An accolade for Julia Gillard: a fine prime minister

Wondering what word I should use in the title to best capture my opinion of our first female prime minister, now sadly at the end of her period in federal politics, I have chosen ‘fine’. Of high quality, clear, pure, refined, delicate, subtle, exquisitely fashioned, elevated, capable of delicate perception or discrimination, excellent, of striking merit, good, dignified, are among the many synonyms of ‘fine’. Each on its own portrays how admirers of Julia Gillard see her.

There are other superlatives that apply to this extraordinary woman: courageous, resilient, persistent, tough, a fighter, focused, intelligent and hard working, an accomplished negotiator, a high achiever, one who gets things done. But there are other softer terms: gracious, dignified, poised, good-humoured, friendly, easy-going, relaxed, composed, fond of children, the aged, and the disabled. Another apt adjective is articulate.

How can I justify these laudable descriptors?

Let’s start with the last – ‘articulate’.

There are some who would dispute this, claiming that she could not get her message across, was unable to ‘cut through’, could not convey ‘what she stood for’, her ‘narrative’. This has always been a mystery to me.

How many times did she say that she stands for fairness and opportunity for all, opportunity for all to have a great education, a good job, a rewarding occupation built on a sound education? How many times did she say that she wanted a fairer workplace? How often did she talk about the need for pay equity, paid parental leave and better superannuation?

How many times did she speak about a National School Curriculum, the MySchool website, NAPLAN, and the Gonski reforms for fairer school funding?

How many times did she say she wanted a strong economy to support jobs and growth? Did you hear her say that she wanted to share the profits of mining across the community? How many times did she say that she wanted super fast broadband by way of the NBN to make Australia internationally competitive? How often did she emphasize the need to lift productivity? How often did she say that she wanted to improve road, rail and ports infrastructure? How many times did she say that she wanted an ETS to limit global warming? How often did she urge the development of alternative energy sources?

How many times did she say she wanted a solution for the Murray-Darling water system? How often did she say that she wanted a regional solution to the asylum-seeker problem?

How many times did she say she wanted a better health care system, one that catered for the increasing number of aged, mentally impaired, and the disabled? How many times did you hear her advocate an NDIS? Did you hear her talking about the dangers of alcopops and the need for plain packing on cigarettes?

Did you hear her advocating a Royal Commission into institutional child abuse?

You all heard her say these things over and again.

Where was the Canberra Press Gallery? Asleep, focussed on the trivial, blind to the central issues. Or were journalists simply so spellbound with groupthink that they ‘heard’ only what they wanted to hear, heard only what confirmed them and their editors in their collective view that she had no narrative, and stood for nothing. There were just a few who were not infected with the same groupthink, but the majority drowned their voices out. Sheer ineptitude or malevolent intent are the only plausible explanations for the Fourth Estate’s incompetence.

To me Julia Gillard was articulate; I heard clearly what she said, I understood what she stood for, and I was satisfied and pleased.

Was she able to achieve everything embodied in her narrative? No, there is still unfinished business, but she did achieve an enormous amount in just three years.

Her Government was the highest performing government in Australian political history with around six hundred pieces of legislation passed, many of them visionary reforms.

This is not the place for an exhaustive list, but here’s a glimpse of her achievements and that of her government:
Removal of WorkChoices, and legislating the Fair Work Act, PPL, and better superannuation and child care.
Pay equity for lower paid workers, mostly women.
Placing a price on carbon pollution, leading to an ETS in two years.
Implementing renewable energy initiatives to contribute to carbon reduction targets.
Introducing a minerals resource rent tax to share mining super profits across the community.
Sustaining a growing economy, the best in the developed world, during the most severe financial crisis for over seventy years, and the creation of a million jobs.
Adjusting pensions, carbon compensation, tax cuts and the school kids bonus.
Instituting infrastructure development: NBN, ports, roads, rail.
Introducing a package of health reforms: in hospitals, community health, aged, mental and cancer care, plain packaging of cigarettes, and healthcare administration.
Completing the first Murray-Darling water plan in a century.
Development of the ‘Australia in the Asian Century' White Paper.
Enhancement of relationships with the US, China and Indonesia.
Bringing about ground-breaking school education reforms culminating in the Gonski reforms for fairer school funding, and increased university places.
The introduction of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (DisabilityCare Australia), a crowning achievement.

She has set in place monumental reforms to vital parts of our national edifice, the likes of which we have never seen before. She has bequeathed these to our nation. This will be her legacy, a mantle she can wear with pride.

All of these accomplishments have taken place in a minority parliament where every move had to be negotiated with several parties, where many were fiercely resisted by the Coalition and in several instances by the Greens, where negotiating skills were paramount, and where obstruction and delaying tactics were daily barriers to progress. Julia Gillard achieved all this because of her persistence, her toughness, her patience, her courage and her determination to get done those pivotal reforms and this essential legislation, all focussed on making Australia an even more prosperous nation, one that was “stronger, smarter and fairer” to use her own words.

It is not just what she achieved that is so praiseworthy, it is the circumstances in which she did so, the environment she had to endure.

Has there ever been a prime minister who has had to cope, day after day, with the toxic, poisonous environment that enveloped her? There is no need to elaborate at length. You know it all.

Day after day the Opposition Leader and his Coalition colleagues heaped upon her personal abuse, contempt, vitriol, and nastiness. She was attacked with demeaning words that revealed disdain, disrespect and derision, often with sexist innuendo, until one day she could take no more. The feisty Julia burst out and flayed Tony Abbott with that memorable rebuttal; one captured on YouTube to the delight of two million viewers and women the world over.

Unremittingly, she was debased in the media, by the vile Pickering, the contemptible shock jocks Alan Jones and Ray Hadley, and in her last interview, the despicable Howard Sattler. The mainstream media put out material every day that condemned her actions, ridiculed her ideas, criticized her every move, and found fault with her demeanour, her voice, her dress and her body shape, but seldom ever gave her any credit. The malicious Andrew Bolt and Piers Akerman led the charge. The Murdoch media, joined latterly by Fairfax media, and sadly by elements of the ABC, clearly wanted her out of office and Tony Abbott’s Coalition in. Almost every news item portrayed that, sometimes subtly, but often stridently. The Press Gallery condemned what they characterized as her inability to get her message out, even her good messages, while steadfastly refusing to give them any oxygen.

Then there was the persistent sabotage of some in her own party from the moment she took office. Kevin Rudd and his supporters ran a relentless campaign of erosion of her authority, engaged the media disgracefully to pursue their agenda, and used poor polling to push its case for a change of leader. It is possible for strong people to endure for a long while despite life’s ‘slings and arrows of outrageous fortune’, but internal hatred and disloyalty eventually takes its corrosive toll, as it did on 26 June when her colleagues, some of them previously loyal compatriots, turned on her and ousted her.

To me this was an unforgivable act of infamy and treachery that will forever stain the history of Labor.

The Victorian Women's Trust agrees. Last Friday, it placed full-page advertisements in four Australian newspapers praising Julia Gillard's achievements and condemning both Labor and the Liberal parties for their actions over the past three years; Kevin Rudd for orchestrating a treacherous ‘seek-and-destroy’ mission against Julia Gillard, and Tony Abbott for his opportunistic appeals to people's prejudices.

Should you need more evidence about the poisonous environment in which PM Gillard had to work, do read The Stalking of Julia Gillard: How the media and Team Rudd contrived to bring down the Prime Minister by Kerry-Anne Walsh (Allen & Unwin, 2013), a lucid account of all the forces pitted against her.

That Julia Gillard survived for three long years in the face of this tripartite hostility: from the Opposition, the Fourth Estate and her own colleagues, signals her strength of character, her resilience and her toughness. The way she departed showed for all to see, her poise, her grace and her gentleness.

There are many other attributes of Julia Gillard that I could explore, but I will end with her delightful personality. It would not have been surprising if she had become ‘bitter and twisted’ in the face of all the personal abuse and denigration that was heaped upon her every working day. But she retained her equanimity. Will we ever forget that marathon press conference where the Press Gallery finally exhausted itself asking her question after question about her days at Slater and Gordon twenty years ago until they had no more? Despite her despair of the Canberra Press Gallery, evidenced by her admonition: “Don’t write crap; it can’t be that hard”, she patiently took every question and ended smiling at them, as she had begun.

It was when she interacted with children, the disabled, the aged, and indigenous folk that gave us the most penetrating look into her soul, her inner being.

She was always smiling, often laughing with her infectious chuckle, always ready to embrace those around her, always concerned about the welfare of others, exhibited by her concern for the safety of Tony Abbott at the time of the Canberra restaurant ‘siege’ by aboriginal activists on Australia Day.

Despite all the visceral nastiness, the sexist taunts, the media vitriol, the Abbott attack dog snarling at her day after day, the disingenuousness and condemnation coming at her from every direction, the treachery in her own ranks, the ugly images painted by the cartoonists and the vile words of the shock jocks, she was able to smile, able to bounce back showing no desire for retribution, finally able to relinquish the most important political position in the nation with dignity, poise, and composure, and then sit on the back bench with a wistful smile on her face and with tears in her eyes as Rob Oakeshott told her in his valedictory speech that he had tweeted her on the night she was replaced: ‘Your father would have been proud of you’.

And so are we.

Thank you Julia.

If you wish to ‘Disseminate this post’, it will be sent to the following parliamentarians: Tony Abbott, Eric Abetz, Anthony Albanese, Julie Bishop, Chris Bowen, George Brandis, Tony Burke, Doug Cameron, Kim Carr, Bob Carr, Greg Combet, Stephen Conroy, Simon Crean, Mark Dreyfus, Craig Emerson, Joel Fitzgibbon, Peter Garrett, Julia Gillard, Joe Hockey, Joseph Ludwig, Jenny Macklin, Richard Marles, Christine Milne, Sophie Mirabella, Robert Oakeshott, Christopher Pyne, Kevin Rudd, Stephen Smith, Wayne Swan, Malcolm Turnbull, Andrew Wilkie, Tony Windsor, Penny Wong and Nick Xenophon.

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Ad astra

7/07/2013Folks This piece gives you an opportunity to add your words of commendation of Julia Gillard, so richly deserved. It is not a forum for brickbats; we have had more than enough from just a few who comment here. We should acknowledge too that in losing this outstanding politician and leader, this extraordinary person, we have also lost several of her consistently loyal lieutenants: Wayne Swan, Craig Emerson, Peter Garrett, Stephen Smith, Joe Ludwig, and several down the line. We acknowledge their massive contribution to the success of the Gillard Government, and thank them for sticking with her until the end, and beyond. Enjoy the piece and add your complimentary remarks about this fine prime minister who did so much to make our country a better and fairer nation.

Dallas de Brabander

7/07/2013Every word you have written rings true to my witnessing of Julia Gillard's performance and demeanour. She is a fine woman and has been a fine prime minister (and formerly minister). Consistently showing up those around her for the monsters they are. She knew when to respond and when not to respond to their foul jibes. I personally felt the attacks and was extremely disappointed in the outcome. I am very proud of our first female prime minister. She did an amazing job under horrific circumstances. Thank you, Ms Gillard!

Ad astra

7/07/2013Dallas de Brabander Welcome to [i]The Political Sword[/i] family, and thank you for your comment. Do come again. I strongly agree with every word you have written.


7/07/2013Ad Astra I honestly can't think of anything more to add to your wonderful tribute to the best Prime Minister Australia has experienced in my life time. I can say one thing for sure it will be a long time, if ever, that anyone will be able to match Julia Gillard.

Ad astra

7/07/2013Gravel Thank you for your heartfelt comment. I couldn't agree more.


7/07/2013Your comments are really appreciated and I give full credit to Julia Gillard for being not only the bravest woman I have ever seen in public life but the great work she did in policy.Unfortunatly we in Australia have the most negative people in opposition but the Murdoch press should be taken to task for the most one sided views I have ever seen. Bring on the demise of Rupert and his hatefull people. Does anybody buy his rottern papers?


7/07/2013Agree completely AA - I suspect Juila Gillard's time as Prime Minister will be admired more in retrospect that it currently is - similar to the term of Paul Keating where he gets better opinion now than he did at the time.


7/07/2013Ad astra, Thank you for a lovely tribute to a remarkable lady. Yes, she was a fine Prime Minister with extraordinary courage, integrity, grace and compassion. The government and this nation are poorer for her going but her achievements will live on. Many of us who appreciated this outstanding gem are left with heavy hearts and, in time, many more will come to realise just how much we have all lost. Julia Gillard's star will shine even more brightly as she goes on to achieve bigger things as she strives to "get it done" and make a difference where her efforts are bound to be appreciated.

Ad astra

7/07/2013Mal Welcome to The Political Sword family, and for your strongly expressed opinion. Do come again. I wonder how long it will take for the Australian public to realize what a political gem they have lost? I have stopped reading Murdoch papers, except when I need a laugh.

Ad astra

7/07/20132353 I believe you are right. Sadly too often it is only after losing to public life someone like Julia that people realize what they have lost.

Ad astra

7/07/2013janice Thank you for your kind comment. I agree wholeheartedly with your last paragraph: "[i]Julia Gillard's star will shine even more brightly as she goes on to achieve bigger things as she strives to "get it done" and make a difference where her efforts are bound to be appreciated.[/i]"


7/07/2013AA, I have been lost for words since Ms Gillard was ousted. Thank you for articulating most of what I have observed and felt about Julia Gillard and her unstinting service to our nation. Like you, I was mystified when the MSM chanted that 'nobody knew what she stood for', that she was unable to 'cut through'. It occurred to me throughout Ms Gillard's time in office that she offered us more detail on her vision than any other PM in the post-war period. The vast number of the polity was hooked on slogans and 20 sec sound bites while Ms Gillard was giving us vision and policy statements. The best analogy that I could come up with was that Ms Gillard served up good nutritional food but the vast majority just wanted junk food - were so addicted to junk food that they rejected anything that would properly nourish their mental and physical well-being. Ms Gillard's unfailing graciousness, good cheer and intelligence mark her out as like those prophets that go unacknowledged in their own land. Many have opined that history will be kinder to Ms Gillard and her legacy. History, however, will never capture the sterling personal qualities of this extraordinary women who was so unfairly vilified. Australians lost their much vaunted sense of 'a fair go' throughout Julia Gillard's term as Prime Minister. Here are the links to some of Julia Gillard's forceful speeches. Apology for Forced Adoptions: [u]Video:[/u] [u]Transcript:[/u] Let's not forget that about an hour later Ms Gillard stood up in the Parliament and announced that there would be a spill of leadership positions at 4pm in response to a challenge to her leadership and undermining by her own Party. The Gillard Misogyny Speech which was acclaimed world wide but scorned by the Australian press: PM Gillard's resignation speech: Interview with ABC: Viva Julia Gillard!

Ad astra

7/07/2013Casablanca Thank you for your comment and the links to Julia's speeches that I will bookmark. Her courage was monumental, and her speech after she was ousted a remarkable achievement by a very fine woman and leader.


7/07/2013Thank you Ad Astra Prime Minister Gillard deserved every word of praise you've heaped on her. I enjoyed writing about her for the past three years, particularly the pomes which seem to have dried up! Never mind, I'll do a reprise. [b]Julia, Hard Head, But Not Heart Dead.[/b] Wrongly described as a ‘hard head’ Our PM was far from heart dead. Julia Gillard so often showed Genuine grief that her tears have flowed. Clear, forthright, strong and no fibber Stand-out model for any Libber. Trace her career; right from the start It’s clear that she’s no bleeding heart. But, intelligent and aware, Empathetic and always fair. Questions on why she’s not married Were met with smiles, always parried. Which echoes that other ‘Welsh’ red head Who resolutely refused to wed. Remember that [i]‘weak and feeble woman With heart and stomach of……’[/i]…..oops!….. [i]'a human'? [/i] True, Julia was no Tudor, born to rule, But she surely came from that gene pool.

Ad astra

7/07/2013Patriciawa Thank you for your kind words about Julia and for your delightful pome. How true are your words.


7/07/2013Thanks Ad, a fine tribute to a woman who, as Prime Minister in difficult circumstances, achieved so much in such a short time. Her focus was on setting up Australia and its people for the future and her emphasis on education will never be forgotten. That she did this in such a toxic environment makes her achievements even more memorable. History will be kinder to Julia Gillard than the current commentators from the MSM/ABC. They didn't even recognise the significance of Julia's powerful 'misogyny' speech. Fortunately, the rest of the world did. I think that another fine chapter for Julia Gillard will soon open up and we will be applauding her as a fine Australian in her new role on the world stage. She is too valuable to lose to obscurity. To quote Joni Mitchell, "Don't it always seem to go, that you don't know what you've got til it's gone" This will be Australia's lament should Tony Abbott win the next election. It is up to us, all of us, who appreciate just what Julia Gillard has done to protect her legacy by ensuring that Abbott never becomes PM. Julia, we've got your back!

Ad astra

7/07/2013Gordonwa Thank you for your kind words about Julia Gillard, with which I agree wholeheartedly. I echo your concluding words: "I think that another fine chapter for Julia Gillard will soon open up and we will be applauding her as a fine Australian in her new role on the world stage. She is too valuable to lose to obscurity. "To quote Joni Mitchell, "Don't it always seem to go, that you don't know what you've got til it's gone" This will be Australia's lament should Tony Abbott win the next election. It is up to us, all of us, who appreciate just what Julia Gillard has done to protect her legacy by ensuring that Abbott never becomes PM. Julia, we've got your back!"




7/07/2013 MSM has staged a coup by stealth and duplicity, finally making the ALP members themselves lose their nerve and turn on the best leader in a generation - the best leader in the world. I despise nearly every member of the political chattering classes, I seethe with rage at what has happened. I will still support and certainly vote Labor, but Patricia you are right, the poetry is gone. This says it very well:


7/07/2013Thanks for the good read, I doubt anyone would disagree with you, other than the resident trolls. In your first passage I think these quotes [i]‘cut through’, could not convey ‘what she stood for’, her ‘narrative’.[/i] were in short, code from the media to say [quote]She wouldn't talk to US, she wouldn't leak to US.[/quote] ergo she has to go. Your last sentence was the most touching seconds in Parliament this yr IMHO


7/07/2013I wept that night in June 2010 - wept with rage at the prospect of yet another splendid female politician being handed the poisoned chalice. I was heartened when Ms Gillard was re-elected and negotiated a minority government that has achieved more for Australia and Australians since the Whitlam years. Her toughness, her vision, her practicality, her grace, were and remain outstanding. In my experience no Australian PM comes close to her on all these qualities (and many others). We are so lucky to have had her at the helm. I am sorry that it was for only three years. In some ways, those three years - June 2010 to June 2013 - have been Australia's Camelot. I don't mean the saccharine musical - I mean, rather, the legends: the constant striving of good against evil (and hasn't EVIL really shown its face over this time?) - and the eventual eclipse of goodness. But remember: Arthur - the good embodied by Ms Gillard - is merely sleeping. It is our task now to ensure that that goodness will rise again.

Jan Dobson

7/07/2013I too am an admirer of Ms Gillard and inestimably saddened that she is no longer our Prime Minister. Our nation is much the richer from her tenure, just as we are now much the poorer from her resignation from public life. I doubt I will ever understand how her colleagues could not, from the outset, have stood with her against the incessant undermining of her position from within the party. What may have been, what may have been achieved with this outstandng woman leading our country if the message had been 'no story here, move on'? Her behaviour was, at all times and under appalling circumstances, exemplary. Others should review her graciousness and feel shame

Maureen Walton

7/07/2013It has been such a hard road our Beautiful now Ex Prime Minister Julia Gillard has had to travel. Over the last few years. A genuine Lady, as she has had every nasty piece of crap thrown at her and she has still just got and continued doing, what she needed to do and boy did her Goverment do a Fantastic Job. They have passed an incedible amount of Legistlations as well as so many great Policies, that will change Australia for ever. Policies that should have been carried out in the Howard years when times were good and there was a surplus but nothing was really done at that time. But it took a strong Lady, to do the Job under extraordinary circumstances of a manority Goverment and with a Judas in her camp as well. And also a group of Media, that just did the job of putting Julie.Gillard down no matter what. For all that the Julia Gillard Goverment has done for Austalia I say thank you so much. You can all be proud of the great work you have achieved.

Ad astra

7/07/2013Cag I’m not sure how to interpret your one word response, but welcome to [i]The Political Sword[/i] family. TT Thank you for your heartfelt comments and the link to Victoria Rollison’s very good article. Her last paragraph is well worth repeating: “[i]All we saw was sound bites about how Abbott wants to destroy the Labor government, how Rudd wanted to take over from Gillard and how Gillard’s government was always on the brink. We will surely look back at the last three years as a proud, successful time for the Labor Party with an amazing leader. And a time where trust in the mainstream media was eroded to the point of no return. Because journalists and their vested interests in the vested interests of their bosses have failed the electorate. We are now seeing too little too late and democracy is the loser. Shame on you all.”[/i]

Ad astra

7/07/2013KHTAGH Thank you for your comment. I agree wholeheartedly with your concluding words: “[i]Your last sentence was the most touching seconds in Parliament this yr IMHO”[/i] Fiona Thank you for your words, written from the heart. Your conclusion gives us heart: “[i]…the good embodied by Ms Gillard - is merely sleeping. It is our task now to ensure that that goodness will rise again.”[/i] How right you are.

Ad astra

7/07/2013Jan Dobson Welcome to [i]The Political Sword[/i] family, and thank you for your heartfelt comments. Do come again. Who could disagree with these sentences of yours: “[i]Our nation is much the richer from her tenure, just as we are now much the poorer from her resignation from public life. 
I doubt I will ever understand how her colleagues could not, from the outset, have stood with her against the incessant undermining of her position from within the party. What may have been, what may have been achieved with this outstanding woman leading our country if the message had been 'no story here, move on'?
 Her behaviour was, at all times and under appalling circumstances, exemplary. Others should review her graciousness and feel shame.”[/i]

Ad astra

7/07/2013Maureen Walton Welcome to you also to [i]The Political Sword[/i] family, and thanks for your poignant comment. Do come again. “[i]…it took a strong Lady, to do the Job under extraordinary circumstances of a minority Government and with a Judas in her camp as well. And also a group of Media that just did the job of putting Julia Gillard down no matter what. For all that the Julia Gillard Government has done for Australia I say thank you so much. You can all be proud of the great work you have achieved.”[/i] And so say all of us.


7/07/2013At the beginning, I worried about the effect that the change of leadership would have. But, as the insults began to fly, and the grubby comments were repeated (with some secret glee) in the media, my mind changed. While all this was going on, our gallant P.M. sailed on, [b]getting things done[/b]. She accomplished so much, but I only knew of it because I was on facebook, and had liked anti-Abbott pages. Having also followed political events in America, I was well aware of the damage that Murdoch's hobby channel, FoxNews, had tried to do there. Unfortunately, the damage here was much more severe. I loved that [i]she[/i] issued the final challenge. I love that she remained dignified. My heart ached for all the slings and arrows she endured. My detestation for the majority of journalists is intense, and will not fade easily, or quickly. Thank you, for putting in words what all of us who have a brain, and use it, knew of her.


7/07/2013I wrote a little piece last week too Thank you for yours x


7/07/2013Ad astra, I agree wholeheartedly with your inspiring words about our Julia. A fine PM. Honest, incorruptable and unafraid to challenge the likes of Rupert Murdoch. A remarkable, courageous woman who, despite the despicable behaviour of the execrable crook Pickering, the vile shock jocks, the cowardly partisan msm & the repugnant LOTO, did not lie down & die, did not cave in to the foul sexism & misogyny of her gutless detractors, did not falter despite the craven destabilising campaign by The Termite and his treacherous henchmen. Every day without fail she held her head high and gave the lie to those detractors, destabilisers and misogynists. Lesser mortals would have fled; she bravely stood her ground with grace and dignity, traits glaringly absent from the mud slingers. Patricia, I would add to your wonderful poem, the (slightly amended) words spoken by that other blood nut; "I have the heart & stomach of a PM and a PM of Australia, too." Vale, Julia Gillard, our first female PM, bloody but unbowed, small in stature, but head & shoulders above the plotters, the naysayers, the doom sayers and the spiteful and cruel. As said in the comments above, her legacy will live on and history will judge her far more kindly than it will her brainless critics.


7/07/2013I have read all comments about Julia Gillard and agree with them all. One thing we all have to do is make sure Tony Abbott never becomes prime minister as he wwill try to tear down all the good things Julia has done and monster the country. So it looks like we have to support kevin Ruddregardless of what we think about him.


7/07/2013Where to start in my admiration for this lady is so hard, people of her courage and intellect only come along generations apart normally. But from my family I would wish her the very best for the future in what ever her future holds. Julia will be remembered for her beacon of light in leading Australia to arrive at decisions that will endure as have a lot of Whitlam and Keating legacies My Love and best wishes to Julia.

Pappinbarra Fox

7/07/2013It is often said that a person can grow into the role of Prime Minister. Not all do, but I believe that Julia grew exponentially into the role but had not yet reached her best. But by dog she was very good at the end, after what could be described as a shaky start. A shaky start not aided by the Rudd incontinent leakage.

Ad astra

7/07/2013Suzanne If you haven’t been here before, welcome to [i]The Political Sword[/i] family, and thank you for your comment, straight from the heart. I warmed to your words: [i]”I loved that she issued the final challenge. I love that she remained dignified. My heart ached for all the slings and arrows she endured. My detestation for the majority of journalists is intense, and will not fade easily, or quickly.”[/i] Do come again.

Gorgeous Dunny

7/07/2013A great tribute to a very fine leader, Ad Astra. Sadly, her destruction says much about what an immature and shallow society we are and how few can recognize greatness when it is there in front of them. That said, it does suggest how much we are conditioned by the media, much as Huxley described in "Brave New World". People thought the most vile and hateful things about her merely because of the way they had been conditioned. If you were to ask them why they find her such a hateful figure, they are puzzled at the question and fall back on the conditioned excuses such as "she lied" and "she stabbed Rudd" without any detail. They are merely echoing media noise. It is such a false conditioning as to be outrageous, but the more you try to reason with people about it, the more angry and defensive they become. It is very much as it was with Lindy Chamberlain a generation ago. Deplorable as it was, I could understand so many of her colleagues finally losing their nerve, as the PM did. She was grateful that they lasted as long as they did. Certainly the bungled attempt in March gave her enough time to complete the legislation for NDIS and Gonski. I think it's the greatest effort by any PM since Chifley. Like him, she possessed a rare humility, the mark of a truly great leader.

Ad astra

7/07/2013Michelle Thank you for your comment and the link to your very nicely written article. I was taken particularly with this sentence: "[i]The fact that Julia Gillard took on some of the huge challenges facing our country, and actually passed the legislation makes me burst with pride."[/i] I agree.

Ad astra

7/07/2013jane Thank you for your comment. You are right; “[i]A fine PM. Honest, incorruptible and unafraid to challenge the likes of Rupert Murdoch. 

A remarkable, courageous woman who, despite the despicable behaviour of the execrable crook Pickering, the vile shock jocks, the cowardly partisan MSM and the repugnant LOTO, did not lie down and die, did not cave in to the foul sexism and misogyny of her gutless detractors, did not falter despite the craven destabilizing campaign by The Termite and his treacherous henchmen.”[/i]

Ad astra

7/07/2013Mal You put your finger right on the dilemma: “[i]One thing we all have to do is make sure Tony Abbott never becomes prime minister as he will try to tear down all the good things Julia has done and monster the country. So it looks like we have to support Kevin Rudd regardless of what we think about him.”[/i]

Ad astra

7/07/2013tex Your words are touching: “[i] Julia will be remembered for her beacon of light in leading Australia to arrive at decisions that will endure as have a lot of Whitlam and Keating legacies. 
My Love and best wishes to Julia.[/i]"

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7/07/2013PF You say [i]"I believe that Julia grew exponentially into the role but had not yet reached her best.[/i]" What a shame it is that Julia's potential was not allowed to reach its zenith.


7/07/2013Thank you for this. I agree with every word. Julia Gillard was a fine Prime Minister. She was brave and smart and strong and had such a lack of ego. You never got the impression it was about her. Her government’s manifold achievements are all the more amazing given what she was up against – the intricacies of a hung Parliament, the pugilistic Tony Abbott, a hostile media and the whiteants in her own party. That she managed all that and kept smiling astonishes me. Australia has never been kind to female political leaders but the hatred, vitriol and sheer nastiness Julia Gillard was subjected to was like nothing I have ever seen. It was vile and ugly and disgusting and the way she dealt with it was nothing sort of superhuman. As gutted as I am to see her go part of me can’t help feeling relieved that she can have some respite now from the bullying. The media’s role in the demise of Julia Gillard was shameful. It was not just Murdoch media either. We all know the Murdoch agenda, but Fairfax and the ABC joined the feeding frenzy with gusto. I will never understand why they ignored her government’s considerable achievements to focus on the trivial and the negative. Was it injured pride that she told them not to write crap? The last gasp of a dying medium desperate for relevance? Laziness? Misogyny? Whatever it was, they got their scalp and I hate the palpable sense in the media now that the blokes are back in charge all and all is right with the world. I am sure that Julia Gillard will find a role in the future where her considerable talents will be appreciated. And I hope that history will be much kinder to her and her legacy than commentary in the last 3 years has been. Once again thanks for your tribute to our fabulous former PM. Tracey

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7/07/2013Gorgeous Dunny Thank you for your kind words. You express great understanding with your words: “[i]Deplorable as it was, I could understand so many of her colleagues finally losing their nerve, as the PM did. She was grateful that they lasted as long as they did. Certainly the bungled attempt in March gave her enough time to complete the legislation for NDIS and Gonski.

I think it's the greatest effort by any PM since Chifley. Like him, she possessed a rare humility, the mark of a truly great leader.”[/i]

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7/07/2013TraceyA Thank you for your kind comment and welcome to [i]The Political Sword[/i] family. You write with such feeling. All your words resonate with me. You are right about the media: [i]”The media’s role in the demise of Julia Gillard was shameful. It was not just Murdoch media either. We all know the Murdoch agenda, but Fairfax and the ABC joined the feeding frenzy with gusto. I will never understand why they ignored her government’s considerable achievements to focus on the trivial and the negative. Was it injured pride that she told them not to write crap? The last gasp of a dying medium desperate for relevance? Laziness? Misogyny? Whatever it was, they got their scalp and I hate the palpable sense in the media now that the blokes are back in charge all and all is right with the world.

I am sure that Julia Gillard will find a role in the future where her considerable talents will be appreciated. And I hope that history will be much kinder to her and her legacy than commentary in the last 3 years has been.”[/i] I am two-thirds through reading [i]The Stalking of Julia Gillard: How the media and Team Rudd contrived to bring down the Prime Minister[/i] by Kerry-Anne Walsh. It is a magnificent account of all you say about the MSM. It’s a very informative read, and very readable to boot.

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7/07/2013Folks I’m calling it a day.


7/07/2013I have read so many tributes such as this, but they don't heal the devastation I feel for our collective behaviour. My contempt for the arrogant, relentless undermining & dishonesty of Rudd is extreme and is equal to my dislike for the negative personal politics of Abbott. The dishonest manipulation of mainstream media is frightening and makes me fear for our future. Against the backdrop of such destructiveness, Julia Gillard gave us hope that rational thought, dedication to purpose, honesty and dignity would prevail. We have lost much in her removal from office, and are less because of it. I thank her for her inspirational strength of purpose in the most difficult of times. She is indeed a person of fine character.


7/07/2013Ad astra A fine piece and a fitting tribute to a great woman. I seem to have lost my muse when it comes to words but I did put together a video as a cathartic exercise. Thank-you Julia


7/07/2013Well said and a sensitively crafted tribute to the 'People's Princess', Julia Gillard. She's up there with Whitlam, Keating, Chifley and Curtin as Labor icons. Better than Hawke, for mine. I feel the loss deeply, even though I am pragmatic enough to realise she could ultimately not have prevailed in the election against the entrenched opposition she faced from Coalition, media and Rudd. Nevertheless, I know her talents have not gone unnoticed and have heard she is in contention to take over the role as Head of UN Women. She deserves a bigger stage. Australia is too small a stage and Australians too small-minded for one as great as she is. She will be 'Moving Forward' to bigger and better things. Of that I can be sure.


7/07/2013Ad Astra, Goodnight, sweet dreams, and congratulations on a splendid post and a splendid response.


7/07/2013Julia Gillard will always remain a standard against which other Prime Ministers will be measured. She is a hard act to follow. In a hung parliament she astounded and infuriated those who threw every obstacle they could in her path. So much achieved in three years. What a human being, not perfect, but prepared to do what she could in spite of awkward compromises forced on her.


7/07/2013E, If we could all do what Ms Gillard did as Prime Minister in our respective workplaces, what a different world we would have.

Catching up

7/07/2013we had our trolls lamenting theta the red hair lady would go down in a screaming heap. How wrong, they all were. Not a tear is sight. No, we seen our gutsy PM, take the battle up to Rudd, accept defeat on her own terms, then focusing on caring for those, near to her. We seen her out the next day, with a smile on her face. We seen her during the day, Listening to the valedictories of those who stood beside her. The last reply she gave in QT, showed how strong this Oman was. Fought to the bitter end. Unlike all the male PMs before her, this woman has no time for tears, no need for tears. What his brave woman, is walking away with her head held high, proud of what she has achieved. What is important, the woman did not bow to the media, or media moguls.

Catching up

7/07/2013PS Sorry for the spelling errors.

Rosemary Maguire

8/07/2013Thank-you so much for your wonderful tribute to Julia Gillard, every word ever so true. I am truly struggling to understand why the Media and members of her own Party were so bent on distorting this wonderful strong, caring, intelligent women. Her own Party removed Kevin because he just couldn't get the job done, now they have removed Julia because she was to efficient. The media should hang their collective heads in shame, they should all be dismissed for not doing their jobs properly and thats to report the facts and give a balance view in what was happening. Thank-you Julia for your devotions of service to our wonderful country, it is a shame the population only had you a our PM for such a short time. s


8/07/2013Michelle, loved your post & have bookmarked your blog. Hillbilly Skeleton, lovely to see your gravatar and read your comment. [quote]She was brave and smart and strong and had such a lack of ego. You never got the impression it was about her.[/quote] Unlike The Termite & Liealot, TraceyA.

Lee J.

8/07/2013Great article. I sent the following message to her here: [quote]Many Australians should hang their heads in shame for the way they've treated you, but you can hold your head high - I honestly believe that history will remember you as one of the greatest Prime Ministers in Australia's history. Ironically, you've been derided as dishonest because you were too honest (and, sadly, because you're a woman) - if you'd focused more on political spin (for example not allowing the carbon price to be called a tax) the polls might not have been so bad. People say they don't like leaders playing politics, but the reason politicians are the way they are is because the majority of people actually need this. Rudd and Abbott are masters of this; you instead are a master of getting simply the job done - it's a shame the PM's job can't be split in two (so that you could do the job and Rudd could sell it). I also think you might have connected more with voters if you'd responded more aggressively to the crap you've been subjected to (such as you did with your misogyny speech) - in short, acted more like a man. On the other hand, your seemingly superhuman grace under pressure will forever be legendary. Sadly, it seems Australia just isn't yet ready for a female Prime Minister (unless perhaps she's a man in a skirt, like Margaret Thatcher for example). It's a tragedy that Australia will lose one of it's most capable, effective and caring politicians ever, but after everything you've done and all the crap you've been put through, I think you deserve to take a holiday for the rest of your life. For my own part, I will forever be a bloke for Gillard.[/quote]

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8/07/2013Hillbilly Skeleton How nice to see your comment. A warm welcome back to [i]TPS[/i]. Thank you for your kind words. It was heartening to read your concluding paragraph: “[i]… I know her talents have not gone unnoticed and have heard she is in contention to take over the role as Head of UN Women. She deserves a bigger stage. Australia is too small a stage and Australians too small-minded for one as great as she is. She will be 'Moving Forward' to bigger and better things. Of that I can be sure.[/i]” You are right - there will be many institutions that would welcome her outstanding talent.

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8/07/2013NormanK It was good to see you back again with your beautiful rose Gravatar. Thank you for your kind words and your very poignant YouTube tribute to Julia Gillard, a fine prime minister – [i]Thank you Julia[/i] . Everyone who views it will be touched by the images and the lyrics.

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8/07/2013Kaye Welcome to [i]The Political Sword[/i] family, and thank you for your heartfelt comment. Do come again. Who could disagree with your words: “[i]Against the backdrop of such destructiveness, Julia Gillard gave us hope that rational thought, dedication to purpose, honesty and dignity would prevail. We have lost much in her removal from office, and are less because of it.”[/i]

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8/07/2013E Welcome to you also to [i]The Political Sword[/i] family, and thank you for your pertinent comment: “[i]Julia Gillard will always remain a standard against which other Prime Ministers will be measured. She is a hard act to follow. In a hung parliament she astounded and infuriated those who threw every obstacle they could in her path. So much achieved in three years. What a human being, not perfect, but prepared to do what she could in spite of awkward compromises forced on her.’[/i] Do come again.


8/07/2013Today’s Links Ousted Australian PM Julia Gillard opens up on sexism by Agence France-Presse Her time in office was marred by slights on her gender and sometimes violently sexist commentary, including from members of the conservative opposition, prompting a fiery speech about misogyny last year that went viral and earned her global accolades EXCLUSIVE: Abbott forced to repay $9,400 he charged taxpayers to promote his book, by @margokingston1 The treatment of Mr Abbott is in stark contrast to that of Mr Slipper, who has been charged with wrongly claiming $900 in travel allowance in 2010. Mr Slipper offered to repay the $900 when the matter was raised last year, but was told by the Finance Department that the Minchin Protocol did not apply The 200 most recently approved web questions by Q & A 07 Jul 2013 7:36:37pm"Peter Slipper is facing trial for the misuse of $900 of funding. Why does Tony Abbott get let off for misusing $9400? Is 'one rule for all' just a quaint anachronism?" - Brock Turner Don’t tell me this isn’t newsworthy! by @MigloMT From EXCLUSIVE: Abbott forced to repay $9,400 he charged taxpayers to promote his book by Margo Kingston Too little too late by @Vic_Rollison Abbott’s message was that it’s fair game to personally denigrate your opponent for political gain, and to denigrate the position of Prime Minister in the process. He made it fair game to call Gillard a liar every day until it became part of her name. That is Abbott’s legacy. The Insiders poll of polls by @AndrewCatsaras With respect to the better PM figures, Kevin Rudd leads Tony Abbott by 50 points to 35. If we look at the better PM graph, we can see the prior to the leadership change, Tony Abbott was opening up a lead over Julia Gillard but the elevation of Kevin Rudd shows how that measure has been turned on its head. FactCheck: does it take three years to get approval for a mine? by @JohnQuiggin2 Abbott is making a political point about the federal government’s impact on on mining approval times, but the evidence doesn’t back this up. Verdict Based on the information provided and other available information, the opposition leader’s statements are incorrect Sunday Editorial – He’s Kevin and He’s Here to Help by@bodypoliticaus Labor obviously believe there are certain seats back in contention as they have invested significant funds in airing the above ad from this evening, during prime time. The ad will no doubt cost the party a lot of money, but could change voters minds about Rudd and Labor Crass stupidity masquerading as Tony Jones by @Vaughann722 Tristan Ewins IN the final analysis, though, Gillard deserves credit for pursuing education reform, implementing disability insurance, promoting a better deal for low paid workers (mainly women) in the community services sector and elsewhere, and improving diplomatic relations with China. Tony Abbott, I want money, I want lots of money, Just give me money by Turnleft 2013 The silence in the MSM over anything to do with Tony Abbott and his Liberal Party, including the lack of examination of Coalition policies, this close to an election, is bizarre. Especially considering the frenzied media obsession with the former Prime Minister, Julia Gillard, and every aspect of her life What was Kevin thinking? by @MigloMT He defeated a more politically astute opponent in John Howard in 2007 with one simple trick: he screwed with Howard’s head. Between now and the election he’ll do the same with Tony Abbott. He knows he can do this or he would not have made his eventual play for the leadership. WTF do the Liberals have planned for schools? by @LarvatusProdeo Tony Abbott and the Coalition would like to undo 140 years of history, according to their “Real Solutions” election manifesto. They’d like to privatize the government school system. It’s there in black and white: Since when did motherhood statements become policies- by Truth Seeker The LNP are getting more and more hysterical in their calls for an early election, because the longer this drags out, the harder it’s going to be for the LNP to look like a credible alternative while withholding actual policies, with detail and costings. How Much For What by @wrb330 Well the worlds on fire over Tony Abbott misusing public funds for a book launch.Nice, but such a shame he isn’t getting prosecuted like Peter Slipper, at least then we would have equity in actions regarding misuse of public funds wouldn’t we. Because thats what it is, misuse of public funds, see thats what Slipper Tony Abbotts Blunders by @FairMediaAllian they made it possible for journalists and ‘journalists’, media interests and many (but not all) members and supporters of the Coalition, and some (but not all) Labor members and their supporters to bring about her downfall. Who are you going to believe about the economy, Gillard or Rudd- by @1petermartin Rudd and Bowen are more believable. Commodity prices are slipping. That’s a fact. Mining investment is falling away. The graphs show it. Something will have to replace resource investment as an economic driver. Is Rudd a Winner? Is Abbott a Winer? by rossleighbrisbane Rudd now looks like a winner. Abbott, on the other hand, continues to complain that we need an election now. It’s a simple message, and his supporters will agree, but I suspect that, for many, it’s starting to sound monotonous. The Rudd Ministry: Age, Sex, State And Factional Breakdown by @mfarnsworth The new Cabinet, outer Ministry and Parliamentary Secretaries were sworn in on July 1, 2013. There are 30 ministers, comprising 20 members in Cabinet and 10 members in the outer ministry Inside Waleed Aly's mind by Dorothy Parker His exercise for The Monthly, allegedly delving into Tony Abbott's mind, is the classic work of an apologist, with defence lawyer twist, and it's when we come to the matter of climate science that we see where this leads: Today’s Front Pages Australian Newspaper Front Pages for 8 July 2013 News headlines

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8/07/2013Rosemary Maguire You too are another newcomer to [i]TPS[/i] comments, so welcome to you too. Thank you for your kind words. Do come again. Your words resonate with me strongly: “[i]Her own Party removed Kevin because he just couldn't get the job done, now they have removed Julia because she was to efficient. The media should hang their collective heads in shame, they should all be dismissed for not doing their jobs properly and that’s to report the facts and give a balanced view in what was happening.

 Thank-you Julia for your devotions of service to our wonderful country, it is a shame the population only had you a our PM for such a short time.”[/i]

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8/07/2013LeeJ. You are another newcomer to comment on [i]TPS[/i], so welcome to you too. Do come again. Your thank-you to Julia Gillard was heartwarming. Thanks for alerting us all to the facility for sending thank-you messages to her:

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8/07/2013Catching up Thank you for your comment. I was taken with your words: “[i]…this brave woman is walking away with her head held high, proud of what she has achieved.

 What is important, the woman did not bow to the media, or media moguls.”[/i]


8/07/2013While we are on the subject of accolades for Julia Gillard kets not forget to congratulate Tony Windsor and Rob Oakshot on their great support to Julia Gillard. They are noble and decent men whho kept their word with great negotiating skills. I feel sorry for the people of New England if $100 roast beef Baraby Joyce gets the nod. While we are on the subject what poetetic justice it would be if Prime Minister Rudd appointed Julia Gillard Governor General when Quenton Bryce leaves. Of course this will never happen.

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8/07/2013LYN'S DAILY LINKS updated:

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8/07/2013Mal It is my intention to devote my next piece to a tribute to Tony Windsor and Rob Oakeshott.


8/07/2013Ad Astra You have again drawn out some wonderful people who appreciate your writing and also our wonderful Julia Gillard. I would love to think that Julia is reading some of these wonderful accolades that are well deserved. In some way, it may help the hurt she must have felt at all the nastiness that was thrown at her. Along with the loss of Julia as our Prime Minister, I have also lost interest in politics. Although I still read Lyn's Links and go to a couple of blogs, my heart isn't in it anymore. Julia's loss is no-one's gain.

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8/07/2013Gravel Thank you for your comment. I understand how you feel. I hope though you will comment from time to time as the hurt you feel subsides. After all that has happened, Kevin Rudd owes us all a Labor victory at the election.

Ian Macintosh

8/07/2013Great woman, who managed to retain dignity throughout. And she did indeed deliver some important Labor legislation for the benefit of all Australians. As a Gillard supporter however I never forget to temper my empathy for her with recall of how she ascended to the role of PM in the first place. PM Rudd was removed by Gillard before an election. And I think Australians do not like that sort of thing happening as it suggests disregard for the will of the people. Also, Gillard's team was hopeless at enacting change or even communicating the need and benefits adequately. A disaster in the making.


8/07/2013Hi Everyone, can I ask a favour? Does anyone have a high resolution image of a node cabinet. You know the ugly green cabinets that FTTN uses? I need a high res picture.


8/07/2013Twimerik (pl [i]-ix[/i]) Limerick/s in no more than 140 characters! URA CROOK, Mr Abbortt,a CROOK! LOOK at all that MONEY U took! U hoped WE not find out! Now U better mind out! WE gonna PLUCK U like a CHOOK! And on a different note @margokingston1 moved like escargot To remove her own self-embargo It took7years But now hear the cheers As we say Happy Birthday 2 Margo! Margo Kingston is a freelance journalistic icebreaker among a mob of MSM ice yachters skimming over the very surface of important issues. She was a leading MSM journalist once, chucked it in, now she's back and deep into showing for all to see that you have to get out of the MSM to say anything important. she is not a chatterer, who in the MSM can you say that about? Happy Birthday and Well Done Margo!


8/07/2013Hi Lucy I have a couple hope they are useful for you: Great to see you Lucy best wishes to your efforts :)


8/07/2013Ad astra The volume of respondents to this thread speaks volumes! The Fighting 5th Estate has been in a state of shock from which we must recover and come back with even stronger resolve. Those who play Chess know the feeling of losing your Queen. Well yes that's exactly the way it feels. But the main game is to send Abborrttism and Murdochracy packing. And [i][b]Don't Us Forget It![/b][/i]


8/07/2013Thanks Lyn - I have those but they are not high resolution so you can't blow them up to almost life size. I need to get my hands on a high resolution picture.

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8/07/2013Ian Macintosh Welcome to [i]The Political Sword[/i] family. Do come again. You are right: “[i]Great woman, who managed to retain dignity throughout. And she did indeed deliver some important Labor legislation for the benefit of all Australians.”[/i] It’s a pity our mainstream media was more interested in the trivia. The Fourth Estate is a disgrace and getting worse. No wonder print sales continue to go down and down. But then if they continue to write crap, as Julia indicated, that ought not to surprise anyone.

Helen McDonald

8/07/2013I say "here, here" and dips me lid!

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8/07/2013Hi Lyn You are a genius. You must have a fantastic inventory of political imagery and intelligence.

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8/07/2013Helen McDonald You are yet another new commenter on [i]TPS[/i]. Lyn is keeping count, but it must be now around fifteen new ones since this piece was posted at 3 PM yesterday. So welcome to [i]The Political Sword[/i] family. Do come again.

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8/07/2013TT You are right: “[i]The Fighting 5th Estate has been in a state of shock from which we must recover and come back with even stronger resolve.”[/i] And we will. The traffic for the first nine hours after this piece was posted was large, even larger than busy days.


8/07/2013AA [quote] The traffic for the first nine hours after this piece was posted was large, even larger than busy days.[/quote] I posted it to FB & Twitter not long after you posted it, there were dozens of re-tweets too. I'm glad to see so many new faces.


8/07/2013AA Another great post what more could you say, perhaps as often said to me, at least not about me I hope, that "There are none so blind as those who do not want to see and none so deaf as those who do not want to hear." This just about sums up the Australian MSM. They have a mind block when Abbott says one thing overseas about our economy and the complete opposite here in OZ, where are their thought patterns not about TRUTH, they must just be thinking about their wallets and no further. I have also shed a few tears for Julia plus the many lumps in the throat. Yes Julia made mistakes she is only human after all and the only person who never made any mistakes died on Good Friday over 2000 years ago.


8/07/2013Lucy, Post your request over at The Pub - there are a couple of people over there who can point you in the right direction, especially if you say what you want.


8/07/2013AA re we have also lost several of her consistently loyal lieutenants: Wayne Swan, Craig Emerson, Peter Garrett, Stephen Smith, Joe Ludwig, and several down the line."I am sorry you left out my son Stephen from the above a double loss to us personally.

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8/07/2013Bilko Thank you for your kind comment. As you say: “[i]They have a mind block when Abbott says one thing overseas about our economy and the complete opposite here in OZ, where are their thought patterns not about TRUTH, they must just be thinking about their wallets and no further.[/i]. I note that there seems to be silence in the MSM about Tony Abbott having to repay, presumably without penalty, over nine thousand dollars for incorrectly claiming expenses when publicizing his [i]Battlelines[/i] book, while Peter Slipper is being taken to court over nine hundred dollars wrongly claimed, although he has offered to repay the sum. Who is the ‘Stephen’, your son, to whom you refer, that has been left out of my list? BTW, I should have included Greg Combet.

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8/07/2013KHTAGH Many thanks. It is good to see so many new faces here.

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8/07/2013Hi Lyn I’ve just finished reading your links. What a great lot they were! Victoria Rollison’s piece is very good, as her articles always are. Miglo exposes Abbott’s incorrect claim for expenses, and asks the obvious question when comparing his ‘mistake’ with that of Peter Slipper. His piece on Kevin Rudd playing with Tony Abbott’s mind in [i]AIMN[/i] is amusing. Truth Seeker’s piece, which I read yesterday, is good reading. [i]LP[/i] exposes the real intent in Coalition education policy, if we can believe what is in its [i]Real Solutions[/i] booklet. It’s frightening.


8/07/2013Lucy, I think you may have to purchase a HiRes image from one of the suppliers (Huweie/Cisco/Siemens are likely parties) or from one of the Stock Photo companies - most online images seem to be less than 2Mb in size. However, the more people know what a kludge the UK experience with FTTN is the better. In searching for images I came across this sad tale -- Can you imagine this translated to our regional towns, if this is the carry on the more heavily populated UK has to put up with! Sorry I couldn't be of more help. Regards


8/07/2013Thanks Curi-Oz. I went to the stock photos sites but all their images are positive ones so none of an actual node cabinet. Wow thanks for the link to the site - awful - I really want to get this out there. I thought a life-size image of what a node looks like. Might make one out of cardboard. Janice do you have a link to The Pub?

Truth Seeker

8/07/2013Hi lucy, there are some pics on my site, but I'm not sure if they are high res, but you are welcome to have a look. I had a fair bit of difficulty finding the ones that I got. They are on " An ode to Abbott's Node" Hope that helps :-) Ad, haven't had a chance to read your post yet, but will hopefully get to it later today :-) Cheers :-) :-)

Ad astra

8/07/2013Bilko I believe I have myself answered my question to you. The second and third paragraphs of my first comment should have read: "[i]We should acknowledge too that in losing this outstanding politician and leader, this extraordinary person, we have also lost several of her consistently loyal lieutenants: Wayne Swan, Craig Emerson, Peter Garrett, Stephen Smith, Stephen Conroy, Greg Combet, Joe Ludwig, and several down the line. We acknowledge their massive contribution to the success of the Gillard Government, and thank them for sticking with her until the end, and beyond."[/i] Am I correct?


8/07/2013Hi Lucy, Your best bet might be to find someone in the UK who can take a hi-res photo for you...

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8/07/2013Folks Take a look at this table from today’s [i]Essential Report[/i] I wonder how the Coalition will respond to the findings? For those who might be interested, the TPP is the same as last week: 52/48 in favour of the Coalition.


8/07/2013A bit late ctaching up, but a wonderful tribute to a great Prime Minister. Agree with the comment about the role of Oakeshot and Windsor. Between the three of them, they truly showed how politics should work. Julia was a great negotiator and, I have no doubt, will be remembered well by history, both for her skills, her reforms and vision. But perhaps we shouldn't give up yet - she is not yet 52. Two terms out of politics and she can come back, still only 57-58. My conviction that history will treat her well reminded me of Fidel Castro's "History Will Absolve Me" speech [The Moncada Trial Defence Speech, 16 Oct 1953] and a couple of quotes are apt: [quote]Men [& women] who constitute noble exceptions have attempted to mend the system's mangled honour with their individual decisions. But the gestures of this minority have been of little consequence, drowned as they were by the obseqious and fawning majority.[/quote] And for Julia's own future, I suggest she look to another part of that speech (prtly para-phrased to suit): [quote]I have just begun. ... I know that I will be silenced for many years; I know that the [media] will try to suppress the truth by all possible means; I know that there will be a conspiracy to sink me into oblivion. But my voice will not be stifled; strength gathers in my breast even when I feel most alone, and the ardour of my own heart can sustain my voice, no matter how callous cowards may isolate and try to discourage me.[/quote]


8/07/2013Lucy, Here's The Pub's address:

Laurie Keet

8/07/2013For me, one word describes Julia Gillard, and that is CHAMPION. I also think of Tina Turner's song, "Simply the Best" and that also described JG. She always had class, and class is permanent. A great Lady.


8/07/2013Ad Astra .... thank you! The treatment of Prime Minister Julia Gillard is a great shame upon our nation. It does irk me, though, that the Labor Party took many of us Labor voters for granted in ousting Ms Gillard for Mr Rudd. They knew/know that we have no choice but to continue to support Labor. The Coalition alternative is unthinkable. I hope we shall see Julia again on the world stage.


8/07/2013AA the late Leader of the Senate and Communication Minister.

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8/07/2013Bilko Thank you. I never knew that! Anyway, apologies for the omission; another good Labor man gone! I hadn’t realised he was up for re-election this time around; I thought he was simply resigning from the ministry. [i]Delimiter[/i] gave him a great wrap in this piece: [i]Vale Stephen Conroy: 
Australia’s greatest ever Communications Minister[/i]. He will be sadly missed. The NBN is what he has left us, and that is a great achievement.

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8/07/2013Laurie Keet Your words ring true: "[i]For me, one word describes Julia Gillard, and that is CHAMPION. I also think of Tina Turner's song, "Simply the Best" and that also described JG. She always had class, and class is permanent. A great Lady."[/i]

Ad astra

8/07/2013Misst Thank you for your comment. [i]"The Coalition alternative is unthinkable.[/i]" That is the truth of the matter. I too hope we shall see Julia again on the world stage; that is where she could achieve her full potential, as her success on the international stage has shown.

Ad astra

8/07/2013Ken Your quotes from Fidel Castro's "History Will Absolve Me" speech are germane. Thank you.

Ad astra

8/07/2013Folks For anyone interested in this week’s full [i]Essential Report[/i], here it is:


8/07/2013AA Stephen still has 3 yrs to run in the Senate he just could not continue to work under Kevin. Yes it was a good wrap in delimiter. He will be a backbencher for the first time ever. When he was sworn in in 96 he became deputy whip, fast tracked by Robert Ray. Keep up the posts TPS is going from strength to strength and our ultimate aim is Abbott not to reach the lodge

N'ellie May

8/07/2013Hi Ad, What a beautiful tribute to Julia Gillard. Thank you for putting our thoughts into words for us. As ever, your writing is powerful. I am concerned that Ms Gillard is permitted to move on now without further persecution. I was really upset last week when her home in Altona was being staked out by waiting media for her furniture van to arrive from Canberra. This wonderful woman deserves privacy now and should be allowed to go on to her next role in life, which I am sure will be every bit as stellar as before. She has achieved so much already, but I have a feeling there will be much more to come. Thank you Ad. As many have already said, we have lost so many great ALP ministers but for Ms Gillard we must remember that our work to help the ALP re-election is on- going.

Ad astra

8/07/2013Biklo So Stephen has three years to go. At least his presence will be felt if Kevin cares to listen. I hope his successor, Albo, will keep up the momentum for the NBN.


8/07/2013I grew up in the bush and attended one teacher schools until I went to high school. Opportunity was limited and like most of my friends we left school and got a job simply because our families did not have the funds to send us to Uni. 26 years down the track I put myself through tertiary studies and qualified as an accountant. It was always my goal to see my own children educated and gain tertiary education and good jobs. Both did this and have done very well. I have always been thankful to the labor party who made this all possible. Julia's vision for every child to be able to have a good education really struck a cord with me. Her positive and friendly and warm disposition which she showed to all she interacted with be it school kids, the disabled or even those on the world stage. Julia was a wonderful example to all. Her achievements were admirable and she will be sorely missed by those of us who could recognize what a special PM we had. Thank you Julia - well done!!

Ad astra

8/07/2013N'ellie May Thank you for your kind comment. I agree fully with your plea: "[i]This wonderful woman deserves privacy now and should be allowed to go on to her next role in life, which I am sure will be every bit as stellar as before. She has achieved so much already, but I have a feeling there will be much more to come. "[/i] Our appallingly inconsiderate and self-centred media is unlikely though to worry about her privacy.

Ad astra

8/07/2013DoodlePoodle I echo your words: [i]"Her positive and friendly and warm disposition which she showed to all she interacted with be it school kids, the disabled or even those on the world stage. Julia was a wonderful example to all. Her achievements were admirable and she will be sorely missed by those of us who could recognize what a special PM we had. Thank you Julia - well done!!"[/i]

Truth Seeker

8/07/2013Ad, I just want to add my voice to the chorus of Julia supporters in saying thank you for voicing for us our respect and appreciation for our first female PM, and the outstanding job that she did in the most extreme and despicable, political environment that I can remember any PM having to deal with. And I truly believe that history will be much kinder to Julia than it will to Abbott or Rudd. The main thing to do now is to ensure that her legacy endures, and that this country continues to move forward and our democracy survives the onslaught of Murdoch and the Abbott's LNP wrecking machine. Thanks again Ad :-) Cheers :-) :-)


8/07/2013It almost got under my radar by I noticed that Tony Abbott was to be inteviewed on 7:30 report tonight. Hallelujah I thought, then I noticed it would be hosted by Chris Uhlmann. My initial response was that I wouldnt bother watching as I imagined Tony being grilled with searching questions such as "why is the labor party so bad?" Then I thought no, dont pre judge these things, Chris may go for the juggular and I would hate to miss it. Sadly I should have gone with my first inclination. About 10 minutes of Tony being flailed with questions about the labor party and bugger all about his policies, let alone his $9,400 of rorted expenses. Now I hear Leigh Sales will be back tomorrow. Would I be rash in assuming that a condition of Tony coming on the show was that Chris Uhlmann would be the interviewer?


8/07/2013Thanks for an interesting article and the comments that have followed. Sobering and enlightening. Never fear though folks; [i]every cloud has a silver lining[/i]. In losing in a fine Prime Minister we got a new Treasurer and that may soon prove to be of greater benefit to our commonwealth's wellbeing.


8/07/2013Trevor @ July 8. 2013 10:04 PM My thoughts exactly. I'm not a betting women but I'd probably wager that Tony appeared on condition that Leigh Sales was on a RDO.


9/07/2013Today’s Links Rudd now has ALP in prime position to win as Labor gains again @THEMONTHLY Monday, 8th July 2013 If a Federal Election were held today the ALP would win comfortably according to this weekend’s multi-mode Morgan Poll on Federal voting intention with an Australia-wide cross-section of 3,521 Australian electors aged 18+. Morgan shows Labor in poll position to win Federal election by @independentaus Last weekend’s Morgan Poll, the third since Kevin Rudd became Prime Minister, shows another significant swing to the ALP. ALP is at 54.5% – up 3% since the previous week’s multi-mode Morgan Poll – ahead of the L-NP 45.5% (down 3%) on a two-party preferred basis Newspoll shows Labor and Coalition neck and neck after PM Kevin Rudd flags leadership vote reform by ABC The Newspoll published in The Australian newspaper has Labor and the Coalition locked in a dead heat with 50 per cent of the vote after preferences. Tony Abbott’s #Battlerorts scandal goes mainstream by @davrosz Speaker Peter Slipper is facing criminal prosecution in Canberra over expenses totalling less than $1,000. Slipper had offered to repay these expenses to the Commonwealth but, as reported by Kingston, the Australian Federal Police declined to allow him to do this because the matter had been referred to them for action. Tony Abbott denies wrongly claiming expenses from 2009 book tour by Bridie Jabour When asked at a press conference on Monday morning if he had wrongly claimed travel expenses while promoting Battlelines, Abbott replied: [b]"No, I did not[/b]." He did not elaborate on the answer before taking the next question and ended the press conference after answering questions from two other journalists on the press club debate and the potential timing of the election. Kevin’s here to dumb it down by @fakeedbutler Importantly, not only is the language in this ad (and much of the language Rudd has used since his resumption) incredibly simplistic, but it is the kind of language that does not lend itself to quoting out of context, as Gillard frequently was. Why The Pink Batts Scheme Failed @newmatilda it is hypocritical for the Opposition to try to make partisan gain out of the Commonwealth’s administrative failures, exemplified by Liberal Party environment spokesperson Greg Hunt, who doesn't think Rudd is "a fit and proper person to be the Prime Minister of our country” (a test which would disqualify everyone who has ever taken senior public office). The failures which led Lessons from insulation deaths by Tristan Edis Mitchell had completed insulation installation training and had been installing insulation for some time. As a consequence of Matthew’s death, Mitchell had been told to not use metal staples by his employer, and had also been provided with a plastic fixings stapler, which he was instructed to use. He was also instructed about switching off power to the house. Here’s the full story on workplace deaths under Labor @crikey_news As the pink batts program hits the front pages again, there’s plenty of finger-pointing at Labor over workplace deaths. Look at the full picture, however, and it’s a very different story. This is what you get Sunshine @TheHoopla It stamps Rudd’s authority on the party, if passed. And it will go a long way to neutralising Coalition leader Tony Abbott’s oft-repeated claim in the two weeks since Julia Gillard was deposed, that if you vote ALP, you don’t know who will be Prime Minister down the track. Rudd’s reform surprise: ALP members to elect party leader by @BernardKeane The opposition is likely to argue the announcement is further evidence the government is internally focused, but Rudd clearly has a triangulation strategy of being seen not merely to oppose Tony Abbott but the business-as-usual politics of the ALP, Party For Your Right To Fight by @madwixxy if Mr Dastyari or Mr Rudd are reading this, my hand is up to discuss taking the Party forward with anybody willing to sit down and chat about it. I’m sure members would find it good to know that the reforms are being based on discussions with real rank and file members, not just heads of unions and powerbrokers What is an Opposition? by @saint13333 Tony Abbott is on the record as saying that the function of opposition is to oppose. I fundamentally disagree with that proposition. An opposition’s job is to hold a government to account but just as importantly is its duty to show that it is a worthy alternative. The retiring independents: looking inside the ‘balance of power’ by @ConversationEDU It is rare to find people working in federal politics whose families have not suffered from neglect or whose relationships have not struggled under the pressure. It is not commonly spoken about, but there are psychiatrists in Canberra who specialise in working with parliamentarians and their staff, A showdown looms on Labor reform’’ by Mungo Mccallum the political ground in Australia has undergone a tectonic shift since Earthquake Kevin struck. We are still experiencing the aftershocks, but the extent of the upheaval is already obvious debate over asylum seekers has taken on a new shape, and the carbon tax is about to be similarly transformed. Abbott’s chief business advisor claims first wind farm victim by Staff Reporter Tony Abbott’s main business advisor, the former head of the Australian Securities Exchange Maurice Newman, has claimed his first wind farm victim after the development of 100-turbine project near Goulburn – and one of Newman’s properties – abandoned the plan. Why invest in the national grid? @OnLineOpinion In most Australian States the cost of electricity has been rising dramatically and continuously, not because of the carbon tax but, ostensibly, to fund maintenance and upgrade of the national grid. The condition of the grid has apparently been allowed to deteriorate over recent decades and is now in desperate need of renovation, allegedly costing billions of dollars over the next 5 years. Turnbull's UK NBN template turns sour by @ZDNet For many years, Australia's Shadow Communications spokesperson, Malcolm Turnbull, has called upon the local media to pick up the phone and hear what BT is up to with the UK's fibre-to-the-node (FttN) rollout. After this weekend's revelations, perhaps Mr Turnbull will be reconsidering his journalistic guidance. Today’s Front Pages Australian Newspaper Front Pages for 9 July 2013 News headlines


9/07/2013Bilko, hopefully Stephen Conroy and Anthony Albanese have a reasonable working relationship so even if Conroy isn't the Minister responsible - his opinion is sought as there would have to be a lot of retained knowledge from meetings, briefings and so on that is not documented. The NBN will be a wonderful legacy of your nephew's time in Parliament.

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9/07/2013LYN'S DAILY LINKS updated:

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9/07/2013Truth Seeker Thank you for your kind words. Who could disagree with you words: “[i]The main thing to do now is to ensure that her legacy endures, and that this country continues to move forward and our democracy survives the onslaught of Murdoch and the Abbott's LNP wrecking machine.”[/i]

Ad astra

9/07/2013Trevor I too was surprised that Slogan Abbott fronted for a [i]7.30[/i] interview, but when I saw Chris Uhlmann was the interviewer, I knew he was in for a soft one, which is what Uhlmann gave him, Like Casablanca, I suspect that Uhlmann as interviewer was central to the deal to appear on [i]7.30[/i], as Abbott is scared of Leigh Sales. And of course we got another dose of Abbott’s slogans. DMW I'm glad you have enjoyed the piece and the comments, so very supportive of Julia Gillard. Labor no doubt feels that the cloud under which it has operated for so long has indeed a silver lining. The Coalition will hoping its own cloud, the latest poll results, too have a silver lining.


9/07/2013Twitter Verse (no more than 140 characters!) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (*Ol' Gray Mare*) TonyAbbortt Can't tie Windsor Knots! " " Wears a tie but Can't tie Windsor Knots! (2hard4 Chimp-Pansies!)

Truth Seeker

9/07/2013Morning swordsters, for a bit of light relief, my latest poem [b]"Said the Abbott to the Bishop, take 2."[/b] :-) Cheers :-) :-)


9/07/2013 The interview with Abbott by Uhlmann was so soft it just shows you that the A.B.C. has been compromised by Abbott by not having Sales do the programme. Uhlmann is not neutral he is a lock stock and barrel a supporter of Abbott and you should give it to someone like Kerry O’Brien who forced Abbott to admit we cannot believe him unless he writes it down and signs it.

Truth Seeker

9/07/2013oops :$? forgot the link :-) Cheers :-) :-)


9/07/2013Ad astra The number of people, newies in particular, who have commented on your tribute to *J*U*L*I*A* bears the best witness both to your tribute and to the love so many of us feel for her. We are those who really care about Australian society, who understand what she has achieved and the iniquitous behaviour which eventually brought her down. It is nice to see though that in deference to our feelings, and with their latent admiration for *J*U*L*I*A* herself now coming to the fore, LimpyCrisp and CrappyStain and TurdyTom have all chosen not to offend us in our time of grief. Seems they are decent after all! ;-) [i]True Swordsfolks all: for be it understood They left this website for this website's good![/i]

Ad astra

9/07/2013TT It is good that we acknowledge that by refraining from comment, Sir Ian, ToM and Capstan have shown respect for the opinions of those who have added here their words of support for Julia Gillard. For that we are grateful.

Ad astra

9/07/2013Mal I agree with your comments about the Uhlmann/Abbott interview on [i]7.30[/i]. I suspect Uhlmann is on a drip feed from the Abbott camp.

Ad astra

9/07/2013Truth Seeker [i]Said the Abbott to the Bishop take 2[/i] is clever good-humoured verse. Thank you.


9/07/20132353 Thank you for your kind comment, Stephen (my son not nephew) does have an excellent relationship with Albo and the NBN is safe in his hands. They just need Rudd to run the the country while his ministers run their various portfolio's with minimum interference. The Polls seem to be reflecting a more open approach, than IMHO not as manipulative as has been going on for the last three years. I am not paranoid(I hope)but they could still be out to get us/you/labor


9/07/2013This bloke here has got everything pretty much right except his assertion that the Coalition just needs to hold their nerve to win the next Federal election by concluding the article with this: "The irony is that an Opposition holding its nerve will almost certainly win this election, but a scared Coalition panicked into petty malice could very well throw it away." Abbott's mob are congenitally panicky, and "petty malice" is their 'natural manner' under a leader with nothing in his political quiver but spite and fear, the latter fueling the former. His biley fuel's running low, weakened with over-use (see last night's 7:30 with Abbott still looking tight-faced and spooked, even in the balming glow of Uhlmann's soft hands) with his spite becoming wider and wider recognised as a personal characteristic, not just a political tactic. Abbott PM? He's not up to it.


9/07/2013I am aware that last night's "interview" of Mr Abbott was an excercise for me in trying to imagine him as PM. All I got for my pain was a man who desperately wanted the position and willing to say or do anything to get the position, but is afraid of actually getting it. I also don't understand why Mr Uhlmann seems to prefer Mr Abbott to Mr Rudd given that his wife is a member of the ALP and MP. It can't be because he is trying to be even handed, because he just seems to be so partisan for Mr Abbott? I am increasingly aware that most young people I know are really unaware, except in passing, of what happens in Parliament. And they are far more influenced by the 'in passing' impressions that they get from the media than even they are aware of. They are not interested if it doesn't impact them directly and they are not getting told what has been done in their favour already, or what the LNP might take away from them.

Ad astra

9/07/2013Hi Lyn Your links are an interesting mix this morning – poll results (BTW I couldn’t get the link to [i]The Monthly[/i] article to open – is a subscription necessary?), reform of the Labor Party, a very good article by John Lord on [i]AIMN: What is an Opposition?[/i], and further rebuttal of the Turnbull advocacy for his FTTN NBN. I’ve bookmarked several. Thank you again.

Ad astra

9/07/2013Michael Coalition members and their minders must be unnerved by the turn in the polls, even although we know they are ‘reflective rather than predictive’, to use Andrew Catsaras’ words. They have luxuriated for a long while in the warm atmosphere of so-called ‘election-winning’ polls, anticipating an easy ride to power despite their ‘we take nothing for granted’ slogan. Now that the cold wind of poorer polls is chilling their spirits, they will anxiously be anticipating each new poll, hastily reviewing all their ads, going over all their strategies and checking all their tactics for the election, now beset with uncertainty about when the election will be held, whether parliament will be recalled, what K Rudd will do next, how Slogan-Abbott will cope in policy interviews with him, and how they will present their case to the electorate to remove the growing suspicion that they are virtually policy-free, costings-free and slogan-bound, with all they have to offer no more than a collection of motherhood statements in Slogan-Abbott’s kindergarten primer ‘Real Solutions’, that he clutches to his breast like a kid with his favourite fairy story book.


9/07/2013Breaking News : Tony Abbott has today released the Coalitions pie making policy for the upcoming Federal Election. Mr Abbott has called on Kevin Rudd to come clean with the ingredeants that he proposes for his pies. Mr Abbott said that Rudd has been dishing it out, that he (Abbott) has had his finger in the pie since his 2009 tour around Australia promoting fiscal austerity . Battlelines seem to have been drawn on this issue with pie eater Joe Hockey now taking over the pie portfolio Sloppy Joe signalled that if Rudd cannot stand the heat that he should get out of the kitchen, because My (Joe's) Kitchen Rules. There's been no comment from Pies Chairman Eddie McGuire on this latest turn of events


9/07/2013Bilko - sorry about the incorrect relationship. I wasn't sure and took a punt (incorrectly as it turned out). You should be proud of your son.


9/07/20132353 No probs and we are rgds


9/07/2013Hi Ad, Thankyou so much for your heartfelt, sincere, thoughtful article for our enjoyment, you always write what I think. Love your words “extraordinary woman: courageous, resilient, persistent, tough, a fighter, focused, intelligent and hard working, an accomplished negotiator, a high achiever, one who gets things done Thankyou for your comments yesterday, 10:54 AM & another @12.24pm . You guessed, I have got quite a large library on my computer. @ 11.42am , Looks like the Monthly has moved their article to Blogs, on the top line click on blogs here is another link Looks like Abbott is getting himself into a tangled mess with his travel expenses then lies to Journalists. [quote]Tony Abbott tells Guardian Australia journalist to calm down video [/quote] [quote]Tony Abbott blames Labor dirt campaign for questions over expenses[/quote] Abbott's boundless hypocrisy. His travel rorts are "old news." Imagine if they'd caught Gillard doing the same thing Miglo reports, thankyou Miglo [quote]No, you’re wrong, Tony [/quote] Opposition Leader Tony Abbott has accused Prime Minister Kevin Rudd of organising a dirt campaign against him over an incorrect claim for travel expenses. I’d keep quiet about dirt campaigns if I were you. How does the old saying go? Those in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones Opposition leader Tony Abbott sparks storm on Twitter after telling Bridie Jabour to 'calm down'

Ad astra

9/07/2013Hi Lyn Thank you once more for your generous words. What has been most gratifying with this piece is the volume of supportive comments that have come not only from our regulars, but from around fifteen new to commenting on [i]TPS[/i]. The comments have revealed the affection and admiration so many have for Julia, and their disgust at the way she was removed after years of treacherous erosion by some of her own party members, aided and abetted every step of the way by the Canberra Press Gallery. The good wishes that have been expressed for her in future roles are heartwarming. I trust she will emerge in a prominent role in education or women’s rights that will engage her outstanding talent, her warm personality, and her extraordinary perseverance and courage. Thank you for the extra links. I was able to read the article in [i]The Monthly[/i] that detailed the latest [i]Morgan Poll[/i], which will send shivers up the spine of Slogan-Abbott and his Coalition minders. The clips of him defending his error in over-claiming for his [i]Battlelines[/i] promotion were amusing. In all likelihood it was an innocent error, now corrected, but he did get hot under the collar when questioned persistently, and when he flicked the female journalist from [i]The Guardian[/i] with a patronizing, paternalistic “calm down”, did he realize how that would proliferate via Twitter? He hasn’t adjusted to the power of social media, and the reality that females are ready to pounce on him any time he utters anything that could be interpreted as sexist or condescending. Increasingly Slogan-Abbott is being exposed as out of his depth as he tries to claw his way to prime ministership. As so many are saying, here and across the Fifth Estate, ‘Abbott is just not up to it.’ What’s more, every time he visits such ridiculous places as pie factories, the people will be confirmed in the view that his area of expertise really is in making and tasting pies, stacking bananas, hammering nails, playing with machinery, or simply filleting fish and kissing them goodbye - certainly not running a 1.3 trillion dollar economy.


9/07/2013I see that Abbott is blaming Labor and Rudd for the reemergence of his travel rorts problems, however, it is Slipper who is complaining that he was treated ten times differently than Abbott. Slippers problem was over $900 and reported to police (?) Abbott was treated to the Minchin protocol over $9500 ?? Abbott pays the piper back Slipper faces police prosecution ?? I'm with Tony that is as fair as it gets - this issue was settled YEARS ago ????


9/07/2013[quote].....Abbott is scared of Leigh Sales[/quote] I don't know why he's scared of her now, Ad astra. She seems to have swallowed the Liars Propaganda Pill whole, judging by her mendacious promo for 7.5 last week. Michael @11.06am, the article you linked shows that Rupert's wizened claw is still manipulating the msm. What a load of nonsense. A waste of resources, imo. [quote]Seems they are decent after all![/quote] Don't know that I'd put money on it TT.

Bultaco Metrella

9/07/2013I understand the logic of the Ruddstoration, I appreciate that politics is a hard brutal business and I am warming to the idea that Abbott is floundering but I will miss her. She was the epitome of grace and cool under attack from so many sides. A great article AA. It is how we should honor her memory.

Ad astra

9/07/2013lawriejay Good question. Why is Peter Slipper being pursued in court for $900 wrongly charged to expenses, when Slogan-Abbott wrongly charged ten times that amount. Abbott was allowed to pay it back; Slipper offered to do the same but was not allowed! jane I think that Slogan-Abbott is genuinely afraid of what Leigh Sales might do to him if she got into her attack mode. He is shallow; he hasn’t got the inner resources to cope with hard questions. He hasn’t done the hard policy work, the deep thinking that national leaders need to do. He is a hollowman. Bultaco Metrella Thank you for your kind comment. “[i]She was the epitome of grace and cool under attack from so many sides.[/i]” I agree.


9/07/2013Ad astra, agree with every word about Liealot, but Sales appears to have gone over to the dark side. I have just seen how the Liars will stop the boats. Could be a solution. lol


9/07/2013And coming from the Liars Party direct to you...


9/07/2013 I have many times on Twitter asked Corinne Grant to nominate for a Federal seat. She is very good value - witty, savvy and very much one of us. She never replies to me, but I am not joking about my hope that she might yet do that. Check the top photo. She is stunning isn't she. Her face is amazingly mobile and expressive. The next one down shows what I mean. What does that expression imply? Now go back to Turdball at the top. Does he remind you of anyone? In old B/W movies? One of a comedy couple? Check Stan Laurel's face top right! Just one funny clip.


10/07/2013Bilko I empathise with your relationship to Stephen. More power to him say I, not less. TS That's the spirit Comrade, quite right, now is no time to desert the barricades! *J*U*L*I*A* hasn't, she fights on and pleads that we do too. Your pome's grim humour says it very well. Abborrtt is a gross liability for his rotten party now, I am very pleased with him. Jane you said quoting me "[i]Seems they are decent after all![/i] Don't know that I'd put money on it TT." I would Jane! ;-)


10/07/2013Sing a song of travel rorts, a pocket full of stunts! Abborrtt and the Press Corps, a bunch of sickophunts! When Bridie Jabour opened one of Garlo's pies It was full of maggots in the form of Abborrrtt's lies!


10/07/2013HI I was shocked to hear what happened to your first female prime minister!! I am not Australian; I am from Julia Gillard home country in South Wales, UK and to be honest I had not heard of Julia until her Misogyny Speech which I heard on BBC News!!! However when I heard Julia Misogyny Speech I was extremely impressed by her. She came across as a great leader for your country and when I finished watching her Misogyny Speech I really wanted Julia to be our prime minister because she seemed like someone who knew what she stood for and could get things done, unlike our current British prime minister who has achieved nothing but scandal since he took office in 2010. It’s clear No prime minister/president is ever going to be perfect, but for what I’ve read of Julia Gillard it seems that she has achieved great polices with the little time she has had under difficult circumstances. The fact that Australia hasn’t gone through a double dip recession unlike the UK is a huge achievement in itself, so Julia currently has a lot to be proud of!! If Julia Gillard ever wants to come back to the UK to be our Second female prime minister she would be more than welcome, as Julia would give David Cameron a good run for his money!! :)


10/07/2013Today’s Links Moving Forward by @MrDenmore see the last three years as a colossal failure in political journalism and the wider media; a failure evidenced by glory-seeking journos riding anonymous sources to become players in the political game, of splenetic old broadcasters unleashing misogynistic tirades and of an unashamedly partisan tabloid trash media telling outright lies Abbott’s #Battlerort lines collapse under @bkjabour questioning by @NoFibs Q Do you take responsibility for the incorrect claim of $9000?, A Well, um, I didn’t claim travel allowance, I never claim travel allowance. My office in advertently booked some travel, ah, ah, as official which should not have been booked that way Tony Abbott blames Labor dirt campaign for questions over expenses by Emma Griffiths "I think I've fully dealt with it, time to move on.", When pressed further, he accused the Prime Minister of stirring up the issue. "Why is Kevin Rudd now trying to dish this sort of dirt?" he said. Tony Abbott tells female journalist to ‘calm down’ by @WomensAgenda So much for understanding woman. Opposition Leader Tony Abbott's sparked an online frenzy after telling a female journalist to "calm down" when he disapproved of her line of questioning. No, you’re wrong, Tony by @MigloMT The mainstream media has finally grabbed the story of Tony Abbott being forced to repay taxpayers nearly $9,400 after receiving travel expenses to promote his book Battlelines in 2009. Naturally, according to Tony, it’s all Kevin Rudd’s fault: Print media? It’s not me, it’s you! by @independentaus Fair warning, print media: from now on I’ll be leaving you on the rack or lying face down in the gutter where you belong. No more leisurely weekend breakfasts together. No more room on my desk. Absolutely positively, no more parties! How The Comeback Kid Plays The Game by @beneltham Much will depend on whether Labor's strong polling under Rudd is a “sugar hit”, or a lasting realignment. If it's the former, the Coalition should be able to reassert its anti-Labor narrative. If the latter, Tony Abbott should get ready for some serious headaches. Applying a Key Policy Rule to Kevin’s Bid to Change Labor by @aussiepollies there is a downside. A leader who becomes toxic to the party in an electoral sense would be next to impossible to remove as the criteria for removal is set pretty high. A leader would only face removal after having brought the party into disrepute according to 75% of the caucus Why the Prime Minister’s spouse, Therese Rein, will get to keep her business this time around by Myriam Robin another kerfuffle about Turnbull’s ownership of France Telecom shares – a company involved in rolling out fibre-to-the-premises internet, which Turnbull’s party opposes as too expensive and unnecessary in Australia. The cases are far from identical of course – Turnbull is not in government, but in opposition, Westminster dispelled- President Kevin Rudd- by @LarvatusProdeo Normally, an Opposition Leader would jump at the chance to get him or herself on the same platform as the Prime Minister in a direct personal confrontation; normally the more bites an Opposition Leader gets at the cherry, the better. Not for Tony. Abbott has not run and is not running a presidential campaign Full of hot air: the Oz‘s case against a non-existent wind turbine by Ketan Joshi you get the idea. It’s an old piece of research, which has been mindlessly re-hashed by anti-wind groups and picked up by Lloyd with motivated glee. In the absence of evidence of any harm from wind turbines, awkwardly and unashamedly shoe-horning irrelevant, outdated research into contemporary media is, presumably, the last resort of anti-wind turbine activists. Power use down since carbon tax by The North West Star The carbon tax and a continued slump in electricity demand have cut carbon dioxide emissions of eastern Australia's power sector by 12.2 million tonnes in the past year, new research shows. The ‘Australian moment’ passes by @macro_business Since the GFC the local economy has enjoyed what was dubbed by George Megalogenis the “Australian moment”. It was argued that three decades of reform had positioned Australia to weather global ructions better than anyone else. That we occupied a unique position regarding China and a falling US dollar that pushed up commodity prices Turnbull's frank climate policy admissions by Daniel Palmer Turnbull is toeing the party line, albeit sans the three-word slogans his parliamentary colleagues appear so fond of. He made a frank admission that emissions trading schemes had not worked particularly well to date, but he hoped we would one day see a global carbon price. Turnbull throws spanner into repealing that “great big tax”…. Abbott’s blood oath getting shakier by the day by @WTDeniers Asked whether he would join Mr Abbott in campaigning to repeal an emissions trading scheme, Mr Turnbull admitted ”there would be more convincing advocates”. Opposition Leader Tony Abbott said he thought that Mr Turnbull “did a very very good job on Q&A last night” but he Can boat people be turned back? by @EVERALDATLARGE It is very obvious that the “Turn Back The Boats” policy is an act of absolute stupidity, as well as being offensive to the people of Indonesia, who are not refugees themselves and who cannot adequately police the shores of the 5,000 islands that make up their nation. The Leader After Tony by @archiearchive With the re-ascension of Rudd and the sudden decline in Abbott’s popularity there is some consternation amongst the ranks of the overly Godly. Today’s Front Pages Australian Newspaper Front Pages for 10 July 2013 News headlines

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10/07/2013LYN'S DAILY LINKS updated:

Pappinbarra Fox

10/07/2013An interesting perspective on Rudd: This post AA is probably not the place to start other threads, as out of respect for the immediate past PM, and the purpose of your post material off the track ought to be left to another day, or another post created quickly to allow wider discussion to ensue, but this link I have provided would be lost in the ether of time, if not put now, and anyway Lyn's fantastic service also goes much further afield so I am in good company. Whether Rudd has changed is the key question, and only time will tell that. I formed the view way back that he should have chomped on the double dissolution bullet over the ETS when it first stumbled. Crash through or crash but that was not his character. Maybe now it is.

Ad astra

10/07/2013jane, TT Thank you for your visuals – very amusing. I liked your verse TT. For the first time for ages we saw Slogan-Abbott with his back to the wall yesterday, and he didn’t like it. Bullies don’t like a dose of the medicine they enjoy dishing out to others. Catherine Welcome to [i]The Political Sword[/i] family all the way from South Wales and thank you for your comment. You are right when you say: [i]”Julia Gillard it seems that she has achieved great polices with the little time she has had under difficult circumstances. The fact that Australia hasn’t gone through a double dip recession unlike the UK is a huge achievement in itself, so Julia currently has a lot to be proud of!!”[/i]

Ad astra

10/07/2013PF Thank you for the [i]Club Troppo[/i] link. The extent to which Kevin Rudd has changed from his first prime ministership is the open question.


10/07/2013Mike Carlton ‏@MikeCarlton01 20h The caption on this ABC pic is pathetic. "Tony Abbott helps out..." … Bullshit. "Tony Abbott poses for TV stunt..."


10/07/2013Experts finally taking my advice from 1972!


10/07/2013Tall Turkey@12.43 Thank you for your kind comment, my only consolation will be if Kevin prevents the noalition from getting their grubby hands on the treasury benches. Some other good men also stepped down and I wish them my good wishes.


10/07/2013oops I wish them all the best damm watery eyes

Ad astra

10/07/2013Folks Can anyone explain to me what the man who wants to be PM, and the one who wants to be Treasurer, were doing at Garlo’s Pies yesterday garbed in hair net and white coat putting pies in the oven, packing them and then eating them? What was that stunt all about? Was it another ‘the carbon tax is ruining this business’? If it was, was it, to use a favourite media word, ‘overshadowed’ by the exchange between Slogan-Abbott and the female journalist, B K Jabour, from [i]The Guardian[/i] hammering him about his over-claiming of expenses during his [i]Battlelines[/i] promotion? Abbott’s incapacity to handle this sort of confrontation, to which he is seldom exposed, was patently obvious. Slogan-Abbott was given his slogan for the day “[i]… this matter was fully dealt with last year. There’s nothing further to add”[/i], so he repeats it over and again. Read Margo Kingston’s account on [i]Citizen Journalism – no fibs[/i] in Lyn’s Links. It illustrates starkly the paucity of Slogan-Abbott’s suite of responses. He’s becoming more and more like an automaton. Heaven help him when he gets round to a genuine debate. This is serious folks! I find his pseudo pie-maker, fruiterer, fishmonger escapades not only ridiculous, but inane, childish and insulting to the intelligence of the electorate. He treats us like idiots and yet expects our votes!

bob macalba

10/07/2013Thanks Ad, great article about a great woman...cheers, also i believe abbott and hockey were at the pie factory eating free pies is easy to work out..the pies were free and lets be honest, they are bludgers they belong to the tory[bastards] party and any freebie is a good freebie


10/07/2013[b]Tony Abbott refuses to provide answers to questions about his wrongful claim[/b] There is a video of Abbott's presser on You Tube where he repeats his nonsense about the impact of the Carbon Price. Shaun, the Pieman, uses Liberal Party speaking points when bleating about business costs. Here are a couple of comments that take Abbott to task: AaronBLingwood 3 hours ago If you are paying $1,000 a month in carbon tax, you are using around 45,000 kwh /mo. That is just over a million pies when considering the power usage of ovens, lights, exhaust and refrigeration. Pretend that it is only 10 cents profit per pie, this 'small business' would be making $100,000 per month whilst crying about $1,000 (despite having the power to negotiate with the energy companies). AaronBLingwood 3 hours ago Oh, and I meant 90 pies per half hour EACH AaronBLingwood 3 hours ago A grand a month in carbon is around 46Mwh of electricty or 20x 15W ovens (churning 90 pies per half hour), 4x 10W exhaust, and 1x 15W coolroom presuming all are running at max for 24 hours a day. Or a million pies a month. Maurene Grundy 14 hours ago Joe back to stuffing his face just months after having drastic lap-band surgery.


10/07/2013Hi Everyone, I got my banner photo and I will let you know how effective it is as I plan to use it tomorrow at Maryborough Markets. It should be interesting. As is this exchange from Warran Truss to my article on the NBN. Have a read and see my response to his response. It would seem he doesn't like my questioning his Truss Report that he sends out to all of us in his electorate of Wide Bay. It is chok full of untruths, including the one about the NBN costing $90 billion or is it $94 billion because he contradicts himself on the same page. The comments from the general public are very supportive.,30352

Pappinbarra Fox

10/07/2013Bob Said [quote]i believe abbott and hockey were at the pie factory eating free pies is easy to work out..the pies were free and lets be honest, they are bludgers they belong to the tory[bastards] party and any freebie is a good freebie bob macalba [/quote] Good point Bob, but what I want to know is - did Abott claim travel expenses for the free lunch?


10/07/2013I couldn't believe my eyes. I have regarded Bongo as one of the most even-handed & knowledgeable journalists on the 4th Estate. But look at this, someone tweeted him: @PaulBongiorno Y hasTen News ignored Abbott's rorting travel allowances? Bongiorno replied: [i]He denied it and we believe him.[/i] [i]Believe[/i] him you notice, present tense, (this was yesterday morning when it was already crystal-clear that Abborrrt had indeed rorted and been forced to repay $9400!) (I wonder how much else he's embezzled?!) ... and now he's LIED about it all as well ... PiG~THiNG I calls 'im! STILL the MSM hasn't gone for his throat, they are JUST TOO TIMID. OR RELUCTANT anyway for whatever reasons, some of which are as crooked as a bike track through the Pyrenees. THE MSM HAS DELIBERATELY FAILED TO INFORM, AND DELIBERATELY DISINFORMED THE PEOPLE. JOURNALISTS ARE ALMOST ENTIRELY IN THRALL OF MURDOCH. THEY ARE INDEED "THE FAILED ESTATE" But what on Earth can Bongiorno mean - WE BELIEVE him? [i]WE?[/i] Channel 10 corporately has [i]taken a decision [/i]to believe him, like it is [i]Policy?[/i] Even [i]against the evidence?[/i] Because Comrades, if that is what that does imply, this is 1984 Revisited. Control the Media, you can MAKE the truth. But Margo Kingston from No Fibs, and Bridie Jabour of The Guardian -both of the 5th Estate, note - have rattled the Abborrttians' cage good'n'proper this time. Them, and of course The Polls, heh heh. Abborrtt is desperate, worse, despairing, [i]Oh Mama Mia the Precious is slipping from my grasp I can almost feel it but it's not there, Oh My Precioussss![/i] Media has excelled itself in finally ousting *J*U*L*I*A* - I've linked to this before but it has happened now and they are about at the 48 second mark now! We won't have the unalloyed joy of seeing a radiant victorious woman on The Throne but we [i]will[/i] have the almost-equivalent schadenfreudische of seeing PiG~THiNG disgraced and destroyed. And the real satisfaction of saving all this last Parliament has achieved. Sportsbet has Labor in to $3.00, 2 days ago it was $4.00, takes punters a while for it to sink it, LABOR TO WIN! They don't WANT labor to win, is part of the mix, it's not really anything real that people bet on. Hunches, and favourites. In this case they all favourite the past-his-best stallion, PiG~THiNG, over Red Caviar, the dazzling chestnut filly ... But let me remind everyone, [i]I didn't go on hunches[/i]. I used my Eye of Time, I KNEW Abborrtt would give out in the long run, and *J*U*L*I*A* had stored up all the ammo which by now she would be firing. Eye of Time didn't know about the effectiveness of Rudd's campaign [i]within[/i] the Party though. [i]Rats![/i] Grrrnnh! But Red Caviar was run off the course by this grey gelding Kev's Ego, well the ladies think he's lovely and the men think he's a man, (well at least he's not a woman!), he prays and neighs in all the right ways, and alongside of him Abbortt, a, ah, really seems, ahhh, shall we, er say, ahh, he looks er, flucked. So Kev's Ego looks set to win, with all *J*U*L*I*A*s reforms and good works to claim as All His Own Work. Now look: We always were going to win, at least with *J*U*L*I*A* as PM. All the rest of the opinions notwithstanding. That's why I, a lifelong NON-betting man, put a very decent wad on Labor a year ago. That's what I've always yelled: [i][b]VENCEREMOS![/b][/i] So by the living Dog this showy grey gelding [i]better[/i] win this race, because otherwise he's bloody Dog [i]meat[/i].


10/07/2013Visit to a pie shop I thought "there was no such thing as a free lunch" aka PJK sloppy joe would have had a field day. My bet of odds at 6 a few months ago are looking better each day. The Polls now appear to be what they should have been over the last three years if there was no jiggery pokery going. oops my paranoia showing again


10/07/2013It wasn't an edifying look at the pie shop, was it? Both Abbott and Hockey gorging on 'free food', and both doing it very inelegantly... well, piggishly, actually.


10/07/2013TT If this gets swept under the carpet about Abbott's false claim this is truly bordering on the sinister, after what went over the AWU bullshit. Bye the way many thanks to the janitor. I'm sure when I walked the corridors of this thread on TPS earlier I had to side step some troll dung, I noticed on returning someone has been cleaning up. Or am I imagining it?


10/07/2013KHTAGH No, you are not imagining it. I read it too and I'm pleased it was removed. There is never a time or place for vitriol and bile. It serves no purpose other than to demean and devalue.

Ad astra

10/07/2013bob macalba Thank you for your kind comment. It seems pies are the Coalition's common denominator. I'm calling it a day.

John Bloomfield

10/07/2013My sincere thanks to Julia Gillard for a job well done for Australia. I heartily endorse Adastra's eloquent tribute to Julia- a fine prime minister indeed! I can't add much to what has been expressed by Adastra's and subsequent commenter posts other than to express great disappointment in my fellow Australians and our 4th estate for failing to recognise the achievements of a great leader of our time. I am also disappointed that so few respected "pillars" of our society stood by without protest as this public "demonisation" of Gillard relentlessly proceeded. I now understand how fascism came to power in Europe during the 1930's. I hope I'm not seeing "corporatism" taking over modern democracies. As a keen observer of politics form Menzies days, I consider her to be the best PM I've had the privilege to witness and support - Whitlam and Keating are hard to beat, but under the circumstances which she served, she was the best. She wasn't beaten by the task - she excelled in steering an extraordinary amount of important legislation through a hung parliament - a most productive government by any measure. She was taken down by foul tactics - a combination of internal ALP Rudd-rats and Murdochracy. I won't give any credit to Abbott, he is just an opportunist beneficiary of perverse treachery. Australian journalists have let down the nation yet again - I thought I would never again see such disgraceful and unethical journalism as that preceding Whitlam's dismissal, but these last three years represent a new low. Three years of relentless propaganda and misinformation has blinded the public to the Gillard governments world envied achievements. We Australians will be the poorer for her demise - the forces of corporate greed and selfish ego's have prevailed. The low point of Australian journalism (that I'll never forget) occurred on the ABC 7:30 coverage on the night of PM Gillard's defeat - in wrapping up after Rudd's appointment to PM, Leigh Sales (in discussion with Chris Uhlmann and Annabel Crabb) asked why Julia Gillard could not get the message of her government's considerable achievements out to the general public. In smug triumphance, they all sat there with innocent angelic faces pondering Gillard's popularity shortcomings - not one mention of Murdoch's relentless 3 year media propaganda campaign, completely oblivious of their own role in undermining any positive presentation of the PM's achievements, and their own absolute failure to objectively examine opposition policies and actions. Great work Julia, Australia still needs visionaries and achievers like you - the day will come when those deceived by the malicious MSM/ABC propaganda will realise they were conned by ideology, avarice and greed.


10/07/2013[b]Media bunnies become the hounds[/b] Jane Gilmore [quote]The debate about sexism and Julia Gillard has been raging for months and it's likely to continue on for years, mainly because there's so much evidence, both for and against the idea that innate sexism in Australian media and policies was the cause of her downfall. [/quote] The above reference was tweeted by Anne Summers 30mins ago.

Michael Taylor

10/07/2013An accolade for Ad Astra: a fine blogger.


10/07/2013Bloss, KHTAGH, Jane, others who may have imagined that they saw troll-dung earlier, let me assure you that that belief is merely a deluded fantasy! ;-) There is no troll dung on this site, there never has been any troll dung on this site, and there will never be any troll dung on this site. Good isn't it!


11/07/2013Thank you, John Bloomfield, and everyone else who has joined Ad Astra in this accolade for Prime Minister Julia Gillard.


11/07/2013Today’s Links A Julia Gillard Keepsake, by @TheHoopla At The Hoopla, like so many of our readers, we have an immense regard for Ms. Julia Gillard. She achieved something many of us thought we would never see in our lifetime. And for that she will never be forgotten. So we are proud to present a beautiful trio of portraits and an interview Craig Thomson speaks to IA (Part 1): Independent politics and the ALP by @independentaus In the eyes of the old media, Thomson is just a villain — despite the evidence against him progressively collapsing. The now utterly discredited Fair Work Australia report contained allegations of over $800,000 but resulted in only $26,000 worth of charges by Victorian Police, most relating to expenses that Has regulation really gotten out of control under Rudd/Gillard? by @LarvatusProdeo Recently, the Coalition repeated for the zillionth time fleshed out their promise to boost productivity and reduce regulation with a whole bunch of what appears to be symbolic crap. Abbott’s claim that “Over the term of the Rudd-Gillard government…Labor has introduced 21,000 new regulations and repealed 105.” No methodology or source was provided for the claim Unleashed by @Piping_Shrike Rudd appears to have learnt lessons in exile, but it doesn’t appear the main one was to consult more with his colleagues. They thought they were getting a chastened Rudd, what they look as though they now have is Rudd Unleashed. Outrageous fortune: public servants who answer the call by @PfrayEd A problem with complaining about everything is that the listener finds it more and more difficult to discern when the outrage is truly deserved, and when it’s just created for political mileage Joe Hockey, Liberal frontbencher and alternative Treasurer, said on Thursday July 4 that Kevin Rudd’s recruitment of a senior Treasury official to run his office was a "joke". It’s easy to get the impression that Andrew Bolt might just be a bit hypocritical by @MigloMT How Tony Abbott was framed by an activist journalist who should calm down. The article begins You cannot get a better example of media bias and malice – the gotcha journalism of the Left Bolt was referring to the interview where Tony Abbott told Guardian Australia journalist Bridie Jabour to calm down after she asked a few The election date by @MigloMT since Kevin Rudd’s elevation to PM there has been enough media speculation to suggest that this date is no longer set in stone. Tony Abbott certainly doesn’t think it is, given his daily calls for the ‘new’ election date to be called, and preferably earlier. Feels Like The First Time by @madwixxy First time voters this year have a tough choice ahead of them with a number of important things to consider It is not just a matter of Kevin Rudd versus Tony Abbott, it is a matter of policy versus policy, and a choice between 2 separate directions these leaders wish to take the country PS bonuses back under Abbott by Markus Mannheim The Howard government kept the size of individual bureaucrats’ bonuses secret, along with details of how they were assessed. When then Treasury secretary Ken Henry was denied a bonus in 2007, it was widely believed to be a result of his critical speech to staff on the government’s water policy The jobs will come, as they always have by @1RossGittins We haven't had a severe recession for more than 20 years - a record for us and better than any other rich country can say - and yet we're feeling down. (Sometimes I think we're feeling down precisely because so many of us have no recollection of what genuine economic hardship feels like.) Why Abbott is scared to debate the economy by @TheKouk Prime Minister Kevin Rudd is hoping to debate Opposition Leader Tony Abbott at the National Press Club on the economy this Thursday, although it appears that Mr Abbott will be a no-show. This is odd given that just recently Mr Abbott described the Federal Government's fiscal policy and budget as "an emergency Sacrificing economic highs to escape the lows by @GrogsGamut We have traversed the past five years as well as any government has during an economic downturn, but best of all it was done without the lows. If the price of that is a lack of "highs", then so be it. Because if we look at the situation in America we see what real lows are like: A More Democratic Solution Than Antony Green’s for the Farce of Tablecloth-Sized Ballot Papers by @djackmanson the fairest way is not to make it harder to become a party – it’s to make it harder for parties to game the system. Adopting optional-preferential above-the-line voting makes it harder for micro-parties to harvest votes and make deals, so all groups that have a vision to put to the Australian people, large or small, get to have a go. Courier Mail not impressed by Abbott doing 'charity' work and the taxpayer picking up his tab by @no_filter_Yamba Likewise, according to registers published by the Department of Finance, we get hit up for travel allowances for Surf Lifesaving swims, Wagga fun runs and even $1100 for his Tony the Trucker stunt driving a rig down the Pacific Highway late last year. Ray Hadley sued over alleged 2GB bullying incident by Injured Workers Support The alleged bullying incident happened on the morning of February 7, when Hadley called Mr Palmer into his office. The top-rating host was angry because Palmer had not uploaded a podcast of The Ray Hadley Morning Show quickly enough onto 2GB’s website. The holes in Coalition's NBN plan by Steve Jenkin The one alarming thing that does bear some pointing out , however, is the ease with which the shadow communications minister is allowed to peddle spurious figures on not just about Labor’s NBN but also the Coalition’s alternative. Today’s Front Pages Australian Newspaper Front Pages for 11 July 2013 News headlines


11/07/2013Lucy, Just used the link you posted and read your NBN piece. Your response to Truzzzz was excellent. There is no doubt in my mind that Labor fields excellent candidates and if the people in your electorate are looking for a quality representative then I trust they will vote 1 Lucy. I look forward to seeing you trounce Truzzz at the election.

Ad astra

11/07/2013LYN'S DAILY LINKS updated:


11/07/2013"Mmmm" was the sound, and two slightly constipated expressions was what was seen... ABC News Breakfast this morning, as both Michael Rowland and Virginia Trioli completed a discussion with a guest about two stories reporting the 'politicisation' of the mooted Indigenous referendum in comments yesterday by PM Kevin Rudd. A front page headline in The Australian trumpeted "PM Misfires On Referendum", and a story in the Financial Review was headed "Indigenous vote clash". Rowland, Trioli, guest Laurie Zion, all agreed that the "misfire" and the "clash" were based on nothing more than comments by two Coalition figures. One being Tony Abbott with the 'politicisation' charge. A front page story, a major article, both overcooking the facts and implying widespread condemnation based entirely on quoted comments of two Coalition figures. "Mmmm". And constipated looks. Did either Rowland or Trioli think for a second that they might accurately describe these stories as barefaced beat-ups? For a second, each looked like the other was waiting for the other to start that observation, begin that conversation. And then each, looking at each other, backed off, manifestly decided not to go there, because "there" is way too hard, way too big an anthill to kick. Might even be the anthill they live in, the anthill that pays them, the anthill they've helped build. "Mmmm". Constipated. Gutless.

Ad astra

11/07/2013John Bloomfield Thank you for your kind words. Your comments resonate strongly with me. We all recognize the shameful role of the Fourth Estate in bringing about the removal of Julia Gillard. It is carefully documented in Kerry-Anne Walsh’s new book: [i]The Stalking of Julia Gillard: How the media and Team Rudd contrived to bring down the Prime Minister[/i], a review of which will be my next piece that I will post on Sunday. The book sets out in stark fashion how complicit the media was in this disgraceful episode in our national politics.

Ad astra

11/07/2013Michael Taylor Thank you. Coming from you, that is a very fine accolade.

Ad astra

11/07/2013MIchael The 'misfire' story occupied the headline in The Australian. Is that the best they could do? It seems so. It's yet another sign of the steady deterioration of the Fourth Estate, and signals their intent to next bring down Kevin Rudd.

bob macalba

11/07/2013Thankyou Lyn,...cuppa tea,lamington and links, normality in my life again[had a wee break]..and after reading the facts i now turn to fiction as my wanna be a bikie postie has just delivered...drum roll.....Our Plan, real solutions for all Australians, sixteen page summary, this should be funny. cheers


11/07/2013Hi Bob A pleasure Bob "Lamington Links" love that. I have received my Real Solutions 2 weeks ago, now I know how to aspire strongly. ♥ :) ♥ :) 2 hearts for you. Dennis Atkins is being outspoken this morning: [quote][b]Party Games: Tony Abbott's refusal to debate Kevin Rudd shows he has misread the new political dynamic [/b][/quote] In adjusting to the new reality, Abbott should have gone for broke and accepted the debate challenge. As it is, the overwhelming view is that Abbott has squibbed it; he hasn't got the courage or interest in debating Rudd.


11/07/2013Cripes. What a pain in the Parson's Nose. LNPbullshit = LNPDNA ‏@rodgerrodgersu 9h @TalkyTurkey @MigloMT talkin of turkeys, cvheck this story out... > …


11/07/2013Our Girl Lucy Stanton Causing Trusszzzzz to rant on! Go on Gal, Hit 'im again! Folks DEMAND the NBN! You have found that chink in their armour - at the throat. Legolas: "Faeg i-varv dîn na lanc a nu ranc." ([i]Their armor is weak at the neck and under the arms[/i].),30352#comments On Sportsbet, Labor in yet again to $2.90. Last Sunday it was $4.00. Missed your chance Folks!


11/07/2013RUN Abbortt RUN Abbortt RUN RUN RUN! Rudd's after you with his GUN GUN GUN! NO MORE LIES! You'll soon be ABBORRRTT PIES! And what's left of you Folks will SHUN SHUN SHUN!

Catching up

11/07/2013Poor Abbott, cannot seem to take a trick. Everybody it seems, think that he is having trouble readjusting to the new circumstances.


11/07/2013 Yous is gonna lurrrrrve this:


11/07/2013Read my lips - it's the boats stupid! We will stop the boats! John Howard stopped the boats! We will stop the boats! Scotty Morrison will stop the boats! Julie Bishop will stop the boats and she will tell the Indonesians through diplomatic channels - to stop the boats! Oh! that's right she already told them what she expects! Who says Tony hasn't any policies - I've just given you six policies for starters ????

Catching up

11/07/2013Listening to Hockey. Do not despair, they have a plan.

Ad astra

11/07/2013Folks Read this from [i]The Guardian[/i], and be scared: [i]James Hansen: Fossil fuel addiction could trigger runaway global warming: Without full decarbonisation by 2030, our global emissions pathway guarantees new era of catastrophic climate change[/i] The first paragraph reads: [i]“The world is currently on course to exploit all its remaining fossil fuel resources, a prospect that would produce a "different, practically uninhabitable planet" by triggering a "low-end runaway greenhouse effect." This is the conclusion of a new scientific paper by Prof James Hansen, the former head of NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies and the world's best known climate scientist.”[/i]


11/07/2013Hi Ad, Look what Lucy our Lady in Red is doing: Cheers to Lucy :):):)

Ad astra

11/07/2013Hi Lyn I’ve been finishing off my next piece: [i]The Stalking of Julia Gillard: Kerry-Anne Walsh, a review[/i], that I will post on Sunday, and have just now read your links. There’s lots of great reading there, especially on matters economic. I hope Slogan-Abbot reads them and understands their message. This man is supposed to have a qualification in economics and law, but you would never know it. If only he would update himself by reading The Kouk, Grog and Ross Gittins. He seems to be good though at getting in his expenses claims, even if they don’t add up.


11/07/2013AA Sorry I've been AWOL for a couple of weeks, too miserable and/or angry some days to even turn on the computer. But your wonderful tribute to Julia deserves a response - beginning with a huge "thank you" for articulating the feelings and thoughts which so many of us have been experiencing. And besides, it's Gough's birthday - if he can survive until he's 97 after what happened to him, I should be able to dust down and move on! But even though I remember the shock of the dismissal as though it were yesterday, I didn't feel the intensity of despair and bitter disappointment then that I've felt over the knifing of Julia Gillard. Julia made me feel proud - when I watched her on the international stage, respected by the world's leaders, the rapport with them so obvious, I felt truly proud to be represented by her. She filled me with admiration when I watched her interacting with people from all over our nation, treating every one of them with respect and warmth whether rich or poor, young or old, sophisticated or simple. She filled me with admiration when she kept her focus, concentrating on achieving her goals, never allowing herself to be deflected or distracted by the vitriol and bullying which was directed at her. And she filled me with admiration when she spoke so masterfully on any subject which was put to her, revealing her extraordinary intelligence, professionalism and diligence. Her loss still hurts. And I wonder why Australians are so conservative and timid that they cut down leaders with vision, leaders who will take them into the future. As for the future, I'm sure that hers is assured, that she will be headhunted by some international organisation which will give her the opportunity to employ her extraordinary talents and skills in some arena where they will be appropriate valued. About our future, without her, I'm not quite so confident. There's the matter of the country being led by a man whose implacable vengefulness is evident and whether such a person is suitable to fill the PM's job. And I've never quite trusted Kevin Rudd since he was so determined, against the advice he was given, to hand over our foreign broadcasting rights to News Corporation. It seemed fairly obvious that he'd done a deal there with Rupert and anyone who does a deal with that devil is forever tainted. I just hope that our NBN is safe. But for now we can only hope that her legacy will be secure and consider ourselves very lucky to have enjoyed her leadership for the time that we did.


11/07/2013Catching Up You are so wrong! The Coalition doesn't have a plan, they have a blue pamphlet.


11/07/2013I posted this on Twitter a couple of days ago ... But it's ALWAYS true, and here on TPS is where it all happens! [b]Every morning before dawning While we're sleeping or still yawning Lyn is finding food for thinking Feeding us all @lynlinking ![/b]


11/07/2013John Bloomfield @ 10.55pm yesterday Just to say I agree that the "comment" you mention from Uhlmann, Sales & Crabb must be some sort of low point in Australian journalism. And Uhlmann had the nerve to praise Gillard's concession speech! I think Matthew's the book to go to for comment on hypocrites, must get out my concordance.

Ad astra

11/07/2013Pikiranku I know how you feel. You have expressed your feelings about Julia so beautifully. Thank you for your kind words.


12/07/2013Abbott & Hockey shouldn't be too concerned about their little mate Garlo (Sean Garlick). The pie maker is doing very well thank you very much. He has contracts with Coles and IGA amongst others and can churn out 6,000 pies per hour in his new bakery at St Peter's in Sydney.


12/07/2013If You’ve Ever Posted Anything Embarrassing on Facebook, Now Is the Time to Hide It By Will Oremus


12/07/2013From one Julia to another: Thank you for the NDIS By Danielle Jesser Thursday, June 27, 2013


12/07/2013[b]Cracking the dress code[/b] Jane Goodall. 05 July 2013 [quote]...questions about physical appearance dogged Gillard throughout her term of office, and continue to generate heated discussion about what we should and should not be paying attention to in the appraisal of women in power. We are less accustomed to seeing women as political leaders so we look at them more critically in every sense, but for anyone who is in the public eye and seeking broad public approval, image is of critical importance. [/quote] See more at: [b]Julia Gillard: Greer slurs catty and stupid[/b] By Caroline Overington. June 25, 2013 [quote]In an interview with The Weekly, Ms Gillard said she could "roll with the punches" when it came to personal abuse, but thought Dr Greer had demeaned herself, by stooping to make nasty remarks about the Prime Minister's body shape. [/quote] [b]Obama's jean-ious move[/b]. Jessica Swavley Wednesday, July 22, 2009 [quote]"I'm a little frumpy … I hate to shop, those jeans are comfortable," President Obama said on the Today show. "For those of you who want your president to look great in his tight jeans I'm sorry, I'm not the guy!" [/quote]


12/07/2013Today’s Links Tony Abbott has no plan for the economy: Kevin Rudd by @CoffsOutlook Framing Mr Abbott as ‘‘Captain Negative’’ in notes circulated before the speech, Mr Rudd suggested the Coalition has been talking down Australia’s economy. The Scott Morrison Liberal Party dissolution by Bob Ellis @independentaus it is clear that the Liberals are the patient, verging on madness, and Rudd and Carr and Clare and Burke ‒ who look like casualty surgeons ‒ will assist them, after sedation, into their necessary convalescence. The Minchin protocol explained: expenses, repayments and Tony Abbott by Bridie Jabour @bkjabour He had previously been asked about the expenses in 2010 by the ABC’s The Drum, and a spokesman went on the public record saying: "All travel undertaken by Mr Abbott has been within the entitlement. This is a blatant attempt by Labor to smear and mislead." Bitter Preselection by rossleighbrisbane Apparently, the fact that more than one person wants to be Labor’s candidate in Julia Gillard’s old seat is front page news. Apparently, it’s unusual for Labor to have different factions pushing for pre-selection. It’s not? Is this one particularly bitter? Not at this point in time. Kevin Rudd Press Club address: Labor warns against Coalition's slash and burn plan by Emma Griffiths Mr Rudd used his first major speech since seizing back the leadership to defend the Labor Government's handling of the economy and to accuse the Opposition of making exaggerated claims about the nation's levels of debt and deficit. Fact-checking sites are a symptom, not a cure by@timdunlop @KingsTribune the mainstream failed in its most basic duty as a provider of information that allows citizens to inform themselves. It found itself captured by various special interests, including the most special one of all, self- interest.’ Tony Abbott's vision of society as a market by @timdunlop The issue isn't that Tony Abbott doesn't have policies. The issue is he that he does and that they are horrible. Or at least, they are horrible if your idea of a civilised society is one in which we aren't all increasingly left to fend for ourselves. Strikes, cars and deficits: Tony Abbott with Jon Faine by ABC Opposition Leader Tony Abbott says the Coalition is proposing changes to when strike action can be taken, among other workplace reforms. Risky business by @fakeedbutler You were uncertain of how the set carbon price would affect you, and now that it might be moved to a floating price sooner, you’re uncertain about the timeline. And even when it does happen, you’re uncertain about price movements. Electricity prices worry you. Unemployment worries you. High wages worry you. Consumer sentiment worries you while your worry worries consumers What would you ask Tony Abbott by @TheHoopla “This is the plan that Australia needs,” he said. However with even Malcolm Turnbull unable to give “Real Solutions” a ringing endorsement on Monday night’s Q&A, (he grimaced when he mentioned its name) it’s not a document that anyone’s rushing to read. Abbott caught lying again @no_filter_Yamba In which Australian Opposition Leader Tony Abbott attempts to write independent blog No Fibs’ role out of recent political history and blame Kevin Rudd for the Freedom Of Information request that revealed Abbott has improperly claimed Home tweet homes by @margokingston1 In the old days, I needed Fairfax. Now I see that I don’t if I’m part of the social media beehive and I have a partner who creates and manages the technology. My partner is Tony Yegles, a former Webdiarist I’d never met who followed me on Twitter as soon as my account was opened and made me a website when I started tweeting. Australia’s Unemployment Rate hits 5.7% in June by @GrogsGamut The seasonally adjusted rate came in at 5.7%, so too did the trend rate. Today’s Front Pages Australian Newspaper Front Pages for 12 July 2013 News headlines

Ad astra

12/07/2013LYN'S DAILY LINKS updated:


12/07/2013 David Donovan ‏@davrosz 10h Ah! The time of the night I often reveal cryptic clues. Well, saying nada! (Except for 2 people coming forward with info about the poodle.) just JenRed ‏@JustJen64 10h @davrosz THESE two people ?;) David Donovan ‏@davrosz 10h @JustJen64 Maybe. There does look like there is a poodle sitting on that elderly lady's head. 11:33 PM - 11 Jul 13 ·

bob macalba

12/07/2013TT...i felt really ill for him, and i despise the man, ...surely he would be able to smell the formaldehyde oozing through her pores, the smell of hairspray or whitewash even...silly poodle

bob macalba

12/07/2013while im in a catty mood, Annabelle the Crabbe seems to be going for the 'bishop' look, 1950s polly filla face masks, none too flattering, but wot do i know, im just a bloke feeling slightly catty


12/07/2013bob It's a very funny pic+text but what do you think it all means? What's Poodle been doing with his doodle? David Donovan has something very chortly up his sleeve ... Come to think of it, where's the Poodle been for the last few days? Brough Pyne and Ashby, all very seldom seen. We have great hopes for their collaborating with Labor in bringing Abborrttianism to an ignominious end.

bob macalba

12/07/2013TT..Hope its really juicy, love watching tory[bastards] squirm, cocaine fueled man on man parties? see now im just gossiping, as if it could be something like that, goodness me that cant be right can it? i mean both of them are hetero, right? why do i listen to such gossip?..naughty

Ad astra

12/07/2013Hi Lyn I'm part way through your links, but this morning I've been finishing my piece for Sunday. So I'll catch up later. We are getting on the road now for several days in Melbourne.


12/07/2013TT, Prissy looks like the cartoon character Mr Bighead from Rocko's Modern Life. :) bob, wouldn't it have been the delicate stench of kero wafting over his nostrils?


12/07/2013D, C & B


13/07/2013jane, I looked up Mr Bighead, you're dam right he does! The mind boggles ... Formaldehyde ... Kero ... Dencorub ... Lavender Water ... [i]Jeunesse[/i] ... Other [i]je ne sais quoi [/i]olfactory delights ...

Austin 3:16

13/07/2013So dissenting views are censored from the site and that's ok? Amazing. Sounds a lot like "First that came for the trolls and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a troll......."


13/07/2013Today’s Links The persecution of Prime Minister Julia Gillard by @independentaus The treatment of Julia Gillard and her Government should give us all pause to look at the wider issues at play, Anna Sande reports on what this sordid period says about “modern Australia #Battlerort: Your guide to how Abbott charged taxpayers for his book tour by @margokingston1 This suggests that prior to 2011 Senators and Members had to certify every month that their use of entitlements were within the rules. In other words at the end of August 2009 Tony Abbott would have been required to personally sign a page stating that his use of car Ashbygate: the great disappearing scandal about to roar back into life by David Marr This has been the great disappearing scandal of Australian politics. But it is about to roar back to life. Online activists have paid more than $50,000 into a fund called the Ashbygate Trust to engage lawyers, journalists and a private detective to investigate how far the plot against Slipper extended inside the opposition. Slipper gets some federal funds for costs by SBS Mr Gray declined to provide an estimate on how much it could cost the federal government, saying act of grace payments were usually confidentialIt could cost the Commonwealth nothing, he said. House of cards by @Vic_Rollison the real truth has been that your entire policy platform, your whole view of the world, is so easily unpicked that you literally will not risk being asked any questions about it. It’s as flimsy as your claim to have ‘no specific knowledge’ about the Slipper/Ashbygate scandal. But know this. We can see right through you Tony. Kevin Rudd resurgence looks like more than a sugar hit by Simon Jackman Now that we’re in 50-50 territory the state-by-state and marginal seat breakouts will become ever more important. Less national polling and more targeted polling would be helpful, now that we’re reasonably sure that the national level polling suggests a close contest. Kevin Rudd bounce puts Labor on course to pick up six Queensland seats by Katharine Murphy swing suggests Labor could pick up six seats in Queensland if the election was held now. Labor's primary vote in the state is now 40.8%, according to ReachTel. The Liberal National Party is on 44.2%. On a statewide measure Bob Katter's KAP is polling 3.9% and Clive Palmer's PUP is 4.6%. Rudd’s economic blueprint is a timely election pitch by Professor Peter Gahan This speech marks an ongoing strategy intended to set the terms of the political debate for this coming election. Some of this effort is clearly intended to outplay Tony Abbott’s own attempt to do just that with his own industrial relations policy agenda, released just a few weeks ago. Queensland asks for $3.7bn to sign up to school funding plan by @bkjabour Newman asked there be no conditions on the extra education funding given to the state so the money could be distributed the way the state's department and minister saw fit How the taxpayer paid for Tony Abbott to compete in surf races by @phonytonyabbott two surf events were the Pier to Pub swim in Lorne (January 7, 2012) and the Hervey Bay Surf Lifesaving Pier to Pub swim (April 21, 2012). The Pier to Pub swim in Lorne cost taxpayers $349 for travel expenses and $1,095.24 for flight costs - a total of $1,444.24. Productivity and Australian management by @LarvatusProdeo Rudd gave a speech at the NPC rather than the debate with Tony Abbott he originally wanted. Nevertheless, it was a good speech. It places the Chicken Little nonsense from the Opposition in its proper context, looked at where the Australian economy has been, where it is now, and An unhealthy subsidy by Ian McAuley Once the legislation was passed, the Coalition promised to restore the rebate should it win office. According to Tony Abbott, the rebate “is an article of faith for the Coalition. Private health insurance is in our DNA.” The Coalition has since backed off from its promise. - Who Should I Vote For? by @saint13333 he continued his attacks on Julia Gillard until the caucus was left with little choice but to change leader. The result being that Mr Abbott now faces a reinvigorated party with a leader of vast popularity with a self-belief in himself and the future of the country. Queensland Right Adopts US Tactics by @newmatilda Campbell Newman's government has already followed the lead of Republican governors in US states like Ohio and Wisconsin by targeting the union movement, and public sector unions in particular, with massive job cuts and restrictions on union organising. This is an attempt to cripple groups who oppose the government’s right wing agenda. Bringing Australia together. Rudd's new Accord- by @1petermartin Boosting productivity will require much more than this, and productivity is a hard thing to measure. But its a start, and not a bad goal around which to bring Australia together. Bernanke’s caution and patience saving the US economy by Stephen Koukoulas over that time the economy can build some further self-generating and self-sustaining economic growth, it will be a job well done. Bernanke is not quite there yet, but a recovery is getting closer by the month. This is the best the US economy has looked in about five years. Thank you Mike Quigley by @paulbudde What made this a far bigger challenge was the political pressure behind the whole project. While most countries have bipartisan support for such national infrastructure projects, the Coalition in Australia at the same time launched a campaign to ‘kill the NBN at all costs’. This resulted in the government having to face a barrage of extremely negative politicking from the Opposition, Will Quigley finally trash the Coalition’s NBN plan? by Harrison Polites This is because so far, Quigley’s refused to bite when it comes to trashing Turnbull and his Fibre-to-the-Node plan. This is despite Turnbull and the Opposition blatantly calling his company a joke, and openly questioning his appointment as the head of NBN Co. NBN Co chief Quigley to retire by Sabra Lane Mike Quigley was coaxed out of retirement four years ago to head NBN-Co - today he's revealed he's going back into retirement as soon as the company can find a replacement. NBN Co’s Quigley to retire by @renailemay Mr Quigley was instrumental in negotiating the deal with Telstra which has paved the way for the NBN rollout. Over the past four years, Mr Quigley has also successfully managed the switching on of fibre, fixed wireless and satellite connections right across the country, as NBN Co has established the full scale rollout of the National Broadband Network.” What Happened With The NBN This Week? by Luke Hopewell Then the trash talk started. It’s no secret that Turnbull dislikes Mike Quigley, head of NBN Co, but he didn’t have to come out and say it in public. Turnbull came out and said that if (read: when) the Coalition comes to power, Mike Quigley would be out of a job. He said that Mike Quigley is flat out “the wrong person for the job”, Hypocritical Turnbull Strikes Again Over Quigley by @mwyres Quigley didn’t come out of retirement in the first place just for the money, given his donation of his first $2 million annual salary to charity:“He was independently wealthy after a long and successful career in the global telecommunications industry, but he took the job anyway, partly to move back to his native Australia. NBN showdown: Malcolm Turnbull debates Labor's Ed Husic By Clare Rawlinson, Julia Christensen Shadow Minister for Communications Malcolm Turnbull and Parliamentary Secretary for Broadband Ed Husic have gone head to head in a debate over the NBN on ABC Local Radio today, as the NBN was switched on in Darwin. Today’s Front Pages Australian Newspaper Front Pages for 13 July 2013 News headlines

Ad astra

13/07/2013LYN'S DAILY LINKS updated:


13/07/2013Good News!! :0) Next Thursday on the BBC (Wales) Julia Gillard gives an exclusive interview to Huw Edwards on how Welsh people who have shaped Australia:


13/07/2013Insiders Guest is Christine Milne Panel Dennis Atkins Laura Tingle and Karen Middleton


13/07/2013Christine Milne has a face like a lioness. I don't mean that offensively, I mean, she really looks like a lioness, the lines in her face just make her look that way. Tomorrow in Lopsiders you should get a good look at her and you may see what I mean. The lighting has a lot to do with it though. It's just a funny fact. There's worse things to look like. Pyne, for starters.(SPEAK OF THE DEVIL HE JUST CAME ON ABC24! Urghhh) Dog knows what people might liken me to. Orangutan if they're being polite. Beyond that - not good.


13/07/2013From [b]SPORTINGBET[/b] - Some fun stuff for us! (Note: NOT [b]SPORTSBET[/b] the mob I put my bet with in July last year. The odds are similar though.) [u]Punters support ALP into shortest odds since October[/u] The ALP’s odds of winning the election have been crunched into $3.10 at Sportingbet Australia; its shortest odds since October last year. Since Kevin Rudd’s return to the Labor leadership two weeks ago, the odds of an ALP victory have firmed from $6 at Sportingbet. [b]The ALP was an unwanted [u]$10 [/u]chance back on May 16.[/b] [Dam I only got $7 ! :( ] “The money has been running 70/30 in favour of the ALP since Rudd’s return,” Sportingbet Australia spokesman Andrew Brown said. “The bets for the ALP keep getting bigger and there’s been a significant spike in interest for them to win since the most recent polls,” Brown said. The Coalition has drifted to $1.35 at Sportingbet – the longest odds they’ve been since October 2012. The Coalition was $1.13 at Sportingbet prior to Rudd’s return and clear-cut $1.04 favourites in May. In other election markets, the ALP’s odds of winning more than 81 seats have been slashed from $29 into $6. Australian federal election Sportingbet Australia markets Winning Party Coalition $1.35 ALP $3.10 Total Labor seats 61 to 70 $3.20 [b]71 to 80 $3.50 [/b] Pretty good bet! 51 to 60 $4.00 41 to 50 $6.00 81 or more $6.00 40 or less $9.00 Total Coalition seats 71 to 80 $3.30 81 to 90 $3.40 91 to 100 $4.50 [b]61 to 70 $5.50[/b] Best bet? 101 to 110 $7.50 60 or less $11.00 111 or more $15.00 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Note that the money is still on the LNP, thus you get $3 on Labor, [u]BUT[/u] the Polls by contradistinction have us very close to 50-50, [u]BUT[/u] realistically any prognostication has Abborrtt crumbling as the heat hits him. Which it has been doing very markedly in the last few days. He's in deep do-do of his own doing. SO really Labor should be odds-on but there you go, the money follows the hearts of the big punters and you can guess who they WANT to win. That's why you can still get $3.00.

Austin 3:16

13/07/2013Hey Talk Turkey The latest Morgan poll has it at ALP 54.5 L-NP 45.5

Ad astra

13/07/2013Hi Lyn I’m working through your links. As I have a busy day ahead of me, I will read them piecemeal. Much will be written about how shabbily Julia Gillard was treated. The piece I am posting tomorrow: a review of Kerry-Anne Walsh’s book: [i]The Stalking of Julia Gillard[/i] reveals the details of the media’s involvement. If one can believe David Marr writing in [i]The Guardian[/i], the Slipper/Ashby/Brough case has a way to go. What coincidence it would be if it blew up in Slogan-Abbott’s face during the lead up to the election!


13/07/2013Yum Yum Abborrtt Bum Gonna boot you To Kingdom Come

bob macalba

13/07/2013only if they cross a line

Catching up

13/07/2013Tom, I find what you say, hard to believe. We see plenty from you, all putting Gillard down. I must note though, I do not see many that support what you have to say.

Austin 3:16

13/07/2013Hey Catching up, [quote]I must note though, I do not see many that support what you have to say. [/quote] and ?


13/07/2013AA Mad as hell and not ready to make nice by Anne Summers is an interesting read I am still not able to link it. However there is a section of it which reminds me of 1984 (Peter Cushing BBC TV version), where he as Winston Smith, is erasing last week/months news to reflect current weeks reality. Anne refers to Kevin virtually doing the same to Julia's achievements and in addition parachuting someone into Lalor if that in fact is true seems to confirm her point. If one reads Kevin's NPC address which Anne refers to. but not read by yours truely, she is in fact excluded from his list of past Labor PM's and their achievements. So in conclusion very few accolades for Julia from her successor sad really, sort of says it all. The only upshot of the change that is good, is the surge in the polls for Labor which I personally think is closer to what they should have been these last few years if not manipulated.(my paranoia showing once again).

42 long

13/07/2013What's transpired in the last couple of weeks should not make any thinking Australian proud of how we collectively behave with matters political. Deep down we are rather shallow an superficial. Realistically women and the left have always had it difficult here as in the US, AND the rest of the world because simply, they do not possess the means to put their message out The powers that be don't want to empower those groups, rather keep them suppressed and poorly paid. Why? because it benefits them like it is so the status quo is advocated however subtly. ( And by most religions)..


13/07/2013Try this one Bilko... [b]Mad as hell and not ready to make nice[/b] SMH: July 13, 2013 @SummersAnne


13/07/2013Latham lets fly at Rudd ...

Mal Kukura

13/07/2013Good on ya Bilko. The private polls are anti-democratic traitorous instruments and the literate bullying savage Tom of Melbourne patrols this blog to attack any and all TPS bloggers who she/he deems "blinkered" meaning critical of the fascist media criminals among whom she/he shelters. Paranoia? RU afraid of cowardly saboteurs? Mental dwarfs can do harm – that is for sure. I find it helpful to attempt a psycho-analytical exploration of the text they write for the purpose of being read here. What I find most emphatically demonstrated is a spiritual poverty Goethe warned about in Faust. The Mephistophelian sacrifice of spiritual wealth for a pile of worthless self indulgent rubbish. Such impoverished souls passing judgement on bloggers by describing them all as blinkered does not hold much weight. Blinded Tom cannot see and lives in a dark place where no light penetrates and yet Tom writes day after day for Bloggers here to undermine our host. Blind Tom alleges deletions of dissenting comments and yet his/her own dissenting comments litter these pages and contradicts the assertion. The agro Tom ravings here are boring and repetitive. Therapy can begin only when the denial and projection ends. The manic hostility towards Ad astra and TPS in general is rooted in inverted self hatred projected outward to avoid taking responsibility for the causes of the self loathing. Only spiritual awakening can ease the agony. In the mean time we will proceed with the planetary pro-democracy movement that is sweeping aside the control freaks and bullies of the subhuman culture of greedy predatory counterfeit conservatives. In the evolutionary struggle the more sustainable culture will be sustained and the other is on the road to extinction with the main stream media leading the march. Malala has shown the way

bob macalba

13/07/2013Bravo to Mal Kukura, well said.........cheers

42 long

13/07/2013To be able to individually block some posters would be a good feature that I would use for the first time ever, ( for ME).. HERE. No-one could complain if even everybody took that action, as no-one has the right to enter someone's house and shout everyone down, as well as insinuate all those who sail in the ship are " everything BAD" . . Often those who DEMAND the right of free speech are the first to abuse the privilege. Individuals should not be selected for insults of a personal nature. A logical and fulsome argument with FACTS is fine from any point of view. Persons are entitled to hold many points of view. That is the mark of a free society.


13/07/2013Austin, the state by state break downs from latest Morgan poll are even more interesting. Large swings toward ALP in Qld and NSW. Crunched the numbers using Antony Greens Election calculator and got a very comfortable win for Labor- something like 10 seat majority.

Truth Seeker

13/07/2013Hey swordsters, for any that might be interested [bTony… Stop the LIES, and Stop the RORTS![/b] :-) :-) Cheers :-) :-)


13/07/2013Comrades This is intended as a deliberative rather than combative post. Let us be clear: There is honest dissent, and there is ill-willed objectionalism. Suppression of the former by a State is censorship. Deletion of the latter by any publisher is deserved. The Political Sword is a public journal. It only takes one side, one individual even, to start hurling abuse, and then others return the insults, and [i]everyone[/i] is demeaned. Some goodwilled ones depart in disgust or protest. Well Comrades that's not way it needs to work with the Fighting 5th Estate. This is Ad Astra's site, he is as free to delete posts as he is to include them. - As free as to decide who enters his home. He has never been known to delete a genuine Goodwillian post. Of course. I'm always bemused to hear Illwillians squeal the inevitable 'C' word - Censorship! - as soon as members of their nasty little tribe are summarily dealt with. It is always as clear as crystal when illwill is at the core of their motivation, it's not like there's a grey area, although some of them try to sneak up on blogs with an oh-so-innocent air ... Their disingenuity is ALWAYS exposed by their second post though, by which time they are trying to stir anyone who replies to them. Another way of sniffing them out is this: That they will be the only ones who object to the very notion of deletion of Illwillian posts! People who do respond in kind to them - we all understand your emotions but it only feeds 'em you know. So I wouldn't be surprised if repliers were dealt with summarily here too. 'Cos we've had it. The Sword has a cutting edge and it is too precious a resource, with Lyn and all, to be besmirched. Let the blade sing say I. [i]CHINGGG!!! [/i] :) Speaking of swords, is it too long a bow to draw to wonder whether our brave Illwillians mayn't be agents provocateurs of a [i]Nineteen Eighty Four[/i]-ish flavour, spies for the CIA? ??? [i]Naahhh .[/i].. :) Meanwhile ... Labor is raging. We won't have *J*U*L*I*A*, but we won't have Abborrrtt. Abborrrttians are SPEWING eh! RECAPTCHA: ADisao the Translation: [i]Our Webmaster deserves the Order of Australia!* [/i] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * NB I found out something today after I wrote that last line. My own lips are sealed! [i]You'd have to ask Ad! ;-)[/i]

Ad astra

13/07/2013Talk Turkey You express so well what so many here feel. Thank you.


13/07/2013Ad astra @11.03am, the delicious thought that Ashbygate could blow up not just in Liealot's face, but also Prissy's, Brandis', Hockey's & Brough's during the lead up to the election puts a smile on my face that just won't go away. Bilko @12.48pm, couldn't agree more. Bacchus, a lot of commenters on the Anne Summers piece seemed to be still running the meme that Gillard, in an act of unprecedented bastardry, knifed Rudd single handed & presented it as a fait accompli to the cowering caucus who had no choice but to accede to this evil conniving bitch/witch. Sexism and misogyny writ large, here. And Rudd's role in knifing Latham is also never acknowledged. Obviously, removing a leader because his leadership is dysfunctional is OK if a man does it but not if a woman does. And justifying Kevin Rudd's sustained dummy spit (longer than Liealot's) disloyalty and treachery, if not to his leader, but also to the government which he was more than prepared to sacrifice on the altar of his overweening ambition and hubris. IMHO, he and Liealot have a great deal more in common than not with the proviso that at least Liealot is honest about his ambitions. I felt compelled to share the truth with the misogynist Gillard haters. :) TT, latham's piece was as usual, enlightening and very instructive about the relationship between certain journalists and certain politicians and in particular Rudd and Oakes. [quote]he mind boggles ... Formaldehyde ... Kero ... Dencorub ... Lavender Water ... Jeunesse ... Other je ne sais quoi olfactory delights ...[/quote] Roflmao! In some ways, Latham puts me in mind of PJK. Well said Mal Kukura [quote]Often those who DEMAND the right of free speech are the first to abuse the privilege.[/quote] Dolt springs to mind @ the speed of light.


13/07/2013Catherine Thank You and if you're new Let me offer a welcome to you 42Long I had to smile "Deep down we are rather shallow & superficial." (I think it's sort of Irish) :) But it's fun. I know what you mean for sure. Bilko you said [i]The only upshot of the change that is good, is the surge in the polls for Labor which I personally think is closer to what they should have been these last few years if not manipulated.[/i] Yes it is a horrible irony that the perfidious leaker who caused the near-defeat and subsequent hung nature of the Parliament was then able to use the precariousness that he had caused to destabilise *J*U*L*I*A* for the entire next 3 years. If he had not had that evil power of one he could never have done what he has - and her Government would have been flying. Ah well.


13/07/2013Ad, Laura Tingle's take on the last two weeks!


13/07/2013Catherine Thank You and if you're new Let me offer a welcome to you 42Long I had to smile "Deep down we are rather shallow & superficial." (I think it's sort of Irish) :) But it's fun. I know what you mean for sure. Bilko you said [i]The only upshot of the change that is good, is the surge in the polls for Labor which I personally think is closer to what they should have been these last few years if not manipulated.[/i] Yes it is a horrible irony that the perfidious leaker who caused the near-defeat and subsequent hung nature of the Parliament was then able to use the precariousness that he had caused to destabilise *J*U*L*I*A* for the entire next 3 years. If he had not had that evil power of one he could never have done what he has - and her Government would have been flying. Shades of Bjelke-Petersen and Senator Field. Ah well.

Ad astra

13/07/2013Jason Thanks - Laura Tingle has summed up the new dynamics well. I'm calling it a day.


13/07/2013Thank you Catherine, I shall certainly enjoy your links. I have always had a deep admiration for the Welsh, they are sterling people, the quiet achievers of the Australian community. Your first post struck a chord with me - I shall never forget, when the Leadership hung in the balance in 2010, how ardently I prayed that Julia might prevail. I felt then, with a pang, that if unsuccessful we might lose her; that, being Welsh, she might "try her luck" in British politics, where there is so much work to be done. But, whatever befalls, her enduring gift to Australia is a shining standard against which to measure not only all subsequent Australian prime ministers, but also ourselves.


13/07/2013Alcyone Wouldn't that look great on a CV: 1st female PM of Australia and 2nd female PM of the UK.

Mal Kukura

14/07/2013The sky is the limit now for JG xPM. She could could do almost anything she might choose. She was a union lawyers B4 politics and B4 that student union rep. I hope she might establish virtual cradle to grave educational institutions or some such in parallel with the NBN, the sustainable global culture and the knowledge society. Australia is in a position to lead the world in the field of knowledge about sustainable technologies and the sustainable global habitat that must be designed and built. That knowledge based industry is a natural for OZ and she has the credits of achievements in ed and the carbon emissions reduction initiatives already in place. We lack institutes of advanced study on a par with Princeton but we need not be any more.


14/07/2013Makes you proud eh, Lynton Crosby is Australian, ex Howard campaign director, now works for UK PM who has reversed UK polcy on plain packaging of tobacco "to see how Australian legislation works." Bloody disgrace. Thanks *J*U*L*I*A* here though! Phillip Morris admits it employs Crosby/Textor (CTF): Cameron told to sack strategy chief over link to tobacco giants

Austin 3:16

14/07/2013Hey MarkatPort, Yep that's the good thing about the poll numbers recently the ALP are doing well in key states. I think a lot of commentators have forgotten that Abbott was only ever selected as opposition leader to "save the furniture" - to hold the dwindling conservative base against the Rudd-slide that looked like was going to happen in 2010. Nobody ever expected him to win anything. Peter Fitzsimmons put it well: And at the moment the "comeback kid" narrative seems to be working well for Rudd.

42 long

14/07/2013With the Ruddsters polling the way they are , it looks like Phoney's the biggest FAILURE of all. NO policies FAIL. NO early election FAIL NO ability to negotiate despite offering giant incentives. FAIL. No effort put into research in the policy area. SAY NO NO NO. And take the pay for 3 years and not contribute to any discussion or amendment of bills.. FAIL Take debate opportunities.. nO FAIL Obtain satisfactory approval ratings NO.. FAIL


14/07/2013ToM, as usual like all barrackers, you are being willfully dishonest about the carbon price. It is not, nor has it ever been a tax. when you can show that it was applied as a tax, you might have some credibility, but I won't hold my breath. And of course if you were at all honest, you would acknowledge that the carbon price would have transitioned to an ETS in 2015, but hey, never let the facts get in the way of a good old fashioned smear. In fact, Gillard's preferred option was an ETS, but thanks to The Termite, that was not to be. You prefer not to acknowledge that The Termite was deposed by a MAJORITY of the Caucus, not by a single person. And what did your hero do from the moment he was deposed? Actively started backgrounded journalists like Oakes & whiteanting the government with the intention of installing a Liars government. If he couldn't have the boss's job, he'd make sure there wasn't a business. If you think that's admirable, I'm not surprised you're a Rudd supporter. How long do you think it will be before he reverts to form with no Gillard to keep the show running? Arrogance, hubris & treachery are the dominant factors in his personality and that's not going to change.

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14/07/2013Folks I have just now posted [i]The Stalking of Julia Gillard by Kerry-Anne Walsh: a review[/i]
How many Rabbits do I have if I have 3 Oranges?