How has it come to this – a Gillard Government?

Finally we have a minority government led by Julia Gillard. The tortured process came to an end when two of the three Country Independents, Tony Windsor and Rob Oakeshott, backed her government, and Bob Katter backed the Coalition. How has it come to this? This is the last analysis in this series that has already evoked three pieces. There will be many analyses in the MSM, but we in the Fifth Estate have our views too. As in all complex adaptive systems, there is a multiplicity of factors. Some, the most important as we see them, are mentioned here.

The reform factor

From the outset the three Independents insisted that a hung parliament was a not-to-be-missed opportunity to reform procedures in the federal parliament, particularly in the House of Representatives. The reforms they sought were to Question Time, private members’ bills, no-confidence motions, access to ministers and information and better parliamentary committees, to budgetary processes via a parliamentary budget committee, particularly at election time, a leaders’ debates commission, a review of the rules governing political funding and advertising, and an independent speaker, reforms designed to correct what were seen as abuses of the parliamentary system. Rob Oakeshott led this move.

They were also insistent that instead of falling back on old alliances and political leanings, they should examine in detail all the information that would enable them to make a carefully considered decision on which party was best placed to provide stable, competent, outcomes-focused government in the national interest. This is why it took them over two weeks to reach their decision. There were many aspects to consider, the most important of which were plans for the next term and the costings for those plans.

We should be eternally grateful to these men for their diligence and persistence, and their refusal to be hurried or bullied into making their decision.

The competence factor

Because the Country Independents sought to support a government that was likely to be stable and go its full term, and since stability is a function of competence, they looked at aspects of competence in the two major parties.

The Rudd/Gillard Government has been labeled incompetent by the Coalition for many months and all through the campaign. This is not the place to debate all over again this Government’s competence. While the Coalition screams ‘incompetent’, many would see it as having been very competent in many of the matters it has handled, particularly the GFC. Many too would give it a tick for the BER, the computers-in-schools program, the national curriculum and the MySchool website; the health initiatives and reforms; its IR reforms and its NBN. Some would point out the problems in those programs and not acknowledge the successes. But it seems that the Independents saw the Rudd/Gillard Government as generally competent but by no means perfect.

Of all the factors, doubts about the competence of the Coalition must have weighed heavily on the Independents as they compared the two parties. Analysis of the Coalition’s offerings would have revealed that the Coalition had fewer plans, less forward-looking ideas, fewer initiatives. Its campaign was largely negative, berating the Government at every turn – ‘the worst government in Australian political history’. So in seeking evidence for stability in a possible Abbott Government the Independents would have looked at what the Coalition was planning and how it would affect the nation. Its plan to scrap the NBN and substitute a much less expensive but much less powerful alternative must have alarmed the Independents whose advocacy for rural constituents has been up-front from the outset. The NBN promised so much for health, education, business and agriculture in rural areas that its threatened trashing must have been regarded with annoyance. The Coalition’s approach to global warming too must have been seen as an ineffective way of making a real difference to rising temperatures.

The costings factor

But the costings problems the Coalition had must have given the Independents the gravest concern about its competence. If a party cannot put together an accurate set of costings for its plans, it cannot be regarded as fiscally competent. In an attempt to upstage Labor, the Coalition bent credulity to laughable levels in preparing its assumptions, which is where the gross errors arose – amounting to something between a $10.6 billion and a $6 billion ‘black hole’, to use the media’s favourite phrase. That was simply incompetent. The Coalition should have known that to compare the budgets of the two parties the Treasury was obliged to use the same assumptions, and that any attempt it made to soup-up the parameters to make its budget look better, that is better than Labor’s, would be uncovered to its discredit. It’s use of the ‘criminal leak’ excuse for not submitting its costings to Treasury was always spurious, but it hoped to get away with it, as indeed it largely did through the election campaign, but was caught when the Independents demanded to see the costings. Tony Abbott’s initial refusal and subsequent back down made him and the Coalition look bad, and put the Independents offside.

And the Coalition’s claim that its work ‘had been carefully modeled’ by the well regarded NATSEM was refuted by NATSEM director Alan Duncan who said: “We never spoke to the Coalition; we did work for the Parliamentary Library that the Coalition may have asked for, but we had no relationship with the Coalition itself." Read more in Peter Martin’s piece: Carefully modelled by NATSEM?  

But instead of conceding that the costings were based on wrong assumptions, Tony Abbott, Joe Hockey and Andrew Robb continued to ‘stand by’ their costings, insisting they were right. They looked ridiculous. The always - moderate Laura Tingle said in her 3 September article in the Australian Financial Review that: “There are two possible explanations for how an opposition presenting itself as an alternative government could end up with an $11 billion hole in the cost of its election commitments. One is that they are liars, the other is that they are clunkheads. Actually there is a third explanation: they are liars and clunkheads. But whatever the combination, they are not fit to govern.” In other words they are incompetent, at least in this crucial area of administration – fiscal management.

Tingle goes on to say: “Treasury and the Department of Finance, when finally given the chance to scrutinize the Coalition’s policies, have not just found huge discrepancies in the costings of individual policies, but what can only be described as a systematic exercise in creative accounting. The picture emerges from the econocrats’ report that the opposition very purposely created a dodgy set of numbers which were never expected to withstand any scrutiny and would require the intervention of the Australian Securities and Investments Commission if it was a company. The opposition simply hoped it could bluff its way into office by refusing to allow the figures to be scrutinized before polling day. But what is more extraordinary is that now, having been caught out, Tony Abbott, Joe Hockey and Andrew Robb are continuing to try to bluff their way through, suggesting that there is nothing more than a gentlemanly difference of opinion between them and the bureaucracy. The brazenness of the three men only becomes really clear when they claimed the bureaucrats’ document actually proves the budget would be $7 billion better off under the Coalition. There is no other term for any of this except ‘complete bullshit’, to use one of Abbott’s favourite terms.” She concludes: “This exercise has given us an insight into how happily the Coalition would ignore the advice of Treasury and Finance to produce a rubbery budget which would inevitably blow out further down the track, meaning a whole new round of spending cuts or broken promises. If you had to choose who to believe between bureaucrats having to deliver bad news to people who might be their bosses in a week’s time and politicians desperate to cover up their stuff-ups, it should be an easy choice. After all, Abbott called a $10.6 billion blowout yesterday ‘an arcane argument about costings’ which didn’t really go to economic credibility.”

The sight of Abbott insisting he was right, backed by a blustering Hockey loudly mouthing protestations about the attacks on the costings, and the melancholic Robb tying himself up in knots trying the explain the intricacies of the budget in ways that even the most economically literate could scarcely follow, was pitiable.

The Abbott factor

Tony Abbott has not done well in the post-election period. He saw himself and the Coalition as having got so close to an unexpected victory yet without a majority, that he became visibly frustrated, especially when the Country Independents insisted on seeing his costings and the Treasury’s view of them. He knew all along they were a con and that the Coalition’s deception would be exposed. His initial resistance to revealing the costings that began in the election period was swept away in a day or two because he could see he was looking more and more shifty to the Independents and to the public generally. When they turned out to be as dodgy as everyone suspected, he looked even worse, and worse again as he tried vainly to defend the indefensible.

He made another serious error of judgement when he offered Andrew Wilkie $1 billion for a new Hobart Hospital, even although Wilkie had previously emphasized that he wanted to support an ‘ethical’ government. Wilkie’s explanation was that he was dissatisfied with the offer because Abbott gave no indication of where he was intending to conjure up a billion dollars, and what orderly process he was going to follow in funding this venture, in contrast to Labor’s balanced process of allocation. He saw Abbott’s offer as flagrant and irresponsible pork barreling, which it was. Abbott has form in this regard – recall the Mersey Hospital episode. Asked why Abbott didn’t explain to Wilkie where the money was coming from, Joe Hockey lamely explained ‘He didn’t ask!’ Now Joe seems to think the Coalition was set up by Wilkie, a charge Wilkie quietly denies. You may care to read Peter Martin’s piece: Wilkie has said his offer wasn't a trap, but that doesn’t mean it wasn’t a test.  

After the Green member Adam Brandt and independent Andrew Wilkie joined Labor, and Abbott could see minority government slipping away from him, he resorted to the line: ‘…it is inconceivable that the three Country Independents would abandon their roots and support the most left leaning government in Australia’s history’, a line faithfully repeated by Robb, Hockey and every Coalition spokesman that could get within reach of a microphone. He then stoked up a fear campaign on a Greens-initiated same-sex marriage bill, an even higher minerals tax, a carbon tax and a softer policy on boat people arrivals. He painted the spectre of a ‘coalition’ between Labor and the Greens, which it never was, and Bob Brown becoming virtually Deputy PM, as if all that horror would scare off the Independents in a panic. He insisted this would be bad for regional and rural Australia, and that the Coalition would be much better for those in the bush, notwithstanding the fact that they had done little for rural people in 11 years in government. Ask the Independents! As a last ditch attempt to convince, persuade, cajole them into supporting the Coalition, he wrote them an ‘open letter’ in the Sunday press at a time when one suspects they were no longer susceptible to such approaches.

His performance post-election has been poor. His aggressiveness, his blatant attempts to persuade, his threats, his appeal to old loyalties now long extinct, and his overt pork-barreling has shown us all his modus operandi, and left many wondering how such a person would govern this nation, manage the economy and cope with international affairs where diplomacy is so important. He came up seriously short, and the Country Independents saw it.

The Gillard factor

Although some assert that Tony Abbott won the election campaign, these same people concede that Julia Gillard won the post-election period. She has been conciliatory throughout without being obsequious, willing to collaborate with the Greens and the four independents, and the first to agree to Rob Oakeshott’s plan for reforming parliamentary procedures. She has been measured, not strident, not threatening, but prepared to highlight Tony Abbott’s fiscal irresponsibility.

Her Labor colleagues have followed along her well-modulated line, not bullying, not shrilly insisting that the Country Independents support Labor, but giving them plenty of space to consider their position.

She has forged an alliance with the Greens that many Labor supporters would have preferred to have occurred pre-election, she has agreed to more frequent and more thorough discussion with the Greens, the independents, and the backbenchers.

She showed herself to be trustworthy; Tony Abbott did not.

The Australian newspaper factor

News Limited media and specifically The Australian has been attacking Labor and promoting the Coalition relentlessly for years, particularly this year and during the campaign. It is still at it. After the election it ran a Newspoll in the electorates of the Country Independents that showed the majority of those polled wanted their elected member to support the Coalition. Had that poll asked the additional question: “Would you trust your elected member to make the right decision on who to support?", the outcome might have been different, as is evidenced by the extensive interviewing of mayors in these electorates by the ABC’s PM which showed that the independents were indeed trusted by their constituency – that is why they were elected.

More recently Newspoll conducted a poll from August 27 to 29 among 1134 voters across Australia. Asked: “…which of the following parties would you most prefer the independents and minor parties to help form a government?” 47% said Labor, 39% the Coalition, and 14% were uncommitted. The curious thing about this poll was that it was not published until six days after the poll concluded. Was this because the result did not match what The Australian had hoped-for? If so, why was it published at all? Was that because not publishing a poll would damage the reputation of what The Australian regards as the nation’s premier poll?

At the weekend, The Daily Telegraph published Tony Abbott’s desperate open letter that has been well critiqued by Grog at Grog’s Gamut: Election 2010: Extra Time (or, Who is he talking to? Who is listening?).  

Whatever may be argued to the contrary, it is hard to escape the conclusion that News Limited media and especially The Australian have been a major factor in the election outcome and its sequelae, and a pernicious one at that.

The incumbency factor

This must have been an important factor. After all, the Gillard Government is still in power, in caretaker mode, and has a comprehensive program to complete or undertake, fully and legitimately costed, which will bring the budget back to surplus in just three years. Why change to the Coalition that has fewer plans, and what it has include destructive ones such as scrapping the NBN and replacing it with an inferior scheme that will leave us in the backwaters, and knocking back the mining tax?

It would have been a big ask of the Independents to vote out a functioning Labor government for a Coalition one with such a paper-thin front bench, ageing remnants of the Howard Government, and so many ill-developed and backward looking plans.

The Nationals factor

Tony Abbott has appealed to the Independents to come back to their roots, with the Nationals. The fact that they are independent indicates that they have chose to abandon their roots for serious reasons of disagreement. The animosity that persists surfaced on election night with testy exchanges between some of the Independents and Nationals members, and the Nationals have been virtually excluded from negotiations with the Independents. The Nationals factor seemed to be a negative rather than a positive for the Coalition.

The Greens factor

The fact that there is now a Green in the House and that they will have the balance of power in the Senate next July, has weighed on the Independents. They acknowledge it as a fact of life to be factored into their deliberations. Exactly how it has influenced them remains unknown.

The Independents factor

This factor is one that history may underestimate. The extraordinary diligence and decency with which the Country Independents, Tony Windsor, Bob Katter and Rob Oakeshott have set about their task, their thoroughness, their insistence on gathering and analyzing the vast amount of information they considered they needed, their unwillingness to be intimidated or hurried, has filled many observers with profound admiration.

They could have chosen to take a more casual attitude towards selection based on old allegiances and on a superficial assessment of the facts. It is greatly to their credit they took the long road, the steep climb to the high road of better parliamentary procedure and a stable government that would serve its full term.

Their assiduousness in examining all the facts thoroughly has been an important reason that they have been able to reach a majority decision to put their trust in a Gillard Labor Government for the next term.  We salute them.

Of course there are many other factors in this complex situation, some of which others may consider more telling than those mentioned here. No doubt we will see them in the many MSM commentaries that will follow.

But what do you think?

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7/09/2010its obvious to me and im sure many more that country folk are being put ahead of old alliances and in that i will consider an independent myself come next election to ensure a broader base of concerns are raised and considered. I only hope we continue to move away from one sided politics to better governing with all ausies in mind.


7/09/2010AA An excellent post on this truly historical day. This will be a Government by consensus, Julia is the right politician to be PM of such a Government. She has clearly demonstrated her ability & capability as a consensus chair during this period of post election determination. History always throws up the right Leader to suit the times. This consensus PM Julia is the real Julia that the nation has to have. I cannot imagine that an attack dog like Abbott in a consensus role.


7/09/2010Couldn't agree more AA. The three independent MP's have realised the significance of their position, come to a negotiated position on the way forward (that I suspect has been sitting in back pockets for years waiting for the right time), negotiated with integrity, achieved a good result that will enforce more openness and transparency in the political system and achieved a position that was better and one they could live with. Gillard and her advisers (or some combination of the two) have reacted well to the new reality of Federal Parliament by not openly applying pressure to the Independent MP's, agreeing with some of their requests and apparently openly providing requested documentation and participation in negotiations. Abbott and his advisers (or some combination of the two) didn't react well. The speech on election night was gloating, some of his senior people on TV were openly hostile - almost bullying and the last few weeks has been a constant image of the LNP rerunning their overly negative election campaign. I read somewhere today that the three independents have a combined 68 years of being in Parliaments. Did anyone in the LNP stop for a second and think that they could probably see through the charade? The benefits for the country are that the red and blue tribe both lose influence and the fact that both major parties have to negotiate with a number of people will hopefully bring in an age of better legislation all around. Hopefully Australia will see the major parties are not the only option. The next little while will be interesting. I only hope the LNP chooses not to lick their wounds by creating an even greater degree of negativity (aided and abetted by News Limited).


7/09/2010The two country independents have put their personal vendettas ahead of the will of their electorates, and they will pay at the ballot box for going against the will of the people. Independents are supposed to put the views of the community ahead of all other interests, it seems to me that Windsor has become a bit too big for his shoes; and it is obvious now that Oakshot is no longer an independents, he is now a member of the Gillard, Green government. This Labor Party does not give a stuff for regional Australia. They did not take any serious policies to the election that were directly, and only meant for the benifit of regional Australia; whereas the Coalition did. The Labor Party was just lucky that it had two independents that were willing to put their hatred of the National Party ahead of regional Australia. Today was a sad day for this country.


7/09/2010Hi Ad [i][quote]Finally we have a minority government led by Julia Gillard. The tortured process came to an end when two of the three Country Independents, Tony Windsor and Rob Oakeshott[/quote][/i], Congratulations Ad, on your fantastic, genuine, reliable, honest piece, still spoiling us, thankyou so much Ad Astra. A big hooray for you Ad, you are magic, you were the first blogger to post, 3.59pm, an extremely, excellent column, so quickly after the Independents, announced their decision. I know this to be true because I have collected some links already. What a happy result for all our friends on "The Political Sword" and importantly for our country. Guess what! now we have high hopes of getting Optic Fibre broadband, not to mention all the other good policies in the pipe line. I think everybody should congratulate Julia Gillard and Labor, they have suffered severe pressure, an incredibly obstructive Opposition, amazing massively, distorted press reporting, by the MSM, in fact the Labor party have been severely, tortured for 3 years. Here are some Links for you all: [i]Labor to rule: Oakeshott, Windsor back Gillard, Bernard Keane, The Stump[/i] [i]D-day plus 17 …, William Bowe, The Poll Bludger[/i] these voices will spend the coming months and/or years peddling distortions and hyperbole to create a sense of crisis about a situation which in reality has every chance of serving Australia well. [i]Abbott pledges sleepless NBN vigilance, renai LeMay, Delimiter[/i] You can be absolutely certain that the Opposition is going to be hyper-vigilant in this area,” he said. “My strong suspicion is that the NBN is going to turn out to be school halls on steroids.” [i]And the winner is, The Conscience Vote[/i] Whether you’re left- or right-leaning, this can only be a cause for celebration. [i]And the winner is…, Massivespray, Spray of the Day[/i] Then Rob Oakeshoot stepped up and after gibbering on for a full 20 minutes (and driving everyone on the live feed into increasing heights of hysteria) he finally came on board for Labor. [i]Independents break, but Government goes to Gillard ABC[/i] Dennis Shanahan at the Australian: It is a testament to Gillard's political skills and charm as a leader that she has salvaged a Labor government [i]Katter goes to the Coalition Bernard Keane , The Stump[/i] Katter said he would have a “moral responsibility to provide the Government that’s in there for stability” in the event of Labor winning the support of Rob Oakeshott and Tony Windsor. [i]Labor to rule: Oakeshott, Windsor back Gillard, Bernard Keane, The Stump[/i] Julia Gillard will cling to power by the narrowest possible margin [i]Tony Abbott disappointed as Julia Gillard says Labor ready to govern , Ben Packman, Kate Rose, Herald Sun[/i] Mr Abbott rededicated the Coalition to the role of opposition, saying it will hold the government "ferociously to account''. [i]17 days...and 30 minutes later we have a winner , Tony Wright, Brisbane Times[/i] Tony Abbott's Coalition will be dirty - it gained the majority primary vote and - assuming you count West Australian National Independent Independent Tony Crooke as a natural Coalition member - the majority of the seats (73-72).


7/09/2010Hi Ad I will try Labor to Rule again: Labor to rule: Oakeshott, Windsor back Gillard, Bernard Keane, The Stump Julia Gillard will cling to power by the narrowest possible margin


7/09/2010jj, Why can't you accept that's what they have done! If their electorates wanted a Abbott government they would have voted that way! they didn't. Like Katter nearly in tears half the time when saying under Howard a farmer was suiciding every four days, He gets so outraged at times over the issue that when it's all said and done they died in vain, Katter was gutless.

George Pike

7/09/2010I just emailed Rob Oakshott and Tony Windsor to thank them big time for their decision...I am very sure they'll be glad they went the way they did eventually. Don't forget katter said he would not block supply or vote against Labor if they won government...


7/09/2010[quote]This Labor Party does not give a stuff for regional Australia. They did not take any serious policies to the election that were directly, and only meant for the benefit of regional Australia; whereas the Coalition did.[/quote] Please elaborate?

Ad astra reply

7/09/2010LYN'S DAILY LINKS updated: Comments to follow.

Ad astra reply

7/09/2010Lyn Many thanks for your enthusiastic comments and kind remarks; your comments are a joy to read. Thank you too for collecting the fresh set of links so quickly. What a day it has been. The traffic on [i]TPS[/i] slowed to a crawl as we sat entranced by the unfolding scene, wondering when we would finally know. Then came Bob Katter’s unilateral declaration, followed by the long wait for 3 pm and the seemingly endless preamble Tony Windsor and Rob Oakeshott gave us before revealing their decision. Although it seemed likely that once Bob Katter had gone to the Coalition the others would go to Labor, the agony of waiting for those longed-for words of support for Labor was excruciating, but well worth the suspense. The laboured way in which the final outcome became public was anticlimactic, so that the expected exhilaration for many Labor supporters was likely somewhat muted. The reality of a Gillard Government is still gently sinking in and the felling of satisfaction gradually seeping into ones soul after such a long wait, at times so beset with uncertainty. Julia’s press conference and her [i]7.30 Report[/i] appearance were brilliant. She spoke lucidly, succinctly, and with great confidence. We can have great faith in her ability to be a first class PM and lead a good Government. This time Labor must do a better job at publicizing what it is doing and has done, and vigorously counter the inevitable negativity and criticism that will pour from the Opposition and in an unremitting torrent from the News Limited media, which no doubt is livid at the outcome. Matthew Franklin’s aggressive questions at Julia’s press conference, which by the way she countered deftly, and Dennis Shanahan’s grudging acceptance of her victory, are early examples. There will be more in tomorrow’s press. After so many months of tumult and tortured uncertainty, it will be so comforting to settle for the night with the knowledge that although what lies ahead will likely be rough for Julia and Labor, she is PM, she has a competent team behind her, and she has three years to consolidate for the long term. Life will be less fraught in the time ahead. I’m sure Labor supporters will back her all the way.


7/09/2010jj, sorry to burst your bubble, but the independents are supposed to ensure the best for the country as a whole, not just their electorate. When they go to Canberra they are no longer the member for X, they are a member of the parliament of Australia and make decisions for all of us, not just the people who voted for them. Having grown up in Tamworth and my parents still living there, I can see major benefits from a Labor government in the New England region and the country as a whole, rather than the Coalition's policies. To take the NBN as an example, Labor's plans will reduce or negate the 'terrible tyranny of distance' and make so many things possible, whereas the Liberal plan will only cement the disparity between the city and the country. The country would still get crappy internet plans because they couldn't pay the same rate as the city people, so they would be stuck with wireless internet that is patchy and doesn't work most of the time. How do I know this? Because even after all these years my parent's house only gets dial up speed broadband, only has mobile coverage from the front of the driveway and there is no 'commercial reason' for Telstra or any other internet provider to bring better services out there. And it also comes down to the basic tenant, if you are going to spend tax payer money on it, it should be fair and equitable to all. In the same way that country roads shouldn't be worse than city roads, internet in the country shouldn't be worse than internet in the city.

Canbra Dave

7/09/2010I just hope that the mining tax will pass and when everyone can see that the sky hasn't fallen in perhaps they might be reminded of how the Coalition was opposing the tax at the behest of their corporate paymasters in the mining companies. Most of the policies that Rudd was trying to introduce when he was PM were policies with a long term effect so people wouldn't see the benefits for a while. If Labor plays this term right they could be returned to a majority within their own right.

Ad astra reply

7/09/2010garry If this is your first comment on [i]TPS[/i], welcome to the family. I’m sure many people will hope for a less partisan, less adversarial approach to government from now on. Julia Gillard seems to want this; I hope Tony Abbott feels the same way. vote1maxine I agree with your sentiments. I too wonder if Tony Abbott can set aside his attack-dog approach and strive for consensus. I certainly hope so. I’m not encouraged though by his remarks at his press conference. 2353 I agree particularly with your last sentence: [i]I only hope the LNP chooses not to lick their wounds by creating an even greater degree of negativity (aided and abetted by News Limited).[/i] jj Sad for you, but not for earnest Labor supporters. Contrary to your view, I feel that ‘hatred’ is hardly an emotion that can reasonably be attributed to Tony Windsor or Rob Oakeshott. They seem sincere, generous, ethical and decent to me. Lyn Your last paragraph says it all: [i]I think everybody should congratulate Julia Gillard and Labor, they have 
suffered severe pressure, an incredibly obstructive Opposition, amazing 
massively, distorted press reporting, by the MSM, in fact the Labor party have been severely, tortured for 3 years.[/i] Jason Eb I’m glad you challenge jj’s statements, some of which are outrageous because he offers no evidence to support them. Indeed, what evidence is there that 'Labor does not give a stuff for regional Australia’? George Good on you for emailing Tony Windsor and Rob Oakeshott. They deserve commendation; they are bound to get plenty of brickbats from Coalition supporters. Unless they are private, perhaps you could post their official email addresses so others can email them too.


7/09/2010AA, Meanwhile over in Bolt land! From my Herald Sun column to be run tomorrow: An early election is yet possible, and the demand for one may become irresistible. If it does, it can only be because this Government is seen as one without a mandate. As one that’s merely bartered its way into power with men deaf to the wishes of voters, but not to the siren of their own ambition. As one that’s proved to be as inept, still, as it seems illegitimate now. (A longer version will appear in the Daily Telegraph Then if you thought things couldn't get any more bizarre Al Jazeera cites Piers Akerman for info on our election.

Sir Ian Crisp

7/09/2010Jimbo, why would I need to suck eggs? I'm on the record as saying that all Australian politicians are filth. Just because I try to correct the bias of AA does not and should not see me placed in the other camp.

Ad astra reply

7/09/2010Ethistan I agree with your sentiments about equity for rural people. As one that has lived in the country much of my life, I know how they are disadvantaged. Here on the south coast, I can’t get ADSL, so have to rely on Next G Wireless, which as we all know, slows as traffic builds. Bring on the NBN! Canbra Dave Of course we should have the mining tax. I feel Labor will get support for it, and recoup some of the mining wealth that now goes into the miners’ pockets. Jason The morning’s press should be fascinating. Folks, It’s been a long tiring day. I’m retiring early. [i]Lateline[/i] should be interesting.


7/09/2010Well, some of the stress of the past few months has been eased by today's proceedings. Congratulations to all on this blog who have been so faithful in support of the current Government. A thought also for those who have supported the other side of politics but there will be another time. After all your side had nearly thirteen years in Government and at times must have been a great disappointment to you. I'm looking forward to seeing how this new form of governing can work. I think if it is allowed to operate without too much skullduggery from others, it will be very good for Australia and this probably should be uppermost in all our minds.


7/09/2010Really Ian Then how is it that you are willing to counter AAs so called bias but didnt utter a word concerning the bias spouted by limited news,the msm and our abc which went on for months.As to politicians being filth we as a democratic society vote parties in or out on their performance for our country and citizens so dont try to become the mr high and mighty because you fail miserably.If you thought AA was biased then you really need to read transcripts and watch videos of the media pieces from the companies i mentioned earlier in this piece,that is bias personified.


7/09/2010Nice post AA - and excellent work throughout the campaign. I think the Nationals and the Greens factors are big. The Indeps don't trust the Nats, and aren't as scared of the Greens as the politcal editor of The Oz would like them to be. And it think the Ted Mack statemtn was spot on - the Libs would have taken their votes and then still done everything in their ower to beat them at the next election.


7/09/2010Wow! What a day! What a birthday present for my youngest! He was so happy to hear that we finally had a Gillard Labor government. I must admit that I spent the day glued to ABC24, which is in a different room to my computer. One press conference after another, one analysis session after another, as if I was reading a novel that I couldn't put down until I got to the last chapter and found out what the climax to the story was. Then it was time for the 6 o'clock news, and time to hear what 'The Sphere of Influence(aka Laurie Oakes) had to say. Would he give the decision of the Independants to allow a Gillard government to form the thumbs up, or the thumbs down? It was rivetting. Then when the decision finally came down it felt like that feeling of relief you feel when a drought breaks and it finally rains, like a breath of fresh air, to mix a metaphor. So, anyway, here we finally are. Now just watch the media do their best to attempt to undermine the Gillard government and delegitamise it from right about now. Already Leigh Sales on Lateline has employed her best disdainful air when speaking about the result. Groan.

Patricia wa

7/09/2010[quote]Whatever may be argued to the contrary, it is hard to escape the conclusion that News Limited media and especially The Australian have been a major factor in the election outcome and its sequelae, and a pernicious one at that.[/quote] No doubt the electorate would have voted differently had they too had access to all that information on budget promise costings etc. ultimately made available to the three Independents without the filtering of The Australian and News Ltd's other media outlets.


7/09/2010Hi Hillbilly, Surely the MSM can't keep on keeping on, negative, attacks for another 3 years. Kerrie O'Brien was short and blunt as well, I thought, wouldn't it have been nice, if he had of said congratulations to Julia. I believe it will be three years for Labor, and after that another 6 years, because Labor have suffered and survived such mean, dreadful, torture to date. Our Labor Government will be much wiser and smarter this time you wait and see. Did you hear Julia tick of Matthew Franklin today, Bob Brown just had a shot at the Australian.

Acerbic Conehead

7/09/2010AA, a brilliant analysis as usual. Who needs the MSM when we’ve got commentators like you around? And, as you know, the Three Amigos have been reduced to Two, which is fine with Julia, as she didn’t need all three. Oaksey and Windsey have broken out in song, telling Tones where he can stick his enticements to get them back into the Coalition. So sing along, as they inform Tones that his love is unrequited. Even without The Mad Hatter, the Two Amigos are still saying, “Two Out of Three Ain’t Bad” (Meatloaf). :- ) Tony you can cry all night, but that’s just gettin’ you nowhere You spun everything you possibly could, then hid them inside your great big Black Hole So feel free to whinge all night, but that'll never change a single thing It’s clear you’ve put everyone offside, your ‘gospel truth’ has taken its toll You poured it on and we caught you out, you cried, “Stop the boats...the waste...and the debt” We’re tired of words and you carryin’ on like a lout But you've been peddlin’ crap so long, you’re drivin’ us all around the spout :- ) And all we can do, is keep on tellin' you Don’t want you (don’t want you), don’t need you (don’t need you) And there ain't no way we’re goin’ into govmint with you Now don't be glad (don't be glad 'cause) For you, two out of three’s very bad Now don't be glad, 'cause two out of three’s very bad :- ) You'll never get your bum on the PM’s chair You'll never get a dixer in your swimwear I know you're lookin' for a rise to help you pay off your debt But there ain't no big job waitin’ for you alongside the dispatch box :- ) We can't lie (we can't lie...) We can't tell you that you’re somethin' you’re not No matter how you try, you’ll never be able To convince us that at economics, you’re not a hopeless clot (woh-oh) :- ) Well there's only one that we will ever follow She’s the one with the ranga hairdo And though you reckon she’s nuthin’ but a blow-in By comparison, you haven’t got a bloody clue :- ) Well we remember how she wooed us that stormy night Ahh, she promised us the sun, moon and stars She even sent Kev round to butter us up Promised us pork, the NBN and big fat cigars :- ) So we’ll keep on tellin' you Don’t want you (don’t want you), don’t need you (don’t need you) And there ain't no way we’re goin’ into govmint with you Now don't be glad (don't be glad 'cause) For you, two out of three’s very bad Now don't be glad, 'cause two out of three’s very bad

Hillbilly Skeleton

7/09/2010lyn, I agree with all that you say and am also glad that both Julia and Bob Brown had a go at matthew Franklin and The Australian in general. It's about time. In fact, I hope that they keep calling their bluff from here on in, it certainly seems as though Julia can think quickly enough on her feet to be able to make the quick retort when necessary. The Australian needs to be held to account just as much as the government does.

Hillbilly Skeleton

7/09/2010Acerbic C, Now, why didn't I think of that nomen for Tony? A 'lout'! How very true. :)

George Pike

8/09/2010Listening to idiots like Tony Eastley and the rest of the ABC radio commentators dribble ad nauseum about how "the independents betrayed their constituents" is nothing less than sickening to say the least..get over it you moronic oafs! All those media imbeciles, Liberal voters and whinging, whining independent voters who reckoned the indis should have gone with the Liberals, have all got the option of handing back their $900 stimulus handouts, hand back their super rises and take their kids out of the schools where stimulus spending has occurred etc etc to prove they are not just a hypocritical pack of bastards..and then they can say they don't want the NBN connected when it rolls past their homes to cap it all off... I wonder when the universities are going to include Neanderthali in their curriculla to enable the intelligent people of the progressive world to communicate with the conservatives.. Here are those addresses AA...I'm sure they would dearly love to have all the support they can get after listening to the ABC's endless diatribe this morning. (this one is his website contact address)


8/09/2010AA lovely wrap up Ac Two out of three is bad but only for tone as it worked for Julia, well done. JJ Perhaps you could tells us some of the coalition plans and or achievements for the rural sector other than the usual pork, nothing much has happened there for 16 yrs. The heavy weight on my heart has lifted, Labor in government, the wife walking slowly and with support rather like Julia. Summer coming the slow death of the mad monk a toxic outpouring from the Murdoch press also coming. Labor like the OH needs to stand up and drown out the negativity with the 97% good BER etc, follow up and prosecute the rorters with equal vigour. Life is good again.


8/09/2010[b]TODAY'S LINKS[/b] [i]Election 2010: Game over (or, Fibre to the Lodge) Grog, Grog's Gamut[/i] I fully expect Abbott to do everything in his power to bring this Government down as soon as he possibly can. [i]The Stephen Bradbury of Australian politics, Andrew Elder, Politically Homeless[/i]slink away like whipped dogs. They got up on their hind legs and insisted Abbott engage in the same self-defeating coalition-shunning behaviour [i]The Change we Need, Alex White[/i] But despite that, despite the concerted effort by the Murdoch Press, despite the leaks, Labor has won the election..too scared of The Australian, the Telegraph and the Courier Mail. [i]Reflections on the revolution in Canberra, PAUL BARRATT Australian Observer[/i] The Murdoch Press will be unrelentingly hostile to the Gillard Government and the independents. It will deny the legitimacy of the Government, and will concoct all sorts of stories to adorn its front pages. [i]The Tony Windsor furphy the press and opposition are spreading, Kim, Larvatus prodeo[/i] desperation, of the press to find a talking point which would fit the narrative that the Labor minority government is somehow illegitimate. [i]Minority Governemnt + the media,Gary Sauer-Thompson ,Public Opinion[/i] The News Ltd narrative will be that Labor will implode and they will be doing everything they can to undermine the Oakeshott and Windsor's support for a minority Labor Government [i]So,what was that all about, James Farrell, Club Troppo[/i] the hysterical public warnings by Minchin, Hockey and the like about the spectre of an ‘utra-left wing’, ‘Green-Labor coalition government’ [i]Australia gets a Government, Derek Barry, Woolly Days[/i] The weather vane, the people skills and the mad monk were all hidden away and he ran a relentless campaign of negativity. [i]Phew! Terror Australis avoided by the narrowest of margins, Clarencegirl, North Coast Voices[/i] Abbott will be seeking ways to disrupt parliament, destabilise the political process and sabotage confidence in government. [i]Labor Holds On, wmmbb, Duckpond[/i] But then, we were saved from Tony Abbott [i]Gillard slides in on back of NBN, Josh Taylor, ZDNet[/i] With the Labor Government set to return, the NBN project has gained a new lease of life as iiNet CEO Michael Malone was quick to point out Twitter. [i]Telstra ups customer service offerings,,,Delimiter[/i] exceed their monthly data allocation on BigPond Elite and Ultimate plans will be shaped up to 256kbps — “four times faster than before,” Telstra’s Young stated. [i]Glenn Milne: Good on gossip, bad on geography ? Tobias Ziegler, Pure Poison[/i] Glenn Milne picks up the gossip wherever he can, and happily spreads it around: [i]3 Wise Men….or not, A Blog about Nothing..... Much[/i] Twitter was going nuts with people tweeting about how long his speech was and how much longer until we know. [i]Matthew "Rupert says you've got it wrong" Franklin, Stop Murdoch[/i] relentless hammering by Murdoch's hacks of the talking point that Australians really wanted an Abbott government.

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8/09/2010LYN'S DAILY LINKS updated:

Hillbilly Skeleton

8/09/2010New day in the morning, and what a beautiful day it is! :)

George Pike

8/09/2010Take a look at this front page of the News Ltd owned Hobart tiny little sentence on Labor's victory....if it had been the Liberals it would have covered the page..I am so sick of these evil slimy news ltd thugs...

Patricia Lorimer

8/09/2010The sun's shining here too. Great outcome. I wish the Coalition could be more mature and sophistocated and accept that they do not have a divine right to rule. May the Gods continue to smile on Julia et al.


8/09/2010Good Morning Hillbilly & George Yes Hillbilly, what a lovely day,the sun is shining the birds are singing, that nasty black cloud has gone, and we have Ad, and all our friends on "The Political Sword. George, thankyou for the link, I am just listening to Wayne Swan, he has ticket off the journalists twice so far, saying let me finish. You watch the Murdoch media, are just going to pick and pick on the Independents and Julia Gillard, one thing though, it's not long until Parliament has their long summer break. Phoney's stunts & photo shoots have come to an end. They are carping on, about bills will not get passed etc. well I say it can't possibly be any harder, than Labor had before, with the party of NO, what was it before the election was called, 119 bills sitting in the senate.


8/09/2010Good morning all. How nice it is to emerge from the gloom into the warm sunlight :) The waiting game was an agonising experience made even more so by the fact that Windsor and Oakeshott held their cards so close to their chests that it was nigh impossible to guess which way they'd jump. Don't know about anyone else, but I got the distinct feeling that something happened to Katter over the last couple of days that caused him to split from the others and go it alone. He did not appear to me to be happy with his decision and I'm left with wondering who, or what, got at him. Last week was one of those black weeks when anything that can go wrong does. It began when I lost one our cows which had calving paralysis after a difficult calving. Then Paddy scratched an itch on the side of his face and ended up with a staph infection which meant a visit to the vet and $189 bill I didn't need. Being a Maremma, Paddy blamed me for his woes and refused to allow me to apply the antibiotic ointment without first tricking him into being caught and treated. Next problem was my little Aussie Terrier (12 yrs old) who had a tooth abscess, another trip to the vet and $220 bill for the extraction. On top of all this, I came down with the worst dog's disease I've suffered in years - I had my flu shots, incl swine flue, but obviously this strain was a newby. Anyway, after all the 'bad' things that happened last week, I was feeling somewhat gloomy about Labor's prospects and so was delighted Julia got the gong. The media were not happy and I thought gave Windsor and Oakeshott a rough time after their announcement.


8/09/2010[i]TODAY'S LINKS PART 2[/i] Recommended reading by Possum, don't miss out: [i]Let the Great Unhinging begin, Possum Comitatus, Pollytics[/i] What we will witness over the next 18 months or more is a Great Unhinging –an orgy of hysterics that will far surpass the duplicity, dishonesty – let alone the complete arsehattery – that substituted for public debate on matters of government during the previous 12 months [i]Gillard’s wild ride has just begun, Media Wrap, Crikey[/i] Independents holding Australians hostage: Palmer, ABC "The majority of Australians want another election The morning after the afternoon before, The Drum [i]Post - election lines I'm already sick of, Jeremy Sear, An Anonymous Lefty[/i]1. 700,000 More Votes (provided you include the Nats but discount the Greens): [i]Welcome back Julia, now do it differently, Moira Rayney, Eureka Street[/i] Welcome back, Julia. The Lodge is yours, though your throne has a sword over it. Playing it safe was incredibly risky and nearly cost you not only power but the principles that thrust you to it.

Hillbilly Skeleton

8/09/2010janice, You know that lurgy you have picked up? My otherwise healthy and flu vaccinated 16y.o. son has been off school with it for the last 6 weeks! He and I have done everything possible to shake it away but to no avail. Hopefully, now that it is Spring it will be easier for you to get over it. Hope so! :) As for the animals and their consequent vet bills, now I know why I only have native animals hanging around my place! All I have to do is provide a few scraps here and there for them, put up with having a Brush Turkey mound in my backyard, and if they get sick they usually go into the bush in the National Park over the road to deal with it themselves. :)

Hillbilly Skeleton

8/09/2010Do you know one of the most important reasons to have had the Gillard ALP government returned for another term? Well, to me anyway. That is the fact that during this term most of the seats on the Reserve Bank Board come up for replacement, and it was one very important factor to me to see these positions go to some of our fine businessmen, women and economists who are not wedded to the Austrian School of Conservative Economics as espoused by that dirty little rat, Prof Warwick McKibbon, who always seemed to pop up in the media to put his adverse view about the Labor government's fiscal policies and the effects he thought they would likely have, which were always predictably negative. Not only that, but the other occupants of seats on the Reserve Bank Board were Howard government appointees such as Roger Corbett and others who fulsomely supported the Coalition's economic philosophies. I believe there will also be some more positions come available on the Board of the ABC, and I especially hope that one of them is the position of Chairman of the Board of the ABC, because the present Chairman, Maurice Newman, is one of John Howard's best friends, and an acknowledged Climate Sceptic who has just recently abused his position to force an indulgent analysis of the Climate Change Deniers' claims and who gave them a platform they did not deserve, which only contributed to the confusion that people were encouraged to feel as a result. I'm sure there will be other appointments to various bodies and courts that the Gillard government will now have in their purview, and, with the help of the Independants and the Greens, who now will have to be consulted about these things before decisions are made, I feel confident that we will have these institutions strengthened and functioning for the benefit of the Common Weal, and not the vested interests and their representatives in one particular Coalition of political parties.


8/09/2010Good Morning Janice [i]I got the distinct feeling that something happened to Katter[/i], Janice I think so too, maybe it had something to do with the other two, argument perhaps, after all Katter did talk endlessly about a stable Government, then he turns around and goes with the losers, also held a separate press conference ummm. You poor thing, those pets are a big expense & worry aren't they, but you love them so it's worth it. I hope you get over the flu very soon Janice, we live in Hervey Bay, I haven't had the flu for 16 years, flu doesn't like our weather. Haven't we had good news, Governing is going to be hard, I know, but surely, no harder than it has been for Labor over the last three years. The other thing too, if the Coalition is so special, according to the Murdoch Media, Phony conducted such a wonderful, brilliant, campaign, Phony is so authentically fantastic, how come they are not in Government, funny about that eh. cheers Janice

Paul of Berwick

8/09/2010No mention anywhere (especially in the MSM) of the pasting that Windsor & Oakeshott gave the MSM during their 3pm news conference yesterday. Sigh!


8/09/2010The only independent with any integrity is Bob Katter. The rest are as inane and self centred as most posters to this blog. No doubt you all wish comrade Gough was still PM.

Ad astra reply

8/09/2010Folks I've been doing maintenance work this morning on the property after being glued to my computer for days, and have to take a relative to an appointment now. I'll be back in a couple of hours to respond to your comments.


8/09/2010Hi Ad Nasking's excellent piece over at Cafe Whispers: [i]Julia Strikes Back, Empire Wobbles Punch Drunk, Nasking, Cafe Whispers[/i] Tho, to be greeted this morning by petty words such as “steals”, “illegitimate”, “kingmakers to face fury”, “fragile” and plenty more negative connotations doled out

Ad astra reply

8/09/2010bilgedigger Thank you for your kind words. Bloggers here have kept the faith despite provocation from jj and YMBK, and the occasional missive from Sir Ian. Minority government can be very effective as we saw under Steve Bracks here in Victoria after he defeated Jeff Kennett. He governed with the help of three independents for a full term. But the opposition was not as belligerent and aggressive as an Abbott Opposition is likely to be if it follows its form during the last term when we saw little but trenchant opposition, destructive politics and continual attacks. jimbo Sir Ian sees me as biased, I suppose because I am advocate for the Labor Government. But he may not see so clearly that I criticize Labour people who have disadvantaged the party, such as Mark Abib and Karl Bitar, as well as some of the moves Labor has made, such as postponing the ETS. He seems not to comment much on the media bias. His main beef seems to be with ALL politicians, whom today he describes as ‘filth’. I don’t share his view. Whilst devious behaviour is not uncommon among politicians, in my view most have the nation’s interest at heart.

braid maintain micro

8/09/2010For some reason only half of the post is being displayed is it my browser or the site?


8/09/2010I am very relieved today after such a nasty lying campaign by toxic Tony that threatened to win him the top job of scary. To my shock and dismay his awful negative campaign was believed by nearly half of shocking! The stop the boats via Tones boat phone policy only managed to bring out the insidious side of Australian racism..Tony knew he would appeal to the immigrant laden west. And to think..Western Sydney was once a true Labor says a lot for Julia's compassion for better education indeed!:( Today I am flying my Julia campaign poster high on the porch..I'm not afraid to say I support Julia..whatever happened to the good old days where we weren't afraid to state our politics..we are getting more like America every year...I'm not falling for the MSM lies and disgusting is the front page of the rag Telegraph today? That is just we have a female PM for the first time in history and the media airwaves are filled with diversion, lies and on coming doom. Did I miss it or did the press gallery applaud Tony but somehow didn't applaud the new PM? Unbelievable! Michelle

Ad astra reply

8/09/2010Grog Thank you for your kind comments, which coming from a brilliant blogger such as you are, are greatly appreciated. I must congratulate you warmly on [i]Grog’s Gamut[/i] which has kept us up to date virtually every day with a searing critique of the day’s main events. Since I imagine you do your pieces in the evening after a day’s work, your efforts are all the more commendable. I hope that after the dust settles in a day or two, we can all ease back a little after what has been a tumultuous period in Australian politics. In my opinion, Julia is well suited to the environment in which she now has to work. Her negotiating skills are of a high order. Far from Paul Kelly’s predictions today of the outcome as “…a recipe for legislative gridlock and timid policy”, leading to “…weak and uncertain government…”, I believe she will manage the situation with aplomb. Paul is a great political author, but he is better at recording what has happened than predicting what will happen.

Hillbilly Skeleton

8/09/2010Ad Astra, What will be really interesting for me to watch is the intervening period between now and when the new senate takes its place in July next year. It would be in Tony Abbott and the Coalition's best interests to do most of their destabilising dirty work then, in cahoots with Steve Fielding, so as to effect what is Ltd News' already pre-determined outcome to take the nation back to the polls within the next 12 months, before the new Senate can take its place and serve to make the Coalition effectively irrelevant. I guess that, if this is to be so, then the electorate is savvy enough to apportion the blame for this outcome exactly where it needs to go, in the direction of Tony Abbott and the Coalition, and that they do not indulgently excuse such behaviour because he has been a 'naughty little man-child'. Also, it was interesting to note that Tony Abbott flagged the NBN to be his Gillard government bete noir. I can only imagine the job the Murdoch empire will do on it if they can ferret out the slightest bit of either 'waste and mismangement' or 'jobs for the boys'. Mike Kaiser, watch out! Which also leads me to think that the legislation for the structural separation of Telstra, if brought in before the Senate changes, might be a flashpoint that Abbott may choose to pick a fight over.


8/09/2010 Thanks AA for another interesting read. Prime Minister Gillard looked and sounded the part at yesterdays press conference . It was good to see the Treasurer tell someone in the media that they were wrong I hope that keeps up. NO FEAR. Looks good. How can it hurt the country if opinions from Indies add to the mix when making decisions for everyone ? If the rabbit mob had any sense it would use this chance to really improve Australia,if they behave rationally their supporters will still vote for them next time .Unfortunatly that is not what murdochcorp wants so bugger it lets go for the spoil.

Ad astra reply

8/09/2010HS My experience yesterday paralleled yours. What a suspense-filled day, like waiting anxiously for the doctor’s ‘verdict’, to be followed by sublime relief when the ‘news’ is good. Imagine though how Coalition supporters must have felt – so close but not close enough. Imagine how we would have felt in the same circumstances. You are right, there will be lots of ‘damning with faint praise’, many predictions of discord, travail, incessant and conflicting demands, unmanageable government, and eventual collapse and reversion to the polls. As mentioned in my reply to Grog, Paul Kelly is in pessimistic mode, predicting gridlock, timidity, and weak and uncertain government. Curiously, the editorial in [i]The Australian[/i] is positive to Julia, but after that paper declared Kevin Rudd its ‘Australian of the Year’ in January and then proceeded to pillory him relentlessly until he was gone, I am deeply suspicious of anything nice that paper says about Labor or its ministers.

Ad astra reply

8/09/2010Patricia WA What a lovely Gravatar you have. You are right, had the Coalition costings’ deception and the large black holes that eventually were exposed, come out in the media at a more propitious time and had they received the strident publicity that Labor issues did, the result might have been different. Black holes have killed political parties in the past. Lyn I heard her tilting at Matthew Franklin, first expressing ‘pleasure’ at his presence, and then answering his rude question the way it warranted, with a good dose of contempt. These two have become antagonists; I hope that Julia continues to pull him up whenever he shoots aggressive boorish questions at her.


8/09/2010Ad astra and Hillbilly Skeleton Thanks for your steady hand on the tiller throughout all of this - it is greatly appreciated. My own lesson for the day comes from The Great Book of Grog - the ALP don't need better salespeople, they need better advocates (such as Lindsay Tanner who will be sorely missed). One of my first posts here questioned the need for the incumbent government to be perpetually selling their programmes to the electorate when surely that had been done during an election campaign and would later need to be done to explain legislation once it had passed into law. The last six months have shown me that there is a very real need for ongoing discourse with the public (whether they want it or not) but Grog is correct in suggesting that this middle period - the formulation of legislation - requires advocates and not salespeople so that if it does go pear-shaped or is misrepresented at the next election, at least there will be a better understanding of the issues by the electorate. The fact that GFC deniers got such a wide hearing (and even a following) is a case in point. Michelle I shared your dismay at what appeared to be the press gallery hailing their returning king but the room was full of Liberal Party Members - not just the press. Still, it was a clever ploy was it not?

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8/09/2010LYN'S DAILY LINKS Updated: You're right Lyn, Possum's piece is great reading.


8/09/2010AA, The happy clappers are have become feral!

Ad astra reply

8/09/2010George Thanks for the email/website addresses. The ABC’s vox pops are pathetic. What possible credence can be given to such comments? NONE. Why do they do it? Bilko You are absolutely right – Labor MUST drown out the negativity that pours incessantly from the Opposition and the Murdoch media with positivity about its achievements. It needs much better media management, but of course it has to battle an unreceptive and hostile media.

George Pike

8/09/2010Labor's back in front in the 2PP...there goes Abbott's illegitimate government farce...

Ad astra reply

8/09/2010George All I could see in the Mercury was: “Wilkie awaits payout for South” and “Gillard scrapes in as PM”. How pathetic. Patricia Lorimer I agree, but don’t hold your breath expecting better behaviour from the Coalition. It’s not possible to make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear.


8/09/2010Hi Jason Thankyou for the link, but OMG! how did you find that blog, they don't like us normal people: Australian Election 2010/ We might have lost this battle, catch the Fire Ministries. Your prayer and action did definitely produce great results. [b]We have definitely taken the backbone out of the Labor party. They definitely now will find it very difficult to get legislation through Parliament as it is a minority Government.[/b]


8/09/2010Lyn, They were the ones that cost Turnbull his job,Cory Bernardi Senator from SA and must have some sort of link to them, got them to email,phone and write to MP's to vote down the climate change bill. I think they are dangerous but they do the coalition's bidding.


8/09/2010Hi Jason Thankyou for that piece of information, very interesting, so major cheerleaders are: Catch the Fire links, as well as Exclusive Bretheran, Hill Song, Ah umm.


8/09/2010Dear faithful Lyn - A huge thanks for your links (except perhaps the last). The worth of a site like this becomes very clear with your diligent and presumably time-consuming daily work. Your constant cheerfulness is a beacon of light and has been a real strength to both the site and this contributor. Your cheery Gravatar says it all. A special thank you - I hope you enjoyed yesterday.

Ad astra reply

8/09/2010janice What a tormented time you’ve had. I hope all is settling down now. You may be right about Bob Katter. I found his press conference hard to follow but was left with the impression that while he sided with the Coalition, he seemed also to be saying he would not vote no-confidence in Labor or against money bills. He seemed genuinely troubled by his decision, perhaps because after 17 days he’d split with the other two.


8/09/2010Lyn, This is where I first foun out about them!

Ad astra reply

8/09/2010AC Thank you for your kind remarks. As usual your selection of a tune to accompany your well-written verses is perfect: “Two Out Of Three Ain't Bad”. Julia would agree; Tony would not.


8/09/2010While it is a great relief not to see Abbott as PM, no-one here, or on any political site in the fifth estate, can be assured of any respite from the malacious verbage of the MSM. It has already started. It's going to get worse. Much worse. But now, especially after the last three years, we know how they work, and , importantly, how they can fail. After all the lies, skewed reporting, derision, snide remarks etc., they still could not convince 6 million Australians to vote for Abbott. They are smarting with this defeat and they will hit back. They'll hit two honourable and brave men and they will be merciless. Unless we stop them. I may be wrong but didn't a few sites such as this, Grog, LP and others begin to get mentions during the campaign? The msm know we're out here, average Australians know we're out here and the demand for quality debate will grow. The next election will be fought on the internet....on our terms. Not Murdochs. We can do this. The most urgent thing that must happen now is that Tony Windsor and Rob Oakeshott need to be supported by 6 million Labor voters and be aware of that fact. The msm need to be aware of that fact. The opposition need to be aware of that fact. If this government is to hold, we need to work. Harder and more diligently than we ever have. There is no other way.

Ad astra reply

8/09/2010HS It is time Labor flushed out the corrosive appointments on these statutory boards. Kevin was far too kind to incumbents believing perhaps that they would not rat on him, but they did. Paul That’s true. Bob Katter and Tony Windsor both gave the media a serve, particularly [i]The Australian[/i] as did Bob Brown and on [i]Q&A[/i] so did Malcolm Fraser. But not a peep in the press, which shows how the power of the media is ruthlessly exercised. Portia You are welcome to join the [i]TPS[/i] family and blog here, but do treat us with respect. We are neither inane or self-centered.


8/09/2010Hi bilgedigger You truly are a sweetie pie, thankyou for your lovely comment. Bilgedigger I had a wonderful day yesterday, I hope you did too. Yes that last link was a shocker wasn't it. Well now! let the Opposition fighting begin: Robb considers move against Bishop, Annabel Crabb, AbC Mr Robb has been talking to colleagues today about the feasibility of a run for the deputy's position.

Ad astra reply

8/09/2010Lyn Thank you for the Café Whispers link. Nasking’s piece is great reading. Thank you nasking for linking to [i]TPS[/i] George Thanks for the AEC link – the TPP outcome really is irrelevant now, but so long as the Coalition thinks it’s in front it will use the TPP to question Labor’s legitimacy. But it now has the ultimate legitimacy 76 seats. macca There is now increasing recognition of the Fifth Estate. Grog got extensive coverage in the niche media and the MSM. You’re right, we should all communicate with Bob Oakeshott and Tony Windsor to express our appreciation of their process and ultimate support.


8/09/2010Hi Ad An excellent piece by Tim Dunlop, a absolute must read: [i]Islands of sanity in the Ocean of madness that is our media, Tim Dunlop, BSides[/i] Watching the beginnings of [b]the batshit crazy period I predicted would unfold if the independents supported Labor, [/b]I thought it might be therapeutic to isolate some voices of reasons

Sir Ian Crisp

8/09/2010C’mon jimbo, don’t join in the conversation if it’s already begun. I am on the record as saying that people like Janet Albrechtsen and others add bias to their opinions. Here you go: #Posted by SIC on February 13, 2009 04:38PM: As to Ms Albrechtsen’s motivations for writing the article…I think she is still smarting after being called a skanky ho by ALP bovver boy Mark Latham. An opinion piece on Mr Rudd by Ms Albrechtsen dovetails nicely with our journos desire to apprise us of every facet of politics and politicians. The boys and girls from the fourth estate love to dissect politicians and report the results to us. It seems that our life is not complete unless we are informed about the body language, facial expressions, speech codes, and, the inner circle of trusted myrmidons of our politicians. When wading through some of Ms Albrechtsen’s articles you have to allow for her bias. Ms Albrechtsen is a member of Team Right and that will colour her views.# Jimbo, if a person is a rusted-on ALP voter or rusted-on Lib NP voter what does it matter what is printed in the Murdoch press. Why would a rusted-on voter care what comes out of the ABC nightly? Such a person turns up at the polling venue, takes his how-to-vote card from the relevant party volunteers and marks his or her ballot paper according to instructions. You don’t need to be high and mighty to show up our politicians; you just have to be human.


8/09/2010Some dining tips for members of the Coalition and the MSM - Revenge, a dish best served cold; for further instructions refer Andrew Wilkie - Humble pie, should be eaten as quickly as possible; may cause some heartburn - Crow, an American version of humble pie, much harder to digest (refer US Republicans) - Budget pie, avoid trying to bake, as there will very likely not be enough ingredients to complete the recipe - Egg, treat very carefully to avoid ending up with it all over one's face - Pork pies, should be avoided at all costs as they will not be consumed by discerning diners Failure to follow these instructions could result in bile and venom spewing from tongues and pens; but then you already knew that, didn't you?


8/09/2010Hi Graeme Thankyou for your tips, very appropriate for the occasion . They are not following your tips because bile and venom is spewing from tongues and pens big time, today Cheers

Vector Art

8/09/2010I know your blog by Google, really good looking blog. I found so many interesting subjects in your blog particularly its discussion. From all the comments on your posts, it looks like this is really a extremely popular website. Keep up the great work. Thank you!

Ad astra reply

8/09/2010Michelle Welcome to the [i]TPS[/i] family. Do come again. Yes, I heard the applause for Tony Abbott at his press conference and was astonished, but on looking around the audience there were some Coalition members there, so they may have been the ones applauding. If it was the journos applauding, then that is consistent with their position as portrayed by many in their writings. HS Strategically it would be consistent with the Coalition’s intent to make governing as difficult as possible, to do its dirty work while Steve Fielding is still around in the old Senate. I’m sure Tony Abbott and the Murdoch media will be looking for any opportunity to lampoon the NBN rollout. This may be much more difficult than with the BER as the roll out is being managed by NBN Co. tredlgt I hope we will see a lot more of politicians putting ignorant and rude journos in their place. We are sick of their overbearing arrogance. Jason Who on earth is Pr Daniel. What does ‘Pr’ mean? It’s an alarming piece that shows we have no shortage of bigots here. Lyn I did enjoy Tim Dunlop’s piece. So apt. Graeme Nice menu! Folks Off to watch TV now.


8/09/2010Hi Aa, another top piece. I'm glad Nasking linked me to it.

Acerbic Conehead

8/09/2010Thanks, HS, Bilko and AA for your kind words. Can the cobra and the mongoose join forces to defeat the various offspring of the Rodent? Who knows, but it's going to be fascinating anyway. Also, Bilko, hope the missus is feeling better.

Hillbilly Skeleton

8/09/2010Joe Hockey really is turning into the epitome of the Ugly Australian. The man has a hide to stand in front of a camera today and say that he predicts that the Shotgun Marriage will end in an early divorce. The Coalition mouthpieces are very adept with the gimcrack one-liners. Pity they aren't so hot with policy. Otherwise they might not have been having to spend another 3 years hurling insults at the government from the Opposition benches. So much for the 'kinder, gentler polity', huh?


8/09/2010Folks the libs have not got over loosing in 2007 and now again in 2010 they still dont get it. we was robbed then and now we were robbed again. Phony,Sloppy and Robb lived up to their stooge titles and should be put out to pasture asap. Does anyone know when parliament sits again I want to revel in the first QT.

Hillbilly Skeleton

9/09/2010This is a pretty balanced assessment of the current siuation from an unlikely source, Business Spectator, not your average left-wing outlet for commentary:


9/09/2010[b]TODAY'S LINKS [/b] [i]Listening for the new told lies, Grog, Grog's Gamut[/i] So on August 24 Tony Abbott said of the new paradigm: “I think we can be a more collegial polity than we have been”. Did anyone really believe him? [i]Independents feed off the weak, The Piping Shrike.[/i] For the Coalition not only do they not get government, but the Nationals in particular have to watch the independents [i]Victorian federal redistribution and other tales, William Bowe, The Poll Bludger[/i]As Peter Brent of Mumble points out, it is almost certain that the complete figures which will be available in a few weeks’ time will show Labor the winner, [i]Self Interest, the major Parties and the Independents, Rich Bowden, The Angle[/i] would be doing its utmost to destroy the next parliament to return to the polls to build on its perceived momentum and gain a majority in its own right. [i]The conservative noise machine cranks up, Gary Sauer-Thompson, Public Opinion[/i] The conservative strategy is to bring on the next election as soon as possible by whatever means. [b]Attack, attack, attack. Destroy, destroy,[/b] [b]destroy. [/b] [i]Election finalised thread, Jeremy Sear, Pure Poison[/i] (Democracy, n. Going back to the polls until the Liberal Party wins.) [i]The Sky is falling... or is it? The Conscience Vote[/i] Bizarrely, some of the most rational commentary on the final election result came from Peter van Onselen, writing in The Australian. I’m not quite sure how that snuck in there. [i]Expect Libs to go in for the kill , Tim Wilson, Institute of Public Affairs[/i] the opposition will seek to chip away at Labor's weakest links in the hope of forcing resignations to destroy the government's numbers and make the independents choose between a minority Liberal government or another election. Labor lost the war, but won the peace, Ben Eltham, Unleashed Abbott is superb as an antagonist. He is, in his own words, a ferocious political foe. But once the formal election campaign ended, these very qualities proved to be liabilities. [i]Sun Shines on Gillard... For Now, Anthony Fensom, The Diplomat[/i] there are clouds ahead, and Abbott will be hoping they hold a silver lining for the Coalition. [i]NBN was a key part of the agreement on govt., with flat pricing across the country, 3WAN.Net[/i] But Opposition leader, Tony Abbott, refused to back down on the Coalition’s broadband policy and insisted it was the better of the two. [i]The three amigos and the glasshouse government, Guy Beres[/i] It’s likely best for Bob Katter and his hat to be getting up to mischief outside the tent rather than inside.. [i]Seeing the Future, Still Life with Cat[/i] not least because they know they will be carved up by the Murdoch-dominated press and filleted by their own electorates. [i]The body language of Tony Abbott , Mark Young, Gamma Ways[/i] Tony Abbott, consigned to being Leader of the Opposition once more, rather than his obviously desired office of Prime Minister, [i]The Coalition Lost, Reb, Gutter Trash[/i] As I’ve mentioned many times in the past, the born to rule mob and their supporters don’t handle rejection particularly well.

Ad astra reply

9/09/2010LYN'S DAILY LINKS updated:


9/09/2010[quote]The Australian newspaper factor[/quote] Hi all. I was just saying at the Cafe it’s obvious we can’t rely on the bulk of the mainstream media to keep the bast*rd's honest. Sadly. What distortions being pushed by the coalition on the 2pp vote & PM Gillard having an "illegitimate" government. Disgraceful stuff...and they aren't being pulled up on this lies. Thank gawd for the blogs. The politicians & regulatory bodies that allowed the Murdoch empire to grow so dominant in this country have alot to answer for. Insightful post as always Aa. And great linking by Lyn. I've been caught up w/ family affairs, illness & various other things, including the Cafe...but things are starting to settle down I intend to read thru all the comments on here today...soon. Cheers N’

George Pike

9/09/2010Now the ABC are running right wing extremist propaganda as part of their normal news output...these "economists" are also regular News Ltd commentators...go figure! Promoting anything these guys say about the MRRT is like promoting anything the Nationalist Socialists have to say about Zionism!


9/09/2010AA, Not being involved with any church the only thing I can think that "Pr" could stand for would be Pastor! could be wrong though. On another note I see Mr Denmore who contributes here also has a blog.

Hillbilly Skeleton

9/09/2010The Coalition, and their boosters in the media, may want to 'Attack, attack, attack, Destroy, destroy, destroy', but do they really believe that will endear them to the electorate? I can't see it myself, unless they really believe that a 'ferocious' attack-dog Coalition will have appeal to a majority of the electorate because that electorate has become, in the main, a dog eat dog Australian society.


9/09/2010Hi Jason Jason you are wonderful, thankyou for Mr Denmore's link, I really like Mr Denmore. I will put the link up for Ad, so he can file in today's links if he wishes to do so. [i]The Tyranny of Constant Publication, Mr Denmore, The Failed Estate[/i] "deadlines" now seems quaint, with even Laurie Oakes twittering second-by-second updates from doorstops.

Hillbilly Skeleton

9/09/2010Jason, Also I heard someone on the ABC this morning referring to the Coalition as the 'Alternative government in waiting'. It also appears from reading much of the media that the Coalition are waiting about as long as it takes, before the new Senate takes over, to get some more donations to run another election campaign. And the media, in the main, are aiding and abetting them in their crazy pursuit of power at all costs to the fabric of our society.

Hillbilly Skeleton

9/09/2010Here's an example of the sort of gutter trash that the Fairfax replacement for Miranda Devine has spewed forth today: It's absolutely sickening.

Mr Denmore

9/09/2010Thanks for the link Lyn and Jason. The new blog is called 'The Failed Estate' after a series of posts I wrote for Lavratus Prodeo a few months back. Hope folks here will come by and visit from time to time.


9/09/2010HS, Yes even here in Adelaide there are a few libs with the "we woz robbed" thinking, which had me thinking about the line you used "'Alternative government in waiting'. Abbott et al have had that mind set since the 2007 election and the usual suspects in the media are still wondering around thinking the same. The media in this country have a lot to answer for but I think Rob Cameron on Lateline went some way to explaining how it has come to this,it would seem everyone now has a focus group!

Ad astra reply

9/09/2010Miglo Thank you for your comments. I thought the pace might slacken after the final decision, but with the Opposition and the media on the war path, that seems unlikely until the next session of parliament concludes. HS Joe Hockey is getting uglier and uglier. Infuriated by the election loss and angry about being challenged so stridently over the costings debacle (isn’t it time we attached pejorative labels to Coalition stuff-ups, just as they did to Labor’s), he is frothing at the mouth with frustration and fury. Does he realize how unattractive he looks, does he realize how he repulses all but rusted-on Liberals? Apparently not. Maybe a criterion for high office in the Coalition is aggression, so he’s showing plenty of it. Labor needs to ignore his aggression, and that of any others who behave like him. Rob Burgess usually writes balanced columns. The one in [i]The Spectator[/i] was another one. First we had Miranda Devine, now it’s Anita Quigley, it feels like we’re going from bad to worse. Bilko You’re right. We are still seeing the ‘born to rule’ class still bridling about the 2007 loss, and blind with fury at having this election slip from their grasp. The Liberals will never really accept loss with equanimity. Someone wrote recently that for them democracy is a process of having elections until they win. nasking Thank you for your comments. Like you, I find keeping up with the political tumult is hardly compatible with normal family life. I look forward to a more tranquil time nearer the end of the year when the politicians all go home to their families. George Henry Ergas has been a spear-thrower for the Coalition for ages. John Freebairn is Professor and Head Department of Economics at the University of Melbourne. His current research interests are in applied microeconomics, particularly in the analysis of taxation reform and the understanding of unemployment. I don’t know his political leanings. We can be sure that many in the mining industry will use the current political situation to re-open debate on the MRRT, hoping to advantage themselves. It is interesting though that yesterday the CEO of Xstrata said his firm was happy with the MRRT. Jason I should have thought of that – Pr=pastor. Thanks for the Mr Denmore link – he’s always good reading.

D Mick Wier

9/09/2010Thanks Ad for another perceptive and thorough analysis. The section on ‘The Australian Newspaper Factor’ was interesting and no doubt could be expanded upon to include many other sections of the media (mainstream and otherwise). I will have to delve into your archives before I type too much more on this subject however, a couple of points: * IMO the way we as individuals get and process information now as compared to even only ten years ago has changed dramatically and affects the way we think about things. The fourth estate appears to be failing us and we would be failing ourselves and our nation if we don’t question all of our roles in this. . Thanks Jason for that link to the Failed Estate, there is much food for thought and discussion starters there. * There has been much said about bias in the reporting of politics and if I may torture a cliché: The perception of bias, like beauty, is very much in the eye/mind of the beholder! Some links for those who may feel there have some unethical reporting: Media Alliance Code of Ethics: Code Of Ethics Breaches: How To Complain Australian Press Council - How to make a Complaint (one day I will take time to learn and remember! how to insert links) And lastly Swordspeople, now that we know who will be forming government and some of the dust (bull and real) is settling May I Say (ugh) Take some time to reflect, some time for yourself and families maybe spend a few hours to read that book you’ve been putting of reading because of the campaign. Maybe better still take in a movie at a picture theatre – I, without hesitation, recommend Boy. Not only will it back to year (1984!) that some may remember fondly you will get a generous of laughter which is no doubt the best of medicines. DMW

Ad astra reply

9/09/2010Mr Denmore I have added [i]The Failed Estate[/i] to the list under 'sites of interest' in the right panel.

D Mick Wier

9/09/2010Sorry Swordspeople I forgot to say: It's also time to let the pixie dust to settle and if you see a rainbow over the next few days thank your diety for what has been delivered. DMW

Ad astra reply

9/09/2010DMW Thank you for comments and the links you have provided. We in the Fifth Estate have had an influence, albeit modest, and if we keep protesting stridently enough about the awful state of much, but not all of the MSM, the effect will magnify - 'water dripping on a stone' as it were. You're right - it has been an exhausting time for political tragics. As if five tense weeks of campaigning was not enough we had another 17 days of indecision. We're all looking forward to a break.

Ad astra reply

9/09/2010Folks I'll be on the road for a few hours; back this evening.


9/09/2010Ad astra, [quote]You're right - it has been an exhausting time for political tragics. As if five tense weeks of campaigning was not enough we had another 17 days of indecision. We're all looking forward to a break.[/quote] We, the Fifth Estate, cannot afford to take a break if the Abbott/MSM coalition's behaviour since Labor got the gong is anything to go by. Abbott and Co are aggressively threatening to demonise Julia, her team, the Independents and the greens with the aim to cause a new election. Already the media fail to question Abbott's assertion that the government is not legit and that the Coalition won more votes and more seats than Labor. I am heartened listening to Simon Crean talking about the good unemployment numbers. He is handling the media well and firmly keeping them on track with their questions. Maybe Labor has learned something and will refuse to allow the media to go feral with inane questions that lead to the beat-ups we've been experiencing for the last three years. It is not before time that each and every Labor Minister got into the habit of spruiking Labor's achievements at every opportunity and refusing to waste time and effort on the negative gossip-mongering rubbish they've been bogged down with in their first term.


9/09/2010Hi Ad Our friends over at Cafe Whispers, have an intereting topic by Nasking: [i]Ferocious, Rabid Opposition Attack…So What’s New?, Nasking, Cafe Whispers[/i] Last night on Lateline Liberal Christopher Pyne confirmed that the [b]Coalition intend to be “ferocious”: [/b]


9/09/2010Hi Nasking yes i have heard of ferocious POODLES


9/09/2010[quote]Hi Nasking yes i have heard of ferocious POODLES[/quote] Indeed...but unfortunately ferocious poodles can invest their efforts into alot of destruction...I'm thinking Tony Blair and Iraq. N'


9/09/2010Hi HS I left a comment there after reading Anita Squigglies piece i dont know if they will use it as i said she was nothing more than a press hack and a bull--it artist and that they ne4ed to hire a better class of reporter before they find themselves irrelevant.


9/09/2010John Winston Howard and Iraq but he really was more the vicious,racist FROG.


9/09/2010"The Coalition, and their boosters in the media, may want to 'Attack, attack, attack, Destroy, destroy, destroy', but do they really believe that will endear them to the electorate?" Hillbilly, I certainly hope that the Australian people are generally not as gullible & as easily manipulated as far too many in America. The Republican/Tea Party/Fox News/Rush Limbaugh attack attack attack approach has been more effective to date than some of us expected. Tho, it didn't help that the Obama team shot itself in the foot straight off the bat w/ the massive bank bailout leading to golden parachutes whilst homes & small businesses across the land collapsed. At least our stimulus worked more effectively and the focus on banks wasn't about bailouts. And now we have a pretty robust economy. But it still amazed me that the Murdoch empire's distortions, lies & hype w/ the "snake-oil salesman" approach of Abbott was able to convince so many Aussies to see beyond the real achievements of Labor. Sometimes I think this is what it must've felt like prior to the NAZI era...when film, radio & papers and other aspects of culture were infected by extreme nationalistic propaganda that pretended to give a dam about the regular folk. N'


9/09/2010"Like you, I find keeping up with the political tumult is hardly compatible with normal family life. I look forward to a more tranquil time nearer the end of the year when the politicians all go home to their families." Aa, yes, what we would give for more of those tranquil times eh? N'

Hillbilly Skeleton

9/09/2010jimbo, I left a couple of comments on the Anita Quigley piece myself, but under another nom de plume(I do that sometimes in order to maintain complete anonymity & so RW trolls just don't attack me for who I am). Anyway, reading through the commenst I was horrified to find out that Anita Quigly used to ne news Editor for the Herald Sun, worked for the Daily Telegraph, and went overseas to the UK to continue working for Rupert Murdoch's rags over there, so she is totally ingrained with the Murdoch ethos. I just cannot understand why Fairfax would want to employ a News Ltd hack. Although I have heard that they do it to get the click throughs from the outraged readers, where it is believed that thoughtful journalism fails in that respect. The owners of Fairfax obviously don't care how encouraging that sort of Gossip Girl political journalism just debases our polity though. Luckily, most of the comments attacked her and did not jump on her bandwagon attacking Rob Oakeshott.


9/09/2010AA, "Bilko You’re right. We are still seeing the ‘born to rule’ class still bridling about the 2007 loss, and blind with fury at having this election slip from their grasp. The Liberals will never really accept loss with equanimity. Someone wrote recently that for them democracy is a process of having elections until they win." Ah yes the Liberal Party are made up of vicious snobs who believe they were born to rule...if this is the sort of barrel scraping you will do to discredit the Liberal Party than good luck to you. The Liberal Party is made up of all walks of life...the Labor Party is only made up of members of the union movement. Oh and cut it with the elitist crap, i dint hear you ripping into Krudd when he was PM over being wealthy! Windsor will wake up in a couple of months time and realise the kind of mistake he has made...and he will decide to retire, rather than face the people at the next election.


9/09/2010Hillbilly, I wonder if you would be such a fan of Oakshot if he had of supported the Liberal Party?


9/09/2010On matters "ferocious" and another link on this page that leads to a blog discussing Tony Abbott's body language... My reading of Abbott's body language these last few days is relief. He may say he wants to be PM, but I think deep inside he knows he hasn't got the goods for the job. His metier is pugnaciously opposing everything. Called upon to negotiate, to lead a government, to head a nation, I suspect those notions terrify him. Opposing, knocking, belittling, these are all first nature to him, and now, he is free again to let these 'people skills' have full rein. As PM, he wouldn't know what to do, and there's no-one in his shadow Cabinet who could guide or mentor him, either. For much the same reason - no talent for it, or anything but the snarl and the dig. When it comes to fury, the Coalition boys and girls have never got out of the sandpit.


9/09/2010Michael, You are a joke. What ever you are taking stop taking it. If you cant find it i suggest you look for something coloured red with the words 'Labor idiot' written on it.

Hillbilly Skeleton

9/09/2010jj, You are a humourless, nasty boor.

Hillbilly Skeleton

9/09/2010jj, If Rob Oakeshott had supported the Coalition, I would have listened to his reasoning for the decision and adjudged it according to my own expectations of that important decision which he had to make. If I was able to see his point, even though I would have been personally disappointed that he didn't favour the party that I support, I would have conceded his right to make that decision.

Country Hick

9/09/2010jj, I'm not sure what brings you back to this blog. It obviously gives you neither pleasure nor anything to think about - no sense of connection, no interest in the conversation, not even the slightest chance of changing anyone's mind about anything - given the way you habitually abuse the people you address yourself to. I'm sorry that it must be such a frustrating experience for you. Behind the anonymity of the net, I can imagine there must be some better way for you to spend your time.

Ad astra reply

9/09/2010Folks Thank you for your comments. janice I know we need to remain ‘on duty’ while the Coalition pursues its negative, obstructive, destructive course, which it is signaling it intends to do. I do like the way Simon Crean approaches press interviews. Labor needs to be more positive about what it’s achieved and what it’s doing, and refuse to be diverted by stupid and irrelevant questions from some sections of the media. A simple rejoinder could be: “Ask me a sensible question and you’ll get a sensible answer”. But I hope, once the final sitting of parliament is over and the holiday season approaches, that we can all take a spell from the intensity and tension of political discourse. We took off January this year; let’s hope we can do so again. jj If you believe my description of Coalition behavior is over the top, please let us have your description of the Liberals and Nationals that ‘come from all walks of life’. There is no doubt there are some fine Liberals. My local member, Russell Broadbent is one. It is the front-running attack dogs that, in my opinion, fit the description of displaying a ‘born to rule’ attitude: Tony Abbott, Joe Hockey, Andrew Robb, Christopher Pyne, Peter Dutton and Scott Morrison, whom we have see time and again questioning the Government’s competency and legitimacy, which is just another way of saying: “We should be running the country, not you”. Tony Abbott has been saying this ever since the 2007 loss. Read his [i]Battlelines[/i]. It is ironic that while you criticize me for my assessment of the Liberals, you feel entitled to make the extraordinary statement that “…the Labor Party is only made up of members of the union movement.” ONLY? Are they not also from all walks of life? It looks like the pot calling the kettle black. Michael Your thesis has an element of plausibility. Certainly Tony Abbott excels in attack, but seems to be wanting in the sort of diplomacy needed to run a government and operate on the international scene.

Ad astra reply

9/09/2010nasking I believe ‘ferocious attack’ will appeal to the rusted-on supporters, whom I imagine are furious about the outcome. It will be off-putting for others. I suspect that all except its supporters are becoming thoroughly sick and tired of the constant attack. To be charitable, I suppose we should allow for the intense feelings of disappointment and frustration they likely feel, and accept their anger for the time being. But if seething anger persists beyond a reasonable period, we will likely see a continuation of aggression and destructiveness. Then we need to be prepared to call it for what it is and counter it assertively.


9/09/2010jj, You still don't get it do you? but then you never will.When it comes to politics you just happen to be a light weight, no substance no reason just slogans given to you by a failed hack in your electorate? who can't knock Windsor off! you failed there and you fail here, pretty much your a product of your party good for nothing! so keep on comming here abuse us do what ever! Or you might want to add to the debate in a civil manner, but that's your choice.

George Pike

9/09/2010Tony Abbott couldn't run a chook raffle! The only reason the Liberal-National Coalition rabble have been so successful is because they have been gifted a free ride by the most powerful media group on the planet...the evil intent of that strategy being to make them the puppet government of the corporate sector. Murdoch knows his empire is on thin ice with the rollout of the NBN, not just because it will destroy his Australian media interests, but because it will spread right around the globe at the speed of light once other countries see how successful it is...then News Ltd's power will's as simple as that. Murdoch will become just one of many voices on the web...and not the only voice in the print and pay tv media, as he is now for many people. His wealth and power will be smashed to a pulp...glory be to the spirit of fairplay and equity! Murdoch also has the interests of the mining and energy sector at heart. He is pulling out all stops to try and kill off the ETS and the MRRT....again because he and his industrialist mates know full well that any real action on those fronts in this country, will spread around the globe like the plague. It is so good to see Labor bringing about a win for the social good over corporate interests in the election just gone. Now we have to do as much as we possibly can to ensure that the greed driven, selfish and anti-social intent of Murdoch and his puppet Coalition is kept safely boxed until progress ensures that they ultimately become nothing more than a blight within the history books...

Hillbilly Skeleton

9/09/2010Verrry interesting:


10/09/2010JJ and all I have no problem with "Abbott's government in waiting declaration" it is just that they will be waiting for at least another 6 years and like revenge it is better served cold. Wait on Tones and while waiting watch your back as the smiling assassin from wentworth is still around. Who was it that coined "keep your enemies closer" never a truer word uttered.


10/09/2010[b]TODAY'S LINKS[/b] [i]New world and old (sigh), Grog, Grog's Gamut[/i] First the new media world, and an excellent piece by Annabel Crabb on The Drum, where she argues that a minority Government means the media needs to adjust: [i]"Dog Bites Man" Journalism, Mr Denmore, The Failed Estate[/i] The ABC's real problem, as with much of the media, is bad news judgement. Just because someone in Canberra said something doesn't make it news. [i]No Second Prize, Andrew Elder, Politically Homeless[/i] Tony Abbott doesn't want a consolation prize - he wants to be Prime Minister. He doesn't particularly care about bloody parental leave anyway [i]How much pork for rural independents, Tim Dunlop BSides[/i] developed in the media about our new parliament is that the rural MPs are rorting the system, gaining advantage for themselves [i]What they said: The NBN reaction, Renai LeMay, Delimiter[/i] “We congratulate the Government on its re-election and will continue to engage constructively [i]How broadband defeated Abbott, Robert Gottliebsen, Business Spectator[/i] The 2010 election has turned out to be a re-run of 1961. What must frighten Tony Abbott and the Coalition is that it took 11 years before the opposition dislodged the winner of the 1961 election. [i]Standing up for > your electorate her< Jeremy Sear, An Onymous Lefty[/i] the faux outrage by the Coalition and their supporters in the News media over the independents securing deals [i]The Australian announces that it wants to "destroy" the greens, Jeremy Sear, Pure Poison[/i] The Australian openly eschewing reporting for advocacy; nearing the completion of its transition into the Fox News of Australian media. [i]Nothing Australian about The Australian’s election coverage, Crikey[/i] but mention should be made of its dopier but much larger-circulating tabloid counterparts. The Herald Sun in particular [i]Mythbusting, The Conscience Vote.[/i] ‘kinder, gentler polity’ that Abbott promised us – but there’s no excuse for these myths to be mindless quoted in the media If you notice a myth, or something you suspect is a myth, being repeated as fact – challenge [i]A " kinder, gentler polity": it was always going to be a fool's errand. Clarencegirl , North Coast Voices[/i] a guess that it might only be a day before the Coalition turned against the Independents it had been "courting so earnestly for the last 18 days". [i]Kinder, gentler polity… Um? What was that?, Neil's second decade[/i] With good management and much effort, we may be embarking on a golden age of Australian democracy. [i]Rural reality, Dave Gaukroger, Pure Poison[/i] Criticising a government for trying to win support is nonsensical, and it’s even more ridiculous to complain about MPs who have decided to use an opportunity [i]Murdoch's way of doing business ,Gary Sauer-Thompson at , Public Opinion[/i] large amounts of money to get the dirt on people in public life – including in the police, the military and politics – and that it has paid huge sums (£2m and counting) to suppress the truth from coming out. [i]goodbye to the dictatorship of the executive , Gary Sauer-Thompson , Public Opinion[/i] You can only get things done with a dictatorship of the executive. This is the position of News Ltd as well. [i]COALITIONS, John Quiggin[/i] I was too clever by half with my prediction in 2007 that “the Liberal Party will never win another federal election”, but it still looks as if I might be right. [i]Truth in Election Results, Aerchies Archive[/i] Tony Abbott, you have mis-represented the second fact in your statement. Tony, you will know just what is meant when the term “Mis-represent” is used in Parliament. It indicates that a person is tampering with the truth [i]Parliament to sit on September 28, Business Spectator[/i] [i]Never mind the conflict, let's report the Parliament,Annabel Crabb, ABC[/i] A disagreement between Tony Windsor or Rob Oakeshott is not an "emerging division" or a "first crack" or a "worrying sign of instability".It is simply what is going to happen, from now on.

Sir Ian Crisp

10/09/2010What’s that jimbo? No, there’s no need to apologise because if you did that I would have to judge you differently. You join the list of unique people here at TPS where Panglossian idealism is unbounded. The list now includes: a person who by now has been judged criminally insane; about six hypocrites; three bullies; a person judged Public Enemy #1 according to the Mark Bahnisch “Bible for Bloggers”; a lady whose companion while she types is a liquid paper bottle without a lid; an amateur psychologist/psychiatrist; a full battalion of the Rudd/Gillard Praetorian Guard; and, a lady who very rarely gets out of her cage and when she does she needs a white cane to tap her way around town. Now, in you, she has a person who will be her lockstep companion.


10/09/2010 Sir Ian Crisp Whatever have we done to you. Why don't you like us?

George Pike

10/09/2010Good to see the Hobart Mercury NOT following the anti-regional diatribe against the NBN in The Australian today. The big city media aristocrats think the entire world revolves around them. Shame the local News Ltd lot can't see how dangerous a Liberal government would be for this state though...another ten years of Telstra rorting should be incentive enough to go to war with Abbott and co. It is also a shame how little media focus is placed upon the extraordinary economic ahievements that the Labor government has dealt this country...the economic news just keeps on getting better and better, yet it is played down by the entire Australian media as if it means nothing... One can only wonder how the Liberals would be have been treated had they been in power right now. They would have been praised to the heavens for their economic skills no doubt! The simple truth is, the economy is now firing so well that it is certain that the budget will go into surplus far sooner than is being currently predicted. The massive increase in farm and mining receipts, coupled with the decrease in expenditure due to the lower unemployment numbers, will ensure that the surplus will blow out to $20 billion plus over the forward estimates...then you can be assured that the national debt will be eliminated long before the Liberals ever get a chance to regain power...

Sir Ian Crisp

10/09/2010Lyn, it's not a case of like or dislike. I call it as I see it and if that leaves a few bruises then so be it. We're all over 21 aren't we? I hope you haven't got a glass jaw.


10/09/2010Sic Iknow there is no need to apologise to you and I had no intention of doing so as I believe you can become the third white cane holder but no, you are so biased and blinkered that you dont need a white cane as you cant even get out of your own way.By the way if this blog site is so annoying and demeaning to you then vote with your feet leave and dont come back.Of course as the saying goes dont let the door hit you in the arse on the way out.It must be pure utopia in that fantasy world you live in.

George Pike

10/09/2010Here's a good read that helps to explain the blind arrogance of some of right wing commentators who seek to wreck progressive thought...

George Pike

10/09/2010Thanks to Labor's excellent governance, our economy is thriving. It is now clear that the surplus is going to be far greater than what was forecast. With increases in farm and mining receipts along with the decrease in the welfare bill (and higher tax receipts) due to low unemployment, it is looking like the budget surplus will hit $20 billion by 2013. Thank God the Liberals didnt get in and wreck it all!

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10/09/2010LYN'S DAILY LINKS updated:

George Pike

10/09/2010What Abbott would have done to this country...


10/09/2010Hi George Thankyou for your link. Scarey, & some people voted for the Liberals. George's Link: Guardian Co Uk. George Osborne to cut £4bn more from benefits unemployed by a further £4bn, and saying he would go after those who regarded welfare benefits as "a lifestyle choice".

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10/09/2010Grog As is usual, your piece on [i]Grog's Gamut: New world and old (sigh)[/i] is brilliant, a must read for us all.

Hillbilly Skeleton

10/09/2010Further to the story about Murdoc's attempts to rule the world by setting up his private Stasi, complete with phone-tapping, the UK government has set up a parliamentary inquiry into his media outlet's behaviour. Some cracking good quotes in this article:

Ad astra reply

10/09/2010What a good article by Annabelle Crabb on [i]The Drum: Never mind the conflict, let's report the Parliament[/i]. At last some self-analysis of the media by a media person, and some sound suggestions for change:

Hillbilly Skeleton

10/09/2010So, remind me, who was it that the MSM have been saying used our money to try and buy the election outcome?

Hillbilly Skeleton

10/09/2010Laura Tingle being fantastically upfront about the state of play in the media and politics:


10/09/2010 Sorry to disagree AA with regard crabbs article it was just self serving it should have been written a month ago. As a so called journalist she could have worked harder to analyse policy bullshit from the libs or even labor policy instead we had to put up with lame attempt at humour. Could do better but has cushy job with ABC so must snigger and snipe, waste of time .


10/09/2010AA, A soon to be rival! I imagine that on or two on here will find comfort at this site when it starts.


10/09/2010Ad Astra, another outstanding article. I still can't quite believe Julia got there in the end. I was almost in tears when Katter went with the Liberals. After everything he said about them in the last couple of weeks and the praise he gave Labor, then to do that !!! Anyway for now we can hope that Labor's programs will continue so that if they are beaten at the next election a lot of the Broadband will be in place, the health reforms will be up and running, and so too the computer in schools and the trade training centers. I have four grandsons that will benefit in the years to come. I misread Annabelle Crabb's article the other day......(after having refused to read her for awhile because of the inanity she went on with. As you are people I trust I went and re-read it and am pleased I did. Wouldn't it be great if all the reporters or whatever they call themselves these days, took heed of her wise words. I will not hold my breath though as I want to continue to be able to read your great writing.


10/09/2010Katter played the mugs of the field brilliantly. Knowing on that last day that Oakeshott and Windsor were going to Labor, he preemptively came out for the Coalition (whoops, can I write "came out" and "Katter" in the same sentence? Well, perhaps anywhere but North Queensland), while all the time privately assured that a Labor government was a shoo-in. Why "brilliant"? Because, after they'd declared, he was exactly where they were - not having to support Labor on any piece of legislation he/they don't like, BUT, by adding his name to the Conservative tally, also not ending up with voters in his electorate/members of the Coalition, being given a free stick to beat him with for the next three years. The fact that he said that should Labor get over the line he would support "the government" in the interest of stability gave his game away. Cynical, baldfaced? Oh, yeah! But will he have a quieter time around the House and his Kennedy electorate than Oakeshott and Windsor in Parliament and at home? You betcha. (I suspect it will be suggested that I am indulging in "amateur psychology/psychiatry" here, but hey, call a cigar a cigar. Or call that number scrawled in the telephone box when everything gets too hard for you, knight of the realm of one.)

Hillbilly Skeleton

10/09/2010Michael, I absolutely agree with you about Bob Katter's move. I might just add though that he may well be snookered later on in the piece if his voting record is shown to favour Labor.

Magaluf Stag

10/09/2010It is now clear that the surplus is going to be far greater than what was forecast. With increases in farm and mining receipts along with the decrease in the welfare bill (and higher tax receipts) due to low unemployment, it is looking like the budget surplus will hit $20 billion by 2013.

Hillbilly Skeleton

10/09/2010Yay! Laura Tingle and George Megalogenis are going to be on Lateline tonight. :)


10/09/2010Hi Ad EVERYBODY DON'T MISS THESE TWO STORIES: Somebody has pasted on "Flickr" Laura Tingle's much talked about column today. Compliments from Kim at Larvatus Prodeo: If you change your zoom level to 150% it's easier to read. Laura Tingle, Financial Review, [i]Tingle on friday: Labor must decide what to do with NEWS LIMITED, Kim, Larvatus Prodeo[/i] consider that furphies such as the BER “Waste” no doubt helped the Coalition to get as close to government as it has were only possible on the back of a sustained campaign in The Australian, in particular, and how difficult it is for sites like this one and Crikey to correct the record


10/09/2010Hi Ad Kind Reader on Larvatus has created this pdf file: 1. Guido says: September 10, 2010 at 2:45 pm I created a pdf file of the article if someone wants to print it.

George Pike

10/09/2010Here is a link to an anti-News Ltd site in the USA called on the video and let it run, there are a number of videos on the one stream, it reloads will get an idea of what they are up to over there in the States.

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10/09/2010Folks I’ve been busy most of the day and have enjoyed reading your comments. tredlgt While I agree that Annabelle’s silly humour has been irritating in the past, I feel that today’s piece is close to acknowledging the media’s indifferent role in Australian politics and its need to change tack to adapt to the new paradigm. She is the first to point this out. Jason Ironbar’s blog should make for idiosyncratic reading and a few belly laughs. Gravel Thank you for your kind words. It is a great relief that Julia is back in charge. She will be much harder to dislodge than the Coalition and News Limited think. Lyn, HS Thank you for providing the links to Laura Tingle’s searing appraisal of News limited’s pernicious role during the last year and in particular the last weeks, that continues even to today. I’m looking forward to seeing what she has to say on [i]Lateline[/i] tonight. George Thank you for the link to OutFoxed. It seems that wherever Murdoch operates the pattern is the same - political interference for commercial advantage. As Kim at Lavartus Prodeo says: [i]“… I think that people who sometimes argue that we in the blogosphere ought to ignore the MSM alarums, in the hope that they’ll go away, or that we can somehow squeeze them of legitimacy, are on the wrong track.[/i]” I agree. We must keep exposing News Limited every time it deviates from balanced journalism, which is most of the time. Michael That’s a clever analysis you’ve made of Bob Katter’s strategy. I see HS agrees, as I do. BTW, I see Morgan comes in at 54.5/45.5 to Labor. What does that tell us about Labor's 'legitimacy’?


11/09/2010[b]TODAY'S LINKS[/b] [i]Morgan: 54.45.5 to Labor, William Bowe, The Poll Bludger[/i] On the primary vote, Labor is up half a point to 40.5 per cent, the Coalition down 3.5 per cent to 39.5 per cent and the Greens up 1.5 per cent to 15 per cent [i]Handbag-gate, Jeremy Sear, Pure Poison[/i] the Australian finished off its frankly embarrassing Thursday by publishing a humiliatingly stupid attack on Julia Gillard, suggesting that the Prime Minister is somehow an elitist because she doesn’t carry a handbag into events: [i]You say tomato, I say assassinate, Tim Dunlop, BSides[/i] the suggestion by Abbott and others that the Gillard government is illegitimate, is appalling. [i]Men of integrity, The Conscience Vote[/i] The panel on Sky News’ The Contrarians this afternoon (containing such leading political lights as Tim Wilson from the Institute of Public Affairs) went one step further. Oakeshott was clearly not telling the truth [i]Australia continues to shock everyone in the media , The Vine[/i] Tony Abbott warns his MPs against being too vitriolic toward the men who cost the Coalition government,-koran-burning-and-roald-dahl20100910.aspx [i]Tingle on friday: Labor must decide what to do with NEWS LIMITED, Kim, Larvatus Prodeo[/i] consider that furphies such as the BER “Waste” no doubt helped the Coalition to get as close to government as it has were only possible on the back of a sustained campaign in The Australian, in particular, and how difficult it is for sites like this one and Crikey to correct the record [i]The Tide is Turning, Stop Murdoch[/i] interesting issues here for both News Ltd. and for the government because there are all these commercial decisions, that the government will have to take which will have a direct impact on News. [i]Global Labor Strategies on Climate Change, Chris White[/i] Neoliberalism has been disastrous for workers in most countries, pitting workers against each other in a race to the bottom and making it all but impossible to protect working class interests. [i]NBN Co now a wireless telco: Slattery, Renai LeMay, Delimiter[/i] The coverage maps which NBN Co has released detailing where it plans to roll out wireless around the nation NEWSPAPER JOURNALISTS:- Support of 76 MPs makes government legitimate, SMH The Coalition has promised a ''ferocious'' attack on the new government, but its members have been more venomous than ferocious. [i]Cries of illegitimacy false and irrelevant , Hugh Mackay, National Times[/i] Another piece of nonsense put about by people who should know better is that ''this Prime Minister was not elected by the people'' and is therefore not a legitimate prime minister [i]Coalition lets it rip but the spray is too ferocious , Peter Hartcher, National Times[/i] This is a powerful charge. The Oxford defines illegitimate as "not authorised by law; improper; not recognised as lawful offspring; bastard; wrongly inferred; naturally abnormal."

Hillbilly Skeleton

11/09/2010As the final act of my last piece, a very fitting denouement, I advise you all to read this for a campy laugh: :)

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11/09/2010LYN'S DAILY LINKS uploaded: Folks I'll be away from my computer all day. Back this evening for a while.

Hillbilly Skeleton

11/09/2010Laurie Oakes makes a lot of sense today, and I hope his message is heeded by the ALP:

George Pike

11/09/2010George Megalogenis blew his credibility fair out the water on Lateline last night. While I thought it was a tad ratty for the Lateline producer to put the question to Tingle about her attack on News Ltd, when her co-interviewee was a News Ltd cohort give him the final word was just tacky journalism...the ABC has clearly sold its soul.


11/09/2010Well, we should all have on our party hats and be throwing streamers and confetti to celebrate the articles by Crabbe and Tingle, the comments by Malcolm Fraser and the bringing out into the light of day the Murdoch Press's nefarious machinations and the ABC's willingness to toddle along behind. I can't hear the music though. Whilst it is a relief to have seen the start of this much-needed conversation, I can't begin to imagine how angry I would have been if it had started in the wake of a muscle-bound strut by Tony Abbott in to visit the Governor General. A stroke would have been on the cards. It is arguably not too little but it is undoubtedly far far too late. The consolation is that Labor now have an opportunity to right some of the wrongs, in particular with regard to the ABC which needs a large dose of salts. And a funding increase to combat the argument that time and money are part of why they have been so lazily following The Australian's lead on every major story. Laura Tingle on Lateline last night offered some valuable insights which I hope the likes of Leigh Sales took on board as applying to her. [quote]".... but the Coalition has indicated that it's going to create a lot of noise and sense of chaos. [b]One of the crucial things for everybody and particularly the media is going to be trying to differentiate between what's going on underneath in all of this noise[/b] and the sort of sense of static that people aren't used to. "[/quote] It is worth reading George Megalogenis' closing remarks, in particular : [quote]"The thing that really concerns Labor ministers from what I'm told by some of them is not what's in our paper but the fact that the ABC will take a cut and paste and broadcast our line across the rest of the country."[/quote] Which he dismisses with : [quote]"So, look, these debates are always very interesting for the aficionados, but I'm not sure they're on topic. Julia Gillard's got a lot more important things to worry about than what our editorial says."[/quote] It seems the fact that The Australian played a significant part in undermining a Prime Minister and then an elected government is of no particular moment. I hope the Gillard Government does everything within its power to rectify this imbalance in our media so that the many millions of voters who glean their political knowledge from brief glimpses of newspapers and evening TV news have a better chance of being supplied with the truth. If the truth should turn out to be that this Labor government is inept or lame-duck, then so-be-it. All I ask for is honesty in reporting. Jason I hope you don't inhale while visiting some of the websites to which you've provided links.


11/09/2010Hi Ad Nasking chats with clients, about the new Ministry over at the Cafe Whispers:- [i]Gillard Government’s New Ministry, Nasking[/i] Shadow Foreign Minister during the Howard years (won’t this piss off Downer?…tough bikkies).

Mr Denmore

11/09/2010Readers here might like to view the new post on my blog The Failed Estate, which deals with some of the issues raised in Laura Tingle's piece:

Acerbic Conehead

11/09/2010AA, the other day, Christopher Pyne sagely noted that the arrangement between the ALP and Greens/Indos will end up like the fracas, in the famous story by Rudyard Kipling, between the mongoose (the ALP) and the cobra (the Greens/Indos). In other words, the Poodle is expecting scales and fur to be flying in the not too distant future. However, for the moment, anyway, the mongoose and the cobra are getting on like a house on fire. They are partying away down cobra’s hole in the ground. Mongo: Jeese, Cobber...this is the best party I’ve been at in ages...Y’know, you’re not such a bad sort after all... Cobber: Nah, mate...don’t mention it...But, now that you do, it’s you who provided all the tucker and grog – so it really all down to you... Mongo: No worries, mate – after all, we’ve got plenty more pork pies, pork crackling, pork snags, etcetera, where that came from...and lashings of Pork Port to wash it down with – so get stuck in,’re at your granny’s...heh...heh... [the two new bestest buddies get stuck into the pork so ferociously, they would make Friar Tuck look like Mahatma Gandhi on one of his marathon fasts] Mongo: Oh, and by the way, mate...there are so many holes in the ground around here, I nearly missed yours...In fact, I was nearly going to slip down Joe Hockey’s hole by mistake... Cobber: Shit, mate...there’s no way you could mistake my hole for Joe’s – his is the Big Black one...bwah...haw... [the two new mates roll around the floor in stitches at Cobber’s joke, an action made a lot easier by the fact they consumed copious amounts of pork] Mongo: Here, mate...talking of Joe – I hear he’s comparing us to a set of traffic lights – red for us commo ALPers, green for, and yellow for the lily-livered Indos... Cobber: Yeah, mate – he must have had a flash of inspiration to come up with that one...haw...haw... Mongo: Yeah – stating the blinking obvious, I’d say...hee...hee...But, if we’re a set of traffic lights, then the poor-relation Nats in their Coalition will always be coming up against a Give Way sign...ho...ho... Cobber: Mate, have you heard Joe’s going on a hunger strike until such times as we see sense and give you ALP types the flick? Mongo: Yeah, I heard that as well, mate...And I also heard his slogan is going to be: STOP THE WAIST...bwah...haw... Cobber: Yeah, or maybe even: STOP THE BLOATS...hee...hee... [the Mongoose and Cobra Laugh-in is suddenly interrupted by a series of loud bangs from what seems to be a shot-gun being fired outside Cobber’s hole. Then, abruptly, the sweaty and dishevelled figure of Tony Rabbott, aka Bugs Bunny, flies out of the hole, cartwheels across the floor and comes to an abrupt halt, having smacked into the Pork Port cabinet in the corner] Mongo: Well...well...well...If it isn’t the ex-Rhodes scholar... Cobber: Yeah – What’s up “Doc”...haw...haw... Tony (breathlessly, and still talking in threes):’ve gotta save me...He’s gonna kill me... Mongo: Who’s gonna kill you – Malcolm Turnbull for knifing him? Cobber: Nah, it wasn’t for shafting him – Bugsie must have stolen his 24-carrot gold watch off him instead...hee...hee... Tony: No, you’s Barnaby! Barnaby ‘Elmer Fudd’ Joyce, ffs! I wouldn’t agree to more Nat seats in the Shadow Cabinet, or to having a NBN roll-out only in National Party-held electorates... [Tones starts to tremble in fear even more, as Elmer’s menacing voice reverberates loudly from above ground] Elmer: I know you’we down one of these holes, you wascally wabbit – come out and take what’s coming to you... Mongo: Okay, Rabbott...this is the deal...we won’t squeal on you if you promise to front up at the first Question Time dressed in a burqa...and admit you’ve got the hots for Bob Brown...and agree to have your nuts removed with a blunt rusty hatchet if you mention, STOP THE BOATS...or WASTE...or DEBT one more time...and make a real and genuine apology to Andrew Wilkie...and a belated one to the family of Bernie Banton...and swear on the bible that WorkChoices, and not global warming, is crap... Tony: But...but...but...I can’t do any for those things, ffs...What about my reputation of being a conviction politician... Mongo and Cobber (shouting in unison): Right...have it your way...HEY, ELMER – THE BUGGER’S DOWN HERE...


11/09/2010 AA Crabb may be one of the first to change their spots but not first to make these observations. I have read similar sentiments in this and other blogs over the election period. The blog stories have also been more informative. If the election result had been different the lazy reporting would have continued. The journos will now blame others for the sloppiness but they could have done their job if they had the ability. To up themselves to bother, just think about stories like the great oakes leek, PM s ears,M. Latham, rabbit not to sleep for 36 hours ,so much dross. Why ? Because it was easy and to many are frauds . So now they will be responsible. Big deal and wont last anyway they dont have it in them.


11/09/2010Hi Mr Denmore Thankyou for linking your recent piece, wonderful, enjoyable read. I left a comment for you. Congratulations on your new blog, also the blog setup is brilliant. [i]Targeting the Deathstar, Mr Denmore, The Failed Estate[/i] A better approach is a review of media ownership laws aimed at lessening News Ltd's market dominance


11/09/2010Hi Ad Comment on George Megalogenis' blog I'M Off. Meganomics Blog, The Australian victoria Fri 10 Sep 10 (05:14pm) Dear George, Enjoy your well-earned rest. Even if it is a working holiday! Might I suggest if you would like to read some critical analysis of the media’s role in Australian politics and the last election, for research purposes, you could do worse than explore some of the [b]blogs of the 5th Estate, such as Grog’s Gamut, The Political Sword, Larvatus Prodeo, [/b]and many others who dare to go where others in the MSM cannot. George Megalogenis Fri 10 Sep 10 (05:35pm) Thanks Grog had a pretty good campaign I thought.


11/09/2010I support the decision. And I would have supported the decision no matter which way they went. I support the decision so much that I even started a <a href="">new blog</a> (my third) and yes the others are still going.


11/09/2010well I guess I know html doesn't work now


11/09/2010Hi Senexx I have been to your blogg but can't find your name. What are your other bloggs called, you mentioned this is your third. [i]Debunking Myths: Tony Windsor, A Senex View[/i] The Coalition should embrace current reality of the Parliament, not work destructively. Cheers

Ad astra reply

11/09/2010Folks Thanks for the interesting links. I'll get back to you later this evening.


11/09/2010Hi Ad Here is Grog's brilliant coverage of the changes in Government today: [i]The Cabinett Picks and Pans, Grog, Grog's Gamut[/i] The ones who don’t change – Swan, Roxon, Conroy, Carr, Albanese, Fergusen, Macklin, McClelland. The rest have moved in some way.

Ad astra reply

11/09/2010Folks Too late to respond now - back in the morning.

Canbra Dave

12/09/2010ABC Watch Their lede is a line from the coalition about how the Julia Gillard ministry is 'rewarding' the plotters. It contains numerous quotes from Pyne and Bishop criticising the selection. It contains not a single line from the government or anyone else who might say anything positive. It reads like a Coalition media release - and half of it probably was.


12/09/2010[b]TODAY'S LINKS[/b] [i]The Cabinet Picks and Pans, Grog, Grog's Gamut[/i] The ones who don’t change – Swan, Roxon, Conroy, Carr, Albanese, Fergusen, Macklin, McClelland. The rest have moved in some way. [i]Denial - cross party edition, The Piping Shrike[/i] ‘Stability’ is not keeping Labor in for three years. Stability is keeping the current Parliament, which gives the independents maximum power [i]The Teflon Opposition Leader, Tim Dunlop, BSides[/i] "the attack on legitimacy didn't come from Tony", and let's just forget that it was Tony Abbott who first launched the attack on the legitimacy of minority government. [i]Targeting the Deathstar, Mr Denmore, The Failed Estate[/i] A better approach is a review of media ownership laws aimed at lessening News Ltd's market dominance [i]Never mind the quality, feel the post-election HATE,Clarencegirl, North Coast Voices[/i] This is merely a snippet from the river of hate continuing to flow Gillard's way and why The Australian is often considered the in-house newspaper of the Coalition parties. [i]Regional development + the Australian settlement Gary Sauer-Thompson at, Public Opinion[/i] How is it a break from the past attempts at regional development under the Howard Government. [i]Debt is Good When it Means Investment, Ross Gittins[/i] One of the most remarkable, but unremarked, features of the election campaign was the extraordinary fuss made about a net federal government debt [i]Conroy retains broadband portfolio, Wong takes finance, Renai LeMay, Delimiter[/i] Conroy’s new role:- no matter what area was being discussed – health or education, for example – the Government would work to maximise what the National Broadband Network could deliver in those areas. [i]The Second Gillard Ministry, Kim, Larvatus Prodeo[/i] according to Grog’s Gamut, is also apparently in charge of the remaining BER stimulus spending, [i]Gillard announces ministry, Bernard Keane, The Stump[/i] [i]Christopher Pearson, and hell is Murdoch Newspapers and television, Dorothy Parker, Loon Pond[/i] The Australian's vigorous attack dog attitude to the independents, the new 'rainbow' coalition, the Greens, and any number of issues, An Oldie but Goodie, in case anyone hasn't read thie piece: [i]Welcome to the world's first murdochracy, John Pilger[/i] issues and perception are influenced if not dominated by Murdochism: "an inspiration to his choir on seven continents".

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12/09/2010HS Laurie Oakes was right to point out that Kevin Rudd’s non-consultative behavior should have been confronted as it became apparent, not left simmering until it reached crisis point. But we shall not forget Oakes’ role in disrupting the election campaign with his ‘bombshell’ leak at the NPC. Oakes does what suits Oakes. George I missed the [i]Lateline[/i] episode of Laura and George. I understand your feelings. NormanK I agree with your views about the ABC. It is now typical of the ABC that it seeks to sensationalize like News Limited. For Leigh Sales to have confronted George with what Laura wrote about [i]The Australian[/i] is an example, leaving George floundering somewhat. He was bound to defend his paper, and did so with words that sounded cavalier. As one of its balanced journalists I imagine George is embarrassed with what some of his colleagues write. Without the likes of George to give some balance [i]The Oz[/i] would be the most partisan paper in the country. Lyn That was a good article by nasking over at [i]Café Whispers[/i] about the new line up, which to me looks sound and sensible. Mr Denmore Thank you for the link to your appraisal of the ‘[i]The Australian[/i] problem’. How the Government will approach this paper’s dangerous assault on rational and honest political discourse in this country is something we shall all watch with interest and concern. AC Another piece of delicious satire. Thank you. If only Tones was as benign as Bugsie. tredlgt We’ll have to wait to see if Annabelle stays true to her new-found attitude. Lyn Thank you for posting in George’s blog and posting his response, for the link to the interesting Senexx piece, and to Grog’s always excellent article. Canbra Dave I’ve heard that this morning on the ABC, which has resorted to the ‘he said, she said’ line. I wonder if it will similarly report what Labor has to say about the Coalition line up?

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12/09/2010LYN'S DAILY LINKS updated: Folks I'll be at family birthdays most of today and tomorrow. I'll get back here as often as I can.


12/09/2010Lyn, I do not know what you mean by you cannot find my name. I have A Senex View at I have Modern Money Mechanics - MMT Simplified at I have Can't Stop the Signal at

Acerbic Conehead

12/09/2010No worries AA, I'm glad you liked it. By the way, Jooles is far from being blase about "benign Bugsie". She realises he has carrots for breakfast and there's no way she wants her carrot-top to be on his menu. She would prefer if Rabbott stew was on hers. Have a great time at the birthday parties. I hope the cakes aren't of the Black Hole Forest variety - they're notorious for not having any substance and being past their used-by date.


12/09/2010Hi Senexx Thankyou for answering me , Oh! minor question really, I just meant, when I leave a comment or list links in today's links, I use the authors name, say, John, Tom, Dick or Harry, or whatever. Is your name the same as your blog name that's all. Thankyou so much for leaving your blog links for us. Cheers


12/09/2010 Acerbic Conehead , you are to be loved by everyone, you must be so happy in your body, You make me happy. Hilarious: [quote]Black Hole Forest variety - they're notorious for not having any substance and being past their used-by date[/quote]

Acerbic Conehead

12/09/2010Thanks, Lyn, you really are a Tweety Pie. Keep those links coming, they're a treasure trove, and so are you.

George Pike

12/09/2010More social thuggery from Abbott's Liberal mates in Britain...

Hillbilly Skeleton

12/09/2010Good afternoon everyone! Well, it looks like the new Gillard Ministry is the topic of the day. It looks to me like she has really put a lot of thought into it, from a concept perspective, blending again a few different areas together that have become fixed in our consciousness over decades like immovable silos, and crafted a whole new theme, or a new paradigm as the PM is wont to say, from the seemingly disparate elements that she has drawn together. I especially love the way she has created a new 'Indigenous Employment and Economic Development' portfolio. I can't wait to see the opportunities that will be created for our First Australians, at last. Which has also been nicely tied in with Social Housing and Homelessness. Sadly, this also affects our Indigenous brothers and sisters. Anyway, Mark Arbib better give this portfolio a red, hot go, or I'll be very disappointed in him! He's also got Sport, which(see what I mean?), also has that golden thread running through it to Indigenous Australia. There also seems to have been a desire by JG to put her government's effort into true parliamentary transparency and accountablity by creating the 'Sunshine is the best Disinfectant' Department of Home Affairs, Justice, Privacy and FOI. Hope so. Tanya Plibersek's got the job of getting all of society's dropouts out of their hidey holes and into the mainstream. She'll need all her undoubted guile in order to be a success there. Some of those people have developed very sophisticated manouveres in order to evade the social straightjacket. I also think that by creating a Minister for Mental Health and Ageing, JG has signalled that she will be prioritising this area where it has been neglected in the past. She's nobody's fool and will have detected our society's desire to have something done about Mental Health and the problems of an Ageing population. The PM has also put a good Union man, Chris Evans, formerley a Firefighters Union executive member, into Workplace Relations. 'WorkChoices Whatever the name never again!' Finally, can I round off by saying that I am severely disappointed that Julia Gillard has abolished Disability Services as a discrete portfolio area. Bill Shorten made so many strides in such a short period of time and I was hoping his replacement would keep the momentum going. As you know this is an area which is close to my own heart, and so all I can say is that I hope the PM has a strategy for incorporating positive action for the Disabled in some other area of government. Especially the Disability Insurance idea.

Hillbilly Skeleton

12/09/2010George Pike, Of course you realise that Abbott and his minions had all of the Gillard/Rudd government social benefit programs tagged for the shredder should we have been unlucky enough in this country to have had him as our Prime Minister?


12/09/2010Hi Hillbillly What an enjoyable, excellent, piece on the new Ministry, thankyou,Hillbilly, leaves all the Political journalists commentary for dead. I know what everyone says about Mark Arbib,but I really like him he always comes across as enthusiastic, and hard working. Bill Shorten, I have always admired for the tireless work and devotion he gave to the Beaconfield Mines Disaster. Did you watch the Insiders and see Julia Gillard answer one of Barrie Cassidy's questions on the Media, she said the Minister will only be answering questions on their own portfolio's. [quote]Barrie it's inevitable that people have to speak a little bit more broadly or they can't come on shows like this. But for traditional press conferences I will be asking ministers to stay within the confines of their portfolios.[/quote] [quote]Sky TV is endlessly journalists interviewing journalists. The politicians are no longer required[/quote] [quote]Look I don't believe in editorialising on the front page. I do believe people have got an obligation to report the facts[/quote]. [i]Gillard criticises media's election coverage, Cyril Washbrook, The Spy Report[/i]media organisations overall, when the central issue in the campaign was the economy: our stimulus and what it meant, versus Tony Abbott's slogans about debt and waste - the central issue," she said.

Hillbilly Skeleton

12/09/2010Hi lyn, Thank you for the kind words. I like to think that I have something original to say, but I have to admit that I cannot claim pure inspiration, I was spurred into that assessment off the back of reading Grog's latest blog. Oh well, better that contribution than nothing at all, I suppose.

Hillbilly Skeleton

12/09/2010Here's some wise words that I think you will be interested in reading from Prof. Jay Rosen:

Acerbic Conehead

12/09/2010AA, you’ve probably overdosed on birthday cake at this stage and having a nice snooze, but I’m sure you noticed Jooles this morning on Barrie Cavity’s Insides Show giving a few serves to the media for their unbalanced portrayal of her during the campaign. However, she isn’t just going to leave it there. Revenge, as they say, is a dish best served cold, so they had better look out, as their day of reckoning has surely arrived. So sing along with her as she serves notice that the chickens have come home to roost. It’s to the cathartic melodies of Elvis Presley’s, “It’s now or never”. :- ( It's now or never Tis time to fight Sick gettin’ rubbished On Today Tonight Tomorrow will be too late It's now or never My wrath won't wait :- ( Apros Fran and Shanners Sly News and the Bolt I’m not a happy camper But I’ll never surrender They’ll spend a lifetime Regretin’ the slime times I’ll teach ‘em fear Their time is here, at last :- ( It's now or never Tis time to fight Sick gettin’ rubbished On Today Tonight Tomorrow will be too late It's now or never My wrath won't wait :- ( Just like a blind man They missed Joe’s Black Hole Instead they homed in on My super-sized earlobes Cos I’ve no handbag They call me an old hag But I’ll have the last laugh When they get a good way :- ( It's now or never Tis time to fight Sick gettin’ rubbished On Today Tonight Tomorrow will be too late It's now or never My wrath won't wait

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12/09/2010Folks Thank you your comments, which I have enjoyed reading. The birthday party was great AC. I'm working on another piece which I hope to have ready in a day or two. There's another birthday celebration tomorrow so I'm not sure how far I'll get.


12/09/2010Hi Lyn. No surprise that 'Barrie it's inevitable that people have to speak a little bit more broadly or they can't come on shows like this. But for traditional press conferences I will be asking ministers to stay within the confines of their portfolios' has morphed into 'PM gags ministers' on this evenings Channel 7 news. I thought the PM handled herself particularly well on Insiders this morning. She made her points without coming across as overly aggressive and not at all condescending, and certainly wasn't the least intimidated by Barrie Cassidy's manner, which, I feel, was a little less strident this week.


12/09/2010Good evening all. You just keep getting better and better Ascerbic :) So nice to see Julia giving the media a serve. She has a way of throwing a knock-out punch without being aggressive which to me shows she has lots of class.


12/09/2010Hi Graeme and Janice Graeme that's disgusting channel 7 saying "gagged the Ministers", when it's completely untrue, depressing aren't they. Julia Gillard had Cassidy right where she wanted him, no nonsense, Julia looked confident, relaxed, she is no frills, straight to the point, a match for Barrie Cassidy. Janice, Julia makes you feel proud of her doesn't she, with her assured, positive approach, she did extremely well. Barrie Cassidy and Kerrie O'Brien might get more than they bargained for in the future, if they play their silly gotcha tricks on Julia. cheers

Hillbilly Skeleton

12/09/2010Hello Again, Here's a really nice way to view the new Gillard Ministry, literally:

Acerbic Conehead

12/09/2010Thanks janice. Julia is a smart cookie and will realise she's in a fight to the death here. There's only one winner and she needs to ensure it's her. Look what they did to Kevin Rudd. If she doesn't fight back, and quickly, the same will happen to her. Ffs, they've even brought her step-daughter into it this evening! Are there no depths these scumbags won't plumb?

Hillbilly Skeleton

12/09/2010Mr Denmore is spot on with his anlysis again:

Hillbilly Skeleton

12/09/2010Mr Denmore with more wise words:

Hillbilly Skeleton

12/09/2010I don't mean to usurp your link collecting, lyn, but I just like to add to them with good ones that I find, too. :)


12/09/2010Hi Hillbilly Hillbilly, keep it up I love you getting the blog links, I have my existing files, that keep me very busy, I just don't get time to go searching for new blogs anymore. I see somewhere today that there is 75,000 blogs world wide, being started up each day, that's massive isn't it. So any appropriate links that you or our readers find are very much appreciated, very valuable to our Ad Astra's Political Sword collection. Jason found Mr Denmore for us the other day, thankyou very much Jason.

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13/09/2010AC “It’s now or never” is just the right theme, and Julia knows it. She might usefully refashion Kevin Rudd’s “This reckless spending has to stop” to send the message to the media: “This reckless journalism has to stop”. Or more pointedly: “This reckless editorializing has to stop”. She sent a clear message via her interview with Barrie Cassidy, which I feel sure she will follow-up. The Coalition’s reckless negativity and disingenuousness must be countered and stopped - now! Thank you for another great contribution AC. Folks Thank you all for your comments, and for your links HS. Mr Denmore is, as usual, spot on. It’s good material for what I’m writing now – [i]An open letter to the Prime Minister.[/i]

Hillbilly Skeleton

13/09/2010Good morning everybody! Jeez, their noses are out of joint at Ltd News:

Hillbilly Skeleton

13/09/2010One of the most talked about changes to the Gillard Ministry has been the change of Arts Ministers from Peter Garrett to Simon Crean. I never knew that this portfolio was such a hotbed of political intrigue and national media interest. Well, on the other hand they ARE artists and drama queens, I s'pose: *


13/09/2010Labor government bashing is to continue unabated, it seems. Both Channel Seven and ABC Breakfast's news shows spoke of "the government's bungled home insulation scheme" this morning. 'Rorted'. 'Abused'. 'Suspended'. 'Re-worked'. All words that might apply to the scheme. But not "bungled". If one even begins to consider how long it takes 'the market' to deliver a replacement telephone, fix a leaking tap, order in the right new tyres for a car, organise a trip overseas, install a new hot water heater... (fill in this space), then a process that saw one and a half million homes' ceilings insulated, with a failure rate (and yes, I include workplace fatalities and house-fires) not markedly different in raw numbers from the year before when 70,000 homes had roof insulation installed, is clearly successful. The pillorying of Labor in government for so-called 'debacle's, 'fiasco's and 'bungling' is clearly not going to stop, no matter how many investigations and official reports, or court cases punishing bogus or incompetent insulation installing companies, are made public. Ditto with Building the Education Revolution. It is easier to ignore the facts, lie about individual situations being rife throughout the program, and simply cut and paste 'news' (sic) reporting without any effort to validate what is being telecast, said, or written. In short, in the mainstream media, business as usual. For further, and forensic reading on the issue of the "bungled" scheme, go here:

Hillbilly Skeleton

13/09/2010Michael, I suppose you have seen the story today on the news about the Victorian Police opening an investigation into the Insulation 'problems' in their State? Now, call me a conspiracy theorist, but isn't there a State election coming up in Victoria, and isn't the Police demographic onside with the Liberals? Though, I will admit that the news story spoke of investigating fraud and dangerous practices by Installers, that is, basically, the employers in that industry, who were putting their employees safety at risk. So, you never know, it might even be a rearguard action by the Victorians to provide investigative support for the Gillard government, their fellow Victorian.


13/09/2010Just to let ya know, Lyn is having trouble accessing this site today due to possible problems w/ Telstra Bigpond. [quote]Jeez, their noses are out of joint at Ltd News[/quote] Hillbilly, I've seen Fox News make the same kinds of attacks on CNN, MSNBC...and the Obama admin many times. They're a petty bunch who hate it when others bring up their biased, bullying approach. N'

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13/09/2010Folks I have just posted [i]An open letter to the Prime Minister[/i]

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13/09/2010Folks I'll be away for a few hours. Will be back later this afternoon.
How many Rabbits do I have if I have 3 Oranges?