The vilification of our nation’s leaders

No, I’m not referring just to the vile placards that were the backdrop to Tony Abbott’s address to the ‘people’s revolution’ rally in Canberra on March 23. Vilification goes back much further.

The purpose of this piece is to argue that while vilification has been around a long while, it is worsening in recent times, is taking on a distinctly North American tone, and is threatening the political health of our nation.

When I was a kid the term ‘Pig Iron Bob’ was applied to Bob Menzies, a response to his exporting pig iron to Japan, some of which likely came back in the form of bullets directed at our soldiers. Was that term vilification? Only those who remember that era clearly could offer a considered opinion. The context is important and memories of the context then are now dim. So at the outset let us agree that comparison of contemporary events with those long past is fraught.

Before we go too far, let’s agree on what vilification means. For the purpose of this piece I am using a definition from an online dictionary - The Free Dictionary – which defines ‘vilification’ thus: ‘a rude expression intended to offend or hurt or insult; revilement, discourtesy, disrespect, unscrupulous abuse, foul-mouthed or obscene abuse, a remark capable of wounding mentally; invective, vituperation, vitriol, abusive or venomous language used to express blame or censure or bitter deep-seated ill will.’ That definition leaves no doubt that vilification is a serious attempt to denigrate someone or something. Vilification can have its roots in race or religion and of course in politics.

If we confine our reflections to recent times, where memories are less dim, it may be possible to ascertain whether vilification of our nation’s leaders is gathering momentum, or whether it was always thus.

My impressions of the Howard era are that vilification of him and his ministers was unusual and relatively mild. We know the cartoonists made fun of his eyebrows and protruding lower lip – they still seem to believe they have carte blanche to insult with impunity – but vilification was unusual. The Coalition, in response to criticism of the placards at the ‘people’s revolt’ rally could only point out that at union rallies attended by union officials who are now members of parliament – Bill Shorten and Greg Combet – placards depicting Howard as Hitler and a ‘baby killer’ were used. They would fit the definition of vilification, but were there many other instances? If there were, the Coalition would have trotted them out in some detail; if readers can recall others, they can add them in ‘comments’. Of course there were those pivotal pre-election interviews, several with Kerry O’Brien and Tony Jones where Howard was embarrassed and shown up in a bad light with the help of gotchas, but they do not fit the ‘vilification’ bill.

It was when Kevin Rudd rose to prominence and became Opposition Leader that the vilification pace seemed to accelerate. You will recall that even before he became PM, Rudd was assailed with the ‘Brian Burke’ story and the ‘Scores nightclub’ affair, the former being in response to Rudd attacking the Government over nuclear power and its contact with businessmen Hugh Morgan, Ron Walker and Robert Champion de Crespigny. So it was a tit for tat sequence but nevertheless a pretty vitriolic and vilifying exchange.

Then there were a series of episodes in which Rudd was involved – the ‘RAAF hostie affair’, the ‘hairdryer story’ in Afghanistan, the veracity of which is still a mystery, the ‘rude to staff’ and ‘overworking staff’ allegations, some of which turned out to be factual, but the reporting of them was designed to denigrate, to demean, and in some instances vilify him.

But Rudd rode high in the polls, his popularity at near record levels despite these attempts to put him down; indeed the episodes seemed almost to enhance his standing with the people. But the MSM was not to be denied.

Despite his success in managing the GFC, involving as it did stimulus measures, the News Limited media set about denigrating his stimulatory efforts, first the HIP, then the BER. Both were painted as classic instances of Labor mismanagement and profligate waste, a meme that fitted nicely with the ‘Labor can’t manage money’ theme that the Coalition trumpeted relentlessly. The Australian set up a special section to monitor waste and mismanagement in the BER and gave prominence to every story coming out of the HIP, vilifying the Government for the needless deaths of several workers installing ceiling insulation, a misdemeanour now sheeted home to the installation companies who employed them. You may contest the use of the word ‘vilification’ here, but take a look at the definition and see if fits.

Throughout the life of the Rudd Government it has had to contend with a largely hostile media, seemingly hell-bent on destroying it. Andrew Bolt was prominent among those vilifying Rudd, something he did at every opportunity via his Melbourne Herald Sun column, his ’million hits a month’ blog, and through his TV appearances. His venom towards Rudd was frightening to see. He used his vitriol to persistently demean Rudd so as to drive him from office, and as that occurrence came closer he lauded Julia Gillard as the obvious successor. Now he has turned his vilification against her with as much hate as he exhibited towards Rudd.

But there has not been much vilification by the media of Tony Abbott and the Coalition. Why is it so? Even after his ‘shit happens’ encounter with Mark Riley, did you see him vilified by the MSM? I saw them make plenty of excuses for him, instead directing their vilification at one of their own – Riley himself.

Vilification has been alive and well these last few years, and in my opinion is worsening, evidenced by the extreme messages exhibited on placards at the March 23 Canberra rally, called by Tony Abbott, but orchestrated by Sydney shock jocks and the Liberal Party. There is no need to recount those vile messages here – you know them well enough. But it is worth emphasizing that they were not just about the carbon tax, supposedly the reason for the rally, but about other dark issues that impugned asylum seekers and reinvigorated One Nation’s platform of racial hatred. Other nasty images emerged that exposed the black heart of some of our countrymen.

The nasty exchanges that followed immediately in the House of Representatives aggravated the vilification. Just when the heat of the rally needed to be quelled, Tony Abbott and his front bench set about exacerbating it. The vilification continued with motions of censure supported by some of the most vicious and unbecoming language ever heard there. The street fighter, always the pugilist, pulled no punches in his assault on Julia Gillard, mocking her as ‘being precious’ and describing her with sneering invective using words that ought not to issue from the mouth of a leader of a major political party. His every word vilified her, the Prime Minister of Australia. We were sickened by his onslaught, but not surprised.

From where has this intensification of vilification come?

One can but postulate, but it bears a striking resemblance to the strategies being employed by the US Republican Party and its offshoot, the Tea Party. Aided and abetted by the Murdoch media, their approach has been and still is a strident anti-Obama campaign that began almost from the moment of his election. Misinformation about him has been spread far and wide – 40% of Americans incorrectly still believe he is Muslim despite his denials, because the TV shock jocks on Fox News have said so. Every piece of legislation he has proposed had been opposed, and grossly misrepresented, with even talk of ‘death squads’ to determine who received benefits (presumably life or death benefits) under Obama’s health reforms that will bring some 40 million previously uninsured Americans into health coverage. Every move he makes is demeaned in the most extravagant way with misinformation, deception and downright lies. TV shock jocks invite onto their programs strident supporters of their anti-Obama position, and the occasional guest they invite from the other side is harassed, put down and talked over by their people. It is as flagrant as it is disgusting, but they get away with it hour after hour, day after day, because no one can stop them. Truth is irrelevant – they simply make up stories, shout them from the airwaves unremittingly, and will truck no opposing views.

Sound familiar? Are we not seeing the same here? The grossest manifestation is the shock jock crew, led by Alan Jones, that exist on most commercial radio stations, and a similar, although not as grossly biased set of TV shock jocks and panels that pedal largely a conservative line. Add to that a formidable News Limited media empire, which despite all its open-mouthed protestations, is clearly pro-Coalition and anti-Labor.

To augment this heavily pro-conservative messaging, we are now seeing the emergence of conservative websites, of which Cory Bernardi’s is one of the most extreme, fostering as it does racial discord, particularly directed at Muslims.

We are seeing here a process of vilification of political leaders, mainly Labor ones, at a gathering pace that shows no sign of remitting, and will not while the pugilistic Abbott is leading the pack. The ugliest manifestation so far was the March 23 rally with all its vilifying placards, and the raucous and undignified aftermath in parliament with its own brand of vilification.

The Republican and Tea Party approach of ‘say anything’, ‘allege anything’, ‘tell any lie’, ‘vilify whenever an opportunity arises’, and do it over and over again, is now being reflected here in this country. Do we want this American-style politics here?

Can this be healthy for our democracy? Politicians here are already held in low esteem; vilification pushes them lower still in the public’s estimation. Yet they are our leaders that we have elected to progress our country. How can vilifying them advance that cause? They need more respect, not less.

In my opinion the vilification of this nation’s leaders is rendering our politicians less potent, damaging our nation, setting Australian against Australian, and fostering hatred and anger, all in pursuit of power, all to claim residence in The Lodge.

We ought to be fearful. If what is happening in the US is repeated here in all its dirty and damaging form, we are heading towards a calamitous state where the powerful and the moneyed call the shots, create the messages, and rule the roost. It’s not quite George Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty Four yet, but before we know it, it may well be. Be afraid, very afraid.

What do you think?

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Ad astra reply

4/04/2011LYN'S DAILY LINKS updated:


4/04/2011AA Unfortunatly 'truth is irrelevant' sums it all up . When the supposed leading newspaper publishes lies and misinformation and dares anyone to penalise them what hope is there .If the MSM can not provide at least factual information in a reasonable fashion and think nothing of high lighting the vilification ,example ABC leading with anti carbon tax rally stories with the rudest placards and distortions of fact as if it should be accepted behaviour ,and there is no prospect of the press council admonishing them we are stuck with murdochs view of the world and if it bothers you ,so what . Given that the main players in this race to drag every thing down to a level of mistrust and confusion are paid or supported by one media company ,the becks in usa ,phone tapping in britian ,the bolts in aust ,I think you are probably right to see a 1984 style control gaining ground. Do you think it possible that the head and arse of that media company thought 1984 was an instruction book?

Ad astra reply

4/04/2011tredlgt It is a frightening prospect – a [i]Nineteen Eighty Four[/i] scenario, but instead of the government in domineering control, it is the Murdoch media. Certainly that book would be a suitable primer for the conservative forces around the globe.

Ad astra reply

4/04/2011Folks I'm off to Dunsborough now. I'll be back later this afternoon.


4/04/2011Proposition: I put this on the last thread but it seems appropriate here. Proposition: Toe-Rag Abbortt would be quite prepared to stage a violent palace revolution, or even lead Australia into civil war, to gain and retain power. What do you think? More importantly, What would you do?


4/04/2011Hi Ad Another wonderful, superbly, written article for our enjoyment. Thankyou Ad, for your fantastic work, considering you are away in Perth with your Grandchildren, you are wonderful, you certainly would be sharing every moment of your time, as fairly as you can. Ad, my father was in the airforce, he served in Borneo during world war 2, I can clearly remember him saying, Pig Iron Bob. [quote]When I was a kid the term ‘Pig Iron Bob’ was applied to Bob Menzies, a response to his exporting pig iron to Japan, [/quote] Remembering Dad's voice I would say by your, definition, it was not Vilification, used by my Dad, it meant worthless, letting him down, disappointing. You said: vilification of our nation’s leaders is gathering momentum, or whether it was always thus. It wasn't always thus Ad, the vilification now is vicious , I honestly, don't know how Julia Gillard manages to cope everyday,she must have nerves of steel. The viciousness, is encouraged and promoted by Abbott, John Howard never had half of what is dished out now, to put up with. The Liberals carry on about demonstrations when Howard was in power, there is no comparison, did Howard jump up on the stage and yell, and encourage the crowd to swear and call out vile names, no he did not. Have a nice day Ad.


4/04/2011Top post Ad astra. Per usual. [quote]One can but postulate, but it bears a striking resemblance to the strategies being employed by the US Republican Party and its offshoot, the Tea Party. Aided and abetted by the Murdoch media, their approach has been and still is a strident anti-Obama campaign that began almost from the moment of his election. [/quote] Spot on. The ever-cycling corporate billboard Tony Abbott does not fool me...he's in the pocket of big business, including Murdoch & some of the mining barons...I'm surprised he hasn't built a bike for five...a seat for him, one for Gina Reinhart, one for Twiggy, one Clive Palmer & a throne-like seat for Rupert...the fella who likes giving instructions on where to ride like some annoying, full of himself, backseat driver. Don't those Murdoch kids ever get sick of running after Daddy as he sits comfortably astride his throne seat...when not napping, directions/orders to his various riders, oft struggling at the front of the bike as Rupert's Libertarian chains weigh them down? I chuckled to myself this morn observing the gung-ho & wet behind the ears Republican presidential wannabe Sen. Marco Rubio from Florida...he reminded me of a Latino Murdoch Doll... Mattel & Murdoch Empire presents Marco & Barbie for Xmas 2012...integrity not included. It truly amazes me that we still have Australian Liberals pushing in that "gung-ho" fashion American style private healthcare & education systems. I noticed this today at the Huffington Post: [quote]The 10 Most Painful Education Budget Cuts To close budget gaps, administrators are forced to choose from painful cost-cutting measures that include slashing programs, firing teachers and closing schools. 10. Pulling the Plug on Sesame Street: After the House voted to end funding for public broadcasting, the human stars of Sesame Street headed to Capitol Hill in protest. Beloved actors Emilio Delgado (Luis), Roscoe Orman (Gordon), and Bob McGrath (Bob) delivered petitions beseeching the Senate to fully fund the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, which brings educational programming into the homes of millions of children. 3. Head Start Funding on the Chopping Block: House Republicans introduced a bill this month to reduce Head Start funding by $2 billion—nearly a quarter of President Obama’s 2011 budget request. The comprehensive preschool program provides education, health and nutrition services to low-income children and their families. 2. New Jersey Shortchanges Neediest Kids: When Governor Chris Christie slashed his state’s education budget by nearly 20 percent, crucial services for disadvantaged students began to disappear. Lawyers representing the state’s poorest districts went to court, and Judge Peter Doyne agreed that the funding cuts caused disproportionate harm to at risk kids. 1. Pink Slips Galore: To close California’s $27 billion budget deficit, school districts issued over 19,000 pink slips earlier this month. Schools have until May 15 to issue final layoff notices.[/quote] You can see the other six (6) here: This coming from a country that was foolish enuff to be conned into partially believing in the irrational protests of a rich man funded & promoted Tea Party movement. And so it seems that school children from disadvantaged areas, and w/ disabilities...and school teachers...and firemen...and others who service the community day in & day out...should suffer...because a morally bankrupt & scared of Tea Party threats Republican demanding more & more budget cuts... rather than sanely having the decency & courage to make sure people like this pay more taxes: [quote]Blankfein's Pay Doubles While Serving as Mortician to Once Great Goldman Sachs Yesterday we learned that Goldman Sachs increased their Chairman and Chief Executive Officer's compensation for 2010 to $19 million, almost double that of the prior year. In addition Blankfein received $27 million from investments in private equity and hedge funds managed by the firm. And yet, under Blankfein's ministrations a once great name has been relegated to the dustbin of a different time and a different era. Quite incredibly, these past few days we were regaled with a Goldman imbroglio that would have been impossible in an earlier era. After the myriad highly questionable Goldman forays over the past few years ranging from the notorious Abacus financial instruments allegedly designed to fail, their $23 billion bonus pool at a time when millions of Americans were losing jobs and homes, their apparent preferential treatment in the sum of billions from the AIG bailout, their massive crude oil speculation, and so on [/quote] I say this to Tony Abbott, Rupert Murdoch & their greedster supporters...who luv the cream on top of the American way... I ain't buying it. The Aussie public won't either. Traitors. N'

Feral Skeleton

4/04/2011Nasking, What you have referred to breaks my heart. I can't believe these Conservatives can be so mean of spirit, and downright greedy and careless of those things that do not have a voice, like the environment, to so ruthlessly seek to cause the breakdown of society in order to benefit just them and theirs. Don't think that Tony Abbott's carefully couched words about Welfare 'Reform' won't see people like you told to 'Straighten Up & Fly Right', that is unless you are lucky enough to be retired on Super, rather than on a Disabilty Pension. I mean, 'Temporarily Disabled', or whatever the hell Orwellian term he came up with to covertly indicate that he was coming after the people who have almost literally had their backs broken after a lifetime of manual labour, then to be turfed back out onto the street to go off to another place and clean or pick fruit. I really do fear what that man would turn this country into. The true 52nd Republican State of America. Fair dinkum, he's more like the Anti Christ than a Christian.


4/04/2011I noticed that the ever-unoriginal Mr. Abbott (he makes Julie Bishop look like an amatuer when it comes to borrowing material & ideas) calling for "back to basics in schools & training" claptrap...and criticising school halls. School halls can be used for: plays/theatre arts debates assemblies/speeches by students functions run by students all using skills necessary in the workplace. I take it public school students shouldn't be provided w/ the opportunities of their top private school peers? Furthermore, incessant focus on "back to basics" means don't learn enuff "adaptation to changing social, workplace skills"... didn't the "back to basics" obsessed Japanese system cope well recently?... yea, like emotionally stunted, silenced, obedient, lacking curiosity, ill-informed, confused robots. ON YER BIKE TONY...and the Coalition state governments...take yer eager to profit education companies...and old fashioned, oppressive views filled w/ religious overtones...and stifling wider knowledge-seeking "back to basics" tricky dick approach... and shove it where the sun don't shine. Might add, the role of The Australian & SKY NEWS in acting as the campaign message team for Abbott & co. is so obvious it comes across as desperate. Fairly unbalanced. :) BTW, Robertson of NSW ALP doin' a good job so far in my estimation. Like that NSW Green fella too...Parker is it? He explains things calmly & rationally...unlike the over-reaching & desperate to the point of hysterical Murdoch papers, including The Australian... you'd think Rupert, Bolt & that lot were born in Jerusalem or somethin'. Perhaps they think themselves messiahs & prophets...? Chosen ones? Preparing to move in once they tricked the Israelis & Arabs into wiping each other out. I luv watching Bolt on tele w/ the sound off...I picture him in some weird command bunker giving orders...ensuring that the rational speakers can't be heard over his boarish pontifications... Andrew: "the enemy is scum, particularly if wearing green uniforms...or red berets...we can defeat them by boring the people to death with nonsense speak...we just pull nonsense out of this hat...throw it at the feet of the working folk with the help of Allan Fear Monger the 3rd...and watch it have babies...before you know it...nonsense has consumed them all...including their paychecks...guffaw guffaw!!!" N'

D Mick Weir

4/04/2011Ad, I agree with the thrust of your argument and that villification seems to be on the rise and stock-in-trade for some commentators in particular. One of the challenges that needs to be overcome in discussions such as this is our inbuilt confirmation bias. That is, a tendency for people to favor information that confirms their preconceptions or hypotheses regardless of whether the information is true. One of the problems with confirmation bias is that people tend to selectively recall 'facts' that confirm thier existing point of view. (In saying this I am not accusing you of this in this post but using it to illustrate that all of us have this tendency and that to recognise it in ourselves may then give us a chance to see another point of view even when we don't agree with that view). [i]But there has not been much vilification by the media of Tony Abbott and the Coalition.[/i] This may seem to be currently true but I suggest that many here would not consider some of the characterisations of Mr Abbott as 'villification'. Sometime in the distant past Mr Abbott was christened 'The Mad Monk'. Who gave him the moniker I don't know but it certainly was widely used even in the press for quite a while. Some would see that as 'villification' of Mr Abbott others would see it as an appropriate nickname or description of him. We have discussed cartooning before and have agreed to disagree on our interpretations. Your statement that [i]... (cartoonists) 'still seem to believe they have carte blanche to insult with impunity ...'[/i] rattles a little. Here I invoke my theory of 'the ten step grayscale of the little white lie' whereby what I believe is a 'pure' white lie as the first of ten steps others will see in varying shades of grey through to black as the tenth step. Our nuances of the understanding of what is an 'insult' in this case make it difficult to discuss your statement. From my POV the majority of cartoonists do not set out to insult. Lampoon, yes. Sometimes to prick the pomposity of a person maybe. I would suggest it would be rare for a cartoonist to set out to 'villify' in the sense posited in your post. Using the definition you provided I can accept that some would see discourtesy or disrespect and yes a tendency to offend in some cartoons but revilement and setting out to hurt would be rare indeed. I have been doing some digging into political cartoons and may (pending copyright) add some 'pictures' to tell more of the story in the near future. Meanwhile this cartoon today may be a useful discussion point: [b]Coming from behind[/b] - Bill Leak, New Matilda. The newly elected (unopposed???) Leader of the NSW Labor Party addressing an empty Annual Conference Hall. What message/s do others get? For me one of the messages from possibly more than 75% of the NSW electorate and no doubt, some that voted Labor is 'Dear Sir, you are talking out of your bottom.' I am sure also, some will find it offensive. To each his own. PS can anyone inform me of the meaning of my recaptcha words for this comment? 'saingess comes'

Per Ardua

4/04/2011An interesting exchange occurred on Canberra Local ABC today. Every Monday, the morning presenter Alex Sloane interviews Tony Jones about tonight’s Q and A, who’s on etc, and today, the conversation turned to the Insiders. Can’t quite recall the actual words used but both Sloane and Jones were scornfully dismissive of Bolt himself and of his performance on Sunday – particularly where he related the PM’s comments about the Greens not valuing families to code for Homophobia. I wondered at the time do these ABC TV hosts/journalists from different shows ever cross paths or compare notes and if so why wouldn’t Jones for example, relay the obvious repugnance he feels towards Bolt to Cassidy “Bolt’s doing you damage” or “Bolts making you look a goose” or some such. I also wonder why Cassidy hasn’t responded in one of his articles on the Drum to the inundation of complaints lodged re Bolts last few churlish and arrogant displays – and I bet there were thousands! I’m not sure whether it would be because of fear arrogance or embarrassment but either way it is ignorant of him. At some stages during Sundays show I'm sure he looked fearful of Bolt.


4/04/2011Well written AA, however I fear you are preaching to the converted. There was an article in the Courier Mail on Saturday (probably reprinted around the network) suggesting that Australia needs a Jon Steward clone and suggesting Andrew Denton or Paul McDermott would be the perfect fit (or maybe The Chaser). The article also suggested that as the Commercial networks wouldn't fund anything that wasn't in the current "win the ratings" formula, there was buckley's chance of an network doing it. (The only reason "Good News Week" came back was the US TV Production Houses writers strike a few years ago where it was feared that US TV series output would dry up completely. Fortunately for us - and probably unfortunately for 10, the show seems to do reasonably in the ratings.) The article also pointed out that the ABC was so conservative these days that the only reason a progressive political show would be run was to give an impression of balance to a show that Eric Abetz and so would appreciate. (One could argue the conservative show already exists - but that's another story!) So how does the progressive side of politics get it's point across considering the lack of balance that is clearly evident in reporting - and the probability that the situation won't change in the short term? Clearly through through and articulated policy would help, together with some some forceful "selling" (but not rudeness) when speaking to the media. Consistent rebuking of incorrect assumptions etc is to be encouraged as is live formats where "the editor" can't edit to suit a particular viewpoint. Also keeping on message would be a good idea. Please don't take it personally folks - but the use of terms such as "Rabbott" on forums such as this one don't raise the tone of the discussion either.


4/04/2011Hello Swordsfolk. I'm aware that a number of you belong to my Facebook group 'Australians for an Honest Media'. Unfortunately a troll was made an administrator by deceptive means. This cad, Dick Robertson sent a message to all members asking that they join an anti gay group. I was only just made aware of this and I have sent a message of apology to all members. The offending troll has now been removed from the group. It has taken a lit of effort to build this group up. This means nothing to the trolls who will stop at nothing to destroy our good work.


4/04/2011Hi Ad Umm! Andrew Bolt hits out at Grog: [quote]Andrew Bolt Monday, April 04, 2011 at 06:58am The previous time I appeared on Insiders, a few weeks ago, Canberra public servant Greg Jericho resolved not to watch: Yesterday it happened all over again, with the potty-mouthed Jericho once more pretending to boycott a program which allowed one conservative voice onto a panel of the Left: Jericho, who works in the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet, thinks I so ruin Insiders that he no longer watches some episodes - except, curiously, for precisely the ones on which I actually appear: should thank Jericho. He proves a theory the ABC has explained to me: that the sanctimonious critics of the Left who send Insiders outraged missives demanding the purging of conservatives like me from the show are among the first to switch on when we’re on. They actually find debate more compelling than they claim, and the real thing bothering them is that it’s a debate they are losing. [/quote]

Feral Skeleton

4/04/2011Per Adua and Ad Astra, Save your energy. There's no point writing in to the ABC to complain about Bolt or Cassidy, they're just laughing at us behind our backs when we do:


4/04/2011It is time we introduced a law similar to the one in Canada where the truth is not trampled underfoot and Murdock has NOT gained access,unless I am misinformed, in any shape nor form. Getting Bolt off insiders was a good start, some thing I read on PB now I am wondering if it was fact or fiction seeing his comment re Grog above. Finally excluding foreign ownership of any of our media forums is a must and I am not sure allowing Singapore to buy the ASX is a good idea, not in the national interest.

Ad astra reply

4/04/2011Hi Lyn We are now settled in our resort room at Dunsborough for the week but the Next G reception is variable. Thank you for your kind comments. It’s interesting that your father remembers the ‘pig iron Bob’ label. I can accept that it was not used to vilify, but rather to express disappointment, even disgust, at his actions. My strong impression is that vilification is on the increase, mainly at the hands of Tony Abbott and some in the media, and is directed mainly at PM Gillard. BTW thanks for the Bolt/Grog encounter. This confirms that Bolt reads blogs and this one stung him. Nasking Thank you for your comments and your links to the US education tax cuts and the Blankfein scandal. We can expect similar cuts here if Abbott becomes PM. He is an ideologue who never gives up his ideology no matter what he says. His welfare speech the other day is an example. He is a camp follower of big business as evidenced by his opposition to the mining tax and the carbon tax, and he knows not to upset the Murdoch media which gives him succour every day. His comment after meeting Uncle Rupert says it all: “I hope he liked me”. Well Tony, who knows whether he likes you? That is irrelevant Tony. The only relevant question is “Will you do his bidding in return for his endorsement?” Of course you will. jason Thank you for the [i]Crikey[/i] link on the last post. If the story is true, what a relief it will be to see Andrew Bolt disappear from [i]Insiders[/i]. But why is Barrie Cassidy saying Bolt will reappear in three weeks? Does he not know about Bolt’s plans? That would be consistent with the way Bolt treats him. Or is there some silly game being played. I’ll believe it when Bolt actually disappears. Certainly Cassidy will look less silly if he does. D Mick Weir I continually look for ‘confirmation bias’ as I write, and realizing that it sometimes in not easy to recognize in oneself, invite readers to state other views or correct me. I cannot recall vilification of Tony Abbott that comes near to matching the vilification to which PM Gillard has ben subjected. As Lyn says, how does she put up with it day after day? In my view, the nickname ‘Mad Monk’ does not fit the definition of vilification – some use it almost as a term of endearment. I will await with interest any evidence that Abbott has been subjected to anywhere near the same level of vilification as PM Gillard. If he has been vilified Folks, please record instances in ‘Comments’. Let’s have evidence. There of course may have been vilification of Abbott, but we shall never know about it unless it appears in the media, and to date the media is very protective of him. I generally don’t enjoy Leak cartoons, but this one I did. It characterized a position that is all too real, and Robertson’s talking from his rear end is an apt metaphor. Some may be offended though, but I suspect not many. 2353 Your last two paragraphs are germane. We should be vigilant and careful. FS I realize we are but a small voice, but let’s still keep pressing our point. But I’m beginning to accept your view that writing to Barrie Cassidy is a waste of time. Bilko Wouldn’t it be great if we had the Canadian law prohibiting the telling of lies as news.


4/04/2011As Bolt, Ackerman, Jones, Hadlee and the rest of them raise the level of their vitriol and lies perhaps some questions should be asked. Why do they hate Julia Gillard? Why do they hate a democratically elected parliament with a minority Labor Govt? Why do they hate the NBN? A nation building scheme if ever there was one. Why do they hate an ETS? Why do they hate anything progressive? My personal view is that they are s*#t scared. Buttock clenching,underpants filling s*#t scared. Together, with the LNP,they have promised to deliver an agenda to very powerful, way in the background, vested interests. They have failed to deliver. Consider the evidence; Mining tax will be passed. Not as much as it should be, of course, but it will be the law of the land and the precedent will be set. NBN legislation passed. No way to undo it. It will be popular and they know it. The pollution tax will pass the house and senate. There will be an ETS. They couldn’t deliver Abbott to the lodge. and the list goes on. If you were an employer and the staff you paid well couldn’t deliver your agenda in the timeframe you desired. Wouldn’t you be just a bit pissed off? Wouldn’t you be asking the hard questions and demanding answers. In their unbridled arrogance they have promised to deliver something the average, intelligent Australian voter wont let them do. The vitriol level will rise and rise. The higher the better I say. The higher it goes the more scared they become and that will be their undoing.They are going to have trouble paying their piper. The best part is that the Govt. Windsor, Oakeshott and the others know it and are playing them superbly. It is crucial that we support them.

Ad astra reply

4/04/2011Folks If I disappear for long periods, it's probably because of intermittent Next G here at Dunsborough. Mobile phone connections too are intermittent. I'll try to connect, but I'm at the mercy of Next G. macca That is an interesting perspective. You are right. They have not delivered, and won't, especially after July 1. That is why they are so desperate now. Per Ardua Interesting observations – I wonder what Tony Jones will say to Barrie Cassidy? I hope he speaks his mind.


4/04/2011[quote]Don't think that Tony Abbott's carefully couched words about Welfare 'Reform' won't see people like you told to 'Straighten Up & Fly Right', that is unless you are lucky enough to be retired on Super, rather than on a Disabilty Pension.[/quote] Feral, I'm one of the fortunate ones who requires no assistance from government whatsoever...however, it doesn't mean I can't fight for those less fortunate than me. As do many others...for we understand the plight of the disadvantaged, the exploited & the disabled who need and have often earnt the opportunities and care that a sane, compassionate safety net provides them. Ad astra, this Abbott reminds me of a noble working for a new aristocracy...a corporate aristocracy...promised all kinds of power...his ego boosted by their two-faced backslapping and support...soon he will realise he's sold everyone of his childhood principles down the drain as he's allowed bitterness, envy, lust & temptation to drive him into the hands of the grotesque barons of Greedster...those who would crush him under their gilded boots like a nuisance bug the moment his usefulness comes to an end. Abbott is a foolish man constructing a dreadful that will see him thought of in the same way as McCarthy & the religious nutters who spent their lives bellowing in resistance to necessary reforms. But I guess there will always be some individuals who choose to make their stand on the wrong side of history. N'


4/04/2011PS - the troll even removed a link I had to TPS. Such poor form.


4/04/2011One cent, just one cent for every time the letters R, U, D & D are used in combination on Twitter tonight. Not much to ask for is it? Mr Rudd has just done himself a lot of good with those who like him and a lot of harm with those who choose to portray him as a loose cannon. Tomorrow's news should be interesting.

Feral Skeleton

4/04/2011Hey look! It's an article about the Tony Abbott's of the world:|+MoJoBlog%29&utm_content=Twitter


5/04/2011 [b]TODAY'S LINKS[/b] [i]The Bolt and the Beautiful, Greg Jericho, Grog's Gamut[/i] If his MTR ratings though are anything to go by, Channel 10 is taking a big risk. Bolt on TV seems to be best suited when he is the second banana [i]Kev throws a QANDA grenade (of Sorts), Greg Jericho, Grog's Gamut[/i] It went from being an interesting discussion on foreign policy to probably front page news on domestic issues. It will be seen as his slapping back at Gillard [i]Newspoll: 55-45 to Coalition, William Bowe, The Poll Bludger[/i]No doubt there will further over-analysis of this correction – probably over-correction, with the New South Wales state [i]#Bolts New Show, Jeremy Sear, Pure Poison[/i] Ooh! Ooh! Right. Right, well, I’m not watching next time! I’m not! I’m… oh. Bolt’s leaving Insiders, possibly to have his own show on another network? Really? [i]Bolt quits Insiders … more from the Mercury subs …, Crikey[/i]Bolt, a regular panellist on Ten’s news-based pith program The 7PM Project, could be looking to substantially expand his on-air remit with Lachlan Murdoch’s mob. [i]Bolt: His Rights Our Rights, Min, Cafe Whispers[/i] Recent news indicates that Andrew Bolt’s legal team are prepared to launch a constitutional challenge in the High Court to challenge the [i]Rudd sets agenda. But only 1% of his message will be heard., Ash, Ash's Machiavellian Bloggery[/i] However this seemingly unloading on members of the ALP cabinet plays out, there is a possible big plus. [i]Kevin Rudd on QandA, Australian Politics[/i] The comments ensure that Rudd and Gillard will be pursued by the media and the Opposition tomorrow. [i]Is RUDD making a comeback , The Eye Ball, Eye-Ball Opinion[/i]Opposition Deputy Leader – is what she has always seemed to me – a bit of lipstick stuck on a hard-nose bitch - [i]Your NBN argument is invalid, Renai Lemay, Delimiter[/i] Your argument to the effect that I don’t need it personally, therefore the entire NBN policy is a waste of space is therefore invalid. [i]The NBN joint venture with Telstra, Alan Kohler, ABC[/i] After it's built, Telstra will be the NBN's biggest customer, and the largest supplier of backhaul. In fact the ACCC has enshrined Telstra's position as the key wholesale [i]The prescient Brian Perkins and the NBN Tale, David Havyatt, Anything Goes[/i] I happened to be talking to last year's Charles Todd Medal winner (The Hon Senator Stephen Conroy, Minister for DBCDE), [i]Apprentices on notice, NBN plans put at risk , Peter Martin, Sydney Morning Herald[/i] In order to meet the explosion of demand expected from the national broadband network, the council has begun intensive remedial maths and physics courses [i]NBN new cross-department approach? Paul Budde, BuddeBlog[/i] NBN is infrastructure for e-health, smart grids, e-government, education, e-commerce, etc. The logical next step, then, is to change the telco-centric [i]Sorcery and the black Hatfileds and McCoys, Ken Parish, Club Troppo[/i] Noel Pearson tries (tacitly) to undertake his own form of social engineering by advocating that Indigenous people adopt a “ladder of opportunity” world view [i]Penbo muddies the water, Dave Gaukroger, Pure Poison[/i], If Penberthy is unconcerned with being censured by the Press Council, doesn’t that seem to indicate that it’s not actually doing its job? [i]Labor and the Punch lie about Greens and Hanson, Ben Raue, The Tally Room[/i] Penberthy is a habitual, professional liar, as seen further down in the same piece where he repeats his vicious slur that Marrickville council’s policy was a modern version of “Kristalnacht”. [i]David Penberthy stands reality on its head in an effort to avoid a rap over the knuckles from the press Council, Clarencegirl, North Coast Voices[/i] be ashamed of allowing this cowardly wriggle to be published online. Definitely not Australia’s best conversation by any definition of that term. [i]Greens deny blame for revived Hanson, Australian Politics TV.[/i] It’s a shame that we can longer rely on Aunty to provide real news. [i]BACKLASH: Greens in crisis lash “these Jews”, Andrew Landeryou, Vex news[/i] high-priced defamation (and has singled out News Ltd’s Andrew Bolt and Penbo) action but also the deep hatred of Jamie Parker at “these Jews.” As we will see, it’s a disturbing rant. [i]Loewenstein Responds To News Ltd, Antony Loewenstein, New Matilda[/i] News Ltd is now using it as ammunition in its stated mission to "destroy" the Greens. Again today the Australian mentions my article and the Parker quotes [i]On Murdoch smearing, the Greens and truth in the Middle East, Antony Loewenstein[/i] The last few days has seen an avalanche of stories in Murdoch’s Australian attacking the Greens and Lee Rhiannon and the supposed “extremism [i]Tale of a smear foretold: The Nazi Greens,Michael Brull, Unleashed[/i] Andrew Bolt complained that because of threats of “legal action” he can’t say what he really thinks. He quotes people like Sheridan, then says “But of course we are not saying [i]The Greens are a “party of nutters” says Mark Latham, Reb, Gutter Trash[/i] They have some real nutters in their ranks and absolute extremists,” Mr Latham told ABC Radio. [i]So much for parliament in Queensland. Malcolm Farnsworth, ABC Unleashed[/i] told Newman and the party machine to go jump. The principles of Westminster parliamentary government have been too hard fought for to be given up so easily. [i]Gillard’s extraordinary ordinary Australians, Bernard Keane, Crikey[/i] Tony Abbott, whose policy platform consists almost entirely of what he opposes — no mining tax, no action on climate change, no asylum seekers, no NBN, no sturdy beggars and faking disability [i]Oh yes... Swan's Budget is under attack from all sides, peter Martin[/i] other side of the ledger the government will be spending an extra 5.6 billion on reconstruction and support in Queensland, only partly offset by the $1.8 billion flood levy

Feral Skeleton

5/04/2011My goodness gracious me, lyn! You have been a busy little bee, for Tweety Bird. :)

Feral Skeleton

5/04/2011Really good blog by Political Tarot about Mark Latham's mean and spiteful opinion about the PM:

Feral Skeleton

5/04/2011Wow, it sure is a volatile electorate atm.


5/04/2011Miglo Not only that what some ( * )has done to your site, I can't pull up a video of the face-off between Daffy and Marvin each claiming Planet X . . . Rated by some as all-time #1 toon. 1953! I have a vague picture of the plot now. You're right, Marvin is pesky eh. Spoiling, as with CW, is one of the worst aspects of all seemingly built into the DNA of some, NOT all, members of our species. So wanton, so coldly nastily malicious, not even for personal benefit, just to make others unhappy. It's hard to fathom. Impossible in fact, because there's a chasm as wide as the universe between humanitarians and illwillians. It's like the mind-set difference between bonobos and chimpanzees. I guess everybody knows all about that now, how the bonobos make love not war. But they live in a low-competition environment, which we humans never have had since we evolved. It's only a small minority of spoilers, but that minority is always there since Westernization set in globally. I still can't see the advantage to humanity of graffiti of the nasty kind, of buggering up other people's computers, smashing windows, setting bushfires, or worst of all, adding gratuitous violence to needs-based understandable theft, but I guess Dog knows. Actually, I guess there's a survival mechanism involved. If e.g. abandoned but intact houses were left undamaged for long (unthinkable!) it would have grave implications for our species. Europe would be covered with old undamaged unoccupied houses! . . .

Ad astra reply

5/04/2011LYN'S DAILY LINKS updated:

Ad astra reply

5/04/2011Hi Lyn I think you may have broken the record - twenty seven links! What a fantastic effort. Many, many thanks.

Feral Skeleton

5/04/2011Wow! Someone has to spread this link, about the complete collapse of the Global Warming Sceptics argument, as far and as wide as possible:


5/04/2011Vilification: the act of making something (appear) VILE surely, I assume sine documento that's the root? I'm not sure at all that VILLAIN is from the same root. I think that's from VILLEIN OE for sort of serf, but it fits comfortably: whoso is vilified is made to appear vile, a villain. Can there be self-vilification? Abbortt is doing a good job! But it isn't found in name-calling. It's found in what is deliberately done to someone's reputation, and it must at base involve untruth, by imputation or emphasis or distortion or fabrication, whatever, and it must strike at the moral reputation of its victim. It is always unjust because of its untruthfulness: if the things that were said were true they might still be malicious, gratuitous, and damaging to reputation, but not vilifying. As for names, there is a proud tradition of inventing insulting and ridiculing names, Yes I remember Pig Iron Bob, such names enrich our history and play in our present, I love 'em and in my estimation nothing I can say of such as Anal Jones or Bum-Bolt or Pus Acridman can ever quite measure up to how bloody vile they ARE! They are not vilification, they are WORD ART! As in the cases above, such epithets are based pointedly at reall events or characteristics of those they intend to lampoon or insult. and they often are really intended to wound if the can find a vulnerable spot. Only the best get home. Some do though. Abbortt. Bum-Bolt. Anal Jones, hey. Funny. If I could think of nastier I would. But they're not too bad at nasty eh. The Left isn't as good at vilifying the Right as vice versa. 'Course the Right always has Murdoch. How could you hope to vilify HIM? He's so bloody vile as it is, you'd never catch up and he doesn't care. He's like global Ebenezer Scrooge gone feral and spiteful and egomanic. At least leave us leave to call people names. Well anyway we'll do it anyway.


5/04/2011We all dips our lids to you Tweety, For your early bird daily graffiti! Early worms you extract Full of fun and of fact: (Of course the last word must be Sweetie!) But there's so damn' many of them! Me t'ink it 'mazing!

Ad astra reply

5/04/2011FS Your link leads to a very important statement on global warming. The sceptics’ case must collapse as the evidence for global warming grows. We are overdue for a dramatic paradigm shift that will leave the sceptics/deniers high and dry. Let’s spread Richard Muller’s far and wide. TT You make some interesting points. You enjoy your ‘word art’; others might think of it otherwise. Your point that Tony Abbott is vilifying himself is subtle but maybe close to the truth.


5/04/2011If my history lessons were correct, the label 'Pig Iron Bob' was pinned on Menzies by the unions. Sweet.


5/04/2011[quote]Hey look! It's an article about the Tony Abbott's of the world:[/quote] Feral, doesn't the pic say it all?...slick Jesus in a suit. :) They should make a movie about Dobson & his "family values" lot...similar to Wall Street. Turn the catchphrase “Greed is good” into "Greed is god approved" N'


5/04/2011Hi Ad Thankyou for your lovely kind, comment, yes I think, I broke my own record this morning, not really the bloggers broke their own record. Funny how it works, Moday I am searching, searching for their writings, then Tuesday here they all come at once. I guess it's much like busy periods in a shop, no customers then they all come at once. I am getting cranky with Lyndal Curtis on ABC 24, she is getting very sarcastic, and even, her mouth is starting to curl, when she discusses Julia Gillard. This morning another classic, example of dumping Julia Gillard in the same basket as Abbott, Lyndal Curtis reports, "Julia Gillard and Tony Abbott have both gone bush this morning, Julia in Queensland and Tony riding his bike", how is this the same, leaves me for dead, flabbergasted. Melissa Clark reports the last newspoll was a rogue poll, people just can't make up their minds who to vote for, like election today. Newspapers are reporting, Labor down in today's poll because of what Kevin Rudd said on Q & A last night. Fantastic polls aren't they. Q&A aired at 9.30pm last night, the poll was published at 7am, so they took the poll when everyone was in bed. Have a nice day Ad, I am, so glad you and your family are enjoying everyday. cheers


5/04/2011Thnx for the links Lyn...great effort. Was pleased to see Grog comparing the front pages of 'The Australian': [quote]Let’s continue our look at how The Oz treats its poll – see if you can pick the Newspoll that was good for the ALP:[/quote] Goes to demonstrate once again that this Murdoch paper has sacrificed its integrity & usefulness to become a propaganda tool for Libertarian Murdoch & whichever party tickles his cheap-arsed fancy. I know there are some decent columnists at the OZ, but I don't bother reading them 'cause I reckon they sold their integrity to the man who has helped bring essential progress on many issues to a halt...and created an obsequious, gutless and grovelling bunch of media & political players. To me, Murdoch is no better than those Saudi dynastic slugs who oppress their women, crush their daughter's hopes...and rule like fat cat aristocrats...spreading patriarchy & deviousness far & wide. Not quite as patriarchal...Murdoch does his shiek bit at the expense of a media that should know better...but hasn't got the courage to resist... how many tremble when mentioning his name or outlets in a critical fashion? It's pathetic. It sickens me watching his staff as they grovel and ignore the cultural oppression created by Rupert & his lackeys because they prefer the rewards of security and moolah over freedom. Living on their knees in cheap golden cages. BTW, if you follow the link & scroll down you'll come to the vid 'Behind The Saudi Veil' from the BBC. Enuff excuses by politicians worried about oil prices...if I were the women of Saudi Arabia I'd rise up and do the nutcracker on the male population. In fact the Iranian women should do the same. And what's happening in Bahrain to the protestors is a bloody disgrace. I hate the idea of a strong woman like Hillary Clinton standing down from political life when she could inspire others to resist this oppression & backward nonsense. Let's live like it's the 21st century...not like hundreds of years ago where aristocrats/rich blood dynasties & religious tyrants had their populace basically living in fear, confusion, dumbed down, obedient, afraid to speak up, attacking one another and under the thumb...and women feeling obliged to lick their men's & master's boots. Thinking that freedom had something to do w/ crass entertainment & watching other's gluttony...aspiring to it. Fancy having to suck up to the Saudis & others because of their oil. And Murdoch because of his media dominance. Have we got no freakin' dignity left? Why did our families fight in WW2? Just so we could grovel at the feet of this lot? At least many on the blogosphere don't. N'


5/04/2011Ad astra said: TT You enjoy your ‘word art’; > I do indeed! . . . others might think of it otherwise. >Some might indeed . . . Curmudgeons! Lyn Lyndal Curtis swallowed a bad-tasting cockroach and the wind changed. (That's not true!) But it looks that way. She looks even more disgusted than she really is with *J*U*L*I*A*. Nasking Right on Cobber.


5/04/2011Ad Astra Being out of the loop for quite a while you article has encapsulated where my thoughts were going. I cannot believe the Australia people as a whole are swallowing the rubbish spewed up by the media and Abbott. It is very disappointing to see Australia going the way of the Americans. Thank you every one for the welcome back in the last thread. Can only read for about an hour, concentration not really back to normal yet. Lyn, you are busier than ever with your wonderful links and I look forward to the day that I can again click on them all and read them.


5/04/2011As for this (see Grog link by Lyn above): [quote]Today the news filtered through that there was more to Andrew Bolt’s “all about me” tip and prediction at the end of yesterday’s Insiders. It was reported by Amanda Meade in The Oz that he was in talks with Channel 10 for his very own show![/quote] I thought "Damn!" I was sure they were gonna do a local version of 'American Dad' the animated show. And use Bolt as an inspiration for 'Australian Dad'. Anyway, if Bolta does do the show & you are a masochist enuff to watch sure to turn the volume down...watching Bolt is a riot. I luv grabbing vids of Allan Jones & other shock jocks and doin' same...watching their eyes go all demonic-like and faces get flushed as they get that predictable headrush of agro & faux defiance...they're a laugh and a half. In Canada my buds/mates & I used to watch wrestling and evangelical preachers with the volume's just as fake a rich man's stage show as the stuff ya get on radio here. Good for a chuckle...but shouldn't be taken seriously, unless yer brain has shrunk to the size of a peanut and fallen outa yer right ear. N'

Feral Skeleton

5/04/2011Paul Krugman on the 'cynical careerism' of the Climate Change Deniers, and a follow-on comment on the 'Inconvenient Truth' which Dr Muller presented to the GOP in Congress this week about Global Warming:

Feral Skeleton

5/04/2011Gravel, I wish to add my pleasure at your return to us here at TPS. I was worrying about you too. Take it easy and take care. :)

Feral Skeleton

5/04/2011Nasking, How does the saying go? 'I'd rather die on my feet, than live on my knees'. :)

Feral Skeleton

5/04/2011N, Frankly, i'd have a lot more time for the Muslim religion if they just stopped subjugating their women. I always have a question that I put to Muslim women, to which the only answer I am ever given is that, "The Koran says so". That questiion is, "Why is it OK for Muslim men to have multiple wives, but Muslim women cannot have multiple husbands? Mind you, the same applies to religious conservatives of a Christian stripe in the Mormons outer reaches, but also as far as the patriarchal nature of Christian Conservatism and how the men in charge seek to gain, again, control over women's bodies. They all have no right to tell me what to do with my body. Yet, we have seen an upsurge in so-called 'Honour Killings' and acid attacks on women who wish to break free from this demonic control by men. I guess that's why so few of them in countries like Iran, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan and India, feel confident enough to stand up to the creeps who rule over them unfairly.

Ad astra reply

5/04/2011Folks I was going to comment on [i]Q&A[/i] and [i]Newspoll[/i], but Grog has done it so well, that I can only agree with him and point you to his piece: [i]Kev throws a QANDA grenade of (of sorts) [/i] Hi Lyn Yes Lyn, we’re enjoying ourselves and will be exploring Margaret River today, so will be away most of the day. Miglo You are probably right about the genesis of ‘pig iron Bob’. I can’t remember. Wikipedia says that his ‘enemies’ coined the label after waterside workers refused to load scrap iron on boats heading for Japan, so it likely was the unions that gave him that title. Nasking Thank you for your comments and the links. Gravel We’re so pleased to have you back to enjoy your comments once more. We all hope you are soon back to your usual self. I agree that it is amazing that sensible Aussies could swallow the nonsense that Tony Abbott and his media sycophants dish up day after day. Eventually though the scales will fall from their eyes and they will realize they have been seriously conned.


5/04/2011The Pig-Iron Song a song by Clem Parkinson©1964 Did you ever stop to wonder why the fellows on the job Refer to Robert Menzies by the nickname Pig-Iron Bob? It's a fascinating tale though it happened long ago It's a part of our tradition every worker ought to know Chorus We wouldn't load pig-iron for the fascists of Japan Despite intimidation we refused to lift the ban With democracy at stake the struggle must be won We had to beat the menace of the fascist Rising Sun It was 1937 and aggressive Japanese Attacked the Chinese people tried to bring them to their knees Poorly armed and ill equipped the peasants bravely fought While Australian water siders rallied round to lend support Attorney General Menzies said the ship would have to sail "If the men refuse to load it we will throw them into jail" But our unity was strong - we were solid to a man And we wouldn't load pig-iron for the fascists of Japan For the Judas politicians we would pay a heavy price The jungles of New Guinea saw a costly sacrifice There's a lesson to be learned that we've got to understand Peace can only be secured when the people lend a hand There is an mp3 link for the song at /u150.html The National Archive (NAA) have put up an image of the Press release of 26 November 1938 concerning the Government's proposed action against the Transport Workers' Union The NAA notes that 'Attorney-General and Minister for Industry Robert Menzies earned the nickname 'pig-iron Bob' with his firm stand against the waterside workers who refused to load scrap iron heading for Japan in 1938'.


5/04/2011Hi Gravel You have been missed very much by everyone. Glad you called in today. You might not be concentrating on too much, like you said Gravel, but we see you always have a sincere, worthwhile, opinion to post for us, thankyou. Very best wishes Gravel, we do care very much about you, I hope every new day, is better than yesterday for you. Best wishes and big hugs


5/04/2011[quote]Frankly, i'd have a lot more time for the Muslim religion if they just stopped subjugating their women.[/quote] Feral, I'm not big on religion fullstop...most of it I see as supernatural, mythical-based nonsense w/ the odd bit of interesting history & reflection of the mores, attitudes, wishes & anxieties of the privileged and their resistors at the time (think various versions of Bible/Torah, Koran etc) but I know where yer comin' from. And there is plenty of patriarchal & control freak stuff too. I'd prefer that people referred to these religious texts as a combination of literature (oft fiction) revealing the psychology & attitudes of writers/participants...and occasionally historical artifacts...than the word of prophets, gods etc. It's time to grow up. There is no excuse for treating women as second class citizens...and as you say, we see this happening in many religious households & communities, whether they be Christians, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists or Jews (Orthodox). It's backwards, discriminating, despicable stuff. I reckon that the women who are told/forced to kowtow...and lead secondary lives...should burn their veils & burqas...and those other garments that are symbols of oppression...just like the women of the feminist movements did w/ their bras and such. It irritates me watching so called "alternative" young women wearing veils and such as a form of protest against the so called "crusade" etc. I'm an avid indie/alternative music collector & bit of a maverick...and have no time for such naive protest actions...these fools aren't helping the women who are forced on a daily basis to wear these coverings. Just because we thought Bush's admin partly screwed up the Iraq liberation by turning it into a profiteering invasion filled w/ dumb strategic moves...doesn't mean we should go all kneejerk & irrational and support oppressive patriarchal cultural practices. A sexist pig is a sexist pig. An oppressor is an oppressor. Doesn't matter what religion they purport to believe in/follow. And I do find it ironic that some of the women & men who live in Christian & Jewish & Hindu "Stepford Wives" territory are the same pointing the fingers at the Shia patriarchs & despots...whilst sucking up to Sunni patriarchs & despots. Money & resources, particularly oil & water, make the world go around...and glass ceilings still hang over the grotesque roundabout...creating distortions. N'


5/04/2011Feral, thnx to the link to Krugman. The following is spot on: [quote]For years now, large numbers of prominent scientists have been warning, with increasing urgency, that if we continue with business as usual, the results will be very bad, perhaps catastrophic. They could be wrong. But if you’re going to assert that they are in fact wrong, you have a moral responsibility to approach the topic with high seriousness and an open mind. After all, if the scientists are right, you’ll be doing a great deal of damage. But what we had, instead of high seriousness, was a farce: a supposedly crucial hearing stacked with people who had no business being there and instant ostracism for a climate skeptic who was actually willing to change his mind in the face of evidence. As I said, no surprise: as Upton Sinclair pointed out long ago, it’s difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends on his not understanding it. But it’s terrifying to realize that this kind of cynical careerism — for that’s what it is — has probably ensured that we won’t do anything about climate change until catastrophe is already upon us. So on second thought, I was wrong when I said that the joke was on the G.O.P.; actually, the joke is on the human race. [/quote] Darn tootin'. Why sould we take the risk of our climate baking us & future generations? Because guffawin' Bolt & negabore Tony Abbott are more interested in playing chauffeur to the Gina Rinehart & Clive Palmers of this world than taking the kind of action that needs to give the rest of this planet and this country's people the jolt it requires to get their proverbial butts moving. I say stuff the big polluters, they've had decades to prepare for this...they have gorged at the trough of inaction for long enuff... if we're gonna do this carbon price bit then go all the way...we're hesitating now w/ Gadafhi like babies afraid to take the first step... and the same when it comes to dealing w/ climate change... put on a carbon price that makes the people and industries gasp at its boldness...and support/subsidise the renewable energy innovators fullbore... whilst providing tax rebates for those households/businesses who use alternative energy forms (shoulda done that already) cuts for the lower income brackets...and other compensation for pensioners and so on. These corporate leaders always fart on about "taking risks" and being "bold" when it comes to investments, acquisitions and so on. Well let them put their money & efforts & vision where their mouths & mission statements/prospectus are. Or are they really just a bunch of namby pamby tortoises who are terrified of "change" in case it disrupts their polished, luxurious, pampered lives? Let's see some vigor & boldness. N'


5/04/2011Laurie Oakes quits The Oakes Interview THE Oakes Interview is no more. In a move that will doubtless thrill the nation’s politicians, and dismay those who want them held to account Laurie Oakes, who on Friday was named Australian Journalist of the Year, has abandoned his regular, big political interview for Nine on Sunday mornings.

Ad astra reply

5/04/2011Casablanca What a splendid piece of rhyme and history about 'pig iron Bob'.  Thank you. Nasking I agree that PM Gillard and her Government need to be bold about the carbon tax.  It was lack of boldness that cost Kevin Rudd his job - he said so last night.  So let's get on with it soon, especially now that the tide may be turning against the skeptics. jason Thanks for the link to the Oakes story - the end of an era.


5/04/2011Just listening to 7.30 while pottering around. Bill Shorten was being interviewed and the interviewer (Chris Ullman???) started asking another question over the top of Shorten. Shorten's response "I'm sorry I don't mean to interrupt your question with an answer". They're learning!


5/04/2011I agree that the Federal Government, and Julia Gillard, in particular, is being much too tentative in its arguments for a price on carbon; and that tentativeness was a factor in Kevin Rudd's fall from grace. Like John Howard's introduction of the GST, it must "sell the message". It must: reassure people that the world will not end; that the carbon tax is an interim measure until some parts of world catch-up; that China, the EU; Britain; at least some of the US have or will have a carbon price; and that, compared to overseas, our carbon-based energy is cheap. Not many years ago, in Britain, petrol was 99p/L = $2.40/L approx. Methinks Julia has too many political advisers, and not enough advisers on good policy! John


5/04/2011Hi Ad 2353 says, precisely, exactly what Bill Shorten said to Chris Uhlmann, tonight on the 7.30pm report. "Sorry I don't mean to interrupt your question with an answer" mind you Uhlmann had been interrupting Bill Shorten on every answer. Uhlmann says "Is it right that your Foreign Minister should be discussing cabinet meetings on a TV show", like, Kevin Rudd was answering a question, for goodness sake. Then to top it all off, Uhlmann says Kevin Rudd spoke of the Labor factions as thugs, [u]are you one of those thugs?[/u] There were no policy questions, the interview was downright gossip, requiring no homework, no investigation, no effort on Uhlmann's part, my sister inlaw could have done three times better over her back fence. Chris Uhlmann had invited Bill Shorten on his program under the pretense of talking about insurance. Instead Uhlmann decided he would try and improve his "how to belittle skills" forget vilification. Cheers


5/04/2011Hi John I agree, ("It must: reassure people that the world will not end; that the carbon tax is an interim measure" ) You are so right about the advisors, what are they doing, not countering the argument, it's making me very frustrated. What about an ad, with an attractive 18 year old, they understand Climate Change, something like the tourism ad "Where the Bloody hell are you". Jeremy Sear has an idea: How to sell the “carbon tax” [quote]THE CARBON TAX WILL COST FAMILIES LESS THAN THE GST. THE CARBON TAX WILL COST FAMILIES LESS THAN THE GST. THE CARBON TAX WILL COST FAMILIES LESS THAN THE GST. THE CARBON TAX WILL COST FAMILIES LESS THAN THE GST. THE CARBON TAX WILL COST FAMILIES LESS THAN THE GST.[/quote]


5/04/2011 Apologies to anyone who has tried to use the link that I posted at Casablanca @ April 5. 2011 02:04 PM. The link only registered in part. The full one is hopefully as inserted just above.


5/04/2011Yep. Tested it and it works. Enjoy a sing along of Pig-iron Bob with Clem Parkinson.

Feral Skeleton

5/04/2011Casablanca, That was a memorable song you alerted us to there. It reminds me of my grandfather, who used to be a Merchant Seaman and an Organiser for the Seamans Union back in those days. Thank you. :)

Feral Skeleton

5/04/2011lyn, Have you also noticed that the 7.30 Report has rearranged the furniture in the studio so that Chris Uhlmann now sits in a chair which is angled so as to give the impression of sitting back casually sneering at his interviewee? Also, I wish Mr Uhlmann wouldn't make the contrast so obvious when he is interviewing a Coalition MP, I still can't get his obedient silence when Tony Abbott was on 7.30 out of my mind. The words 'obsequious toady' sprang readily to mind on that night. They've worked out the perfect riposte to our criticisms of it also...they do it on purpose to upset us 'Leftys'. Yeah, as if. They do it because it shows their true colours.


5/04/2011Hi Hillbilly I did notice the furniture, but the scrowl is prominent, must be contagious, because it's the same one Lyndal Curtis wears. Maybe it's just me, little Joe is getting upity too. I just can't get over Uhlmann, he is only a novice really, so immature, it shows, and he thinks he is such a big shot, the ego is busting out all over. Cheers

Feral Skeleton

5/04/2011lyn, They believe on the ABC that once the government is down in the polls they can kick 'em, and when they are up in the polls they like to kick them to the curb in order to get them downtrodden again. :)


6/04/2011[b]TODAY'S LINKS[/b] [i]Honesty, thy name is Kevin, The Conscience Vote[/i] ‘more trouble for the government’ (apparently, Rudd’s powers include an ability to influence polls that have already concluded). [i]Canberra, we have a problem ,Mungo MacCallum, Unleashed[/i] Abbott’s policy is basically an attempt to jam square pegs into round holes because it makes him look tough and macho [i]Slamming US occupation of Afhganistan is too biased for MURDOCH, Antony Loewenstein[/i] Here’s a non-story to fill the pages of the Murdoch Australian.I appeared on ABC TV News24′s The Drum last week and discussed a variety of issues, mostly foreign affairs. [i]kinds of development , Gary Sauer-Thompson , Public Opinion[/i]The old world shock jocks in NSW have their heads in the sand with respect to the NBN [i]NBN Co’s construction chief quits, marina Freri, Delimeter[/i]Flannigan’s resignation came days after NBN Co announced it had indefinitely suspended its network construction tender. The company had said the companies had not been able to provide “acceptable” terms [i]Reading between the climate lines, Dave Gaukroger, Pure Poison[/i] What does Andrew think that the CSIRO are conceding? Right there on Andrew’s blog he quotes [i]Free speech all the way until I sue your, Jeremy Sear, An Onymous Lefty[/i] Is robust speech to be, in practice, all one way – the privilege of the powerful at the expense of the ordinary person? [i]The Media and their FOCUS …, The Eyeball Opinion[/i] stop watching and buying newspapers – they’ll soon get the message – and then you might just get a few journalist’s doing some investigative reporting as opposed to the skin and sleaze stuff that fills our rooms every other news cycle. [i]Q&A | Kevin Rudd – I was wrong to shelve the ETS ,Australian Politics TV[/i] Video Segment of Kevin Rudd creating massive headlines [i]Andrew Bolt’s slot: Video Hits out-rates Meet the Press, Glenn Dyer, Crikey[/i] That Video Hits completely out-rates Meet The Press should say something to Bolt and Rinehart about the difficulty of their crusade for a right-wing voice on TV. [i]At It Again , 1735099[/i] Taylor tried to answer his question - but he kept interrupting her. Barrie Cassidy showed an uncharacteristic lack of backbone as moderator. [i]Andrew Bolt has filmed Pilot for TEN, David Knox, TVtonight[/i]A regular Bolt programme could see the audience turn even more hostile on the network at an especially vulnerable time. [i]Still shaking my head about Bolt, Richard farmer, The Stump[/i]Meanwhile, in prisons throughout Victoria, there are people on remand for months because there is no one to hear the cases against them. [i]Why do some great institutions encourage those who enrage, Barry Everingham, Independent Australia[/i] one of Tony Abbott’s closest political allies should have sacked from the Opposition Leader’s front beach for denigrating Islam recently. [i]Literacy skills not only lacking in the trades, Robert Merkel, Larvatus Prodeo[/i] the Opposition Organ or ABC online yesterday, you’ll have seen stories about Millions behind on basic skills, or Report shows 8 million workers lack job skills. It’s also attracted the attention of Harry Clarke. [i]Doco spin as easy as ABC, Ken Parish, Club Troppo[/i] Last night’s Four Corners on the Bowraville murders of three Aboriginal children some 20 years ago in northern New South Wales made rivetting TV. [i]Newspoll Gloom for Gillard, Reb, Gutter Trash[/i] Peter Brent at The Australian seems to capture the mood perfectly, observing that Labor hasn’t had a worse 2PP rating since October 2001…. [i]Rudd 'eyeing a comeback', Chris Johnson, the Canberra Times[/i]Opposition treasury spokesman Joe Hockey said Mr Rudd's comments were an appeal to his backbench to give him another go at the leadership. [i]The Lament of an Armchair Commentator, In The Public Disinterest[/i] The media is too obsessed with the political soap opera for there to be any real debate about policy. No wonder no one knows anything. [i]ABC - Good News Week , Roger Wegener[/i] Andrew Bolt and Alan Jones interviewing a panel comprising Tony Abbott, Nick Minchin, Eric Abetz and Cory Bernardi about Climate Change. Now that would be worth watching.


6/04/2011FS, [quote] Also, I wish Mr Uhlmann wouldn't make the contrast so obvious when he is interviewing a Coalition MP, I still can't get his obedient silence when Tony Abbott was on 7.30 out of my mind. [/quote] Doesn't surprise me that Uhlmann handles Abbott with kid gloves - they are two of a kind. Both are wanna-be priests who couldn't hack the seminary training, and both have their religion so deeply ingrained in their brains that they reserve their disdain for those black sheep who haven't seen the light. The only difference between Uhlmann and Abbott is that the former emanates a holier-than-thou attitude while the latter is all fire, brimstone and an ugly intolerance for atheists and non-christians. Just my impression of these two public figures. :)

Feral Skeleton

6/04/2011lyn, Have I told you what a gem you are? Even if I have I'm saying it again because I am just continually amazed at your generosity of spirit which serves to privide the backbone of The Political Sword, your lovely daily links. :)

Feral Skeleton

6/04/2011janice, Yes, I often wonder if Uhlmann defers to Abbott as a fellow ex-Seminarian from the perspective that they both believe they are on the 'Right' side of history in the Culture Wars they both fight for philosophically on a daily basis.


6/04/2011Good Morning Hillbilly Thankyou for your lovely comment. I get so much pleasure and delight, to know my friends enjoy the "Daily Links", but if I'm the backbone, you must be the vertebra. A big thankyou to you too Hillbilly, for your constant flow of interesting comments and projected enthusiasm, you add stars & highlights to "The Political Sword" everyday. Cheers :):):):):):):)

Ad astra reply

6/04/2011LYN'S DAILY LINKS updated:

Ad astra reply

6/04/2011Hi Lyn I'm with FS. You are the reason visitors come to [i]TPS[/i] day after day. Your links are so relevant to contemporary political discourse, and so time saving for all who visit here. We thank you every day.


6/04/2011Ad astra I wonder if this might not be an apt analogy for the current circumstances which are providing the ever-escalating level of rhetoric and vilification : [quote]Audio feedback is a special kind of positive feedback which occurs when a sound loop exists between an audio input (for example, a microphone) and an audio output (for example, a loudspeaker). A signal received by the microphone is amplified and passed out of the loudspeaker. The sound from the loudspeaker can then be received by the microphone again, amplified further, and then passed out through the loudspeaker again. This is a good example of positive feedback. The frequency of the resulting sound is determined by resonance frequencies in the microphone, amplifier, and loudspeaker, the acoustics of the room, the directional pick-up and emission patterns of the microphone and loudspeaker, and the distance between them.[/quote] The result is one which we have all heard in Jimi Hendrix or Pete Townsend solos or in a poorly controlled sound system during a town hall speech. A high pitched squeal which, if left unattended, rises exponentially until it becomes so unbearable that the audience must cover its ears or suffer serious noise pollution. Not mentioned in the above definition, is the role of the audio engineer who has control of the 'gain' applied to the microphone, the level of amplification serving the loudspeaker and the physical orientation of mike relative to speaker. With digital comments' sections on news stories and political blogs (on top of real world conversations) acting as the loudspeaker, the commercial media as the microphone and politicians as the audio engineers it can be seen that the result is bound to be noise which is offensive to our ears because it feeds on itself until it reaches unbearable levels. It is also worth noting that a shift in any one of the three main components would immediately result in a diminution of the feedback squeal. In an ideal world, the media would serve the function of the engineer, riding the gain levels of the microphone and amplification of the loudspeaker and their physical positions relative to each other. However, this doesn't suit their commercial imperative - from their point of view it is far more 'productive' to have the mike pointed straight at the speaker. Hence we have news headlines such as "Gillard refuses to deny she helped kill CPRS" on Channel 7 last night. And so they surrender control to the politicians, throw their hands in the air and declare 'we are but the microphone - we can't stop what's happening". Meanwhile, the speaker is screaming "listen to us, every day on every subject, look at the polls, why aren't you listening?" This type of loop is not unusual in the world of politics but with Abbott & Co twisting the 'gain' knob to higher and higher levels it should come as no surprise that the noise emanating from the loudspeakers of political discourse is growing more and more shrill and more and more offensive to our ears. It shows a flagrant disregard for the audience and if high office or sensible discourse are the casualties then that it is just collateral damage in the war to gain the Treasury Benches. It should also come as no surprise if a large proportion of the audience simply switch off in an act of self-preservation. Hence our disengaged and ill-informed electorate. Yes, the vilification of our political leaders has become much more marked in recent times but I would suggest it is a product of an over-amplified system as much as a desire to actually insult the individuals involved. In terms of why this particular set of circumstances has come to be, I agree wholeheartedly with macca's comments above. It seems to be about sour grapes and unpaid debts.


6/04/2011Anyone who doubts the corporate connected right-wing of politics aren't using disasters to increase power, undermine civil rights & allow their supporters to feed greedily from the taxpayer's trough need only watch the doco 'Draguila - L'Italia che trema": Berlusconi is a virus of the worst kind...he infects the populace by way of charades, sex circuses & deceit...and uses his dominating media power, advertising, property, criminal (parts of the mafia) and religious connections (reaching into the Vatican) to con the public. Considering the connections that Tony Abbott has in the corporate media...and mining companies...and religious groups...I think Australians should be very afraid of him ever getting the PMship of this country... I do believe the Aboriginal Intervention was another case of "disaster capitalism"...using emergency situations (real & constructed/exagerrated) to bring in powers that undermine civil people off their THE FEW can profit obscenely. Some believe there is a pattern of behaviour in these responses...characteristics of corporate totalitarians... seducing, conning the public...mental torture for some, oft as a propaganda machine...buying off and threatening of judges and lawyers and ministers and councils... using television & sport & other entertainment forms to brainwash & distract... exploiting fears about migrants whilst using them as cheap labour... depriving people of public spaces and movement...substituting small shops for malls that are corporate controlled spaces... using schools, like the media, to brainwash and promote the President as a saviour and celebrity icon. But less resorting to physical torture...just in case the public begin to suspect they really are in a totalitarian state... a the smiling profiteering sincerity scumbags go about their tricky dick work. Berlusconi & his associates are viruses that leave Italy and everything they touch in a sick & woeful state. Shame on many Italian people for being so easily bought & conned. And shame on many Australian people for allowing the Murdoch empire & other corporate media & their copycats to con them into believing that shonks & seducers & profiteers or profiteers' puppets like Abbott & Turnbull are good for this country. And the ALP better keep its nose clean too...pushing aside the likes of Bob Brown is not a good look. Opportunistic, short-sighted kowtowing to corporate media. Some of the public have not failed to notice the desperate orgy of fingerpointing and sh*t stirring going on by way of SKY NEWS, Murdoch papers & some ABC usual suspects who are trying pathetically to pit Rudd against Gillard...and fracture the government. I hope Rudd is more cautious in future. I do respect him as FM tho. STAND TALL I say to all government members...lest you weaken & fumble...ensuring we...this country...fall into the eager claws of Abbott & his fairweather "dollar sign" obsessed friends... who would see us descend into the same kind of conned state as Italy... and America under GW Bush. N'

Feral Skeleton

6/04/2011NormanK, Your theory has been exquisitely amplified :) today on the ABC with footage of a metting held overnight in South Australia, organised by the Opposition, of course, attended by the grand sum of 1000 very noisy people, in order to complain about the South Australian government's attempts to 'impose' Marine Parks to a whole 10% of the South Australian coastline. Yep, that's right, the SA government wants to attempt to protect the Marine life of that State in a measley 10% of the area it has as its coastline from overfishing. However, to hear the protestations of the 'Recreational Fishers'(makes them sound so benign), you'd have thought that the government were attempting to take the very food that their families survive on off their tables and that they would thus all starve to death. Shrieking like Indian Myna Birds or startled Starlings about the 10% of coastline they do not already have access to. Fair dinkum, the Culture of Complaint' that the Coalition has imported from the Tea Party in America, in order to aid and abet vested interests channelled through the minds and mouths of the 'Little Guy', is a force in politics which needs to be identified for what it truly is and resisted at all costs. Or else, as in this example, once the water is overfished, or the climate no longer can sustain the marine ecosystem, then all the self-interested bleating and complaint from these people will have no base. The mirage they are attempting to create will have evaporated. Their fishing rods and reels will go rusty and grow cobwebs. Silly fools.

Feral Skeleton

6/04/2011NormanK, I agree, Macca is very wise. :)

Feral Skeleton

6/04/2011Nasking, Speaking about the 'Sex sells' political paradigm, have you seen the photos, very large and detailed, that Tony Abbott has allowed the media to print of him in all his Lycra loucheness, where absolutely nothing is left to the viewer's imagination? Don't tell me that he is unaware of what he is advertising to the electorate. Soft porn sells, as you say, and as Berlusconi knows only too well.

Ad astra reply

6/04/2011NormanK That is a clever analogy. The deliberate perpetrators of the positive feedback loop need to be very careful lest they overdo it and assault people’s with the ear-splitting ‘scream’ with which we are all familiar in acoustic systems. Maybe this is already happening as the public becomes more and more disenchanted with the antics of politicians and the media. Nasking What an interesting YouTube clip! The remark that caught my attention was how Berlusconi, who has iron-fist control over the media in Italy, has perverted it to his own ends. It is just what Murdoch is doing here. We ought to be fearful – in fact we are. We need a film-maker here to expose this, and Tony Abbott’s connection with the Murdoch media.


6/04/2011FS, Rent a crowd last night were also upset no one from the government or department turned up for the lynching,and then if that wasn't enough we've had all morning people whinging that their beach front property will now be worthless, and will the government compensate them! The opposition here in SA have the same problem as Abbott, they feel as though they woz robbed at the last election because they won the popular vote but not the seats.


6/04/2011I don't visit the OO much these days but this morning I decided to see what JTI was up to. For those interested, his blog was a good read today and even better, is his answers to his commenters. I even ventured to place a comment there as well :)

Feral Skeleton

6/04/2011janice, In the belly of the beast! You go girl! I've been banned from JTI as I said before. :(


6/04/2011[quote]Soft porn sells, as you say, and as Berlusconi knows only too well.[/quote] Indeed Feral...and it has reached the point in Italy that a woman on one of Berlusconi's TV shows was hung from a hook and branded...this is degrading stuff that is meant not only to divert attention from scandals and corruption...but to brainwash young women into believing that their future lies in job sectors that I'm sure Berlusconi & his mates own shares in...whilst diminishing interest in university education and professional jobs for women that provide them w/ security and integrity and less exploitation & dangers. Furthermore, by upping the sexual titillation bit it helps define women as secondary characters whose primary purpose is to serve men...leading to pregnancies at a young age that confine women to low paid jobs and playing Mum to the next generation of brainwashed consumers who watch Berlusconi's media to learn what & how to buy...and how to act. And eventually how to vote. [quote]The remark that caught my attention was how Berlusconi, who has iron-fist control over the media in Italy, has perverted it to his own ends. It is just what Murdoch is doing here.[/quote] Ad astra, exactly...the Murdoch empire have been playing this propaganda game for decades...their tabloids in the UK have used the breasts of women for years to attract the average bloke...the Fox TV shows including animation are a combination of sexual titillation, abuse of animals in the animated shows (probably to push libertarian blokey hunting values...but also something sadistic about it, I wonder if Murdoch ever had pets?)...mistrust & cynicism re: government, overt individualism, survivalism...fears or coping w/ apocalypse...and plenty of crass humour that is occasionally funny but meant to undermine authority in a juvenile fashion in order to attract young viewers who are then hooked into the relentless ads, product placement, libertarian & rampant consumerist values, ridicule of influential figures, hokey family values and careless sex leading to early pregnancies. The movies aren't much better. Consequently, the youth & naive adults are primed for reacting favourably to tabloid fearmongering, cynicism, anti-big government & character assassination stories/headlines that dominate Murdoch's papers/blogs...helping to create a bucket of moolah for him, his family and a few chosen ones. Fox shows even try to bring progressives, gays & vegetarians on board by way of easily identifiable characters that gradually evolve into libertarian style characters, often discarding their principles in order to join the herd...join in the so called "fun", "convenient life". All this brainwashing & his media tentacles & influence enables Murdoch to oft play the role of Kingmaker in various election races...whilst hindering, damaging or influencing competition. Fortunately, viewers, shareholders, movie & TV show producers/directors/scriptwriters & politicians are waking up to this dangerous megalomaniac...recognising that his unprincipled approach and grandiose personality is wrecking the rational, mature and unified aspects of our communities & states that is needed for appropriate reforms to help move us away from the energy, population & libertarian cheapo abyss. [quote]We need a film-maker here to expose this, and Tony Abbott’s connection with the Murdoch media.[/quote] I agree Aa. And to reveal his relationship to the mining barons & top religious figures. As Feral mentioned earlier, Abbott's strutting around in Lycra & smugglers & dopey, contradictory comments about sex are a good indication that he is on the Murdoch bandwagon...and will use similar methods w/ the aid of the Murdoch empire that Berlusconi does in Italy... even if Murdoch & Berlusconi have no luv for each other they are in some ways similar in their display of grandiosity and use of contradictory family values & sexual titillation methods to get attention...not to mention character assassination...low corporate taxes...and fearmongering over asylum seekers and such. Abbott is Faust playing crusading ballsack. N'


6/04/2011FS, I remember you said you were banned from JTI but don't remember if you said what you did to 'deserve' it :) As I mentioned in my post above, I gave up visiting the OO site because it detrimental to maintaining a normal BP.

Feral Skeleton

6/04/2011Nasking, Well said. All that was left out of your wide-ranging commentary was the dumbing-down of the populace with movements spurred on and encouraged by the Holy Rollers, to the closed circuit negative feedback loop of 'Home Schooling', an oxymoron for the perpetuation of the moron class if ever there was one. You, as an American/Canadian(?), and an ex-Teacher, probably have more intimate knowledge of this system than I do, but suffice to say that leaving your education up to parents whose concept of education is Bible 101, does not produce an individual with a broadly well-socialised perspective to go forth into the big wide world with. It also makes them more liable to easy indoctrinatiion by the plutocrats, such as Murdoch and the Kochs and the Berlusconis of this world. Mix it together with the Sports/Jock culture, which involves further subordination of women to the role of sex objects, which bleeds into the Militarism and produces cases of abject depravity such as we heard of occurring at ADFA, overnight; which again is a subset of the new Christian Crusader ethos about in many corners of the world's Armed Forces, combine and shake it up with a generous helping of the legal drugs, alcohol and caffeine, plus all the illegal ones such as Speed, Cocaine and Steroids, and it's no wonder that those who seek to pull the strings on all this, clear-eyed, sober as a judge and with steely determination, have such an easy time of it really. Also how those such as us, without base or influence, find it so hard to remedy. Lol. And as is so often the case, ReCaptcha Bingo reinforces the point nicely...'Wine'. :)


6/04/2011John, Hello, welcome to TPS if you've never been before. (Welcome anyway of course). Unfortunately I think the only thing that all but a decent minority of Australians want to know is that it's not going to cost them anything. Because a lot of people would drive a long way to save a few cents a litre, and the Right encourages meanness of spirit. Casablanca Thanks for the Pig Iron Bob song. I knew Menzies as P.I.B. and I knew it was because he sold pig iron to Japan but I never knew of the song nor the actual details of the union action. Anyway here's a rollicking union song from the Strawbs 1973: You don't get me I'm part of the Union! Arrogant handsome young men looking and sounding good! 2353 said 'Bill Shorten was being interviewed and the interviewer (Chris Ullman???) started asking another question over the top of Shorten. Shorten's response "I'm sorry I don't mean to interrupt your question with an answer".' They're learning!' OHHH Mate! I do so long to hear Labor politicians give it back in spades to spitlickers! It happens so rarely, and all the Goodies need to do is smack the 'obsequious toadies' (Ta FS) in the teeth with one sharp reminder of good manners, EARLY in any interview where the "host" is interrupting or making snide comments . . . In fact the most effective thing to say is just "Excuse me, mind your manners! I was speaking!" Eight words ought to be enough! Doesn't even need to be clever! Keating didn't used to hold back and he used to get respect even though they hated him and got him in the end. He never sucked up to them at all or was even seen to. Julia is so good mannered, a rapier for a voice that pierces all interruptions, but Gee I wish she'd for once cut loose and metaphorically give the Uhlmanns and Crabbes of this nation nice genteel Prussian slash-scars across their cheeks, ones they'll never forget and will never wish to duplicate . . . Ohhh the dreams of psychological revenges I have dreamed! Get 'em Girl! We're winning, though. Hard as it seems, the Government is making progress, it's grunt all the way against interests both huge and partly incomprehensible (WHY are they so implacably opposed to goodwillianism?) but never doubt it Comrades, Venceremos! Gravel and Janice, Bonjour Mesdames, toujours gai as Mehitabel would say, Adelaide Girl, Bring Back Maxine! Or vice versa. Or rather, all three please. And everyone else, please do keep writing. It good for people. This is a medically-proven fact btw. People who write for significant amounts of time on most days are measurably and reliably less depressed/more upbeat than those who don't. (I guess the same would go for other pursuits, but writing is good.)It is probably a feed-back-and-forward loop, (if you're too depressed you don't even write.) So, write !

Ad astra reply

6/04/2011janice Your comment on JTI was spot-on, and I thought Jack’s response acknowledged that. Nasking If Tony Abbott has to resort to soft porn to attract votes, it says a lot about his lust for power, and about the media’s desire to give him a leg-up so to speak.


6/04/2011I was involved in a quick discussion today on the "Carbon Tax" with someone who doesn't know who is worse - Bligh or Gillard. The conversation opened with this person stating "When the Carbon Tax starts. . . ". It was also stated that Abbott is full of bluster and not much else - but he (and Newman) will get up at the next election because people are sick of the ALP. Part of the vilification process is the constant refrain that Australians are suffering economically and things were better "back in the good old days".


6/04/2011Can there possibly be a greater hypocrite in Australian politics than Christopher Pyne? Now he's blaming Julia Gillard for the degradation of parliamentary behaviour. The man who's called her a "harridan" in Question Time, the man who interjects with the words "slag" and "bag" when she's talking in QT, and then claims he's using them as verbs describing her arguments demolishing Coalition political stances, when he smugly means them to be taken as nouns applied to the PM. Not her language. Her. He's way too clever by half, and clearly thinks he's the giant of contemporary parliamentary politics as Manager of Business for the Opposition. How can he be when he's so regularly ejected from the chamber for his behaviour? He can't 'manage' from outside it, except, of course, that Opposition behaviour is so manifestly scripted ahead of time and played out rough-shod, with no 'give and take' responsiveness to the Government, merely zoo-level harassment of its representatives. Vilification in Parliamentary sittings should be an actionable offence, not something 'protected' by parliamentary privilege. There is something going on here that female Coalition parliamentarians should be fighting not to see go any further as a tactic of their side. Or any side. But then, the Coalition has a leader who hugged his deputy upon taking the leadership and inheriting said deputy, describing her as "a good girl". Christopher Pyne is the most acidic of the Coalition mouthpieces using gender-derogatory terms in supposedly the political task of 'holding the Government to account', but I suggest the attitude is a cancer at the heart of Conservative politics in the country. It flows from all of them. The true source of the spiraling disintegration of Parliamentary 'good behaviour' is the dismissive attitude of Coalition politicians to the women who oppose them as equals. But who are daily seen, as this 'strategy' is pursued, to be their betters.

Feral Skeleton

6/04/20112353, Give this a read, copy it and rub it in the whiners' faces: It would be an interesting survey to find out if these people, who are complaining so much about how tough life has been made for them by Labor, have big mortgages they have taken on, new(ish) cars, have gone on holiday, have Private Health Insurance, and are putting kids through Private School. Life's hard, huh?


6/04/2011I noticed the Republicans in America are trying to bluff the Democratic lawmakers, threatening government "shutdown" if they don't get the cuts they demand. The Tea Party loons & puppets are obviously whispering sweet razorblades into the ears of the regular Republicans...not unlike the flurry of emails that our own Australian Coalition members get from the likes of One Nation. It wouldn't surprise me if the corporate CONservatives got sliced & diced in the long run over a shutdown. Plenty of Americans realise these days that it's the little guy & gal that will be financially damaged, starved, screwed over if such a drastic measure is taken... just like during the GFC... it wasn't the bigwigs w/ their family trusts, investments, tangible assets and other goodies that really had to suffer...apart from having to tighten up on the odd luxury good & resort spending for a few months... it was the regular workers & those who depend on them...they weren't bailed out...they lost homes, rental accomodation, jobs, small businesses, projects, healthcare...had to compete like beggars for jobs as a huge pool of labour that was unceremoniously dumped in the sh*t pile by a corrupt rich dick dominated society... it was the little folk who had to deal w/ the abusive creditors, the law as they chucked them outa their homes, the health insurance companies that conned & ignored their pain, went cheapo on them... I bet these slick-suited, cornball haircut, faux sincerity Republican scumbags in Congress never had to scrape...beg...never had to worry about where the next paycheck was coming from... I bet their investments & shares did just fine after a few months...I bet their family companies and homes were given top priority during the bailouts... so it doesn't surprise me they can be so callous in their demands for savage cuts that will screw over the average worker...and young person looking for an opportunity to be educated & work towards a brighter future... these Republicans have no empathy real understanding of how they will affect those who are so disadvantaged & depressed & stepped on that they can only dream about the luxuries and kind of ownership that some in Congress have...the kind of influence & power the likes of the Koch bros & Murdochs they snort dollars & gold flakes & pull the strings of the Republican faux sincerity scumbags. Sure, they'll use Fox News & other propaganda outlets to shame bad public servant & pensioner/social security recipient bad apples...tar all w/ the same brush by way of manufacturing public perception...feeding into cliches... they'll pit worker against against charity...divide and conquer... they'll pay & reward individuals to support their Scrooge-like causes...and use individuals' trauma & ignorant biases & religion to get them to passionately call for "more cuts"... but when it comes right down to's the average folk who will be left sitting in that sh*t pile again... whilst Congress walks off for a snort. A snort GW Bush style. The man who helped crash millions of dreams...and homes...and businesses...and dignity. And grinned. GW Bush sitting in cosy happy dynasty corner...playing the game of LIFE...playing, like all Republicans today...w/ your life. Government shutdown? BRING IT ON. N'

Feral Skeleton

6/04/2011janice, I was banned because I spent a lot of my time on the blog defending myself from attack from the RW trolls, and because I pointed out at the time that certain commenters there were saying that Julia Gillard had had an affair with Craig Emerson while he was married, that John Howard had a long-term affair with his electorate office secretary. Thus it was allowable to speak ill of the current PM but not the past one. So I got booted.

Feral Skeleton

6/04/20112353, Have the people you spoke to, who have 'just had enough of Labor', realised that that disgust is fed to them every day by the Opposition and the media, and they have swallowed it hook, line and sinker?


6/04/2011Michael, well said. Pyne is just doing his job tho...shovelling heaps of manure the public's way...and the TV hosts ignore the smell of the BS...and help him deliver his stankin' goods. Feral, I'm an Aussie citizen since 1966...been here off & on for more than 30 years...born in London...both parents Brits but Mum is Aussie now & she's lived here since 1965...Dad is now Canadian, spent a significant part of his life brother is born & bred Stepmom is Canadian but has spent the last two decades in Colorado, America. All my years of teaching were done in Aussie schools...tho I did work in other jobs & do high school in Canada. Just to clear things up. As for "home schooling"...I agree it can be problematic for the children as they have restricted relations w/ others their age, give them a distorted perspective of life on "the outside"...and it can lead to abuse & brainwashing by parents, cults, religious fundies. [quote]If Tony Abbott has to resort to soft porn to attract votes, it says a lot about his lust for power[/quote] Aa, I reckon Abbott's lust for power is the Lust Meter. N'


6/04/2011Just watched Uhlmann's latest foray into bullying, disrespectful interviewing of the Prime Minister. I went back to para 4 of Ad Astra's excellent piece to check the definition of vilification. To my mind, this interview amounted to vilification. The Free Dictionary – which defines ‘vilification’ thus: ‘a rude expression intended to offend or hurt or insult; revilement, discourtesy, disrespect, unscrupulous abuse, foul-mouthed or obscene abuse, a remark capable of wounding mentally; invective, vituperation, vitriol, abusive or venomous language used to express blame or censure or bitter deep-seated ill will.’ That definition leaves no doubt that vilification is a serious attempt to denigrate someone or something. Vilification can have its roots in race or religion and of course in politics. Uhlmann certainly seemed hell-bent on denigrating the Prime Minister on 7.30 this evening. I will be examing the transcript with a view to lodging a complaint.


6/04/2011FS, So far I've only had a couple of snide responses to my post. I responded to them both keeping calm and cool. I think perhaps it might be better now if I bow out while I'm in front :) There are some rabid nasties who post on JTIs blog but they are fewer in numbers thus far in this particular blog.


6/04/2011Casablanca, I watched Uhlman's interview with the PM on 7.30 and thought he did make an effort to give due respect to the office of Prime Minister by addressing her as "Prime Minister". Having said that, he did overtalk her and attempt to bully her into giving the answer he wanted to hear, but I wouldn't go so far as to say he was rude or disrespectful. I think Julia held her own and did not allow him to get the upper hand so I give her a win over Uhlman tonight.

Feral Skeleton

6/04/2011janice, I was also happy to depart JTI's blog because I was being subject to abuse of the lowest kind, especially as it applied to my late husband and children, which I have described on TPS before. Much happier at TPS. :)


6/04/2011Hi Casablanca I agree with you, Chris Uhlmann is out to get any Labor MP, his dislike is obvious to me. Did you notice the cranky looking look, he had on his face, dark and nasty. Question: Do you trust Kevin Rudd? duh! does he really think Julia Gillard is going to say "no I don't trust Kevin Rudd and I am going to boot him out of the Ministry", dumb question, pointless. Uhlmann was busting to trap Julia, he said, Kevin Rudd said you and Wayne Swane something or other, I didn't catch ,but it was a lie, not what Kevin Rudd said on Q&A at all. Really though, think about the interview, "what's the use" other than to promote gossip, certainly not about Governing or policies. Oh! that's right, Uhlmann was hell bent, on getting Julia to say, she was going to remove disability pensions, is that stupid or what. cheers

D Mick Weir

6/04/2011NormanK @ April 6. 2011 10:44 AM thanks for that great analogy. The whole feedback thing in 'amplification' is interesting and complex. As the class 'know-it-all' I have set the gerbrils whirring to attempt to recall my training in this area. (It's times like this I wish I had listened more intently to my tutors or, at least, kept some of the texts on the subject!!!). In amplifiers both positive and negative feedback loops can be used. Positive to 'enhance or boost' and negative to 'dampen or affect the tone'. To extend your metaphor, there are some in the 'system' that are playing the part of the amplifier with deft use of the negative and positive feedback loops.

Feral Skeleton

6/04/2011Casablanca, I would characterise the Uhlmann interview as snide and sanctimonious. He thought he had deduced the 'truth' wrt the PM's involvement in the 'ditching' of the CPRS, and he was determined to get her to admit to as much. When she would not he became frustrated and more aggressive. Doesn't make for edifying viewing, that's for sure. Look, I wouldn't mind the aggressive stance if he was actually going after a kernal of truth from a politician that would enlighten us all. As it is, he just goes for the jugular in the hope of drawing blood. And he doesn't do it for Tony Abbott. Instead he gives him the interview equivalent of a love bite.


6/04/2011Oh good, we're putting the boot into Uhlman. Transcripts of his interviews will show that for the most part he asks equally awkward and 'searching' questions of anybody he interviews. This will look good to his bosses and provide plenty of evidence for the defence should he be challenged regarding bias. Differences between his interview with Tony Abbott a while back and Julia Gillard : 1) Tone of voice - soft measured tones while asking the 'hard' questions of Mr Abbott; belligerent argumentative tones at rapid fire pace with the PM. 2) Interruptions - none that I can recall with Abbott even when (invariably) he skirted around the question or ignored its main thrust completely in order to get back to his pet talking points; persistent aggressive interjections in an attempt to elicit the headline-making answer or the dummy spit. 3) Grunts of derision or exasperation - none with Mr Abbott despite his repeated obfuscation; many and loud with Ms Gillard as he broached the topic of Kevin Rudd and Q&A, so regular in fact that you could just about predict the point at which he is going to do it. The clear implication being that the answer is either unbelievable or unsatisfactory to Mr Uhlman, leaving the audience in no doubt that here is a politician avoiding answering a question yet again. I expect a bit of obfuscation from a politician, any politician, it's what they do for a crust. I also expect a bit of frustration from a journalist when they feel the main thrust of their question is being talked around, What I object to is the lack of any frustration with Opposition guests and the blatant use of it with Government Ministers. Uhlman was particularly rude in this regard with Stephen Smith when he spoke with him about the seaworthiness of some of our ships. And it may only be a personal quirk of mine but I get terribly annoyed with off-camera derisory grunts or short remarks ("okay, okay"; "yes, well"; "so you say") because they strike my ear as being the height of rudeness when someone else is speaking. I also suspect Mr Uhlman has spent many hours in front of a mirror working on his 'intelligent, sceptical, not to be messed with, professional' face which he switches on at the end of a question just before the cut-away which he knows is coming. Just to be clear, I couldn't care less about Chris Uhlman the individual or his political predilections, I just think he is an appalling interviewer and for reasons best known to himself he treats government guests in an altogether different way from Coalition guests. Lyn, the point of some of the 'dumb' questions asked is that they are an attempt to produce a dummy-spit which would be just as newsworthy as a significant revelation and no doubt would score him many points among his colleagues.

Feral Skeleton

6/04/2011NormanK, 'Snorts of derision' is another slice of imagery appropriate to be pinned upon the personage of Chris Uhlmann. And, yes, I agree about the soft soaping of Tony Abbott. I think Mr Uhlmann has decided that Tony Abbott will win the next election and so he is getting in the grovelling early. :)


6/04/2011Hi NormanK Love your comment, perfect in everyway. Fantastic, exact, observation and summary, thankyou NormanK.

Feral Skeleton

6/04/2011janice, I read your first comment to Jack the Insider! And he gave you a considered reply. Good! That's just the sort of cross-fertilisation his blog needs. :)


6/04/2011There's a couple of previous entries about our own people's revolt in S.A, with the downtrodden recreational fishers in uproar at the prospect of having to restrict their activities to a mere 90% of the coastline. In fairness to the ABC reporting they have put up some scholarly souls to defend this, but the announcers seem to me to be happier to be talking about the protests & their implications for the Government. It's a lot like the whole climate issue that exists on two levels, one of serious debate, the other of exploitative opportunism. Our local Opposition leader was seen tonight doing a fair Abbott impersonation in front of a crowd of outraged fisher folk. P.S. A transcript of tonight's 7.30 will be a must read. I think a bit of verballing might have gone on there.


6/04/2011Leopards and spots. [b]MP Bernie Finn lands the Liberal Party in another race row[/b] [quote]The Facebook comments followed a Herald Sun story earlier this week reporting that many Muslims live in ghettoes because of racist fears. Mr Finn wrote on the social media site that he failed to understand "how concerns about a religion that seems to sanction decapitation can be construed as racism".[/quote] There really needs to be a more accurate way of describing this type of behaviour other than 'racism'. 'Religious intolerance' doesn't exactly roll off the tongue.

Patricia WA

7/04/2011Norman K - problem with racists and bigots is that they're not very bright. Bernie Finn probably thought he was being very clever when he made that comment - he used so many long words too! I wonder would he understand that oft quoted phrase of Robbie Burns [quote]“Oh wad some power the giftie gie us To see oursel's as others see us! It wad frae monie a blunder free us, And foolish notion”[/quote] One could say the same thing of Chris Uhlmann. He was even more appalling with the Prime Minister this evening than yesterday with Bill Shorten. He seems to think that presumptive statements of his are necessarily true and that his subsequent questions equally valid. He used the same technique in both interviews and in both looked like a fool, and a rude boorish one at that as he kept interrupting when he didn't get the answer he wanted. I always find the body language and facial expressions on television a real give-away too, regardless of what is actually asked or said in reply. Uhlmann looks like a self absorbed fool, even in his program promo stills. You'd think he'd know that and ask to have them changed. But then, he doesn't have that gift of seeing himself as others see him, does he? He obviously believes the advertising for 7.30 which describes him and Sales as two of [quote] Australia's most respected journalists! [/quote] I wonder who dreamed that up. I thought the PM handled him brilliantly, as did Shorten. I liked how they've handled the Rudd issue and refused to respond to the suggestions of malice. Whatever they may think privately, they behave well publicly. Which on the whole I think Rudd did, given the forum in which he was speaking. What a nasty minded lot the Opposition and MSM are with their psycho babble about Rudd's malice and nefarious intent.

Ad astra reply

7/04/2011Folks I have been out for the evening and have just now viewed Chris Uhlmann’s interview with PM Gillard. My assessment is as follows: Our PM was on top of the interview throughout, comfortably fielded his more sensible questions and deflected his several attempts at gotcha. He exposed himself as a pale shadow of those I expect he is trying to emulate – Kerry O’Brien and Tony Jones. He failed to achieve even one gotcha and as he realized he was getting nowhere, he became tetchy, a sure sign of someone losing the argument. Towards the end, I expect in a fit of frustration, he injected his personal opinion instead of asking a question when he asserted that Kevin Rudd’s statements on Q&A had ‘sucked the oxygen out of her carbon tax campaign’, and ‘had opened the question of what do you stand for and can you be trusted’ and then insisted ‘he’s done you great damage’. This was a sign of impatience that he was not getting the ‘confession’ from the PM he wanted. Note how personal opinion can be thrown into a questioning sequence with the intent of embarrassing interviewees, and throwing them off guard. For Uhlmann it was likely a manifestation of frustration rather than a planned tactic. Tonight Uhlmann did poorly. He got nowhere, failed to get a gotcha, and as he became frustrated and tetchy, the PM sailed on unperturbed and remained in control throughout. Julia Gillard 1, Chris Uhlmann 0. If he aims to be the equal of his predecessor, he will have to learn a lot more about interviewing. The question is whether he’s up to it. Personally I doubt it – I think he will likely be another example of the Peter Principle, having already risen to his level of incompetence. Leigh Sales is head and shoulders above him. My impression is that he was easier on Tony Abbott than Julia Gillard: less aggressive, less insistent, less persistent. Whether it’s worth protesting to the ABC is open to question. In my view, unless Uhlmann improves markedly, he will not advance and may self-destruct. Surely his boss must be disappointed with his performances so far.


7/04/2011[b]TODAY'S LINKS[/b] [i]There's no "team" in Rudd, but there sure as heck is an "I" in Kevin, Greg Jericho, Grog's Gamut[/i] Chris Uhlmann was telling Julia Gillard that on QANDA Rudd had actually said she had wanted to dump the CPRS. So I guess we’ve got to the point where implying something is now “said”. [i]For those interested in this topic only,Opinion Dominion[/i] Anyway, the weirdly tribal inner circle of Catallaxy has spoken - Abbott is a bit of a dud and alightweight after all. What a bunch of maroons. [i]Memo to the ALP 1 - Federal David Havyatt, Anything Goes[/i] "Look, this is a beat up. Kevin clearly wasn't intentionally targeting the PM. He took full responsibility for the decision and added nothing that wasn't already known from the caucus leak. He certainly didn't ask himself the question." [i]Enforcing enlightenment, Dave's Archives[/i] His sneers at people of other races and cultures, at the scientific and academic establishment, at anyone else tenuously associated with "the Left", are worthy of nothing but pity and derision. [i]Gerard on Nazi Comparisons, Jeremy Sear, Pure Poison[/i] the new MP must’ve just mixed up his right-wing News Ltd ranters: it was David Penberthy, [i]Pyne blames 'spiteful' PM for rowdy Parliament, Jeremy Thompson, ABC[/i] Last month he was thrown out of the House of Representatives for 24 hours after an earlier warning [i]What's The Law On Racial Hatred?,New Matilda[/i] allows editorial opinions and the like, providing they are published without malice." There’s a good faith element which is required to qualify for this last exception [i]Labor's real and fantastical problems, Mark Bahnisch, Larvatus Prodeo[/i] as John Quiggin said, too much like “Inside Football”; focused on the immediate political situation and poll numbers. Personalities enter into this discussion too [i]Spilling the beans? , Gary Sauer-Thompson,Public Opinion[/i] I missed Q+A on Monday night where Kevin Rudd publicly acknowledged that he was wrong to pull the plug on the carbon pollution reduction scheme [i]The continuing Labour Party meltdown,Eye Ball Opinion[/i] Rudd’s Q&A comments – a refreshing example of honesty – and something the Country wanted to know about – has created such a epidemic of ‘wall punching’ [i]When Gillard gets the Greens wrong, Peter Martin[/i] Their real position is important because it is their real position that will determine what gets passed into law in the two to three years ahead, not the misleading dumbed-down [i]Why Kevin Rudd isn’t perfect, The Conversation[/i] Some commentators have even suggested that Rudd sees himself as back in the running for the top job in the Party. This may not be the end of the Rudd-Gillard leadership saga. [i]Another day, another non story in Murdoch press over Palestine, Antony Loewenstein[/i] This is what pathetic obsession looks like. Murdoch’s Australian has run days and days of furious coverage of the “extremism” of the Greens over its boycott of Israel policy. [i]Challenging mainstream thinking about health and ,medicine, Melissa Sweet, Croakey[/i] Sir Michael Marmot (who, ironically enough, also wears the cap of British Medical Association president), is currently visiting Australia for a World Medical Association meeting.

Ad astra reply

7/04/2011LYN'S DAILY LINKS updated:

Ad astra reply

7/04/2011Folks The contrast between the Chris Uhlmann interview with the PM and the Tony Jones interview with Nicola Roxon was stark. While the former was abrasive, the latter was courteous and facilitatory. Nicola performed very well and Tony Jones attempted only once to pressure her by asking several times why she was not increasing tobacco excise again and thereby foregoing substantial revenue, then asking how much it was, to which she finally said: “Tony you can do your own sums’. I wonder if there has been a general instruction sent out to ministers to no longer respond to the repetitive questioning some interviewers use.

Ad astra reply

7/04/2011Folks For those who missed it, here is the link to the Chris Uhlmann interview of the PM: The link to the Tony Jones interview with Nicola Roxon is here:


7/04/2011Seems that some key Republicans want to play games by daring Democrats to knock back a short-term fix that includes funding military. Of course the Republicans have gone down this road...and demonstrate that it's the same old lot pushing their military as top priority..."military state" agenda again. Just like the Tea Party part of it, The Republican party is a sham. There's nothing new here...they've once again given away the priorities that lay behind the charade. Remember who signed & contributed to The Project for the New American Century?: Charles Krauthammer, contributor to Fox News was one...he luvs this idea of trying to out bluff the Democratic party by using the military as blackmail. Won't Independents find this latest move by the Republicans revealing...considering how many of them were hostile to these kind of Roman empire tactics? Push Republicans hard enuff and you see the rot beneath. N'


7/04/2011Swordsfolks, Lyn most particularly particularly, Lyn's morningly prodigious output is astounding, but it seems to me it holds promise of much more again: if it is a sentient spine, as is our common metaphor for Lyn's Links, might it not progress to, like, a possible *BRAIN*? - far bigger than any one blogsite - I only have a misty notion - but, where all the best articles such as Aa's and FS's, and Mr D's and Grog's and Bilbo's etc, are collected daily like stooks of barley, sorted for subject and date, so if you want to you can follow up on all the most gravitastic bloggers' posts on given serious subjects - Libya, or Dams, or Carbon Tax, plus readers' comments attaching to each. A cyber-library . . ? . . of most-informed and authoritative opinion . . . I don't know how it would happen, who could put together a useful program which would minimize the human a la Lyn effort which would always be a lot, how it could all be synchronised etc. Might be just a bubble. But it's sad to see great articles just down blub-blub-blub in the tidal wash of Time, never to be seen again. If they could be collected as an archive OF archives, such as that on TPS, and organised in simple cross-referenced dimensions as nerve cells in the brain cross-reference and in turn stimulate responses, it would be such a splendid history as has never been. And a bit like the old gamma-globulin in medicine. This is NOT to put anything extra on Lyn, Australia's premier bloggers' brainstem. But it is she, and the few akin to her elsewhere, who would have some idea of how the Brain might be developed. Mostly as a political weapon, mind, that's why it would be worth it. GetUp gives a glimpse of how effective the Blogosphere might be, but there's so much more to be had I'm sure, if only we find a way. Am I dreaming?


7/04/2011Fox News host Bill O'Reilly made the most ridiculous statement on his show today: "Nobody can control the climate but God" Not only is this claptrap that feeds into irrational supernatural beliefs... but it possibly indicates that in reality Bill O'Reilly does not believe that conservation & scientific measures, including a greater use of renewable energy, can slow down the increase in average temperatures. Apparently only God & prayer can do that...if you take O'Reilly's statement to its logical conclusion. Furthermore, what is O'Reilly implying by this statement?...that God is to blame for the events that have caused so much devestation in Americam, Australia, Russia, Brazil, Pakistan, China and so on...including floods & cyclones/twisters...drought & bushfires? I know that O'Reilly the pontificator sometimes channels Moses...but this is ridiculous. Does O'Reilly really believe this nonsense?...or is it just a lame & irresponsible strategy to appeal to a segment of Fox News addicts? Is this more apocalyptic nonsense from Fox News? Feeding the extremist religious wackos their daily gruel? Is Fox really that desperate for an audience that they need to cater to the irrational elements of our communities? We know that those who luv to promote "individualism" & "survivalism" luv pushing the blokey & tough gal pre & post-apocalyptic movies, shows & mags/comics. It helps foster distrust in governments...promotes weaponry, including feeds into the paranoia of those who feed in the trough of conspiracy theories often driving them to Libertarian & Tea Party style movements... or ensuring they don't vote at all...undermining democratic governments that try to create a "fair-go-for-all", "level playing field" by labelling them all as "dangerous big government"... no coincidence I imagine that this kind of nonsense is being pushed parallel w/ the "cut big government spending or else" campaign... and of course there is the entertainment factor...plenty of moolah can be earnt from hooking in audiences and playing on their fears and underlying doubts that might've been put there by Sunday School nonsense...and fire & brimstone crap thrown at church audiences...and by way of evangelical concerts, blogs, and distorted Halloween outings... not to mention this dopey 2012 Mayan calendar stuff...which makes about as much sense as Nostradamus, palm & tea leaf reading...besides, apocalyptic pronouncements are nothing new...particularly when support for extreme religious practises begins to wane...and changes/reforms in technology, energy generation, socio-economics etc. are on the move...the status quo wobbles, conservatives panic, people finding it harder to adapt to change, some depressives, look to easy answers...and the snakeoil salesman, con-artists & fear-mongers feed on them. It's a useful but damaging way to stifle reform...slow changes...until you can sell your diminishing worth, archaic, soon to be redundant product/interest/investment/industry and put yer new shiny pennies into the developing industries. In this case renewables, electric cars, the blogosphere and so on. BTW, Fox News host Glenn Beck reckons he's like Paul Revere on his "midnight ride"...indeed, Beck like Revere was, is prosperous...not short of a penny...self-interest has alot to do w/ his "warning the public"... and of course the Paul Revere midnight ride is told by many a right-winger w/ added myths, distortions and embellishments...not unlike Beck's rantings. How I see it, Glenn Beck is more like some parody of the "headless horseman"...trying to put fear into the rural & townsfolk...but in fact reveals he is merely a man in costume holding a pumpkin instead of head...a deceiver...trying desperately to get attention...but in the end an object of ridicule. N'


7/04/2011N Glenn Beck got the axe!


7/04/2011Ad astra, Thank you for the link to *J*U*L*I*A* VERSUS OO-Man. For that is what he tried to make of it, never had any intention of doing otherwise, came to it with terms like 'sucked the oxygen out' and so on. A genuine, dyed in the wool sleaze, should never have been "put there" (by whom? eh?) in the first place, and should be out on his grubby ear now. What a bloody disgrace. These media stooges and creeps, Uhlmann, A Jones, Bolt, (and more) and their Coalition equals the horrid Pyne, Joyce, Abbott (and more), they are in the face of every decent impulse, every effort on behalf of all, in all the history of the march of decency. All through history, these bloody spoilers. I must say I have grave hopes for OO-Man's relationship with Gai Brodtmann the ALP Member for Canberra. How CAN she? Watching interviews like this is going to be the death of me. Talking to Obelix about the Liberals' taking donations from the Tobacco Lobby does it to me too. Makes me seethe. So EVIL! Bloody creeps. Last year I called him, "Uhlmann, smooth and smug." You can add to that, hateful, puffed-up, spiteful and peevish. I'm sure I could find more. But how's this for a double act: (*** Ta-TUMMMM! ***) ***Chrissie OO * the Corgi *** and ***Pyney POO * the Poodle *** I gotta patent THAT, surely!


7/04/2011How dopey are the Republicans to use the "military funding" option and call it "check mate"? :) Imagine the focus this will put on military spending by progressives...and Independents already wary of the Repugs ties w/ military companies...and those companies & individuals that benefit from conflict. The same curious people who investigated & protested the Bush admin's connections to private contractors, armaments groups, catering & energy companies etc. in Iraq. Obama's already at arms length in regard to Libya...and preparing to pull troops out of Afghanistan & no biggie for him in the long run. But for those who want to deal w/ Iran & Syria etc...this Repug irresponsible move will make it a damn site harder. Putting such intense focus on military spending and showing they are top priority will come back to bite Repugs & their reluctant supporters time & time again. N'

Patricia WA

7/04/2011AA - re Nicola Roxon, yes she did perform well. But then she always does, even with more aggressive interviewers. She has a good head and always sticks to her guns. The issue, of course, plain packaging for cigarettes, was not one that even the Coalition would be prepared to be vocal about, so in that sense was not controversial, in spite of being extraordinarily progressive. One can imagine that Jones would not want to argue case for big tobacco. What was different was Roxon's appearance and tone. Is it a deliberate strategy, or just in my perception, that recently government ministers are coming across as constructive, positive thinking people, determinedly not buying into the negative nit picking of the latest Opposition line which journos so often want to highlight. Without directly refuting it they make nonsense of Christopher Pyne's rubbish about the verbal abuse suffered by the Coalition. Without making too much of the 'appearance' issue it was good to see Ms Roxon well groomed and prepared for the TV camera. Maybe I'm prejudiced but I think our government with their cross bench supporters are a pretty nice bunch of people and not just pretending to be that way. They have good hearts and good heads and they speak well. But perception is everything in politics. One's style and dress is something very intelligent people, like Roxon, too often neglect.


7/04/2011Patricia WA Agree wholeheartedly.


7/04/2011I noticed the Murdoch media has been attacking Greens Senators Hanson-Young & Scott fact they were so concerned about the senators attendance at a 'Friends of Palestine" rally they felt the need to shove pics & labels like "extremists" down every reader's throat...w/ the aid of the ABC (per usual). I take it then they will remember Liberal Christopher Pyne's attendance at a 2006 solidarity meeting at Adelaide Hebrew Congregation. I think we all remember the bombing of Lebanon that did not have a good look for Israel, and helped weaken their standing globally, decreased people's respect for came across as a disproportionate response to Hezbollah crimes...disgusted many viewers of this offensive...led to killing & injury of many Lebanese civilians. Yet this was Pyne at the time: [quote]People say in this current time that there is no point in pointing the finger at any one side and laying the blame on a particular group, or country. People say that there is fault on both sides, and both sides need to change... I don’t believe that that is true, and I don’t believe that we should allow it to be said without being challenged and rebutted... The other piece of moral relativity that we hear about, is that Israel is killing civilians. Israel doesn’t target civilians. Israel targets military infrastructure, and those people who are firing weapons into northern Israel... For many of us, Israel is the canary in the coal mine in the Middle East, and in the war against terror. If Israel fails, then the west will be finished... We have experienced terrorism, in Bali, in Madrid, in London, in Mumbai, in New York. But Israel has been fighting this war for over fifty years. And if Israel, like the canary in the coal mine, is allowed to perish, then the rest of western civilisation is at risk, and that is why we cannot let Israel fail, and that it is why we must fight terrorism wherever it presents itself, and that is why I am here tonight to support Israel and the Jewish people.[/quote] More here:;fileType=application/pdf Seems to me that not only were Pyne's words "insensitive" at the time considering how many Lebanese citizens were killed & harmed...and how many of their homes & children were destroyed... but it also demonstrates bias. So, will The Australian & other media refer to Christopher Pyne as an "ignorant extremist"? Don't hold yer breath. N'


7/04/2011In fact, The Australian's unrelenting attacks on those who criticise &/or want to boycott Israel due to their treatment of Palestinians & non-Jews in Israel could be seen as POLITICAL CORRECTNESS. Or is it just hypocrisy? Inconsistency? And bias? And opportunism? N'

Ad astra reply

7/04/2011TT It would be a most valuable resource if the relevant political blog pieces and media articles could be aggregated into one place and accessible via keyword searches. That would require a database. I’m sure it is possible but it would require a great amount of time and effort. Can anyone suggest how this might be done semi-automatically without weighing down anyone? Patricia WA I agree with all you have said, and said so well.


7/04/2011Lyn, many thnx again for the useful links above. I found myself nodding in agreement thruout the articles [quote]When Gillard gets the Greens wrong[/quote] by Peter Martin & [quote]Another day, another non story in Murdoch press over Palestine[/quote] by Antony Loewenstein. As for the concerns over Kevin Rudd...frankly, I like seeing two ALP leaders keeping each other on their toes...a bit of competition doesn't long as they generally have the same goals re: "fair-go" and work their butts off to keep the government in power. Was impressed w/ PM Gillard & Premier Bligh's efforts yesterday. The dopey media tried to damage Gillard during the flood by comparing her response to Bligh's...and then compared their popularity based on dodgy polls. Yet they both came across as sympathetic of flood victims and as articulate & confident as each other yesterday. It's great to see two women leaders in Australia having an impact...shrugging off the BS from the media. As young fella I always thought Australia & QLD were too "blokey" & "ocker" to have an Aussie PM & QLD Premier...until I went to uni here and realised that not all Aussies are living in the stone age...but in fact there are plenty of wide thinking, imaginative, tolerant, equal opportunity believing people. Elections over the past few years have generally added to my confidence in the Australian voters...tho, I was saddened to see stuff all women in the latest NSW cabinet. Apparently Gina Rinehart doesn't care about such things tho...I guess it has alot to do w/ dollar signs in her eyes...considering she & Lachlan Murdoch & others at Ten Holdings want to cater to men aged between 25-54. Stuff the women's sport...and women in general...lets have more guns & explosions (there's nothing like the sounds of guns going off & mighty explosions to distract you from being alone...or in a lousy relationship w/ a partner who detests you plopping down, farting & eating fast food in front of the tele every night) yeaaa...we need more revved up cars that inspire young men to kill themselves & their mates by way of drag racing & such... and more extreme sports...nothing like watching the suicidal & insane take it to the max... and more nostalgia based on war propaganda... and westerns where they pretend men were heroes & shot straight, rather than being scared enuff of their opponents they shot them in the back and allowed migrants to be sacrificed in order to keep the land barons happy... yea, more male detectives who gorge fast food and have no time for decent partnerships 'cause they're busy letting their obsessive compulsive addiction to grunting and hunting people at midnight get the best of them... a few libertarian comedies just to add that "be cynical, don't trust anyone especially government, we're not politically correct, you can trust us tho 'cause we smoke, drink and consume ourselves into the local pharmacy & hospital & morgue" message gets across... add...more shows w/ women w/ their skirts yanked up to their special places...and breasts thrown at viewers like Bombay mangoes...add a few saucy ads, some naughty phone numbers...and before ya know it yer lonely guy viewer is dating a blow up doll. Add Andrew Bolt to the mix...keeping the fellas dumbed down & blowharding & griping til the wife leaves home... and you've got a smorgasboard of role models and celebrities that should teach every male viewer how to live comfortably by themselves in post-apocalypse time in the near future. Good onya Gina & Lachlan...enjoy yer shiny pennies...I'm sure Rupert will give you a big pat on the back & let you use his McScrooge vault to keep yer coins in. N'


7/04/2011Glenn Beck's sacking (for working on other projects) was a good pickup Jason. The last para in the story said he has 10 million weekly listeners on over 400 radio stations. That's less that 25,000 people per station (or something under 1/20th of the US population. Is the gloss coming off the extreme right wing in the USA as the economy over there apparently improves?


7/04/2011Hi Ad Re: your comment to Talk Turkey copy below. I am with you Ad, I think it's a wonderful idea of Talk Turkey's, but as you say a lot of work to set up, and a lot of "know how." Norman K would probably have some sound advice. [quote]TT It would be a most valuable resource if the relevant political blog pieces and media articles could be aggregated into one place and accessible via keyword searches. That would require a database. I’m sure it is possible but it would require a great amount of time and effort. Can anyone suggest how this might be done semi-automatically without weighing down anyone[/quote]? Hope you had another wonderful day Ad Cheers


7/04/2011Nasking, quoting Pyne: ". . . Israel, like the canary in the coal mine, . . ." More like the Ferret in the Fowlhouse! (and I've SEEN that!) How dare the stinky Poodle compare our Tweetie to THEM! If people weren't so scared of being sh*tstormed by Zionists (and I do mean, truly afraid, and I don't exempt TT btw) I suspect that the expressions of revulsion at Israel's actions would be as a tsunami at 10+ on the human Richter scale. One fact ensures that I personally can't be labelled anti-Semitic though: Palestinians, Arabs generally, are Semites too! It's Israel's actions and its attitudes that I'm anti.


7/04/2011I meant to say earlier, about when I watched JG and CU, at one stage she said to him, wtte "Well I'll leave that to your hyperbole." She pronounced it like hyperbowl, rhymes with viperpole, instead of hyperbollee as in verbally! What a vixen she is! What a neat little flick to his puffedupness, n'est-ce pas? Cos she wouldn't not KNOW, would she?


7/04/2011Chris Uhlmann did not interrupt or talk over Peter Reith once during tonight's 7.30 interview. What's happening?


7/04/2011Hi Ad Casablanca noticed, there were no interruptions from Chris Uhlmann tonight: I noticed: Chris Uhlmann has a split personality. Tonight Uhlmann, had a different tone of voice, the nasty looking, look was gone. I know, I definately, heard Uhlmann laugh and I am reasonably sure it was when he asked his interviewee, just mentioned, I should say, about the children overboard affair. The interviewee was talking non stop, answering every question at length, with no interruptions from Uhlmann at all. The punch line was the interviewee told Chris Uhlmann, there is industrial unrest on the waterfront and there is going to be a lot more, Julia Gillard has caused it by changing the IR Policy. Well! I am just wondering, if the interview tonight by Mr Uhlmann had an entirely different flavour, different approach, different body language, different posture, different face, surely it couldn't be because Mr Peter Reith is a Liberal.

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7/04/2011Hi Lyn I now have our daughter and grand daughter with us here at Dunsborough, for four days - happiness is ours! I hope someone can come up with an easy way of keeping a political database - I'm all eyes! Casablanca, Lyn I'll watch the Reith interview with great interest when it comes on WA TV tonight.


7/04/2011Casablanca & Lyn I liked the way Uhlmann toward the end of the interview just kept trawling lines until he got Reith to bite & criticise.


7/04/2011Hi BSA Bob Your right, Uhlmann did trawl lines, I forgot about that part. I would like to watch the interview again, but feel, I can't really be bothered. Cheers :):):):)


7/04/2011No-one should be called racist for expressing negative views about Muslims. Muslims exisit in many different races. People are expressing views about a particular religion. This is not racism.

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7/04/2011Casablanca, Lyn, BSA Bob Chris Uhlmann's interview with Peter Reith was pretty tame, possibly because he is no longer a parliamentarian.  There was no need to bait him, and anyway he was a Liberal minister. Laudably Reith agreed strongly with Stephen Smith's approach, which may have disappointed Uhlmann, who perhaps was hoping for criticism.  Then he did trawl for something adverse to the Government, or appeared to do so, and netted a criticism of John Faulkner, and of the PM about IR.  It was an uninspiring event that begs the question: 'Why was Uhlmann not as courteous to our PM

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8/04/2011Folks Later today, Friday, I'll be posting another amusing satirical piece by Acerbic Conehead : "Pushing for the pension".


8/04/2011 [b]TODAY'S LINKS[/b] [i]Narrative fun and games, Greg Jericho, Grog's Gamut[/i] The Oz’s coverage of the Greens. It involved him suggesting the editorial that called for the destruction of the Greens had nothing to do with the way he reported on the Greens. [i]Hateline Preview , Mr Denmore, The Failed Estate[/i] Someone at Ten has leaked a preview of the titles of Andrew Bolt's new Sunday morning show: [i]The futility of playing by right-wing rules , Tim Dunlop, ABC, Unleashed [/i] it is not only News Ltd. Look at the way Labor’s plan to put a price on carbon is reported across the media. It is simply referred to as a “carbon tax” when an equally valid way [i]Gillard's Problem Part 11, Piping Shrike[/i] A government with no real domestic agenda and struggling for authority is now finding any solution blocked by the one they overthrew. Something has to give, surely. [i]Oh look,a shiney object, Media overexcited by Rudd on Q&A, Jeremy Sear, Pure Poison[/i] The ABC today even published a call by Malcolm Farnsworth for Rudd to be sacked by Gillard for his “breach of the Cabinet principle of collective responsibility”. [i]Another Australian Defence Force sex scandal , Eye Ball Opinion[/i] The current ADA chief Mr James should be the first to go – how he can stand and dump on his Minister when his defense personnel [i]Bolt gets a program as Beck gets cancelled, Trevor Cook[/i] Bolt will struggle to be entertaining and interesting every week, especially to anyone not a politics tragic. Beck made conspiracy an art-form, his faux academic lecture style [i]The Pub Test Isn't Good Law, Mark Fletcher,New Matilda[/i] There are no good reasons why Bolt should be allowed to say what he did beyond the boohoo-ery of media personalities who think that their "rights" outweigh their responsibility [i]Convergence: only one part of the media problem, Julian Thomas, Inside Story[/i] YouTube, Wikipedia, and the blogging domains Blogger and WordPress – which span social media. All of the user-generated sites, plainly, carry large amounts of local content; [i]The Deep insecurity of Murdoch Press and Zio Lobby over Palestine, Antony Loewenstein[/i] Murdoch’s Australian newspaper wants to create an image of rampant anti-Israel sentiment everywhere because growing numbers of people are recognising the deep racism within Israeli society. The paper has been running a daily campaign [i]Jobless rate envy of world, Swane says, Trading Room[/i] Chris Evans said the rate not only showed the strength of the economy, but the government's investment in the stimulus package, which saw the economy through the global financial crisis. [i]Believing the evidence on climate change policy, Joshua Gans, ABC[/i] I can’t parse the dual hypotheses that either the Coalition just deny economic evidence or that they actually want more emissions and handouts to business. [i]Greens leader tells newspaper to'grow up', Jeremy Thompson, ABC[/i] Senator Brown referred to an Australian editorial which called for the "destruction" of the Greens. [i]Of plot points, polls and (no) policies, Crikey[/i] Gallery journalists hate the perennial criticism that they focus on personalities and polls rather than policy. [i]Ex-adviser to become ALP national secretary, ABC[/i] Mr Wright is a former ACTU official and press secretary to former prime minister Kevin Rudd and has recently worked for the National Australia Bank. [i]BY GEORGE: PM chooses her Mr Wright,Andrew Landeryou,Vex News[/i] Wright is a graduate of the notoriously effective but occasionally counter-productive Rudd spin-machine. A good spinner never becomes the story. [i]Decarbonating Kevin, Friday Mash[/i] Julia sent Kevin off to foreign parts, Tony off to a bit part, Bob will be forced to seek consolation in his private environmental parts while the rest of us are expected to stand round like spare parts


8/04/2011For those concerned about our ABC sinking to become an arm of the Murdoch press, there is a petition being run on the GetUp site. Sorry I can't do "links" but I'm sure our very own clever TweetyBird will provide it for you.

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8/04/2011Folks If the link to Mr Denmore's [i]Hateline Preview[/i] doesn't work, try this: It's a good belly-laugh.

Feral Skeleton

8/04/2011Nasking, et al, Here's a good yarn about the Oligarchs, Kleptocrats and Putocrats of our modern world and the influence they are having on our political discourse:


8/04/2011Good Morning Janice I can't see anything in writing yet, I have checked Getup's site. If I find, anything throughout the day, I will post it for you. Getup! Campaigns cheers :)

Feral Skeleton

8/04/2011I should just pretend Thrusdays don't exist anymore because I can never find the time to get to my computer to contribute to anyone's discussions. Sigh. I am also dog-tired by the end of the week and so, even if I do get the chance to sit down at said 'puter, I usually end up falling asleep in front of it! So, suffice to say, I have had a sqizz at all your wonderful contributions yesterday and wholeheartedly second your emotions. :)

Feral Skeleton

8/04/2011This is the money line about Conservative politicians and their verbal peregrinations as they argue their case, from Joshua Holland, one of my favourite writers from his time at Rolling Stone where I first came across his work: [quote][/quote]'Just as they always wrap their proposals in pleasant vagaries to avoid debating their outcomes, this is what one must do when one is pushing unpopular ideas in a democracy.' Sounds entirely like the Conservatives here.

Feral Skeleton

8/04/2011Here's a good raison d'etre for The Political Sword: [quote][/quote]'As long as conservatives continue to broadcast misinformation and hate speech, we'll keep working around the clock to monitor and fact-check it and to prevent it from influencing the national dialogue.'

Feral Skeleton

8/04/2011This is the link I found to the GetUp ABC Charter campaign:


8/04/2011Hi Janice There you go, Hillbilly has found the petition for you thankyou Hillbilly: [quote] petition for ABC to return to its charter We have been witnessing the inclusion of right-wing shock jocks and commentators as the main talking force within ABC's news programming. There has also been a constant demonstration of ABC's journalists adopting news items, verbatim, from the Murdoch press. Any attempt to maintain balance has been demonstrably abandoned, and when challenged, the ABC's 'apologists' cite the amount of time given to each side of the political fence as a demonstration of balance, when in fact the quality of the reporting varies greatly (and example would be the 7:30 reports recent interviews with the PM and Opposition leader by Chris Uhlmann -- the first was antagonistic and rude, the second was sycophantic and a virtual political advertisement). As a viewer and taxpayer, I am more than concerned that the National Broadcaster has become a political mouthpiece for the ultra conservatives[/quote].


8/04/2011Hi Ad and Everybody Forgot to remind you all, the comments on the Getup Site , "Petition for the ABC "are interesting, mostly sharing the same opinion as us.


8/04/2011janice In the interests of personal empowerment : If you wish to add a link to your post, it really is easy. At the top of your web browser there is a line which contains the current address that you are viewing. It will start with [b]http://www.[/b]. This is the basis of your link. To the left of 'http' there is a small logo - click on this logo and the entire address should be highlighted. Alternatively, you can 'swipe' your mouse across the whole address and highlight it in that way. Once the address is highlighted, you can 'copy' it to your virtual clipboard (temporary storage for single items) by right clicking with your mouse on the highlighted address and selecting 'copy' from the drop-down menu. Alternatively, you can simultaneously press 'Control' and 'C' on your keyboard. When you are drafting your text in the comment box simply add the copied address from your clipboard by right clicking and selecting 'paste' from the drop-down menu or simultaneously press 'Control' and 'V' on your keyboard. The blog engine will do the rest - it recognises a web address and underlines it, changes text colour to blue and provides the link when you 'save' your comment. Most people put links on a separate line. If you want to check whether you have been successful, click 'preview' to see your comment as it will appear on TPS. If you are happy with its appearance you can simply go to 'save comment' as usual. If you wish to edit what you have previewed, select 'comment' (just above 'preview') and you will return to the comment drafting box. Thanks for the heads-up about the Getup petition, I see links have now been provided so I'm off to participate.

Feral Skeleton

8/04/2011If you didn't catch Clarke and Dawe this week, here it is:

Feral Skeleton

8/04/2011I just wrote this in the comments on the GetUp petition site: [quote]It's time the ABC realised that it is not 'Balance' to give a prominient platform to Hate Speech and commentators who are not prepared to weigh the arguments around the issues equally and only use their presence on ABC shows to push Right Wing Talking Points and to denigrate publically anyone else who dares to disagree with them. They are not balanced and never will be. They need to be balanced within themselves and not merely contributing to an obviously faux 'Balance' on the ABC. Also, it has been commented by Andrew Bolt that producers at the ABC have told him that they know his point of view is extreme, and that's why they keep inviting him back, to increase the ratings, because they believe Centre Left viewers are attracted to him and can't look away from him, as is the case with car crashes. Well, let me just say that I am smarter than that, and I believe that Bolt's presence on Insiders, and those of his ilk's presence on other ABC's shows, is enough for me to now turn off from the ABC and to go elsewhere and to the Internet for truly balanced political commentary. Because we now can. The ABC is no longer the dominant force for serious political commerntary in Australia, and, quite frankly, is fast losing the mantle of a place for serious political commentary. Ergo, what's the point of the ABC then? It needs to get back to its Charter therefore.[/quote]

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8/04/2011LYN'S DAILY LINKS updated:


8/04/2011Talk Turkey, Israel like any other state should be scrutinised & not immune to criticism. No state is perfect, nor shall it ever be, as perception of state actions is as diverse as the interpretation of policies by media. The fact that Israel is a democracy has no bearing on whether or not it should be protected from the same kind of examination as any other state... democracies are diverse in structure and tho a preferred option to totalitarian regimes they also have their sham, problematic & totalitarian was pointed out in the Lateline discussion between Tony Jones & Former High Court judge Michael Kirby last night. I believe that it no more than a blatant act of political correctness & attempted coverup & stymieing of justice to place one state in the "hands off" category based on previous traumas & persecution inflicted on an identifiable group that make up the majority of the population of said state. We don't take this approach to individuals & groups & businesses...nor should we when it comes to states. Nor should any religion be placed in a protected status box that may provide it w/ privileged status. Say Islam for instance. To do so ensures that crimes against humanity will be committed that cannot be investigated & judicially dealt w/ in an appropriate way. I find it hypocritical & inconsistent, if not deplorable, that a number of Israel's fervent defenders & apologists are the same who have no problem calling for pre-emptive strikes on Arab regimes based on dubiuos, possibly fabricated (sexed-up?) &/or unproven evidence of state sanctioned crimes or posing danger to the existance/security of other states & their populations... and yet virtually froth at the mouth & attack the reputations and question motivations of those who criticise Israeli government & military based on the evidence they have accumulated that point to possible crimes & injustices...including endangerment of persons & their residences in the state of Israel & in neighbouring states & territories. Frankly, I believe this weakens their position...and such obvious bias & zealotry on their part contributes to an undermining of global perception of Israel. The same can be said for the myopic & "win at all costs" defenders of any state...including Kampuchea, Rwanda, Turkey, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Cuba, Venezuala, Iran, Myanmar, USA, Russia & so on. Furthermore, I do believe that any attack on a sovereign state that puts the lives of its civilians at risk should be condemned, whether that attack be from internal or external forces. In the case of Katyusha-style rockets that have been fired on Israel by Hezbollah & Hamas agents, claimed to be provided by Syria & Iran...and the terrorising bombs that have at times inflicted injury & death on Israeli civilians...and the grotesque murder of settler families, including children...I roundly condemn should any rational & compassionate individual. This does not mean tho that Israeli reactions that are based on force - leading sometimes to the destruction of residences, businesses and lives, and can be defined as terrorising a population - should be exempt from intense scrutiny, criticism and suggestions/implementation of measures to prevent such callous actions in the future. Nor should they be exempt from war crimes tribunals due to perceived alliance status based on the judgements, convictions & power of a few influential people in other governments & media...that goes for all states. Including Libya, Iran, Syria, Bahrain, Yemen, Ivory Coast, Saudi Arabia, Egypt & so on. some might like to strangle this debate in arguments about moral equivalency...moral relativism...moral I see it, it's about people voicing their opinion and sometimes making judgement calls...that often have nothing to do w/ antisemitism or bias for or against Muslims. If I perceive the action or inaction of a government or military irresponsible or heinous or neglectful or disproportionate...then I'll say it...until convinced otherwise. As far as I can see it, Christoper Pyne is a biased individual who took an "insensitive" approach to his assessment of the Israel/Lebanon conflict...not a useful, mature or rationally thought out response by someone at such a high level of government who has access to more media than most and can influence public opinion. So, if the media are going to scrutinise The Green Senators on past actions & attendance at is only right that we get some balanced reporting in the public interest...and that Coalition members actions, views, attendance at rallies & congregations should be examined to...that includes sponsorship, funding of campaigns etc. too. N'


8/04/2011Feral, Thnx for the link...I have alot of time for Nobel Economist Joseph Stiglitz. I shall endeavour to read the article over the next few hours. Again, thnx to Lyn for her links...and others on here who put the effort in. Cheers N


8/04/2011I won't be watching Bolt, ever. Tony Jones and Cassidy will be lucky to count me in their numbers. The problem is, this doesn't fix the problem. We NEED the ABC, I agree with those who say the Howard-selected ( * )s who are ensconced there currently are determined so to run it down that by the end of their tenure they can shut it down altogether. Go GetUp. Come on Government, find ways of helping to get the ABC back in Our hands. It's do or die! Thanks for the links Lyn and Ad. Some good ones today. The posts just keep getting better as more people gain confidence and feel their word power increase. If we really lose all influence over the ABC - like, Media Watch, the last gasp of rigor wrt reporting - then blogs will be all we have left. And even that They will try to squeeze, yes indeed. We really need to feel we are part of a Union. THE Union. Remember our response to Grog's outing? That surely was just a foretaste of what we need to master, finding a way of creating an informational fusion reaction which will vaporise the bigotry in this country.

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8/04/2011Folks I've just posted another piece of clever satire by Acerbic Conehead: [i]Pushing for the pension[/i]. Enjoy. I'll be out most of the day exploring the Margaret River region. I'll be back this evening.


8/04/2011Lyn I suspect I would be about as useful as hip-pockets on a singlet when it comes to establishing a database such as has been suggested. Any solutions that I might suggest would be complex, time-consuming in initial set-up and ongoing maintenance and perhaps even costly. Sorry about that.
T-w-o take away o-n-e equals?