - reverse with TA as Libs have now admitted. [i]amanda meade ‏@meadea[/i] I guess Julie Bishop has never heard of surgeon Fiona Wood, Australian of the Year, who has ahem, six children @bairdjulia@PatsKarvelas [i]Berny M ‏@bernymcatlady[/i] @JanJanbirk Milne talks down PM too much. doesnt have same diplomacy that Bob did. Treats ALP as equal enemies to LNP. [i]Lurline McCulloch ‏@lurlibel[/i] ALP seems 2 b in desperate need of a 1st. class PR team 2 sell their undeniable achievemsnts The FACTS just aren't getting thru 2 LNP voters [b]Twitterverse: what Tweeps read and/or recommend:[/b] [i]Shirley Green ‏@ShirleyGreen11[/i] @margokingston1 The Advertiser today, excellent article by Sarrah Le Marquand "Keeping up with K-Rudd" Very refreshing and she is spot on. [i]Brown Moses ‏@Brown_Moses[/i] Exclusive: Rupert Murdoch accused of targeting Labour staff in dirty tricks campaign The Independent …via @Independent [i]vexnews ‏@vexnews[/i] Obeid was Richo's fault claims long-standing foe #nswpol [i]Michelle Roberts ‏@MichelleMidland[/i] Julie Bishop says:"Women can't have it all!" Very negative message for young women....glad no one ever told me that! [i]Marcia Langton ‏@marcialangton[/i] Julia Gillard did not 'knife' Kevin Rudd [He did it to himself].: via @youtube Gillard did her best to keep Rudds rep intact [i]Whit Goughlam ‏@leftocentre[/i] “@MissKayeSera: Dear Peta, might I suggest this T shirt for Mr Abbott's campaign ... you're welcome :-)” Nice work. [i]Kaye Sera ‏@MissKayeSera[/i] A splattering of great PM @JuliaGillard pics #auspol [i]Lurline McCulloch ‏@lurlibel[/i] Canberra's Would-be Super Heroes | … [i]Tony Burke ‏@Tony_Burke[/i] @felft Whether you agree or not these links will help explain my Tarkine decision. [i]Frances Jones ‏@FrancieJones[/i] According to Pat O'Shane, there is justice and there is law - and the two don't always meet in Australia's courtrooms … [i]Bill McKibben ‏@billmckibben[/i] Scientists: warmer, water-saturated air, breeds bigger storms. Happy shoveling, everyone! … PS TPSers: here’s an Abbott backflip – two days for the complete turn- around – not making much (any?) news: And whatever you do, don’t miss this: [b]An Open Letter to Tony Abbott[/b] from [i]Vic Rollinson[/i] at

Janet (Jan @j4gypsy)

10/02/2013 Jaycee at February 10. 2013 01:17 PM: Hi there, and yes is the answer. I think the 3rd March stopping in Mildura, so the 4th March passing through Renmark ... The horses always like a break when there's a cuppa in the offing :-)

Janet (Jan @j4gypsy)

10/02/2013 Jaycee at February 10. 2013 01:17 PM: Oops: more likely to be Sunday 3rd passing thru Renmark. Sorry. Do you have a Twitter contact?


10/02/2013No, Twitter, but perhaps if Ad Astra reads this he can give you my email address'


10/02/2013 Mining tax revenue a disgrace. Really does look now like Kevin Rudd was taken out to assist Rio Tinto and BHP Biliton. Bad look. Was at a Christmas dinner with a number of voters varying from SWING to NAT to LIB to LABOR...and the comments about Julia Gillard and Bill Shorten were sadly VERY NEGATIVE. It seems many QLDers are not over the Rudd stabbing...nor the carbon price issue...and the money spent on dealing with asylum seekers. The stuff-up with the mining tax is contributing to this negative feeling. As are the connections to some greedy unionists...and the ongoing Obeid and Thomson scandals. We can put our heads in the sand...or deal with the REALITY. It was good to see Jason Clare on INSIDERS prospects as a future leader. Sadly for Julia I reckon she's been a useful negotiator...and had some effective moments as PM...but I don't see a pathway for her to's SOOO FRUSTRATING... nor do many others it seems. Pathetic how the first female PM has been treated...but unfortunately her rise to power came across as based on a ruthless act...and it seems many of the public feel she lies in the bed of her own making... and just can't move on from that perception. The occasional tactical blunders...sense of insincerity and aloofness...the perceived broken promises...and the constant negativity of certain media commentators and talking heads has not helped. I don't see the polls changing much in the PMs favour. Tragic. STILL...JULIA MIGHT RISE FROM THE ASHES LIKE HOWARD...OFF THE BACK OF SOME ISSUES THAT STRIKE A CHORD WITH THE VOTERS... N'


10/02/2013Gypsy Have a wonderful time on your travels, and try to keep us informed on what is happening out in the big bad world. :-)


10/02/2013How easy will it be to keep Abbott out of the media spotlight given he wants to be PM ? The whole job involves diplomacy and communicating , its an odd strategy to take to an election. It rather smacks of deceipt. Is the electorate that naive?


10/02/2013LIR, as one of my informants, and I think maybe a journo or two, has said 'it is a case of hold your nose, close your eyes vote for Abbott and hope he is only half as bad as some are saying'. It is not that the majority of the electorate are silly it is that many feel that the Libs may be the (slightly) lesser of two evils. It may change, but, ...


10/02/2013Think through just which 'pigeons' might rise against the 'cat' after reading the story here: about the returning to work from parenting leave laws the PM intends to have in place soon. Julia Gillard may just have started the ball rolling that will win Federal Labor the next election. PS Who'll be more damaged in the public eye by Julie Bishop suggesting that as Foreign Minister she'll find a job for Kevin Rudd?


10/02/2013What George Megalogenis offered as a parting opinion on this morning's INSIDERS: "A reminder to the Labor Party, the last big idea Paul Keating had was to take superannuation from 9 to 15%. Keating never got around to legislating it, and the Coalition which agreed to the promise going into the election dishonoured the promise after the election. Think about it when you look at the NDIS. Labor needs to bed everything down because it won't be delivered if not in this term." Joe "Go to Hell" Hockey has already told us that it will take a 'big series of annual surpluses' before a Coalition government will be able to consider affording an NDIS. George doesn't need to be that smart to make his observation, but the Australian electorate will have to get a lot smarter if they think anything Labor has set in train as the shape and structure of an NBN or NDIS will survive the Coalition in government. After all, Abbott has told us "I am the authority" and "whatever one Parliament legislates the next Parliament can repeal" in the space of one week this year. Wake up Australia! The boogy man is coming, and he ain't on his own.

Tom of Melbourne

10/02/2013Ad Astra only objects to abusive language when it is directed to his ALP club. He’s selective in his standards.


10/02/2013Lyn, hi. Regarding your post earlier and these stories... "I'm waiting for Michael to come along and tell me what he thinks of these stories:- Abbott steers away from the media The fact Abbott and his advisers have a deliberate policy to avoid scrutiny should be a major concern for all who take an interest in our national public life. Tony Abbott bails on TV spot by: SAMANTHA MAIDEN NATIONAL POLITICAL EDITOR Coalition insiders are deeply concerned that a media stumble by Mr Abbott remains one of the greatest threats to him ruining what many believe to be an unloseable election. What could anyone add to what they 'say' about the little man in the fluoro jacket?


10/02/2013europe takes climate cahnge serious.


10/02/2013I've just caught up with that disgusting piece of work on The Drum by Jonathon Green where he suggests that in the current circumstances Craig Thomson cannot properly do his job and he should quietly and nobly resign. In other words, he should just buckle under to the stand-over merchants and slink off under a stone somewhere, leaving the field to the bullies and liars. I think the people of Dobell are lucky to have a representative like Craig Thompson - young, strong, intelligent and committed. I'm sure they'd get better value from him, distractions notwithstanding, than some of us do from the dopey, somnolent seat-warmers who purport to represent us.


10/02/2013Capstan I normally wouldn't reply to your last rant but I will tell you one thing that does not appear to fit in your world. My Dad voted left all his life. The end


10/02/2013ToM, Lucky for you Ad Astra is selective on which trolls he allows comment as well!


10/02/2013Janet Your suggestion has been carried out & reply received.


10/02/2013Capstan, "Don't thank me - it was my pleasure." Why do you think anyone gives a shit about what you've done! You volunteered to join the army they deployed you. I save around 300 babies a year some of which are probably ones you've come into contact with, but think about this which ones have the element of lefty vaccine in them that I produce! PS, There is only 200 in this country that produce it as it can't be made in a test tube!


10/02/2013AA As an ex serviceman I take offense to the last post by the newbie troll.


10/02/2013Hi All DMW & Nasking both Gee I hafta say, look fellers, please if you can't be positive can you not be negative? It's such a drag to read, don't you understand that we have nothing pulling us down but downers like you two have written today? Because that's what you have done. You both sound like Gerard Henderson! No offence meant. I'm saying it because it's true - to me anyway. Janet You are already expert at this Twitter bizzo, I'm sure Lyn must feel a release of the absolute pressure she was under last year because she has your backup, even though yours will be intermittent for a while, and we wish you all well and fun on your new adventure. Awaiting more info ... And Lyn, yes we can all share the load now, that's largely down to you too, that you have made us aware of the interconnectivity of the Web as never before. Jane if I hadn't welcomed you back already I'm doing it now! Janice You obviously have better recall of Margo Kingston than I do, and it seems your memories are not joyous. I defer to your evident greater knowledge. But she has made a lot of running on #Ashbygate, raising the temperature and pressure which is exactly what I want. I had an experience with her yesterday as Jason mentions, details in next instalment.


10/02/2013Unforeseen results of climate Change. [quote]tensions over the river could lead to war.[/quote]


10/02/2013Just for curiosity's sake, Capstan...having just "met" you, tell me please...were you ever in charge of a weapon and amunition while you were a soldier?


10/02/2013*Deep sigh* In a positive article about the increase in renewable energy in Texas, there was this gem: [quote]One old lady, coming out of a Baptist church in Houston, told me that she had "prayed for wisdom" and now knew that climate change is "a Marxist plot by the Muslim terrorist Obama to impose one world government".[/quote]


10/02/2013Talk Turkey, I remember Margot from way back. I agree she appears to have put in some good work re Ashby, but for me that is as far as it goes. She got herself a good following over her "Not Happy John" campaign, but when push came to shove, she deferred to her journo colleagues and it died a natural death. Even when it comes to Ashby, Margot will defend the Tories and her journo colleagues to the death, so I wouldn't put my implicit trust in her if I were you. :) Actually, someone criticised a journo on her twitter stream and she replied that she would not criticise a fellow journalist......


10/02/2013Capstan, I don't know how 95kg is over weight, however just think if donate for another 40 years that will make it 12000 right wing babies with some of this lefty's DNA in them! So I'll take your advice go on a health kick as I'd hate to be in poor shape knowing that one day a family member or a close friend of yours may need it!


10/02/2013Calling people names? I do it whatever people think of it (and me.) I take pride in finding insulting nicknames, as does *J*U*L*I*A* who coined "Mincing Poodle" for POO-POO. But what if they did it back to me, I would just die of shame and anger wouldn't I! Especially if they say I really am a Turkey, that cuts me to the pinfeathers! Like when in Priscilla Queen of the Desert, there's this outrageous transvestite visiting some outback town, there's this bunch of local rednecks, one of them suddenly [i]gets[/i] it: with deep insight and conviction and contempt this bloke says: [i]You're a fuckin' [b]POOFTA![/b] [/i] Durrrhhhh. And of course I'm not really a Turkey, I am the dreaded, lycanthopic Liar~Bird. :)


10/02/ say you were in "the Army"..which army was that?

Janet (Jan @j4gypsy)

10/02/2013 Ad, the crap detector seems to have failed completely. Has holes in the bottom maybe, like a holey bucket? With utmost respect and admiration, this: Is it possible to charge up the crap detector, plug up the hole, and give TPS users some relief? Really really really really hoping ... :-)


10/02/2013TT @ 07:05 PM, [i]Gee I hafta say, look fellers, please if you can't be positive can you not be negative?[/i] Without knowing which recent comment of mine you took as negative all I can say say is: Please do not confuse realism with negativity

bob macalba

10/02/2013Dads Army.... Janet.. thankyou for all your effort twittering and links, enjoy your travels..cheers


10/02/2013I was curious, Capstan, because of the few returned servicemen who had seen combat service that I have met, there is a certain "reserve" when contemplating their time in the services...other Armed Forces personel (from all three major arms) I have met show a greater dignity of character than yourself...I would suppose from their training..and last of all, I would have thought that coming from a "family tradition" of such service, one would have resolved within oneself, through the self disipline and leadership example required from someone used to being in charge of lethal weapons, any hate-fuelled ideology that would dishonour one's regiment or military arm. You may not like the idea of Mao's communism, but perhaps you could reflect for a moment on how YOU would govern and feed and find work for a thousand million souls...and having reflected somewhat on those minor challengers, you could meditate on which nation is now more than ever reliant on the obvious success of Mao's capacity and capability to organise that once communistic but now financialy dominating nation.

Ad astra

10/02/2013Janet The automatic crap detector is recharged and working again.

Ad astra

10/02/2013Folks I have just posted: [i]Why does the Coalition choose to live in an imaginary world?[/i]


10/02/2013Hey all you lefties slagging Capstan - he doesn't exist! Ad Astra has expunged him from the pages of history! Just like Stalin and Lenin and Mao – Astra baby has made Capstan DISAPPEAR! Powerful old fellow, that Astra bloke. Just like all his lefty mates - censorship is his first weapon! Oh, how the lefties shriek for liberty and freedom when they want to oppose the Vietnam War! Oh, how quickly the lefties show their true tyrannical, censorious colours when confronted with someone who is not of their liking! Ad Astra – sad, tatty old man – tyrant, hypocrite, fascist. What a pathetic joke you all are.

Ad astra


steam shower

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How many umbrellas are there if I have two in my hand but the wind then blows them away?