We don’t know the meaning of ‘Wrong’!

Indefatigable, relentless positivism and negativism and a strict adherence to the Murdoch corporate mantra, "We don't know the meaning of 'Wrong'!" That's what amazes me about the Coalition and Conservative politicians in general, both here and around the world, and conservative commentators in the media. Also the fact that Progressive politicians don't seem to understand this political raison d'etre.

As I sit here from day to day observing the machinations of the political world, I see issues come along, germinate, be fertilised, bloom, and be cut down by rational argument from one side of the debate or the other, a result of an objective perspective.

Or so I used to think. However, with the 'Jet-lag-gate' issue which has come to prominence over the last little while that involved Tony Abbott and Julia Gillard, I observed Mr Abbott over the ensuing days attempting to turn, with the aid of his support crew in the media, a negative for himself into a positive, both for himself and the Coalition as others from his political team became players in the latest episode of 'all aggro, all the time' Tony Abbott style politics.

He and his crew tried every which way but loose over the last week, after Mr Abbott made his initial 'Wrong' move, to turn 'Wrong' into 'Right' for the Coalition.

'There is no such thing as 'Wrong', just an opportunity, after the initial 'misstep', where Tony Abbott, our very own Vladimir Putin impersonator, offered up his apology for 'misspeaking', constantly, until he got the form of words right which achieved his aim of correctly airbrushing his mistake away from front of mind of anyone who has been following the saga, and from the front pages of the newspapers, Up until yesterday, that is, when he put his foot in it again, as part of his ongoing campaign to defame and delegitimize the Gillard government, by complaining of the Prime Minister's “low act of political bastardry”, which, as it subsequently turned out, she was not guilty of. No matter probably to Mr Abbott. He got a day's run for his slur in the media. I'm sure he also goes by the mantra that, 'There's no such thing as bad publicity'.

I also found it interesting to note just where Tony Abbott goes when he wants to perform his absolution ablutions or launch a pre-emptive attack on the Gillard government. First stop, not the National Broadcaster anymore, though they can just about always be counted on these days to fall into lockstep once he gets his lines out there, as we have seen most recently with the echoing, without analysis, of the 'political bastardry' meme; no, pitching directly to his favourite demographic he heads for the John Singleton/Allan Jones Syndicated Radio Network of 2GB, 4BC/MTR etc. They can be guaranteed to give whatever he has to say unquestioning support and reinforcement, unlike the ABC, who on occasion question his assumptions when interviewing him directly.

Tony Abbott's words are then bounced around the media echo chamber because, hungry for a mea culpa for a previously identified infraction, when Tony Abbott was identified as having said something 'Wrong', they take what they can get and what he says next, even if they don't end up getting what they were after. They have to, he's the Opposition Leader and they are duty bound to report what he says, and he knows it and exploits that position.

In this way, and with so many other examples from Coalition spokespersons, such as the one referenced by Ash in his blog The Confidence vs The Con, which is about Joe Hockey and the rise and fall of his pre-emptive strike at the government over an Interest Rate rise that never eventuated, we can see the modus operandi of the Coalition Communication strategy very clearly. Every negative that they perceive for the government has to be made into a greater negative and every negative for the Coalition has to be transmogrified into a positive before it has had time to become a negative for them. And they 'Don't know the meaning of 'Wrong'!'.

Which leads me to the actual point of my musing today.

Why is the federal ALP government unable to kick goals in the media the way the Coalition can?

Why is it that they have to be so self-conscious about being shameless when they front the media?

Why don't they have a spokesman ready to go on air and into print every day primed and ready to have a whack at the Opposition over the latest example of over-the-top hyperbole, misogyny towards the Prime Minister, or attack from Tony Abbott or Christopher Pyne? It's exactly what the Opposition do in reverse, every day. Thus they get to fill the vacuum in the media which is always waiting to be filled. The government may wish to rise above the 24/7 cycle that it got sucked into in the last term, and seek to develop a greater over-arching media strategy; however, they should also realise that they must walk and chew gum in the media at the same time. It cannot be an either/or situation. They must do both. Effectively.

In these days, when an avowed non-truth teller, who will gladly and glibly go back on his word, signed in blood or whatever, at the drop of a hat, can still somehow manage to retain at least a skerrick of credibility, and what's more be given the benefit of the doubt repeatedly by an indulgent media, then the ALP spokespeople, from the PM down, have to learn how to take a trick from him and his colleagues in the Coalition in the political Poker game.

As everyone, from Bernard Keane of Crikey, down, seems to be saying at the moment, why, when they have so many positive achievements to sell, with which they could be hitting home runs into the electorate, are the ALP striking out, unable to sell their product successfully to the electorate?

Anyway, so as to help the ALP get its communications act together, because they can't rely on Tony Abbott's foot-in-mouth disease to be his fatal flaw, especially when his mates in the Mainstream Media keep offering him a hand-up out of the verbal quicksand into which he keeps getting himself, I thus thought I'd go do some searching around for some salient advice which might help them along the path to better communication with the electorate. Other than waking up to the new paradigm that is, 'There is no such thing as 'Wrong'!'

Firstly, I think they need to understand the nature of truth telling better. As Friedrich Nietzsche puts it: "What then is truth? A mobile army of metaphors, metonymy's, and anthropomorphism – in short, a sum of human relations, which have been enhanced, transposed, and embellished poetically and rhetorically, and which after long use seem firm, canonical, and obligatory to a people: truths are illusions about which one has forgotten that is what they are; metaphors which are worn out and without sensuous power; coins which have lost their pictures and now matter only as metal, no longer as coins. We still do not know where the urge for truth comes from; for as yet we have heard only of the obligation imposed by society that it should exist: to be truthful means using the customary metaphors – in moral terms, the obligation to lie according to fixed convention, to lie herd-like in a style obligatory for all ... "

In other words, if it is plausible and you say it for long enough and often enough, and it has its basis in truth, somewhat embellished, eventually people will believe you.

Construct the right frame and people will get the picture.

Secondly, keep creating a new verbal paradigm to go with the 'new political paradigm' you say you are trying to foster. Hence, as I have just read concerning Progressive political groups and media companies in the US, leave behind the old 'Left/Right' descriptors – they possess too much confusing baggage – and start referring to your political movement as say, ‘leaning towards the future, seeking solutions that will prepare us for the challenges ahead'. Accentuate the positives, and talk about them constantly, and reinforce the fact that your opponents merely want to re-invent the wheel and recreate past glories, because they are not forward-thinking but conservative thinkers.

Make a point of the fact that their philosophical inspiration comes from archaic, arch-conservative thinkers from the past, such as Ayn Rand and Friedrich Hayek. Get out into the community to explain why this type of thinking is wrong for the 21st century and why we need to leave the past and its mistakes behind. Constantly point out what those mistakes were, and what such corrupt thinking will lead to again. As we are living in the 21st century, with a whole new and unique set of challenges that can't be answered by preserving society in aspic. The old ideologues that the conservatives rely on never had to deal with the challenges which we are facing now. Etc, etc.

See how I infused my statements with words like 'now', 'new', 'unique', 'challenges', 'the future'? Words that make the distinction between the two forces who seek to shape politics as clear as black and white.

Also, as in America, so it goes in Australia. Those of us in the Progressive community need to start thinking about our identity more deeply, as this article, Liberal Branding, outlines. 

How about coming up with a universal byline that encapsulates what Progressives stand for, like this one:

'Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.' – Helen Keller.

They might have Ayn Rand, but we can have Helen Keller! (And guess who is who in the pictures below!) Anyway, you get my drift I hope.

Finally, enough of the apologetic tone. The Coalition never sound apologetic. They don't know the meaning of 'Wrong'! What they do know is that it makes you look weak when you adopt a defensive tone, and that's the last thing that a leader, and that's what our politicians are, our civilian leaders, should look like.

Any more suggestions?


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13/10/2010Usually sensible political commentators continue to observe that Tony Abbott is "still in election mode". I don't think that the 'professionals' have twigged to what Hillbilly Skeleton has put her finger on. It is now Conservative political modus operandi worldwide when out of government to do nothing but attack - to always be in 'election mode'. Sharklike, they have to keep moving forwards, with no interest in facts or verification of their contentions. So every comment is about demolishing, wrecking, belittling and decrying, those who have taken government. 'Wrong' and 'right' in a sense don't matter to them - what is clearly "wrong" to Conservative political parties is that they are not in government. What will only make things "right" is them being in government. Objective, verifiable truth, political integrity, basic human dignity even, need not be observed in achieving the righting of this manifestly 'great wrong' - that they are not the government.


13/10/2010Michael, I love it! 'Sharklike'. I never thought of Conservative politicians in that way, however it is so apt.


13/10/2010Hi Hillbilly Thankyou very much for you very insightful, meaningful, sincere, piece, "We don't know the meaning of Wrong" an excellent read. The Liberal Party must be ashamed of Abbott over this last episode, just shows how Abbott behaves like a teenager with a new toy. I would guess Abbotts advisors are unable to anticipate his next move, because Abbott is so outlandish and unpredictable. This time I think, Abbott has tied himself in many knots over Afghanistan, and now the case of three Australian soldiers, emboldened by the devoted support of his mate, Alan Jones. The Liberal Party should be very embarrassed but: "they don't know the meaning of Wrong" Gillard attacks Abbott over military case comments, Sabra Lane, ABC The Australia Defence Association (ADA) says the Opposition Leader's comments are unhelpful and that it has told the Liberal Party so., http://www.abc.net.au/news/stories/2010/10/13/3037649.htm?section=justin

D Mick Weir

13/10/2010Well said HS. The problem though goes deeper and has to do with the crop of wannabes in the Labor Party organisation. There are many that think (believe?) that just because they are in the Labor Party with it's heritage of greats from Curtin through to Keating the greatness has rubbed off on them and they don't have to do anything to prove themselves just bask in the glow of former glories. Mind you the Liberal Party has similar problems and Mr Abbott is proof enough of that. Over at [b]Club Troppo, Ken Parish[/b] has an informative post [b]National Broadband Network under the microscope[/b] http://clubtroppo.com.au/2010/10/13/national-broadband-network-under-the-microscope/ which may seem off topic until you get the comment from the redoubable [b]Possum[/b] near the end of comment 7 [b][i]"As for this government making a case – this lot couldn’t sell the case of a cold beer on a hot day. I’ve never seen a government anywhere that is so completely and utterly hopeless when it comes to explaining what they’re doing and why."[/i][/b] He certainly has way with words that Possum and he, as usual hits the nail on the head fair bang in the middle. Nicholas Gruen makes some excellent points in comment 9: [i]" ... but we’re not talking about Bob Hawke and Paul Keating here. ... Kind of like the best management of the GFC in the world really isn’t it?"[/i] The problem is not the policies it's the salespeople and if they don't get their act together fast we will end up with something that at the moment seems unthinkable: [b]An Abbott Government[b/]


13/10/2010Hi Hillbilly [b]Look Quick, Grog is back,[/b] and he has written a wonderful, fantastic piece, thankyou Greg. You were right Hillbilly, he has come back. This is fantastic news. [b][i]Abbott auditions for the role of Captain Rambo Mainwaring, Greg Jericho, Grog's Gamut[/i][/b] But forget the Liberals pathetic attempts to cover up Abbott’s inability to think on his feet, for mine Abbott did himself the greatest disservice when he showed up in Afghanistan and promptly went off to shoot a few rounds with an automatic rifle. http://grogsgamut.blogspot.com/2010/10/abbott-auditions-for-role-of-captain.html

Sir Ian Crisp

13/10/2010HS, I can see that the ‘moving forward’ mantra repeated, ad nauseum, by the Bird of Paradox has had a profound impact on you. Truth: a worthy notion. A notion much admired by the ‘progressives’. Let’s see how it sits with a standard-bearer ‘progressive’. During his 2010 budget speech Mr Swan was “...proud to announce this strategy is working, ensuring our economy has far outperformed the rest of the developed world; Without stimulus, we would have gone backwards". However, in an article in The Wall Street Journal dated October 11, Mr Swan, sans #Scopolamine™®, wrote: “We would not have done so well, however, without the benefits of the preceding decades of hard-fought economic reforms that opened our economy, improved the flexibility and efficiency of markets and deepened linkages with our region. Today we have an economy that’s recovering strongly, low unemployment and a robust financial system, and we’re on track to get the budget back to surplus in three years”. Why would Mr Swan lie in his article? He should know that it was the stimulus alone that steered the ship of state away from the rocks. Given the many side effects of Scopolamine™® (listed below) it is understandable why Mr Swan is reluctant to submit his fragile body to unnecessary chemical abuse. So if you see Mr Swan urinating freely and not subject to dizziness, itchiness, confusion, incoherent ramblings, or bouts of hallucinations, ask him about the stimulus spending but don’t put much stock in his answer. #Side Effects of Scopolamine™® ‒ blurred vision; dizziness; drowsiness; dry mouth; flushing; rash; hives; itching; difficulty breathing; tightness in the chest; swelling of the mouth, face, lips, or tongue; confusion; difficulty urinating; fast or irregular heartbeat; hallucinations; mood or mental changes; severe drowsiness; severe dry mouth; trouble speaking. How ‘bout the following motto for ‘progressives’: “We all want progress, but if you're on the wrong road, progress means doing an about-turn and walking back to the right road; in that case, the man who turns back soonest is the most progressive.” CS Lewis.

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13/10/2010Lyn It is great that Grog is back. What a splendid, hard hitting way to return to combat, if I may be permitted to use that in-vogue word. HillbillySkeleton was right when she predicted his return with certainty.

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13/10/2010Grog/Greg Welcome back to [i]Grog's Gamut[/i]. Your first piece is the epitome of style and passion. We missed your cutting analysis, and are relieved you are back with us.


13/10/2010Cheers guys. HS may have gotten a small heads up :-)


14/10/2010AA I trust your come back grog we need you helped him in his decision making process,and I am glad he is back. Now Julia seems to have inherited the same bunch of media deadbeats that Kevin had. This is where some sweeping changes are needed including a bass broom through the abc & sbs. I have been bitterly complaining about the Govt needing to get on the front foot regarding getting the message of its successes out into the ether for some time. I posted on "A. Ghebranious" [Well said Ash, this style of message needs rebroadcasting every day WAKE up abc, if you do my capitals will return, stop following in the wake of murdoch’s flagship become the tug with them in your wake otherwise we will all be attending your wake Irish style tears and beers.] It seems the only way we will have any effect is word of mouthor maybe a pirate radio like "Radio Goodies".


14/10/2010Well, there you go, upstaged by the return of Grog. :) Not that I mind one little bit, and yes, I was given a little heads up and I admit it was very, very hard to keep everyone's spirits up wrt Grog's return but at the same time try to keep the confidence I was privy to. However, it's all good now, and we move on together, united in our battle against the forces that are being aligned against us all in the Mainstream media. I think that the outing of Grog was but the first salvo in the war against the 5th Estate. The Townsville Bulletin Editorial the next. Don't imagine that it will be the last. We have also seen overseas the BBC have a go at bloggers, and earlier this week Eric Beecher, Publisher of Crikey, got into bed with his former enemy, News Ltd. in order to have a go at those of us who provide content for free, both in blogs and on 'The Drum'. These are the exact reasons why we need to get the government of Julia Gillard, both on message and on pour side. They will be the last redoubt against those forces seeking to silence us, and make us as mute as Helen Keller. Helen Keller found a way to have a voice against trenchant opposition and dismissal of her yearnings to have one, and so must we keep fighting the establishment who wishes to keep us silent. GO GROG! GO HARD!


14/10/2010Sir Ian Crisp, Your contribution fails to see the Treasurer's comments as a case of 'Not Only but Also'. It is indeed the case that he can compliment 'decades' of reforms that have provided a strong base from which he worked off to build a strategy that would enable our country to withstand the Force 10 economic Gales of the GFC that blew around the world in 2008. Not inconsistent at all. By the way, I have seen a crazed junkie, prepared to inject anything, suffering the effects of Scopalamine, from my time working at the Poisons Information Centre and advising Doctors on treatment, and let me tell you, Mr Swan has not been getting at it. :)


14/10/2010[b]TODAY'S LINKS[/b] [i]Abbott auditions for the role of Captain Rambo Mainwaring, Greg Jericho, Grog's Gamut[/i]But forget the Liberals pathetic attempts to cover up Abbott’s inability to think on his feet, for mine Abbott did himself the greatest disservice when he showed up in Afghanistan and promptly went off to shoot a few rounds with an automatic rifle. http://grogsgamut.blogspot.com/2010/10/abbott-auditions-for-role-of-captain.html [i]Abbott is not dead, he is just ‘Pyne’ing for the fjords, Ashghebranious, Ash's to Ashes Blog[/i] This is a rather astonishing interview. It seems the Coalition are struggling in opposition. I don’t know why since a lot of them have recent experience. http://ashghebranious.wordpress.com:80/2010/10/12/abbott-is-not-dead-he-is-just-pyneing-for-the-fjords/ [i]Liberal’s little mate muddies the water, Dave Gaukroger, Pure Poison[/i] The Herald Sun’s parliamentary standards specialist, Andrew Bolt, is not happy with the conduct of the new Deputy Speaker, Liberal MP “Labor’s little mate” Peter Slipper. http://blogs.crikey.com.au/purepoison/2010/10/13/liberals-little-mate-muddies-the-water/#more-7627 [i]Abbott irresponsible on military justice, Paul Barratt, Australian Observer[/i] Tony Abbott seems neither to know nor to care how key systems in the Australian polity work, or the legal frameworks within which they operate, and is heedless of the potential consequences of his populist comments. http://aussieobserver.blogspot.com/2010/10/abbott-irresponsible-on-military.html [i]Real (trigger) action, LMathison, Political Tarot[/i] I wonder what the Coalition and the public would have said if it was Gillard pulling the trigger http://politicaltarot.com/2010/10/real-trigger-action/ [i]Café Whispers joins the media barons!, Miglo, Cafe Whispers[/i] you witness an event; you report not on the event but on your interpretation of the event; http://cafewhispers.wordpress.com/2010/10/13/cafe-whispers-joins-the-media-barons/ [i]THE FULL COLSTON: Libs go hunting Peter Slipper with claims of rorts and staffer gay sex tape, Vex News[/i] Shortly after Slipper’s election to the Deputy Speakership with Labor’s support, Abbott warned off members of the Coalition from going after Slipper. They appear to be ignoring his direction. http://www.vexnews.com/news/11184/the-full-colston-libs-go-hunting-peter-slipper-with-claims-of-rorts-and-staffer-gay-sex-tape/ [i]Editorial: War of words, The Mercury[/i] Every time they raise the level of angry rhetoric, they turn one of the few areas of cross-party agreement into an ugly political spectacle which impresses few voters. No wonder they are slipping in the opinion polls. http://www.themercury.com.au/article/2010/10/13/33155_editorial.html [i]You wouldn't know it from their submission, David Havyatt, Anything Goes[/i] itNews has reported that Telstra PP&C chief David Quilty has told the CommsDay conference in Melbourne that "chickens were coming home to roost on customer service" http://davidhavyatt.blogspot.com/ [i]Government ads talk up NBN, Mumbrella[/i] The government has commissioned a series of ads to sell the benefits of its National Broadband Network. http://mumbrella.com.au/government-ads-talk-up-nbn-34531 [i]In ways we've only dreamed of"? Do the NBN ads comply with the guidlines?, Peter Martin[/i]Have a go. Try to distinguish between facts, comment, opinion and analysis: http://www.petermartin.com.au/ [i]National Broadband and Network under the microscope, Ken Parish, Club Troppo[/i] I’m seriously conflicted by the debate over Labor’s National Broadband Network http://clubtroppo.com.au/2010/10/13/national-broadband-network-under-the-microscope/ “[i]NBN or nothing” is a false dichotomy, says Turnbull, Renai LeMay, Delimeter[/i]Turnbull argued, the future of Australia’s telecommunications sector was a great deal more complex than Labor was presenting it as. http://delimiter.com.au/2010/10/13/nbn-or-nothing-is-a-false-dichotomy-says-turnbull/ [i]Judith Sloan on the Murray-Darling basin plan, Gary Sauer-Thompson,Public Opinion[/i]In her Basin plan forced to put environment above people in The Australian Judith Sloan criticizes the plan without mentioning 'food security' or running a scare campaign on food prices and thereby condemn the Murray-Darling Basin to death by political paralysis http://www.sauer-thompson.com/

Sir Ian Crisp

14/10/2010Thanks for that explanation HS. Maybe Mr Swan should stop being guided by his horoscope and instead stick to the script.

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14/10/2010LYN'S DAILY LINKS updated: http://www.thepoliticalsword.com/page/Lyns-Daily-Links.aspx

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14/10/2010Folks We're now off to Bundaberg. I'll be back late afternoon.


14/10/2010HS Thank you for putting up a way to help the ALP with the selling of their many good policies. It is great to read ideas that may help rather than everyone just moaning and groaning. It is a sad era that we are going through that someone who admits to not telling the truth, and has shown that even a signed document means nothing, and still gets lauded from the rooftops by our sad media. I cling desperately to the hope that people will see the good that Labor has done, but feel that the only way they may appreciate what has, and is being done, is to have the Opposition gain power, have their rights and benefits taken completely from them. Would they then look back and see the mistake they have made.......oh dear I don't like where these words are taking my mind. I was so pleased this morning to see that Grog has come back. I must have missed the post where you hinted that he will. Never mind I got a lovely surprise. Lyn You are quick, I was going to comment on Grog's blog about Ad Astra's piece but see you got there last night. Well done. I see that Grog has even commented here, that has made my day. Ad Astra Hope you and your wife are not overdoing your traveling, 500ks in a day!!! How's your bottoms' coping with all that sitting? :-:


14/10/2010Hi Hillbilly Mark Riley has obtained the video of Abbott shooting the machine gun here it is: Abbott in hot water over gun censorship, Video Mark Riley, Telegraph Tony Abbott has come under fire following his attempts to censor footage of him shooting a machine gun. http://video.dailytelegraph.com.au/1614708659/Abbott-in-hot-water-over-gun-censorship?area=endslate1

Bring Back Maxine

14/10/2010Hi HS Another excellent post. My suggestion is contact progressives in the Liberal Party and voice our concerns. Here is a copy of the email I've just sent to Malcolm Turnbull. [i] Dear Mr Turnbull I have just phoned your office to express my concern and the disgust at the recent attacks by Misters Abbott & Pyne upon the office of Prime Minister. Regardless of which person holds the office and which political party they belong to, that office is the epitome of our democracy and deserves proper respect and decorum. These are leaders of your party who seek the very same office yet are happy to undermine it and our democracy to gain cheap political points and gutter notoriety. By all means debate and hold to account Government policy but please please stop undermining our democratic institutions. I also find Mr Abbott's despicable attempts to politicize the Directorate of Military Prosecutions (an office set up by your party when in Government) truly alarming. His attack on the Government for failing to render the best assistance to the military personnel in question whilst fully knowing that due process has to be followed and that the Government must maintain a full arms length distance shows that he himself is prepared to sink to the lowest levels of political bastardry. His sojourn in Afghanistan wearing a military flap jacket and firing weaponry and his recent public behaviour indicates he is more suited to the office of a tin pot military dictator in a third world country than to the office of Prime Minister of Australia. Mr Turnbull, I disagree with many of your policies, but I believe that you are a man of principle, decency and honour. There are other men and women in the Liberal Party of similar virtues and I appeal to you all to defend our democratic institutions and our very democracy itself. You need to tell your leader to pull his 'roid rage head in.[i/]


14/10/2010Well firstly, Welcome back Grog I knew from how you write and by your writing style you were never going to give in to pathetic losers like james massola.Give em heaps Grog.Just in case anyone is unsure i use capitals in peoples names if i think they are deserved of my respect.Grog is,. massola and the australian is not.Now to the comment I was intending to make about the three soldiers and the utter chaos surrounding this incident.If as the ADF are saying is true that they want this trial free of lies and political spin these people need to stand up and be counted.They are Mr James,Brigadier McDade and Lieutenant General Gillespie and what they should be saying enmasse is shut your oversised pie hole abbott and cut out the party political spin before the cases become damaged because of your stupid childish beghaviour and that of the coalition. Another group of people that would be able to enforce this agenda would be what is laughingly referred to as the unbiased msm but that would take something like astute investigative reporting and truthful and unbiased writing of articles as well as a complete black ban on anything written by the australian.Show them how GROG.


14/10/2010Here sayeth ‘Gravel’ - “I cling desperately to the hope that people will see the good that Labor has done, but feel that the only way they may appreciate what has, and is being done, is to have the Opposition gain power, have their rights and benefits taken completely from them. Would they then look back and see the mistake they have made.......oh dear I don't like where these words are taking my mind.” And well may Gravel be concerned where the words do take our minds. Here is where they take mine. If Gravel were a Queenslander the fact that the “State of Queensland Corporation” is doing a Howard would be of great concern. I submit that it beggars belief that an elected government can somehow sell to Queenslanders what is already owned by Queenslanders. What will probably compound that crime will be Queenslanders (and others) being mug enough to buy what is already owned by Queenslanders – in exactly the same way that Australians were mug enough to buy shares in Telstra. Was not Telstra collectively ‘owned’ by Australians? Do not Queenslanders, in like manner, own Qld Rail, etc.? Does not a certain draft document give notice of the rights, benefits and livelihoods of communities along the Murray and Darling rivers being terminally affected? Have not those affected given fair notice that this time they shall not take the detriment lying down? And in any case what is it with the mentality of these politicians, including those so well meaning new independents, that the only way they can be urged to act in any apparently rational way is to hold them down under a battery of spotlights? And thus spake HS (at least in part) - “As everyone, from Bernard Keane of Crikey, down, seems to be saying at the moment, why, when they have so many positive achievements to sell, with which they could be hitting home runs into the electorate, are the ALP striking out, unable to sell their product successfully to the electorate?” To which Calligula humbly offers – Something most Australians seem completely unaware of - While our elected representatives are bound by little more than the Common Law and their employees and advisers likewise have no compunction to comply with any code of conduct or ethics they’ll keep on acting any way they choose. The record demonstrates how much regard the leader of HM’s opposition has for his word, his bond, his own signature. While that person conducts himself the way he does the rest of parliament ( repeat, the rest of parliament) doesn’ t have to do much choice other than to go through the motions.(Dear reader; please take that any way you wish) Laying aside the fact that most of us have come to believe its all a colossal charade anyway the popular press keep pushing the line that any innovation involving the slightest error will be met with the inevitable Abbott response. Meanwhile in this climate it is more than likely that any decent proposal from an opposition member would be met with accusations of their aiding and abetting the enemy. Talk about a bloody fly in the ointment!


14/10/2010Listening to the comments on this blog there has been a considerable number of comments concerning the defending of Labor policies and the revealing of lies and political spin by the lieberals and the msm on those same policies.Bloggers, myself included,have been worried as to the strategies taken by Labor for defending themselves against these attacks but lately i am wondering if this policy isnt the right way to go as what is becoming painfully obvious to me is that it doesnt matter what Labor is saying in their defence it is being deliberately ignored by the msm so if the msm arent going to push the message then it just disappears never to be seen again and thew spin continues on.


14/10/2010Well written HS and hopefully the message gets through to the Labor media heavies. Good communication with the voters must start now and not wait until an election hovers. In this second term Labor needs to prove Possum wrong in his comments that "this lot couldn’t sell the case of a cold beer on a hot day."

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14/10/2010Folks We're now in Bundaberg and tomorrow head for Hervey Bay. Thank you all for your comments. There still seems to be a need for a different Labor strategy to counter the misinformation and outright lies that emanate daily from Tony Abbott and his Coalition colleagues. Should Labor continue with its mild mannered rebuttal of Coalition lies, or should it take a more aggressive approach? That might be a good topic for [i]TPS[/i]. Gravel We are travelling a long way each day but with a comfortable car that is not too much of a burden. The hardest thing is keeping up with [i]TPS[/i].


14/10/2010 Hi all - another article on the media .... The myth of a left-wing media ~ Tim Dunlop ‘It is therefore safe to say that the existence of pervasive left-wing bias in the media is a myth.’ http://www.abc.net.au/unleashed/40082.html I'd also like to say thanking you to lyn for the links she supplies daily. Its now something I look forward in viewing :)


14/10/2010Hello Again! Sorry, but Thursdays are the day when I'm out of the house most of the day. Nevertheless let me just say that you have all made some interesting points, which I'll now address. Bring Back Maxine, Whilst I admire your foray into enemy territory to open dialogue with Malcolm Turnbull, I'm afraid that I am unable to be as hopeful of his altruistic response as you seem to be. This is the man we are talking about here who was prepared to bring down a popular Prime Minister based upon confected eveidence, and if he could have gotten away with the scam he would have. What I think it tellingly says about the Liberal Party is that when you went in search of an honest member to appeal to, he was the best you could come up with.


14/10/2010Gravel, Sad, isn't it, that altruism, egalitarianism and the concept of a 'Fair Go' for all, has been replaced, after over a decade in power of John Howard and his mendacious and Machiavellian government, by naked self-interest? Don't despair, this has been happening since time immemorial. Nay, since Helen Keller and Ayn Rand trod this earth. Helen Keller fought the good fight and won out against prejudice eventually. Ayn Rand pushed her barrow hard and is still having an influence even today. So again I must reiterate that when good men and women say nothing we become complicit in the crimes of the nefarious. If we believe in something enough, don't give up the fight for it. I think we're winning the fight against Tony Abbott by the way, and that's what counts right now. Also I know that I won't be giving up the fight to see him defeated until I see him leave federal Parliament forever. This is because I believe he would be one politician who would have no qualms about taking away those things that you fear the Coalition might.

Bring Back Maxine

14/10/2010HS Turnbull did take a principled stand on Climate Change unlike others.


14/10/2010Hillbilly Skeleton Thanks for another great piece. Between this article and Ashe's piece about the potential rise of a militant Right similar to that in the US, today has been one for serious cogitation whilst doing some not-so-serious gardening. I have been trying to get my ducks in a row in order to write this comment but even the ducks are uncooperative - a lack of goodwill on their part. Let me get a little pedantry off my chest first. Happy to be corrected but "taking a trick" comes from Bridge or Cooncan 500 and not poker. On the subject of how Labor should respond to this anarchy, it is difficult to see how they can and remain the cool calm 'we are in control' party. Negatives always resonate longer and louder than positives and when, as you say, the other guy is not playing according to any rules whatsoever it is always going to be catch-up. And if the media is not interested in carrying your message then you've probably got Buckley's Chance of getting ahead. One way to counter this would be to play their game and attack them out of the blue on some weird and wonderful subject and have them do the defending for a change. I hope they don't. We would descend into ugly political brawling where no subject or institution is sacrosanct. This is what the MSM would have us believe is taking place already but at least some of us can see that it is mostly one-sided. I applaud the 'take the high ground' stance currently being adopted but then I admired that in Rudd and look where it got him and the party. The media is the key in all of this and one would hope that moves are afoot to take whatever measures are reasonably possible to remedy the situation. Abbott & Co would not be getting the traction that they are currently enjoying if it were not for a complacent, compliant media. As a case in point, SBS ran an item on the three soldiers "debate" tonight and despite the plethora of reasonably objective evidence available to them (i.e. statements from Defence and the Military and other knowledgeable observers condemning political interference) they persisted with "he said, she said" so that it continues to appear as though it is Gillard pushing for these guys to be tried (through inaction) and the Coalition are the steady hand of reason. How do you combat that? Greater minds than mind will need to find the answer, not just here but all over the world, especially if//when global warming really starts to bite. I am also extremely concerned with the filter down effect of this combative style of doing business. The MDBA [b]Guide[/b] is a good example. If the issue is politicised (and it will be) it is unlikely that we will get a decent outcome because the media and the Coalition will insist that polarisation take place. In light of that, what incentive is there for the States and Territory to bring goodwill to the table in order to negotiate a middle path? They've got their own political beasts to feed so they're not going to stick their necks out and compromise themselves if it seems certain to fail. Representative bodies of the interested parties are going to be polarised because any sign of compromise will be viewed as weakness. Further down the line, what incentive then for Mayors and local bodies to bring goodwill to the table? Why will local communities risk the firestorm from "the other side" by bucking the trend and suggesting a conciliatory solution? Further down, what incentive for individuals to keep an open mind? Will we see neighbours in open conflict? Abbott has started an extremely scary trend in recent months with his "if I don't agree with it then I'm going to smash it" approach. He and his cohorts have attacked the Head of Treasury, the Treasury Department, the Department of Finance, the Solicitor General, the Heads of the Military, the Office of Prime Minister, the Reserve Bank and the Directorate of Military Prosecutions. About the only major institution they haven't had a go at yet is that of the Governor General. What message does that send to a hot-head? If you don't like the outcome of something, blame someone and do some smashing. Ashe's suggestion of a militant Right is hopefully a bit outlandish but when you read commenters on Bolt's blog, for example, there is real hate there and one of our political leaders is currently saying : "It's okay to hate".


14/10/2010NormanK, Taking a trick actually comes from Euchre and 500, but I was using literary licence, as the ubiquitous 'they' always refer to politics as a Poker game, thus I thought I could mix my metaphors and get away with it...until you came along Mr Pedant! :) As for the rest of your thoughtful contribution, I will reply to that, hopefully as thoughtfully, tomorrow.

Patricia WA

15/10/2010Yes, it is confusing – that word ‘wrong’ - So too, don’t you think, is that word ‘right’ When differences in politics are strong And the ‘liberal’ left has take up a fight? It’s right to say Gillard is of the Left. But there is surely nothing sinister In that? Has Australia been bereft Since she has been Prime Minister? Rightist Abbot keeps on yelling, “Theft!” Pulling tricks to show his 'Manly' might. All those lies! Just one conclusion’s left - As our P.M. Abbot would not be right. PS Dorothy Parker’s ‘bon mot’ was surely meant for the Coalition [quote]It serves them right for putting all their eggs into one bastard” [/quote]


15/10/2010I think this must be a record for Spam. :)


15/10/2010[b]TODAY'S LINKS[/b] [i]This Fire needs a river of Calm, Greg Jericho, Grog's Gamut[/i] The issue of the Murray Darling has the power to send Australian politics a little bit off kilter if some sections of the political landscape wish it to http://grogsgamut.blogspot.com/2010/10/this-fire-needs-river-of-calm.html [i]Grog's blog back in business , James Massola, The Australian,[/i] Interest in the identity of the blogger, [b]who wrote excoriating critiques [/b] of the Liberal Party, had grown after ABC managing director Mark Scott highlighted his writing during and after the federal election campaign. http://www.theaustralian.com.au/business/media/grogs-blog-back-in-business/story-e6frg996-1225938412458 [i]Thumb Suckers, Mr Denmore, The Failed Estate[/i] All the cheap opinionating and commentary over questions of mind-numbing insignificance (was Abbott too jetlagged?) crowded out any attempt at proper analysis http://thefailedestate.blogspot.com/ [i]The Myth Of a left-wing media, Tim Dunlop, Unleashed[/i] It is therefore safe to say that the existence of pervasive left-wing bias in the media is a myth. http://www.abc.net.au/unleashed/40082.html [i]So you want to be a Journalist, Tim Dunlop, B Sides[/i] And you wonder why newspapers and websites and Sunday talk shows are full of journalists talking to themselves about trivia. http://tjd.posterous.com/doing-journalism [i]A most unfortunate declaration of war, Barrie Cassidy, The Drum[/i] Meanwhile, politics under the new regime goes on and Tony Abbott, by again raising the stakes in the "he said, she said" war over the Afghanistan visits, has invited speculation about his longevity. http://www.abc.net.au/news/stories/2010/10/14/3037803.htm?site=thedrum [i]Abbott - the real backstabber, Conscience Vote[/i] He’s like the angry kid in the sandpit who kicks over the other children’s sandcastles, because he didn’t win the blue ribbon and the praise from the teacher. http://consciencevote.wordpress.com/2010/10/14/abbott-is-the-real-backstabber/ [i]Mad Monk in a moral morass, Ken Parish, Club Troppo[/i] attack the Gillard government at every conceivable opportunity and simultaneously appeal to the lowest common denominator of Alan Jones talkback audience ignorance http://clubtroppo.com.au/2010/10/14/mad-monk-in-a-moral-morass/ [i]Australia - Govt. has attacked the Brisbane city FTTH scheme as lacking a cost benefit analysis, 3WAN .net[/i] The Mayor’s proposal clearly disputes Malcolm Turnbull’s claims that people living in cities already have adequate broadband.” http://sutherla.blogspot.com/ [i]in a land of bushrangers ....., Your Democracy[/i] Some things to bear in mind on the Murray-Darling Basin... http://yourdemocracy.net.au/drupal/node/10961

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15/10/2010HS I'm sure you are right about the spam - it's all deleted now.

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15/10/2010LYN's DAILY LINKS updated: http://www.thepoliticalsword.com/page/Lyns-Daily-Links.aspx

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15/10/2010Folks Apologies for the spam - this is the worst sustained attack [i]TPS[/i] has had - I've deleted around eighty! I'll keep deleting them as they arrive while I'm in Bundaberg, but as we'll be leaving after lunch for Hervey Bay, where we'll meet Lyn, some may arrive when we are in transit. I'll delete any newcomers en route via the iPad when we take a break, but otherwise please ignore them until I can kill them. I have no idea why there have been so many today; some days we get just a few. They are a mindless waste of time for everyone; it took me almost an hour to delete them today.


15/10/2010'A Most Unfortunate Declaration of War' by Barrie Cassidy Wow! Has everyone else read this piece and the comments this morning? It's red hot. So we finally have confirmation that 'The Australian' decided to tear Kevin Rudd down: 'During the 2007 election campaign, Samantha Maiden of The Australian phoned and asked me to contribute to an article she was writing about the then-opposition leader Kevin Rudd and his attempts to manipulate the media. I told her that coincidentally, in the previous hours, a colleague had said to me: "You know we (the media) will have to go to war with Rudd after the election. We might as well start now." Here is a very perceptive comment: 'And Barrie is one of the more moderate, more balanced of commentators. This "tumultuous " period in politics was very much a media and poll driven event, and bore little relationship to the general level of well being and satisfaction being experienced by the electorate, who never had it so good. The demise, for the time being, of Mr Turnbull, for hardly any reason one can see, indeed the premature assassination of Kevin Rudd's character, could not have happened before the advent of instant communications, media storms, and the unmitigated power of mining money emanating from the rise of China. I look for the day when political polling, purporting to serve Australian democracy, comes under some sort of legislative containment. Why have an election when it can all be done through media. paid advertising and opinion polls?' And this one from Cogitator: 14 Oct 2010 10:38:51am 'It appears that the very cosy relationship between "Our ABC" and the Australian is growing. ABC journalists now have no problem just parroting lines directly from the Australian without question. The balance we expect from the national broadcaster is nowhere apparent in the political reporting especially since the Rudd governments election. So, the line about going to war with Rudd clearly continues, not just against Rudd though but Ms Gillard and the Government in general. The bias is tiring and turning many away from the ABC. The current reporting of the Oppositions claims against the legitimacy of the military justice system is a case in point. And where in the past have we allowed such disrespectful and scurrilous personal comments made about our PM gone without so much as a rebuttal. Mr Abbott and Pyne have hit a new low but the reporting shouldn't be following, at least not at the ABC. We expect more, and we're entitled to it.' Thus, it is starting to become clear to me that no matter how well the Labor Party gets their act together with a media strategy, it will be swamped by a co-ordinated counter-attack from News Ltd.


15/10/2010Gee, we the people are coming up with some great comments about the media today. This is from Tim Dunlop's piece in lyn's links above: iorarua : 15 Oct 2010 8:36:54am 'The myth of the 'left-wing media' is not even an Australian phenomenon. Like so many Australian mainstream narratives, it's an import from the US-right, who have been bleating on at least since the early 90s about its own supposedly 'liberal-biased' media. A similar initiative is underway in the UK - led by Rupert and co. The main target in their sights is the ultra-conservative BBC, which is now coming under repeated attack for being 'left-wing'. If it weren't so tragic, it would be laughable. It doesn't matter whether or not the Australian media - or any other media - is left-wing biased. The point is to keep saying it is, as often and as loudly as possible. The aim is to keep the media in a constant defensive mindset against being perceived as left-wing. And the logical outcome of this defensiveness is to keep leaning towards right-wing perspectives.'

D Mick Weir

15/10/2010Hi HS, certainly a lot of 'entertaining' commentary on both those articles. I was also 'taken' by a post by Quentin Dempster [b]Journalists as politicians[/b] http://www.abc.net.au/news/stories/2010/10/13/3037385.htm A great read in which Dempster uses inormation from an academic piece: [i]From the Gallery to the Parliament: Journalists in the House of Representatives and Senate, 1901 - 2007 by Wayne Errington and Narelle Miragliotta - Australian Journal of Politics and History, Volume 55, Number 4, 2009.[/i] This bit interested me because of a previous comment of mine about too many lawyers and not enough taxi drivers etc representing us: [i](Incidentally, the paper confirmed current concerns about MPs having little or no life experience outside paid political party staff work. Between 1991 and 2007 lawyers represented 8 per cent and business 9 per cent in the House of Representatives, but compared to previous periods 'all occupations had been superseded by the growth in party and union-related employment as the dominant pre-parliamentary occupation - 35 per cent of MHRs'.)[/i] There is 'a whole lot a shakin going on' (maybe one of our talented songsters/poets could riff off that one day soon!) and we, the very interested, could have some small affect by putting the sword to appropriate use.


15/10/2010D Mick Weir, Interesting you pick up that point about journalists and their increasingly intimate relationship(in all ways) with politics. Just a few off the top of my head: 1. Tony Abbott himself. Came into politics via engagement in John Hewson's office as his Press Sec. 2. Brad Gazzard. Recent Liberal candidate for Eden monaro. 3. Sarah Henderson. Recent Liberal candidate in Victoria for Corangamite, I think it was. Almost got there. 4. Malcolm Turnbull. One of his many hats was as a journalist. 5. Former Channel 9 reporter, Daniel Street, whilst not a politician(yet), has just been appointed Rudd's COS in DFAT, after finishing his Masters. Can't actually think of any actual journos that have crossed over to parliament for the ALP though. I stand to be corrected though.


15/10/2010Oops! I forgot Maxine. :)

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15/10/2010Folks We're off now to Bundaberg City then Hervey Bay. I've deleted more spam; no doubt more will arrive, so please ignore it. I'll be back late afternoon.


15/10/2010HS Thanks for your response. There is no fear of giving up or giving in to the despicable way the opposition is behaving. I wish I could be as articulate as most of you are here. Also the links that Lyn put up shows us we are not alone in our despair at the way the media are allowing this to happen. As I read somewhere else, I also have wondered if there is nothing that the Government could do legal wise to stop this. I know the answer. As I listen to abc 774, I get frustrated with Jon Faine constantly repeating the theme that wtte Labor aren't pushing their messages, whilst he was actually talking with Simon Crean, who was trying to get the message out (very clearly I thought), but after the interview was finished he again repeating that wtte Labor aren't doing enough to get their message out.....now I ask you (rhetorically, of course) what the hell else do Labor have to do when the media are just totally not listening.


15/10/2010D Mick Weir, A couple of points re Quentin Dempster's article. 1. I think he was looking at journalism through rose-coloured spectacles as being more noble, especially these days, than it actually is. 2. He appears to have completely overlooked the rise of the Conservative journalist.


15/10/2010Gravel, I think the point that can be easily made is that the media do not wish to allow the ALP to be complimented on having got out a message well. So they don't. So they obfuscate by saying the oppositie in order to reinforce the meme that they are not communicating well.


15/10/2010HS, I know it's a big ask but listen to this! Windsor hangs up on Price and Bolt. and this radio station wonders why it as an average of 6000 listeners http://www.mtr1377.com.au/index2.php?option=com_newsmanager&task=view&id=6956


15/10/2010HS, Abbott went over a treat in the old dart with the media, Here is what they said http://www.economist.com/blogs/bagehot/2010/10/britain_outlier_nation "Well what about Australia, the Tory commentariat may say. They certainly became very excited when the Australian conservative leader, Tony Abbott, came very close to an upset defeat of the sitting Labour government down under. They need to calm down. Awkward, angry and socially conservative, Tony Abbott would be completely unelectable as a national politician in Britain. To simplify, he appeals to that part of Australian public opinion that overlaps with Britain inasmuch as it resembles Essex with sunshine."


15/10/2010Hillbilly More fool me for trying to correct you, eh? I'm a keen 500 player so your mixed metaphor was a little jarring. i should know better than to think that it was anything other than intentional. Jason Good find. Heaven help us when this is the sort of drivel served up each day to millions of Australians. This nonsense speaks to my post above - polarise, polarise, polarise.


15/10/2010Hi Jason Thankyou so much for the Bolt, Price Link, MTR today, fantastic find by you, good on you Jason, your a lump of gold. Absolutely amazing, good on Tony Windsor for hanging up, the Government should boycott their shows, they can't even ask logical questions, then get all hurt and uppity because, somewone dares to hang up.


15/10/2010OH dear! sorry about the w in the wrong place, I have to learn to check.

D Mick Weir

15/10/2010Spam: [i]Marvelous blog! I'll probably be referencing some of this information in my next speech.[/i] I had a little giggle and wondered if, just maybe, some hack from HMLO wasn't having a 'Freudian Slip'


15/10/2010Guys, After Andrew Robb's intervention again today in The Australian in order to push a barrow going nowhere because it makes no sense to go there, I thought I'd put up this Crikey explanation of his idiotic blatherings by Glenn Dyer: http://www.crikey.com.au/2010/10/11/meet-bob-katter-aka-b-joyce-and-andrew-robb-aka-j-hockey/?source=cmailer (If you can't access it let me know and I'll Cut n Paste the whole thing insteade).


15/10/2010Amazing how Bolt and Price don't criticise the Astroturfers at the meetings, the self-centred, self-interested drama queens who are taking a leaf out of the Tea Party tactics book in order to derail a consultative process that is supposed to be balancing the interests of the environment with those of the farmers. Instead they focus their criticism, ganging up on Tony Windsor to hector and berate him until he could stand it no more and he hung up on Bolt and Price. Then Bolt has the hide to say, "I don't like interrupting people when they are giving an answer". Excuse me, but that's Andrew Bolt's modus operandi. He monitors answers very closely and jumps in as soon as a respondent is gaining traction with his argument, in order to drag the listener's attention back to him and his cockamamie Liberal-oriented agenda again. The time has come for people and institututions like the ABC to start cutting off his avenues of getting out his message. It is not 'Balance' to have a demagogue like Andrew Bolt on your network.


15/10/2010Sorry, that should have read, 'they focus their criticism on anyone aligned against the special interests that Bolt & Price support.'

D Mick Weir

15/10/2010My teacup is rattling something shocking at the moment and I have been wondering why. I had a really close look and sure enough down at the bottom amongst the tea leaves was another storm brewing: [b]Report scathing of insulation scheme[/b] http://www.abc.net.au/news/stories/2010/10/15/3039211.htm So we might have some practice for the cup I thought a little sweep might be appropriate: [b]How many many members of the opposition will call for Mr Garretts' head over this?[/b] My pick is 11

D Mick Weir

15/10/2010Sorry folks forgot. All good sweeps have a prize: Winner: A free tea leaf reading by Anon-a-mous Gamut Last place: (to be arranged) Afternoon tea with a member of HMLO?


15/10/2010DMW, That report actually exonerates Peter Garrett for the most part and scathingly pours a bucket on his department, whose Secretary, Robyn Kruk, has been on 'Sick Leave' since before the release of the report by ANAO on the 'Green Loans' program.


15/10/2010Actually, NormanK, you can take tricks in Bridge, which I used to play myself, and that was the original germ of my thought bubble(see, there I go again, mixing my metaphors, coz it's fun!), but I just didn't think if I phrased my thought with that reference underpinning it that it would make as much sense. :) Apropos of not much, I also used to play Mah-Jongg.


15/10/2010HS I couldn't read that link in Crikey, it is for subscribers only. A small precis of it would be great. Thanks :-)


15/10/2010I see no change in the diatrite. Tony Windsor is a wimp. He could easilty have explained himself but chose to bury his head in the sand. The Water Consultation Body have stuffed up the process. They made recommendations without proper consultation.I remember an ABC programme about the Murray Darling restoration project some months ago and they were crical of the process. It is our ABC of course who couldn't get it wrong. Actually your favourite red infact on his 7.30 report. The Labor machine was not listening too busy knifing KR. There has been no renewal in the Government, unfortunately a loss of the only Parliamentarian in the ALP who made any sense.


15/10/2010Colen, Your ears and eyes must be painted on! Windsor is a wimp you say he was the ONLY one who voted against Howards legislation on this in the house of reps, and since Howard had the balance of power in the senate you could say the "friend of the man on the land' the Nationals also voted for what they/you now find wrong. FFS What is it you Bolt and Price can't/don't understand? Why did the Coalition to a man and woman vote for it Bolt should be asking? so why did they then Colen? Talk about an own goal!


15/10/2010HS, For you to say that Peter Garrett and his fellow Labor colleagues should not be blamed for the whole mess is just wrong. if you had of listened to the 7 o'clock ABC news, their political reporter made it quite clear that the department recommended to the minister that the insulation program be delivered over 5 years. The Government of course decided that process and safety didnt matter so much, so they rejected that advice and ordered the department to roll out the program immediately. Faulty insulation in 30% of homes. No measurable environmental benefit. $500 million to fix up. Four related deaths. it is really just a metaphor for modern Labor governance (dont forget that Julia signed off on this program too). Good to see Windsor is being used as a political football by the government...he deserves it. i am not sure that he fully realises that he is not only in bed with the socialists alliance, Gillard; but also the stupid, laughable greens. I do not see any political gain for the government in going soft on regional communities as they would just bleed more votes to the left. I went and had a listen to his interview...he obviously thinks he is very special to just hang up. Maybe if Windsor had of answered a single question he may not have been interrupted so much. Wasn't Windsor supposed to be the straight talking impartial man? All i heard was spin and some Coalition name calling.


15/10/2010Gravel, Sorry it took me a while, I've been away making dinner. :) Here's the whole article: 'And the Wankley goes to… Miranda Devine, sticking up for the blokes They promised she’d be “feisty”. Daily Telegraph editor Garry Linnell said she “attracts debate, and makes you feel something”. And there’s no denying the “hardest-hitting columnist” in NSW, Miranda Devine, is back on the national stage with a bang. After quitting her $240,000 gig stirring up Sydney Morning Herald readers, Devine is back at Holt Street with a bigger pay packet and a louder megaphone — syndicated far and wide across News Limited’s tabloids. And she’s quickly climbed back on the stump to sing from the same song sheet. As an opening gambit, she attacked the murderous greenies and their “climate alarmism”: But, whatever way you dress it up, the climate alarmist message ultimately can be boiled down to death. No surprise that the first big issue in the kinder, gentler new parliament for [Father Frank] Brennan’s pet Greens was euthanasia. It’s where their heads are at. Killing people. And if you’re not dead then they’ll make you suffer. The outrage sung out over our “s-x-saturated culture”: Such slatternly celebrity role models as Lindsay Lohan, Paris Hilton and Britney Spears are the canaries in the coal mine of raunch culture, their emotional disintegration testimony to the toll. There was congratulations to Kerri-Anne Kennerley for not backing down from describing s-x-attack victims as “strays”, while calling out the “feminist moralists” in their “war against alpha males”: The pendulum needed to swing in the direction of victims, but it may have swung too far, to the point where men given mixed signals by women don’t know what to do. Feminist overreach has similarly fuelled the s-xual harassment industry, now weighted so heavily towards the accuser that young women are virtually obligated to bring the patriarchy to heel. Continuing on the s-x politics theme, with “shivers up [her] spine”, Devine delivered her fiercest attack yet on Wednesday. Weighing into the story of two schoolboys expelled from a Sydney Catholic school for touching a “fully clothed breast”, Miranda was frothing with indignation. She interviewed the mother of the girl involved to question how these “handsome football stars” (presumably pimply nerds would be a different story) could be hung out to dry: What damage such an incident has caused to adolescent children and their emerging s-xuality can’t be measured. Overreacting to normal interest between the s-xes and setting up a predator-victim culture with the boys always in the wrong is a recipe for a sick society. But it is the predictable consequence of our official embrace of man-hating feminist propaganda, which automatically regards men, and now little boys, as dirty predators, and the cowardly institutions and administrators who fail to take a stand against it… Any parent of boys knows how deceptively tender their feelings are at 13 or 14 and how easily they can be made to feel like monsters for just being boys. Essentially we have criminalised boyhood. Welcome back, Miranda. We’d missed you.'

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15/10/2010Folks Thank you for keeping the dialogue going while I've been in transit. Your comments make informative reading. I'm planning to leave early tomorrow for Brisbane, and as I don't want to spend an hour, as I did this morning, deleting a barrage of spam, which came in mainly overnight but peristed at a lesser rate all day, I'm closing comments overnight and will reopen them first thing in the morning. Goodnight.

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16/10/2010Folks Open for comments again.


16/10/2010[b]TODAY'S LINKS[/b] [i]The Joy of Misery, Greg Jericho, Grog's Gamut[/i] Let’s look at this dollar issue. Yep it is at a 27 year high. What exactly does Robb think the Government can do about it? http://grogsgamut.blogspot.com/2010/10/joy-of-misery.html [i]GROG rations. Derek Barry , Woolly Days,[/i] reading some of Grog’s Gamut’s first posts since The Australian journalist James Massola revealed his name, I was struck by the quality of the personal detail which informed his arguments http://nebuchadnezzarwoollyd.blogspot.com/ [i]Our Don Bradman: Dollar hits 99.94, Ashghebranious, Ash's to Ashes Blog[/i] Andrew Robb is screaming for a mini budget! The sky is falling he cries. I assume he doesn’t want treasury to do it as he doesn’t trust their assumptions. http://ashghebranious.wordpress.com:80/2010/10/15/our-don-bradman-dollar-hits-99-94/ [i]Log on and get our your card = we touched US $1.0002 overnight, Peter Martin[/i]A high Aussie dollar acts to slow the economy so a rate hike would act like a ‘double whammy’ as well as serving to push the currency even higher. http://www.petermartin.com.au/ Not getting any better,Andrew Elder, Politically Homeless Get over it, country people. I'm with thinkers from Heinrich Heine to Grog's Gamut in believing that burning printed matter is not on, http://andrewelder.blogspot.com/2010/10/not-getting-any-better-government-isnt.html [i]Malcolm Turbbull's NBN turnaround, BuddeBlog[/i] last 5 years the NBN has received the broad support of basically everyone in Australia – the consumer groups, the business community, the unions, the industry, and, as mentioned above, the Australian public (surveys indicate that 70%+ of Australians support the NBN).. http://www.buddeblog.com.au/frompaulsdesk/malcolm-turnbulls-nbn-turnaround/ [i]Tony and the Tories, Gav, Peak Energy[/i] The Climate Spectator has a look at some of the glaring climate policy differences between Australian conservative leader Tony Abbott and his UK counterparts - Tony and the Tories. http://peakenergy.blogspot.com/2010/10/tony-and-tories.html [i]PM Gillard to battle news cycle , Laurie Oakes, Herald Sun[/i] JULIA Gillard has decided to take on the news cyclone. It used to be called the news cycle, but things move so quickly in the new media age that cyclone is a far more accurate word. http://www.heraldsun.com.au/ipad-application/pm-gillard-to-battle-news-cycle/story-fn6bn88w-1225939364924 Murdoch taken to task over Republican donations By North America correspondent Craig McMurtrie, abc News Corporation chairman appeared uncomfortable as he was taken to task by some shareholders for approving a million-dollar donation to the Republican http://www.abc.net.au:80/news/stories/2010/10/16/3040133.htm


16/10/2010Hi Ad Sunday Morning TV Sunday Morning 17th October,2010 Full program listing available at: http://sundaymorningtv.posterous.com/ 8:00am Ch10 Meet the Press Paul Bongiorno is joined on the Panel by ABC News Radio's Marius Benson and The Age's Katharine Murphy, together they interview; Minister for Foreign Affairs Kevin Rudd, and The Climate Institute CEO John Connor. 8:30am Sky News 601 Australian Agenda This week on Sunday Agenda, Shadow Education Minister Christopher Pyne is interviewed by Peter Van Onselen and a panel of distinguished journalists led by The Australian's Paul Kelly. 8:35am Ch7 Weekend Sunrise - The Riley Diary Political editor Mark Riley looks at the war of words over Afghanistan and water fights in Griffith. 8:38am Ch9 Today on Sunday - Laurie Oakes interview Laurie Oakes talks to Opposition Leader Tony Abbott. 9:00am ABC1 Insiders On Insiders this Sunday, Barrie Cassidy interviews the Water Minister Tony Burke. On the panel: ABC Online’s Annabel Crabb, the Sydney Morning Herald’s David Marr and the Sydney Institute’s Gerard Henderson. And Mike Bowers talks pictures with freelance cartoonist Fiona Katauskas. 10:00am ABC1 Inside Business This week on Inside Business, Alan Kohler talks to Monash University Vice Chancellor, Prof Ed Byrne about the collapse of one the nation’s big export earners, the international student business. We’ll also look at the currency wars and break down the QR National prospectus. http://sundaymorningtv.posterous.com/

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16/10/2010LYN'S DAILY LINKS updated: http://www.thepoliticalsword.com/page/Lyns-Daily-Links.aspx Thanks Lyn for another great set of links and for the list of TV items for tomorrow morning. It should be an interesting weekend politically.

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16/10/2010Folks We'll soon be leaving Hervey Bay for Brisbane. I closed comments last night to avoid overnight spam, which is just as well, as already this morning there has been almost twenty. No doubt more will arrive while we are in transit. We'll try to delete them via the iPad, but please ignore the ones that come in between deletions. This has been one of the most sustained spam attacks we have had on [i]TPS[/i]. I hope it soon stops.


16/10/2010jj, Have you got any other dead horses you want to flog? Let me spell it out for you Garrett is going nowhere and Windsor isn't about to put the "Mad Monk" into the lodge, so now the reason for you to live is gone do us a favor!!!

D Mick Weir

16/10/2010Jason and jj, in the spirit of this blog [i]" .. puts to the sword politicians and the media in Australia."[/i] I don't think it is unreasonable for any commenter to call for the sacking of a minister for maladministration or other actions that could be construed as [i]not of a standard a reasonable person would expect of a minister of the crown[/i]. IMHO the erosion of standards in Ministerial Accountability is a tradgety of modern governance. The last PM to have a rasonable set of standards of conduct may well have been John Winston Howard. My memory is a bit hazy here but very early in JWH's reign ministers lost their jobs, one, for failing to declare a colour TV on a customs form I think. JWH soon worked out that if he stuck to his guidlines he was going to lose most of his ministers so, out the window went accountability and JWH became a master at defending 'to the death' his ministers. Calling for Ministerial Accountability and upholding reasonable standards, like may other things such as reform of procedures of the House, are luxuries of opposition that are forgotten within moments of obtaining government. Our representatives should be called to account for letting standards slide but I suspect it ain't gonna happen anytime soon.


16/10/2010D Mick Weir, Yes Garrett probably should have stepped down and didn't,and it's not going to happen, But jj and her ilk like to try and pin the 4 deaths on Garrett.What next the defence minister is to blame for every death in war? Transport ministers have to resign for the road toll. When it's all said and done you are responsible for your safety in the work place, if you think it's not safe don't do it, and if you are going to have work done on your most expensive asset do some checks but don't blame the government for things that the home owner is also responsible for.


16/10/2010HS I read your comment on twitter about Peter Harcher's article today. I have to say I had the same reaction to it. It is good to hear someone else say exactly what I was thinking. He is now definitely off my reading list.

D Mick Weir

16/10/2010Jason add to that, it has happened that a 'previously disgraced inister' can make a 'miraculous recovery' after an election as happened under JWH then Garrett would be safe.


16/10/2010D Mick Weir, Thats right! and every government says we will be more accountable than the previous government blah blah blah until it's convenient to say but you never done it when you were in government so why should we?


16/10/2010Just a wee Thank You note to Little Jimmy Massola: Gee thanks Comrade, so good of you to out Greg J as Grog's Gamut - Until you did I'd never heard of his blog, now along with so many others you have alerted to his fine exposes of the idiocies of the Rotten Right, I am a disciple! How did you ever come up with such a clever ruse to popularise him? And it was so-o-o self-sacrificing of you - To make yourself so unpopular to benefit another, you must be very close to sainthood yourself. His article today makes it clear why you want his words of wisdom (which they really are) spread ever further. The entire Left owes you a debt of gratitude! BWAhahahahahaaaaaa!


16/10/2010Hi Talk Turkey Wonderful little thankyou note you have written to "Little Jimmy Massola" Massola sure has been very kind, giving, Grog/Greg free publicity and in the "National Newspaper". I say thankyou to Little Jimmy too, more people appreciating Greg's pieces, we don't need the Australian Newspaper's Journalists.


16/10/2010Read a few interesting pieces in The Oz, Fin Review and our local paper, The Northern Daily Leader about the whole water issue. About the only journos that seem to get it seem to be Brian Toohey and some journos from The Land. You have the OZ running hard on the whole death of the industry thing, and then the Fairfax press running pieces on how without these changes there wont be any water. Both are a bit extreme, and most of the facts used are very misleading. Brian Toohey made a bit of a mistake in the Review by using dollar figures for agricultural production to show that the industry still survived during the drought years, forgetting to mention that grain and rice prices were at extremely high prices. George from the OZ seems to think that if regional towns survive on the agricultural sector than that is there fault for putting all their eggs in the one basket (i dont think George thinks sometimes). Water is a big issue and with the greens holding this government to ransom i dont see to much watering down (excuse the pun) of the draft of the draft, before it becomes legislation. There was another interesting piece in the OZ today that showed Gillard for what she is, not a lier, but a deceptive, cunning, cat. Abbott and his office supplied the relevant emails displaying that the PM's office and the defense forces both new of Abbott's trip to Afghanistan well before Gillard's invitation and then jab at Abbott when she arrived in Europe. The piece actually tells that one of the journos heard one of the soldiers yell out to Gillard when she hopped off the plane that there was another one of your folk arriving next week. And this woman is our PM. Terry from the business section of the OZ has written a good little piece on Samuel from the ACCC and that he should, "Get back in his box". He makes some good points about how what Samuel should actually be opposing the whole program as it is a total infrastructure monopoly, which actually requires an act of parliament to be passed to exempt it from competition laws. Plenty of rain around Easter Aus, everything is looking great.


16/10/2010jj, " Both are a bit extreme, and most of the facts used are very misleading." If they are FACTS how can they be misleading?

Acerbic Conehead

16/10/2010HS, thanks for a very interesting thread. As you have alluded, when someone regards themselves as “saved”, doing wrong automatically translates to being right. As you have said, real Alice in wonderland stuff. Moreover, you’ll recall the other day, Tones playing cowboys and Indians in Afghanistan. http://www.theaustralian.com.au/news/gallery-e6frg6n6-1225936872042?page=7 He’s obviously in training for the upcoming crusade against the commo infidels. So, sing along with him as he psyches himself up for Armageddon, the war that will justify the righteous. It’s to the medieval melodies of the Led Zeppelin classic, “Stairway to Heaven”. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ugxFcmZXDyc&feature=related :- ( I’m a geezer who´s sure all that glitters is gold And I’m firing my Steyr-way to heaven And when I get there I know if the Holy Ghost says no She’ll get a lot more than she bargained for :- ( I’ll put a sign on the wall, just so you’ll all be sure Cos my spoken words have two meanings No opposition will I brook, cos by hook or by crook Any leftie thoughts are vorbotten :- ( There´s a feeling I get when I bung on my vest My armour-plated flack-jacket Not much chance of getting hit, by a cock-eyed Labor git Anyway, doesn’t go with my khaki budgie smugglers :- ( And it´s whispered that soon, Joe with all his goons Will launch a coup or palace revolution But if he tries it on, I’ll just pull out my gun And his great big black hole will need a cushion :- ( If there´s a bustle in your wheelie-bin don´t be alarmed now It´s just a daft scheme by Pyno-Clean To mince it with some unsavoury lefties But true to form Instead, he’ll pull some back alley bitches :- ( Speedos were humming and it wouldn’t go – the pong was in full flow The diggers called me to join ‘em Spent three months chasin’ the moslem foe And wouldn’t you know The ungrateful bastards insisted I stay down-wind :- ( And as I cycle down the road Jet-lagged and well down in the polls There walks a lady who doesn’t know The difference between yes and no Everything she touches turns to gold But for me it’s very hard Always ending up coming last When the Indos cast their vote I just end up gettin’ rolled :- ( But I’m still firing my Steyr-way to heaven


16/10/2010jj, What a surprise Terry from the OZ having a go at the ACCC! you failed to mention it was about the NBN and no CBA! http://www.theaustralian.com.au/business/opinion/back-in-your-box-graeme-samuel/story-e6frg9if-1225939374440 So going by this example as you never provide links, the rest of your post should be printed and put on a nail in the outhouse.


16/10/2010Peter Dutton's Bill board http://www.springhillvoice.com/


16/10/2010Rudeness Challenge Entry #2 Tony Abbott im not dum, Tony ride bike and chew gum! Tony Abbott im like shark, Tony always forward come! Tony Abbott Action Man, Tony go Afghanistan! Tony Abbott im shoot gun! Tony im miss mark! Tony Abbott im jump shark! Now Tony up own bum!


16/10/2010Steyr-way to Heaven A C ! Ha Ha Ha! More! More!


16/10/2010I am sorry Jason that i didnt add a link; but what he had to say made a whole lot of sense. Facts can be misleading when they are not put in their context. in the case of Toohey, he failed to mention that grain and rice prices had gone up substantially during the drought, but production had fallen dramatically; he just stated the total output as a dollar figure as to try and prove that farmers can survive in hard times.

Acerbic Conehead

16/10/2010TalkTurkey, "Tony Abbott im jump shark". Great post and I love this line in particular. Yes, my waters tell me that with his Afghanistan series of blunders and failure to gut Pyne over that totally disgusting 'back alley bitch' comment about the Prime Minister, there is no way back for him. However, with a compliant and supportive media, a cockroach like him may be able to survive.

Acerbic Conehead

16/10/2010Oh, and Jason, I'm only catching up with this blog, never mind the last one, so have noted your request for an alternative rendition of Psycho Killer by Talking Heads. Will see what I can do, time permitting. Love your posts, so keep them coming. And I love your taste, Psycho Killer is one of my favourite ever numbers.

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16/10/2010Folks Thank you for your comments and AC for your lyrics, always great. Apologies for all the spam today – the attack continues. There must have been a hundred, which I deleted early today, en route from Hervey Bay to Brisbane, and this evening. As it seems likely more will arrive tonight, I’m closing off comments now and will open the post for comments again in the morning. Goodnight.

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17/10/2010Folks Comments open again. Here's hoping we have a lighter day of spam.


17/10/2010[b]TODAY'S LINKS[/b] [i]The village Idiot, John Richardson, Your Democracy[/i] vicious and sexist attacks on the prosecutor, Brigadier Lyn McDade. Commentators such as Alan Jones and Piers Akerman have fuelled the backlash. http://yourdemocracy.net.au/drupal/node/11137 [i]No accounting for taste,William Bowe, The Poll Bludger[/i] Matthew Franklin of The Australian reports a Newspoll survey commissioned by conservative think tank the Institute of Public Administration finds Australians’ views on electoral reform are the opposite of my own: 70 per cent back compulsory voting, http://blogs.crikey.com.au/pollbludger/2010/10/17/no-accounting-for-taste/ [i]The Australian's view of the Greens ,Gary Sauer-Thompson , Public Opinion[/i]Disgraceful. That is an entirely obnoxious cartoon and Leak and all involved in its publication should be ashamed of their lack of ethics. That is below gutter level. http://www.sauer-thompson.com/archives/opinion/2010/10/the-australians-9.php [i]Conroy answers some questions, Brian, Larvatus Prodeo[/i] Before it was over Malcolm Turnbull’s office made contact. As a result he will be on next week to spread confusion. http://larvatusprodeo.net/ [i]The Human Animal, Ashghebranious, Ash's to Ashes Blog[/i] And we still continue to cherry pick ideas and denigrate others without hearing or understanding. http://ashghebranious.wordpress.com/2010/10/16/the-human-animal/ [i]Stephen Mayne Tries To Stop Murdoch, Stop Murdoch[/i] Sure Milne has been spending the last few months as a kind of Murdoch Fifth Column spouting his rubbish at their ABC, but is there something we missed? Do you know if Milne has really been 'fired'? http://stopmurdoch.blogspot.com/ [i]Man Bites Murdoch, Jennifer, Jennifermarohasy.com/blog[/i] Former News Limited Editor, Bruce Gutherie, will be a panellist on ABC TV’s Q&A on Monday evening. In his new book ‘Man Bites Murdoch’ Mr Gutherie alleges a problem within the culture of News Ltd.. http://jennifermarohasy.com/blog/2010/10/man-bites-murdoch/ [i]Murray Murnurings: It's no wonder rural people are angry, Crikey, Rooted[/i] This is the first in a Rooted series from different interested parties — farmers, lobby groups, environmentalists, etc — discussing their reactions http://blogs.crikey.com.au/rooted/ [i]Parliamentary debate on Afghanistan, Paul Barratt, Australian Obsever[/i] At last we are to have a Parliamentary debate about what we are doing in Afghanistan. Hopefully this will go to the desired end-state http://aussieobserver.blogspot.com/ [i]"Anything goes" @ Crikey, Iain Hall's Sandpit[/i] Crikey are still raving mad over The Australian’s outing of public servant [b]Greg Jericho as the political blogger Grog’s Gamut[/b]. Crikey author Bernard Keane is maintaining the rage http://iainhall.wordpress.com/


17/10/2010Good Morning Ad and your lovely wife , Are you in Brisbane today. We hope you are still enjoying your wonderful trip, and the weather is still nice for you. Brisbane really is a beautiful city isn't it. Hervey Bay is a bit chilly this morning, we need sleeves on. This morning's TV looks interesting, I am waiting to see what Laurie Oakes has to say to Tony Abbott, seeing Laurie questioned his brain function last week. Kevin Rudd on meet the press.

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17/10/2010LYN'S DAILY LINKS updated: http://www.thepoliticalsword.com/page/Lyns-Daily-Links.aspx

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17/10/2010Folks We're off now from Brisbane, heading south to Coffs Harbour. We'll try to keep the spam under control en route.

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17/10/2010Lyn Brisbane is beautiful today, sunny and warming up. It's a good day for driving to Coff's Harbour. We'll miss this morning's TV but I hope Laurie Oakes asks Tony Abbott the hard questions. We'll check into [i]TPS[/i] later in the day.


17/10/2010Lynn,A.A,Talk Turkey, Do any of you know if we can get share provisions on this site because then you can get all good posts,repudiations and links onto sites like facebook,twitter and my space amongst a dozen others or so,if this is possible then saturation online is to a larger audience and so all like minded blogsites could possibly do the same,think of the coverage and if done now think of speed and coverage with all on the NBN.


17/10/2010AcerbicC, 'Khaki Budgie Smugglers'. Pleaase! I'm trying to keep my lunch down. :)


17/10/2010Talk Turkey, That cunning little stunt by 'Little Jimmy Massola' was up there with the best of 'em, that carefully-laid ambush that the PM set up to ensnare Tony 'Bear' Abbott! So good was it that she even knew when he was going to put his foot in his mouth and say that he wanted to avoid jetalg so he could be as fresh as a daisy in order to lick the boots of David Cameron. Us 'Lefties' are so cunning, and obviously smarter then them, hey maybe we should be running the country, and telling it like it is on blogs then? :)


17/10/2010jimbo, Pop over to 'Cafe Whispers' and mention your idea to Migs. He's the man with the expertise to bring your idea to fruition. :) Let us know how you go. I agree, we need to start building our strength up like a spider's web that infiltrates the 'net and can push back when we are attacked by using the strength of our collective numbers.


17/10/2010HS Thankyou and i will take your advice and go to cafe whispers as i have already posted it on poll bludger so i will check with Miglo now.


17/10/2010Hi Ad Well you didn't miss much this morning. I will put the link up for The Insiders in case you want to watch, along with the transcript of Laurie Oakes interview with Mr Abbott. The highlight of the Insiders was David Marr having a fight with Gerard Henderson, that's all I bothered to watch, and only 1 minute anyway. Tony abbott during the Oakes interview mentioned, "hold the Government to account" 5 times, so now we know he is going to hold the Government to account,(get it), (got it), (good). Also it seems, if you are Mr Abbott and the present Opposition Leader, you must find out if the troops have enough fire arms, to do this the Military encourage you to fire all the weapons, so that you can then realise, they have enough weapons and fire power, rather unique. I can assure you Ad you missed nothing. Cheers


17/10/2010Hi Ad Forgot the links here they are: Sunday October 17, 2010 LAURIE OAKES talking to OPPOSITION LEADER, TONY ABBOTT http://today.ninemsn.com.au/article.aspx?id=8107409 Barrie Cassidy and the panel take a look at what is making headlines in the Sunday papers. The Insiders: http://www.abc.net.au/insiders/content/2010/s3040397.htm

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17/10/2010Hi Lyn Many thanks for the links to the Laurie Oakes interview of Tony Abbott and to [i]Insiders[/i]. As I decided to take the evening off it's pretty late now, so I'll take a look tomorrow. Of course while I wasn't looking, a lot of spam arrived which I've now deleted. I'll close comments for the night now so as to avoid more spam arriving overnight. Goodnight

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18/10/2010Folks Comments open again.


18/10/2010jj, It would appear that 87% of the informed people at a test site in your electorate don't care for a CBA! http://www.smh.com.au/business/households-clamour-for-test-broadband-20101017-16p5r.html

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18/10/2010Lyn I’ve reviewed the Oakes interview and was annoyed but not surprised at Tony Abbott’s avoidance of answering properly Oakes’ questions about the military justice system that in fact the Howard Government, of which he was a part, established. He had obviously has a line he was determined to use no matter what the question – ‘holding the Government to account’ and giving the soldiers ‘a fair go’. It showed in all its ugliness his disingenuous behaviour, for which he has established an unassailable reputation. You were right about [i]Insiders[/i] – I didn’t miss much. The discussion of the Sunday Papers was the most entertaining with the spat between Gerard Henderson and David Marr.


18/10/2010[b]TODAY'S LINKS[/b] [i]Dark Satanic News Mills, Mr Denmore, The Failed Estate[/i] What's changed in recent years is a gradual transformation of daily deadline newspaper journalism to the constant deadline imperative of the wires. http://thefailedestate.blogspot.com/ [i]Should Government have funded MacKillop religious celebrations? The Conscience Vote[/i] Even if you think that there is a place for government to support religion, the issue arises of favouritism. http://consciencevote.wordpress.com:80/2010/10/17/should-government-have-funded-mackillop-celebrations/ [i]No Accounting for taste, William Bowe, The Poll Bludger[/i] Matthew Franklin of The Australian reports a Newspoll survey commissioned by conservative think tank the Institute of Public Administration finds Australians’ views on electoral reform are the opposite of my own: 70 per cent back compulsory voting, http://blogs.crikey.com.au/pollbludger/ [i]Water, capitalism and aboriginal land, John, En Passant[/i] Water is a basic requirement for life. Under capitalism it is also a commodity. This means it is, like all things, subordinated to profit. http://enpassant.com.au/?p=8370 [i]Abbott's judgement goes AWOL, Allister Drysdale, Business Spectator[/i] Tony Abbott went back to being Tony Abbott - and not the stage-managed politician we gained access to every day during the election campaign. http://www.businessspectator.com.au/bs.nsf/Article/Abbotts-judgement-is-on-trial-pd20101018-ABRDN?OpenDocument&src=rot [i]The Killing of Tyrannosaurus Rudd, Barrie Cassidy, The Drum[/i] One thing because increasingly certain. Rudd had to go.In this edited extract from Barrie Cassidy's new book The Party Thieves, http://www.abc.net.au/thedrum/ [i]Gillard is not for turning on IR , Phillip Coorey, National Times[/i] Tony Abbott has a new line that maintains his theme that Labor is a puppet of the Greens. ''Labor is in government but the Greens are in power,'' the Opposition Leader said http://www.nationaltimes.com.au/opinion/politics/gillard-is-not-for-turning-on-ir-20101017-16p1d.html

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18/10/2010LYN'S DAILY LINKS updated: http://www.thepoliticalsword.com/page/Lyns-Daily-Links.aspx

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18/10/2010Folks We’re off now from Coffs Harbour to Terrigal. It’s a beautiful day. This morning the spam attack has continued unremittingly – I have deleted at least forty so far. I imagine it will continue. I’ll delete them en route as often as I get a chance. I’ll be back this evening.


18/10/2010jj, http://www.theaustralian.com.au/business/opinion/lets-focus-on-the-big-picture-of-the-national-broadband-network/story-e6frg9tf-1225939886830


18/10/2010Hi Jason You're a bonza boy, thankyou so much for the NBN link to Mark Day's piece in the Australian. If The Australian has changed it's negative attitude, it then helps in allowing for sensible debate. Jason You prompted me to go looking, and I found one more favourable piece in the SMH: I have put your link up, for Ad to come along and post it on the special page. [i]Let's focus on the big picture of the National Broadband Network , Mark Day, The Australian[/i] It's interesting to remember that Rupert Murdoch, the boss of News Corporation, ultimate owner of The Australian, made waves in 2006 when he criticised internet speeds in Australia [b]It's time we stopped squabbling over the bits and bytes and got on with the big picture.[/b] http://www.theaustralian.com.au/business/opinion/lets-focus-on-the-big-picture-of-the-national-broadband-network/story-e6frg9tf-1225939886830 [i]Up to 90% see the need for NBN speed , Lucy Battersby, SMH[/i] NBN Co is overwhelmed by the number of households in mainland test sites signing up for an optical fibre connection to the national broadband network. In some regional towns nearly 90 per cent of houses will be connected. http://www.smh.com.au/technology/technology-news/up-to-90-see-the-need-for-nbn-speed-20101018-16pcd.html


18/10/2010To all on this blog that think Rudd was the greatest leader of their party, http://www.abc.net.au/news/stories/2010/10/18/3040656.htm?site=thedrum Rudd was nothing more than a self-righteous, arrogant, abusive, know-it-all, egomaniac. I find it quite amazing that the people in the party you follow were dumb enough to follow this man and actually defend this man for as long as they did. You say they are smart!?!?! I say they are extremely dumb for ever letting him treat them the way he did; talk about workchoices, how about Rudd's workplace for the worst IR laws in the country.


18/10/2010jj, Rudd is a lot like the party you follow in the past!

D Mick Weir

18/10/2010Hi jj, interesting comment, makes me wonder if we read the same article. However, I wonder, if history would be very different if members of the Liberal party had shown the the courage to do what they knew had to be done about John Winston Howard. They didn't and we have the history we got!!


18/10/2010Rudd was nothing more than a self-righteous, arrogant, abusive, know-it-all, egomaniac. ================================= JJ, Can't wait for Cassidy's book on Abbott Like many others I think you need to question the integrity of Cassidy himself to bring out this book,& so quickly, and while Rudd himself has been un-well ( possibly stress related) in which he may have only just recovered. And also Cassidy has the ABC to advertise his book, free no doubt. What other politician would now be game enough to look Cassidy in the eyes?

D Mick Weir

18/10/2010Hi debbiep [i]... Cassidy has the ABC to advertise his book, ...[/i] What is different to someone at the ABC interviewing the author of anybook or reviewing on the book club programme. Also Cassidys' book was excerpted in a few papers at the weekend. I agree that it is incestious that the ABC to post and/or comment on a book by one of their own but it happens elsewhere and is all part of the game. I bet the Australian will review and/or excerpt George Megalogenis' forthcoming book on the election. The ABC will most likely interview him and around and around it will go. As for the speed of publication. A lot of people are still interested in the [i]The killing of Tyrannosaurus Rudd[/i] and so I guess the publisher woould have said 'strike while the iron is hot' Not sure if I will buy the book but I'm off to the bookshop now to have a coffee and do an extensive review!!!!


18/10/2010jj, 'a self-righteous, arrogant, abusive, know-it-all, egomaniac.' Who're you talking about again? Tony Abbott was it? ;)


18/10/2010Quoting Jason October 18. 2010 08:16 AM "jj, It would appear that 87% of the informed people at a test site in your electorate don't care for a CBA! www.smh.com.au/.../...roadband-20101017-16p5r.html Jason" Now from me: Jason thanks for that link, it set me to thinking when I read that only 51% or so of Taswegians had opted for NBN connection: but 87% of a sample around Armidale NSW: thinking along lines like, what ?% would have taken it up IF the Rotten Right -(please keep using that term folks, it fits & it will help our cause) - If as I say THEY had been supporting it too . . ? . . . 80% + ? or 90bloody%+++ ????? Aussies are demanders, rightly so when we have no excuse not to want the best in COMMUNICATIONS, that's what it's all about and NO WAY Aussies are going to settle for less than the best now. Murdoch hates it but he can well you know. AND, dig on this, the demographics of those who are and those who are not taking it up . . . jj you wantim smoke signals, me wantim telling bone . . . BUT, yous drongoes who opt OUT of the NBN, right, yez won't be able to watch stuff streamed live, waste umbelievable time as I do now on wireless, (but my wireless IS mobile, and Aussies are gonna want that TOO of course ya dopey reactionary mugs, we WILL have it ALL because the only thing that can save not just our economy but the whole of Humanity's bacon now is COMMUNICATION, it's not a luxury or an indulgence it has to do with INFORMATION and EDUCATION, and it's our one real positive hope ) and BTW your spawn won't be able to learn and do stuff as fast as those of them who DO, and they'll be the objects of derision amongst their smarter-familied agemates, ha ha, and your businesses will be disadvantaged compared to OURS, beaudy bottler mate, and you will segway stage left into outer darkness! THIS IS NOT A FANTASY IT IS AS CERTAIN AS CLIMATE CHANGE and we all need to see you get out of the future for the Planet's sake. Tails between legs, with Abbott leading the way. Which he already is. Just keep following him OK, but get out of the way of the MAJORITY who want a cleverer future. Mmmm . . . Guess what Turnsteer (ha ha) will want at his place hey . . ! . . OOH Yes, but didn't the Mad Monk neuter him when he saddled him with Broadband Demolition, that saddle had a rabbit trap implanted in the centre eh, OUCH! I like that image, hope all the good swordsfolk out there do too. Well why woonya. There's Turnbull held there by his baggy bit, if he tries to jump off Broadband Demolition he . . . Oh I better not carry the image further, might hurt jj's feelings, oh I'm mean. But it strikes me that Turnbull really must be awful dumb. Hell even Bush can get out of the way of two beautifully thrown shoes (in fact it was the one clever thing I ever saw him do) but Turnbull doesn't even seem to see things coming at all. Now, Reprinting your letter Jimbo: "October 17. 2010 01:20 PM Lynn,A.A,Talk Turkey, Do any of you know if we can get share provisions on this site because then you can get all good posts,repudiations and links onto sites like facebook,twitter and my space amongst a dozen others or so,if this is possible then saturation online is to a larger audience and so all like minded blogsites could possibly do the same,think of the coverage and if done now think of speed and coverage with all on the NBN. jimbo" Now me: Cobber I can't help personally, not in the IT way, I'm truly lame re techheadedness, but I sure as shootin agree with the sentiments, I flew the same sort of kite a while back on TPS. The only one who wouldn't want to see it happen would probly be jj, though 1 or 2 others mightn't too, hmmm. (And what about you Miglo, HS has SO-O-O much faith in you!) We all need this to happen, to do justice to ourselves and each other and to the medium itself. WHAT DO ALL YOUS OTHER OTHERS RECKON ANYWAY?


18/10/2010TalkTurkey, "I'm truly lame re techheadedness" don't say that to loud you could be drafted to Abbott's front bench!


18/10/2010JJ You are nothing but a self righteous,arrogant,abusive,know it all,egomaniac not unlike your so called hero wingnutt abbott and of course that interviewer from the gutter mr mouthalot cassidy.Also correct me if im wrong ,just a joker, but didnt i hear you a while ago about how lame and stupid it is to call people names and dont bother with the spin that they are not your words because if you quote them and use them in comment they are tantamount to being yours.


18/10/2010Hi HS Have done as you suggested and went to Miglo who i find is well on his way to doing what i was talking to you about he just has to iron out a few gliches and everything should be on the go.


18/10/2010Hi Talk Turkey I get such a kick out of your comments, thankyou for keeping us all entertained, love the way you talk turkey. It's been a bit quiet on here, I was going to co-oee you all a few hours ago, see then what happened, I didn't need too. Cheers


18/10/2010lyn, To tell you the truth, I have been out of the house for the last few days going to lunches! Amazing what the return of the Spring weather does to people! Tomorrow it's lunch with AA and his lovely wife! :)


18/10/2010jimbo, Great news! That Little Black Duck is ace. :)


18/10/2010 Hi D Mick Weir , Yes I see your point. And I thank you for pointing it out . I may have jumped the gun a little. I admit I worry for Rudd’s health . I'm still not convinced Rudd is deserving of all the negative attention he receives. ( & on this occasion so early in his fall and his health issues). You say it’s for the sales $$, and your right, I agree. Sad thing is though it doesn’t make it right


18/10/2010Hi Hillbilly You are going to just love AA and his wife, enjoy your day tomorrow, I know you will. Cheers

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18/10/2010Folks What a day of spam it’s been – we’ve been deleting it every time we stopped on our way from Coffs Harbour to Terrigal, yet there was more awaiting our arrival. There has never been such a sustained attack, and I have no way of stopping it. I only hope that as the spammers are getting no response they will give up and pester some other site. I’ll close [i]TPS[/i] down for the night again to avoid have a hundred pieces of nonsense to delete in the morning. Thank you for continuing the dialogue while I’m travelling. Although I had hoped to prepare a piece on my way home, that has proved too difficult after the long journeys we are making each day. So I’ll wait until I return to Melbourne at the end of the week to write my next piece, probably at the weekend. HillbillySkeleton is working on another piece. We’ll be lunching with her tomorrow, so I’ll be able to tell you when to expect her next contribution to [i]TPS[/i]. Thank you HS for your attention to this piece of yours at such a busy time of the year. Thank you too Lyn for your links and the way you too keep [i]TPS[/i] going while we’re making our way down the coast, a much slower trip than going through the centre. I’ll post your additional links to your special page tonight.

D Mick Weir

18/10/2010Hi debbiep, understand your worries and sympathies for KR. Agree system isn't right but it is what we have. We can bash our heads against the wall railing about it. Possibly only good thing about that is when you stop bashing your head against the wall is that it feels soooo good when you do stop!!!!! Didn't find Cassidys' book but did pick up two other books about NSW Labour, one by Rod Cavilier and another called Betrayal. Both about Iemma and Rees and thier downfalls. Will go back and look more at them as in the end I bought something completely different: [i]The Happiest Refugee[/i] by Anh Do which so far is a great read.


18/10/2010Here is a lovely Maiden Speech by Andrew Leigh, the new member for Fraser, who took over from Bob McMullan in Fraser, the other ACT seat besides Canberra: http://www.andrewleigh.com/blog/?p=87

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18/10/2010LYN'S DAILY LINKS updated with additional links: http://www.thepoliticalsword.com/page/Lyns-Daily-Links.aspx Thanks Lyn.


18/10/2010Another great line that could be used: I WANT MY COUNTRY FORWARD!


18/10/2010Here's another good one Progressives can use: 'OPPONENT NOT ENEMY' Conservatives are so shouty and negative and oppositional.

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18/10/2010Folks The spam continues so I'm closing comments for the night.

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19/10/2010Folks Open for comments again.


19/10/2010[b]TODAY'S LINKS[/b] [i]OnThe QT: Randomised Spin Trials, Greg Jericho, Grog's Gamut[/i] Leigh’s speech would have warmed the hearts of economists everywhere – especially those playing the economists’ Parliament drinking game, http://grogsgamut.blogspot.com/ [i]Tea Party Terror, The Piping Shrike[/i] independents like Windsor and Oakeshott could quite happily hold National heartland seats without holding these values very much at all http://www.pipingshrike.com/2010/10/tea-party-terror.html [i]Two virility symbols and a saint, lucky country indeed, Mungo MacCallum, Crikey[/i] it was [b]hardly a good look for them to have this hairy-chested Rambo blasting away with their expensive ammunition as if the place was his own private playground. [/b] http://www.crikey.com.au/2010/10/18/mungo-two-virility-symbols-and-a-saint-lucky-country-indeed/ [i]Essential Research: 50 - 50, William Bowe, The Poll Bludger[/i] The latest Essential Research survey confirms the picture of last week’s Newspoll in showing [b]a decline in Tony Abbott’s popularity[/b], http://blogs.crikey.com.au/pollbludger/ [i]Andrew Leigh's maiden speech, Possum Comitatus, Pollytics[/i] When Andrew Leigh made his move to Parliament, one of the big questions that many of us had was whether Australian economics’ great loss might turn into our great political gain? http://blogs.crikey.com.au/pollytics/ [i]Is it so difficult for a journalist to ask "Why", Jeremy Sear, Pure Poison[/i] if you’re going to report this as news, could you make some effort to explain in what way the RSPT “may be unconstitutional”? Otherwise this story is nothing more than vacuous name-calling. http://blogs.crikey.com.au/purepoison/ [i]The Afghanistan debate, Robert Merkel, Larvatus Prodeo[/i] With parliament about to debate Australia’s deployment in Afghanistan, it’s worth linking to Raspal Khosa’s analysis of what Australia is actually doing in Uruzgan Province. http://larvatusprodeo.net/ [i]Kids out of detention - it's a start, The Conscience Vote[/i] the Greens are in power’. That slogan, trotted out ad nauseam over the next twenty-four hours, presumably was intended to be a killing thrust http://consciencevote.wordpress.com:80/2010/10/18/kids-out-of-detention-its-a-start/ [i]neo-liberalism + welfare , Gary Sauer-Thompson , Public Opinion[/i] So the problem under a neo-liberal mode of governance is not capitalism, but the way we govern ourselves; http://www.sauer-thompson.com/ [i]A New Cold War, Jeremy Sear, An Onymous Lefty[/i] Government to Greens – fine, we’ll do some of what you call for regarding treating refugees marginally more humanely – but you’re not getting any of the bloody credit for it: http://anonymouslefty.wordpress.com/ [i]Broadband - average global download speed has increased 49% in just 3 years, 3Wan.Net[/i] The average global download speed has increased 49% in just three years (3,271 Kbps in 2008, 4882 Kbps in 2009 and 5,920 Kbps in 2010). http://sutherla.blogspot.com/ [i]Struggling to make sense of health/aged care reform? Help is here…, Melissa Sweet, Croakey[/i] The commitment in this Budget to such an e-health future is considerably less than some expected. It appears the general consensus is that considerably more funding will need to be invested to ensure viable e-health outcomes.” http://blogs.crikey.com.au/croakey/2010/06/17/struggling-to-make-sense-of-healthaged-care-reform-help-is-here/

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19/10/2010LYN'S DAILY LINKS updated: http://www.thepoliticalsword.com/page/Lyns-Daily-Links.aspx

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19/10/2010Folks Off now to meet HillbillySkeleton. I'll be back during the afternoon.


19/10/2010As you may read in the few extracts of the book Rudd was viewed in the way i described earlier by almost all of his colleagues. The media had been reporting the simmering hatred within the party towards him after the first year in office. last time i checked Abbott did not really have any enemies within the Liberal party. he is viewed as an inclusive, charasmatic and intelligent leader who does not discount or suppress peoples views. Gillard stood by Rudd and was a part of the team that controlled and manipulated what it is each individual member thought and said in the Labor caucus; Abbott has never been known for such things.


19/10/2010PatriciaWA I have taken the cheeky but I hope not-resented-by-you liberty of reposting your AAAAA poem from Mungo's blog, because it deserves the widest publication it can get. Verse takes more time by far than rave, and it's meant for others more than for oneself, and it is there for the betterment of communication in this war we must fight against the Rotten Right. SO I hope you don't mind my presumption. Here it goes: Posted Tuesday, 19 October 2010 at 10:15 am | Permalink Arms And the Man. If Tony Abbot had his way He’d mix with uniforms every day; Policemen in their blue and gray,, Khaki clad soldiers far away, As long as guns are on display. He loves to hold them. ‘Just for play,’ That’s what his PR guys might say. I can’t believe that! No way, Jose! So now I’m doing a survey, Checking him out from day to day. Yes, I”ve set up a dossier! He’s married, so he can’t be gay! Still that’s a long disproved cliché! Manly beach sees him on display, Chest bared to sun, as if to say, “Come and get me, solar ray!” Yet, he’s not one to flirt or stray, Or toss around his DNA! His sense of humor’s not risqué. He doesn’t gamble with his pay, Or drink, except café au lait. Somewhere there must be feet of clay! There is this passion for gun play….. Influence of the USA? Where being armed has such cachet? Was his youth’s hero soldier Che? As ‘martyr of the left’ lost sway, To the right, he’d find Pinochet, Gun toting ‘saviour’ of Chile. Does he dream of his ‘Victory!’ day. There’d be a fireworks display, Cannons roaring. A band to play. Australians shouting, “Tony! Ole!”


19/10/2010Swordsfolk Although I said in the beginning of my last that Patricia WA wrote that poem, it sort of LOOKED at the END that I had put my name to it. No. Anyway:Rudeness Challenge Entry #3 I worry for you,Rambo Tony, With your fave rave shock jock crony: Watch your silver back young Tones! Don't turn it to Poo-Jabba-Jones! Is this seditious? Please?


19/10/2010Hi Talk Turkey No you're not rebellious Talk Turkey, I am sure Patricia will not mind. Thankyou for caring, and sharing, bringing us Patricia's work, she is a delightful person, very talented. Cheers

D Mick Weir

19/10/2010gday jj I, for one, won't debate you on the way KR was seen by a number of people in the ALP and beyond. I could debate you on the 'wiseness' or otherwise of his ousting. On TA I will debate your opinions. [i] .... Abbott did not really have any enemies within the Liberal party. he is viewed as an inclusive, charasmatic and intelligent leader who does not discount or suppress peoples views."[/i] As well illustrated by the Labor party [b]Disunity is Death[/b] I suggest that you aren't hearing about disunity or doubts about TA at the moment because even the opposition members have an understanding that to speak up now would be of no benefit. Give it time and remember history. TA only won the leadership by one vote (his own?). There is much doubt and TA is proving those doubters right with some of his behaviours. Charismatic? to some maybe, others no. Intelligent? No argument here but, as has often been proved intelligence doesn't equal political smarts. KR may be the most recent example!! Inclusive? Who are you trying to kid? In the imortal words of someone who should be famous: [b]Don't talk poo to a plumber[/b]


19/10/2010I didn't think up either of these two great images but they work better together than separately! A headline fine in mind I saw: (As you know, I'm pretty mean)- TONY SENT TO ABBOTTOIR! JULIA USE GILLARDTINE!

Patricia WA

19/10/2010Talk Turkey - Many thanks! I had followed Lyn's Links, as usual, and found Mungo M at Crikey and thought it disappointing that very few had commented on his yesterday's piece on Tony and guns and Jonesy. So I set to. At first I thought it was the 'guns' which inspired me - but few relevant rhymes emerged after 'buns' and 'puns' but I found 'gay' a rhyming gift that kept on giving. It sort of tumbled out and my only regret is that after posting I saw it needed several little editing tweeks in punctuation, e.g. question mark after 'Victory' day..... Thank you again for the compliment. You've made my day! PS we seem to share so many favorite sites here at TPS like Crikey, Grog's G, and Cafe Whispers I sometimes hesitate about duplicating an entry on very topical issues. Cross posting with reference only doesn't somehow work for me psychologically. I'd be interested in feedback on this.


19/10/2010Patricia WA Here's one vote in favour of duplicate posting - better to have to scroll past something already perused elsewhere than to miss a gem. I also happen to agree about cross posting with regard to myself. Thanks for your poems, they're great.


19/10/2010Abbott charismatic and inclusive? Bwhahahaha! Abbott and Gillard are currently seen as the respective "saviours" of their political parties. Abbott for getting so close and Gillard for retaining government. The difference is that Gillard negotiated with a number of people and ensured stability for a government while Abbott didn't (reference his behaviour - and Oakshott's in the 4 Corners episode a couple of weeks ago). The LNP are on their 3rd leader since the 2007 election, there is no signs of the Government falling apart in disagreement despite the best efforts of a number of organisations and there if I was planning to take Abbott out, I'd be waiting until the Government seemed to be on it's last legs or the election was closer - giving me more time to manufacture an image and the public less time to dismantle it before the voted. JJ, my guess is that Australians really don't care about the composition of the Federal Government as it seems to be working - they would like whoever's in power to get on with the job and check back towards the end of 2011 for further instructions. Abbott needs to learn quickly the aggressive/bully act will wear thin - bullying is not permitted in workplaces, it seems people are already asking why Abbott can do it - look at his "preferred" poll results falling. P.S. Lyn, love the links - I'm in awe! How to you find the time to trawl the intertubes so well daily?

Patricia WA

19/10/2010PS to Talk Turkey - doesn't it make you green with envy when you see things like 'ABBOTTOIR' and 'GILLARDTINE' and you want to use them too! You have, of course, with due disclosure that they're not yours. One hopes that the anonymous originators have the satisfaction of seeing them used so aptly and with indirect acknowledgement. But still, I would so wish it had been mine in the first place or that there was a source to reference fairly. Some phrases of course are so much part of our lexicon, book titles etc. that I guess acknowledgement of author is not required. I sometimes forget to put them in quotes when I've used a title/phrase like "Arms and the Man" as above.


19/10/2010Patricia WA, NormanK, Lyn, (?Others?) I think that from your expressions we can assume that cross-posting with proper attribution is acceptable to each other . . . With reasonable discretion I guess, but if you want to onsend even my Rudeness Challenge Entries to THEM, feel free, because anything I can do to make THEM feel insulted and ridiculed, Let It Be! Pat WA, I didn't even notice any typos, and besides we're grown up now, who cares? But won't anyone else take up the Rudeness Challenge? My soul yearns . . . Bloody Spammers . . . They're the e-version of graffitists tagging over artwork murals . . . Guess which side of politics sends it. Surely AA, there must be SOMETHING . . ? . . Oh and Pat WA, I'm less green that I didn't think of such gems, than tickled that somebody did . . . And glad if I can spread the mischief creatively! Julia has just started talking Afghanistan War . . . No excuses now Girl - Just let's get out ASAP. We've done far too much damage already.


19/10/2010Hi 2353 Thankyou so much, I am so pleased you enjoy the links, I have a system working for me. We appreciate your well thought out comments each day. [quote]Abbott charismatic and inclusive? Bwhahahaha![/quote] OMG, charismatic most definately not, ugh, ugh, ugh, inclusive how, by circling the boxing ring, punching the air.. how repulsive.


19/10/2010My lunch with AA and Mrs AA was very special. :)


19/10/2010Hi Hillbilly Was the menu nice what did you talk about, did you enjoy yourself. Don't you think they are simply the best. cheers

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19/10/2010Folks Thank you all for your comments today. We had a most enjoyable discussion with HillbillySkeleton over lunch today. She is developing another piece on an interesting topic that will interest you. We have just spent a delightful evening with Bushfire Bill and his wife. You will be pleased to know that he will likely return to [i]TPS[/i] soon. We look forward to his reading his always-entertaining pieces again. So today has been a special day with two of our most valued contributors to [i]TPS[/i]. I’m closing comments now for the night to block out the spam – we have had more than enough today.

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20/10/2010Folks Comments open again.


20/10/2010[i]TODAY'S LINKS[/i] Isn't it fantastic having Grog back again, welcome back Grog. [i]On the Qt: so what are we trying to do? Greg Jericho, Grog's Gamut[/i] The RBA minutes of the previous meeting came out today. Stunningly there was no mention of stimulus, waste, debt or deficit. God knows what game they think they’re playing up there in Martin Place, but they really are not helping with the narrative. http://grogsgamut.blogspot.com/ [i]Political Reporting, Seamus Lee, The Notion Factory[/i] much of the analysis from Bernard Keane. It is further evident that in the world of blogging there is some brilliant analysis from the likes of Grog’s Gamut and others. http://notionfactory.net:80/2010/10/20/political-reporting/ [i]Insulation Fire Risk – The data is in, Possum Comitatus, Pollytics[/i] “OMG!! YOUR HOUSES ARE ALL GOING TO BURN DOWN” – we thought that it might be worthwhile for someone to take their underpants off their head and have a squiz at what the data actually said. http://blogs.crikey.com.au/pollytics/2010/10/19/insulation-fire-risk-%E2%80%93-the-data-is-in/ [i]Catsaras: Bastardry and bitchiness, Andrew Carsaras[/i]. Abbott most reflects, which does not serve his team well - especially as he is also its captain. http://southern-courier.whereilive.com.au/news/story/catsaras-bastardry-and-bitchiness/ [i]The Great Afghanistan Debate, Reb, Gutter Trash[/i] Mr Speaker, that few, few, few of those opposite would have an understanding of, of, of or, or, or, ah, ah an appreciation of, the, the daily risks, http://guttertrash.wordpress.com:80/2010/10/19/the-great-afghanistan-debate/ [i]Afghanistan, Tim Dunlop, BSides[/i] Supporting the alliance and preventing a civil war are at least arguable reasons for staying. These others are not; they are just strawmen, attempts to make a weak case look stronger than it is. http://tjd.posterous.com/ [i]Turnbull files private members’ bill for NBN transparency, Renai LeMay, Delimiter[/i] will consider whether this is a serious bid for relevance and transparency, or another in a long line of Coalition delaying tactics designed to destroy the network,” Ludlam said in a statement. http://delimiter.com.au/2010/10/19/turnbull-files-private-members-bill-for-nbn-transparency/ [i]Google Engineering Director, Alan Noble, ABC[/i] Nearly a century later, and Port Augusta is again the beneficiary of a nation-building venture. The town will again be linked to Australia and the world through inclusion in the National Broadband Network's fibre optic coverage plans. http://www.abc.net.au:80/technology/articles/2010/10/18/3041543.htm?WT.mc_id=newsmail [i]Is Brisbane’s sewer broadband a crock of …?, Stilgherrian, Crikey[/i] The key difference is that, unlike the NBN, i3 is only building a dark fibre network, merely running cable to the outside of the premises http://www.crikey.com.au/2010/10/19/is-brisbane%e2%80%99s-sewer-broadband-a-crock-of-%e2%80%a6/ [i]Murray Murmurings: A reasonable and rational national discussion please, Rooted, Crikey[/i] While media reports have focused on them being “angry” and “burning copies of the Plan”, the vast majority of the thousands that have turned up have been there to listen and to show their concern by numbers. http://blogs.crikey.com.au/rooted/ [i]Water reform: conservatives rise to the occassion ,Gary Sauer-Thompson , Public Opinion[/i] Savva does not mention of the work being done by Tony Burke, the Minister for Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities. Or the Gillard Government's clear statement that it is determined to push ahead with water reform http://www.sauer-thompson.com/ [i]A load of Rudd from the ACM, Independent Australia[/i] If the ACM still thought Rudd was in power as of this morning, can you really believe them about anything? http://www.independentaustralia.net/2010/republic/a-load-of-rudd-from-the-acm/ [i]Tuesday Column: Learn to love the higher dollar, Peter Martin[/i] Never let anyone tell you the high dollar is a bad thing. Unless you're the kind of person who wouldn't want a pay rise. http://www.petermartin.com.au/ [i]What's your preference?, Luke Walladge, Unleashed[/i] [b]Abbott's hypocrisy in accusing Labor of Green influence is breathtaking[/b]. Whether on climate change, asylum seekers or the Murray-Darling Basin, the only reason the Greens exist in the House of Representatives is Tony Abbott's preference deal. http://www.abc.net.au/unleashed/40244.html

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20/10/2010LYN'S DAILY LINKS updated: http://www.thepoliticalsword.com/page/Lyns-Daily-Links.aspx Lyn, I haven't been able to get the ABC links to work. I think its website may temporarily be down. I'll check again this evening.

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20/10/2010Folks Today we're heading south from Sydney towards Victoria. We'll watch for spam on the way - it seems to be a little less today, but I won't hold my breath.


20/10/2010Guttertrash is good eh. Go Bloggers! We really need us. GrogGreg is precious to the world. With whatever's happened to the ABC, folks like him and You Lyn and You AA and All You Sensible Articulate Thoughtful Caring Decent Humans are everyone's including our own's last hope. As TPS and Larvatus Prodeo and Guttertrash and Greg Jordan* and more are pointing out to me day by day, good information is there, (e.g. the real figures on home insulation fires), but we are not going to get it AT ALL without the Greg Jordans*. *(Might as well use the fact you're outed Mr Jordan, might as well get absolutely famous as notorious, poor what-was-his-name Jimmy someone who dunnit must be dying inside at the deserved love you get from so many of us. Your posts are so well-researched, so thoughtful, Ohhh Mate! Never give up, and never sell out, even though They will obviously make you some huge offers to get at you. 'Ware Greg!) Lyn, whatever your technique, it works for us because it works for you. Your input is integral to my self-informing. How do we progress the power of this subcultural cultural medium to white-ant the Rotten Right? It's the MOST IMPORTANT THING IN THE WORLD! . . Look at how They exploited that one tiny bit of crap about one detail of something about ice melting to destroy the credibility of ALL THE SCIENCE!!! They are EVIL!!! There seems to be no logic, no plan to Them, just horrible contrariness and the urge for one-upsmanship and self-congratulation and self-aggrandisement, they are EVIL !!! BTW I associate that word EVIL with Religion, if we didn't have a tradition of Religion I don't reckon we'd have Evil. You want to find someone profoundly evil start by looking at profoundly devout religiomanes, well that's what I think. Not to say your Catholic Aunt Mardy ever done nothing too bad, it's not like I'm saying that ALL devout people of any brand are particularly evil. (Are they all DRONGOES tho'? Christ, they basically all believe in the Occult . . . I mean . . . transsubstantiation??? Claiming knowledge of afterlives? Knowing what gods think? Getting your version to intercede for you? Gimme a break!) Anyway, at least Atheists can't be hypocrites, even if they ever do nasty things, and I think hypocrisy is Essence of Evil. Thank God Julia is atheistic. That way she has a chance of being rational, and in the washout, honest too. So Lyn and HS and NormanK and all you others, what I'd love to see you-all address is How to Make This Medium Premium. To make it really fizz, so people run to it for their info on everything rather than Murdoch. The medium itself is up to it, but I have the feeling we ain't done hardly NOTHING with it yet, up to and including live footage, REAL Power to the People, How we do dat? BTW jj, thank you too, I'm actually sincere here, WE NEED YOU in order to have a reality check that the Rotten Right really is as idiotic and nonsensical as we have always found it to be . . . It's so hard to believe that there are lots like you out there, we need reminding in case the other people on blogs like this lull us into a false sense that nearly everyone is sensible. But truly jj, we are now sort of corporately proud and fond of you, NEVER GIVE UP! Thank you AA and Lyn especially though, you are at the epicentre of what needs to happen. Oh. "If there is hope, it lies with the proles." Winston Smith, Nineteen Eighty-Four, by George Orwell "There is no hope." O'Brien, of the Thought Police of Oceania, op cit. "If there is any hope at all, it lies with US." (the undersigned)


20/10/2010Regarding spam - possible to add some basic authentication mechanism as a gateway to adding comments (ie, look at Fairfax sites, etc - you need to type in a series of distoted characters in order to ma e a comment).


20/10/2010Hi Ad Sorry about those two ABC links. I will put them back up again as both worth reading: Here I go, wish me luck: Google Engineering Director, Alan Noble Nearly a century later, and Port Augusta is again the beneficiary of a nation-building venture. The town will again be linked to Australia and the world through inclusion in the National Broadband Network's fibre optic coverage plans. http://www.abc.net.au:80/technology/articles/2010/10/18/3041543.htm?WT.mc_id=newsmail What's your preference? Luke Walladge, Unleashed Abbott's hypocrisy in accusing Labor of Green influence is breathtaking. Whether on climate change, asylum seekers or the Murray-Darling Basin, the only reason the Greens exist in the House of Representatives is Tony Abbott's preference deal. http://www.abc.net.au/unleashed/40244.html


20/10/2010Hi Ad Nope doing the same. On the Google Engineering link, on the page it takes you to, click on Technology and Games at the top of the page, and you will see Alan Noble. On the Luke Walladge story, the page the link takes you too has a link to his story. Best I can do. Hope you and your lovely wife are still enjoying your trip Ad, wow! you have had a fantastic, wonderful trip. Did you tell Bushfire Bill how much we all miss his wonderful columns. Enjoy your day read you soon. Cheers


20/10/2010Hi Talk Turkey Thankyou so very much for your brilliant comment this morning, will you take a bow. Thankyou for your compliments, love them. I agree with everything you have said, AA, Hillbilly and Norman K will too. Cheers


20/10/2010Have a read, http://www.abc.net.au/news/stories/2010/10/20/3043597.htm?site=thedrum Why doesnt the Labor Party just say what it thinks? So what if they lose some votes, it is early in their term and in the long run they will not look like idiots in arguing for a position they have long opposed. The Labor Party has no conviction left, if it did than it would move on this issue.


20/10/2010I wonder if Abbott & Co saw any of the documentary on SBS last night covering the events leading up to and including the My Lai Massacre in Vietnam in March 1968. I only watched the first half but through interviews with soldiers and surviving villagers, it showed quite clearly how things can spiral out of control if any level of the military (senior officers, junior officers and NCOs) throw away the rule book because they believe the enemy is not fighting by the rules. There have been a great many references in the media about the lack of accountability constraining the insurgents in Afghanistan and the argument seems to imply that this lack of accountability of the enemy constitutes extenuating circumstances for the three soldiers facing charges. Incidentally, these charges are : [quote]"One commando has been charged with manslaughter and the other two face lesser charges, including failure to follow a lawful order and dangerous conduct."[/quote] http://www.heraldsun.com.au/news/national/taxpayers-to-pay-1m-for-trial-of-three-soldiers-allegedly-involved-in-deaths-of-six-civilians/story-e6frf7l6-1225940933809 Not quite the same as what Alan Jones (see link below) and others choose to portray: [quote]'three Australian servicemen are being prosecuted for manslaughter in connection with a raid in Afghanistan."[/quote] In the SBS documentary, it was the use of booby-traps, snipers and mines and the fact that the enemy could hide among the civilian population that wore down the morale of the US troops some of whom were involved in the massacre (along with a great many other documented atrocities). http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/My_Lai_Massacre Participants freely acknowledged reaching a point where they no longer looked upon the local Vietnamese population as being human and some took revenge on unarmed civilians after a bad day on the front line. The Coalition forces are facing a similarly ill-defined enemy who uses indiscriminate IEDs and suicide bombers, looks and dresses like a civilian and uses innocents as human shields or "cannon fodder" to horrify the foreign media. I am not seeking to draw a straight line between the incident in Afghanistan and the events at My Lai except to say that the former might be seen as a skin lesion which if left untreated could escalate into the gangrene of the latter. Before you reach for your keyboard, let me say quite plainly that I believe the three soldiers are innocent until proven guilty and that on compassionate grounds I hope they can successfully defend themselves against all charges. But the Opposition and like-minded individuals are nowhere near as clear-cut in their position. If they wish to believe that the soldiers are indeed innocent of wrong-doing then why mention the "fog of war"? Why not leave it to the system to establish their culpability? Do they not trust the system? Abbott has a bob each way when discussing this with Laurie Oakes : [quote]"TA: It's my job Laurie, to speak out on behalf of people who may or may not be getting a fair go, it's really the [b]government's job to defend the system[/b]. .............................................................................. TA: I'm not criticising the system I hasten to add..."[/quote] http://www.australia.to/2010/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=4608:laurie-oakes-talking-to-opposition-leader-tony-abbott&catid=134:news-wire&Itemid=247 Then what need is there for the government to defend the system if no-one is attacking it? In the same interview, Abbott can't make up his mind whether the soldiers are guilty or not. From the same interview : [quote]"TA: I mean, the last thing we should do is be too hasty to judge people who are under fire and operating in the fog of battle. [i](Presumption of guilt with extenuating circumstances?)[/i] TA: That's not to say that there are no rules. Of course, there are rules but we have a military justice system to ensure that the rules are observed. LO: But you don't want a government interferring in the military justice system do you, be honest?

 TA: Well it's up to the government Laurie ........"[/quote] Followed by obfuscation to avoid a direct answer. Nothing to do with me, Abbott implies, I'm just asking the questions. In Abbott's spirit-uplifting interview with Alan Jones he said : [quote]"We must be very, very slow to judge people who are acting under fire in the fog of battle ...."[/quote] Eighteen months and two inquiries is all a bit hasty is it? So, what is Abbott's position on all of this? He doesn't have one. He is exploiting the strong emotions surrounding the charging of these soldiers, understandable emotions when they are coming from ex-servicemen and women, family, friends and currently serving personnel. The bottom line is that he just wants to able to say things like : [quote]"TONY ABBOTT: .....to ask the very strong question, has this Government given these soldiers the defence they deserve because they can’t be thrown to the wolves which is what I think a lot of people [b]fear[/b], that these people have been doing the right thing by Australians, these soldiers have been doing the [b]right thing by Australia[/b], are being [b]thrown to the wolves by a Government[/b]"[/quote] http://www.liberal.org.au/Latest-News/2010/10/12/Tony-Abbott-interview-with-Alan-Jones.aspx And to use "stabbed in the back" as many times as humanly possible. As an aside, this interview with Jones is one of the most reprehensible things I've ever read and if it is indicative of his normal programming, then I'm glad I don't have to endure it. Here's a taste of his idea of common sense : [quote]"TONY ABBOTT: We should assume that they were doing their best for our country and we should give them the best possible legal defence… ALAN JONES: But why do they need defence? Why should they be charged? I mean, why does this woman have this unchallengeable power to charge them? Should the Parliament say, in the light of the evidence the Parliament has, these people should not be charged?"[/quote] In other words, the parliament should be in charge of military prosecutions. Brilliant. Jones, during his rant with Abbott, appears to believe that there is a possibility that these soldiers contravened Rules of Engagement but should have no cause to answer because, after all, they're doing it for Australia and the ragheads are not playing fairly and deserve all that they get in return. Significantly, Abbott did not contradict Jones on the many occasions presented to him. So in the interest of short-term domestic political gain, Abbott has abandoned yet another fundamental principle of civilised humanity and set us on the slippery, admittedly long, path which can lead to a 21st Century version of My Lai. Good one Tones.

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20/10/2010Folks We're now in Yass on our last overnight stay before returning to Melbourne. Thank you for your comments and NormanK for your remarks about Tony Abbott's reprehensible behaviour over the soldiers that have been charged. He seems capable to slipping lower and lower into the political gutter. Yet with allies like the equally reprehensible Alan Jones he seems as if he can get away with saying anything he likes. The media in this country seems capable to sinking to unplumbed depths of absurdity and disingenuousness.

D Mick Weir

20/10/2010jj's comment @ October 20. 2010 04:51 PM Fair call jj. With this we could play a little word substitution game: [i]Why doesnt the [b]Labor/Liberal/National[/b] Party (choose one) just say what it thinks about .....?[/i] (pick any slightly controversial issue and fill in the blank) Why doesn't any reasonable and fair minded politician say what they really think? Possibly because if politicians told us what they really thought and what they really believed it would be a fair bet that the masses would be revolting!! To encourage debate is to prolong the process of resolution and well the voters double standard gets in the road. We want pollies to make decisions and we also want debate at length about it. It is one of the reasons for double speak and euphemisms. To examine these issues closely shows up a lot idiocies and double standards on all sides of politics. It is not all that long ago that that a Prime Minister and an Opposition Leader along with the Immigration Minister and others from all sides went around the country saying things like "It is our duty to take these boat people in .... We must take these refugees from a war torn country .." and other similar things. The 'boat people' were Vietnam, Cambodia and other nearby countries. The Prime Minister? [b]Malcolm Fraser the Liberal Party Leader[/b]. What has changed so much that it is presumed that decent and fair minded people that most Australians are would shun those that need our protection? I am ashamed of the current leaders of both the main parties for the way they handling of the whole refugee and immigration situation and would be happy to assist in the removal of all politicians that lack basic human decency toward people whom we should all be extending a helping hand. It is absolutely hypocritical that we can support a war that creates refugees and then tell those refugees to "F off, we don't want you here". People have been arriving on Australian shores by boat since forever. The first Australians are said to have gotten by travelling over the sea. Our first white settlers (including a lot of societies outcasts) came by boat. The majority of people in this great country of ours are descended from outcasts and refugees of one sort or another.


20/10/2010[quote]As everyone, from Bernard Keane of Crikey, down, seems to be saying at the moment, why, when they have so many positive achievements to sell, with which they could be hitting home runs into the electorate, are the ALP striking out, unable to sell their product successfully to the electorate? [/quote] I was wonderin' the same just the other day Hillbilly. They certainly seem to get themselves into corners alot of the time...now dealin' w/ the Murray Darling Basin issue, mining tax, carbon price, workplace legislation, Afghanistan commitment, refugee housing...it's alot of stuff at once. Either they are extremely visionary & ambitious...or just masochists...gluttons for punishment. :) Still, I prefer them over the moaning say NOers on the other side anyday. I would like to hear more of the accomplishments tho. I like good news. Like the Tasmanian forestry agreement. N'

D Mick Weir

20/10/2010NormanK @ October 20. 2010 05:16 PM thanks for your thought provoking and informative comment. I can only echo Ads' thoughts that TA [i]" ... seems capable to slipping lower and lower into the political gutter."[/i] Short term political gain is IMHO one of the cancers of modern politics. Playing for political gain has probably always been part of the game but it seems to now be refined to an artform practiced by all sides. It is less 'part of an overall strategy' and semingly the only strategy. We can only hope that some brave souls stand up and speak for common decency and a vision for a better future. I guess I will have to start writing to some of our representatives and letting them know how foolish they are being.


20/10/2010NormanK I watched the My Lai documentary through to the end, and an even more worrying scenario emerged when the soldiers eventually had to stand trial. The captain deemed to be responsible for many of the deaths was found guilty as charged; but here's the disturbing bit. Due to protests and petitions from the public claiming that the captain had been made a scapegoat, then president Richard Nixon directly intervened to secure his release. The captain had served a total of four months in the Fort Levinworth Stockade. All charges against the other soldiers were either dismissed or dropped. I'll allow people to draw their own conclusions about what happens when the government intrudes upon the military justice system


20/10/2010Hi Norman K You are amazing, thank you so very much for your fantastic, not comment, informative, genuine, enjoyable piece of reading. We are just so lucky on "The Political Sword" to have so many wonderful people here, we are the winners. Would you take a bow now please. Cheers

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20/10/2010Folks I'm closing comments for the night.

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21/10/2010Folks Comments open again.


21/10/2010[b]TODAY'S LINKS[/b] [i]Labor versus News Ltd: the war gets hotter, Trevor Cook[/i] [b]The Australian continue to print stories that have no basis in fact[/b]. There is no basis in fact that there's a $6,000 cost to wire your house to get the National Broadband Network. But it keeps being repeated. It keeps being repeated on talkback radio, it keeps being repeated in commentary in other newspapers that pick it up. http://trevorcook.typepad.com/weblog/2010/10/labor-versus-news-ltd-the-war-gets-hotter.html [i]Oh dear: Conroy claims “nude DSL” is taking off, Renai LeMay, Delimiter[/i]Conroy was more blunt. “You made a claim … to be fair, you based it on The Australian, again,” he told one senator. [b]“You’ve got to stop believing what you read in The Australian.”[/b]http://delimiter.com.au/2010/10/20/oh-dear-conroy-claims-nude-dsl-is-taking-off/#more-9082 [i]NBN Plan Provides Certainty For Telstra Shareholders, Leon Delaney[/i] Specifically, the legislation will enforce the structural separation of Telstra, along with measures relating to access to telecommunications services, and consumer protection rules. http://leondelaney.blogspot.com/ [i]The Murray Darling Basin Plan, Alex White[/i] the Basin has been a political football for decades, most recently in 2007 when Howard tried to use the Basin to buttress his non-existent environmental credentials through the “National Plan for Water Security”. http://alexwhite.org/2010/10/the-murray-darling-basin-plan/?utm_source=AlexWhite.org&utm_campaign=219d91e50b-RSS_EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_%2A%7CRSSFEED%3ADATE%7C%2A&utm_medium=email [i]The Coalition is failing the Murray-Darling, Rob Burgess, Business Spectator[/i]Question Time has seen a constant barrage of questions hurled at Tony Burke, who patiently gets up time and again to say "the guide is not government policy" – only to be jeered off the stage by the opposition. http://www.businessspectator.com.au/bs.nsf/Article/NBN-Murray-Darling-Turnbull-Conroy-Labor-Coalition-pd20101021-AERR6?opendocument&src=rss [i]Talks with the Taliban getting serious, Paul Barratt, Australian Observer[/i] 19 October edition of The New York Times, sets an interesting context for the declarations by our Prime Minister and Opposition Leader that Australia is definitely in Afghanistan for the long haul: http://aussieobserver.blogspot.com/ [i]ALP a War Party Gary Sauer-Thompson, Public Opinion[/i] Australian troops are in Afghanistan because American troops are there. Depressing. As Bruce Haigh says in Repeating others' mistakes in Afghanistan: http://www.sauer-thompson.com/archives/opinion/2010/10/alp-a-war-party.php#more [i]Packer gets back into the mogul business, Glenn Dyer & Bernard Keane, Crikey[/i] Kerry Packer, Rupert Murdoch and Kerry Stokes understood, or understand, [b]the power and responsibility that goes with owning a major media outlet.[/b]http://www.crikey.com.au/2010/10/20/packer-gets-back-into-the-mogul-business-via-tv/ [i]Jet Lag is Catching, Ashghebranious, Ash's to Ashes Blog[/i] You see, not only is jet lag a terribly destructive, it seems it is also catching! This little gem from Julie Bishop was asked in question time fresh from her trip overseas. http://ashghebranious.wordpress.com/ [i]Gear up Australia. Our Government needs more debt, Peter Martin[/i] there exists a strong case for MORE government debt in Australia to help fund productivity enhancing infrastructure. http://www.petermartin.com.au/ [i]The Audit Office, "Pink Batts', Venality & Perfidy, Tony harris, Club Troppo[/i]Garrett was bludgeoned into silence by the opposition’s [b]sensational manslaughter charges[/b]. http://clubtroppo.com.au/2010/10/20/anao-and-pink-batts/ [i]Money and Politics:The Democracy We Can't Afford, Joo-Cheong Tham,Inside Story[/i]political donations that, while falling short of outright corruption, amount to “peddling power.” Under the sub-heading “Some are more equal than others,” he provides a powerful denunciation of this sale of access to a favoured few http://inside.org.au/money-politics-and-parties/ [i]2010 Federal Election: A Look back at the Online Battle Ground. Alex Schlotzer, The Angle. Org.[/i] On the whole the Liberals were the least engaging and ignored any efforts to engage. It’s hardly surprising when the Opposition Leader, Tony Abbott, stopped updating his Twitter account not long after the election was announced. http://theangle.org/2010/10/20/2010-federal-election-a-look-back-at-the-online-battle-ground/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=2010-federal-election-a-look-back-at-the-online-battle-ground [i]Graphs for dummies, Jeremy Sear, Pure Poison[/i] the number of people detained by the Rudd government multiplied by what looks like roughly ten times. http://blogs.crikey.com.au/purepoison/

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21/10/2010LYN'S DAILY LINKS updated: http://www.thepoliticalsword.com/page/Lyns-Daily-Links.aspx

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21/10/2010Folks We're in Yass on our last stay before returning to Melbourne. Thank you for your comments, and NormanK for your remarks about Tony Abbott's reprehensible behaviour over the soldiers that have been charged. He seems capable to slipping lower and lower into the political gutter. Yet with allies like the equally reprehensible Alan Jones he seems as if he can get away with saying anything he likes. The media in this country seems capable to sinking to unplumbed depths of absurdity and disingenuousness. It has been an amazing trip – up the centre through rain-refreshed green countryside adorned with wildflowers; then a sojourn in Port Douglas and Cairns to allow the warmth to envelop us and thaw our frozen Victorian bones; an interesting conference in Cairns that highlighted what medical advances could be accomplished with the NBN; and a slow but picturesque trip down the coast to Sydney then inland to Melbourne. The highlight has been our meeting with three longstanding contributors to [i]TPS[/i] and having the opportunity to thank them for all the value they add to the site. First there was Lyn in Hervey Bay who showed me her comprehensive list of sites through which she trawls each morning looking for the links you so enjoy reading. You all benefit from her efforts and I know you are grateful for all she contributes to [i]TPS[/i]. We had a most enjoyable dinner with Lyn and her husband while discussing [i]TPS[/i] with them. Then there was a delightful lunch a couple of days later north of Sydney with HillbillySkeleton who has contributed so many enjoyable and perceptive pieces that have provoked thoughtful discussion among [i]TPS[/i] bloggers, She feels we may be able to keep [i]TPS[/i] going , but at a quieter pace, over the end-of-year period. She will have another piece ready soon. The same evening, in the outskirts of Sydney, we enjoyed meeting Bushfire Bill and his wife and having dinner together. BB has taken some time off to concentrate on a project on which he is working, but is likely soon to return to blogging on [i]TPS[/i]. I told him he was missed Lyn, and how welcome his return will be. His pieces are always incisive and thoughtful; we look forward to more of the same. It was exciting to meet these strong contributors to [i]TPS[/i] for the first time, enjoy their company and extend to them the thanks of all who use this site. We are still debating whether to recess [i]TPS[/i] over the Christmas/New Year period as we did last year from mid December to early February, or keep it going at a more leisurely pace as HS suggests. It may depend on whether the politicians take a break. What do you think? I’ll be back after reaching Melbourne late today and will prepare a new piece at the weekend. There has been a little less spam in the last 24 hours, so I hope the spammers have eased up for a while; I’ll still delete them en route though. terop, I’ve investigated how to introduce anti-spamming devices, but none are compatible with this off-the-shelf blog engine. If the spam continues I might have to consider another blog engine. Until Melbourne, I’ll sign off.


21/10/2010Good Morning Add and your lovely wife Thankyou so much for writing us such a beautiful letter. You certainly have had a marvellous, wonderful trip, the success I suspect due to your careful, meticulous planning, no doubt overseen by Mrs Lovely. You are so lucky to have met up with Hillbilly and Bushfire Bill, I would just adore seeing them, so I know you would have too. You will be pleased to reach home and get back into your comfortable routine, no doubt especially your own bed, the beds are the worst in most Motels from my experience, there is no place like home. There is a fuss this morning by Stephen Conroy, about The Australian distorting facts, about time. Joe Hockey is back on TV accompanied by his cranky attitude, making wild statements about interest rates, trying to scare people. Malcolm Turnbull still harping on the CBA, he is extremely subdued in mannerism, not confident at all. The Coalition are scaring people about the "Murray Darling" water allocations. Question time is wasting time. With regard to "The Political Sword" closing down over the Christmas period. I still think it's a good idea to close down Ad, you deserve a break, after delighting us all year with your wonderful pieces. Anyway Ad, I will support, and agree with whatever you decide is in the best interest of you and "The Political Sword". Cheers for now, have another wonderful day, will read you soon.

D Mick Weir

21/10/2010New Matilda is now back with three articles posted today. There is one on Climate Science, another on Censorship in China and for us tragics this one: Who's Afraid Of The Indies In The House? By Zoe Krupka http://newmatilda.com/2010/10/21/whos-afraid-indies This little excerpt should draw some interesting comments and draw out some wingnuts and others that well you'll get my drift. [i]Of the absurdities that besmirch the political process ... my personal favourite is the idea of the conscience vote. What the hell do they do with their consciences the rest of the time? ... Is Penny Wong actually against gay marriage? And if she is not, what does it say about our process that she is expected to toe the party line?[/i] We can play my little substitution game again and I'll start with this one: [b]Does Malcolm Turnbull really believe that fibre is the worst option for the transmission of data?[b/]

D Mick Weir

21/10/2010oops I'll get the hang of these tag thingies one day!!! [b]Does Malcolm Turnbull really believe that fibre is the worst option for the transmission of data?[/b] Over to you folks and I just can't wait for yours jj!!


21/10/2010Lyn, "Good Morning Add and your lovely wife" Add? Not Ad? Didja adda d? Oh wotthehell Archie, wotthehell. (from Archie and Mehitabel, Don Marquis) I do agree with your quick wrap of Conroy, Hockey and Turnbull. Good on Conroy giving the Australian a serve. I think the Government might finally have decided to bite the Media bullet. This morning Jenny Macklin said to (? David Bevan's snide mate on ABC 729, name repressed!)very firmly, that (whatever it was), she wasn't going to reveal the details on his program. Matthew someone. Oh yes Abraham. The Left must learn to nip the bastards in the bud, they're lowlife and they take a terrible toll on the attitudes of the people and the actions of our governments and the society we get. The Government is not there as a plaything for the media whose attitude when not downright malevolent is rarely above snide. They seem to have no sense of responsibility for the hurt they do. One of my hurts is how much I despise the Rotten Right, They who have so ravaged the land and ecology for profit, crushed the traditional owners, sent conscripts to Vietnam for a war every bit as crazy and lickspittle as the ones we're in now thanks to Them, set dogs on people, created the Children Overboard fraud, caused the drownings on SIEV X (didn't They?) They LIE! I bin tellim you, dem's EVIL! I don't care how often I remind you-all, these are really horrible people in ANYONE's lingo. Poor dopey Sloppy Joe? No! Bloody Enemy of the People Joe, comrade in arms of Rambo Tony. Let me not mince words. So I despise them in a Moebius loop because they have made me despise them so. I'd rather not have done despising, but with Them what else? Yeah Lyn, Hockey looked out of his depth, licking the snot off his top lip, I hate that, I saw Andrew Denton like that once, and Why don't they wipe their noses eh? Hockey won't ever lead, he's too much of a blob. But Turnbull looked about two foot tall eh. Sort of disappointed, plaintive even. Now him I do feel sorry for, about a Blue Blowaway seed's weight anyway. Abbott has so-o-o wedged him, saddled on Broadband Destruction! He was once interested in ALP politics wasn't he? He really is the only one with even any integrity or brain in the whole Coalition, you wonder how Petrou Georgio stood being with them so long. D'you think They set Turnbull up with that goblin wretch Godwin Gretch? (Like, Someone with integrity to lead us? - NO-O-O-O-O!!!! ) Oh there I go again, Conspiracy? No . . . Stuffup? . . . Surely . . . I think . . . AA, close down if you must over the Silly Season (hang on, we've just had a silly season eh!)but I'm agin it. Even if things go off the boil, we may need all the Swordsfolk on deck at any moment to do what we might about a sudden election, and I know how things fade from mind once 'temporarily' put on a back burner. Still it's up to you, and I'm glad you had a great trip yeah. Actually I think perhaps bloggers HAVE nudged the Media just a bit, I think some of them show just tiny embryonic signs of shame, even repentance . . . Oh no silly me . . .


21/10/2010Hi Talk Turkey Oh! I hate my brain sometimes, but then it does keep me company most of the time. Don't ask me why I added an extra d to Ad, (sounds the same) and then to top matters off, didn't even see it there, carrying on like I'm normal, honestly stupid me, maybe I started to stutter. Talk Turkey, thankyou for your delightful comment, you make me grin.


21/10/2010Graeme Thanks for that. It wasn't from lack of interest that I stopped watching but due to prior commitments so I will have to wait for the programme to cycle around again. I'm of an age such that I don't properly recall the events as they unfolded so this documentary was a bit of an eye-opener. My recollection was that a few soldiers lost the plot and shot up a village. The added information that Nixon intervened in the process poses the larger question of whether Tony Abbott is seriously advocating government action. I must say that to date I had thought his interest was purely short-term political gain but now we will have to wait to see if he intends to take this further. The American public's outcry and Nixon's intervention must go some way towards explaining the US's attitude to the International Criminal Court. D Mick Weir What a fair-minded soul you are. With the blinkers that I wear every day, I haven't seen Labor stoop to the depths Abbott is currently plumbing - with the possible exception of asylum seekers where Labor's policies resemble nothing so much as scrambled eggs. [b]"Does Tony Abbott believe that the 'fog of war' is an admissible defence for the unlawful killing of civilians?"[/b]


21/10/2010Off topic, so my apologies. Is their any chance of upgrading the BlogEngine.NET software used for TPS to the latest version (1.6)? It includes anti-spam features which should make life easier for bloggers and readers alike. :-)


21/10/2010Lyn You, HS and Bushfire Bill are certainly lucky to have a visit from Ad. Your efforts deserve such a great reward. I can assure you in the unlikely event I'm ever up your way I would love to visit with you too. Hey and there's nothing wrong with your brain, it's the fingers that are the problem sometimes. :-) Talk Turkey You are very unique the way you express your thoughts, I really enjoy reading them. I understand the need for Ad Astra, Lyn and other contributors wanting a break over the Christmas, New Year break, they work hard all year to provide the great information to us here at The Political Sword. Like you I would like to see it keep going over that time, but someone has to be available all the time, what with the spam and stuff. Ad Astra Your trip is worth a post on its own, you sound like you had a great time, busy as it was. When you get home it's worth reading Grog's usual question time wrap, he really does put it into perspective. I know you rely on your son for help with setting up the blog, maybe he could look at some of the other blog formats like the one they use at Cafe Whispers. I find it easy to read, but I don't know about the spam problem.


21/10/2010Norman K, Does Julia Gillard? And to D Weir, yes he does believe that optical fibre is the quickest way to send information; but he does not, as with many other industry experts, believe that it is the most cost effective way of delivering speeds around the ball park being talked about. My question to you is: if the proposal is such a good one what is the problem with doing a cost-benefit-analysis? And if it is so popular and fantastic why should state parliaments have to pass legislation to make it so that residence in the roll-out areas have to opt-out of the network rather than opt-in? Conroy is getting a bit carried away with the falsehoods (Coalition debating the break up of telstra, which has nothing to do with the roll-out's progress) rather than addressing the concerns of the community. If Conroy is so sure of the projects viability and that it is the best possible way of providing the service than why should it be hidden from parliamentary committee scrutiny? Why wont he just say, righteo i will do a cost-benefit-analysis to shut you all up? Why doesnt he release the modeling that upholds the various assumptions made in the costing of the project? If it is so good why are they hiding information from the public?!?!?

D Mick Weir

21/10/2010oh dear jj, I think, once again, you have missed the point of my comment. I need to find one of those smiley thingies with my tongue firmly planted in my (left) cheek!!!!!!!!! Point about my comment, as I have written on other occasions, both sides have double standards, both bluff and bluster. Sometimes we need to cast a cynical eye over all of them. And also poke fun at them. I guess I got early lessons in that from my dear old dad who was a political animal down to his bootstraps but would often say things like [b]"Don't vote, it only encourages the barstewards."[/b] NormanK - like that one. A kick straight to the goolies methinks.


21/10/2010Sure i totally agree that both sides of politics have double standards and are much of the time quite embarrassing to listen to when trying to squirm their way out of questions. Do you agree however about my point on the NBN?

D Mick Weir

21/10/2010jj, we have covered the CBA ad nausiem (spelling?). A CBA would be worth a belly button full of cold water on a hot day at this point. Opt in/out; personally I am more in favour of opt outs for all manner of things. Organ donation is a good example where the community as a whole would benefit greatly by making organ donation easier for everyone except for those, for whatever reason, are against reuse of their organs by having opt out instead of opt in. I haven't found the history behind why legislation was created (possibly many years ago) for installation of a service connection needing property owners permission. There may have been good reasons then, maybe not now. I don't know and I am beastly careless about it. It is a storm in a teacup thing to me. Just another example of using something to create FUD (fear, uncertainty and doubt). Remember this 'Doubt is one of the easiest commodities to sell and whenever you hear a politician selling doubt (usually by using fear) BEWARE you are most likely in the presence of a Snake Oil Salesman" And yes, there are Snake Oil Vendors on all sides of the game.


21/10/2010Lyn When 2 "Ad" a 'd' U add, Doesn't mean U must be mad: Seems 2 me that U could be Just a case of A.D.D! D-urrhhhh. Sorry. I'll try something else. "Captain Sturt had a stutter, so he named the towns all wrong; He called Wagga Wagga Wagga, he called Grong Grong Grong; And these are not the only names that Captain Sturt mistook; He called Gumly Gumly Gumly, he called Book Book Book." This was a little song I heard long ago. Dunno who writ it.

D Mick Weir

21/10/2010A late rejoinder and thought for you JJ There a few economists in parliament. One in particular I know of has a PhD in the subject; Andrew Leigh, member for Fraser in the ACT. Perhaps you could have asked: [b]Does Andrew Leigh really believe a Cost Benefit Analysis of the NBN would be useless?[b/] Don't know the answer to that and although we could ask. For a few reasons we may not get a full and truthful answer. Then again we might.

D Mick Weir

21/10/2010grrrrrrrrrrr! [b]stuffedupagain[/b]


21/10/2010Hi D Mick Weir Your comments are of great enjoyment too, thankyou for keeping us interested and entertained, with your conversation, questions and answers to JJ. When you use the bold on the biuquote, do you highlight the line first, just a thought as what is happening to your quotes, has happened to me plenty of times in the past.


21/10/2010Hi Talk Turkey Thanks for your clever little song for me: [quote]When 2 "Ad" a 'd' U add, Doesn't mean U must be mad: Seems 2 me that U could be Just a case of A.D.D! [/quote] cheer


21/10/2010Hi Gravel You are a sweetie, thankyou for your undivided loyal support. we are so lucky to have "The Political Sword" With regards to the spam, Ad said he may have to look at another blog engine, I guess there is a lot more involved than we understand. I would be so excited if you came to visit, we could chat for hours,& have scones, jam and cream, heaps to talk about. Yes the fingers are wearing out I suppose, I have had both wrists operated on to fix carpal tunnel, my fingers still go to sleep without me. Cheers


21/10/2010D Mick Weir Ad nauseam. Say after me - "Square bracket, slash, letter, square bracket. Square bracket, slash, letter, square bracket." [quote]A kick straight to the goolies methinks.[/quote] Is this the outcome of my question or my prize? If the latter, can I bequeath it to a friend? jj I'm not sure that I understand your question with regard to Julia Gillard. I have no idea what she thinks about the three soldiers and that is as it should be. Having set up a body to deal with military infringements, politicians must now shut up and leave it to get on with its job. Trial by parliament is no more attractive than trial by the media which curiously seems to have bucked its normal trend and decided, without knowing the facts, that the defendants are innocent. In principle, this situation is no different from a civilian court case where uninformed comment from outside the system is frowned upon. On the NBN, give us a break. We've pretty plainly put the case about a CBA which will be so full of assumptions that critics will have a field day trying to pull it apart. Go back through previous threads, my rough calculation has Access Economics predicting in the order of $5 billion per year for 20 to 30 years just in health and telework benefits. Not to mention the NBN will pay for itself - so what if it takes 20 years? NBN Co is due to release a business case in the near future, perhaps this will satisfy your needs.

D Mick Weir

21/10/2010[b]"Square bracket, slash, letter, square bracket. Square bracket, slash, letter, square bracket."[/b] Thanks NormanK I think I've got it now. Really it is a case of less haste more speed (accuracy?) in my case. Oh that and a bit of dyslexia. As for the kick I was thinking it was a kick toward TLoHMLO however, if you want it as a prize it is yours to bequeath to whomever you wish and well, I suspect my guess at the recipients name would be pretty close. Lyn thanks for your kind comments [b]You are a real 'tweety[/b] TT got a good giggle with that Captain Sturt verse I haven't seen it before it's a good'n. When you get into 'song' you also come up with some good'ns thanks for that.

Ad astra reply

21/10/2010Folks Back in Melbourne after an eight thousand kilometre round trip. It will be good to settle for a while to catch up with the many comments that have been added to the site. Thank you Lyn for your always-supportive comments; you are right, it will be good to sleep in one’s own bed after a month sleeping in a variety of motel beds. I hope to get back into routine tomorrow and over the weekend before returning to the south coast next week. We have a son’s 40th birthday to celebrate tomorrow. Although we deleted spam around lunchtime, over fifty arrived this afternoon mainly from the same source, and I’ve just spent half an hour deleting them. Jaeger, I will investigate the new version of BlogEngine.NET to see what anti-spam facility it has to offer. If the spam attack continues into the evening, I may have to close comments earlier than usual. Thank you all for keeping the pot boiling while we were in transit.


21/10/2010Always the impatient one Calligula would like to know why a new page has not been compiled yet? I’d like to see an argument about why our parliament is in stasis with no progress towards those reforms once mentioned some days ago. I know that a few days in politics is an eternity but if they cannot get their act together then maybe they should all resign.


21/10/2010‘In Abbott's spirit-uplifting interview with Alan Jones he said : "We must be very, very slow to judge people who are acting under fire in the fog of battle ...." Eighteen months and two inquiries is all a bit hasty is it?’ Hey weren’t They complaining just 10 days or so ago that this had taken so-o-o-o-o long to be processed, poor suffering soldiers, hell I’m thinking What about Guantanamoaners, the length of time some of those poor devils have been incarcerated, mostly for NOTHING, and TORTURED into the bargain. They are EVIL, the Rotten Right, and Abbott and Reith and Howard and Pyne and Jabba Jones are of them and by them and with them all the way. And here these two horrible men are having it BOTH ends – too long time and too quick same time. jj?


21/10/2010Calligula, Ad Astra has been driving back to Melbourne from Cairns over the past week, stopping off in various places to see TPSers along the way. Never fear, I have been working on a new topic, when I am not attending to my children's dental needs, friend's birthdays, and house painting. :) I shall post in the next day or two. Sadly it will not be on the topic you suggest. Maybe you could write a post on it yourself for us? All contributions gratefully accepted. :)


21/10/2010NormanK, I imagine that you have noticed the ever-slippery Malcolm Turnbull has turned on a dime, since the rumour went around that NBNCo was preparing to present its Business Case to the Board tomorrow, and is now vociferously demanding a Productivity Commission Report into the NBN as well. The Opposition are so obviously just trying to spin the whole process of implementation of the NBN out in a simulacrum of the Republican Party tactics in the US. Delay, Deny, Defer, Demand, Decry, Dither...and then complain that nothing ever gets done by the government! Groan.


21/10/2010Calligula I was just coincidentally looking at a pic of an ancient bust of Caligula. He was a full-on Ranga, all same longa Boadicea, QE1, Julia and me. A gentle, noble, forgiving breed. Just ask us. Heh heh. AA: What about if genuine Swordsfolk were to send their posts within a narrow window of time? - (especially one which is not in the mainstream time of American spamming, this stuff does come predominantly from the Home of the Brave I assume?) - but useful to Lyn our Lookout Canary to post her Links . . . after which for say an hour the rest of us could check in our posts. We'd have to wait for a whole long day to post our witty and insightful missives, but it'd be better than all that spam, and better than closing down. That way wouldn't the spam be cut by more than 23/24ths of the volume, since as I say we could pick a low-spam-rate time of morning when Spammin' Uncle Sam is sleeping? I think that sites like this are going to be really vital in fights to come. WHAT DO YOU/S THINK?

D Mick Weir

21/10/2010A couple of days back I mentioned I was off to the bookshop to find Barry Cassidys' book which I didn't find, however, I did find some other interesting books. One by Rodney Cavilier [b]Power Crisis: The Self-Destruction of a State Labor Party[/b] which I have only dipped into the first few pages of and I will be going back for it, as having read the other book which is based around the same period, the privatisation of NSW electricity and the downfall of Morris Iemma and Nathan Rees, I want another take on the whole thing. The other book by Simon Benson is [b]Betrayal.[/b] Benson is chief national political reporter for Sydney's The Daily Telegraph, (and I won't hold that against him). He written what could be described, if it was fiction, as a can't put down political thriller. To digress for a moment, I think Benson has learnt something from a superb journalist/story teller, Paul McGeough, who wrote a brilliant book: [b][i]Kill Khalid: Mossad's failed hit ... and the rise of Hamas[/i][/b] (http://www.allenandunwin.com/default.aspx?page=94&book=9781741756005 ). Anybody slightly interested in Middle East politics should read this book. I've read the first edition of Betrayal and, as the publicity for the second edition says, [i]"...The book that helped trigger a change of Prime Minister... and helps explain why Labor failed to win a majority in the recent election... and what Labor needs to do about it"[/i] ( http://www.panterapress.com.au/shop/product/7/betrayal ) it certainly gives one an insight into why Kevin Rudd was deposed. I shook my head in disbelief many times as I read some of the stuff . Even if you are uninterested in NSW politcs (as I mostly am) it is still a must read for anyone who wants to understand more about the [i]'malaise that besets the Labor Party'.[/i]

Ad astra reply

21/10/2010Folks Closing comments for the night to block out spam.


21/10/2010Hi D mick Weir Thankyou for your tip. last week I purchased Betrayal, the underbelly of Australian labor by Simon Benson. I haven't started to read it yet, as just finished Hellfire by Cameron Forbes, recommended reading for anyone interested WW2 history. Now that you have recommended Betrayal, described as shocking, often crude, even hilarious war story about politics, I must hurry up and start reading.


21/10/2010Well there I go opening up another can of worms – Firstly, HS – I trust you didn’t misinterpret my comment, my last, about resignation to apply to you guys? The thrust was intended toward none other than parliament and their apparent decision to fall under Mr. TA’s thrall. I’m reasonably convinced that while Abbott rabbits on so outrageously either they’re paying him to do it or he’s silly enough to carry on that way for free – so long as, either way, no progress is made towards the promised reforms. I really do begin to suspect it is some form of collusion. With regard to your kind suggestion that I write something myself – as I’ve written the last few days to some of the new independents and some connected to your pages – I’m seeking advice about that – what I can say – how I can corroborate what I need to say – and what impact might follow if I spoke some home truth on such an august forum as this. Have I had any answer from those newly in politics? Nope. Do I expect any meaningful response? Nope. Should I expect anything better from my peers within the populace? Well, here’s a go. Let’s have a try in the land of the ‘fair go’. Having said that by all means let me know how I might put together a post and let me submit it for vetting and editing prior to publication. Please be aware though if I do that it will not be a particularly uplifting document since, in my quest to discover whatever I’ve done in my naivety to burr up those in government, I’ve found thousands of others in similar straits right there beside me. Like them I’d like some answers to solid questions. These are SOME of my questions - Why did my first-born son die in the care of the Bundaberg Hospital/Qld health system? Why did he become unwell when on Army exercise at Shoalwater Bay” Why have the Defence Department and Qld health lied about the facts of his illness and the complete lack of recognition of the circumstances involved leading towards his death? Why since his death has his family been, for all intents and purposes been subject to a media blackout of dissemination of this and something close to house arrest? As you might imagine this is nothing that a bureaucrat would even want to read. Been there, done that, what a joke. So tell me how I might make this public knowledge and aided and abetted by the ‘new reforms’ how in the name of all that is Holy might I have our parliamentarians acknowledge and right a monstrous wrong?

Ad astra reply

22/10/2010Folks Comments open again.


22/10/2010[b]TODAY'S LINKS[/b] [i]On the QT: Nothing like a little bit of slag and bag, Greg Jericho, Grog's Gamut[/i]He stood in the Parliament House courtyard and gave one of the most baffling press conferences this side of Tony Smith trying to talk about broadband http://grogsgamut.blogspot.com/ [i]It’s a matter of levers! (Nudge Nudge, know what I mean), Ashghebranious, Ash's Machiavellian Bloggery[/i] The problem is Joe seems to misunderstand that banks basically do what they want. Its called -deregulation- and its an important part of our financial system. http://ashghebranious.wordpress.com/2010/10/21/its-a-matter-of-levers-nudge-nudge-know-what-i-mean/ [i]Liberal MP derides Hockey's fatuous bank plan as "a typical lunatic fringe idea" Jeremy Sear, An Onymous Lefty[/i] Hey, ABC, you were happy to lead with it this morning when it seemed like a good story for Hockey – do you have the guts to sink in the boot now that the Liberals would rather it went away? http://anonymouslefty.wordpress.com/ [i]Is there a story here? Andrew Elder, Politically Homeless[/i] find a blog with consistently more substance and better writing, never believe the self-serving bullshit from the journosphere about the "24 hour news cycle" http://andrewelder.blogspot.com/ [i]Coalition tiptoes around Telstra break-up bill, Renai LeMay, Delimiter[/i] Shadow Communications Minister Malcolm Turnbull yesterday said the Coalition would oppose parts of Labor’s controversial legislation to restructure the telecommunicatons sector and break up Telstra http://delimiter.com.au/2010/10/21/coalition-tiptoes-around-telstra-break-up-bill/ [i]Is it time for the Liberals to dispose of Abbott?, Malcolm Farnsworth, Unleashed[/i] Abbott is a political warrior. He is happiest and most effective when he is fighting against something. Like other student politicians of his generation, his political character was formed in an environment of hostility and aggression. http://www.abc.net.au:80/unleashed/40306.html?WT.mc_id=newsmail [i]Victorian federal redistribution: take two, William Bowe, The Poll Bludger[/i] the original proposal was very bad news for Labor (while it created a new Labor seat in Burke and abolished a Liberal seat in Murray, it also made Liberal seats out of Labor-held Corangamite, Deakin and McEwen), http://blogs.crikey.com.au/pollbludger/ [i]Who's Afraid Of The Indies In The House? Zoe Krupka, New Matilda[/i] God forbid that the democratic process should lead to anything but the tyranny of the majority. http://newmatilda.com/2010/10/21/whos-afraid-indies [i]Jolly Joe Hockey, Shrek, Japanese Robot Penguins, Dorothy Parker, Loon Pond[/i] Poor jolly Joe Hockey probably wishes he's a penguin with a pipe, after proposing regulation of banks in relation to interest rates, http://loonpond.blogspot.com/2010/10/jolley-joe-hockey-shrek-japanese-robot.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+LoonPond+%28loon+pond%29 [i]By the way he uses his walk, Mungo MacCallum, Echo[/i] Judging from the shambling swagger he affects these days (part Western gunslinger, part silverback gorilla) Tony Abbott is brimming with confidence. http://www.echonews.com.au/story/2010/10/21/you-can-tell-by-the-way-he-uses-his-walk/

Ad astra reply

22/10/2010Folks As you can see we have had a sustained spam attack this morning - over 100 so far. Now that Lyn's links have been posted I'm closing comments for the time being in the hope the attack will subside. I have to take the car for servicing now, but on my return I'll post links to Lyn's special page and delete any residual spam, which are arriving now at the rate of about one a minute. Apologies for having to close comments.

Ad astra reply

22/10/2010LYN’S DAILY LINKS updated: http://www.thepoliticalsword.com/page/Lyns-Daily-Links.aspx Folks Apologies for the spam attack this morning – around two hundred have arrived so far, some at the rate of one a minute, necessitating the temporary closure of comments. I have now deleted them all and with some trepidation will open comments now to see if the attack continues. If it does, I will have no alternative than to close the site for the time being. I’m wondering if the attack has anything to do with the fact that the current piece has been up for a full week. So let’s see when the next piece is posted.


22/10/2010Ad astra I've just been taking another stroll through back-issues of TPS and it is apparent that up until recently a concerted effort was made to stay on-topic throughout a thread. Is it of concern to you (and other long-standing readers) that we have drifted away from this discipline? I ask this because it may, in part, influence the decision of whether to keep TPS open over the Christmas break. If, as well as discussing the headline topic, free-ranging conversations are acceptable to you then it would take some of the pressure off you to provide fresh talking points on such a regular basis. This would diminish some of the main thrust of the site (i.e. your insightful interpretation of current events) but it would only be for a relatively short period and a brief note from you in the New Year would pull us all back into line. Hopefully if the spam problem is solved by then it would mean that only minimum maintenance would be required by you and you get to have a well-earned break. I'm sure this is only one of many factors to be considered and you must do what is right for yourself and your site.

Ad astra reply

22/10/2010NormanK What a relief to see a legitimate comment appearing after all the spam this morning. You’re right, there has been a change in recent months from adhering to the theme when making comments to moving to a discussion of contemporary topics that may not be related to the theme. I’m comfortable with this trend as it gives the opportunity to comment on items in the political news day by day, and thereby keeps the site fresh and interesting. Many other sites, for example, [i]The Poll Bludger[/i] show a similar trend. So if visitors are happy to use [i]TPS[/i] as a continuing forum for discussion of contemporary issues, that may be a solution to what to do about [i]TPS[/i] over the end-of-year period. I would certainly prefer a break from the regular writing of pieces over that period so I can give the family more time over the Christmas/New Year break and come refreshed to the new political year. Of course the spam problem will need to be resolved or else we’ll have thousands of idiotic messages from the usual suspects, usually from just a few, over and over and over again. This morning they were coming in faster than I could delete them. I would appreciate the opinion of others on this subject.


22/10/2010Hi Norman K We will see what Ad says, but I think everybody loves getting off topic, I think it's wonderful to hear everybody's point of view on any topic. Cheers like.

D Mick Weir

22/10/2010Hi Ad, welcome 'home' as it were even though you were with us everyday. Having had to wander the highways and byways of this great country for work I empathise with the sense of relief it is to get back home and having a cuppa from your own mug and all the rest of the bits and pieces that make home what it is. re NormanK's comment @ 12:02pm. When I first got here I was hesitant to comment 'off topic' as it seemed (to me) to be a bit rude to do it unless the commet was something that was geniunely of interest abd topical. After a while I let my fingers run away and generally responded to other comments as I saw fit. I rather like the idea that some other blogs have of a 'sand pit' for general day to day comments and argy-bargy with specific subject post comments being kept on topic. As for spam!! I don't know anything much about the blog engine you use but a quick snoop around the BlogEngine site suggests there quite a few options for you use. The one off sign on seems to work well at other places and it often causes people to think again before running off at the keyboard and commenting for the sake of commenting. I know for me if there is a sign in process I think twice before I comment (I promise I try and think before I comment here but just sometimes I can't help myself and respond to certain types of comments a bit hurriedly - no prizes for guessing when I do this!!!!) Ad, thank you for a wonderful site and your high standing is proved by the wonderful company you keep!

Ad astra reply

22/10/2010D Mick Weir Yes it is good to be back in one’s own pad, but the trip was very enjoyable especially meeting with Lyn, HS and BB. I see you too like the ‘sandpit’ idea. It certainly has kept [i]TPS[/i] going when comment on the current piece falters, as it inevitably does. Regarding access, [i]TPS[/i] has the advantage of it being easy, but of course the downside is the spam. The devices used to stop spam require the user to make more effort to get in, but if the spam persists that may be the only option. Jaeger said there is a new version of BlogEngine.NET that has spam control, so I’ll get my IT son-in-law to investigate.


22/10/2010Swordsfolk, Once upon a time there was a device called CB Radio. I know, I was the Cagey Bee (KGB/smart barsteward see, we was all so cool), and many a happy hour I spent talking until late at night with faceless but far-from-voiceless people. It was fun, really, and one randomly but reliably got to talk to people in many walks of life, about an endless range of subjects. Mostly it was pretty ordinary, but the conversations could get intriguing at times, and you felt that it was easier to bare one's brain when one's face and body were not on show. (I think that is has a parallel in the affection some Moslem women feel for the burqa, but that's a longish bow.) Trouble was with the *'s who gloried in the title of Bucketmouths. Under Malcolm Fraser's Government we were forced to pay CB Licence fees, but never was there a single thing done to provide any protection against these slimy spoilers, who had the power and predilection to make the medium impossible. I was on one occasion able to use my rig to call ambulances (we needed FIVE!) to a terrible head-on smash outback on Eyre Peninsula - 9 people involved, 5 of them kids, 2 adults killed outright, ALL other people dreadfully injured, - My mate and I were eyewitnesses and first on the scene, and while he pulled bodies out of the wrecks (he had to, there was petrol dribbling all over the crash scene) I put out an emergency call - It was picked up by Bev in Mullewa near Geraldton WA - She put out a call picked up by a bloke in Stawell Victoria - he rang the Port Augusta Police who took over the operation - I think the early arrival of the first ambulance, with its oxygen and adrenalin shots saved two lives then, and what I'm getting at is, FIE on THEM and their new incarnations the Spammers. This medium is too important to let slip, and BTW jj, I don't count you as one of these, I think you are better than that.


22/10/2010Hi D Mick Weir [quote]After a while I let my fingers run away and generally responded to other comments as I saw fit.[/quote] We are very lucky on "The Political Sword" you changed your mind, because we can all enjoy your very, very worthwhile comments on any topic you wish. Look at the excellent worthwhile reading our dear readers are providing for us, all bonus reading to the column topic, I think all our readers and commenters are just the ants pants wonderful. We even get to help each other, sharing computer knowledge, sharing what we read, sharing our grievances, venting our anger, voicing our opinions, sharing jokes, whinging if we want too. I just love "The Political Sword, and everyone on here.


22/10/2010Thnx for the links Lyn. Keep up the fine work. N'


22/10/2010Hi Nasking I am so pleased you enjoy the links, our blog friends are our army in combat, against the lies the public are being dished up by the Newspapers. I was going to talk to you the other night but "The Political Sword" had to close down because of the dreadful, awful, spam attack we have had in the last few days, poor Ad trying to cope. Nasking I enjoyed your piece at Cafe Whispers about John Howard promoting his book, would you buy it , I definately wouldn't: [i]The Ugly Australian, Nasking, Cafe Whispers[/i] PM John Howard has managed to come down from the attic to make an appearance just as we see the re-emergence of “the ugly Australian http://cafewhispers.wordpress.com/2010/10/22/the-ugly-australian/ Read Bernard Keane, who is up to the minute on the lies being fed to the public: [i]Conroy comes knocking, Benard Keane, Crikey[/i] Another day, another [b]volley of outlandish propaganda from The Australian[/b]. Be more specific, you say! Which particular war — on Labor, on the ABC, on bloggers, on the Greens? No, [b]it’s the war on the NBN[/b], with another series of articles slamming the roll out today. http://www.crikey.com.au/2010/10/22/conroy-comes-knocking-wiring-up-the-myths-in-the-nbn-war/


22/10/2010Hi Ad This is a fantastic piece by Dorothy Parker, at Loon Pond, talking about the Australian attacking Stephen Conroy & the NBN. Dorothy says it's payback for what Conroy said on Lateline: [i]Stephen Conroy, The Australian, the NBN and let the war get bigger and bigger, Dorothy Parker, Loon Pond.[/i] Why allowing wiring for four bedrooms, and a couple of studies, and the lounge room and perhaps the living area - and certainly the kitchen, [b]after all it's vital that the stove and the fridge be connected to broadband [/b]- before you know it, you're up to $3,000 a home in the blink of an eye. http://loonpond.blogspot.com/2010/10/stephen-conroy-australian-thenbn-and.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+LoonPond+%28loon+pond%29

Ad astra reply

22/10/2010Folks Pursuing a belief that spam may lessen if a new piece is posted, I have hurriedly put one together [i]Does Labor fight too 'clean'?[/i] It follows comfortably after HillbillySkeleton’s last piece, arguing as it does that fighting Tony Abbott’s malignant rhetoric with mild responses is not appropriate, that fighting ‘clean’ is not working. I hope you enjoy it.

Ad astra reply

22/10/2010Folks The link to [i]Does Labor fight too 'clean'?[/i] is http://www.thepoliticalsword.com/post/2010/10/22/Does-Labor-fight-too-clean.aspx


22/10/2010Ad astra I would dearly love to be able to help with the spam. In my arrogance I have been to the BlogEngine site three or four times thinking - "it can't be all that hard" but unfortunately it presupposes so much knowledge that it might as well be written in Russian for all the sense I can make of the possible filters that can be applied on BlogEngine1.4. Jaeger has the best suggestion to date, update to BlogEngine1.6 and you should have access to spam filters to solve TPS's problem. This seems to be your least disruptive option. It appears there is also a patch for "pingback" spam which your exorcist may need to apply. Chicken blood is always a good catalyst. Lyn I agree with you that free-range chats are always fresh and exciting. My concern arose partially from the obvious change in nature of TPS from, say, February this year to now. Long-term followers of Ad astra must have noted the change and I hope it hasn't caused any dismay. The new rose is Just Joey, a favourite in full and glorious bloom at present. HS No news yet on a business case from NBN Co. Surely Turnbull can wait until he sees that before putting up yet another delaying tactic. This is interesting : "How a cost-benefit analysis could help the NBN case" http://www.itnews.com.au/News/236042,how-a-cost-benefit-analysis-could-help-the-nbn-case.aspx

Ad astra reply

22/10/2010Talk Turkey Your story about CB radio was most interesting. While CB radio was useful, I can see no use for the spammers, who are a malicious force. It’s hard to predict when they will come, how many and how often. They take ages to delete. They must annoy visitors here as they contaminate the site, especially if site users have asked for an RSS feed on comments. I would suggest that until we solve the spam problem, don’t request an RSS feed for comments, only the original piece. Lyn Thank you for your always-helpful comments and your ever-useful links. You are right – many visitors here enjoy the conversation with each other and relish the company of kindred souls. That is a good reason for continuing the site quite apart from the original pieces. I’m off now to pick up the car, so I’ll close off comments on this piece and hope the spammers don’t discover the new piece too soon. NormanK I'll follow Jaeger's advice and investigate the latest version BlogEngine.NET.
I have two politicians and add 17 clowns and 14 chimpanzees; how many clowns are there?